How to get rid of freckles using pharmaceutical products. The best whitening creams for freckles and age spots and their effect on the skin

Many owners of “sunny” skin have often thought about how to get rid of freckles on their skin? Freckles are small pigment spots that most often appear under the influence of sunlight, in the warm season, especially in those with red hair.

What causes freckles?

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

First of all, this is an uneven redistribution of melanin in the body; sometimes, this is a consequence of disruption of the functioning of internal organs, the liver and the endocrine system.

If you have not noticed freckles before, but they suddenly appear, we advise you to consult a dermatologist for examination.

How to get rid of freckles?

There are many ways that promise to forget about freckles on the skin, these include various cosmetics, medications, and folk advice, but which of these is a really effective remedy for freckles?

Salon cosmetology:

  • Phototherapy is skin whitening using light pulses that penetrate deep into the epidermis. Ideally, this procedure is carried out at least five times, but you will see the effect within two weeks.
  • Laser therapy is probably the most effective remedy for freckles, since the principle of action is based on the fact that the laser, while affecting pigmented cells, does not affect healthy ones. After the procedure, the place of pigmentation is tightened with a “crust”; the process itself is painless and reliable.
  • Chemical peeling - a mixture of glycolic and lactic acids is applied to the skin, during which the top layer of the epidermis is removed from the face, including freckles. It is advisable to carry out such peeling during the cold season, since prolonged exposure to the sun after it is not advisable.
  • Cryosurgery - this procedure must be carried out by a specially trained specialist, the principle is that freckles are literally burned out of the skin with the help of liquid nitrogen.

We advise you to choose a treatment method individually for yourself. Find the right freckle treatment for you and enjoy the results. But if salon cosmetology is not suitable for you, use cosmetics for freckles on your face, it will be easier and you can use it without leaving home. My patients took advantage of the doctor’s advice, thanks to which they can get rid of problems in 2 weeks without much effort.

Home cosmetology:

  • The scrub exfoliates dead skin well, thereby getting rid of annoying freckles. To pair with the scrub, we recommend taking a special whitening cream, preferably with a moisturizing effect. This tandem will pleasantly surprise you.
  • Kojic and glycolic acid are good companions in the fight against pigmentation, but we advise you not to get too carried away, otherwise you are guaranteed irritation, and otherwise, it will further intensify pigmentation.
  • Sunscreen - Since freckles are caused by excessive UV exposure, start by blocking sunlight from penetrating your skin.
  • Biological additives (dietary supplements) - the principle of action of dietary supplements is slower, but more reliable, since they begin to fight pigmentation from the inside. The dietary supplements include retinol, vitamins and minerals.

It is clear that there are a lot of methods for getting rid of them, but before you find a suitable remedy for freckles, don’t be lazy to find out reviews about it.

Simple prevention against freckles

Agree, it is easier to prevent a problem than to solve its consequences. If you are of the same opinion, the following tips are for you:

  • Every day, before going to bed, wipe your face with lemon juice, can be diluted with water. Lemon whitens the skin well, but also dries it out, so it should be moisturized periodically.
  • Washing or masks made from yogurt. Whatever is more convenient for you, but after the procedure you must apply cream to the skin.
  • Protect your skin from sun rays. Use a cream with a UV filter.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin C.

Many people perceive freckles as a kiss from the sun. The spots located on the face give a certain mischief to a person. They touch the people around them, but not always the owners themselves. Therefore, many are looking for ways to get rid of freckles.

There are several options for combating ephelides, as the formations are scientifically called. You can cope with them at home using pharmaceutical products and folk recipes. If the spots cannot be eliminated using these methods, you will need the help of a cosmetologist.

Pharmacy products

Many people go to a dermatologist with only one question: how to get rid of freckles. Despite the fact that their peak activity occurs in the spring and summer, they also cause problems in the cold season. Therefore, even using sunscreen when exposed to the sun is not enough to prevent problems.

Pharmaceutical products must be used for a long time

A person must have bleaching agents for freckles in his first aid kit. It is usually recommended to use natural preparations containing herbal ingredients. They affect the concentration of melanin in the skin.

Creams that are made on the basis of hydroquinone have an effective effect. It brightens the skin. With daily use, blood circulation is normalized and cell function improves. The skin becomes healthy and radiant.

It is not possible to remove freckles using preparations containing phenol derivatives. But it is possible to reduce the pigment concentration.

