Chairman of the LDPR party. Mister X of Russian politics: Zhirinovsky, LDPR and the Kremlin

They note that all participants in the current election campaign tried to fit into the president's ratings. His authority, which had previously been high among the Russian public, reached its peak after the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol in 2014.

“In such conditions, parties needed to focus on the preferences of the “Putin majority” in order not to lose the votes of their supporters,” the report says.

The LDPR, according to experts, coped with this task better than anyone else.

"Sluggish start"

The political scientist believes that the current campaign is one of the most boring in history. past period. And it’s worth talking not so much about the achievements of the parliamentary opposition, but about the decline in their results.

“It’s not the LDPR that has gained, but rather the Communist Party of the Russian Federation that has slipped,” says Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor. “They had to play as an alternative to the party in power, but they are trying to be an ideologically left party, which is also trying to stay in the pro-presidential niche. The Social Revolutionaries are in Lately fluctuated between loyalty and opposition.”

The political scientist does not believe that the LDPR will really be able to compete with the communists on the lists. In his opinion, although so far the parties are on par in sociology, the communists have more “real support.”

“Of those people who will come to the elections and do not support United Russia, most will give preference to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation rather than the Liberal Democratic Party,” the expert is unequivocally confident.

The source confirms that the gap between the positions of the Communists and the Liberal Democrats is relatively small. This is due to the fact that the Liberal Democrats can take away part of the electorate from the Socialist Revolutionaries and. But at the same time, Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor emphasizes that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation still has more mobilization of the actively voting part of the electorate.

The LDPR today is the only real party in Russia!

We are often asked the same question: what has the LDPR given Russia since its formation?

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky:"Today, many people talk about liberalism. It means the free development of society. The LDPR is the first party that even in its name indicated a commitment to liberalism - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. This happened in 1989. The rest who talk about liberalism have only matured now. The Union of Right Forces says that they are liberals, and Yabloko says they are liberals, and even the United Russia"."

But WE were the first. Another phenomenon that is so popular these days is patriotism. It was also the first to be put on the agenda by the LDPR in the late 80s. Since May 1991, as a presidential candidate, Zhirinovsky declared patriotism as the basis of the LDPR ideology. Love Russia, main people- Russian, to national issue eliminate discrimination as a legacy of the proletarian internationalism of the CPSU. In any building, no matter how beautiful the windows and lampshades are, the main thing is the foundation. We remove the foundation and the building collapses. So is the national composition. The Russian people must hold the entire country together. He is everywhere. And he created everything.

IN political system The country's LDPR became the progenitor of two trends - liberalism along with patriotism. A reasonable combination for Russia. There are liberals in the West, but there are no conflicts there, there are no special problems, it’s like they’re making a mess there, polishing is going on public relations. But our foundation is still shaking, there are still many unresolved issues - the Caucasus is smoking, forests are burning because there are not enough firefighters, there are many other disasters. Therefore, the LDPR has already made a huge contribution to the development of political culture in Russia.

The LDPR is a party of patriotic democrats. We are for freedom, but freedom should not turn into anarchy. Taking up a weapon and shooting, some consider this freedom, but such liberation ends in great sacrifice.

Why is the LDPR ideology better than others? Our parents have already experienced the ideology of the left. This is a dead-end ideology, a beautiful fairy tale. Yes, a just society is communism. But it will never be fair, because we are all different. Some are older, some are younger, some are healthier, some are smarter. Therefore, the principle of communism: “Work as hard as you can, and get paid as you want” is super-fiction. Then everyone will want to get luxury houses, cars, beautiful clothes, but they will not be able to work well. This is a dead-end, not to say stupid, ideology, a deception of people. We are tired of the CPSU. It is impossible for one party to rule the country, because one party in a one-party regime is actually no longer a party, but a part of the state. There are many parties now. There is a choice. People must choose. Here are four directions.

The first is leftist ideology, the ideology of the poor. But no one wants to be poor. Everyone wants to escape from the pool of poverty, so this is a vicious ideology. She lost to us.

Secondly, the ideology of the Democrats is no good, because they again take someone else’s formula. They are repeating the mistake of the Bolsheviks. They took the theory of communism from the West. It was just a theory. They decided to put us to sleep. Therefore, everything that the West, SPS and Yabloko do does not take root here. We have a different civilization, a different way of life, a different history.

