Russian gatherings in kindergarten. Autumn gatherings on Pokrov

Galina Kokina
Scenario for the Spring Festival “Happy Gatherings” in kindergarten

Spring Festival Scenario

« Fun get-togethers» V kindergarten.

Target: To cultivate a love of folk art.


Continue to introduce children to the customs and traditions of the Russian people;

Develop aesthetic perception of folklore works;

Give an idea of ​​the different nature of folk songs, dances, games, round dances;

Bring joy to children.


Presenter - Hostess


Spring– Nesmeyana - girl

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the hall to Russian folk music "trickle", line up in a semicircle. The hostess meets them.

Mistress: On the heap, in the light,

Or on some logs

Collected gatherings

Old and young.

Did you sit by the torch?

Or under the bright sky -

They talked and sang songs

And they danced in a circle.

And how they played! On the burners!

In a word, these gatherings

Were holiday of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century,

The old world has changed

Nowadays we are all "to the bottom of the barrel"

Personal dachas or apartments.

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow,

And what can I say?

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived.

Mistress: You are welcome, dear guests. The guests are invited and welcome. Take places where you like. Make yourself at home.

Boy: Don’t worry, Mistress, we’re not staying at home, and we’re not visiting.

Mistress: I have one for everyone there will be a place, and a word.

Boy: Guests are forced people, where they put them in, they sit there.

Mistress: A rare guest is never a burden.

Girl: Sitting at home means not sitting through anything. We decided to look at people and show ourselves.

Mistress: I’ve been waiting for you for a long time - I’m waiting, I don’t start the holiday without you. Come out, honest people, join the round dance.

ROUND DANCE “I walk with the vine”

Mistress: The Russian round dance is good, but the proverbs are no worse.

He said a proverb - that he picked a berry.


A beloved homeland is like a dear mother.

In the sun it is warm, in the presence of mother it is good.

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

Die yourself, but help your comrade.

Respect the earth - it gives a harvest.

Mistress: Now let’s complicate the task. I start a proverb, and you start it finishing:

Fear of wolves... An awl in the bag...

Did the job... Without difficulty...

It's time... The forest is being cut down...

Mistress: And here’s another proverb: A beloved homeland is like a dear mother. There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland. Every person remembers the places where he was born and even composes songs about it.


Mistress: Time for business - time for fun.

Come on, girls, come out quickly,

Take a handkerchief each,

Show me your funny dance.


Mistress: And now we will listen to the good fellows. Here they are, so militant, with their noses in the air and singing ditties.


1. Come on, honest people, don’t dust the path,

Good fellows are going for a little walk.

2. I walked through the village - the girls were sleeping,

He played the harmonica and they stood up.

We got up and woke up, the windows opened.

3. Our river is not deep, pebbles are visible at the bottom.

Our girls don't play around - they've signed up to be grandmothers.

Girls ( "angry" hands on hips).

What kind of grandmothers are we?

We'll show you now.


1. I’m a fighting girl, I’ll remain a fighting girl.

It will be bad for the guy who gets me.

2. I have roosters on my sundress.

I’m not a clubfoot myself, the grooms are clubfooters.

3. I walked around the village and saw Vanyusha.

I sat and cried under a bush: "The chicken offended"

4. Once the boys disperse, no one can stop them.

And once they fall asleep, no one can raise them.

5. There is a melon on the mountain, a melon, under the mountain there are watermelons.

The Nizhny Novgorod guys are like toddlers.

Mistress: And now, guys, guess the riddle.

She comes with affection and her fairy tale.

Waves a magic wand -

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.

Children. Spring.

Mistress: We gathered today not only to have fun,

joke and laugh, but also with Meet in the spring.

So the first flowers appeared in the clearing - snowdrops.

Girl. Spring, spring is red,

Come, spring, with joy, with great mercy,

With abundant grain and heavy rains.

(a whistle is heard, Kikimora appears)

Kikimora. What's that noise? I can’t tell, maybe I’m still sleeping? I hear music fun... What kind of entertainment is this?

Mistress: With us fun get-togethers. Yes, actually we They called for spring. Who are you?

Kikimora. I am Kikimora-Shishimora! Don't be afraid

Today I am kind and humble.

I live in the forest alone, alone,

And my girlfriends are leeches and frogs, very strict.

They force you to wash your face and comb your hair in the morning. Yearning!

Mistress: If you want, we will let's have fun with the game. I have one game, get ready, kids! Don’t push, don’t rush, quickly stand in a circle.

(Kikimora plays a game with the children "Burn, burn clearly"!)

Kikimora. Wow, you amused me greatly!

Mistress: Tell us, Kikimora, did you meet her in the forest? Spring is red?

Kikimora. Why, I saw it! Are you here have fun, A Spring doesn't eat, doesn’t drink, only sheds bitter tears. She became terribly stubborn. One name for her - Vesna-Nesmeyana. Mistress: Call Nesmeyana quickly, we’ll see her let's cheer up.

(Kikimora leads spring, she’s crying)

Mistress: Oh, guys! Who came to visit holiday to us? A young girl, so elegant and beautiful! But why does she cry all the time? What does all this mean?

Spring. Oh, trouble, oh, trouble, there is quinoa in the garden.

I am princess Nesmeyana, I will not stop crying.

I live in my hut in a clearing at the edge of the forest,

And whatever I don’t want, in an instant, I’ll get it right away.

What should I wish for now? I'll start crying again!

Mistress: What, Spring, are you shedding tears? And you don't eat or drink?

Kikimora. I have a magic potion, I brew it myself, I treat Leshy, and you, Spring treat.

Spring. What do you make your potion from?

