What are the responsibilities of godparents? What to give to a godson or goddaughter? What are the responsibilities of godparents?

Baptism of a child is a responsible step. Parents must not only be sure that the baby needs it, but also choose the right one godparents. After all, according to the purpose of the godparents, the upbringing of the child in faith and piety depends on this.

About godfather

If women often take a more responsible approach to such an event as baptism, then men can leave some details and moments to chance. This is not worth doing, because everyone godfather must remember that for his actions he will ultimately bear responsibility before God. Therefore, the godfather must first thoroughly learn his responsibilities in order to know what to do in a given situation.


They must remember that if they are offered such a responsible role, they cannot refuse, this is considered a bad sign. Having accepted their new status as godparents, they must carefully understand what they will need to do or not do in order to prepare for the ceremony. So, a few days before the baby’s baptism, godparents must fast and not be sexually active. It is also worth remembering that atheists, as well as married people, cannot be godparents. What should the godmother and godfather understand? The duties assigned to them must be strictly fulfilled, whether they like it or not. Previously, a child had only one godparent, of the same gender, but today this has changed a little, but the main one is considered to be the godparent who is the same gender as the baby. It is also worth remembering that the godparents must bear all the costs of preparing the ceremony. A man buys a cross and also pays for the services of the church (photographer), a woman buys a baptismal shirt and a towel - kryzhma. Also, the godmother should prepare treats for guests who came to congratulate the child on such an important day as baptism.


The godmother must remember that during the baptism ceremony you cannot wear makeup, i.e., use any cosmetics. Any jewelry is also not welcome, but you can and even need to put on your own. The duties of a godfather during baptism do not imply anything difficult. You just need to hold the baby and do everything the priest says. It is also better to first learn the “Creed” prayer; it will need to be said during the baptism ceremony. during the ceremony the same.


It is worth recalling once again that the main godfather for a child is the person who is of the same sex. If there was a godfather, he must clearly understand his responsibilities. After all, it is he who will have to tell the baby who God is, what faith the child is and how to behave correctly during various church rituals. Knowing the responsibilities of a godfather, a man must lead an honest, pious life, because the child will also look up to him and look closely at his manner of behavior. It is a misconception that godparents should just give gifts to the baby on numerous holidays, but this is not enough. It is the godmother and godfather, whose responsibilities are the spiritual upbringing of the child, who are responsible for what kind of person the child will become and how he will settle down in society in the future.

Baptism is a sacred rite, thanks to which a person is cleansed of his sins and becomes a servant of the Lord. Having learned the sacrament of baptism, the child is born again - now spiritually.

During christening, the baby has another father and mother - godparents. Previously, according to church traditions, there was only one godfather, a boy had a man, a girl had a woman. But later, when times of lack of faith and debauchery came, it was decided that it would be too difficult for one godfather (godfather) to save the soul and faith of the child. After all, the responsibilities of a godfather and mother are very great.

What should a godfather know?

Godfather - spiritual guide child. His responsibilities include:

  • spiritual education of the godson;
  • bringing the basic canons preached by the church and the Bible to the attention of the child;
  • communion and confession of the child in church;
  • helping parents care for godson or daughter;
  • responsibility for the upbringing and decent life of the godson in the event of the death of the parents.

Also, according to unspoken rules, future godfathers take upon themselves the organization of christenings.

What should a godmother do?

Buy a baptismal set:

  1. Special white towel with embroidery.
  2. Baptismal suit - a white vest and cap, in the cold season - white pants and a blouse. The palms and feet should remain open.

What should a godfather do?

  1. Organize a christening in the church (agree with the priest).
  2. Organize a feast.
  3. Buy a cross and a rope or chain.

Responsibilities of the godfather at baptism

Before baptism, future parents are spiritually cleansed - they confess and receive communion. The godfather or mother needs to learn the Creed prayer. This prayer will need to be read during the ceremony. The godfather should also give a cross and a chain. In addition to the baptism kit, the godmother can give the godson a silver spoon.

Is it possible to change the godfather?

The godfather can be changed only before the baptism ceremony. If for some reason your godfather can no longer see the child and there is a worthy person who will spiritually educate the child, he will become a mentor for him, but not a father. The godmother cannot be changed either.

Our baby was already one year old when we decided to baptize her. For a long time they could not decide on godparents, because they had no idea by what criteria they should be chosen. Everything became clear after going to the priest’s church, where we were going to baptize Sonechka. Father Alexy suggested who can be godparents and who is not allowed, and I will tell you so you don’t waste time.

Baptism at any age marks spiritual birth and becomes the day when the guardianship of a Guardian Angel is established over a person. The thoughts and motives of the people taking part in the ritual must be full of sincerity and purity, therefore the choice of godparents for the child must be conscious and combined with the rules of the Orthodox Church.

