How to get rid of a curse if it is imposed on an entire family? Ancestral curse: signs, methods of removal.

Financial problems, constant setbacks in his personal life, deteriorating health and frequent conflicts with loved ones indicate that a person is being persecuted generational curse. We can say that this is an energy-informational disease that does not allow the patient to live a full life and realize his plans and dreams. It is also capable of gradually killing its victim and being passed on to its heirs, up to the seventh generation.

An introduced magical program of destruction, capable of being transmitted to subsequent generations, is a curse of the family or damage. She amazes karmic body or, as it is also called, informational. Because of this, it is disrupted personal growth and human development. Then his physical shell begins to suffer.

Damage does not allow you to build a successful career, find your mate, or conceive a child. It provokes the development of difficult to explain health problems. Turns away all possible favorable circumstances from its victim.

Some scientists stated that they were able to unravel the terrible mechanism of the ancestral curse along the female and male lines. It turns out that sorcerers or energetically strong personalities capable of directing a powerful stream of certain negative energy towards their victim. It changes the structure of the victim's germ cells. Because of this, newborn boys die or are born frail. And girls pass on a genetic defect to the next generations.

Corruption is the most powerful magical attack. It happens several types:

The destructive energy-informational impact aimed at the family affects every family member. With the advent of a new generation, its effect intensifies. When someone dies in the family, their share of the damage is distributed like an inheritance equally among relatives. For this reason, relatives may experience an overwhelming burden. That is, what was a burden on the soul of the deceased was passed on to his relatives.

Common Signs of Negative Impact

Particularly superstitious individuals are ready to explain any failure as damage. But you can’t catch it like a runny nose. Fortunately, people are not capable of cursing those around them left and right. This requires certain conditions, strong energy potential or the help of a professional.

Generic damage can be determined on several grounds:

Men's and women's line

Damage to the energy field is most often caused along the female line. This is due to the fact that representatives of the fairer sex have a stronger connection with supernatural forces and are more emotional. In most cases, such rituals are custom-made. And the reason may be resentment for taking away the groom.

Basic signs of a family curse in the female line:

There is also a so-called self-curse. It can be imposed during a major quarrel, when a woman throws enormous power into the astral world negative emotions. They take the form of damage, which falls both on the woman herself and on her relatives.

Energy-informational damage in the male line is much less common. It can be determined according to such signs:

Provide for yourself and your children happy life is possible only in case of complete cleansing from damage. This will require a lot of effort. From this powerful tool astral world not as easy to get rid of as the evil eye.

Damage to the energy field affects the entire body as a whole. From the first days there is a rapid decline in the energy of the individual. A cheerful person becomes gloomy and begins to suffer from depression. We can say that a hole appears in his aura, through which evil entities subtle world draw out vital energy.

The damned one has a lot of difficult questions that arise out of nowhere, which he is not able to solve. Problems, like a snowball, increase every day. Karmic debts are activated, which lead to serious illnesses.

Some people have the moral strength to resist destructive influences. If they do not give up trying to correct the main aspects of their fate, their efforts can compensate for the vast majority negative manifestations damage. Unfortunately, few are capable of such efforts. To do this you need to have great will and determination.

A bad streak can happen in the life of any person. Damage should not be considered the cause of all problems. You need to start worrying if several signs of a curse appear simultaneously. And also if you suddenly fell vitality and depression began.

Before you try to remove a generational curse on your own, you need to find out whether the cause of failure is really energy damage. This can be done using the usual chicken egg. For the ritual you will need:

  • fresh a raw egg(not older than three days) from domestic chicken;
  • a glass of clean water;
  • church candle.

Break an egg into a glass of water. Set the shell aside; it will need to be burned later. Then consider the contents of the glass. Any one of them will tell you that an energy-informational disease is present. three signs:

  1. The protein threads form crosses.
  2. The yolk is dark green or black.
  3. There are worms in the egg.

Be sure to take the glass with water and egg out of the house. Bury it in the ground. Don't forget to burn the shell.

It is easiest to remove damage if the culprit is known. That is, that person from the clan upon whom the destructive influence was initially directed. To do this, you need to remember all the names of deceased ancestors in the female line up to the third or fourth generation. Write them down on a piece of paper and go to the temple.

The church needs to take the following steps:

If during the funeral service all the candles burned calmly and evenly, we can assume that the bearer of the damage is alive. In this case, it is best to seek advice from the priest. He will tell you what a believer should do in this difficult situation.

