What contribution did the UN make to the matter? "Drug addiction prevention

Belarus at the UN. Belarus sovereign state in this capacity takes an active part in the life of the world community.

From the first years of its existence in its foreign policy activities, Belarus, together with the entire country, has been steadily pursuing Lenin’s peace policy, advocating strengthening the security of peoples, development international cooperation. It became especially active international activities with accession to the United Nations. The United Nations Conference, held in April 1945 in San Francisco, invited Ukraine and Belarus, taking into account the contribution of their peoples to the common victory over fascism, to become founding members of the UN. Belarus fulfills its duties as a member of this most authoritative organization with dignity.

She participates in the work of more than 70 international organizations and bodies of the UN system for industrial development UNIDO, education, culture and science UNESCO, International organization labor ITF, International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, International Telecommunication Union ITU, World Trade Union UPU, UN Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD, Economic Commission for Europe ECE, Disarmament Commission, UN Program for environment UNEP, the UN Children's Fund UNICEF, etc. Belarus was elected to the Security Council, as well as to the UN Economic and Social Commission, the Commission on Human Rights, the Commission on the Status of Women, the social development and other bodies that deal with issues of a political, economic, social nature, human rights, development and coordination of work programs of the UN system. The Republic was the initiator or active participant in making a number of important decisions General Assembly and other UN bodies. Among them are the Assembly resolution on the extradition and punishment of war criminals, 1946, on limiting the outflow of capital from developing countries, 1966, on the use of scientific and technological progress in the interests of peace and social progress, 1973, on the status of the Conference on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crimes of Genocide, 1985, etc. . IN recent years Belarus comes to the UN with a proposal to adopt resolutions regarding the prohibition of new types of weapons of mass destruction.

At the 41st session of the UN General Assembly, held under the sign of new foreign policy initiatives of the USSR on nuclear disarmament by the year 2000, preventing militarization outer space, on the reduction of conventional weapons.

The BSSR was elected one of the deputy chairmen of the Assembly.

Together with friendly delegations, she achieved the adoption of 31 resolutions. belarus united nation resolution

Among them are resolutions on the creation of a comprehensive system international peace and security, on the right of peoples to life and peace, on the prohibition of testing nuclear weapons etc. Belarus is a party to about 170 multilateral international treaties, agreements and conferences. According to the UN and other international organizations, various conferences, meetings, seminars, and symposia are held in the republic. In 1974-1975, Belarus was a member of one of the main UN bodies, the Security Council.

She was also elected to the UN Economic and Social Council ECOSOC, commissions on human rights, the status of women, social development, settlements etc. At the initiative of Belarus, international organizations adopted a number of important decisions. The UN General Assembly, for example, approved the resolution introduced by the Belarusian delegation on the extradition and punishment of war criminals, the UNESCO Conference on educating the younger generation in the spirit of ideals and friendship of peoples, etc. At all international meetings, Belarusian delegates together with representatives of the USSR, Ukraine, and other republics The Union, with envoys of socialist countries and peace-loving forces, are resolutely fighting for the prohibition of nuclear weapons, for disarmament, for strengthening peace and friendship between all peoples globe. The ties between Belarusians and the working people of socialist countries are especially broad.

The Minsk region, for example, is closely connected with the Potsdam district in the GDR, the Mogilev region with the Tabrovsky district of Bulgaria, the Brest region with the Lublin voivodeship of Poland, the Gomel region with the South Bohemian region of Czechoslovakia, the Vitebsk region with the Frankfurt region on the Oder. Belarus is actively participating in economic cooperation Soviet Union with foreign countries.

More than a third of the BSSR's supplies abroad consist of machinery, equipment, and instruments. The republic's factories provide a significant portion of Soviet exports of tractors, metal-cutting machines, and refrigerators. More than 100 countries buy Belarusian products. From year to year, cultural ties between Belarus and foreign countries are expanding.