Who is suitable for the role of godparents?

  • Both real parents and godparents bear responsibility before God at the moment of baptism, therefore important point is the parents’ sincere faith in Christ, supported by leading a full church life. They are the ones who give Orthodox vows in place of the child. In addition, godparents must know the Creed and be ready to further engage in the spiritual education of the little man.
  • If it is possible to invite only one godfather, it is preferable to choose a person of the same gender as the child (for a boy - a man, for a girl - a woman), but no one forbids a woman to baptize a boy or a man a girl.
  • Pregnancy and the absence of a ring on the finger and a stamp in the passport give women the opportunity to become godmothers to both boys and girls.

Who is prohibited from being a godfather?

  • Believers who have fallen away from the Orthodox Church, representatives of other faiths, and atheists cannot become godparents.
  • Actually, the child’s parents, unlike other relatives, cannot take on the role of godparents.
  • Spouses and couples about to get married are prohibited from being godparents to one child.
  • Monks and nuns cannot become recipients. IN Ancient Rus' such church rules there was none, and they became godfathers of many princes and representatives royal dynasties. Many years later, a rule appeared prohibiting this action, so that the monks would not become involved in worldly affairs.
  • People who have not reached adulthood still understand little, both in terms of life and spiritual knowledge. In addition, if the parents die, they will not be able to take responsibility for the baby.
  • People who have shrouded themselves in depravity.
  • It is better for women during menstruation to refrain from baptismal rites.
  • You should not take strangers or unfamiliar people as godparents.
  • Those who are incapacitated or suffering are not suitable for the role of recipients mental disorders people who are obvious violators of God's commandments, criminals and people intoxicated.

Any of these cases is considered sufficient grounds for refusal to perform a baptismal ceremony. Of course, who can stop you from leaving something unsaid, but is it really worth it? After all, you go to church not to deceive the priest, but to connect the fate of your child with two worthy people.

How many babies can you become godfather for?

There is no clear guidance in this regard: the number of baptisms depends directly on the desire of the person. If you want, there will be one, if you want, at least ten. At the same time, we should not forget that vows made before God are inviolable and provide for responsibility for the spiritual future and moral character little Christian. You will have to answer for your obligations throughout your entire life.

A church myth says: the godmother, making vows for the second child, “removes the cross” from the first. The Church categorically disagrees, citing the example of the birth of another child. A mother who has a second child does not abandon the first. The situation is similar with the godmother: being a godmother at least four times, she is equally responsible for each of the children. It is quite difficult to devote time to all the godchildren, so think about who can be the child’s godparents, whether the person has enough strength, energy and time, and only after that offer such a responsible post.

Some useful information about baptism

  1. After the completion of the Epiphany Sacrament, it is impossible to make personnel changes: the child has the same godfather and godmother for life, even if the person has disappeared or left the church.
  2. The presence of godparents at the church baptism procedure is mandatory. Extreme cases involve performing the Sacrament without godparents.

Let's sum it up

You should not choose a person for the role of godfather who has no idea about church traditions. His main duty is to teach the basics of religion to a little Christian, and what can someone teach who doesn’t know anything?

It is foolhardy to accept responsibility for traditional upbringing. Orthodox faith a child whose father and mother are unchurched and do not intend to change the order of things, also without attaching importance to the spiritual education of the child and teaching him the basics of religion.

Accepting an invitation to become godfather or godmother to a child whose parents support the idea Orthodox baptism your child and are ready to join the church, before making your own vows, you should make promises from them to follow the Commandments, pray for the child every day, attend services and churches, and try to make communion daily. Advise parents to attend Sunday school classes or kakhetization classes in advance to understand how serious their desire to enter the Orthodox Church is, and whether they consider the Sacrament of Baptism as a tradition of the past, some kind of magical rite.

Who are godparents? The Holy Father will tell you who can and should not baptize your child.

At Baptism, a child becomes a Christian, a member of the Church, receives God's grace, and must remain with it all his life. He also receives godparents for life. Father Orest Demko knows what you need to know about godparents and take into account at every stage of life.

Who are godparents? What are they for in spiritual and everyday life?

For people, the outward manifestations of godfatherhood are usually obvious. Like, there is someone to visit, someone to treat the child well... This, of course, is not bad at all, but Baptism is spiritual event, and not just external ritual.

And although this is a one-time, unique event, and godparenthood- This is not a one-day event. Just as Baptism remains an indelible seal for a person, so, one might say, godfatherhood is not a worn-out sign for life.

What is godfatherhood?

In constant spiritual connection with his godson (goddaughter). Godparents are included in this once and for all significant event in a child's life.