Third is the ideology of the party in power. There are many of these parties, six or seven. This is Gaidar’s “Democratic Choice of Russia”, and Shakhrai’s PRESS, and Chernomyrdin’s People’s Democratic Republic, and Luzhkov’s “Fatherland”. Now there is United Russia, there are several more. But parties are not made from above. A party is when a part of citizens unites on the principles of common beliefs and a common ideology. This is exactly how we can hope for votes, and not otherwise. And an attempt to create an organization, especially from above, almost force people to join the party, as they do with “United Russia” - all TV stars and pop prima donnas were enrolled in the party! - forcing these idiots called “Walking Together” to go to subbotniks means repeating the path of the CPSU in its very worst case scenario. This is the third option, happening before everyone’s eyes.

The fourth option is the Liberal Democratic Party. We are almost 30 years old. The oldest party. We have a clear economic program, foreign policy, national, on education and health care, in a word, on all vital positions that allow us not only to pull Russia out of the “democratic” hangover, but also to make the country and all its inhabitants worthy among the most developed countries in the world, to return We have universal respect and honor.

Take a closer look at us. There are already almost 300,000 of us. WE are a team.

The future of Russia belongs to US.

Make the right choice!

TASS DOSSIER /Svetlana Shvedova/. LDPR was founded on December 13, 1989 as the Liberal Democratic Party Soviet Union(LDPSS). On March 31, 1990, at the founding congress, the main tasks of the liberal democrats were announced: the creation rule of law with a presidential form of government, market economy and a multiparty system. LDPSS declared itself the first opposition party in USSR. At the congress, its chairman was elected, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who has since led the party for 25 years.

In April 1992, the LDPSS was transformed into the all-Russian socio-political organization "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" (LDPR), in December 2001 it was reorganized into a political party (registered with the Ministry of Justice on April 4, 2002). Since December 2012 it has been called Political Party LDPR (while retaining the former name Liberal Democratic Party of Russia).

She declared her main goals and objectives to be the construction of a legal, “socially oriented state with a diverse economy” and guaranteed implementation of civil rights and freedoms, “restoration of the status of Russia as a Great Power.” He advocates a presidential republic with a unicameral parliament, and for limiting the tenure of any leader, including governors. He proposes assigning to the political opposition the functions of control and supervision over budget implementation, increasing the responsibility of governors for the socio-economic situation in the regions, expanding the functions of local self-government, etc.

Supreme governing body is a congress that is convened at least once every four years. It adopts program documents, elects the party leadership, the head of the Supreme Council, the chairman of the Central Control and Audit Commission, and nominates candidates for elective positions in state and local authorities. In the period between congresses, the governing body of the LDPR is the Supreme Council (elected for four years; leader since 2009 is Igor Lebedev, son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky).

LDPR is the only party in modern Russia, which participated in all six presidential election campaigns, but its candidate never rose above third place. Party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky ran for president of Russia five times. On June 12, 1991, he came in third place (7.81% of the votes), a record high. In the first round of elections on June 16, 1996 and in the elections on March 26, 2000, the chairman of the LDPR was in fifth place (5.78% and 2.70%, respectively). March 2, 2008 Vladimir Zhirinovsky took third place (9.35%); March 4, 2012 - fourth (6.22%). On March 14, 2004, State Duma deputy Oleg Malyshkin participated in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation from the LDPR; according to the voting results, he received fifth place (2.02%)

The party also took part in all Duma elections. In 1993, 22.92% of voters voted for it - more than for other parties and blocs, which allowed the LDPR to receive 64 mandates and form the second largest faction - after Russia's Choice with 66 mandates. In 1995, the LDPR received 11.18% of the vote (51 mandates, the third largest faction). In 1999, the Zhirinovsky Bloc gained 5.98% (17 seats, the fifth largest faction). In 2003, the LDPR was supported by 11.45% of voters (36 mandates, third place). In the State Duma elections in 2007, 8.14% of voters voted for the LDPR (40 deputy mandates, third place); in December 2011 - 11.68% (56 mandates, fourth place). The party is represented in the Federation Council by Mikhail Marchenko (from Bryansk region), Elena Afanasyeva (from Orenburg region) and Lyudmila Kozlova (from the Smolensk region).

