Alexander Sherin deputy biography. Alexander Sherin became a deputy of the State Duma

CORRESPONDENT: Our editorial office drew attention to your comment under the publication of Leonid Slutsky about the story where he is allegedly accused of sexual harassment to journalists.

A. SHERIN: What did you pay attention to?

CORRESPONDENT: It’s just that you actively commented on this whole matter there. They wrote “This is a real team. You can go on reconnaissance with Anton,” commenting on the publications of another participant in this conversation. We just want to understand what your general position is on this issue.

A. SHERIN: Let's do it this way. Regarding activity, my comment was one. Right?

CORRESPONDENT: They referred to exactly the one that I read to you.

A. SHERIN: You noticed my comment. So there was only one of him, right?


A. SHERIN: After I perceived in in a comic form Anton Morozov’s commentary, where he offers some of his friendly services, as I understand it, as a colleague. In general, in fact, this is complete nonsense and nonsense. Because if you know Leonid Eduardovich personally, this is complete nonsense. Take this seriously in general... People, probably, who are bored in life and have nothing to do. Here's my attitude.

CORRESPONDENT: Nevertheless, you think that you can joke about this topic in the same way as they joked...

A. SHERIN: I believe that one can joke about this topic in relation to the accusation of a person like Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky. It's true. If someone is being harassed in general, you can’t joke about it. But when we are talking about a person like Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky, this is complete nonsense. And before you put this out in the media and try to attract me or one of my colleagues, we need to understand this situation. Otherwise, we have a lot of people who like to pat their tongues and pee. And take a normal, decent person, without thinking about the fact that he has a reputation, family and friends, colleagues, friends, and simply throw out in the media information that has not been verified by anyone, has not been proven by anyone that he is allegedly soliciting some kind of... then journalists. This is really no joke.

No one wants to publicly explain who gave them the right to accuse a public person of harassment without any arguments. And therefore, when I write in a joking manner to the wrong girls whom I don’t know and most likely don’t want to know anymore, I’m not joking in relation to Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky, but I’m joking in relation to my colleague who offered him support in this form. How else could Anton Yuryevich Morozov support Slutsky at that moment? How could he cheer him up?

I can imagine how a person who occupies a high position, the post of chairman of the committee on international affairs who speaks several languages ​​fluently and communicates with prominent politicians foreign states when it starts publicly in the most read in social networks accused of such a terrible crime. I perceive the information that Anton Yuryevich Morozov gave as an absolutely friendly cartoon in support of Slutsky, in order to somehow support him and dilute his disgusting mood in this regard. And in no case were there any jokes about these girls. And I, in turn, am no longer Slutsky, not these girls... I already have a comment regarding Anton Yuryevich Morozov.

CORRESPONDENT: But he had a phrase where he said: “I’m ready to take on a couple of journalists.”

A. SHERIN: This is a phrase from Anton Yuryevich Morozov.

CORRESPONDENT: Yes, we know.

A. SHERIN: And I’m speaking to Anton Yuryevich Morozov, where, in turn, I give a hint that he, maybe even a little recklessly somewhere... joked too openly on this topic. And I give him the following joke comment: “Be careful. Like, a true friend, he immediately came to the rescue, you can go on reconnaissance with someone like that.” Therefore, I am absolutely not shy, I will explain to everyone, I will tell you any of my positions. But every person should know. If he makes any statements regarding any person - public, non-public, then he will probably have to immediately understand about article of decree No. 306. Let him read it. This is not America. Nobody here in Russia, especially me, is going to pretend gay so that someone doesn’t suddenly accuse me of something.

If our men gallantly compliment women, then we can exclude this altogether with the words: “But you’re okay, ugly.” And then no one will definitely accuse you of anything. Right? And on March 8, you will probably also need to refrain from any public compliments to the fair sex. And then suddenly some lady will suddenly feel that she is being harassed. And then you will go and explain.

CORRESPONDENT: Alexander Nikolaevich, can this last phrase be taken to mean that among your colleagues, for example, on March 8, you will also be more careful in your congratulations, for example?

A. SHERIN: Yes, my colleagues and I don’t discuss these topics at all. Listen. My colleagues and I are discussing how to increase the minimum wage for citizens. How to make sure that there are no queues for kindergartens, there are roads and affordable tariffs for housing and communal services and free medicine and education. Do you think we have nothing more to talk about? My colleagues and I generally don’t discuss these topics. My colleagues and I discuss exclusively professional issues, or those that concern us, men: sports, maybe someone goes fishing. We don't go hunting anymore. You understand why. We string worms onto the hook exclusively... so as not to cause suffering to the dead worm. We talk about brooms, about the bathhouse, what drops to use in our old age so that the aroma of eucalyptus spreads throughout the steam room. I promise you, honestly, there’s nothing more for us to talk about. Especially Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky, who travels as an observer, and someone did not remember that he was at the first elections in the DPR, when the situation was still there, they were fired upon every night when he headed the OSCE mission there from Russian Federation. By the way, I was also a member of this delegation.

I want to see what incisive reports these journalists wrote. I don't know their last names. And I probably don’t want to know. Let them conduct some kind of investigation. Somewhere people are being killed. Someone stole money from someone else's accounts, some businessmen were ruined. The war is on. Let them write about some acute events. No problem. Otherwise, probably in warm walls State Duma my brains are boiling, there’s nothing to write about. We decided to draw attention to ourselves. And look at our LDPR faction, it turns out that it has suddenly become bad. Nothing good can be written about us... comments from deputies, they joked about something, let’s write about this topic. Sorry. There are no complaints against you.

