Frank confession of Mikhail Gorbachev: Raisa and I lost our son. Where did Gorbachev live? Where does Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev live now? Where do Gorbachev's daughters live and what do they do?

The only President of the USSR recently celebrated his 84th birthday, but still continues to be active in public life. The houses where Gorbachev lived during his career changed from a modest rural house in Privolnoye to the luxurious state dacha “Barvikha-4”.

Malaya Rodina - Stavropol Territory

Mikhail Gorbachev was born in 1931 in the village. Privolny, Stavropol Territory. His childhood years were also spent there: in a small house No. 16 on Naberezhnaya Street. In the 70s, M. Gorbachev’s mother sold the building, and now pensioner Valentina Ivanovna lives there. In addition to the house - land: parents former president were peasants, just like both his grandfathers on his father’s and mother’s sides.

In the same village, another house has been preserved where Gorbachev lived - on Shkolnaya Street. The village authorities offered (with the consent of the owner) to the local Orthodox parish, however, the priest refused because he felt that the service would be too expensive. The house itself is closed, but the residents look after the surrounding area, clean it and put it in order.

At one time there were plans to create a museum for Mikhail Gorbachev, but ultimately they were never realized. There are no personal belongings of the ex-president left in the village, except for photographs that are stored in the central village museum. As far as we know, the owner himself last time appeared in Privolny in 2003.

Life in the capital

M. Gorbachev moved to the capital with his family in 1978. He owned an apartment on top floor in an elite house on the street. Kosygina. He lived there from 1986 to 1991.

When he was Secretary General, security was located in the same building on the ground floor, for which a separate apartment was allocated.

Both premises were eventually acquired by Igor Krutoy. According to unconfirmed reports, the composer paid about $15 million for M. Gorbachev’s own apartment. A few years before this purchase, I. Krutoy also purchased a “security apartment.”

For some time, even before moving to the house on the street. Kosygina, future president occupied an apartment in a nine-story building at 10 Granatny Lane. The place where Gorbachev lived is also known as Pavlov’s house.

After the Kremlin

After the “dissolution” of the USSR and the emergence in its place independent states Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as President. In 1991, the heads of 7 CIS member countries signed an agreement that provided for a pension, a dacha, a car and security for the former “master” of the Kremlin.

As a result of the agreement, he was given a state dacha in the Moscow River complex, located 14 km from Moscow. Judging by media publications, in 2004 it was still the home of the ex-president. However, the place where Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev lives is much more famous. It was also presented to him in San Francisco. The office of his Gorbachev Foundation is located there.

"Real German"

According to information published by Anatoly Kholodyuk in the article “House” in Bavaria, where Gorbi lives,” in 2005, Mikhail Gorbachev with his daughter Irina and granddaughters moved to Rottach-Egern, to Castle Hubertus (Bavaria). The place where Gorbachev now lives is much more suitable for an elderly person than cool Moscow.

His first villa until 2007 was located on Aignerweg 2a, three hundred meters from the Church of St. Lawrence. In 2007, the family acquired the so-called Hubertus Castle, located on the Kreuzweg street. Formally, the house is registered under the surname Virganskaja (Yulia Virganskaya is the daughter of M. Gorbachev).

The “castle” where Gorbachev now lives consists of two large buildings. Previously it housed the Bavarian orphanage. Despite his age, the ex-president leads an active life: articles about him appear from time to time in Munich publications, and a few months ago, in December 2014, he held a presentation of his second book, “After the Kremlin,” in Moscow.


A separate topic for conversation is the dachas where Gorbachev lived. Somewhere he spent more time, somewhere less. The buildings where the ex-president visited include the first and second state dachas in Livadia, Mamonova dacha, Stalin’s “near dacha” in Fili-Davidkovo (currently within Moscow), the Foros “Zarya”, known thanks to the events of 1991, “ Barvikha-4".

State dacha No. 11, the so-called “Zarya” facility, is located in the bay between capes Foros and Sarych. It was chosen personally by the Secretary General, and construction was completed in 1988.