Among Christians, one often hears the request: “Pray for me.” So godparents are those who always pray for the child, who will constantly keep him in their spiritual care before God. A child should always know that there is someone who supports him spiritually.

Thus, godparents can sometimes be quite far from their godchildren and see them infrequently. But their role is not to see each other periodically with a specific frequency; these are not gifts at least once a year. Their role is daily.

Sometimes the child’s parents may complain that godparents are not fulfilling their duties if they do not visit often enough. But, parents, take a closer look at your godfathers: perhaps they are praying to God every day for your child!

Relationships between godfathers

Whatever they are, what is more important is the relationship between the godparents and the child himself. Natural parents are also required to have correct expectations of godparents and their role in the child’s life. This should not be a material interest. And then, perhaps, a huge number of misunderstandings will disappear.

But what to do if relations between godfathers go wrong?

First of all, you need to figure out why this happened. Or did the parents choose godfathers who do not have the correct understanding of their role? Or are these people who are already prone to destroying relationships and quarreling? Support good friendship with godfathers - such should be the attempts of both relatives and godparents. Relatives must remember that their child is entitled to spiritual support from godparents. Therefore, if the natural parents do not allow godfathers to visit the child, this will mean robbing the child, taking away what belongs to him.

Even if godmothers did not visit a child for 3 or 5 years, parents should not be prohibited from doing so in the future. Or maybe it is for the child that understanding or reconciliation will come.

The only reason to protect a child from godparents is the objectively unworthy behavior of godfathers, not correct image life.

How to choose godfathers so as not to regret it later?

These should be the people that parents would like their child to be like. After all, a child can adopt their traits and personal qualities. These are people for whom the child himself is not ashamed. And they themselves must also understand their role, to be conscious Christians.

Usually godparents have less time for such preparations than natural parents. Their preparation will be to comprehend this change in their lives, to understand their responsibilities. Because this event is not just another living room and not even just a show of respect for them on the part of the baby’s parents.

Of course, the Church advises to begin confession before this event. Even if this confession does not become an instant conversion or noticeable sanctification for the godparents, but pure heart- the first gift from godparents to a child. This is the very proof of their true openness.

What should godparents provide in the process of preparing for the Baptism of a child?

Sacrum. This is a simple white canvas that will symbolize " new clothes"child - God's grace.

Cross. It’s hardly worth buying a gold one; your child won’t wear one like that in the first place. And, perhaps, until a fairly conscious age.

What if godparents don’t know the “I Believe” prayer by heart?

They say this prayer during the Holy Sacrament of Baptism after they renounce evil on behalf of the child and promise to serve God. It contains the whole essence of Christianity, and the godparents in it recognize their faith and seem to outline the path in which to lead the child. The godparents must say it out loud.

But priests understand that godparents may not be too confident in knowing the prayer by heart. Firstly, this is prayer, and prayer books exist precisely so that one can read prayer from them. Secondly, godparents may be worried, confused or focused, for example, on the child himself, especially if he is crying. Therefore, the priest and clerk always recite this prayer quite loudly.

Is it possible to refuse when invited to be godparents?

Since becoming godparents is a set of new responsibilities, it is even a kind of change in a person’s status, this decision must be approached very responsibly. Conscious refusal will be better than not entirely voluntary acceptance of responsibilities. From the point of view of the Church, there is no such requirement to unconditionally accept the invitation of nepotism.

The reasons for refusal may be different: those invited feel that their friendship with the child’s parents is not completely sincere and deep; or they already have a sufficient number of godchildren. If the relationship with parents is imperfect, this may cause misunderstandings in the future. Therefore, invitees should be given time to think.

Approach wisely when choosing godparents for your child - and she will be good mentors and friends for the subsequent stages of her spiritual life: getting used to going to church, first Confession in life, communion.

Your child. According to tradition, this is done 40 days after the child’s birthday. After Holy Baptism, the baby acquires named parents. According to many people, it is from this moment that the Lord begins to protect the baby. While godparents have large number responsibilities, especially for the mother.

It is she who bears the main responsibility. Therefore, it is necessary to choose godparents with all seriousness.

During baptism, the most significant role is assigned to the godmother. After all, her duties are not limited to taking part in the church rite of baptism and congratulating the spiritual child on secular and religious holidays: they will last a lifetime.

Holy Baptism

Baptism is one of the most important sacraments, the essence of which is the acceptance of a person into Christian Church. It should be noted that when Christianity was just emerging, ritual immersions in water were already performed at that time. various peoples world: water is the key to life. There was a belief that a person immersed in water is protected from all his sins and begins life with a clean slate.