Regional branches of the LDPR operate in all 85 constituent entities of the Federation. According to the results of the elections on September 14, 2014, the LDPR received the most mandates in the State Council of Crimea - 5 seats (8.49% of the votes). In the Duma Khabarovsk Territory- 3 mandates (13.34%). In the parliaments of Sevastopol, Mari El, the Altai Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia and Tula region the party has two seats. In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the Volgograd, Bryansk, and Moscow Dumas - one mandate each.

Currently, there are 217 LDPR deputies in regional parliaments, and 2,565 party members are deputies of local governments. 83 LDPR representatives - heads municipalities. Liberal Democrat Alexey Ostrovsky is the governor of the Smolensk region.

The traditional colors of the LDPR are yellow and blue. The party has more than 230 thousand members (data as of December 2014).

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich

Chairman of the LDPR Political Party - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

Member of the State Council.

MP State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation 7th convocation.

Leader of the LDPR faction.

Head of the Supreme Council of the LDPR.

Graduated with honors from the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(later the Institute of Asian and African Countries) at Moscow state university specialty "Türkiye and Turkish language"in 1970, evening department of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University with a degree in law in 1977.
Doctor of Philosophy (defended his dissertation for an academic degree on the topic “The Past, Present and Future of the Russian Nation” on April 24, 1998).

December 29, 2000 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was awarded the honorary title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation” for his services in strengthening Russian statehood and active legislative activity.

Professor international law, Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University, Honorary Professor, Moscow University of Finance and Law, Honorary Professor, Moscow Service University, Honorary Doctor, Moscow State Linguistic University, Honorary Doctor Russian Academy Bar, academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Natural Resources Management, full member of the International Academy of Informatization, honorary academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, professor of the Moscow State Open University.

Reserve Colonel.

  • IN 1969 - 1970 years, he completed an internship at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR.
  • IN 1970 - 1972 years served in the Armed Forces in the troops of the Transcaucasian Military District.
  • IN 1972 - 1975 worked in the sector for years Western Europe International Department of the Soviet Peace Committee.
  • IN 1975 - 1977 years - in the dean's office for work with foreign students High school trade union movement.
  • WITH 1975 to 1983 year - employee of the Inurkollegium of the USSR Ministry of Justice.
  • WITH 1983 to 1990 For a year he headed the legal department of the Mir publishing house.
  • WITH March 31, 1990 year - Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (member of the LDPR since 1989).

He was a candidate from the LDPR for the post of President of the RSFSR in 1991 and for the post of President of the Russian Federation in the elections of 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2018.

Participated in the 1993 Constitutional Conference to prepare the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation.

He was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth convocations. In the State Duma of the first, second and sixth convocations he was the Leader of the LDPR faction. In the State Duma of the third, fourth and fifth convocations - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

Awarded the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" II, III and IV degrees, the Order of Honor, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of the Republic of Ingushetia "For Merit", the P.A. Stolypin Medal. II degree, Zhukov medal, Anatoly Koni medal, medals "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg", "For services in conducting the All-Russian population census", a commemorative anniversary medal and the Badge of Honor of the Chairman of the State Duma “100 years since the establishment of the State Duma in Russia”, Badge of Honor of the State Duma “For merits in the development of parliamentarism”, badge of honor “Parliament of Russia”, Certificate of Honor of the State Duma, Certificate of Honor of the Federation Council, memorial badge of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, badge of honor Guild of Russian Lawyers "For contribution to the development of the legal profession."

Awarded an honorary weapon - a personalized dagger from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Honorary Elder of Turkmenistan.

Speaks English, French, German and Turkish.

The LDPR expects to increase the size of the faction in the next convocation of the State Duma by 20-30% - up to 60 people, and to hold at least 10 people in single-mandate constituencies.

Such plans were voiced by the party leader in an interview with Izvestia.

"A Just Russia" will remain if they pull its ears, because it does not have a nuclear electorate. She is trying to pinch off something from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, something from United Russia. But after all the events: Ilya Ponomarev, Alexey Mitrofanov, the exit of Oksana Dmitrieva, the departure of Elena Mizulina to the Federation Council, I think the average voter has a below average impression of all this.", Zhirinovsky explained.