A similar effect occurs:

  • retinoic acid for cell exfoliation;
  • avobenzone and camphor;
  • crodamol, which activates sun protection;
  • vitamin C.

There are a large number of substances that help quickly get rid of freckles. It is important to check their presence in the drug.

In search of how to remove freckles, Achromin cream was invented. It can be bought at a pharmacy. A powerful, inexpensive product that helps remove blemishes and protect you from the sun. However, the amount of carcinogens in it exceeds the permissible limit.

Pharmaceutical products should be applied to areas where freckles are concentrated

Currently, it is still used to get rid of age spots. It has a protective function, therefore preventing the negative effects of sunlight. Apply the cream to clean skin twice a day. The result becomes noticeable within a month.

You can purchase a safe, but no less effective anti-freckle cream at the pharmacy. Various companies produce products with a similar effect under their own brand. It is recommended to use drugs from Avon, Lancome, Uryazh, Vichy, Avena.

You can lighten freckles with the help of a drug from Uriage. It is made on the basis of natural ingredients, including licorice and green tea extracts, vitamins PP, C, lactic and salicylic acids. Copper chelate, titanium dioxide, and nicotinamide also have an effect.

Domestic manufacturers are also trying to make life easier by helping to remove freckles. Among the prescribed Russian products are the whitening cream Kora, day cream from Vitex, the drug Barrier, and the drug Snow White from Biocon. All manufacturers claim that after use they get rid of ephelides forever. But these products turn out to be less effective than imported ones.

At night you can apply the compositions Spring, Celandine, Metamorphosis. In the morning they must be washed off the surface of the skin. It is important to carefully study contraindications and possible side effects before use.

Another remedy for freckles is one percent sublimate alcohol. They wipe the skin of the face several times a day.

Before going outside, you must use sunscreen with a high degree of protection.

There are also luxury products that help eliminate freckled areas on the face. For example, this is a roll-on product from Chanel. With a targeted application over two months, you can cope with ephelides.

Serum from Clinics has a corrective and therapeutic effect. The composition can be used for various skin types. After use, the color of the skin changes and the face is refreshed.

Folk remedies

Many who are looking for a way to get rid of freckles pay attention to natural ingredients. At home, care can be done using folk remedies. They have long proven themselves to be effective in the fight against hyperpigmentation.

Masks against freckles are considered especially effective. There are several compounds that help fight imperfections.

After selecting the appropriate treatment method, you can deal with skin spots forever

One of the ingredients that is beneficial for the skin is sour cream. It is recommended for use by those with dry, normal and combination skin. If the fat content is high, you can replace it with yogurt and kefir.

Sour cream in the amount of two teaspoons must be mixed with a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley. The composition is applied to the skin for 15 minutes with a cotton swab. The fermented milk product promotes whitening, and parsley renews the cellular composition.

A simple remedy that removes freckles forever is a cucumber mask. The vegetable contains phylloquinone, which has beneficial properties for the skin.

The cucumber must be finely grated or cut into slices. It is applied for 20 minutes in a horizontal position. You can also use vegetable slices to wipe the skin.

Pigmented areas can be whitened with a product based on lemon and sour cream.

To do this, you will need to grind the citrus fruit along with the peel.

The composition is mixed with a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. After this, it is washed off with cool water.

To eliminate inflammation and whiten the skin, a mask of lemon juice (a tablespoon) and a teaspoon of honey is prescribed.

The composition is applied to the surface of the skin for 12 minutes.

It is worth remembering that citrus fruits and honey can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better to test the substances by first applying them to the wrist area. If after 15 minutes no redness appears, you can apply the mixture to your face.

Lemon and honey can provoke an allergic reaction, so they require preliminary testing

You can remove freckles using a potato mask. To do this you need to take:

  • potatoes (one piece);
  • chamomile essential oil (5 drops);
  • grapefruit essential oil (2 drops);
  • peach oil (5 ml).

You need to add all the oils to the grated potatoes. After this, the composition is applied to the face for half an hour. Remains of the mask are removed with a damp cotton pad.

Another popular folk remedy for combating freckles is parsley. It has strong whitening properties. To prepare the mask, you need to combine a teaspoon of finely chopped herbs with the same amount of liquid honey. The composition is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

To whiten the skin, make masks with cucumber

Procedures are carried out no more than three times a week. It is important not to overdo it, as the skin may become accustomed to natural substances or an allergic reaction may occur. Efficacy is assessed after several months of regular treatment.