Kikimora. Of leeches and tails,

I add fly agarics and birch leaves,

And bugs and leeches, mixed with grass.

I bring everything to a boil, it’s better than jam!

Spring(winces). The potion is stinking!

I’d rather cry, shed burning tears (crying)

Mistress. No, Spring, that's not good.

Look, a beautiful maiden is coming,

The guy with her is great, they want to sing you a song.

Song about spring

Mistress: (carries a bucket to Nesmeyane). Here's some fresh water for your tea.

It will dilute your salty stream.

Spring: I don’t want to drink tea, I’d rather be sad here.

Boy: Go around the whole planet,

There is no better Russian dance!

Balalaika and accordion

They light a fire in us.

Girl: Give it up, people, the dance takes me away,

I’ll go dance and look at people.


Spring: No, I won’t dance like that, I’ll stamp my foot and I’ll get tired.

Mistress: We share our dances, songs, laughter equally among everyone!

Don't be sad, but smile, together with Kikimora you have fun.


Kikimora. Ogonyok fun flashed in your eyes!

The tears are gone and a smile is on your lips!

So, I have nothing more to do here, I’ll go and visit my frogs and leeches. (Kikimora leaves)

Mistress: Well, guys, let's take it Spring to play with yourself?

And for starters, Spring, guess the riddle.

In a white sundress she stood in a clearing.

The tits flew and landed on their braids!

Spring: Birch!

Mistress: Do you know any poem about a birch tree?

Spring: I love Russian birch,

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,

In a bleached sundress,

With handkerchiefs in my pocket,

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings!

Mistress: Thank you, Spring, for good poetry. Our guys also know a lot of poems about spring, now they will read them to you.


Mistress: We are on holiday Let's sing about the bright birch tree. Where the song flows, there life is fun.


Spring: It's time for us to hear the first messengers spring is calling.

Mistress: Now many birds are returning to their native places, and soon the swallows will arrive. Let's sing a song about them.

Song "Martin"

Spring: Well, okay had fun? Since ancient times is underway in Rus', bake pies and treat guests. So I want to treat you to some pies. (shows a basket of pies). Look here - there are so many of them! I am treating you to some pies and wishing you all good health. (gives the basket to the owner).

Mistress: Well, guys, what a wonderful time we had. Let's say thank you spring! Be healthy, be happy, live without troubles for many, many years. And I will be waiting for you to visit.

Job description: The script for this event “Fun Gatherings” is intended for music directors and preschool teachers and is recommended for use with children of senior preschool age. Dedicated to folklore themes, it, along with the appropriate decorations, costumes and musical numbers, amusing attractions, will certainly arouse children's interest in Russian folk art.

Target: Foster a love of folk art.


· Continue to introduce children to the customs and traditions of the Russian people;

· Develop aesthetic perception of folklore works;

· Give an idea of ​​the different nature of folk songs, dances, games, round dances;

· Bring joy to children.


· Presenter

· Mistress

· Brownie Kuzya


· Kolobok

· Bear

· Mashenka


Four balls of yarn

· Fox mitten

· Basket with fish

· Handkerchief for playing, 8 handkerchiefs for dancing

· 2 buckets, rocker, snowballs

· 8 wooden spoons

· Box, pies

Analysis: Based on this scenario, a folklore festival was held with children in the preparatory school group of the kindergarten “Kolosok”. The initial goal - to cultivate a love for folk art in children - was achieved: preschoolers looked at the used decorations with interest, performed Russian folk tunes and dances with pleasure, and participated in folklore games with genuine enthusiasm. Proverbs, sayings, and songs were presented to the children for study, which undoubtedly served to develop the aesthetic perception of folk art. The plot of the event, its characters, dances, and songs aroused great interest among the children, as evidenced by the high level of their concentration on what was happening throughout the holiday.

Progress of the event

The hall is colorfully decorated in the style of a Russian hut. The decoration used household items and applied art: a spinning wheel, a table, benches, embroidered towels, wicker lace, wooden, painted and pottery, Russian folk toys, etc.

/ The presenter (teacher) comes out to the middle of the hall /

Presenter: On the ground, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

Old and young

Did you sit by the torch?

Or under the bright sky -

They talked and sang songs

And they danced in a circle.

And how they played! On the burners!

In a word, these gatherings

They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century,

The old world has changed

Nowadays we are all screwed

Personal dachas or apartments

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow,

And what can I say?

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived.

/ To the Russian folk melody “Peddlers,” the Hostess comes out and greets the guests /

Hostess: You are welcome, dear guests. The guests are invited and welcome. Take places where you like. Make yourself at home.

/ Children of the preparatory group enter /

Boy: Don’t worry, Mistress, we’re not staying at home, and we’re not visiting.

/ The hostess seats the children /

Mistress: I have a place and a word for everyone.

Boy: Guests are forced people, where they put them in, they sit there.

Mistress: A rare guest is never a burden.

Girl: Sitting at home means not sitting through anything. We decided to look at people and show ourselves.

Mistress: I’ve been waiting for you for a long time - I’m waiting, I don’t start the holiday without you. Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see, can everyone hear, is there enough space for everyone?

Boy: As is well known, there was enough space for the guests, but isn’t it a little cramped for the hostess?

Mistress: In cramped conditions, but not in offence. There is no more comfortable home in the world than our Russian hut.

It was cut down from pine logs, the air in it smells of resin. It is especially good in a hut in winter. Outside the window there is Grandfather Morozko and Grandma Vyuga, snowstorms are swirling, but in the hut it is warm and joyful.

/ Children take turns saying proverbs /

1) Our hut is exactly warm - there is a snowstorm outside, but it’s warm here!