Today, the adoption of baptism does not have any serious differences from the baptismal rite, which was carried out several hundred years ago. As then, so at this time, it is the clergyman who conducts the baptism ceremony.

Jesus Himself instituted this sacrament. He was baptized in the Jordan River by Saint John the Baptist. The ceremony was deliberately carried out in water, since in the Bible water is a symbol of life, purity of spirit and body, and God's grace. It was not necessary for Jesus to be baptized personally, but in this way, by personal example, he demonstrated to people that they must begin their spiritual path. The consecration of water in the Jordan River occurred thanks to Jesus Christ; for this reason, the clergyman pronounces in prayer the call of the Holy Spirit to consecrate the water in the font.

As a rule, the baptismal ceremony is carried out in a church, but performing it at home also does not contradict the canons. The duration of the sacrament is about 45 minutes. And the name at baptism given to the baby is exclusively Christian.

Step by step description ritual:

It is also worth knowing that during baptism the baby is often immersed in water, but it is not forbidden to simply sprinkle or douse it with water. One person can only be baptized once during his life. This is explained by the fact that physically he cannot be born more than once.

Requirements for a godmother

The godmother should begin preparing for her role in this role much earlier than the ceremony itself. She will need not only knowledge of prayers, but also awareness of the very essence of Holy Baptism. This role can only be awarded Orthodox woman guided in life by God's commandments. She needs to know a number of prayers: the Heavenly King, the Virgin Mary, Rejoice, the Creed and. They reflect the essence of the Christian faith.

A woman must have full awareness of the responsibility that is entrusted to her. After all, asking God for help in the development of the baby and in gratitude to him is now part of her responsibilities. The godmother must make every effort to ensure that the child becomes a religious person in adulthood.

As already indicated, during the baptism of an infant significant place belongs godmother . She will bear on her shoulders most of the responsibility for spiritual development godson according to creed Orthodox Church. On the one hand, this will require a lot of effort, but on the other hand, if you have tender feelings for your spiritual child, you will receive enormous grace from the faithful fulfillment of your assigned duties.

Preparing for baptism

Before the sacrament begins, the godmother must:

Taking care of both the gift for the godson and other things required to perform the sacrament also falls on the shoulders of the godmother:

  1. White christening shirt - it can be simple from cotton fabric or have openwork embroidery if the named parents so desire. According to tradition, the shirt is put on the child immediately after the sacrament. He wears it for eight days, after which it is removed and kept safe for the entire life of the person being baptized.
  2. - it can be purchased either by one of the godparents or by mutual decision. It doesn’t matter whether the cross is made from precious material, the main thing is that it comes with a crucifix. In turn, it should not be removed from the child after the ceremony.
  3. Towel - if possible, it should have large sizes, which is determined by its purpose: it will be used to wrap the baby after immersion in water during the ceremony. It is forbidden to wash it after the ceremony and the person being baptized must carefully store it throughout his life.

It is worth noting that the baptismal shirt and cross are often purchased directly from the church. If the cross was purchased at a jewelry store, it must first be blessed.

In addition to the above things, The godmother must ensure that the child’s parents do not forget to take:

As for the gift itself to the godson, according to tradition, on the day of Holy Epiphany it is customary to give a cross, a small personalized icon or a silver spoon.

Responsibilities of the godmother at baptism

Responsibilities of the named mother both during the actual ceremony and after, may differ depending on the gender of the person being baptized.

  1. Christening of a girl - before the ceremony begins, the named mother must learn prayers for the child, including the Creed. When baptized, the garment should be worn modestly long dress and his head is covered with a scarf. Taking her goddaughter in her arms after lowering her into the water, the godmother must dress her in white clothes. She will also have to hold the baby in her arms while walking around the font, reading a prayer and anointing with oil. For a girl, having a spiritual mother is of great importance, because after biological parents It is she who is responsible for the baby, becoming her support and spiritual mentor in life.
  2. Christening a boy - the main responsibilities of the godmother are the same as for the baptism of a girl. The only difference is that after the child is immersed in the water, the godfather takes the child. During the baptism of a boy, an important role is assigned not only to the named mother, but also to the father, who in the future should become his support in everything.

Responsibilities of the named mother after baptism

The named mother takes her godson on bail before the Almighty, responsible for education in the spirit of the true Christian faith:

So, by agreeing to become adoptive parents, the named parents become responsible for raising a godson or goddaughter in a Christian The duty of the said mother is in the knowledge and training of the child righteous prayer, and independently reading prayers for the baby’s well-being. And she should also prepare the child for the first communion and teach him to attend church services. However, in modern society a significant place is occupied by the so-called ritual belief, and not the true faith in Christ: if the baptism of a newborn is a generally accepted norm, then it is necessary to baptize.