All prayers to the righteous Angelina Despotissa (Queen) of Serbia. Venerable Angelina of Serbia in the fate of Russian Athos

Rev. Angelina came from a family of Orthodox Albanian princes and was raised in the fear of God from childhood. She was destined to become the wife of the Serbian Despot Stefan Branković, son of the Despot George Branković (1427–1456). The Serbian despot George was one of the ktitors of the Russian monastery. The archives of the monastery preserved a letter dating back to approximately 1430, testifying to the assistance provided by Georgiy Brankovich to Rusik.

In 1441, Stefan and his brother Grgur went to Turkey to visit and support sister, forcibly taken into the Sultan's harem. Both brothers were captured, accused of conspiracy, imprisoned and blinded. At this time, their father, the despot George, died, and his youngest son, Lazarus (1456–1458), became the temporary ruler, who then ceded the throne to his older brother Stephen, who returned from prison. Two months before the fall of Serbia under the blows of the Turks, some courtiers betrayed their sovereign and secretly contributed to his overthrow even before the start of the Turkish invasion. They slandered the despot Stephen and expelled him from the Fatherland. Right Stephen suffered many troubles and needs. He went through Budim to his sister Countess Katarina, and then arrived in the city of Dubrovnik in Dalmatia and from there he went to Albania to find a safe haven there.

The noble prince's daughter Angelina fell in love with the blind, suffering prince Stefan with all her heart and, with the blessing of her parents, married him. The parents gave their consent and blessed the young people. Wishing with all her heart to share her fate with the noble exile, in 1461 Angelina married Stefan in Skadar. The fruit of their blessed marriage were two sons, George and John, as well as a daughter, Mara. However, their happiness did not last long - they again had to flee from the invasion of the Mohammedans and hide in Italy. On October 9, 1476, Blessed Stephen departed to the Lord. He was subsequently canonized.

Saint Angelina had to fully drink the cup of widowhood, exile and maternal pain about the good upbringing of three children. She asked for help from the Hungarian King Matya Corvinus, who graciously gave her and her sons the city of Kupinovo on the Sava River as an inheritance. Taking with her the incorruptible remains of her husband, Angelina traveled through Vienna and Buda to Kupinovo and there, in the Church of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, she laid the relics of her husband Stephen on February 15, 1486. The Hungarian king granted Angelina's eldest son George the title of despot, but George refused it in favor of his younger brother John. In 1495, George took monastic vows with the name Maxim. In 1502, the young despot John departed to the Lord, becoming the last despot of Serbia. St. Angelina and the monk Maxim moved to the lands of the Wallachian governor John Radul, taking with them the relics of her husband Stephen and son John. Voivode John was also distinguished by his piety and love of God. For some time he provided patronage to Athos. In the Russian monastery, letters from this sovereign about the award of annual alms to Rusik have been preserved. He was the patron of the monastery since 1492. He provided especially generous assistance from 1502, when St. Angelina. It was probably she who prompted the governor to increase the alms of the Panteleimon monastery, which had completely lost its patronage. In Wallachia, monk Maximus, son of Angelina, accepted episcopal consecration.

Upon the return of St. Angelina and Maxim to the Srem region bishop. Maxim was installed as Metropolitan of Belgrade and Srem. Together with their mother, they erected the Krushedol Monastery in the name of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God. Saint Maximus moved his episcopal see here from Belgrade, thus renewing the Archdiocese of Srem.
Soon - on January 18, 1516 - he departed to the Lord and was buried in Krushedol. Thus, righteous Angelina was destined to outlive her husband and both sons, whom the Lord glorified as saints.

Having retained her worldly name, the Monk Angelina took monastic vows in the Candlemas Monastery she built near Krushedol and completely devoted herself to prayer, works of mercy and care for churches and monasteries. This worthy of emulation Christian, wife, mother and nun, for her labors and good deeds, she was lovingly nicknamed Mother Angelina by the people. So, having lived a godly and holy life, she rested from her labors and peacefully departed to the Lord on July 30, 1520. The Monk Angelina was buried in the same convent, and a few years later her holy body was found incorrupt, transferred to the Krushedol Monastery and placed in the same shrine with the relics of her son, the holy despot John.

In 1716, the Turks burned the holy and miraculous relics of Saints Branković along with the Krušedol monastery. Only preserved left hand Saint Angelina. Memory of St. Angelina is celebrated three times a year: July 1, July 30 and December 10.