2) Living at home is not sewing a basket!

3) Living at home - walking around with your ears open!

4) Living at home - don’t worry about everything!

5) Lead the house - don’t weave bast shoes.

6) The lady of the house is like pancakes in honey:

She will clean up, she will call,

She alone is responsible for everyone!

Mistress: Well done guys. Look how many proverbs you know about my hut, and they haven’t forgotten about me.

Presenter: Hostess, we know the song about your hut. Do you want to listen?

Mistress: I’ll be happy to even play along with you.

/ The song “Russian Izba” is performed, music and lyrics by Z. Ya. Root /


Thank you my dears, the song is really about my hut.

Well, enough singing songs, it’s time to get to work.

I have one task for you, beautiful girls and kind fellows: the cat Vaska unwound all my threads (playing), help me wind them into balls. Boys will hold the threads, and girls will reel them in. As soon as the music starts, you need to wind a thread into a ball, but when it stops, you’ll have to stop winding the thread. Is the task clear? Let's start the competition.

/ There is a competition “Wind the thread into a ball” /

Mistress: Well, how did you work? Whose ball is bigger and heavier? (Praises children)

You are a master at work, but you know how to dance.”

Presenter: The round dance amused us many times,

How much daring, how much enthusiasm, how much joy in the eyes!

/ The round dance “Polyanka” (Russian folk melody) is performed /

Mistress: Guys, why do you think it’s so warm and cozy in my hut? (children's answers)

Right! The stove puffs all day - it tries. He bakes bread, cabbage soup, and cooks porridge.

The stove warms the hut and illuminates it.

Mistress: Who is this talking to me from behind the stove?

Mistress: Baking resident? Who could it be? What's your name, baked resident? Maybe you’ll come out from behind the stove and talk to each other?

Mistress: We heard, we heard. How can you not hear? They say you like to scare people at night with your moans and groans. And not only people, but also domestic animals? Is this true? A?

Mistress: There is no need to be offended - the guys and I really want to see you. Guys,

Would you like to see a real Brownie?

Children: Yes!!!

Mistress: Then let’s call him all together: “Brownie, Brownie, come Home to us.” Well, repeat everything with me, and be more friendly.

/ The hostess and the children repeat the call several times. Finally, the Brownie appears."

Kuzya:(uncertain) Hello, were you calling me?

Mistress: We, we, Brownie. We're so glad to see you, aren't we, guys? Come on in, sit by the stove, you’ll feel more comfortable here.

Kuzya: Thank you. You seem to be a good lady, Mistress. And she invited me and all the guys to visit

Taught me how to do it. And what a beauty she is. How wise you are - you are a wonderful Hostess!

Mistress: Thank you, thank you. You praised me, but will you tell us about yourself?

Kuzya: be it - listen! (singing)

I'm such a business person -

Good Kuzya Brownie.

I can tell fairy tales

Bake everyone a pie.

Eh, once again, once again

Kuzya will dance for you now.

So that there is peace in the house,

Glad to try Brownie,

So that there is peace and harmony -

I protect you from harm.

Eh, once again, once again

Kuzya will dance for you now.

Mistress: Great song. So your name is Kuzey? Let's play with Kuzya and make him happy.

/ The game “Brownie” is being played. Children stand in a circle and, holding hands, move in a circle to the song:

Kuzya, Kuzya Brownie, we want to play with you.

Turn around in place, lean to the right, to the left,

Squat and stand up, and give us a task.

Don't lie on the stove, show us what to do!

(Kuzya in the center of the circle performs the appropriate movements. At the end of the singing, the children stop and repeat the movements that Kuzya shows them.)/

Scenario for the “Merry Gatherings” holiday in kindergarten.

Goal: To cultivate a love of folk art.

· Continue to introduce children to the customs and traditions of the Russian people;

· Develop aesthetic perception of folklore works;

· Give an idea of ​​the different nature of folk songs, dances, games, round dances;

· Bring joy to children.


· Mistress

· Brownie Kuzya

· Bear

· Mashenka


· Fox mitten

· Basket with fish

· Handkerchief for playing, 8 handkerchiefs for dancing

· 2 buckets, rocker, snowballs

· 8 wooden spoons

· Box, pies

Analysis: Based on this scenario, a folklore festival was held with children in the preparatory school group of the kindergarten “Kolosok”. The initial goal - to cultivate a love for folk art in children - was achieved: preschoolers looked at the used decorations with interest, performed Russian folk tunes and dances with pleasure, and participated in folklore games with genuine enthusiasm. Proverbs, sayings, and songs were presented to the children for study, which undoubtedly served to develop the aesthetic perception of folk art. The plot of the event, its characters, dances, and songs aroused great interest among the children, as evidenced by the high level of their concentration on what was happening throughout the holiday.

Progress of the event

The hall is colorfully decorated in the style of a Russian hut. The decoration used household items and applied art: a spinning wheel, a table, benches, embroidered towels, wicker lace, wooden, painted and pottery, Russian folk toys, etc.

/ The presenter (teacher) comes out to the middle of the hall /

Presenter: On the ground, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

Old and young

Did you sit by the torch?

Or under the bright sky -

They talked and sang songs

And they danced in a circle.

And how they played! On the burners!

In a word, these gatherings

They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century,

The old world has changed

Nowadays we are all screwed

Personal dachas or apartments

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow,

And what can I say?

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived.

/ The hostess and children come out to the Russian folk melody “Zavalinka” /

Dance for show

Hostess: You are welcome, dear guests. The guests are invited and welcome. Take places where you like. Make yourself at home.

Boy: Don’t worry, Mistress, we’re not staying at home, and we’re not visiting.