They are successfully developing in the field of science in a wide variety of fields of knowledge. Belarusian scientists, maintaining contacts with their colleagues from dozens of countries, work together with them on complex problems, mutually visit scientific institutions, inform about research results, participate in international scientific congresses and symposia, and carry out work under the programs of UNESCO and other UN bodies. 3Belarus in other organizations. Belarus makes a significant contribution to the struggle for peace and social progress by participating in the activities of the UN on issues of education, science and culture of UNESCO. Together with other socialist countries, Belarus is consistently seeking to implement the main provisions of the Charter of this organization, designed to promote the strengthening of peace and security of peoples through the development of cooperation between states in the field of education, science and culture.

Participating in the session of the UNESCO General Conference for the first time, the delegation of Belarus energetically supported those proposals of other states that could help strengthen peaceful cooperation between peoples.

In particular, the delegation of the republic presented relevant arguments and called on the session participants to vote for the adoption of a resolution on the use of the media to strengthen peace. In an effort to contribute to the improvement of the political atmosphere in the world, the delegation of Belarus, together with the delegation of the SRR, submitted to the XIII session of the UNESCO General Conference a draft resolution on educating youth in the spirit of peace and friendship, which, after minor amendments, was unanimously approved.

At the session of the UNESCO GC, Belarus, together with Russia and Ukraine, introduced a draft resolution authorizing general director organizations to more actively carry out activities within the competence of UNESCO aimed at promoting peace and international security. Together with the USSR and a number of other countries, Belarus co-authored such important resolutions adopted at the session as UNESCO’s participation in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, and UNESCO’s contribution to peace and strengthening the security of peoples by promoting the process of détente and committing to it irreversible nature and On UNESCO's contribution to solving the problem of disarmament and on UNESCO's participation in UN activities aimed at implementing the resolution of the XXVIII session of the UN General Assembly, On reducing the military budgets of states that are permanent members of the UN Security Council by 10 and on using part of the saved funds for assistance developing countries. Belarus makes a positive contribution to peace at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The most important activity of the IAEA is the monitoring of safeguards regarding the use of nuclear materials and equipment.

The delegation of Belarus at the sessions of the IAEA General Conference invariably emphasize the decisive importance for the activities of the Agency of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Belarus took part in the first and second conferences to review the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, held under the auspices of the IAEA in Geneva in 1975 and 1980, respectively.

Belarus stands for further increasing the role of the IAEA in modern world, is determined to continue to make its feasible contribution to the cause of international cooperation, ensuring trust and security on the planet.

(VOVworld) - After serving on the UN Human Rights Council between 2014 and 2016, Vietnam is once again running for one of the seven members of the Commission. international law for the period 2017-2021, representing the Asia-Pacific region. This shows that Vietnam is ready to make greater contributions to the world body.

Vietnam's candidate for membership in the International Law Commission for 2017-2021 is the country's Ambassador to Kuwait, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor Nguyen Hong Thao. He is an international law expert who has served as Deputy Chairman of the State Border Committee, head of the delegation to negotiate border agreements with Vietnam's neighboring countries, and legal advisor on the 2012 Vietnam Maritime Bill. He has been working in the field of international law and diplomatic legislation for 40 years.

The UN International Law Commission is the most authoritative international legal forum

The UN International Law Commission was established in 1946. Its objectives are the codification and progressive development of international law. The Commission plays a very important role in the development of international covenants, putting forward initiatives and issuing instructions on the application of international law. She also authored the UN Convention on maritime law 1958 and the concepts that are currently applied in the implementation of the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea and a number of other international covenants. The Commission consists of 34 people who are elected by the UN General Assembly for a period of 5 years based on the principle of geographical distribution. The Asia-Pacific Group of States consists of 7 seats. Candidates for its membership are predominantly well-known professors, diplomats and lawyers who have practical experience in the fields of teaching and international law. Like other legal bodies, the International Law Commission acts objectively and pays attention to the interests of all countries in the world.

Membership in the Commission is open to all UN member states, each of which is elected by an absolute majority of the members of the General Assembly by direct secret ballot.