You can get rid of the curse at home. It may not be possible to do this quickly and you will need to perform the ritual several times. To achieve a positive result, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Ritual "Paradise Apple"

An ordinary apple will help get rid of spoilage. This method is simple, so it is suitable for a beginner. The difficulty can only be caused by the need to treat all relatives to the enchanted dish. In this case, you can limit yourself to only those people who live in the same city and communicate at least occasionally.

Prepare for the ritual:

Place the photograph of your relatives in the Bible and leave it there for seven days. A week later, take out the photo, light a candle and read the “Our Father.” Then whisper three times over the photo: “Jesus Christ, I pray to you! Bless your servants (names of all relatives), grant protection and support. Remove the enemy's black slander from us. Amen!".

On the same day, go to church and light candles for health to all relatives. When you get home, bake an apple pie. During cooking, it is necessary to repeat the words from time to time: “Apple of Paradise, remove the curse!” When the dish is ready, divide equally and treat all relatives.

Ritual with wax

A negative energy program can be destroyed church candles. To perform the ritual you will need to purchase several candles. This ritual must be performed independently on the waning moon. Start no earlier than midnight. Prepare in advance:

  • tin can;
  • a bowl of water;
  • three candles.

At midnight, turn off the electric lights and all household appliances. Light one candle from a match, pick it up and clean the room with it. To do this, walk around the entire apartment with a candle, starting from the front door. In every room, be sure to go to all corners and stand there for a few seconds. Go around the rooms clockwise. To enhance the effect, you can read your favorite prayer.

After cleaning the room, you can begin the ritual. Place the prepared items on the table. Light a second candle from the one used for cleansing. Break the third candle, pull it out and throw away the wick. Place the wax in a tin and hold it over the fire until it is completely melted.

Read the words three times over the melted wax: “I, servant of God (name), ask our Lord: remove the curse from my family. Amen!". After this, slowly pour the wax into a bowl of water. Cast a spell over the water: “As water in the spring lifts dirt and carries it away, so may my shell be cleansed of filth. I pour it out and hope. Let it be so".

After the wax hardens, take all the magical attributes used in the ritual and go outside with them. Dig a hole under any tree and put everything there, bury it. When returning home, do not turn around and do not talk to people you meet.

Generic damage is a terrible thing. She can ruin your life huge family. If there is a suspicion that loved ones have come under negative energy influence, you need to make sure your guesses are correct. If they are confirmed, immediately begin cleansing. In some cases, the curse is so strong that it is impossible to remove it on your own. Then you need to seek help from a specialist. And for believers, seek advice from a priest.

This is some kind of curse, life is not going well. There is no husband, no children either. There is no way who was guilty in the family. A magical spell to help you. Read it with intonation.

The ritual will not destroy anyone.

You will not take sin on your soul.

So don't worry about anything.

Father or mother, my grandmother or grandfather,
Which have not been around for a long time.

Once upon a time they received a spell,
Now I'm carrying a family curse.

It was born along a family chain,
Like an evil ulcer settled inside me.

I want it to stop as soon as possible
And it returned to the bowels of the earth forever.

When midnight comes, I will light the candles,
After reading these lines, I will burn the paper.

I will leave the innate evil to the earth,
And tomorrow morning I will light candles in the church.

Seven pieces so that our ancestors may rest in peace,
And seven for health - to divine powers.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

1). You go to church and buy seven expensive candles.

2). Fill a pre-prepared container with holy water.

3). If it is not in stock, then purchase it from the church store. orthodox icons Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Blessed Elder Matrona and the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

4). Be sure to wear a consecrated cross.

Never take it off.

5). At exactly midnight, lock yourself in your room and light the candles.

Place a vessel with holy water and Orthodox icons nearby.

6). Read the Lord's Prayer “Our Father” seven times in a row.

7). Drink Not a large number of holy water.

8). Read a magical plot to remove a family curse from a page seven times in a row.

There is nothing terrible in the fact that in this case Christian prayer and a conspiracy are intertwined, which does not manipulate evil forces, but is aimed at attracting the light energy of the deity for independent deliverance from a terrible illness.

9). Wait until the candles burn out completely.

10). Wrap their remains in a sheet with a spell and set fire to the package, placing it on a pre-prepared saucer.

eleven). Drink holy water again.

12). Wear disposable gloves and place the combustion products along with the saucer in a plastic bag.

13). Bury him in a deserted place, burying him securely.

14). Return home without looking back or engaging in conversation with a random passerby.

15). Drink holy water for the third time.