Salon treatments

When determining how to remove freckles, the cosmetologist focuses on the degree of coverage of the skin with them. If there are a lot of spots, and they also differ in intensity, then eliminating them at home is almost impossible. In this case, hardware treatment will be required in a beauty salon.

Phototherapy is prescribed to many patients due to its high degree of effectiveness

Also, the difference between the method and self-treatment is the low likelihood of relapses or the appearance of freckles in a milder form. When applying creams under the influence of sunlight, pigmentation forms again.

There are several ways to effectively combat freckles:

  • Can be removed with laser. The device has a targeted effect. In this case, healthy skin cells are not injured. The procedure has an increased cost. But it makes it possible to deal with skin formations in one go.
  • During phototherapy, pigmented areas lighten in short flashes. Also, during the exposure, the inflammatory process on the skin in the form of pimples and blackheads is eliminated.
  • The skin is cleansed during peeling using acid-containing preparations. As a result, the top layer of skin, in which there is an increased accumulation of pigment, is eliminated. After the procedure, some time is required for recovery. Therefore, it is important to carry out the procedure on the weekend.

The choice of method for eliminating freckles depends on the type of skin and the intensity of its damage. It is better not to experiment with procedures on your own. It is recommended to consult a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Freckles can appear on the skin at a very early age. This skin feature is observed mainly in red-haired or fair-haired children. Their skin is thin and delicate. The first rays of sunlight in spring cause the appearance of bright spots, which give the appearance of babies a special charm.

As we grow up, we begin to pay a lot of attention to our appearance. In adolescence, the demands placed on oneself may be excessive. Many young people strive to get rid of increased pigmentation. In this case, various folk and traditional means and techniques are used. will be discussed in the article.


There are certain reasons what causes freckles on the face and other areas of the skin. This issue should be considered in more detail. It should be noted that freckles are not a deviation or disease. This is a natural process of skin pigmentation. It does not occur in all people. We are all different. Skin and hair color is determined by a pigment called melanin.

The appearance of freckles is a genetic feature of the body. It is passed on from parents to children. This phenomenon is typical for people with light, delicate skin. When the first rays of sunlight hit it, melanin begins to be actively produced. It helps protect the skin from burns. It is for this reason that people in hot regions have dark skin color.

Many people, on the contrary, like this feature. They do not strive to get rid of bright spots. Freckles give them personality. Such people have a special charm. However, if increased pigmentation does not suit a person, he can familiarize himself with the recommendations, how to get rid of freckles. Science calls them ephelides.

Freckles should not be confused with age spots. If the former are a genetic feature of the body, then the latter can be a consequence of hormonal disorders, stress, and poor nutrition. If age spots appear on the skin unexpectedly in adulthood, you should pay attention to your health.

Where to start?

If a person has decided to get rid of freckles, he should consider possible options for what helps with freckles. You can resort to one of three existing methods. In the first case, pigmentation is not removed, but only masked. To do this, use various foundations, powders and other similar cosmetics. If you need to completely remove increased pigmentation on the skin, you should use various pharmacy creams and attend medicinal procedures. You can also use traditional medicine recipes.

Once you decide to get rid of freckles, you need to reconsider your diet. It should be rich in vitamins C, PP. To do this, you will need to eat a lot of fruits, especially citrus fruits. It is also necessary to include raspberries, plums, grapes and bananas in the diet. You need to eat dishes made from beef liver, fish, cheese, milk and eggs more often.

It is also important to eat vegetables every day. First of all, you should add carrots, tomatoes, broccoli and potatoes to your diet.

It is advisable to reduce the amount of sunlight that hits the skin. For this, it is recommended to wear a wide-brimmed hat. In summer it is necessary to use sunscreen. This will prevent skin injury due to sunburn. It is impossible to protect yourself completely from the sun's rays, and it is not useful. You need to sunbathe, but in the morning and evening hours. This promotes proper metabolism and complete absorption of calcium.

Use of creams

First of all, various creams help in the fight against increased pigmentation on the face. They are prepared based on natural ingredients. Choosing best cream for freckles, You should definitely pay attention to its composition. High-quality products always include a large number of natural ingredients. These can be various herbal infusions, extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins.

