The “Actually” expert had a row with the talk show hero live. Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov: the ugly truth about the purest love story The youngest mother of Russia

In today's episode of Dmitry Shepelev's program, the story of Russia's youngest mother Valentina Isaeva and her husband Khabib was discussed.

Photo: Maxim LI

In the episode of the Channel One talk show “Actually,” which aired on September 19, the story of a family known to many was discussed—Russia’s youngest mother, Valentina Isaeva, and her husband Khabib. They got married when the girl was 11 years old, and at the same time they had a child. The only thing that the young spouses needed then was to be left alone, but, as Valentina told Dmitry Shepelev, several years later their relationship went wrong. Isaeva came to the studio of the talk show “Alone with Everyone” to ask for help. She stated that she fears for her life and the fate of her two children and is very afraid of her husband Khabib.

Sabina Pantus defended the heroine/Photo: frame from the program

Program expert Sabina Pantus contacted the man. She asked if he beat his wife. Khabib replied that he raised his hand against his wife, but, according to him, it was only once. In the next episode, Khabib was asked if he cheated on Valentina. Of course, the man answered negatively, but the polygraph showed that this was a lie. The hero of the program did not like the result. “I don't want to say anything. I initially didn’t want to come to this studio.” “And here’s your answer, Dmitry,” said Sabina Pantus and continued: “Khabib, look, the truth is never one-sided. You confirmed your betrayal with reservations. I think you should admit everything to each other and talk,” the expert concluded.

“Let the polygraph show anything, and you think what you want, but I am clean before Valentina and the Almighty,” Khabib retorted. In the next episode, the heroine of the program, Valentina Isaeva, decided to frank confession. She's in live stated that she intended to divorce her husband, and added that more than a year is in a relationship with another man.

Khabib admitted that he raised his hand against his wife, and a polygraph showed that he also cheated on his wife/Photo: frame from the program

“Val, don’t be afraid to speak. Tell me why you came. Do you have specific goal and task, you need help. You are afraid of Khabib, but you have what you came here for. You have the right to a happy future, without everything you lived in these 12 years.<…>Khabib, I want to warn you, you are a person who does not evaluate the consequences of his actions and does not correlate them with the criminal code, but in vain. It exists, and it exists for everyone. If you beat your spouse again, you won't get away with it. I am 100% convinced of this,” Sabina Pantus supported the heroine.

Valentina Isaeva said that she could no longer live with her husband/Photo: frame from the program

Having learned the truth, Khabib, in a fit of anger, began to tear off the wires from himself and refused to take further part in the program, but in the very next episode the man returned to the studio and tried to make peace with his wife, but Valentina Isaeva remained adamant. “My children will stay with me,” the woman said. “Who the children will stay with will be decided by the court, having weighed all the grounds. It's not up to you to decide, Khabib. Not everything is solved with a fist, not everything is solved with aggression. And it was precisely with your behavior that you led to this,” Pantus concluded. In the finale, Dmitry Shepelev only expressed hope that the truth, which today's broadcast the spouses learned about each other will not affect their two small children.

12 years ago, this story shocked all Russians - an eleven-year-old girl gave birth to an adult man who lived illegally in the country. The whole country followed the development of the plot with bated breath and wondered how the love story of Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov would end. Many years later, the real truth was revealed, and it was strikingly different from what the young parents told many years ago.

The truth is out there somewhere

Everyone remembers the heartbreaking screams of little Valya, who was taken from the maternity hospital by her grandmother. Such emotions are impossible to play. The whole country sympathized with the unfortunate girl, whose daughter the evil social services intended to take away. But not everyone believed in the beautiful fairy tale about first love between a child and a migrant worker. Years passed, and the whole unpleasant underside of this sensational story appeared before amazed people. It turns out that it is not as beautiful as the participants in this drama painted.