/ The hostess seats the children /

Hostess: I have a place and a word for everyone.

Boy: The guests are forced people, where they put them in, they sit there.

Hostess: A rare guest is never a burden.

Girl: Sitting at home means nothing will happen. We decided to look at people and show ourselves.

Hostess: I’ve been waiting for you for a long time - I’m waiting for you, I don’t start the holiday without you. Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see, can everyone hear, is there enough space for everyone?

Boy: As is well known, there was enough space for the guests, but isn’t it a little cramped for the hostess?

Hostess: In cramped conditions, but no offense. There is no more comfortable home in the world than our Russian hut.

It was cut down from pine logs, the air in it smells of resin. It is especially good in a hut in winter. Outside the window there is Grandfather Morozko and Grandma Vyuga, snowstorms are swirling, but in the hut it is warm and joyful.

/ Children take turns saying proverbs /

1) Our hut is exactly warm - there is a snowstorm outside, but it’s warm here!

2) Living at home is not sewing a basket!

3) Living at home - walking around with your ears open!

4) Living at home - don’t worry about everything!

5) Lead the house - don’t weave bast shoes.

6) The lady of the house is like pancakes in honey:

She will clean up, she will call,

She alone is responsible for everyone!

Hostess: Well done, guys. Look how many proverbs you know about my hut, and they haven’t forgotten about me.

Girl: Hostess, we know the song about your hut. Do you want to listen?

Hostess: With pleasure.

Song "Russian Hut"

/ music and words /

Thank you my dears, the song is really about my hut.

Well, enough of singing songs, it’s time to play.

Russian folk game "Tetera"

Game "Ribbons"

Hostess: You are a master at playing, but you know how to dance.

Girl: The round dance made us happy many times,

How much daring, how much enthusiasm, how much joy in the eyes!

Dance based on “A Goat Walked Through the Forest” with parents

Hostess: Guys, why do you think it’s so warm and cozy in my hut? (children's answers)

Right! The stove puffs all day long - it tries. He bakes bread, cabbage soup, and cooks porridge.

The stove warms the hut and illuminates it.

Hostess: Who is that talking to me from behind the stove?

Hostess: Baked resident? Who could it be? What's your name, baked resident? Maybe you’ll come out from behind the stove and talk to each other?

Hostess: We heard, we heard. How can you not hear? They say you like to scare people at night with your moans and groans. And not only people, but also domestic animals? Is this true? A?

Hostess: There is no need to be offended - the guys and I really want to look at you. Guys,

Would you like to see a real Brownie?

Children: Yes!!!

Hostess: Then let’s call him all together: “Brownie, Brownie, come Home to us.” Well, repeat everything with me, and be more friendly.

/ The hostess and the children repeat the call several times. Finally, the Brownie appears."

Kuzya: (uncertain) Hello, were you calling me?

Mistress: We, we, Brownie. We're so glad to see you, aren't we, guys? Come on in, sit by the stove, you’ll feel more comfortable here.

Kuzya: Thank you. You seem to be a good lady, Mistress. And she invited me and all the guys to visit

Taught me how to do it. And what a beauty she is. How wise you are - you are a wonderful Hostess!

Hostess: Thank you, thank you. You praised me, but will you tell us about yourself?

Kuzya: Well... so be it - listen! (singing)

I'm such a business person -

Good Kuzya Brownie.

I can tell fairy tales

Bake everyone a pie.

Eh, once again, once again

Kuzya will dance for you now.

So that there is peace in the house,

Glad to try Brownie,

So that there is peace and harmony -

I protect you from harm.

Eh, once again, once again

Kuzya will dance for you now.

Hostess: Wonderful song. So your name is Kuzey? Let's play with Kuzya and make him happy.

Game "Brownie"

Children stand in a circle and, holding hands, move in a circle to the song:

Kuzya, Kuzya Brownie, we want to play with you.

Turn around in place, lean to the right, to the left,

Squat and stand up, and give us a task.

Don't lie on the stove, show us what to do!

(Kuzya in the center of the circle performs the appropriate movements. At the end of the singing, the children stop and repeat the movements that Kuzya shows them.)

Kuzya: I have a gift for you. Look! (takes out a sieve from behind the stove)

Hostess: Kuzya, but this is an ordinary sieve.

Kuzya: My sieve is pure magic, it contains songs, fairy tales, games and dances!

Hostess: Get us another game, Kuzya.

(The brownie first takes out the bag, then the pillow)

Game "Sack Run"

Hostess: And now we offer you a game -

Measure strength, as it happened in the old days.

We invite the strongest guys,

Come on, strong men, stand in a funny row.

Pillow fight game

Hostess: What kind of fairy tale is it? (looks into the sieve and takes out a fox mitten)

Yes, this is a fox mitten! And what does this mean, Kuzya.

Kuzya: Here's what. A sieve, a sieve, entwined with fresh bast. Entwined, entwined, washed with snow!

I want a fairy tale to come to us!

/ A Russian folk melody sounds. A girl dressed as a fox enters the hall, holding a basket of fish in her hands./

Lisa: Oh, I’m tired, I’m tired -

I was walking near the river.

Outwitted the peasant

And she stole all the fish!

Wolf: (runs out) Hello, Fox, red beauty!

Fox: How are you, toothy?

Wolf: Things are going well, my head is still intact.

Lisa: Where were you?

Wolf: At the market.

Lisa: What did you buy?

Wolf: Pork.

Lisa: How much did you take?

Wolf: A tuft of wool...

The right side was torn off

The tail was chewed off in a fight.

Fox: Who bit it off?

Wolf: Dogs! Well, where have you been wandering?