Creams containing papaya juice, lime and coconut milk are very effective. Such plant components can slow down the synthesis of melanin. The saturation of bright spots will begin to decrease. Gradually, the freckles will disappear completely.

Ointment for freckles may also contain some medicinal substances. Products containing hydroquinone are characterized by an effective whitening effect. Moreover, special creams can not only rid the skin of freckles, but also give it elasticity and softness. Thanks to such compositions, subcutaneous blood circulation improves. The skin looks healthy and well-groomed. It is recommended to purchase whitening products at a pharmacy. You can also buy a similar cream in cosmetics stores. However, pharmaceutical formulations, according to buyers and dermatologists, are of better quality.

Sour cream masks

There are many traditional medicine recipes that can be used at home. They are quite effective. It is recommended to start using them from the first days of spring. This will significantly reduce pigmentation and allow the skin to remain healthy.

Homemade masks for freckles made from various plant components and food products. One of the popular recipes is a mask with sour cream. It is suitable for people with dry and normal skin types. There are several recipes. If your skin is oily, it is better to replace sour cream with yogurt or kefir.

It is not difficult to prepare the product. You need to chop the parsley. One teaspoon of greens should be mixed with two teaspoons of sour cream or kefir. The mushy mass is applied to the face for 15 minutes. In this case, you need to use a cotton swab. This is a remedy that has been tested for many generations. It is applied to the face every day to get rid of freckles. Parsley, like sour cream, stimulates cell renewal and whitens the skin.

There is another recipe. To do this you will need to use not only sour cream, but also lemon. Both ingredients brighten the skin. You need to grind the lemon along with the peel. A tablespoon of sour cream is added to the mushy mass. You need to mix the product with a wooden spoon, while kneading the lemon pieces. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off the product only with cool water.

Other popular masks

There are many folk recipes that allow you to whiten your skin and remove unwanted pigmentation. One of the simplest but most effective ways is to prepare a cucumber mask. It contains phylloquinone. This component promotes cell regeneration and reduces the amount of melanin in them.

A medium-sized cucumber will need to be grated. You can also simply cut it into thin slices. Cucumber is applied to the skin. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes. It is better to lie down or sit down during it, throwing your head back. This mask is applied daily. In addition, it is recommended to wipe your face with cucumber slices.

It is also effective lemon for freckles A mask of this fruit with honey will also help relieve inflammation. This method is suitable for any skin type. To prepare the mask, you will need to squeeze 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Mix everything well and apply to the skin. First, you can moisturize your face a little by washing with cool water. The product remains on the face for 10 minutes.

You can alternate between different masks. This will allow you to choose the best option for any skin type. If there is an allergy to the products used to prepare the product, this must be taken into account. Such compositions cannot be used. You should prepare masks only from ingredients that are safe for your health.

Positive reviews about pharmacy creams

To choose the right one face cream for freckles, It is recommended to consult a professional dermatologist. It is also recommended to consider customer reviews of the products available in pharmacies today. They differ in composition, cost and effectiveness.

Among the effective remedies, users highlighted the cream for increased pigmentation “Bark”, “Before and After” (whitening cream), “Lifebuoy”. The products presented include natural ingredients and various medicinal substances. Thanks to this combination of ingredients, it is possible to obtain high-quality whitening creams for any skin type.

Cream "Bark" for freckles It is made on the basis of thermal water. It contains vitamin C, medicinal plant oils, lemon, verbena and other herbal additives. The effect of the presented product appears after a month.

Whitening cream “Before and After” allows you to whiten your skin while making it soft. Apply the product to your face morning and evening. It will not help completely get rid of freckles, but their color becomes less bright.

Customers leave a lot of positive reviews about the “Lifebuoy” cream. The intensity of pigmentation becomes less. The composition includes vitamin C, arbutin, parsley and other plant components. The skin becomes elastic, the number of wrinkles decreases.

Negative reviews

There are creams about which customers leave more negative reviews. This is due to their lack of effectiveness. Moreover, according to customer reviews, such products can be either cheap or very expensive. Among the products that receive negative reviews are the Clearwin and Achromin creams, as well as the Depiderm anti-pigmentation emulsion from Uriage.

Clearvin cream for freckles and age spots declared by the manufacturer as a whitening and wound healing agent. It resolves stretch marks and scars. It can also remove freckles and age spots. You need to apply the cream 2 times a day for 1.5 months. During this time, buyers did not notice the declared effect.