How it was

In May 2005, all public attention was focused on Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov. A fifth-grader was taken straight from a lesson at school to the hospital with a threat of miscarriage. How could a girl who had just turned 11 be 30 weeks pregnant? The investigation quickly traced the criminal - he turned out to be a 22-year-old native of Tajikistan, who rented a room in his grandmother’s apartment. The girl has no parents, and the old woman was officially Valya’s guardian. At that moment, she swore that she knew nothing about what was happening in her living space, and insisted that Habib was only 14 years old.

Such a story could not be ignored, and programs about and an adult man poured out as if from a cornucopia. But no one in them condemned the foreign pedophile, but, on the contrary, called for all possible assistance to this strange couple. The fact that Valya, due to her age and mental development, was not yet able to judge what was happening did not worry anyone. But her tears and screams cut the hearts of adults and smart people. Lawyers, whose names inspired respect, rushed to help the rapist. Psychologists tried to ring the bell, but their indignation was drowned in the general roar of indignation.

From pedophiles to heroes

Taught by experienced lawyers and other “good” people, Habib came to the police and confessed. He told a touching story that Valya had already been raped by some Azerbaijanis before him and she herself invited him to have sexual relations. He was afraid to offend her and gave his consent. Although I didn’t want to do this myself. The investigation took into account all aspects of this case and handed down the most lenient sentence - 3 years probation. The court did not allow the young parents to live in the same apartment, which was ignored.

Stockholm syndrome

Valya gave birth healthy girl and named her Amina. It is noteworthy that the child should have been taken to orphanage. The young mother, in the presence of social service workers, screamed that she was ready to give up her child if they left her Habib alone and let them be together. At the time it was perceived as postpartum psychosis. No one saw anything strange in the little girl’s behavior, although all the symptoms of Stockholm syndrome were evident. With the help of her grandmother, she managed to escape, and no one dared to take the child away.

How a fairy tale became a nightmare

Several years passed, and soon the wedding of Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov again made them heroes of several television shows. All the same guests in the studios rejoiced for their happiness and wished many years married. The heroes themselves looked happy and talked about their prosperous lives. And in 2014, the girl gives birth to her second child - a boy. Together with their husband, they become frequent guests on programs where they discuss stories about young mothers and their difficult struggle with the law. By their example, they prove that all ages are submissive to love. The children of Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov become the best proof of this expression.

But in 2017, after 12 years of marriage, the girl talks about how she actually lived under the same roof with a rapist. The truth, objectionable to all defenders of such love, was revealed - Khabib beat and raped his victim all these years. He refused to work, and they lived on child benefits and grandmother’s earnings. Valya herself worked in a store, but her husband was jealous of everyone and took out all his anger on her body. The girl's patience came to an end, and she left him for another. Scandalous lie detector revelations and DNA paternity tests followed. Now photos of Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov appear only in connection with another scandal. Thus ended the beautiful fairy tale about a pedophile and his young victim.

This news once shocked the whole country. In 2005, it became known: an 11-year-old schoolgirl from the Moscow industrial district of Kapotnya, Valya Isaeva, was pregnant by a 19-year-old guest worker from Tajikistan, Habib Patakhonov.

The youngest mother in Russia

Let us remind you: Khabib came to Moscow to earn money. He began renting a room in the apartment of Valya’s grandmother, 50-year-old Antonina Aleksandrovna Zenkina. The grandmother, however, is not her own, she is the mother of Valya’s stepfather. The girl grew up an orphan: Valya’s mother abandoned the child shortly after her birth and disappeared. My stepfather became an alcoholic and died. When the first man, a guest worker, appeared in the house, the third-grader reached out to him.

The grandmother insisted that she had no idea what Khabib and the young schoolgirl were doing when they locked themselves in the room. But one day a girl began to find out from adults: is it possible to get pregnant at 11 years old? And soon Vali’s rounded tummy eloquently explained the reason for her curiosity.

The gynecologists who examined the girl were shocked. Valya insisted that she wanted a child and loved her “Vladik,” as she called Khabib. The story caused a storm in society, dividing it into two camps. Some condemned Khabib. Others came to the couple's defense.