16). Put away the Orthodox icons and get rid of the gloves.

They won't harm you.

17). In the morning, go to church and give a note of repose to your deceased relatives by buying fourteen candles.

18). Give a note about health not only to yourself, but also to those who are connected with you along the karmic line.

These are your children, grandchildren and parents, of course, if they are living peacefully.

19). Place seven candles on the eve and the same number for the Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Blessed Elder Matrona and the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

20). Go to church more often, try to observe fasts and spiritual traditions, then no evil intentions can harm you and your children.

May the Lord deliver you from the curse of the family that has settled inside your soul.

The ancestral curse is one of the most serious types. When one of your relatives is in danger, this in itself inspires fear, but the whole horror of the family curse lies in the fact that it is directed not at one specific family member, but at all representatives of the family, up to the seventh generation. It does not spare anyone - neither women, nor old people, nor children.

Fortunately, you can get rid of it too. It’s up to you to decide which method to use, but we’ll look at it later. effective rituals and we will tell you how to remove the generational curse with prayers.

What is a generational curse?

In this world there are many interconnections and interweavings, the causes of which are often difficult to understand. Moreover, even minor actions often lead to significant consequences, and it happens when you generally cannot understand the reasons for certain situations.

Next, consider such a phenomenon as a generational curse, the phenomenon is more than significant and requires detailed study. In particular, if you observe any signs of a generational curse in yourself or someone you know, you should try to deal with this, let’s say, illness.

First, it should be noted that there is a very active study of situations similar to generational curses in modern psychology. For example, there are now popular Hellinger constellations, which, in general, talk about repeating scenarios in the genus and methods for correcting these scenarios. Hellinger also suggests various options“treatment” allows people to understand their own existence and help loved ones.

Nevertheless, it cannot be said that in the end the practices of modern psychology, which are postulated as based on the opinions of scientists, helped better than working with rituals, using effective religious methods, such as for example. By the way, even Hellinger himself called the basis of his own methodology certain ancient cult practices.

Any curse imposed, intentionally or sent rashly, is a serious gap in the bioenergetic field of the person to whom such a curse was addressed. As a result of ritual influence, troubles begin to pour in literally from everywhere - the physical and emotional health of the object of the curse suffers - it is no longer in his hands.

The stream of misfortunes that have befallen affects not only the individual, but with destructive force has an impact on the entire family, right down to deaths. Unfortunately, recognizing such powerful damage not so simple - the masks behind which the negative message is hidden are too numerous and can be misleading.

However, you can try to track the series of tragedies that suddenly washed over you and unsuspecting relatives, and, perhaps, identify some patterns.

How to recognize it?

Only the special people– magicians, sorcerers and psychics. Therefore, in order to stop the curse before it begins to manifest itself fully, dragging your entire future legacy into the karmic pool, it is necessary to: urgently seek help from people with magical abilities.

Explicit signs presence of a family curse:

  • An abnormally large number for one family of cases of suicide, victims of tragic accidents, mortality among young members of the family, as well as the number of family members with acute mental disorders - the mentally ill.
  • Infertility in women or frequent cases of stillbirth.
  • Propensity of family members to drug addiction or alcoholism in the form of severe dependence.
  • Frequent cases termination.
  • Too much similar deplorable fates among relatives.
  • Ongoing scandals and friction within the family, even to the point of assault with grave consequences.
  • Renunciation by children from their parents.
  • A large number of early widowed women.

One way or another, sooner or later, but all these signs lead to the inevitable extermination of an entire species. And the way out of this frightening situation depends on you - to humbly accept it, or to act decisively and immediately.

How to remove it yourself?

Solving the problem on your own is possible. But mitigation of the destructive power of the ancestral curse or its complete neutralization is real only under the condition that the damage was sent unintentionally, “in the hearts.” Then, conspiracies and specific rituals, of which there are a whole lot, can become salvation. Another necessary condition– this is the presence of an entirely positive attitude and positive energy.

If the ancestral curse is no longer “young”, but has been in effect for several decades, and has managed to acquire frightening proportions up to the present moment, then the only way to solve the problem is to resort to serious prayer practices.

In addition, people who practice with knowledge of their craft, rich experience and a special gift will help to identify the sources of damage, determine its causes and find the culprit of all this horror, proposing methods and methods for eliminating or at least weakening the effect of the curse sent to the family.

Once there is no doubt that the curse has been cast, it is time for decisive action.. In no case should you put off solving the problem and wait until the damage manifests itself with all its might - you need to take urgent measures.