Fox: I caught a fish in an ice hole.

I just dropped my ponytail,

Do you see how much I caught... (shows a basket of fish)

Wolf: I want fish too (reaches for the fish, but the Fox quickly hides the basket behind her back)

Fox: So catch it, I'll teach you.

Go, my friend, to the river,

Sit in a secluded corner.

Lower your tail into the hole

And repeat all the time:

Catch, fish, big and small.

Wolf: Well, thank you, Lisaveta!

You helped me with advice.

Where is the hole here? Show me.

Fox: (shows, shouts after) Don’t forget, say the words.

/ The Wolf and the Fox leave the hall /

Hostess: And really, Kuzya, your sieve is magical. What else do you have there (looks into the sieve and takes out a beautiful handkerchief). What is this scarf for? (children's answers)

Hostess: Come on, girls, come out quickly,

Take a handkerchief each,

Show me your beautiful dance.

Dance "Red Sundress"

Kuzya: And I want to tell you riddles.

1) A miracle, a miracle came together in a circle:

There are a lot of holes, but nowhere to jump out. (Sieve)

2) There are four legs under the roof, and soup and spoons under the roof. (Table)

3) The lady is sitting in a spoon, her legs dangling. (Noodles)

4) I lead my granddaughter through all the rooms by the hand. (Broom)

5) The mother is pot-bellied, the son is hot, and the grandson is curly. What is it? (Smoke)

Hostess: Our children also know a lot of riddles!

Kuzya: Make your own riddles! Your parents will help me guess them!

Kuzya: What great fellows your parents are! Thank you!

Hostess: Kuzya, we haven’t looked into your magic sieve for a long time.

Kuzya: Let's see now

Game "Who's Good"

Game "Barin"

Hostess: Kuzya, what else do you have in the sieve? (Kuzya pulls the pike out of the sieve)

/ A Russian folk melody sounds. A boy dressed as Emelya enters the hall. Buckets in hand /

Emelya: Hey, hey. Who called me, called me?

I just walked on the water,

I found a hole in the river

I began to lower the buckets,

I just hear that it's quiet

Suddenly someone started calling me.

I'm scared guys

The buckets shook

The legs set off on their own,

And here I am in front of you.

All sorts of miracles happen to me,

But this is the first time this has happened to me.

Hostess: Why use buckets? What should you do?

/ A boy and a girl go out into the middle of the hall /

Boy: Go around the whole planet,

There is no better Russian dance!

Balalaika and accordion

They light a fire in us.

Girl: Give it up, people, I’m getting carried away with the dance,

I’ll go dance and look at people.

Dance "Ay Chu-Chu"

Kuzya: I don’t understand why the spoon ended up in the sieve. Shall we eat porridge?

Hostess: Did you guys guess? (children's answers)

Presenter: Great is our RUSSIA

And our people are talented,

About skilled craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world!

The spooners will start playing

Your legs will start dancing on their own!

From dawn to dawn

The spooners are having fun.

Ensemble of Spoonmen

Kuzya: As everyone knows, girlfriends are masters of singing ditties. And you guys, don’t yawn, help the girls too.


Hostess: Kuzya, are there any miracles left in your sieve? (looks into the sieve and takes out a pie)

Yes, this is a pie!

/ A Russian folk melody sounds. A boy in a bear costume with a box behind his back enters the hall. /

Bear: (approaching the stump) I’ll sit on the stump and eat a pie!

Bring the kids a treat!

Bear: Look, she's so big-eyed. He sits high and looks far away.

Bear: I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie!

Mashenka: Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie!

Bring the kids a treat!

Bear: (approaches the hostess) Mashenka sent you a box of pies.

Hostess: Thank you, Mikhailo Potapych. We bow to Mashenka.

Hostess: Well done, they played cheerfully and showed their prowess!

This is how people had fun in the old days.

And we invite everyone to the table

We'll treat you to pies!

Come, come!

Grab a treat!

Wash it down with tea and remember us with kind words!

Hostess: Our holiday has come to an end. Be healthy, be happy, live without troubles for many, many years. And we will be waiting for you to visit.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
“Kindergarten No. 8 “Cheburashka” of the municipal formation urban district of the city of Skopin, Ryazan region

Tsvirkunova M. A.


Scenario for an event in kindergarten.

The age of the participants is 6-7 years.

Target: Spiritual and moral education of preschool children in the process of studying Russian culture.

Tasks: Introduce children to the traditions and customs of the Russian people. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. Development of children's speech activity, learning to use common sentences in speech, enrichment of active and passive vocabulary. Development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. Fostering love for one’s homeland, for Russian oral folk art. Formation of universal integrative qualities.

Progress of entertainment:

The music “Barynya” sounds.

The 1st hostess enters, behind her the children move freely around the hall, as if walking, sit down at the side walls, the 2nd hostess brings up the rear.

All the children are in Russian costumes.

1st housewife: - Let us, hostess, go to your hut, sing, dance, while away the evening!

Housewife 2: - What will you give for this?

Housewife 1: - What do you need?

Hostess 2: - Oh, I need a lot of something:

A bag of sugar, a pot of butter, cheese, sausages, a bunch of bagels, a bucket of kerosene, and another half ruble.

Housewife 1: - Oh, where can we get you so much? Here, take everything you scribbled.

Housewife 2: (looks into the bag and says): - Oh, isn’t that enough?

Housewife 1: - You still have a ruble for your greedy tooth.

2 The hostess removes the ruble, takes the bag and invites:

Come in, come in, dears; have fun and amuse your guests! We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting for you, we do not start the holiday without you. We have a place and a word for everyone!