The ex-president of the USSR, in addition, could use a five-story building in Myusser (Abkhazia), located right by the sea, with a pier for submarines and stained glass windows decorated personally by Zurab Tsereteli.

Construction of this dacha began immediately after his election as Secretary General in 1985. Unlike the resting places of previous Soviet leaders, it is made luxuriously - there are guest rooms, an elevator, stained glass windows self made, decorated with expensive marble, porcelain and bronze chandeliers, jacuzzi, expensive furniture. The construction of this splendor dragged on until the collapse of the USSR. Now the building is empty.


The residence in Abkhazia is not the only place that bears the imprint of the personality of the former president of the USSR. In the late 80s, more precisely, by 1986, on the site of the Botkin-Guchkov estate (not far from the village of Razdory), the state dacha “Barvikha-4” was built especially for M. Gorbachev.

It could rightfully be called the house where Gorbachev lives - the president’s family used it from 1986 to 1991 and spent a lot of time here. The residence occupied 66 hectares. A beach was installed on the territory, and a water canal was built from the Moscow River to the residence.

"Barvikha-4" was built in record time - in six months, and inside, in addition to the beach and river, there was also a children's playground, gardens, an enclosure for dogs, a tennis court and gym, even in the event of an emergency evacuation of the president.

After the resignation of Gorbi, as the Germans call him, from the post of President of the USSR, the dacha became the use of the first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin.

Regardless of where Mikhail Gorbachev lives, he is always surrounded by comfort. From the time of the ascent to the Soviet “Olympus” until today, residences have replaced each other, but it has always remained high.

September 12, 2015 No comments

First and last president USSR Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev lives in his dacha and is active social life. From time to time, ill-wishers spread rumors about his illness and even death, asking whether Mikhail Sergevich Gorbachev is alive now. And they make all sorts of guesses about this.

In a short article we will tell you how Gorbachev lives now. In due time former manager a large state was created by the “Gorbachev Foundation” while still the leader of the USSR. The event occurred at the end of 1991 with the opening of an office in the Californian city of San Francisco. This is a non-profit organization. The activities are financed personally by M. S. Gorbachev, as well as by donations from citizens, international organizations.

The fund was created for the scientific study of perestroika times. Monitoring has also been and remains in view current problems political, economic and social terms.

Despite the fact that the second person in the governing body of the foundation is his daughter Irina Gorbacheva-Virganskaya, and his assistant is B.F. Slavin, Mikhail Sergeevich personally has enough worries. He works fruitfully. He is invited to speak by the most famous universities in the world. The German is a frequent guest. They love him the most there. It was Mikhail Sergeevich who created the political and other conditions for the unification of Germany. And the Germans are especially grateful to him for this.

He is not often at home in Russia, but sometimes gives interviews to such channels as “Russia 24”, “Russia 1” and others on the foreign policy situation, which he considers extremely unstable. In a word, it is necessary to look for where Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev lives now and what he does in Moscow. True, I gained a little weight, but this happens to everyone in adulthood. And so he is cheerful in spirit and strong in body. We wish him success and personal well-being.

These questions are asked today by everyone interested in domestic politics. One of the most popular politicians of the USSR and Russia of the 20th century has long since retired and rarely appears in public space. We will try to open the veil of secrecy in this article.

Gorbachev's fate

The politician today leads a non-public lifestyle, so journalists do not know where Gorbachev lives. Although the first and last president of the USSR willingly hosts journalists, despite his advanced age (he turned 87 this year), this happens in a variety of places and even countries.

It is worth noting that Gorbachev is one of the most controversial domestic politicians; the attitude of his compatriots towards him is extremely ambiguous.

Some believe that he is a traitor who ruined Soviet Union, others, on the contrary, thank him for the opportunity to live in modern democratic Russia, and also for the fact that he did not cling to power, which made it possible to avoid bloodshed.

If we briefly tell the biography of Gorbachev, we need to start with the fact that he was born in Stavropol region in 1931. His childhood was quite modest; from the age of 13 he was already working on a collective farm, helping his parents. Having started as a laborer, he was soon promoted to assistant combine operator.

