Where is Kadysheva? Nadezhda Kadysheva - biography, information, personal life

Nadezhda Kadysheva was born into the family of a railway worker. The artist’s mother looked after the children and created home comfort. The singer comes from the Republic of Tatarstan, the village of Stary Maklaush. Nadya had 4 more sisters.


Kadysheva’s family never had a lot of money, but the parents tried to provide their children with everything they needed. This is probably why the girls were always well dressed and well-fed, and never felt deprived. Despite her mother’s poor health, she managed a lot.

As for young Nadenka, she was a very energetic child. She never sat still and constantly got involved in stories, and not always pleasant ones. It happened that she was injured so badly that she had to call an ambulance.

When Kadysheva was sick, she was not allowed to go outside or run. This was a real test for the girl. But this also had its advantages. To make her recovery less boring, she was treated to sweets. You can’t tell all the stories that happened to the People’s Artist.

At the age of 10, Nadezhda lost her mother. But less than a year had passed before my father found new wife. She moved in with them with her children. The house became crowded, and soon the older daughters left, and the younger ones were sent to boarding school. It wasn't easy there. There were strangers around who, by and large, didn’t care about the girls. Of course, father did not forget about them, but great love was no different either.

Creative path

It is not easy for the artist to remember that time in her life. But at the same time, it was in the boarding school that Kadysheva revealed her talent. Nadezhda has always been distinguished not only by her activity, but also by her artistry. About Us early years She loved to play, tried on different roles for us, dressed up, sang and danced. Soon she had a dream - to play in the theater.

At one of the singing competitions at school, Nadezhda sang a song in her clear and clear voice. She literally amazed everyone. Since then, they began to prophesy a happy future and a singing career for her. And at the boarding school she became something of a star.

After graduating from eighth grade, Nadya was faced with the question: what to do next? Without hesitation, she went to her sister in the Moscow region. So she started working in a factory. But even here her talent seeped through. Every day she delighted her colleagues with her singing.

Nadezhda Kadysheva on stage

After reaching adulthood, the girl left for Moscow. She wanted to fulfill her dream and enter a music school. Of course, this required some preparation, so she began taking training courses with Nikolai Tarasenko. And finally her dream came true.

Nadezhda liked to study. She did not miss a single lesson and greedily, like a sponge, absorbed every word of the teachers. In her final years, the singer was invited to join the ensemble, and constant rehearsals began. The group performed in the genre of Russian folk song. Kadysheva was noticed and loved by the public.

Personal life

IN student years the artist lived in a dormitory. It was here that she met her soul mate. When Nadezhda met student Alexander Kostyuk, she immediately understood that this was love. But the girl hid her feelings. Fortunately, the love turned out to be mutual and after graduation the guy proposed to the singer. Of course she agreed. Soon they had a child - son Gregory.

It was Sasha who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an ensemble “ golden ring" This happened in 1988. The group began touring cities, mostly abroad, and immediately became popular. And in 1993 the ensemble became known in Russia. Thanks to their joint work, more than 20 music albums were born, each of which received popular recognition.

The artist never wanted to undergo plastic surgery. If she ever decides to go under the knife, although this is unlikely, she will lose her individuality, which plays a vital role for an artist.

Hope never gives up cosmetics. She regularly makes masks at home and uses the most the best creams, and also maintains beauty not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

Kadysheva adheres proper nutrition: her diet includes large number fresh fruits and vegetables. She also does not prepare food several days in advance, consuming only the freshest.

The singer looks younger than her age, as most fans think.

The singer admitted that she manages to do everything: take care of herself and her family, because she gets up very early.

The artist rarely appears on television; all her efforts are devoted to the Golden Ring ensemble and her family. But on stage the singer actively continues to perform for the sake of her beloved fans.

More recently, the singer became the heroine of “You Won’t Believe It!” and said that those around her were forcing her to do plastic surgery. “I believe that artists should not touch their faces! It’s a tool, it needs to work!” - Nadezhda stated confidently.

The main thing is Nadezhda’s family and husband Alexander Kostyuk supports her in everything, including agreeing with the decision not to become a “victim of plastic surgery.”

If a person feels comfortable with his weight and is satisfied with his appearance, then he should not worry about the opinions of other people. We wish Nadezhda to always remain true to her principles.

Nadezhda Nikitichna Kadysheva. Born on June 1, 1959 in Gorki, Leninogorsk region (Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Russian singer of Erzya origin. People's Artist of Russia (1999).