Housewife 1: - We have prepared some fun things for you for every taste - for some a fairy tale, for others the truth, for others a song.

1 mistress (brings out a boy and a girl)

A daring fellow was walking along the street towards the end - it was Vanya, the daring, the daring, the daring!

The girl in the crown, blush on her face, looks pretty, stands without breathing!

Boy: - The girls are beautiful, and the fellows are kind! Get ready, dress up, go for a walk!

Round dance. "And I'm in the meadow"

Housewife 2: - Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous for their hard work. What are the proverbs and sayings about work?

The master's work is afraid;

Live idle, just smoke the sky;

A small deed is better than a big idleness;

If you’ve done your job, go for a walk;

The sun paints the earth, and man's labor;

If there was a hunt, the work would go well.

(to the music: “Will I go, will I go out?” two girls with rocker arms come out).

At this time, the hostess reads a nursery rhyme:

Housewife 1: - I’m sending the young lady down the hill for some water, but the water is far away, and the bucket is big. Our Katya will grow up, Katya will gain strength, she will begin to walk on water, and carry red buckets!

Dance: “The young woman went for water”(girls put down buckets)

Girls: - Time for business - time for fun!

Housewife 2: - The Russian people knew how to work well and have fun together!

Game "Pebbles"

1st hostess: - But Ivanushka is walking in a round dance and leading with her!

Round dance “Where was Ivanushka”

Presenter: - Today we will tell tall tales in person.

Fables in the faces sit in the towers - the bright rooms,

They crack nuts and create ridicule!


Fedul, why are you pouting your lips? - The caftan is burned! You can sew it up. Yes, there is no needle. Is the hole big? - There is only one gate left.

Son, go to the river for some water. - My belly hurts. Son, go eat some porridge. Well, since mother says, we must go.

Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest? Yes, I caught a bear. So lead me here. He's not coming. So go yourself. Yes, he won't let me in.

Leshy: - Did you like the nursery rhymes? Aren't you tired of sitting?

Russian dance.

Baba Yaga - I want to dance so much, but I don’t know how to start. Allow me to invite my Leshaichik to dance - once there, twice here, and then around you.

Dance of Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Girls: We will sing ditties now, and to go with the ditties - stampers!


(Two girls are busy - one is knitting, the other is embroidering):

1 girl: - A quitter and a slacker - their holiday is on Monday!

2nd girl: - Today it’s a walk, tomorrow it’s a walk - you’re even without a shirt!

1 girl: - Dear guests, would you like to eat some sweets and listen to a fairy tale?

2nd girl: - Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman - they had a hen, a pockmarked hen, and the hen laid an egg that was not ordinary - golden!

Baba: - Hey, old man, wake up quickly!

Grandfather: Are there wolves at the door? Why are you making noise, old woman?

Baba: - Yes, look what I found - our hen Pestrushka laid an egg under a bush!

Grandfather: - Well, she demolished it - what's the matter! What are you, woman, stunned?

Baba: - Yes, the egg is not simple, but look, it’s golden!

Grandfather: - Golden, in fact - you and I got rich!

Baba: - Look - it’s burning like heat!

Grandfather: - There would have been no fire.

Baba: - Oh, it’s burning, it’s blinding your eyes!

Grandfather: - Miracles!

Baba: - Miracles!

Grandfather: - You lock it in the chest (there is a knock on the door)

Baba: - There’s no one at home! Look at the neighbors, as luck would have it, it inadvertently brought it!

Grandfather: - You go lock the bolt, but you should let the dogs down!

Baba (returns):

On Wednesday I will go to the city, there is a market there on Wednesday. There are a lot of rich people there, and I’ll sell them an egg. When they give me a pile of money, they throw me rubles. I’ll get myself Siberian sables for a sheepskin coat. I’ll buy some new clothes, forty different skirts. Blue flowered tulle, I'll fill the chest to the brim.

Grandfather: - Why are you telling tales, look, a young woman has been found to dress up in different trash!

No, if we are rich, I will build three-story chambers and gazebos in the corners instead of a hut!

Baba: - Punishment with a stupid husband, that you are old, don’t be a whim, we live no worse than others, we don’t need floors! And your neighbors will laugh at you for these gazebos!

Grandfather: - Let them laugh, I don’t mind.

Baba: - Calm down, don’t scream. There a rolling pin has fallen to the floor, the cast iron is rattling in the oven. Oh, I don't like the white light.

Grandfather: - Am I the owner or not?

Baba: - Oh, the egg rolled, rolled and broke and there were no shells left, everything disappeared somewhere!

Grandfather: - Well, why are we bothering, miracles are only trouble, we will live as we lived before, and work as always!

Baba: - You can fix your fur coat and fix up your house.

Grandfather: - The only thing that is reliable is what comes to us through hard work. Open the door quickly, why should we hide now? Hey neighbor!

Baba: - Forgetting friends is not a good idea. Come in for an hour - I have good kvass and jams and pickles!

Come in without hesitation! Good luck to you hostesses! Great health! Happy new harvest and delicious pancakes!

Song "Pancakes".

They treat everyone to pancakes and say: “Pancake doesn’t spoil the belly!”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: organizing fun, relaxed communication between children; creating conditions for a good mood and comfort for children, in which every child can take the initiative, independence, creative improvisation.



  • to form children’s ideas about the traditions and customs of Russian folk culture, to improve skills in all types of performing, musical, educational and creative activities.
  • continue to introduce Russian folk art (games, round dances, ditties, songs), and Russian folk musical instruments. To consolidate the collective image of the autumn holidays and ritual actions.
  • learn to place a composition on an entire sheet of paper collectively.