In 1950, he graduated from school and immediately entered the Faculty of Law of the Moscow state university. It was his studies at the capital’s university that opened up broad prospects for him, playing a decisive role in life. Here he became acquainted with the basics of politics, while still a student, he joined the CPSU.

After university, he finally made a choice in favor of politics, becoming the first secretary of the Komsomol city committee in the Stavropol Territory. While still studying at the institute, he met his future wife Raisa, with whom he spent his entire life.

At the very beginning of his political career, Gorbachev specialized in agricultural issues, received a second higher education in the field of agricultural economist.

When he turned 47 years old, he was noticed in Moscow and transferred to the capital. It is known that this decision was personally supported by Yuri Andropov. After just a few years of work in Moscow, the politician became a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee; it was under his leadership that the process of reforming the government began and market economy.

At the head of the country

Having earned a reputation as a large-scale reformer, Mikhail Sergeevich was elected general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU. From that moment on, he began to implement his main political project for the democratization of Soviet society, which, with his light hand, immediately began to be called perestroika.

He managed to achieve success in certain areas. In 1990, after changes were made to the state legislation, it was he who was elected the first president of the USSR. As it soon turned out, it was also the last, because within a year such a country no longer existed.

With democracy came a number of serious problems. The country has begun economic crisis, the position of Gorbachev’s political opponent Boris Yeltsin was strong. As a result, a coup d'état occurred and the Soviet Union collapsed.

Gorbachev did not hold on to power; he resigned, stopping for a while political activity. Instead, he became involved in research and social work.

During the Russian presidential elections in 1996, he attempted to return to politics, but took only 7th place, gaining 0.51% of the vote.

New place of residence

After his resignation as head of state, Gorbachev naturally left state residences. From time to time, information appears in the media that it can be seen on various mass events, which take place in the most different cities Europe. At the same time, for many it still remains a mystery where Gorbachev lives at the present time.

We can absolutely say that it is not in Russia, since in our country it appears much less frequently than abroad. According to the most common version, it permanent place residence is in Germany. Most of those who claim to know where Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev lives say that his home is in the Bavarian resort town of Rottach-Egern, which is famous for its clinics for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

According to the latest data, the ex-politician settled there with his daughter and grandchildren about eight years ago. This is where Mikhail Gorbachev lives now. The villa of the hero of our article is located about three hundred meters from the Church of St. Lawrence, in which he is considered a parishioner. Although it is not known for certain whether the former communist became a believer.

Hubertus Castle

Moreover, this is not the only property of the only president of the USSR abroad. Trying to find out where Mikhail Gorbachev currently lives, journalists learned that in 2007 he purchased another house in the same city. Locals call it Hubertus Castle. Its approximate cost is one million euros. In former times, a Bavarian orphanage was located in two small buildings; now a Russian politician has settled there.

Around the house where Gorbachev lives there are growing tall trees. It flows nearby mountain river, where you can successfully fish, for example, catch king trout. At the same time, there is information that the castle is not actually registered in his name, so it is impossible to reliably say where M. S. Gorbachev now lives.

Relations with journalists

When he was the leader of the USSR, Gorbachev willingly communicated with journalists, becoming famous as one of the most open leaders. But in recent years He is extremely reluctant to meet with Russian reporters, which is why many do not know where Gorbachev lives now.

He loves the German press much more. Articles about his life, leisure, health, and successes regularly appear in various major publications. It is worth noting that in Germany to Gorbachev special treatment. He is considered a politician who played a decisive role in the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the unification of the GDR and West Germany. For this he received the Nobel Peace Prize. German journalists often speak enthusiastically about him, noting that only his descendants will appreciate the merits of his work.

Relations with Putin

It is unknown whether he knows current president Vladimir Putin, where Gorbachev lives. They meet infrequently; the last time they saw each other was in the Kremlin, talking face to face. At that moment, Gorbachev supported Putin’s policies, but over time he began to be critical of them, which he repeatedly stated in interviews with foreign media.