Vietnam is preparing carefully for election campaign

The election campaign for membership in the International Law Commission officially began in February this year after the Vietnamese mission to the UN, the World trade organization and other international organizations in Geneva sent notes to the diplomatic missions of member countries in which the Vietnamese Ambassador, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor Nguyen Hong Thao was presented as a candidate for the above-mentioned post. According to Ambassador Nguyen Hong Thao, being a candidate for membership in the UN International Law Commission is a great honor and responsibility for him: "On at the moment Vietnam decided to put forward its candidacy because, first of all, it corresponds to the foreign policy course of the Party and the State of the country to implement international integration not only in the economic, socio-cultural spheres, but also in the legal sphere. This is also a wise decision of the Party and State of Vietnam. Of course, in the future our country will take part in the work of other international legal bodies.”

The Vietnamese diplomat said that if elected as a member of the International Law Commission, he would give priority to certain issues relevant to the reality in the Asia-Pacific region, developing countries in Asia and Africa, as well as other issues of interest to the Commission, in particular respect for the rule of law in international life, peaceful overcoming of emerging disagreements between states: “International legal and jurisdictional bodies must place the rule of law above all else. The International Law Commission is tasked with the codification and progressive development of international law. In all cases, our country wishes to share experience and express opinions on resolving issues arising in the field of international law, as well as transfer the accumulated experience to other countries within the framework of international law. This is a contribution to international level, which affects all states, not just one.”

Vietnam has a responsibility not only to the nation, but also to the international community

The world is undergoing great changes, countries are facing traditional and non-traditional problems such as armed conflicts, migration crisis, crimes against humanity, terrorist attacks, climate change... In such a situation, the states of the world must find common language for the codification and progressive development of international law, since legislation itself must be used as an instrument for effective management new world order.

It is clear that Vietnam has experience in dealing with challenges and difficulties, having repeatedly fought for peace, security, the eradication of hunger and poverty and sustainable development. In particular, over the years, Vietnam has successfully fulfilled the role of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and has taken up positions in many international organizations. All these achievements have been highly appreciated by the international community. Current general secretary ASEAN is a citizen of Vietnam. For now, our country is putting forward its candidacy for membership in the International Law Commission and is preparing to nominate a candidacy for the post of Director General of UNESCO. This proves that Vietnam is confident in its ability to carry out its responsibilities both at the national and international levels.

State policy of combating drug addiction Executed by: life safety teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 5 named after V. Khomyakova” Savostin G.P. At the beginning of the 20th century. drug addiction has spread its destructive influence over most peoples of the world. Its scope exceeded all the fears of doctors and the public, who understood the full force of the impending danger.

HISTORICAL FACTS World community, frightened by the rapid spread of drugs across the planet, began an active struggle to allow the use of drugs exclusively for medical purposes as painkillers. The world community, frightened by the rapid spread of drugs across the planet, began an active struggle to allow the use of drugs exclusively for medical purposes as painkillers. The beginning of this struggle is considered to be the Shanghai Opium Commission (1909). This commission attempted to develop measures to prevent the illegal penetration of drugs from Asian regions into Europe and the United States. The beginning of this struggle is considered to be the Shanghai Opium Commission (1909). This commission attempted to develop measures to prevent the illegal penetration of drugs from Asian regions into Europe and the United States. In December 1911, the International conference on opium. During the conference, the first Drug Convention was prepared and adopted. For the first time, it identified the types of drugs whose use was placed under international control. In December 1911, the International Opium Conference took place in The Hague. During the conference, the first Drug Convention was prepared and adopted. For the first time, it identified the types of drugs whose use was placed under international control.

Since 1946, control over drugs (their production, distribution and consumption) came under the auspices of the UN. Since 1946, control over drugs (their production, distribution and consumption) came under the auspices of the UN. In 1961, the UN International Conference was held in New York, at which the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs was adopted and the UN Narcotics Control Committee was created, endowed with broad organizational monitoring and analytical functions. In 1961, the UN International Conference was held in New York, at which the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs was adopted and the UN Narcotics Control Committee was created, endowed with broad organizational monitoring and analytical functions. The 20th session of the UN General Assembly, which took place on June 8-10, 1998, was devoted to the fight against drug trafficking. 15 presidents and a number of prime ministers took part in its work various countries. The 20th session of the UN General Assembly, which took place on June 8-10, 1998, was devoted to the fight against drug trafficking. 15 presidents and a number of prime ministers of various countries took part in its work.