Vale done C-section. The girl was born 50 centimeters tall and weighing 2900 grams, she was named Amina.

Antonina Zenkina took care of the baby: the 11-year-old mother had to return to school. And the baby’s father was awaiting trial for having sex with a minor. Khabib swore that he was ready to get married. As a result, under enormous public pressure, the court gave him only three years probation. And he decided that Patakhonov should live separately from Valya until she reaches adulthood.

Later, Valya admitted that she and her grandmother hid Khabib in their apartment. And she and Patakhonov continued to live as wife and husband.

Fist fights

In 2007, it became clear: “Romeo” is beating his “Juliet”! A friend of Valya’s grandmother claimed that she once saw Habib destroy a sink with the girl’s body. And another time he kicked his beloved, and she writhed on the floor.

There was no one to protect Valya (she was 14 years old at the time). The grandmother waved it off, saying, don’t interfere: the young people will sort it out on their own, if they quarrel, they will make up. And when the young mother was invited to television, in the studio she nervously hugged Khabib and shouted: “No, he doesn’t beat me, it’s not true! We love each other!

On a talk show, the groom got down on his knee: “Valya, become my wife.” They say that the TV crew paid him separately for this beautiful gesture.

The wedding was noisy. Khabib boasted that one of the TV channels paid for their celebration in a restaurant...

After graduating from ninth grade, the youngest mother in Russia went to college and received a degree in management. In 2013, she gave birth to her second child, son Amir, from her husband.

Khabib was happy about the birth of an heir. Meanwhile, Amina’s daughter went to school. Helped my mother manage her little brother. Over the years, the hype around Romeo and Juliet has died down. And suddenly...

New lover

Recently, the same “Juliet” - Valya Isaeva - appeared on the television screen again. No longer a skinny girl, but a 24-year-old woman with appetizing curves. But Khabib - the same "Romeo" - has hardly changed, he looks much younger than his age.

At the show, Valya introduced the audience... to her lover. A tall red-haired young man (a head taller than Khabib) entered the studio with a bouquet of flowers for Valya. Khabib was naturally freaking out - not in public. "I am Muslim! I can’t do this!” He boiled over and attacked his opponent from behind - jumping up and hitting him on the back of the head.

— After recording the program behind the scenes, Khabib was very aggressive and threatened. We warned him that it was in his interests to behave quietly.

As it turned out, the couple made money from the divorce: the heroes did not come to the studio for free. Everyone received their fee. In total - 250 thousand rubles.

“We haven’t had a family for two years now.”

We called Valya for clarification: is what the audience saw true?

— Valentina, have you and Khabib not lived together for a long time?

- Yes, two years. I have had another man for a year and a half now.

Why haven’t you confessed to your husband all this time?

- There was no point. And he wasn't very interested in me. Lately each of us lived our own lives. All Khabib needed from me was for me to give him Russian citizenship... He either disappeared, or sometimes came only to spend the night. And I realized that I needed to finally set the record straight. What happened, happened.

— For some time you hid from Khabib’s revenge with your girlfriend. Where do you live now?

- At home, with grandma. But we will soon leave - to my boyfriend in Kabardino-Balkaria ( new chosen one Valentina Viktor Popov is a mechanic from Nalchik. - Ed.). He only comes to Moscow to work. We will leave with the children, at least for a while, so as not to escalate the situation. I filed for divorce. Khabib doesn’t want to give it to me, but the lawyers said that we would still be divorced in court.

— Are the relatives of your chosen one, Victor, ready to receive you?

- Yes. He is a simple Russian guy, and his parents are very nice people. They also speak very highly of me.

- Doesn’t Victor offend you?

- Let him just try! (Laughs.) I don’t think this will happen. I didn’t hear a single rude word addressed to me from him. He loves my children very much. I am definitely confident in this person. And in general, I learned to protect myself. This number won’t work like it did with Khabib!

“You won’t tolerate any more beatings?”

- Of course not!