  • develop children's singing, dancing, musical and gaming abilities, and the ability to create expressive images of heroes.
  • enrich your vocabulary, improve your skills of speech expressiveness and diction.
  • develop aesthetic perception.
  • promote the development of communicative qualities of children's imagination and creative abilities.


  • to cultivate interest in the life, traditions and customs of our ancestors, in oral folk art, music, dance, song, a sense of respect for folk culture.
  • enrich your vocabulary with musical terms;
  • develop the ability to identify musical instruments by sound; sing expressively and consistently, convey the character of the song in singing; perform musical and rhythmic movements harmoniously, in time with the sound of music;
  • develop a sense of rhythm, musical and creative abilities through playing children's musical instruments;
  • develop communication skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.
  • cultivate interest in native nature.

Methodical techniques: playful, visual, practical, artistic word. Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development, cognitive development.

Equipment and material: multimedia equipment, screen, video clips with musical material; slides with photographs on the theme “Autumn”; Whatman paper, dry leaves, glue, brushes; children's musical instruments: tambourines, bells, drums, pipes, wooden spoons, rattles, accordion; scarves, sundresses and shirts; decoration of the hall with the panel “Golden Autumn”.

Preliminary work: excursion to the park to collect autumn leaves and observe nature, a series of conversations on the theme of autumn and introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, acquaintance with labor in the village associated with harvesting.
Getting to know proverbs and sayings about work and skill, reading Russian folk tales.
Learning poems, songs, ditties, dances, round dances.

Progress of entertainment


Oh, you, gentlemen, guests
How long did it take you to get here?
It's not bad to stay at home,
And in our light there is a miracle
We greet everyone joyfully,
And we celebrate the Intercession here!
Get ready, dear guests,
Old and young!
All people are honest
To our big house,
With songs and dances,
With games and fairy tales,
With Russian kvass
Yes, with a cheerful dance.

To the music of the song “Protection of the Virgin”, children in Russian folk costumes enter the hall and dance in a round dance.

1 child:

So miracles, miracles...
All the forests have turned yellow!
Time for fabulous gifts -
Let's celebrate the Intercession!

2nd child:

Autumn covers the ground
A colorful, festive carpet.
This is how nature congratulates
Happy Great Protection to us!

3rd child:

Signs of autumn meet the eye in everything:
There stretches a cobweb there, glistening in the sun;
There you can see the haystack: and there, through the fence,
Viburnum hung with red tassels.

Round dance “There is a viburnum on the mountain.” (Children sit down)

Mistress: Now we will sit and look at each other. The month of October has arrived. In October, a leaf from a tree flies around - it spins, it’s not for nothing that its name is - the month is the deciduous month, the month is the pre-winter month. Tell me, children, what signs of autumn do you know?

Child: October has come - the Intercession has brought.

Child: They say that from Intercession until lunch it is autumn, and after lunch it is winter.


Like on the day of Intercession
They wove many carpets.
The first is herbal,
Summer is hot.
And the second carpet -
Dry leaves.
The third carpet is snow,
And it won't last forever.

Mistress: There is also this sign: “If the oak and birch trees lose all their leaves by the Intercession, then the year will be easy, and if not all, then there will be a harsh winter.


Silk handkerchiefs –
Yellow, red-burgundy,
Who dances with a handkerchief,
Yes, he plays the balalaika,
That's never boring.

Russian folk dance to the music of the song by N. Kadysheva and the Golden Ring ensemble “Give a birch tree.”

Mistress: Grandma is gray and white,
Sweet in autumn and winter,
And when summer comes -
They forget about grandma! (Stove)

Mistress: For the holiday of the Intercession, peasants lit stoves, baked pancakes and “sealed the corners” of their huts, treated the brownie - the keeper of the house and hearth, so that he would be well-fed and calm, and the heat would not be blown out of the house.

The song “We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time” is performed .

Mistress: They lit the stove, pampered the brownie, and you can sit on the bench and look out the window. With the Intercession of the Day, regular girls' gatherings began throughout Russia. People gathered in the hut, sang, danced, and did not forget to work: sewing, knitting and embroidering, and swinging a hatchet.


Gatherings, parties,
Stars in the festive heights -
These are Russian pictures
Our life in Rus'.


As people say: “Work for the hands is a holiday for the soul.”

1 child: And they also said: “He who is used to working cannot sit idle.”

2nd child: Where there is work, there is plenty, but in a lazy house it is empty.

3rd child: Don't be afraid of work - let it be afraid of you.

4th child: Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

5th child: A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.


Who's looking gloomy over there? –
The music starts again!
Hey guys, come out
Start a song together.

Song “The Young One Went for Water.”

1 child:

For Russian Quadrille, old
You only need four pairs.
We all want to dance quadrille!
How can this be? Sitting, bored?

2nd child:

You and I will not be bored,
Let's stand together in a cheerful circle.
We dance a square dance in a circle,
We’ll show you everything we can do!

Dance "Quadrille"


Come here quickly - there will be a performance.
Fun awaits us all on Pokrov, the autumn holiday!

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”


Grandfather and grandmother lived together
And they carried on their business -
We raised chickens, raised bread,
The granddaughter was a joy.

Small farm
Well, it requires care -
The bug guards the yard,
Murka guards the mice.


The sun is warming up hot,
The rooks are not too lazy to sing,
Grandfather is digging the garden,
Sows all day!

Granddaughter. I'm coming! I'm coming! (Runs away.)

Grandfather(shakes his head).

The granddaughter is at the neighbor's again,
Grandma cooks in the house
I’ll sow turnips myself today,
I won't trust anyone!
(Waters, sings.)

You grow, grow amazingly
And neighbors and relatives,
Pour yourself so beautiful -
You will be a guest at the table! (Leaves.)


