Presentation for biological local history lessons "flora and fauna of the Orenburg region." Orenburg Region: Wildlife

The Orenburg Nature Reserve consists of four parts, each of which characterizes a separate steppe zone. In these areas, the pristine ecosystem has been preserved. IN recent years a program to revive the population of Przhivalsky's horses has been introduced. The first herd is already mastering the steppes of the Orenburg region.


The idea of ​​establishing a nature reserve in the Orenburg region arose back in 1918 from S.S. Nestruev, a famous Russian geographer, soil scientist, and researcher. Later, the need to create a protected natural zone of the steppes was supported by geoflorist and soil scientist O.A. Smirnova. But the Orenburg Nature Reserve was created much later, in 1975. The impetus was chance and the persistence of scientists.

By the beginning of the 20th century, all steppes were either plowed or given over to pasture. The harmfulness of rash decisions became obvious in 1975, when practically not a drop of precipitation fell in the Southern Urals during the summer months. The plowed areas looked like a scorched desert, where no sprouting of previously sown crops was observed. There was scant green cover only in mountain crevices, where the morning dew did not evaporate as quickly as in open areas.

That summer, an expedition of geologists explored the left bank of the Urals in the southeast of the Kuvandyk region, where, to the surprise of scientists, the steppe was a blooming oasis. Behind the village of Aituarka, the steppe was covered with feather grass, the slopes of the ravines were adorned with bright thickets of bean and steppe cherry, and wild gladioli, orchids, and oleaginous flowers bloomed in the meadows. The steppe, untouched by the plow and flocks, demonstrated resistance to drought and scorching sun rays.

For Orenburg scientists, this discovery became an incentive for many years of work to preserve the Aituar steppe and establish a conservation zone, which later became known as the Orenburg State Nature Reserve. When drawing up the project, it was decided to preserve the maximum diversity of steppe landscapes, which was done at the junction of the Russian Plain, the Tugai Plateau and the Ural Mountains. Plots of steppe were introduced into the protected area in stages. Thus, in 1987, the Aituarsky and Burtinsky districts entered the reserve zone, and in 1988, the Ashchisay steppe (Svetlodarsky district). By the time official functioning began, in 1989, the reserve had one more area - the Talovskaya steppe.

Territory and areas

The Orenburg Nature Reserve is geographically spread over several isolated areas in different areas:

  • Talovskaya steppe (area - 3200 hectares) in the Pervomaisky district.
  • Burtinskaya steppe (area - 4500 hectares) in the Belyaevsky district.
  • Aituar steppe (6753 hectares) - Kuvandyk district.
  • Ashchisay steppe (7200 hectares) - Svetlinsky district.

The Orenburg Steppe Reserve has a total area of ​​21,653 hectares, the protective zone is located around each of the four sites and amounts to a total of 12,208 hectares. Many archaeological sites have been preserved in protected areas of the steppes. The most valuable and large-scale of them are the burial grounds of the Sarmatian era, dating back to the 7-3 centuries BC.

Climate and species diversity

The climate of the Orenburg steppe is continental, the average air temperature throughout the year is 2.5°C, the amount atmospheric precipitation small - 250-390 mm per year. The Orenburg Nature Reserve preserves rare species of flora and fauna on its territory. Thus, there are about 14 species of mushrooms, 150 species of lichens, and 7 fern plants.

Animals are presented in a wide variety - up to 48 species of mammals, almost 200 species of birds, 6 species of amphibians. A large number of insects - 536 species of beetles, arachnids and mites - 215 items. This diversity of species characterizes many steppe reserves. Orenburgsky is no exception.

Vegetation in different areas is characteristic of its area. In places where moisture is retained, meadow grasses are common; where the sun is more active (on the slopes of hills), rocky deposits peek through the soil. Desert flora grow on salt marshes. The most numerous families of the Rostov steppes are considered to be aster, cereal, and cruciferous perennial plants. Each site has its own characteristics of flora and fauna.

Talovskaya steppe

The site is named after the Talovaya River. The territory is characterized by a dry steppe zone, where the soils are predominantly saline. The vegetation of the area is represented by cereal crops - various feather grasses (Lessinga, fescue, beautiful, etc.). In the lowlands grow grasses such as sage, Russian bedstraw, alfalfa and many others.