First of all, the party is counting on strong deputies of the current convocation - they will be elected in Moscow, Alexey Didenko - Kemerovo region, in the Moscow region it will probably go Sergey Zhigarev, Sergey Katasonov- in the Orenburg region, Ivan Abramov- in the Amur region.

"We have many promising politicians. Sergei Furgal will go from the Khabarovsk Territory. From Khakassia - Viktor Sobolev. In the Arkhangelsk region we have a chance - Yaroslav Nilov is there. We can reach 15 or 20 single-mandate seats", says Zhirinovsky.

According to him, the LDPR will field its candidates in all districts.

At the same time, the party is not against the decision to come to an agreement with other parliamentary parties and give each other 10 constituencies and not interfere in these areas.

“If we agree somewhere, naturally, it is also more beneficial for us to know that in some district we will not be disturbed by strong candidates from United Russia, A Just Russia, or anyone else.”, he explained.

According to Zhirinovsky, in the upcoming elections, in addition to parliamentary parties, will also have to compete with the Growth Party, which is predicted to possibly enter the State Duma.

Although the leader of the LDPR himself does not believe in the success of the business ombudsman party.

“If Titov did nothing in the post of ombudsman for business rights, then what will he do in parliament without a majority? A normal voter will say: “Why, guys, vote for him when he already had the post of ombudsman for business rights and he didn't do anything?"“, Zhirinovsky noted, explaining that a more likely scenario for the development of events is three factions in the future State Duma.

At the same time, the LDPR leader believes that the ideal option is to divide all parties into two large ones. Thus, he proposes to unite all leftists into the Social Democratic Party of Russia - SDPR, and all conservatives - into the Conservative Party of Russia.

“Because when discussing any issue, there are only two positions: to do - not to do, to reduce or increase, to build - not to build. What is the third position? On the retirement age, what is the third position? Raise it or leave it the same. So why do you need five parties for this? These are expenses!", he explained.

Touching international issues, Zhirinovsky recalled that he always stood for “CrimeaNash” and for this reason the European Union has been denying him a visa for 15 years.

“They don’t refuse, I wasn’t on the official black lists of the European Union, they just don’t give a visa when I apply. Only when the delegation is parliamentary: for example, I went to the Council of Europe, or when NATO conducts its missions, I went to the OSCE. But like this , separately, rest - 15 years", he said.

True, Zhirinovsky made a reservation that countries such as Britain, France and Germany refuse entry, but Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal are still ready to issue him a visa.

According to the leader of the LDPR, there will be no more Ukraine as before. And in the future it will be divided.

“The southeastern part will go to us, since this is Russian land, Russian cities are Russia. Transcarpathia will be taken by Hungary. Western Ukraine- Poland. Southern Ukraine - Bukovina, Chernivtsi - Romania. There will be nothing left of Ukraine", - noted Zhirinovsky.

Also, the LDPR leader does not expect bright prospects from developments in the Middle East. He believes that Russia and Turkey have quarreled forever; even a change of president in this country will not affect this.

“This is not Erdogan’s policy. I have been studying the country for 52 years. They are all anti-Russian, and everyone dreams of Great Turan (the state of all Turkic peoples), to take all Turkic-speaking peoples under their banners. They dream of capturing part of Syria, part of Iraq. Even when another president comes, there will be another ruling party - all this will remain", Zhirinovsky explained.

The LDPR leader also does not expect the anti-Russian sanctions to be lifted soon. He recalled that Cuba has been under sanctions for 60 years, Iran for 30 years. But even in this situation, Zhirinovsky does not see anything bad, noting that Russia can only get better from sanctions, and “it would be beneficial if the sanctions lasted for at least twenty years.”

“We will receive new technologies through third countries: India, China, Japan, Taiwan. Today you cannot save or hide anything. These are not the times of the Soviet Union: somewhere they are making a bomb, and you need to steal some secrets. Today everything is at work. Such , like Snowden, a huge number", he thinks.

Zhirinovsky noted that during the sanctions Russia has already increased its Agriculture , and in the future can cover its needs independently 100%.

"Then, there is Central Asia. It’s April, there are already fresh strawberries in Tajikistan. You go to the store and there are rubber Israeli ones. And we can solve the problem of migrants from Central Asia It’s very easy: buy everything from them. And no Tajik workers will come to us - they will work for themselves", he explained.

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