"Achromin" is a product that is declared by the manufacturer as a cream for increased pigmentation. According to the instructions, it gives results within 2 weeks after use. The ointment protects the skin from sun rays. This is a budget product that receives more negative reviews from buyers.

Uriage Depiderm emulsion contains acids. Many buyers are allergic to such substances. If it is not there, the presented remedy is quite effective. But it is not suitable for every buyer.

Beauty treatments

There are special cosmetic procedures. Deciding how to get rid of freckles on your face, You should also learn about them in detail. In modern cosmetology, three main methods are used to remove unwanted pigmentation.

Freckles can be removed using a laser. The beam is directed exclusively to those cells that produce excess melanin. This is an expensive and lengthy process. It belongs to the category of medicinal methods. But in just one session you can completely get rid of freckles.

If, in addition to freckles, there are acne or pimples on the skin, you can undergo a course of phototherapy. With the help of flashes, a certain effect is produced on the cells. The production of pigment in them decreases.

Another effective cosmetic procedure that can reduce the intensity of melanin production is peeling. During this process, preparations containing various acids are used. Using such products, the top layer of skin, in which increased pigmentation is detected, is removed. The procedure assumes that after it is carried out, the skin should recover for some time. The cosmetologist necessarily gives recommendations on further actions.

Cosmetic disguise

Considering the options, how to get rid of freckles on your face, you can pay attention to the choice of decorative cosmetics. You can use various tinting creams, makeup bases and powders. The naturalness of the makeup will depend on the correct choice of tone and texture.

Creams like SS and BB help disguise freckles. They will hide various facial skin imperfections. The products presented also moisturize and nourish it. The skin becomes smooth and its tone will be natural. The presented products reduce exposure to ultraviolet radiation. After applying them, there is no greasy shine left. The skin looks radiant and healthy.

You can consult a professional makeup artist about choosing decorative cosmetics. The specialist will select products that best suit your skin type and tone and give some advice on the use of these cosmetics.

Foundations should match the color of the skin on your neck. You cannot use decorative cosmetics that are lighter or darker in tone. Outwardly it looks ridiculous.

Professional dermatologists give some tips on how to get rid of freckles. They claim that it is quite difficult to completely get rid of increased pigmentation. Especially if this is a genetic predisposition of the body. Pigment spots that appear are easier to remove than freckles. However, it is quite possible to reduce the brightness of the latter.

To make freckles less noticeable, you need to use a special protective face cream starting from the first days of spring. The result will be tangible. Medicinal procedures can be combined with traditional medicine. In this case, the effectiveness of actions will be higher.

Before using this or that product, it is necessary to check the skin's reaction to herbal ingredients. To do this, a small amount of cream is applied to the skin. If no redness, itching or burning occurs within 15 minutes, you can use this product continuously.

Reducing hyperpigmentation takes time. The complex of procedures is carried out over a month or more. Moreover, you need to apply the selected masks and creams to the skin every day. It will take some time before the effect is noticeable.

Having considered how to get rid of freckles, everyone can choose the best option for themselves. There are many medications and procedures, as well as folk recipes. Pigmentation will be less intense. Over time, freckles will become completely invisible.

With a wide range of all kinds of cosmetics, some girls need a cream for freckles and age spots. In the spring, such an acquisition is especially useful, because pigmentation is more pronounced, especially in blond beauties. The expected effect of such a remedy must be approached realistically. This cream quite noticeably brightens up unwanted rashes, but does not eliminate the problem altogether.

Regarding the manifestation of pigmentation, you should understand what it is. After all, visible manifestations are not caused by grains on the face. Any rash on the skin comes from within.

The coloring substance melanin is found in everyone's body. It determines what color the eyes, hair and skin will be. It all depends on what level of this enzyme the body produces and on genetic predisposition. Due to the peculiar structure of the cells that synthesize this pigment, melanin is produced too actively. Under the influence of sunlight, it is distributed on the skin in the form of cellular clusters. Such enzyme-stained cells appear in groups on the face in the form of freckles and age spots.

Melanin is not only a natural dye, but also a protection for the body. People with dark skin have enough melanin, so their skin is safe. This cannot be said about people with a very pale complexion and body. When such beauties expose themselves to ultraviolet light, the picture afterwards will not be pleasant.