The greatest accumulation of vegetation is observed in places of spring flood, when two local rivers - Talovaya and Malaya Sadomna - overflow. In early spring, the steppe comes to life and is colored with the first wild tulips. They are replaced by flowering bushes, and the steppe feather grass begins to play the main violin. Birds hide in the forbs, the nightingale trills and throws out vocal calls, rising above the expanse of the steppe, the lark sings, and the falcon looks around its domain from above.

Burtinskaya steppe

The Orenburgsky Nature Reserve in the Burtinskaya steppe is located on flat terrain, where vegetation receives large number water from temporary rivers and streams. From east to west, the site is crossed by the Beloglinka stream. One of the attractions of the area is the Kainar spring, which does not freeze even in the most severe winter. The place is so beautiful that a gazebo was erected for tourists, conducive not only to relaxation, but also to the aesthetic pleasure of contemplating the surrounding nature.

There are a large number of tracts on the site - karst lakes Koskol, the hilly massif of Carmen, black alder forest Tuzkaragal, etc. Abundant vegetation is represented by astragalus, kopek, relict grass of the pre-glacial period called desert sheep and many other types of perennial grasses. Shrubs grow on hillsides, with broom, almond and spirea being the most common.

Aituar steppe

The Orenburg Nature Reserve preserves in this area a unique part of the ancient plain turning into ridges and gullies. There are six beams in total, and each of them has a special geological feature, so they are given their own names. The Aktobe ravine is located in the westernmost part of the Aituar steppe, the second, overgrown with aspens and birches, is called Karagashta.

The largest ravine, Shinbutak, was already protected by the state as a natural monument even before the creation of the reserve. The fourth ravine, Sart-Karagashty, has a tract where the largest aspens grow. The tree trunk sometimes reaches one meter in diameter. Another natural monument is called Zharyk. This beam is characterized by outcrops of rocks and limestones. The sixth beam, Tashkak, is located in the east of the site. Calling a geological phenomenon a beam is not entirely fair, since it represents a geological fault earth's crust, called the Sakmara thrust.

The characteristic plants of the site are mostly concentrated on the tops and slopes of the ridges. Only in this part of the reserve can you find a lot of relict plants - Ural cloves, two types of thyme (Mugodzharsky, Guberlinsky), and the rare Helma astragalus.

Ashchisay steppe

The Orenburg State Nature Reserve in the area where the Ashchisay steppe is located demonstrates the saline appearance of soils and vegetation. Most of the territory is occupied by quartzite ridges interspersed with shallow ravines. The longest of them is the relict Ashchisay ravine, after which the site is named. Value nature education is that the ravine has preserved its structure, microclimate, flora and fauna from Neogene times. There are several salt water lakes on the site.

The main plants of the solonchak-quartzite zone were feather grass and shrubs (rose hips, crenate spirea). There are no fresh water bodies in the area; the color of the water in the lakes, depending on the salt level, can take on a brown color. In the flat part of the Ashchisay area, in the depressions, there is an abundance of herbs, where cloves, meadowsweet, bedstraw, etc. are found.

Animal world

The reserves of the Orenburg region preserve and increase species of animals and plants characteristic of the area. In Orenburg, marmots have become the most common representatives of the steppes; their number increases every year. The abundance of food, safety and lack of human intervention increase the population of animals, which, having fattened up in warm weather, hibernate for seven months.

Brown hares, hedgehogs, and badgers live in large numbers in the steppes. In the ravines you can find roe deer, moose, wolves, wild boars, and foxes are not uncommon. In the area where the Burtinskaya steppe is located, birds are abundant, of which there are 140 species. Some are listed in the Red Book. For example, the steppe eagle, demoiselle crane, imperial eagle and many others have found a safe nesting site provided by the Orenburg Nature Reserve. Animals in a favorable environment reproduce quite well.

In the area where the Aituar steppe is located, the reserve's staff in different years met a large forest cat - a lynx. Another rare inhabitant of the Orenburg steppe, the saiga, is also sometimes encountered by workers at the reserve. The smallest inhabitant of the Orenburg steppes is considered to be the tiny mouse, and the largest is the elk.