At the same time, Vladimir Putin himself is not offended by this. It is known that he regularly congratulates him on his birthday with official telegrams. Putin himself regularly notes Gorbachev’s desire to strengthen Russia’s authority in the international arena.

Gorbachev's activities after resignation

After leaving the post of President of the USSR, Gorbachev and his wife Raisa lived and worked in Moscow for a long time. The hero of our article founded the Gorbachev Foundation; in 1993, he was one of the first founders of Novaya Gazeta.

"Gorbachev Foundation" is non-profit organization, which studies the history of perestroika, as well as problems that remain relevant today for international and Russian history. Officially, the foundation is financed by fees that Gorbachev receives from his lectures, speeches and publications. The foundation also receives donations from individuals for targeted projects, charitable foundations and international organizations.

Is Gorbachev working now?

Now Gorbachev is already 87 years old, but he still regularly comes to his workplace to the Gorbachev Foundation when he is in Russia. As a rule, he comes to work for a few hours from Tuesday to Friday.

At the same time, he continues to be active in research and social activities, and participates in discussions with authoritative experts regarding the development of the pestilence community.

In 2017, Gorbachev presented his memoirs at the capital’s House of Books, which were published under the title “I Remain an Optimist.” In this book, he collected his memories of life, starting from childhood, and talked about coming to power in the USSR. It is known that he is now working on a new book, which will be based on his series of lectures.

House in Russia

Of course, Gorbachev also has real estate in Russia, a house in which he permanently lives. It is located in the village of Kalchug, located near Moscow on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.

People close to Gorbachev claim that one woman helps him run the household. At the same time, he is still accompanied by security as the former president.

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich - politician, statesman, first and only President of the USSR.

Holder Nobel Prize peace for establishing relations with foreign countries, including for stopping " cold war"with the USA.

During his activities, the most significant events occurred that had a great impact on further development countries.

Childhood and adolescence

On March 2, 1931, Mikhail Gorbachev was born in the Stavropol Territory, the village of Privolnoye. His parents were ordinary peasants.

Father - Sergei Andreevich Gorbachev was a foreman, and his father was the chairman of the local collective farm. Gopkalo's mother Maria Panteleevna was Ukrainian.

Childhood of the future statesman coincided with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

My father immediately went to the front, and Misha and his mother ended up in a village occupied by the Nazis.

Mikhail with his parents as a child

They lived under the yoke of German soldiers for 5 months. After liberation, the family received news from the front about the death of their father.

Mikhail had to combine his studies at school with work on the collective farm. At the age of 15, he already held the position of assistant combine operator.

For conscientious work and exceeding the plan in 1948, Mikhail was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Despite the difficulties and work, Mikhail graduated from school with a “silver” medal.

This allowed him to entrance exams enter the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University, where he became the head of the Komsomol organization.

Occupying a public position, he was surrounded by fairly free-thinking fellow students.

His circle of friends included Zdenek Mlynar, who would become one of the leaders of the Prague Spring in the future.

In 1952, he joined the CPSU party. After 3 years, he received a law degree and was assigned to work in the Stavropol prosecutor's office.

In 1967 he received a second higher education as an economist-agronomist.

Starting a career in politics

He worked at the prosecutor's office for only a week. He was immediately accepted into the regional committee of the Komsomol in the department of agitation and propaganda. He worked there for 7 years, from 1955 - 1962.

During this time, he served as first secretary of the city Komsomol committee, then as 2nd and 1st secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol.

Afterwards, having support in the person of F.D. Kulakov, Mikhail Gorbachev’s career quickly began to grow upward.

By 1970, he was the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU. In addition, Mikhail has gained a good reputation in the agricultural sector.

Then he was elected a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. He spent 12 years in this service. He rose to the post of Chairman.

Years of Presidency and removal from office

In March 1985, a plenum of the CPSU Central Committee was held, at which Mikhail Gorbachev officially assumed the position of General Secretary of the central committee.