Bright brown spots, especially when there are a lot of them, can ruin the most beautiful face. Therefore, buying a suitable cream to reduce and fade freckles is a worthwhile endeavor. From the above, it is logical to conclude that a remedy that can help should be medicinal, and it is better to purchase it at a pharmacy.

Indications for use of anti-freckle cream

For melanosis (large pigment spots on the skin), it is recommended to use protective creams.

Action of the cream

Each similar product has a different composition, and therefore the effect of individual creams differs. There are products that directly help in removing freckles, and products that prevent their appearance.

Before purchasing a cosmetic product, you should consult a dermatologist and carefully study the composition. If the cream is chosen correctly, it will protect against consequences with other skin problems.

With constant exposure to the sun, some women begin to actively produce melanin and large yellow-brown spots appear, which are called pigment spots. They are much larger than freckles and appear as blurry islands. Protective creams protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, prevent the appearance of new freckles and have a rejuvenating effect.

The membrane-protective effect that the cream has protects cell membranes from damage and negative influences. The appearance of freckles is the result of improper metabolism in the body, so creams also serve as antioxidants. And also have immunomodulatory properties.

A high-quality anti-freckle cream has properties that reduce the presence of melanin enzymes and make freckles fade. This effect is possible thanks to folic acid and vitamin C.

Some protective creams contain cocoa butter, coffee extract, celandine and milkweed juice. These components provide the skin with the necessary protection from the sun.

The oils included in most of these products lighten the pigment and perfectly nourish the skin.

Acids enhance the effect of natural components.

Tretinol promotes cell renewal.

Modern cosmetologists practice removing freckles using a chemical method. They use peelings and skin resurfacing methods using lasers. Sometimes protective and whitening creams are included in various pigmentation removal programs. They have a more gentle effect and less pronounced side effects than other methods.


The use of cream with hydroquinone is contraindicated for allergies, epidermis and people with dry skin.

Cannot be used for kidney and liver diseases.

Side effects

With regular use of creams containing hydroquinone, pigment cells are damaged and the result can be a serious disease, “exogenous ochronosis.” To the side effects of this substances include:

  • Sensitivity to ultraviolet light;
  • Contact dermatitis;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Skin irritation;
  • Hyperemia;
  • Negative skin changes in the places where the cream was applied. This may include roughness and unevenness of the skin, as well as the appearance of comedones.

After using products that contain tretinol, itching, flaking and redness appear. Acne may appear.

With prolonged use of a cream containing mercury, intoxication may occur.

Kojic acid causes dermatitis and irritation.

Long-term use of any cream is contraindicated.

Review of creams

Cream "Bark"

The product will make the skin smooth, velvety and soft and reduce pigmentation. The result will be noticeable in a month.


The basis for making the cream is thermal water and vitamin C. Reassuring ingredients are licorice, lemon, verbena and a complex of oils that can moisturize and whiten the skin. The high concentration of acid makes it possible to whiten the skin as much as possible, but because of this, the product cannot be used in hot weather.


Anna, Novgorod

After using the cream, the skin really brightened and the pigmentation decreased. I used the cream for night and day use. During the day I applied a layer of foundation. As for velvety, I didn’t notice any significant changes.


50 ml – 238 UAH. in Ukraine; from 449 to 565 in Russia.


A universal remedy that helps not only in the fight against pigmentation, but also has a healing, absorbable and improves blood circulation effect.


Propolis, lanolin, beeswax, royal jelly, citric acid, malic acid, extracts of plants such as aloe, madder, turmeric and calamus. Thanks to these components, melanin production is reduced, which prevents the growth of new melanocytes. With daily use 2 times a day, after 1.5 months the expected result should appear.


From 70 to 155 UAH. in Ukraine; from 314 to 380 rubles in Russia.


Elvira, Voronezh

The advantage of the cream is its pleasant smell and low price. It doesn’t solve pigmentation problems, but I was pleased because in general my skin became better and it got rid of acne. I bought it for 89 rubles.

"Sunvita protective cream"

It has a pronounced protective effect for the face and body and is used to prevent enzyme formations. Serves as a good base for makeup.


UV filters, oat extract, allantoin, chitosan, d-panthenol.

Price in the online store

From 80 to 135 UAH. From 243 to 250 in Russia.


Galina, Moscow

After using the cream, I realized that it does not eliminate freckles. But I saw a big plus for myself in the fact that it prevents the appearance of pigmentation. I'm trying to buy it before spring.