Whatever the reason for the curse, first of all you need to turn to prayer. Reading a prayer text about removing a generational curse, carried out regularly, can not only weaken the destructive effect of a negative message, but even completely neutralize it. Be that as it may, you will be guaranteed a positive result.

But reading one prayer, however, is not enough. It is still necessary to make a number of special ritual actions to achieve maximum effect. The main thing is not to give up, not to follow the lead of the frightening curse, not to lose faith and positive mood even after tragic troubles and misfortunes have befallen.

Ritual actions

A curse is always part of that negative energy, which is the embodiment of the one who sends the damage. With his negative fibers, the messenger not only enhances the effect of the illness directed at you, but also feeds on its “black” results. Therefore, your positive attitude against the negative energy of the recipient can nullify the effect of the curse. All in your hands. Here and now.

The first thing you need to do is go to and buy 7 candles. No need to skimp, buy expensive and high-quality candles - future ritual objects. Stock up on holy water. Also, you need to have several icons: the Most Holy Mother of God, Jesus Christ the Savior, the Holy Matrona of Moscow and the Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer.

If you don’t have any at home, be sure to purchase them on the same day along with candles. You must have a blessed cross hanging around your neck., you need to wear it without taking it off.

When midnight comes, lock yourself in the room, place lighted candles, all the icons listed above, and place a container of holy water nearby. Start reading the Lord's Prayer by repeating it 7 times. Take a sip of holy water. Also, read the prayer to remove the curse from the family 7 times, wait until the last candle burns out.

You can use various options for prayers to remove the curse from your family. For example, use this combination: first read the creed, then Psalm 90, and then the following strong prayer.

“Heavenly King, True Comforter of the Soul! You are the One in everything, and by Your Will everything is fulfilled.

You are the Unfading Light, the Eternal Peace and the Treasure of the Hearts of the Devotees, giving them life.

Abide in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the Hidden Cups of your children, grant hope, forgiveness and salvation to all who call Your name. Amen.

Free, Almighty and Merciful, your children from unkind thoughts, from evil words, from bitter curses, from all shamanism and witchcraft, from damage, the evil eye and slander, for we trust only in You, the One.

Purify all those who thirst for Light in darkness and the shadow of death, for You, the Living and True, Almighty God of the Armies of Heaven, are joy and consolation for all those who despair.

Thy Love is a Fiery Sword, freeing all Thy Devotees from the chains created by the servants of the One who opposes Thy Will, and let the fierce and evil ones retreat in powerlessness before the image of Christ, imprinted in the Inner of Thy sons and daughters.

Comforter of the True Soul, hear my prayer, hear the prayers of all who call on Your Holy Name, spread the Liberating Sword over your children, protect Your Devotees with the Shield of Love and Justice, for You, the One, are our hope and hope.

I glorify You in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, who is Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever. Amen."

Afterwards, collect all 7 cinders and wrap them in a sheet of paper on which the prayer is written, put them in a plate and set them on fire. Take another sip of holy water. Place the ashes and smoldering cinders remaining after the ceremony in a bag and bury it in the ground in some place where people usually do not go.

Without turning around, return home, and under no circumstances engage in conversation with anyone on the way. At home, take a sip of holy water again. Place the icons in their places.

When morning comes, go to church and give a note for the peace and health of your deceased relatives by buying 14 candles. A note for health must be given not only for yourself, but also for all your living relatives - from the oldest generation to its youngest representatives.

Do not forget to regularly attend church, observe fasts, read spiritual traditions and believe in the best outcome of events - only in this way, by strictly following all the instructions and sincerely exuding a positive attitude, you can be sure that in the future, no, even the darkest thoughts, will be able to cause harm. harm to you and your loved ones.

Through the female line

During pregnancy, the child is completely dependent on the mother, and there is a strong bond between them. What happens after the baby is born? This connection does not disappear anywhere, it remains for life. That is why the mother needs to be careful, since she, not wanting to harm her child, can bring trouble to him.

A generational curse has a powerful influence on a woman and she, without realizing it, can transfer it to her baby (for the most part this happens among women).

What to do in such a situation? - this is the main question, since the child’s life may be in danger. Simple petitions and conspiracies will not help here, since the mother’s curse cannot be lifted without a ritual called “unction.” It is necessary to periodically perform the ceremony, attend church services, read prayer books and give alms to those in need, only one condition - this must be done regularly for three years.