Drug addiction is a disease of young people. She knocks out normal life the most capable. Statistics Statistics Middle age The current age for drug addiction is 13 years. More than 8 thousand minors are registered as drug users. Number of teenagers applying for the first time medical care, only in 2005 amounted to 750 people. The average age of initiation into drugs is currently 13 years. More than 8 thousand minors are registered as drug users. The number of teenagers who sought medical help for the first time in 2005 alone amounted to 750 people. The situation is especially alarming with the increase in drug addiction among schoolchildren and students, which in recent years has amounted to 68 times. The situation is especially alarming with the increase in drug addiction among schoolchildren and students, which in recent years has amounted to 68 times. According to experts from the Russian club “Ecology of Public Consciousness,” drug addiction has now captured at least 15 to 30% of schoolchildren in its networks. According to experts from the Russian club “Ecology of Public Consciousness,” drug addiction has now captured at least 15 to 30% of schoolchildren in its networks.

In 1993, the country first adopted the Concept public policy drug control in Russian Federation, which assessed drug addiction in Russia: “Drug abuse and illicit trafficking have acquired a global scale in the last decade and have a very serious impact on the socio-psychological atmosphere in society, negatively affecting the economy, politics and law and order.” In 1993, the country first adopted the Concept of State Policy on Drug Control in the Russian Federation, which assessed drug addiction in Russia: “Drug abuse and illicit trafficking have acquired a global scale in the last decade and have the most serious impact on the socio-psychological atmosphere in society, negatively affect the economy, politics and law and order.” In June 1995, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Target Program “Comprehensive Measures to Counter Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking for Years.” In June 1995, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Target Program “Comprehensive Measures to Counter Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking for Years.” In 1997 State Duma The Russian Federation adopted the Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”. This law came into force at the beginning of 1998. In 1997, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted the Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”. This law came into force at the beginning of 1998. On September 17, 1998, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Order “On measures to strengthen the fight against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their abuse.” On September 17, 1998, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Order “On measures to strengthen the fight against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their abuse.”

Let us note that no law by itself will completely solve all drug addiction problems. This is so far only a demonstration of the state’s intentions to restore order in the sphere of legal drug trafficking and the official proclamation of a course towards the most severe counteraction to their illegal trafficking. Let us note that no law by itself will completely solve all drug addiction problems. This is so far only a demonstration of the state’s intentions to restore order in the sphere of legal drug trafficking and the official proclamation of a course towards the most severe counteraction to their illegal trafficking.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for penalties for actions related to narcotic and psychotropic substances. Article 228 determines that the illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage, transfer of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for up to three years. Article 228 determines that the illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage, transfer of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for up to three years. Article 229 states that theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years. Article 229 states that theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years. Article 230 states that inducement to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to five years. Article 230 states that inducement to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to five years. Article 231 determines that the illegal cultivation of prohibited plants containing narcotic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for up to two years. Article 231 determines that the illegal cultivation of prohibited plants containing narcotic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for up to two years. Article 232 states that organizing or maintaining dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for up to four years. Article 232 states that organizing or maintaining dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances may be punishable by imprisonment for up to four years. Article 233 states that illegal issuance or falsification of prescriptions or other documents giving the right to receive narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years. Article 233 states that illegal issuance or falsification of prescriptions or other documents giving the right to receive narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years.

Remember! Drug dealers only want money and have absolutely no interest in your health or the tragic consequences of drug use. Don't fall into the death trap, don't believe anyone who claims that... drug addiction If desired, you can be cured. This is a lie! Never try to try. Life is more valuable than any experiment with drugs. Don’t fall into the deadly trap; don’t believe anyone who claims that you can recover from drug addiction if you want. This is a lie! Never try to try. Life is more valuable than any experiment with drugs.