Spring and summer have passed
Autumn is coming quietly
By the hour it's like a turnip
Everything grows, grows, grows...
(Grandfather comes out, scratches his head, amazed.)

Oh, you! Turnip! What a miracle!
It’s not in vain that I chanted –
So huge and beautiful
Didn't reach the top!
(Rises on tiptoes, looks up at the turnip leaves.)

How, however, can you reach it?
I'll bring a stepladder.
Oh! Fell! (Falls.) He must have tripped.
I'd better call grandma.
Grandma! Grandma!

Grandma. What are you doing, honey?

Grandfather. Go to the garden for now!

Grandma. That's a turnip!

I have no strength
Let's pull by the sides together!
(They pull a turnip and sing.)

Grandfather and Grandmother.

We pull and pull our turnip,
Then we let go, then we press,
Oh! Settled in very tightly
We'd better call our granddaughter.
(Name) Granddaughter! Granddaughter! Help us!
Go to the garden for now!
Granddaughter. That's a turnip!

Grandfather and grandmother.

I have no strength
Let's pull by the sides together!
(They pull, they sing) We pull and pull our turnip,
Then we let go, then we press,
Oh! It stuck very tightly.
We'd better call Zhuchka.
(Name.) Bug! Bug! Help us!
Run to the garden quickly!

Bug. Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!

Then we let go, then we press,
Oh! It stuck very tightly.
Let's call Murka the cat.
(Name.) Murka! Murka! Help us!
Run to the garden quickly!

Murka. Meow! Meow!

No power. Don't regret yours!
(Pulling, singing) Pull-pull our turnip
Then we let go, then we press,
Oh! It stuck very tightly.
So what? Shall we call the mouse?
(Name.) Mouse! Mouse! Help us!
Run to the garden quickly!

Mouse. Pee-pee-pee-ee!

Well, no power. Don't feel sorry for yours
(They pull and sing.) Pull and pull our turnip
Let's release, then press!
Oh! (Everyone falls on top of each other.)
(They talk to each other.)
She sat very tightly,
Now we can rest!
(They dance around the turnip and sing.)
What a marvel!
Grew up in the garden
And huge and beautiful,
And probably delicious!

Let the cold come, the blizzard,
We are not afraid of the cold,
We helped each other
There will be food for the winter!


Together we pulled out the turnip,
That she sat firmly in the ground.
And now we will rest,
Let's all go play with Grandfather.

The game "Grandfather" is played

A “grandfather” is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. Everyone playing walks in a circle and sings:

You, gray-haired grandfather,
Why are you sitting under water?
Look out for a minute.
Look at least a little.
We came to you for an hour,
Come on, touch us and try us.

“Grandfather” gets up from his seat and begins to catch the players who are running away to their seats.


Listen, guys,
I'll tell you a riddle.
And they trample her and cut her, she is not angry, she responds kindly.
Of course, earth, thank you dear, thank you nurse, low bow to you.
Hey! Daring people!
Start a song
Lead the round dance!

Russian folk round dance “Zemelushka - Chernozem”


So they sang and danced,
Haven't we read poetry?
Tell us, children, please,
About a beauty, about Autumn.

Poems about autumn


Autumn, autumn, autumn,
We ask you to visit
With abundant bread,
With high sheaves,
With falling leaves and rain
With a migrating crane.


Oh, you artist, Autumn,
Teach me how to draw like this.
I'm in your work then
I will help you.


The stupid cloud didn't know
That autumn has come here:
Fire, forest outfit
It's pouring downpour for an hour straight!


Oh, the trees have turned yellow,
They sway in the wind.
It's a pity, summer days
It ends so quickly.


Autumn, you are a sorceress,
Noble sorceress.
We missed you
Waiting for beauty!


Leaf fall, leaf fall
Autumn caulking forest!
Hemp came flying -
The edges have turned red!
The wind flew by
The wind whispered in the forest:
“Don’t complain to the doctor,
I'm treating the freckled ones.
I'll tear off all the red flowers,
I’ll throw them into the grass!”


Wind, wind, breeze,
Swooped in and dragged me away
All the leaves from the tree,
Scattered them on the fields.
We'll come quietly
Let's collect the sheet in the basket,
We will give autumn
Our carpet of foliage.

A collective application of natural material “Autumn Carpet” is being carried out.


Walk, round dance,
Have fun honest people,
On land open to the winds,
We end the holiday
In honor of the ruddy, eminent
In a ringing song not forgotten
Our Mother Earth!

The dance “Russian Village” is performed.


The bread was removed and it became quieter,
The bins are breathing hotly,
The field is sleeping, it is tired
Winter is coming.
Smoke floats over the village,
Pies are baked in houses.
Come in, don't be shy
Help yourself to some pies.

Children and all guests are invited to the tables for tea and pies.


1. Russian folk dance "Quadrille".

2. Russian folk dance to the music of the song by N. Kadysheva and the Golden Ring ensemble “Give a Birch.”

3. Russian folk dance “Russian Village”.

4. Russian folk song “The Young One Went for Water.”

5. Song “We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time.”

6. Russian folk song “On the mountain is viburnum.”

7. Game "Grandfather".

8. Round dance “Zemelushka - black earth”.


  1. I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva. Collection “Like ours at the gates.”
  2. M.Yu. Cartushina. "Russian folk holidays in kindergarten." M., 2006.
  3. E.O. Zhmulina. Folklore festival “Gatherings on Pokrov”.
  4. A.S. Kuprina, T.A. Budarina. Introducing children to Russian folk art."
  5. M.V. Tikhonova, N.S. Smirnova "Red Hut..."