The ancestral curse cannot be stopped, it can only be lifted. Turning to God can help with this, and it is also necessary to light candles for all deceased ancestors. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that if a candle begins to crack, then the person to whom it was installed was the first; this misfortune came from him. If this did not happen, then the curse was invoked by a living person.

Then you need to buy a candle and place it in front of the icon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, while saying a request for healing mentioning the name of the one who brought this curse, of course, if you are sure of this. After the prayer, you should say the following: “Let my sins burn away! Give them, Lord, peace! Thank you, Lord!” At the end, you need to order a prayer service to your deceased ancestors for a year.

For men

Such a curse is dangerous because it lasts until it is lifted or all the men of the clan die, and accidents, suicides or accidents due to drunkenness occur more often. This type of curse appeared in ancient times in order to deal with influential families.

It is important to know that it can also attract trouble. close person, without wanting it. The most important thing is to take seriously and attentively what is happening to your family and friends, and if you have suspicions, immediately begin to act, as the consequences can be serious.


In conclusion, we offer you some particularly effective prayer combinations. Here orthodox prayer for the purification of the family in combination with gratitude:

“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who has offended me, willingly or unwillingly, in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.

Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness to all people who, wittingly or unwittingly, in word, deed or thought, were offended by my ancestors.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse my family.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, I thank You for everything that You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.”

Here's another one effective prayer for cleaning the family, which is also effective read for 40 days:

First you need to say the Our Father.

“Lord, Your eyes saw the embryo of Your daughter (son) (name). In Your book are written all the days appointed for her (him).

Drive away the evil spirits from me, so that I will not be harmed dangerous path. Don't let the bloodthirsty come to me. Forgive those who conceived and
who gave birth to my father (...), mother (...) and all my great-grandfathers from the beginning.

Like snow in summer and rain during harvest, so honor is indecently stupid, like a sparrow flutters, like a swallow flies away, so an undeserved curse on me, the daughter (son) of God (name), will not come true. Amen."

Family damage is transmitted through the female or male lines: from a woman to daughters and granddaughters, from a man to sons and grandsons. If it was done intentionally, to remove it you need to turn to specialists - a healer, a hereditary warlock. If a person himself uttered evil words, or the evil eye was cast by an inexperienced envious person, rituals and prayer to remove the generational curse will help.


What is a generational curse

A family spell is a wish spoken with anger. A generational curse is intentional when an ill-wisher consciously utters words with negative connotations, and unconsciously spoken in the hearts.

Examples of spells cast by a person:

  • so that you never have children;
  • damn this house;
  • Yes, what would you all.

Types and symptoms of generational curses

There are different types of generational curses:

Sphere of lifeSymptoms
HealthSudden deterioration in health up to death.
Continuation of the family linePregnancy failures and miscarriages. Infertility that cannot be explained medically. Deaths of newborn children (up to 40 days of life).
RelationshipLoneliness. The same type of love affair scenario that ends in breakup.
PersonalityA bleak perception of reality, prolonged depression.
LuckTotal bad luck - wavy or constant - affecting all areas of life.
MoneyInability to earn money or get rich, regular financial losses. Lack of money to the point of poverty.

Anna Kiryanova talks about the types and manifestations of ancestral curses on her official channel.

General signs

You can determine a curse on a family by analyzing the presence of traits:

  • the presence of dispossessed and exiled people in the family;
  • mortality of children under 3 years of age;
  • bad relationships along the female (mother-daughter) or male (father-son) lines;
  • causeless conflicts between generations of the family;
  • suicides;
  • lack of money;
  • alcohol, drug addiction;
  • the same type of negative scenario of love and marriage relationships in several generations;
  • identical diseases that cannot be treated officially;
  • childlessness, infertility;
  • litigation between relatives;
  • the birth of deformities or the presence of defects such as 6 fingers on the hand;
  • atheism, conversion to another faith;
  • renunciation of family members from the clan, home: “You are not my daughter,” “I will not set foot in this apartment.”

How does it manifest in men?

Manifestations of generational curses in men:

  • early death, which occurred as a result of an accident, from a rapid illness;
  • serious accidents;
  • disability;
  • inability to realize oneself and earn money;
  • strong quarrels and divorce;
  • health problems.

What are the main symptoms in women?