Questions 1. When did the world community assess the danger of the spread of drug addiction among the population of planet Earth? 2. What contribution has the UN made to the fight against drug addiction? 3. What measures have been taken in Russia in recent years to combat drug addiction? 4. What punishment for inducing the consumption of narcotic and psychotropic substances is provided for in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation? 5. How do drug dealers primarily organize successful sales of their goods?

The world community cannot tolerate such a negative phenomenon as drug trafficking, which is why international efforts to combat it have been directed since the beginning of the twentieth century. On the eve of the First World War (in 1912), the International Convention on Matters Connected with the Opium Trade was concluded, and in 1931 it was replaced by a new Convention that limited and regulated the worldwide production and distribution of medicines containing narcotic substances.

After World War II, the United Nations took the initiative to combat illegal businesses. In 1961, the UN Convention on Intoxicating Substances was approved. In 1971, the Convention on Psychotropic Drugs was adopted, which significantly expands the scope of international control over the list of synthetic drugs. This document has been ratified by more than 140 states. In 1988, the UN Conference on Combating Illegal Traffic in Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances was convened in Vienna. The conference ended with the unanimous adoption of the text international treaty, which is known throughout the world as Vienna Convention. Most countries on the planet have joined this convention, including such suppliers narcotic substances like Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Myanmar, Bolivia, Colombia, etc.

At the international level, interaction in the fight against drug trafficking is carried out within the framework of the UN, its special bodies and institutions, primarily the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOR), World Organization Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Organization civil aviation(ICAO), International Labor Organization (ILO) and some others.

The UN Commission on Drug Abuse made a significant contribution to the formation of an international legal framework for cooperation between states, to the organization and holding of international forums and special sessions of the UN General Assembly on combating drug abuse. narcotic drugs And International Committee on drug control.

Conclusion: today we can talk about integrity existing system international legal regulation of the circulation of substances often used in the illicit manufacture of drugs, which is primarily intended to ensure the formation of control measures applied at the national level.

A full-fledged regulatory framework has been formed that defines international standards legal and illegal drug trafficking. Many states of the world, concluding bilateral cooperation agreements law enforcement agencies, provide primarily for cooperation in the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking. The UN has become the starting point for the development of international cooperation through the extension of mandatory control measures to sources of narcotic raw materials. UN bodies and agencies have made a huge contribution to cooperation between states on drug control.

“Life without drugs” - Drug renders: The judge pronounces a sentence on drugs. Why do teenagers use drugs? Bad habit. Hooliganism Theft Robbery Murder Manufacturing, storage and sale of drugs. Disease. Legal: Crime. What is drug addiction? Give the strongest argument for quitting the drug.

“Youth against drugs” - 1. Relevance of the project. Celebrity Charity Concerts Russian stage: Lube, Factory, Silver, Mirage. In order to preserve the gene pool of the nation, saving physical and psychological health youth. Staffing. -And attract young people to the relevance of the problem of drug addiction prevention.

“Drugs and Health” - Withdrawal is the name given to the pain that a person experiences. At what age are people most likely to try drugs? There are no elderly drug addicts. Health. Say “YES” TO HEALTH!!! Myth four. 1. "Poppy straw." “Try it, if you don’t like it, quit.” Sleeping pills and sedatives. Myth two. What is drug addiction?

“Substance abuse” - Mental dependence syndrome. Definition. . Syndrome of the consequences of chronic intoxication. special hospital At home, friends have a clinic. Psychopathization of the personality is obligatory, which becomes more severe social conflict substance abuser. is based on steadily advancing psychophysical and energy exhaustion.

“Drug addiction” - Problems arise. Stop using. Physical dependence. Drug addict. Starting to like it. Emotions. Use of many psychoactive substances. Amount of substance. Human. Consumption becomes the goal. Sociological survey. "High" schedule. Profound physiological changes. First experiments. Why do people drink alcohol?

“We are against drugs” - Articles on this issue. Books devoted to this problem. Types of drugs. Primary prevention. Prevention of drug addiction in adolescents. Cannabiols. Hallucinogens. Addiction. What is a "drug"? The main difficulty. This will never affect me. We are against drug addiction. General signs drug use and addiction.

There are 31 presentations in total