Nadezhda Kadysheva was born on June 1, 1959 in the Tatar village of Gorki, Leninogorsk region. However, according to other sources, the artist’s date of birth is May 19.

Father - Nikita Mikhailovich (1923-1974), worked as a foreman at railway.

Mother - Anna Andreevna Kadysheva (1927-1970), was a housewife.

Nadezhda was the third of four sisters. Besides her, Vera, Maria, and Lyubov grew up in the family.

Soon after her birth, the family moved to the village of Stary Maklaush, Klyavlinsky district, which was located at the junction of the Orenburg, Samara regions and Tatarstan.

The singer’s childhood and youth were not easy. Mom died before she was 43 years old. "No one understood why. She was doing well: loving husband, big house in the village, two girls - me and younger sister. But she had such a peculiarity of her psyche - she was constantly tormented by causeless melancholy and severe depression. This terrible disease literally burns the heart and leads a person to early death,” said Nadezhda.

When Nadezhda was 10 years old, her father married again. A stepmother came to the house, bringing her children with her, and the sisters’ lives changed for the worse. The elder sister Vera went to the city and got a job at a factory. Maria was sent to live with relatives in the north, and Nadezhda and Lyubov were sent to a boarding school in Bugulma.

The father always addressed his daughters as “you” in his letters and sometimes sent some money secretly from the stepmother. A few years later he died too.

Once, when a song competition was being discussed at the boarding school, Kadysheva sang “Eaglet” by Viktor Bely with lyrics by Yakov Shvedov and received praise.

At the age of 14, Nadezhda went to the Moscow region to live with her older sister. After graduating from eight years of school, she went to work at the Krasnaya Polyana weaving factory in Lobnya. The young weaver took part in amateur performances.

At the age of 18, Nadezhda Kadysheva made her first attempt to enter the music school named after. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanov, which turned out to be unsuccessful. The future artist entered preparatory courses in the class of Tarasenko and Nikolai Mikhailovich, and the following year she was able to enter the school.

While studying in her third year at college, Kadysheva began performing as part of the newly organized professional quartet “Rossiyanochka” at the Mosconcert. The quartet's repertoire consisted of folk songs, but in preparation for the competition of pop singers they took the song “White Birds Flew...” by composer Monasypov, where Kadysheva led the solo part. The ensemble's performances have always been a huge success.

After meeting her future husband, she went to study at the Gnessin Music Institute in the class of Professor Nina Konstantinovna Meshko, from which she graduated in 1983.

In 1988, the artist’s husband Alexander Kostyuk created the ensemble "Golden Ring", who initially toured a lot abroad and was very popular there, despite the fact that in Russia they knew about him only from recordings that were brought from Germany and Japan. Nadezhda Kadysheva became the ensemble's soloist.

In 1993, the Soyuz studio offered cooperation to the ensemble, and from this the recognition of the ensemble in Russia began. Currently, Nadezhda Kadysheva and the Golden Ring ensemble tour extensively in Russia and abroad.

Nadezhda Kadysheva - Snow is flying

Discography Russian singer Nadezhda Kadysheva's music includes more than 20 studio albums, as well as concert recordings and collections. Video clips have been shot for many songs. Nadezhda Kadysheva is the performer of many hits, such as “A Stream Flows”, “Village Road”, “Snow Flies and Flies”, “I am not a Witch”, “Go away, grief”, “Why is this summer”, “Ah, my destiny , fate”, “Lost Happiness”, “Wide River”.

The song by A. Kostyuk to the words of P. Chernyaev “A Stream Flows”, performed by the singer, became a national hit. Alexander Kostyuk wrote music for most of the people’s favorite songs, including such as “Wide River”, “Everything Has Already Been Once”, “I’m Entering Love” and “Someday” (lyrics by E. Muravyov); “The rain is crying” (words by V. Stepanov) and “Give, birch tree” (words by A. Stefanov).

Nadezhda Kadysheva - A stream flows

The creative heritage of the Russian singer Nadezhda Kadysheva includes more than twenty studio albums, published jointly with the Golden Ring ensemble: “Kalinka”; "Golden Ring"; "Am I Guilty" (1995); “A Stream Flows” (1995); "Sad Wind" (1995); “Go Away, Woe” (1997); "Sweet Grove" (1998); “The Rain Is Crying” (2003); “Happy Birthday” (2004); “Shiroka is a river” (2004); "My Love" (2006); “Lighting Up Again” (2008); “Love Again” (2009); “Sudarushka” (2010); “And again love (reissue)” (2011), “The sky in half” (2012), concert recordings and collections of songs, video clips were shot for some of them. All albums were published jointly with the Golden Ring ensemble.