Lightens freckles, age spots and copes with age-related pigmentation. Provides timely protection and tones the skin. Effect after two weeks. The effect of the product decreased after the removal of hydroquinone from its composition. Researchers have found that after using a cream that contains this substance, the skin becomes more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. It can cause skin cancer. An alternative to hydroquinone is licorice extract.


Purified water, glycerin, lanolin, sodium chloride, lactic acid and rose fragrance.


Natalya, 23 years old

The cream applies easily and is well absorbed into the skin. I have had freckles since birth, but now I am free of them. Visible changes appear after 14 days.


From 100 to 152 rubles. in Russia; from 40 to 95 UAH. in Ukraine.

Cream "Before and after"

Has active exfoliating and whitening effects. The cream is suitable for all skin types and copes well with the appearance of freckles and age spots. The desired result will be visible with regular use. Often used in combination with other skin whitening programs.


Licorice extract, red algae extract, vitamin complex, vegetable oils (corn, shea and avocado).


Tatyana, Kursk. After two weeks, the freckles became almost invisible. As soon as I started using the product, I gave up foundation because my complexion became even. I think the cream is good for seasonal use.

Price in pharmacy

From 118 to 135 rubles. in Russia; 100 ml - 230 UAH. in Ukraine.

Directions for use and doses

First you need to do a skin test. Apply a small amount of cream to the elbow area and leave for 20 minutes. If the skin is not red, then you can safely begin the process of beauty restoration.

In order for the cream to fully utilize its properties, it is better to apply it before bed, when the body is calm.

In hot weather, the cream should not be used, especially before going outside.

During the cool season, the cream can be applied 2 times a day. So
As a rule, freckle creams are greasy, so it would be good to apply powder on top. It will also serve as an additional layer of protection.

In order for the components to penetrate deep into the skin, the product must be applied after thoroughly cleansing the face.

Since such creams have an exfoliating effect, it is recommended to use scrubs 2 times a week. It is very important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions, since failure to comply with these rules may cause side effects. Do not apply the product to a steamed face.

What cream can you buy at the pharmacy?

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a wide range of whitening creams. As already mentioned, it is better to buy creams at a pharmacy or specialized stores. This is wise because the products are clinically tested and also undergo laboratory testing. A certificate is included with the purchase.

In addition to the creams already listed, you can buy at the pharmacy: “Clandestine”, “Metamorphosis”, “Spring”.

Pharmaceutical products such as hydrogen peroxide and castor oil lighten age spots.

It should be remembered that a cream that helped someone may not be effective. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin and the purpose of the product.

Creams do not always completely remove pigmentation, but after lightening you can always see contrasting changes in your appearance. In pharmacies, such products are available at affordable prices.

Storage conditions

In general, the shelf life of an unopened tube is 3 years. Store at temperatures up to 30 degrees, away from light. There are directions on each package that you can read.

DIY cream recipe

Herbal ingredients are very effective in combating skin pigmentation, as many of them have a whitening effect and are often included in cosmetic creams and lotions. Such folk remedies include: parsley, blackcurrant leaves, lemon, cucumber, sorrel, grapefruit, dandelion and oats. Fermented milk products serve as an auxiliary to herbs.

You need to apply homemade masks in the evening to allow the components to penetrate deep into the skin without unnecessary interference. During any whitening procedures, contact should not be allowed.
sun rays. An important factor is well-cleansed skin.

Many folk remedies can be used without a prescription. For example, you can lubricate your face with a circle of cucumber throughout the day, and it will not cause any harm.

  1. Sorrel with sour cream. Finely chop the sorrel and mix in equal proportions with sour cream. Apply a thin layer to the face for 30 minutes. After removing the mask, soak the skin with a napkin and do not wash your face immediately. Before going to bed, wash your face and wipe your face with cucumber or some other lotion.
  2. Dandelion infusion. Pour boiling water over a handful of flowers. After cooling, strain and can be used to lighten freckles.
  3. Lemon and egg. Take 1 egg white and mix with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Beat well until smooth. Apply the mask 10 times, every other day.

It's important to know which ingredients can dry out your face. For dry skin, masks are not recommended often. It is advisable to cook them with a sour cream base.

To reduce the amount of freckles you get, you need to take some precautions.