You can determine a generational curse by symptoms:

  • craving for sexual contacts with different partners;
  • pregnancy from casual relationships;
  • the birth of problematic illegitimate children;
  • the emergence of bad habits;
  • manifestation of criminal tendencies (including on the part of the husband), which are punishable by law;
  • morbidity and mortality of children;
  • problems with men (frequent widowhood), including in the sexual sphere;
  • loss of job, lack of money;
  • recurrent diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • mental disorders, manic tendencies;
  • unluckiness;
  • incurable diseases;
  • early mortality;
  • the presence of suicides among adults and children in the family.

How does it manifest in a child?

Negativity directed at a child has manifestations:

  • one or a series of emotional shocks;
  • loss of interest in usual activities and studies;
  • getting into bad company;
  • lack of contact and mutual understanding with parents (for no apparent reason);
  • frequent troubles;
  • accidents;
  • unwillingness to live.

How to determine a family curse by date of birth

It is possible to determine the impact of a curse by a person’s date of birth in the following way:

  1. The numbers of the date of birth are summed up. For example, July 7, 1985 is 7+7+1+9+8+5=37
  2. The resulting figure is converted to a single digit by addition: 3+7=10=1+0=1
  3. The first digit of a person’s birthday is multiplied by two: 7×2=14
  4. The last value is subtracted from the first value obtained: 37-14=23
  5. This number is converted to a single digit: 2+3=5

As a result, there are 4 working numbers:

  • first - 37;
  • second - 1;
  • third - 23;
  • fourth - 5.

The curse of the family is indicated by the presence of the number 6 in the second or fourth meaning. In the first case, there is severe damage, inherited from the parents. In the second - a weaker one, which has passed through several generations.

Is it possible to find out who cursed whom from the family?

To establish the identity or name of the person who carried out the generational curse, you can use special rituals. The simplest of them is to see the offender in a dream. It is important to completely relax and say (you can read from a piece of paper) a special spell at night.

Spell text:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes. Among the ranks of the bright ones there is Saint Samson. In the name of God, eternal and living, I say holy word- Saint Samson, show me prophetic dream. Let Saint Samson show me my enemy; let the prophet show his face through a dream. Living and most holy Trinity, help, Lord Jesus Christ, bless my sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The second way to recognize the cursed family refers to black magic. To complete it, you need to go to the cemetery and find an old rusty nail there. You cannot touch it with your hands - only through a piece of cloth or a glove.

It will need to be scored over front door, reciting the spell:

Let my enemy come in three days, and if he doesn’t come, he will die in six months. Cemetery, coffin, nail, I'm waiting for you, invited guest.

The third method involves a ritual using wax candles (must be melted in advance). The meaning of the ritual is to cast wax into water and decipher the images. The wax has frozen in the shape of the moon or a plant, which means that the woman has cursed the family. If the image resembles an animal or geometric figure- man. Perhaps the wax will result in a name or its first letter. The numbers indicate the period when the damage was done.

You can learn about the curse through meditation: you need to focus on the person’s gender and personal acquaintance with him. Independently scan the presence of someone else’s energy in your aura - it will be different dark color and high density. This method is only suitable for people who practice meditation.

How can the church help in the event of a generational curse?

To find out who started the curse of the family, you can turn to the church for help and order a memorial service. It is necessary in advance to light candles for the repose of each deceased relative. While the clergyman reads the submitted names, you need to pay attention to the reaction of the candles. In case of magical influence, the wax will begin to darken and the flame will begin to crackle. If they all burn evenly, the curse lies on the one who came to the temple.

If the curse of the family began with one of the deceased, you need to visit his grave in the cemetery and leave funeral food there. This could be vodka and bread, on which the spell is cast:

There is no bread for you (name), take away your curse!

After this, you need to order a 40-day or annual reading from the church funeral service. As soon as the effect of the curse is neutralized, the person will experience relief.

Orthodox prayers for generational curses

Orthodox Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker can help get rid of negative impact damage if you perform a certain ritual:

  1. Submit a note to the church about the health of living family members and the repose of the dead.
  2. Buy 3 candles and place them in front of the icon.
  3. Say these words:

    Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, deliver the living from the curse and remember the souls of those who have fallen asleep forever. Amen.

  4. Cross yourself three times and buy 12 wax candles on the way out.
  5. It is advisable to purchase a new icon of St. Nicholas and holy water.
  6. At home, you need to be alone with what you bought in a separate room.
  7. Place the icon and pour holy water into the container. Ask the Lord God for forgiveness of sins for all members of your family (living and deceased).
  8. Light candles (1 per day) and pray.