Nadezhda Kadysheva's wardrobe contains about 100 stage costumes. “My costumes have always been beautiful and rich. This is my style. My husband says that we will definitely open a museum. Although in everyday life I dress quite simply,” the artist explained.

June 28, 2005 Nadezhda Kadysheva signed a letter in support of the verdict former leaders"YUKOS". However, on February 9, 2011, she retracted her signature.

Awarded the “20 best women Russia."

Nadezhda Kadysheva's height: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Nadezhda Kadysheva:

Husband - Alexander Kostyuk (born April 7, 1958), Russian composer Ukrainian origin, founder and director of the Golden Ring ensemble.

While still studying music school them. M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, she met her future husband, Alexander Grigorievich Kostyuk, at that time a student at Gnesinka. They lived in the same dormitory (students of the M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College lived in the Gnesinka dormitory).

In 1983, after graduating from the institute, Alexander invited Kadysheva to go meet his family and then get married. A year later, on May 27, 1984, their son Gregory was born.

In 1992, Kadysheva and Kostyuk got married in the main Orthodox church San Francisco.

“Many people are surprised: how have you been together for so long? Why be surprised! We have love (which is the most important thing), we have a wonderful son (the fruit of our love) and the Golden Ring ensemble. My husband Alexander Kostyuk, in addition to the fact that he - an incredibly talented composer, businessman, and also a real man, friend, support,” said the artist.

Son Grigory Kostyuk works with his parents as a concert director. Daughter-in-law - Anzhelika Biryukova (born August 28, 1977), grandson - Alexey Kostyuk (born June 12, 2015). Angelika Biryukova is 7 years older than Grigory, worked as a press attache for the Luzhniki sports complex, is the daughter of businessman Alexei Biryukova and the niece of the deputy mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, Pyotr Biryukova.

At the age of 30, doctors discovered a tumor in Kadysheva. She waited two years to die from breast cancer. But during the operation the diagnosis was not confirmed.

At the age of 40, the singer was severely depressed. She feared that she would repeat the fate of her mother and older sister, who, due to depression, committed suicide on her second attempt. “I was waiting for my fortieth birthday with horror: what if I wouldn’t be able to step over this threshold? constant anxiety, fear, which were replaced either by boundless universal sadness, or by complete apathy towards life. I couldn't understand what was happening to me. Everything inside hurts unbearably. It seems that the pain devours you completely, you feel nothing but it, and there is no strength to get out of it,” the singer recalled. Her husband helped cope with depression.

At the age of 49, the singer almost died from acute tachycardia, but doctors miraculously prevented a heart attack.

Nadezhda Kadysheva's hobby is collecting paintings.

Discography of Nadezhda Kadysheva:

1995 - Am I Guilty
1995 - Sad Wind
1995 - A stream flows
1996 - Charming eyes
1997 - Go away, grief
1998 - Sweet Grove
1999 - Why this summer
2000 - Ah, my destiny, destiny
2002 - The rain is crying
2002 - Give, birch
2003 - Someday...
2004 - Happy Birthday
2004 - The River is Wide
2006 - My love
2006 - Russian album
2007 - Dedication to the Russian land
2008 - Let's rock it again!!!
2009 - And again love
2010 - Sudarushka
2011 - Romances

The small village of Old Maklaush in the Samara region, only at first glance, is almost the same as thousands of others throughout Russia. There is a village club, a couple of shops, a church, a cemetery and several dozen houses. In fact, this village is “starry”. The famous Russian singer Nadezhda Kadysheva spent her childhood here.

Now the soloist of the Golden Ring ensemble, and in the past little Nadya, frolicked and studied in the village of Stary Maklaush, Klyavlinsky district of the Samara region. Komsomolskaya Pravda went in search of the star’s relatives.

There's not a soul on the street. One of the gates is slightly open, local residents are making something there.

Where do Nadezhda Nikitichna's relatives live?

There, the house, red and white, there,” the man points with his finger, “it’s true that Nadezhda rarely comes to them.”