After the winter season, the skin should get used to the sun and it is good to do this gradually. From early spring it is necessary to use a protective agent. This will make it easier to treat pigmentation with whitening creams in the future.

Lack of vitamins in spring increases pigmentation. Therefore, you need to carry out a vitamin complex. Pharmacies have a wide selection of drugs that will help replenish the necessary supply of nutrients. Increased nutrition, including foods rich in vitamins, will help significantly reduce pigmentation.

Interesting video:

Freckles are common among blond and redheads © iStock

Freckles (scientifically called ephelides), like any age spots, are a local accumulation of melanin. But unlike age spots, which occur as a result of photoaging of the skin, freckles are a hereditary phenomenon.

Characteristic features of freckles:

    round shape;

    uniform color;

    diameter 1-2 mm;

    appears with the onset of the sunny season and fades in winter;

    darkening in the sun.

Typically, freckles appear in people with blond or red hair and fair skin that does not take well to tanning. The first “sun spots” appear in childhood, at the age of 5–10 years, and reach their maximum number during adolescence. And by the age of 25 they may disappear completely.

“In areas of the skin that are constantly exposed to the sun, an inflammatory reaction occurs, which provokes even more active melanin synthesis. In addition, UV rays damage fibroblasts, which regulate the activity of melanocytes, and give the cells a signal to defend themselves, that is, to produce more melanin.”

The disappearance of youthful freckles is not a reason to relax. Their presence at any age indicates that the skin is prone to hyperpigmentation. And over time, in place of the charming spots, lentigo may appear - pigment spots reminiscent of freckles in color, but larger and oval (most often) in shape.

Lentigo is a consequence of damage caused by UV rays. This is persistent pigmentation that appears in adulthood and does not go away on its own.

How to choose an anti-freckle cream

To combat freckles you will need more than one product © iStock

Combating hyperpigmentation at home is a difficult task. But choosing a treatment that can reduce its manifestation is quite possible.

Protective cream

Since freckles are a consequence of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the most effective way to combat them is to use creams with the highest possible protection factor against broad-spectrum rays.

Now they are releasing products that combine sun protection and targeted fight against pigmentation. Please take a look at the following samples.

    Melting cream Anthelios XL, 50+ /PPD 39, La Roche-Posay, contains enhanced protection against UVA rays and antioxidants that fight their negative effects, preventing signs of photoaging. where to find it?

    Capital Idéal Soleil 3-in-1 toning treatment against age spots. SPF 50+, Vichy, masks pigment spots, brightens and prevents them. where to find it?

    Sunscreen Brightening UV Defense, SPF 30, SkinCeuticals, Prevents freckles and hyperpigmentation with a special Hyperbright complex. where to find it?

The formation of freckles is typical for light, poorly tanned skin of the 1st and 2nd phototypes. To prevent age spots, she requires the maximum degree of protection with SPF 50, which blocks 98% of ultraviolet radiation.

Whitening cream

To lighten existing freckles and make your skin tone even, look for a cream marked:

    "brightening" ( brightening);

    "against age spots" ( anti-dark spot);

    "whitening" ( whitening);

    "pigmentation" ( pigment);

    "shine" ( radiance).

Cosmetics to combat hyperpigmentation are aimed at reducing the production of melanin, uniform distribution of pigment and renewal of the epidermis.


Homemade renewing products with acids in small concentrations will complement the effect of creams. Like professional peels, they exfoliate dead cells and stimulate skin renewal. They just act more gently and gradually. It is worth paying attention to the tools presented below.

Having started fight against freckles and pigment spots, do not count on an instant effect. To achieve noticeable and sustainable results it will take about 3 months systemic care.

Effect of anti-pigmentation cream

© SkinCeuticals

In addition, they include components accelerating the process of cell renewal, due to which the skin in general and freckles in particular become lighter.

Composition of funds

The substances listed below are most often found in lightening cosmetics.

    Kojic acid- alpha hydroxy acid, whitens and exfoliates the skin.

    Arbutin- a plant component found in bearberry and blackberry. Arbutin and kojic acid enhance each other's effects.

    Glabridin, licorice root extract has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Azelaic acid in concentration 20% acts as a good brightening agent, while a dosage below 10% does not give a significant effect. Capable of suppressing the growth and activity of abnormal melanocytes.

    Vitamin C- powerful with regenerating properties. Blocks melanin synthesis, enhances collagen production.