It has long been considered an important celebration. Several centuries ago, on this holiday they set a beautiful and tasty table, baked pies and personalized loaves, went to church to receive communion - in general, they celebrated it almost like an anniversary. Angel Day, as a rule, is celebrated according to the calendar (on the date of memory of the patron saint after whom the person is named). For everyone Orthodox name Only one saint is venerated, but there may be several name days. For example, Angelina, whose angel days are celebrated 4 times a year, has one patroness - the Venerable Angelina of Serbia.

When choosing a name for your baby, it is very important to know which saint you are naming him after, because it is believed that it greatly influences his character and his destiny. There is one more important nuance: The child's baptismal name may not necessarily match the one on the birth certificate. If you choose this option, then the name with which you were baptized must be kept secret from everyone. Such a maneuver can save you from damage and the evil eye. Now let's try to figure out what days it celebrates

Angel Day and Venerable Angelina

Angelina Serbskaya grew up in the Orthodox family of the Albanian prince Ariyanit. IN at a young age She married the blind King of Serbia, Stefan, and in their marriage they had two wonderful sons and a daughter. The life of Reverend Angelina was full of sorrows and disappointments. Her husband died very early, and she had to wander with her two sons and the relics of her husband for a very long time in search of refuge. Saint Angelina's children also died quite early. The Orthodox Christian woman spent the rest of her life in the women's monastery in prayer. Reverend Angelina was very devoted to God and preached Christianity all her life.


The name Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated several times a year, comes from the masculine Angelos. It is easy to guess that it means “angel,” that is, a messenger. In different European countries the name Angelina can sound differently: Evangelina, Angelina, Angelina, Angelina, Andelina. In our country, Angelina can be briefly called Lina or Gelya.

Controversial character

Many mothers like this name, and they call their daughters this way, hoping that they will behave like God's messengers. But Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated in honor of the Serbian saint, is in fact not at all sweet and obedient, but rather the opposite. Girls with this name are most often very militant and stubborn. They really like to be in charge, and, as a rule, they always get their way. They cannot stand a lack of attention, and in order to somehow attract the attention of their relatives, they are ready to do anything. However, Angelina needs attention only in order to once again assert herself. These girls rarely need help and support and usually take all advice and recommendations with hostility.

A very great advantage of the baby named Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated several times a year, is her independence, because this is very rare for girls. Asking for something for her is much more difficult than doing everything yourself. Angelina loves home and comfort; frequent visits are not for her. She has a very hard time with moving and traveling. Angelina does not immediately adapt to the new place, and at this time she feels defenseless.

Angel Day influences character and destiny

It becomes interesting why girls with such a wonderful name have such a complex character. Some philosophers believe that this is connected with Angelina, for example, it is celebrated on July 14 (according to the old style, July 1). On this day, in the month of Ramadan, according to Islamic teachings, the “Night of Power and Predestination” is celebrated. Oddly enough, Angelina girls are most often really very powerful and domineering.

Angelina in adulthood

Love is above all for her. She values ​​coziness, comfort and care. Angelina is inherently very jealous and does not tolerate competition. You can’t call her too purposeful. In case of obvious defeat, she will quickly fade into the shadows. Angelina is, as a rule, a creative person with a very vulnerable soul. She may be withdrawn, especially if she had a difficult childhood. On the day of Angelina's Angel, it is necessary to leave her alone at least for a short time so that she can enjoy her solitude to the fullest.

How and when to congratulate on Angel's Day?

Angelines don't like surprises too much (except perhaps only from very close people), so don't try to surprise this girl too much. Your attention will already be very pleasant and unexpected for her. Angelina's Day church calendar celebrated on July 14 and 30, August 12, and December 23. It is on these days that the memory of St. Angelina of Serbia is venerated.

Angelina must visit church on this day, light candles and confess. If possible, it is advisable to take communion the next day. It is necessary to know the prayers of your saint and in the right moments turn to her for help. It is believed that the patron after whom a person is named is a guardian angel who will help him all his life. It is imperative to say words of thanksgiving to the Venerable Angelina of Serbia on the day of the Angel of Angelina.

The date that symbolizes the name day can be chosen alone and celebrated as a second celebration. For example, of all four days on which the memory of Angelina of Serbia is revered, you can choose one, the most important - December 23, and celebrate the name day on this day. But most often the date that is closest to the birthday of the birthday person is chosen.