An elderly couple meets us at the gate: Nadezhda Kadysheva’s second cousin Vladimir and his wife Lyudmila Stakin. At the door you are asked to show your ID. Nadezhda Kadysheva visits her brother almost every year. The team of the Golden Ring ensemble is waiting for her on the bus at this time. She comes to visit with her husband Alexander Kostyuk.

We usually sit here in the kitchen. “We’re joking,” Nadezhda’s brother makes an ambiguous gesture with his palm on his neck. - Nadya and Sasha bring gifts, sausages and various delicacies.

For me personally, she is not a star, as if a neighbor came from the village,” Lyudmila interrupts her husband

The stars do not continue their journey empty-handed. Relatives give them pickles, all natural from the garden.

Nadezhda herself is worried that she can’t visit her native places more often.

When I come to the village, the whole village gathers to talk: the families of the Kayashevs, Chepkunovs, Kadyshevs, Rashkins, Sinyaevs and others. I often communicate with my sister from Nizhnevartovsk,” the singer sighs.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the residents of Maklausha gather in the temple for a service. Just a few years ago there was no heating there. Parishioners prayed in mittens, without taking off their hats and fur coats. Father, in the most severe frosts, led the service in a cassock. The priest and local residents wrote letters to Nadezhda. More than a year ago, by a lucky chance, they met.

I see painfully familiar people standing near the cemetery. “I didn’t see Nadezhda, but I recognized her husband Alexander right away,” says Father Dionysius, “they served a memorial service for Nadezhda’s parents.

Rumors about the visit of her fellow countrywoman quickly spread throughout the village, and Maklausha long-livers ran to meet the singer.

We are sitting on the rubble, Olga is running, “Zina, hurry up!” Nadya has arrived there! I scream, Luda, let's go! We caught up with Nadya and walked into her arms. “I’m saying for God’s sake, Nadya, help us,” a local centenarian says excitedly.

“I’ll definitely send you money when I arrive,” Nadezhda Kadysheva answered.

I didn't deceive you. Soon the priest had more than 100 thousand rubles for heating. Along with communications, 4 luxurious candlesticks appeared in the church. Father Dionysius hopes that the star will continue to help the temple. The Maklaush residents want to switch the church to wood heating and raise the masonry.

Nadezhda’s parents Nikita Mikhailovich and Anna Andreevna rest in the cemetery not far from the church. Last year, the soloist of the Golden Ring ensemble visited relatives’ graves and erected new fences and monuments.

One day Kostyuk proposed making a museum out of an abandoned house where his wife lived. The singer stops next to him every time and, according to the villagers, wipes a tear from her eye.

Of course I miss native village, - the singer sighs, - I was born and lived there for about 12 years. Later, my dad was transferred to work at the Dymka station; he was a railway worker for me: he worked as a foreman on the railway. It was in childhood that I learned Mordovian and Russian folk songs and dances.

Soon Samarans will have the opportunity to hear folk songs performed by our countrywoman. On September 16, “Golden Ring” performs at the District House of Officers, at 19:00.


At village club Old Maclouch has its own artists. The vocal group “Dushechka” travels around the Samara region and participates in various festivals. The seven-member choir performs in Klyavlino, Samara and Tolyatti. And the songs of the Golden Ring ensemble are also performed.


Nadezhda Kadysheva was born on June 1, 1959 in the village of Stary Maklaush, Samara Region. Besides her, there were four more girls in the family. Nadezhda's father was a railway foreman, and her mother was a housewife. The mother was often depressed and ill. When Nadezhda was ten years old, her mother died and her father married for the second time. After school, Nadezhda got a job at a textile factory in Ivanovo. Now her concerts attract full houses.

Many Russian celebrities They believe that since they are given the titles of “kings” and “queens” on stage, then in life they need to live up to this. That’s why they throw all their efforts into decorating their houses and apartments, trying to make them look as rich and elaborate as possible. And, naturally, everyone wants to outdo the rest of their colleagues in the stellar workshop, trying to make their home arouse delight. Let's see what comes out of this.

Interiors in Nadezhda Kadysheva’s apartment in the “Golden Ring” style

The decor of the apartment of the famous Russian performer, Nadezhda Kadysheva, was done by the Italian designer Onofrio Yuculano. According to the singer, before meeting with the designer they were very nervous, since the “maestro” takes on work only with those who “pass face control.”