Like many protected areas of the steppes, the reserves of the Orenburg region were replenished with imported animals. Thus, in 2015, the implementation of a program for the reintroduction of Przewalski's horses in the Cis-Ural steppe was launched, where a specialized center focused on caring for new pets was organized. Horses of this breed were once permanent residents of the Orenburg region, and now, as part of a program designed until 2030, the population will be restored.

How many animals have been brought to the Orenburg Nature Reserve to date? In October 2015, eight individuals of this rare breed of horses arrived at their new place of residence from the French city of Montpellier. In 2016, the family herd, consisting of one adult stallion, four females and one foal, acclimatized to new conditions on an area of ​​45 hectares. In total, it is planned to import up to 30 individuals.


Some reserves in the Orenburg region are part of associations. In particular, the Orenburgsky Nature Reserve operates in tandem with the Shaitan-Tau protected area, which is located in the northern part of the Kuvandyksky district. This is the youngest of all reserves in the Russian Federation and the most modest in size in the Urals. It was established in October 2014. The territory covers 6,726 hectares. The protected area includes a ridge where oak groves grow, characteristic of the forest-steppe. Here they are preserved in standard condition.

The steppe reserves of the Orenburg region are focused not only on preserving, but also on restoring the steppe zone, increasing the number of animals and plants, and spreading the natural habitats of all ecosystem participants. The main objectives of Shaitan-Tau are to preserve and enhance the unique fauna of oak forests and their habitats, to preserve relict species plants, animals, birds and insects, maintaining biological diversity reserve.

In addition to flora and fauna, the uniqueness of the Shaitan-Tau ridge includes reef massifs of the Cambrian period, which are more than 500 million years old. Only in this place of the Ural Mountains are fossilized paleontological remains of shells, invertebrate animals, and algae found.

Useful information

Like all nature reserves of the Orenburg region, Shaitan-Tau and Orenburgsky offer tourist programs and excursion routes:

  • Ecological trail “Where the beaver lives.”
  • "The protected world of the Southern Urals."
  • "The protected world of the Volga region."
  • "The protected world of the Trans-Urals."
  • "The protected world of the Urals."

There are several nature reserves in the region where you can immerse yourself in the world of wild nature. There are 509 natural monuments in the Orenburg region, including Karagay Bor, Zmeinaya Mountain, Shonkal rocks, Hanging Springs, etc.

Nature reserves of the Orenburg region, list:

  • Orenburg, territory - 216.53 hectares.
  • Shaitan-Tau, territory - 67.26 hectares.
  • Buzuluksky pine forest, territory - 106,788.28 hectares.
  • Biological reserve Svetlinsky.

Class Mammals.

  • Species and subspecies included in the Red Books of the highest ranks.
  • Species rare for the Orenburg region.


Central Russian mink

Northern otter

South Russian dressing

Steppe pika

European steppe marmot

Bashkir squirrel

garden dormouse

Class Mammals. Reasons for disappearance.

Intensive fishing


Habitat disturbance:

Plowing floodplains

River pollution.

Shallowing of rivers.

Chemical treatment of land.

Cattle grazing.


  • Plowing floodplains River pollution. Shallowing of rivers. Chemical treatment of land. Cattle grazing. Deforestation.

Class Mammals. Security measures.

Increased advocacy for conservation.

  • Increased advocacy for conservation.
  • Increased advocacy for conservation.

Number control.

Fight against poaching.

Preservation of natural biotopes.

It must be included in the list of mammals prohibited from being hunted.

Class Mammals. Black list.


Squad - Predatory

  • Squad - Predatory

Steppe tarpan

Order - Odd-toed ungulates

  • Order - Odd-toed ungulates

Tur, or primeval bull

Order - artiodactyls

  • Order - artiodactyls


Like a wolf, it goes out hunting at night, filling the surrounding area with howls. Willingly feeds on carrion.

Steppe tarpan

The extinct ancestor of the modern horse is a subspecies of Przyvalski's horse.

Tarpans were found in herds, sometimes containing several hundred heads.

The animals were extremely wild, cautious and timid.

Tur or primitive bull

Now considered extinct. Completely extinct as a result of intensive economic activity and hunting.

Class Mammals. They need special control.

There are 19 species in total.

Malaya Vechernitsa

Red-haired nocturnal

Giant noctule

Brown bear


Sand badger, etc.