In Serbia this saint is called Mother Angelina. The daughter of a prince and the wife of a king, she has endured a lot in her life. Husband's illness, exile, widowhood did not break strong in spirit woman. She survived, proving with her life's feat that everything is possible for a person who is devoted to God. As a true Christian, she raised her children in piety.

Saint Angelina of Serbia died in the 16th century, but to this day she remains a beloved saint of her people. The relics of Angelina rest in Krushedol, along with the holy remains of her husband and pious sons.

The life feat of Saint Angelina

Angelina came from a princely family. Her father Aryanit was famous person of its time. At one time, the exiled Serbian despot Stefan settled in their house. The young man was noble and handsome, but blind. He lost his eyes by order Turkish Sultan Murad. In 1458, Stephen was proclaimed despot (king) of Serbia.

However, a blind ruler could not rule a country shrouded in turmoil. The throne was taken by the son of the Bosnian king. But by that time Serbia was so tiny that almost no trace remained of its former greatness.

Received as family in the house of Ariyanit, Stefan stayed there for a long time. The pious princess fell in love with the guest. The parents understood what trials their beloved daughter would face, but still blessed this marriage. Soon children appeared in the family - two sons and a daughter. The couple lived in love, harmony and complete submission to the will of God.

However, trouble was not long in coming. The head of the family, who had previously suffered from the Turks, was again persecuted. Now danger looms over his beloved wife and small children. Under cover of darkness, the family left Albania and fled to Italy.

Not having time to settle in a new place, Stefan began to get sick. He soon died, leaving Angelina alone to face life's adversities. After some time, Angelina saw a glow over her husband’s grave. And when the body was removed from the ground, it turned out to be incorrupt.

In Italy, the family had to experience hunger and other disasters. Taking care of the children, Angelina decided to ask the King of Hungary for help. She sent him a letter in which she asked him to allocate a small part of the lands that once belonged to her husband's family.

Matia Corvin responded to Angelina’s request and allocated the city of Kupinovo to the family. Having moved there, the first thing the pious woman did was build a temple in the name of the Holy Apostle Luke. There she placed the relics of her beloved husband. But the Hungarian king did not only benefit the family with lands. He elevated Angelina's eldest son George to despotism, as befitted the heir of his father.

George reigned for a short time. His heart belonged to God. He renounced secular power. He became the despot younger brother John, George himself chose the monastic path. John soon died prematurely. Taking the relics of his father and brother, monk Maxim and his mother moved to the Vlash lands. There, Angelina's son headed the metropolitan see. Together they did many good deeds for the people of that region.

But soon the family returned to Srem. The son became Metropolitan of Belgrade and Srem. With his help, Angelina founded the Krušedol Monastery. She outlived her second son, remaining completely alone in her old age.

Angelina renounced the world and devoted herself to the work of prayer and caring for holy monasteries and churches. This true Christian went to God in 1516. For all the trials, faith, and labors in the name of the Church, the Lord glorified the whole family as saints: Angelina, her husband and two sons.

Angelina was friends with the Great Russian Prince Vasily III. It was she who asked him to help strengthen the monastery on Mount Athos and some other monasteries, not only on the Holy Mountain.

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Prayer assistance to St. Angelina of Serbia

They pray to the saint in all life’s troubles. She is asked to send strength to endure. She is the patron of the family. The girls beg her for happy marriage, women - about the fidelity of spouses, about the joy of motherhood and proper education children. Prayers to the saint help strengthen faith.

Through prayers, health is sent to the sick, deliverance to the suffering, hope to the despairing, and consolation to the persecuted. The saint is considered their patroness by those who build and equip churches and monasteries. Prayers to the saint help those who find it difficult financially.

The Church reveres Saint Angelina of Serbia as a Venerable. Her memory is celebrated on July 14 and December 23. Every Serbian church has her icon. There is also an image of the saint on Athos. There are few of them in Russia yet.

A temple was erected in the Kostroma region, the throne of which was consecrated in honor of this saint. No less common in Serbia is an icon in which the saint is depicted together with her husband and both sons. The first such image appeared shortly after the blessed death of the Venerable Angelina, in the 16th century.

Icons of St. Angelina embroidered with beads using pearls, trumpet, amber and stones. The faces are painted in oil on thin canvas. The time to embroider one icon is two months. Patterns and kits for embroidering icons of St. Angelina are not used.