— Did you put up with Khabib for a long time?

- All 12 years! He beat me for no reason. She said it wrong, she looked wrong. I was jealous. Although I didn’t give a reason. I didn't cheat on him. At the same time, I was told, he ran after the girls...

"Stole a child"

— They say that Khabib, having learned about the other, threatened you with violence and even kidnapped your son? And he told the boy that his mother died...

- Yes. He took his son away and did not allow him to see him for a week. This is what it has come to - kidnapping a child! I wanted to take my son to Tajikistan. But the lawyers said: if, God forbid, you take Amir away, we will put you in prison.

- And now Khabib is threatening you?

- Not now. I got scared. He comes to the children and communicates. But where he lives, what he does, I don’t know and am not interested. I only allow him to come during the day.

-Can’t forgive Khabib?

- No. Only a divorce. He's still trying to persuade me to do it for him. Russian citizenship. But I won't do anything to him. Meaning? He will take the apartment and that’s it...

Valentina herself does not work anywhere yet. At school, her daughter is praised: Amina studies well, it’s clear that her mother works with her a lot.

“My marriage was unsuccessful, it was a rash step,” Valya sums up. - The only good thing Khabib gave me were children. They are the meaning of my life. But only with the birth of my second child did I fully feel what a joy it is to be a mother.

As it turned out, her new chosen one, Viktor Popov, when he met Valya, knew nothing about her past. And when she revealed the truth to him, he was already head over heels in love and did not back down.

“I will take care of Valya and her children,” Victor promised on the Channel One talk show “Let Them Talk.” - I want to pick her up with the children and leave here...


“He beat me in the car for three hours”

Valya remembers her past with horror.

“In 2015, I got a job in a store and once asked to leave work early,” says Valentina. — Khabib met me at the metro in a car. At this time, my boss called me on my mobile. The question was purely about work. But Khabib heard male voice on the phone and flew up with rage. In attacks of jealousy, he cannot control himself. He beat me in the car for three hours! I was losing consciousness. It seemed like an eternity had passed. I was covered in bruises. And then he locked me at home and didn’t let me out for a week. It became clear: we had to part with him. My " oriental fairy tale"The end has come...


Khabib PATAKHONOV: I will get citizenship and let my wife go

“KP” called Khabib Patakhonov for comments.

— Khabib, they say you are divorcing your wife Valya?

- Already separated.

- Officially?

- No, they are not officially divorced. We separated, but we remain married for now. We agreed with her (Valya - Ed.) that I would completely finish my affairs - I would receive Russian citizenship, and then we would divorce. She gives the go-ahead about this. No problem. Since 2007, I renounced my citizenship - I was a citizen of Tajikistan, although I was Uzbek by nationality.

— Are you living illegally in Moscow now?

— No, it’s legal, I have a residence permit.

— Why couldn’t you get Russian citizenship before?

Official income there wasn't. I drive a taxi, I have a rental car. And to obtain citizenship, in addition to the Russian language exam, you need a certificate of income. And now I will have a simplified form of obtaining citizenship.

I have been married for over five years. My wife is Russian, and two children are registered in my last name...

— Is Valya living with another man now?

- No. She is at home with the children.

— After the divorce, will the children stay with their mother?

- Maybe…

- How did you feel about the fact that she had someone else?

- I don’t want to discuss this.

- Did you beat Valya?

- Please don't bother me anymore!

The heroes of the new episode of the “Actually” program are one of the youngest mothers in Russia Valya Isaeva and her husband Khabib

This story about the love of two young people was first covered on Channel One in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk.” Then young Valya was ready to do anything to ensure that her beloved Khabib avoided imprisonment and stayed with her. By the way, at that time, 11-year-old Valya was expecting a child. After a while, when the girl turned 14 years old, they were allowed to get married.