CORRESPONDENT: I ​​understand. Alexander Nikolaevich, thank you again for responding to our appeal. All the best.

A. SHERIN: Thank you. With pleasure. Goodbye.

He graduated from the Beloglinsky Vocational School with a degree in “farmer with the right to sell his own products; general-purpose tractor driver.” In 2000 he graduated from the Ryazan Institute airborne troops named after Army General V.F. Margelov (now the Ryazan Higher Airborne command school named after Army General V.F. Margelov), in 2004 - the Academy of Law and Management of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, majoring in jurisprudence.

After graduating from college, he worked as a machine operator on a collective farm.
In 1999 he joined the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR).
In the 2000s. was the commander of a platoon of cadets at the Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces. From April to October 2002, he was on a business trip to Chechnya, was the commander of an airborne platoon, and was wounded.
In 2003-2013 - coordinator of the Ryazan regional branch of the LDPR, assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
In March 2005, he was elected as a deputy of the Ryazan Regional Duma of the IV convocation on the LDPR list in a single electoral district.
In December 2007, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation on the LDPR list (second number in regional group No. 13, Vladimir and Ryazan regions), but after the distribution of mandates, he did not get into the Duma.
On March 14, 2010, he was re-elected as a deputy of the Ryazan Regional Duma of the IV convocation on the LDPR list (second number in the general part of the list). He headed the party faction and was a member of the committees on economic policy, industry and entrepreneurship, and social and demographic policy.
In December 2011, he was again nominated as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation on the LDPR list (first number in regional group No. 63, Ryazan region), but based on the results of the distribution of seats in the chamber, he did not get into the chamber.
October 14, 2012 took part in the gubernatorial elections Ryazan region. Received 9.01% of the votes, finishing third after current head region Oleg Kovalev (" United Russia"; 64.43%) and State Duma deputy Vladimir Fedotkin (Communist Party of the Russian Federation; 21.92%).
Since 2014 - Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
On October 15, 2014, he received the vacant mandate of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation, Alexander Balberov, who moved to the Tula Regional Duma. He was a member of the State Duma counting commission, first deputy chairman of the committee on physical culture, sports and youth affairs. Member of the LDPR faction.
On September 13, 2015, he was elected as a deputy of the Ryazan Regional Duma of the VI convocation from the LDPR, but refused the mandate.
On September 18, 2017, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation. He ran on the LDPR list (number one in regional group No. 106, Ryazan, Tambov regions). In the State Duma he took the post of first deputy chairman of the defense committee. Member of the party faction.
In June 2019, he submitted documents to the Lipetsk Regional Election Commission to participate in the elections of the head of the administration of the Lipetsk region. The elections will take place on September 8, 2019.

The total amount of declared income for 2015 amounted to 5 million 605 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2016 amounted to 4 million 678 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2017 was 4 million 611 thousand rubles, the spouse had no income.
The total amount of declared income for 2018 was 4 million 804 thousand rubles, spouses - 1 million 762 thousand rubles.

Reserve captain.

Awarded the Order of Courage and the medal "For Military Valor". Received gratitude from the Government of the Russian Federation (2017).

Married, has three daughters.

Hobbies: sports, fishing.

Alexander Sherin was born on June 21, 1977 in the village of Belaya Glina, Krasnodar region. He graduated from Beloglinsky Vocational School with a degree in “Farmer with the right to sell his own products; a general-purpose tractor driver,” after which he worked as a machine operator on a collective farm.

In 1995 he entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov, completed his studies in 2000. In the 2000s, he was the commander of a platoon of cadets at the Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces. From April to October 2002, he was on a business trip to Chechnya, was the commander of a parachute platoon, and was wounded. He was awarded the Order of Courage and the Medal for Military Valor. He completed his service with the rank of captain in the reserve airborne forces.

Sherin has been a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia since May 1999. From December 2000 to 2013, he was the coordinator of the Ryazan regional branch of the LDPR. For some time he worked as an assistant to a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In 2004 he graduated from the Academy of Law and Management of the Ministry of Justice of Russia with a degree in Jurisprudence.

In March 2005, he was elected as a deputy of the Ryazan Regional Duma of the fourth convocation according to the list of candidates nominated by Ryazansky regional office political party LDPR in a single electoral district. In March 2010, he was re-elected as a deputy of the Ryazan Regional Duma. He headed the party faction and was a member of the committees on economic policy, industry and entrepreneurship, and social and demographic policy.

He ran for the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation twice. In December 2007 and 2011, on the LDPR list, but based on the voting results, did not enter the Duma. In October 2012, he took part in the elections for governor of the Ryazan region, but took third place. In October 2014, he resigned as a member of the Ryazan Regional Duma, having received the vacant mandate of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation, Alexander Balberov.

Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation since October 15, 2014. Member of the LDPR faction. Member of the State Duma Counting Commission, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs. In 2015, on September 13, he was elected as a deputy of the Ryazan Regional Duma of the sixth convocation from the Liberal Democratic Party, but refused the mandate.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Alexander Nikolaevich Sherin was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the Liberal Democratic Party. Faction member Political party LDPR - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense. Member of the State Duma commission for reviewing budget expenditures aimed at ensuring defense, security and law enforcement. The start date of the term is September 18, 2016.

Russian politician, deputy of the State Duma of the 6th and 7th convocations on the LDPR list



Alexander Sherin becomes a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Alexander Sherin became a deputy of the State Duma

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They don’t ask to go to Chechnya

– Alexander Nikolaevich, some voters call you a “correct deputy.” What habits would you like to get rid of?
- From smoking. Before Chechnya, I quit several times. Now it doesn't work. But I don’t drink alcohol at all.