Many people think that Angelina is not an Orthodox name at all. But there is one Saint Angelina in the Church. She was a Serbian princess, married a blind man and lived part of her life in exile. And her husband and two sons are also glorified as saints. What kind of family was this?

The fate of Angelina Branković, who belonged to the family of the rulers of Montenegro, was doubly difficult: in her personal life - she outlived her husband and both of her sons, and in her public life - before her eyes, her homeland came under the rule of the Turks.

She was destined to live in the most difficult period for her - at the beginning of the 15th century. A little time passed with the famous and infamous (June 28, 1389), in which 25 thousand Serbs and their allies were defeated by a forty thousand-strong Turkish army. After the battle, the Turks suspended their expansion into Europe for several years, but Serbia first partially, then completely lost its freedom - for five centuries.

Angelina’s husband was the last Serbian despot (this title, adopted by the Serbs from the Byzantines, means “sovereign”) - Stefan the Blind, they got married in 1461. One of the bishops who knew Stephen described him as a powerful man, of great stature, with dignity, intelligent and serious, who knew the Bible well. And Stefan was not blind at all from birth...

The fate of him and his family is very difficult. When his sister Mara was forced into the harem of the Turkish Sultan Murad the Second, and Stefan went to Turkey after her, he was suspected of conspiracy and in 1441 he was blinded along with his older brother.

By the way, this is the same Mara, the Serbian queen, the only woman who set foot on the land of the Greek “monastic republic”. She came to the island to hand over the shrines captured by the Turks in . According to legend, the queen was not allowed onto the island by the Mother of God herself, whom the monks reverence as the patroness of Athos. Mara obeyed, handed over the gifts to the nobles accompanying her and sailed away.

But let's return to Serbia. Stefan the Blind ruled the Serbs for only a short time. Soon he was slandered, and the prince was forced to flee from the wrath of his compatriots. Angelina shared his wanderings with her husband. Hiding from reprisals, the family fled first to Albania, and then the couple lived in Italy for about 10 years. Their children were born in exile - sons Juraj and Jovan, daughter Mara.

Before his death in 1476, Stephen did not write a will, but tried to ask for support for his family from the residents of the Sicilian city of Ragusa, where they lived then: “I see that my end is near. I don’t grieve for my death, but I grieve for my Angelina and my children. I have nothing to write a will about; I leave no silver, no gold, no inhabited estates to my relatives. I entrust to you before God, before the Most Pure Mother of God and the saints, my Angelina and my children. Whatever you do for them, God will do for you.”

Angelina was left alone with three children in a foreign land... In 1486, thanks to the support of the Hungarian ruler, she was able to settle in the village of Kupinovo in Hungary. She moved her husband's coffin there. Tradition says that when the coffin was carried to the temple, a hunchback who had been bent for many years was healed. The relics of Despot Stephen the Blind turned out to be incorrupt...

The fate of Angelina's sons is unusual.

The eldest, Juraj, went to the monastery while still young. At first he ruled the Hungarian Serbs, and even managed to marry the Italian Isabella, a relative of the Hungarian Queen Beatrice. But the marriage did not last long: it broke up due to differences in faith.

In 1497, Juraj took monastic vows with the name Maxim. Political power passed to his younger brother Jovan. But he ruled for only a few years and died in 1502. He was subsequently canonized. Jovan left no heirs: he and his wife Elena Jakšić, a non-blood relative of the Russian Prince Vasily III, had only daughters.

After the death of Jovan, Angelina and her son Maxim moved to Wallachia (now a region in the south of Romania), taking with them the relics of Stefan and Jovan. Maxim was destined short time govern the Church of Wallachia. When necessary, he also performed diplomatic functions; he managed to reconcile the princes of Wallachia and Moldavia; he founded the first printing house in Wallachia.

Later, Maxim would become Metropolitan of Belgrade-Srem and build the famous Krušedol Monastery, where he would be buried after his death in 1516.

Angelina also took monastic vows, distributing all her property to the poor. During her lifetime, she was called “Mother Angelina” - for her meek and patient disposition, the construction of churches and charity. In the same year, she sent her confessor Eugene to the Moscow prince Vasily III, asking to take care of the monasteries and churches of conquered Serbia. The Moscow prince did not refuse help.