The couple settled in the apartment of a young mother on the outskirts of Moscow. Later it turned out that quarrels often occurred between the newlyweds. According to rumors, Khabib was jealous of his young wife, who gave birth to his second child. Now the couple is raising a daughter and son. The couple did not maintain the appearance of marriage for long: Valya Isaeva turned to Dmitry Shepelev’s program, saying that her relationship with her husband had gone wrong. According to the girl, she fears for her life and the fate of her children.

Valya Isaeva and her husband Khabib (Photo: frame from the program “Actually”)

In the studio, Khabib was asked if he beat his wife, to which the man replied that he raised his hand against Valya, but, according to him, it was only once. In addition, despite the fact that the young man did not admit his infidelities, the polygraph showed that it was a lie. “I don't want to say anything. I initially didn’t want to come to this studio,” said Khabib.

“Khabib, look, the truth is never one-sided. You confirmed your betrayal with reservations. I think you should admit everything to each other and talk,” said program expert Sabina Pantus.

“Let the polygraph show anything, and you think what you want, but I am clean before Valentina and the Almighty,” the man assured. Valya herself admitted that she intended to divorce her husband, and added that she had been in a relationship with another man for more than a year.

(Photo: frame from the program “Actually”)

“Val, don’t be afraid to speak. Tell me why you came. You have a specific goal and task, you need help. You are afraid of Khabib, but you have what you came here for. You have the right to a happy future, without everything you lived in these 12 years.<…>Khabib, I want to warn you, you are a person who does not evaluate the consequences of his actions and does not correlate them with the criminal code, but in vain. It exists, and it exists for everyone. If you beat your spouse again, you won't get away with it. I am 100% convinced of this,” added Pantus.

Having learned about his wife’s new affair, Habib, in a fit of anger, began to tear off the wires and refused to take further part in the program.

“My children will stay with me,” Valya clarified, noting that she does not intend to give them to her husband. Isaeva emphasized that she would not return home while her husband was there. A girl with children is going to live in a hotel.

// Photo: frame from the program

Valentina Isaeva, who gave birth at the age of 11 from Khabib Patakhonov, became the heroine of Dmitry Shepelev’s program “Actually.” She came to ask for help. Isaeva and her husband Khabib Patakhonov were once called modern Romeo and Juliet. The girl became pregnant by a seventeen-year-old guy who came to Russia from Tajikistan to work. Then this story caused a huge resonance in society. The lovers publicly begged government bodies leave their family alone. That's why young man managed to avoid criminal punishment.

After some time, the couple formalized their relationship. When Valya was 20 years old, they had another baby. However, the mother of two children decided to leave her husband. She announced her decision to the whole country in a Channel One show.

// Photo: frame from the program

Isaeva said that she fears for her own life and the fate of her children. On the air of the program, Khabib admitted that he had repeatedly raised his hand against his wife. Next, the talk show experts asked the man if he cheated on Valentina, he answered in the negative, but the polygraph showed that this was a lie.

“I don't want to say anything. I initially didn’t want to come to this studio,” said Patakhonov.

// Photo: frame from the program

In turn, Valentina Isaeva decided to make a frank confession. The mother of two children said live that she has been in a relationship with another man for more than a year who is ready to protect her.

“We have a complicated relationship. I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid it will get worse. I can't do this anymore. “I told you that I don’t love you and will divorce you,” Valya turned to Khabib.

// Photo: frame from the program

Despite the fact that at the end of the talk show, Khabib admitted that he loved his wife, Valentina was determined. According to the woman, she has absolutely no feelings for her husband, so she is ready to file for divorce. Since the couple has two children, the judicial authorities will take up their case.

Khabib insisted that his son and daughter live with him. Sabina Pantus, the program expert, responded sharply to the hero.

“Who the children will stay with will be decided by the court, having weighed all the grounds. It's not up to you to decide, Khabib. Not everything is solved with a fist, not everything is solved with aggression. And it was with your behavior that you led to this,” the specialist said.

Patakhonov urged his wife to go home together, but Isaeva refused the offer.

“I will no longer stay with this man, I will not go with him. I’ll return to the apartment when he leaves,” Isaeva summed up.