Prayer to remove the family curse to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Nicholas the Wonderworker, you are our protector and savior. Do not torment me with suffering, but deliver me from torment and illness. Don’t let the evil sorcerer’s corruption break me and my loved ones. Let the relatives not suffer from this hour; their lives will improve as soon as possible. Looking at all the good things that happen to them will make me feel better. But if there is no curse, I ask you, Pleasant, take all the troubles away from my family. I believe in your help. Amen.

Another effective method getting rid of the curse of the family looks like this:

  1. Keep a 7-day fast, after which you will confess and receive communion.
  2. Visit three different churches in one day and order magpie for yourself in them.
  3. In every temple, light candles for the repose of the dead, saying the following conspiracy: “Let me go, dead man, and my troubles because of your curses will come to an end. Amen".
  4. Light candles in front of the icons of God and the Mother of God.
  5. Order 2 memorial services for the deceased from the paternal and maternal lines. If you know from which side the damage came, you can submit notes with the names of the relevant loved ones.

Muslim prayers

Verily, we belong completely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. Oh, Lord, I will be accountable to you for my understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown and divert trouble to something that is better than it.

The order of reading the holy texts is as follows:

  1. Say the words: “I seek Allah’s protection from Shaitan.”
  2. Surah "Fotiha".
  3. Petition for forgiveness of sins.
  4. Prayer to remove damage. Read 7 times.

Rituals for removing generational curses

You can get rid of a family curse yourself using black magic rituals. The “Mirror” conspiracy is considered one of the most effective. To implement it, you will need 2 mirrors installed in front and behind the cursed person.

At midnight, you need to light a wax church candle and say the following text three times:

You, black night, you, dark mirror, reflect evil words from me, the curse of man, the sign of hell. I'm asking you for the first time. Amen.

At the same time, it is important to look yourself in the eye.

After reading the plot, you need to wash your face with holy water and wipe your face with a T-shirt or other clothing. After the candle burns out, the cinder is placed on an A4 sheet. You need to draw a cross next to the wax, and then fold the paper and bury it under any tree. Mirrors are put away in the closet - away from prying eyes. This coming Sunday you need to light a candle in the church in front of the icon of “God, the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit” with words of gratitude.

Step-by-step instructions for getting rid of ancestral curses using rites and rituals. Taken from the channel "Simplemagic".

Getting rid of the curse in the male line

To remove the negative program that is transmitted through the male line, you must wait until Easter. Three male relatives need to climb to the bell and ring it exactly 12 times, while holding onto the rope. The bell ringer is then given eggs and money with a request to pray for these people.

Ringing from Heaven, Christ is Risen! Death defeated, hell destroyed. So our Christian race, the baptized and forgiven, will rise again, defeat death, and destroy the curse. Just as the Church of Christ is strong, so our male race will be strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Removing the curse through the female line

3 important rules to remove this curse:

  • attend services in the temple;
  • pray;
  • give alms.

Such damage can be removed in the following way:

  1. Put 3 wax candles in the shape of a triangle, in the center of which there should be a photograph of a person.
  2. Wet your fingers in holy water and cross the photo three times.
  3. Say the words: “Lord, have mercy and bless. Thanks to To higher powers I close the generational curse forever.”
  4. Place an egg on the photo and spin it with the words:

    The continuous circle collects evil, damage and all the destruction and drives it into a chicken egg. Like the red sun, it spins. It will not stop for a moment until the terrible evil inside it disappears. Let the magic not spread to loved ones, to small children. Let it turn the yolk black and leave the women of our kind forever.

How to remove a curse imposed by relatives

If one of the relatives intentionally or accidentally cast a curse, the following ritual must be performed:

  1. Buy a black poppy and 7 church candles.
  2. Pour the seeds into any small container and place them under the kitchen table for a week.
  3. Light a candle every day and stick it in the center of the bowl.
  4. After it goes out, say: “What came with evil, I sweep (name) into the house. The devil is damned, but good for me. Amen!".
  5. Take the poppy to a relative’s doorstep after reading the plot again. An important condition for the return of a curse is the sincere forgiveness of the one who imposed it.

Mother's curse

In order to get rid of the maternal curse, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Order sorokoust for all members of your family and for yourself.
  2. Light candles to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ. Then - before the images Mother of God and Matrona.
  3. Read Psalm No. 90 and “Our Father” three times before the face of each saint.
  4. Carry out these actions for 40 consecutive days.