He went out to political leaders one of the world superpowers - the USSR. Subsequently he career growth began to grow rapidly.

In 1989 he joined the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as its chairman.

A year later he becomes President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

He initiated a series of major reforms, called “perestroika,” which lasted in the country for 6 years (1985-1991).

As head of state, he carried out an anti-alcohol campaign, which was considered a big mistake.

His decisions in the international arena led to the end of the Cold War, reducing the threat of nuclear weapons, the reunification of Germany.

Mikhail Gorbachev sought to reduce tensions between countries.

However, discontent was growing within the country, and against its background, external achievements did not look advantageous.

On June 12, 1990, a decree was signed proclaiming the independence of the RSFSR. As a result, other republics began to follow this example.

In 1991, the August Putsch occurred, which became the culmination of internal tensions, and its failure only completed the collapse of the allied power.

After such events, Mikhail Gorbachev was accused of treason and a criminal case was opened.

After some time, it was closed, and M. Gorbachev himself resigned from the post of head of state.

This happened on December 25, 1991. He led the country for only 1 year.

Afterwards he became the head international fund, who was engaged in socio-economic and political research.

People called it the “Gorbachev Foundation”. After 2 years he headed the international environmental organization"Green Cross".

Activities after retirement

In 1996, Mikhail again participated in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation. However, his candidacy was able to gain only 0.51% of the vote. total number votes.

In 2000 he took the post of head of the Social Democratic Russian party, which a year later merged with the SDPR (Social Democratic Party).

For the next 3 years he was the leader of this party. In 2007, by court decision, SDPR was liquidated.

In the same year, Mikhail Gorbachev creates social movement"Union of Social Democrats" and heads it.

In 2008, he was invited to a program with Vladimir Pozner. In an interview, he admitted his mistakes that led to the collapse of the USSR.

On the occasion of his 80th anniversary on March 2, 2011, the current President signed a decree awarding M. Gorbachev the Order. Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

In 2014, he went to Germany, where he opened an exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the fall of the protective wall that separated the eastern and western part Berlin.

On the last day of February, the ex-president of the USSR presented a book about himself, “Gorbachev in Life,” at his foundation.

In the spring of 2016, a meeting with future economists took place at the Moscow School at Moscow State University.

There he publicly acknowledged responsibility for his government decisions.

Personal life

Mikhail Gorbachev was married once. His first, faithful and only legal companion was Raisa Maksimovna Titarenko.

They met in student years at one of the parties organized by Raisa's friend.

Raisa was an exemplary student and spent all her time in the library. And at first she didn’t like Mikhail.

However, an incident changed everything. Raisa has a problem serious problems with health, and the only person, who was nearby all the time, was Mikhail.

With his wife Raisa

On September 25, 1953, the young couple registered their relationship. Parents were simply presented with a fait accompli.

Family life almost immediately began to test the strength of the young family’s feelings.

In the first year, Raisa became pregnant, but doctors forbade her to give birth due to heart problems.

The couple had to make a difficult decision - to agree to an abortion. Then, on the recommendation of the doctor, Mikhail and his wife decide to change the climate.

They move to Stavropol, to a small village. It starts there new life, and Raisa safely gives birth to a girl, Irina, in 1957.

At first, Raisa helps Mikhail in every possible way in his career. However, she herself does not sit at home either.

Raisa Gorbacheva begins teaching after moving to the capital.

Gorbachev recently appeared in once again as an “honorary handshake wedding general” - this time again in London at the anniversary of Novaya Gazeta.
So, an anti-recession question arose. Where does he even live now? Who knows?
Here, for example, is a man (A. Kholodyuk) writes, that since 2005 the “honorary German” has been living permanently where he is supposed to by his role - in the German region (more precisely, in the Bavarian region). That is, a long time ago, no longer in Russia.
Is this really true? Or does anyone have other information?