It took Yuculano six months to work. During this time, he and a team of workers covered the floor with olive parquet with onyx inserts, placed silk wallpaper on the walls, along the contour of which they ran a silk cord, and installed marble window sills. The Italian painted the walls of the loggia adjacent to the bedroom in a “Mediterranean style” so that Nadezhda and Alexander would always wake up in good mood. Soon there will be a small fountain here.

The curtains in the apartment cost a fortune, the designer furniture was brought from the homeland of Yuculano and assembled by Italian workers. “I refused to go out anywhere for three days, I lay in the living room and admired it,” Nadezhda Kadysheva was so impressed by the new design.

Royal apartment of Kirkorov

What could the interior of the king's apartment look like? Russian stage? Well, of course - royal! Apartment area 260 sq.m. In addition to all the luxury present, there is a sofa made of very unusual upholstery - eel skin from Roberto Cavalli. In general, elements of only expensive brands were used in the interior design: sofas from Versace, many mirrors and all sorts of expensive designer items decorating the interior of Kirkorov’s apartment.

Kirkorov's mansion in the Moscow region

IN country house Philip Kirkorov everything changed with the advent of children: Alla-Victoria and Martin. To create family comfort, the singer chose a design in the style of Italian neoclassicism. And what is family comfort without gold? Of course not!

Leopard apartment of Valery Leontyev

Valery Leontyev has real estate in both Miami and Spain, an apartment in Moscow and a house in Valentinovka. But it’s the apartment People's Artist Russia in Moscow and attracts special attention the public. It is three-story, but to increase the number of tiers, the artist also bought himself an attic, making it his office.

Leontyev’s friend, designer and architect, Pavel Fridman, worked on the design. As we can see, Valery Yakovlevich’s favorite color is leopard! There are a lot of different antiques in the apartment, which creates a certain aura in it.

House of Stas Mikhailov - "Everything for you!"

The house of Stas and Inna Mikhailov is located in the Moscow region. It’s big, because the Mikhailovs’ family is also quite large, and it’s unusual in terms of decor. The predominant colors in the interiors are black and gold.

Many of Mikhailov’s guests feel that the house is more like a palace.

In the living room you can see a large portrait of Inna. In the bedroom there is a huge panel with two angels protecting the peace of the spouses. Well, the main thing is that the owners like it and feel comfortable!

Nikolai Baskov's apartment

According to rumors, the singer paid $10 million for the renovation of his apartment. The apartment in the center of Moscow was given to him by an influential oligarch friend. Now the “golden voice” owns a mansion with an area of ​​320 sq.m. And what can we say about the design... Two luxurious bedrooms, two large living rooms (one of them with a luxurious grand piano in the middle), two bathrooms with a shower, a huge kitchen, a wardrobe, an office. Gilding, monograms, antique collectible furniture, multi-level chandeliers... There are even columns in the Greek style installed in the interior of the apartment! In the hall there is a coat of arms with the singer's initials.

Apartment of Alexander Peskov

Alexander Peskov thought through the interior design of his apartment on his own. “I adore Versace, I adore Greece and Rome. And so I decided to somehow combine them,” says the famous parodist. The bathroom is inspired by the Acropolis museums.

Frescoes on the walls, lamps, tiles - everything exact copies museum exhibits, recreated by modern master restorers high class(they are decorating Peterhof, Winter Palace, their works decorate the halls of the Moscow Kremlin). Designer-architect Rudolf Razzhigaev acted as a co-author. The result was a kind of symbiosis of the style of Russian palaces and luxury in the spirit of Versace, which, according to Peskov, looks very harmonious.

Castle of Nikas Safronov

The home of artist Nikas Safronov has 15 rooms. Total area apartments - about 1000 square meters. It is located in the very center of Moscow, from its top floor there is a panoramic view of the mayor's office, the Kremlin, New Arbat, and the University on Sparrow Hills, and all Moscow high-rises.

Nikas Safronov collected all the decor in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium together with designer Olga Sokolova. For example, the 16th century fireplace is from Perugia, and the carved beam self made once decorated the ceiling of a Spanish castle. The apartment even has a working secret fountain, hidden in the wall.

Mansion of Anastasia Volochkova

Two years ago, the famous ballerina purchased a mansion for $3 million. After Volochkova’s purchase, it immediately became clear: Volochkova would make at least a palace or a new one out of this house Bolshoi Theater.

The ballerina's three-story house has three bedrooms, a fireplace, a dining room, several dressing rooms, four bathrooms, two boudoirs, a kitchen and even a billiard room.