At the end of her life, Angelina became abbess convent near Krushedol and died peacefully in 1520. Relics of St. Jovan and Stefan, Saints Angelina and Maxim were laid together in the Krušedol monastery. However, we can say that the family’s misadventures did not end there: in 1716, the Turks burned the monastery along with the relics of St. Angelina and members of her family.

Only the saint’s left hand has survived - it is kept in the restored monastery. Krušedol is located in modern Serbia, in the region of Fruska Gora, also called Serbian Mount Athos for the abundance of ancient monasteries.

Relics of the Venerable Angelina of Serbia. Krušedol Monastery, Serbia

Today, any pilgrim can visit there, see the preserved ancient frescoes, pray and remember Mother Angelina - a person of an exceptionally difficult fate, but amazing resilience.

Troparion of St. Angelina Serbskaya, tone 8

In you, mother, it is known that you were saved, even in the image, having accepted the cross, you followed Christ and, in action, you taught to despise the flesh, which passes away, but to adhere to the souls, things that are immortal. In the same way, your spirit will rejoice with Angela, Reverend Angelino.

Kontakion, tone 8

Similar to: Mounted Voivode:
You wished to be worthy of the highest belly, you carefully left the lower food, and you squandered your wealth on the poor, and you received Heavenly wealth, and after death you sanctified us, and your miracles, all-praised Angelino, flowed forth. In the same way, we honor your holy Dormition, crying out: Rejoice, most praised mother.

Some people believe that this name in church tradition refers to all angels at once (including archangels). But this is not true at all. He has several specific angel days as well as a personal patron saint. We will talk about it in this article.

  • July 14. On this day, Saint Angelina of Serbia is venerated.
  • August 12. On this day, not only Angelina is remembered, but also all Serbian saints.
  • December 23. The “angels” of this date are not only Serbian, but also her husband and son (you will read more about this venerable family below).

Important: all dates presented above are indicated in the Orthodox church calendar.

As for Catholic name days, they can be celebrated:

  • January 4th. On this day, all believers remember Angela of Foligno, an Italian Franciscan nun. She is known for her book, written in the style of mysticism, about love for Jesus Christ and communication with him.

  • January 27. Memorial Day of Saint Angela Merici, Ursuline nun (founded this women's congregation). She raised girls in a Christian manner.

Church form of the name and origin

In the case of this name, the ecclesiastical and secular forms do not differ. (in some countries it may sound like Angela) translated from Greek means “messenger” or “angel”.

What fate and character can the bearer of this name boast of?

It seems to many that the owner of this heavenly name must be a real angel in the flesh. But (as with most “obvious” names) everything turns out exactly the opposite. The character of most Angels is strong and stubborn.

“Personal Angel”: the life of Saint Angelina

Angelina Serbskaya, also known as Mother Angelina or Angelina Srpska (this is how her name is written in her homeland) is a noble woman, the daughter of the Albanian prince George from the Arianiti family. Information about her mother has not been preserved; it is only known that she raised the girl to be kind and pious.

Her husband was Brankovic, the Serbian ruler. Married to him, Angelina gave birth to four children, two boys and two girls. However, their happiness was short-lived: the family had to spend about ten years in exile, hiding from the Turks in one of the Italian regions.

After the death of her husband, Angelina moved to the Srem region, where her family was allocated an estate. The body of her husband was reburied in the same soil.

Almost immediately after the move, the woman accepted monastic tonsure. With the help of the Russian Prince Vasily the Third (father of Ivan the Terrible), who gave her money, and her son, she began to build a church in which she placed the remains of her husband (people already considered them miraculous). Cells for nuns were built nearby. The church grew to the size of a monastery, called Krushedol. Angelina became his first mother superior.

Although it was burned by the Turks at the beginning of the 18th century, the Serbs later carefully restored it, and Manastir Krušedol still exists, and is also considered one of the most significant cultural monuments of their country.

You can learn more about Saint Angelina, as well as her revered family, from this video:

After watching, you might be left with the only logical question - what does the prefix “despotissa” assigned to the name of the saint mean? Is this really the feminine version of the word “despot”, that is, “tyrant”? We answer: indeed, this word comes from “despot”, but that means it is not at all what you thought! In Serbia there was such a title, which came to this country from Byzantium. It denoted the highest court position, bestowed by the ruler for special merits, and in the case of Serbia it was an analogy to the princely title. That is, despotissa Angelina means “ruler.”