How to get rid of the money curse

To remove material damage, you can use one of the following rituals:

  1. On banknote of any denomination, you must cross out all the numbers with a black pen. After this, you need to fold it 4 times and sew it with white thread on the inside of the outerwear. During the sewing process the following words are said:

    “Happiness to happiness, money to money, any misfortune will bypass me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

  2. Use black threads to sew along the edges of the banknote with the words:

    “I sew up failure, I sew up lack of money, I sew up debts and problems. Luck will return to me. Let it be so".

  3. After this, the money must be buried under a tree or thrown into the river.

How to remove the generational curse of loneliness

Experts should help in removing the “crown of celibacy”; it is very difficult to get rid of it on your own.

You need to purchase the “Seven Arrows” icon from the church and place it on a cotton scarf at home. Before the lit candles, a prayer is read to the Mother of God, after which a spell must be pronounced. This must be done 12 times, after which the icon is wrapped in a scarf and placed under the pillow. After 3 days it can be installed in the iconostasis.

Conspiracy text:

Long-suffering Mother of God! Accept me with your mercy! Cover me under your roof! The words of this curse struck me with loneliness. Protect me with your name! Let me fulfill God's purpose! Amen.

Getting rid of the gypsy curse

To remove damage from gypsies, you need to come to the river for 12 days and pronounce the following spell:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. My dear mother gave birth to me, the Mother of God blessed me. Lord help, Lord protect: from the evil gypsy evil eye, from any spell of witchcraft, from enemies, from enemies, from ghosts, bites, damned speeches, ogling eyes. And if there is already something superficial, take it, remove my body, and free my soul: from all the relics, eyes, elbows, from speeches, from blood, from relatives. Lord, save me, preserve me and protect me, wash me off, rinse me off, free me from any damage. I will prop myself up with the holy word and wipe myself with the wind. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.


The video provides powerful prayer to remove a family curse. Taken from the official channel of Victor Gurchik.

From this article you will learn how to independently remove the generational curse in the church.

Please be patient to read it to the end.

A family curse is nothing more than a blockage of energy channels responsible for marriage, wealth, health and luck.

Ancestral curse is also called congenital corruption.

If your distant relative, who died untimely, became a victim of an evil sorcerer or a rabid ill-wisher, then you automatically become the heir to the curse of the family.

But this is only if your loved one has not broken the bonds of karmic dependence. He could have lifted the curse so that it would not be passed on to you by inheritance.
This was a short excursion into centuries for a better understanding of occult reality.

So ,in order to remove the inherent negativity in the church with your own hands, you will have to follow these steps:

1). Having accurately identified a generational curse, do not try to subside it. Don't be afraid of it as something terrible. Start cleaning immediately.

2). You need to visit 3 different Orthodox Temples, ordering Sorokoust about Health for yourself in each. You will also have to put 3 candles for the icon of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and for the eve.

3). Give simple notes of repose to the deceased at three churches. Write down every relative you remember on your mother's or father's side.

When you light the candles on the eve, say these charming lines to yourself:

,Let me go, dead man, let the curse end. Amen."

In this way you are trying to break what connects you with the deceased.

Do not forget that independently removing the family curse involves holding all events in three church monasteries.

4). It is very advisable before visiting Temples to observe a strict week-long fast, reading the Holy Scriptures and Orthodox prayers.

5). You will have to receive communion and confession in three different churches, with a short time interval between events. Let's assume that today you visited the first chosen Temple, tomorrow you can confess and take communion in another, and in a few days you can visit the third.

6). After all the work is completed in all three monasteries, you can begin to independently remove the ancestral curse.

Please be careful and don't miss anything.

Self-removal of a generational curse:

A). In third Orthodox Church buy twelve candles and Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

b). Fill the flask with holy water.

V). You go back.

G). Secluded in a spacious room, light candles. Place icons and holy water nearby.

d). With a calm soul and unbridled faith, you begin to read the plot written on a sheet of white paper:

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Break the bonds of the ancestral curse that bind me to the deceased person. For the sins of others, do not punish me, but for my sins, forgive me. Don't let the family curse revive again on my children and great-grandchildren. I beg you, have mercy and cleanse my soul from congenital corruption. Protect me from destruction and do not let the curse destroy me. Thy will be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

e). You read the plot many times, slowly and with faith in your soul.

and). You watch how the church candles slowly fade away. They melt, cleansing you from the ancestral curse.

h). When all the candles burn out, throw away the cinders, and remove the icons and the sheet with the spell.

And). Drink holy water regularly.

I can’t tell you when a positive result will come.
If nothing changes within two weeks and the signs of the ancestral curse persist, repeat self-removal again.

Good luck!