[...] Nowadays, the fame of this resort town, where wealthy people from all over Germany are treated for cardiovascular diseases, was added by the “famous new Russian”, former Kremlin ruler and first president of the USSR Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, who settled here 7 years ago with his daughter Irina and grandchildren. The Bavarians call Gorbachev among themselves “Gorbi”, and also “the best German in Germany.” In the church of St. Lawrence, three hundred meters from which until 2007 Gorbachev’s first villa was located on Aignerweg 2a, you can learn from parishioners that they consider Mikhail Sergeevich an “honored visitor” to their temple.

For commercial purposes, the name “Gorbi” is used by the owners of rich restaurants in Rottach-Egern (there are simply no cheap ones here!) in the preparation of Bavarian-style pork roast (“Gasthauseszum Hirschberg”) or “frutti mare” pizza (Italian restaurant “Maiwert-Vinothek”), where, the Bavarian media write, Mikhail Sergeevich liked to sit with guests. Local owners also speculate on his name. travel companies, inviting, for example, in their advertising brochures, to ride down the mountains on a sleigh “in harness with Gorbachev.”

I remember that back in March 2005, when, on instructions from the Russian edition of Berlin Radio, I arrived in Rottach-Egern to make a three-minute radio report about Gorbachev, his daughter Irina Mikhailovna diplomatically and politely declared from the threshold of the house:

You are a modern journalist. All information about my father can be found on our website.

However, he communicates willingly with representatives of the German media... And he does not send them to his website. And posing in front of the camera...

In the Munich publications “Tageszeitung”, “Merkur”, “Abendzeitung” sometimes articles about Gorbachev appear: “... visited the most popular beer hall Hofbräuhaus with my daughter”, “... Gorby had surgery on his neck”, “... successfully Gorbi underwent spinal surgery”, “...Gorbi walks on the banks of Tegernsee with a personal guard”, “...Gorbachev received a new award...”, etc.

But the topic that he baptized his granddaughter two years ago in the Munich Cathedral of the Russian Church Abroad went unnoticed either in the Bavarian media or on the pages of the website of the same cathedral. Maybe this is correct, but for Russian biographers to write a book about Gorbachev, this, in my opinion, is a significant event... In Germany they write that in Russia he will be appreciated only in the future...

I thought about this when I walked towards the foot of Mount Walberg (1722 m), turning in Rottach-Egern from a wooden roadside cross onto the elite Kreuzweg street, where the Gorbachev family purchased the so-called “Hubertus Castle” in 2007 for millions of euros, where two of its large buildings housed a Bavarian orphanage.

The area where this castle is located, formally registered not to Gorbachev, but to the name “Virganskaja”, is called Oberach. Large spruce trees grow around, ten meters from the two huge houses of the Gorbachev family - the Weissach mountain river, where the royal trout fish splashes. From here it is not far from the ski lift to Valberg, where residents and guests of the city are told that Gorbi himself is at the top - in the mountain chapel and on the veranda of the restaurant. Of course, the waiters recommend trying those expensive dishes that Mikhail Sergeevich allegedly tried here with his family members and guests. On the mailbox of the castle, which has street numbers 7 and 9, you can only read the surname of the daughter of the ex-president of the USSR.

During breakfast, he showed photographs of the Gorbachevs’ rich buildings to an old Bavarian woman who owned a hotel house, who also once saw Gorbi walking along the lake embankment and staying at “two sister birches.”

Our residents say that they often see his granddaughter and daughter with their new, second husband in the city. And he himself often visits England. Perhaps you are also interested in the fact that "Schloß Hubertus" is the title of a popular pre-World War II novel by our Bavarian writer Ludwig Hanphofer. He died on Tegergnsee in 1920. His book was once even used as a feature film...

But you, Mrs. Liedschreiber, have you ever seen Gorby yourself?

Yes, I met him on the embankment.

And they didn’t ask him anything?

N-o-o-o, our women are not the first to talk to unfamiliar men.... [...]

* * *
In general, it turns out that Michal Sergeich avoids communicating with journalists from his former fatherland, but with German ones he is welcome.

But still, where does he permanently live now? In the Bavarian region, or...?