Red-haired nocturnal

One of the best flyers among bats, combines speed with maneuverability. At full speed, it flies up to the hollow, instantly folding its long narrow wings, jumps inside, brakes sharply and hangs on the wall or ceiling.

Giant noctule

It is the largest bat in Europe and Russia. Hunts along forest edges and surfaces of water bodies.

Lives in tree hollows in colonies of other bats.


In many regions of the world, the wolf is on the verge of complete extinction.

But despite this, in many places the wolf is also hunted as a potential danger to humans and livestock, or for entertainment.


Similar to the common fox, but noticeably smaller.

Lives in burrows, usually shallow. It feeds mainly on birds and their eggs.

Brown bear

Now the brown bear has been almost exterminated in most of its former range, and is scarce in other areas.

It is omnivorous, but usually its diet consists of 2/3 plant foods.


Valuable fur-bearing animal. As a rule, he prefers to settle near water. Swims well. Its diet usually consists of mouse-like rodents.

Sand badger

It adheres to dry areas, but near water bodies and swampy lowlands, where the food supply is rich. Mainly nocturnal. Omnivorous. It feeds mainly on mouse-like rodents, frogs, lizards, birds and their eggs, insects, worms, mushrooms, berries...

Bird class.

Species, subspecies and populations included in the Red Books of the highest ranks.

There are 41 species in total.

Dalmatian pelican

Black stork

little swan

steppe eagle

European middle woodpecker...

Dalmatian pelican

Inhabits hard-to-reach lakes, lower reaches and river deltas with abundant aquatic vegetation. It feeds on fish, catching it in shallow waters or in the upper layers of water in deep places.

Black stork

The lifestyle of the black stork has been poorly studied. This secretive bird prefers to settle in remote places near ponds, forest lakes, and swamps. It feeds mainly on fish, small aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates. In wintering grounds it feeds on small rodents, large insects, and, less often, snakes and lizards.

Small swan

Prefers open spaces of water; does not nest in wooded areas. It feeds mainly on plant foods: aquatic plants, grass, berries. Often eats small fish. Swans mate for life.

Snake eater

A very rare and endangered species of bird of prey, one of the most timid and distrustful of humans.

Steppe eagle

It feeds on medium-sized rodents, mainly gophers, also hares, small rodents, sometimes chicks, willingly eats carrion, and sometimes reptiles. The species is small in number and continues to decline throughout its entire range.

Golden eagle

The largest eagle, sometimes attacks sheep, calves and baby deer. Avoids residential areas, sensitive to human disturbance. Over the past centuries, the golden eagle has disappeared from many areas. Hunts a wide variety of game, most often hares, rodents, and many species of birds.


The bustard prefers steppe lands, but willingly nests on fallow lands and even arable lands if they are cultivated no more than once a year. Looks like a small ostrich. It runs quite well, flies well, but prefers to move on the ground.


One of the largest owls. If necessary, an eagle owl is capable of flying at high speed and can even catch up with a crow. When sitting down to rest on a tree or ground, the body is held vertically.

European Middle Woodpecker

They fly reluctantly and, as a rule, over short distances. They usually live alone.

Bird class. Reasons for disappearance.

Death in the networks.

Depletion of food supply.

Hunting. Poaching shooting.

Habitat destruction.

Dehydration of habitats.

Deterioration of nesting and feeding conditions.

Death on power lines.

Death in traps.

Effect of pesticides.

Bird class. Security measures.

Creation of an ornithological reserve on one of the lakes in Eastern Orenburg.

Habitat conservation.

Mining ban.

Advocacy for conservation.

Number control.

They are protected by the hunting legislation of the Orenburg region.

Included in the annex to the CITES convention.

CITES – Convention on International Trade in Species wild fauna and endangered flora.

Bird class. Black list.


Order - Falconiformes

  • Order - Falconiformes


Order - Falconiformes

  • Order - Falconiformes


Order - Galliformes

  • Order - Galliformes

Siberian Crane

Order - Crane-like

  • Order - Crane-like


They are very social animals and live in small groups. Vulture nests are quite large and give a chaotic impression. Moreover, vultures willingly weave garbage left by humans between the branches, which serve them as construction material. The bottom of the nest is lined with soft material and animal hair. The main food is carrion, but sometimes they also feed on fruits.


These are large falcons, the female is noticeably larger than the male. Gyrfalcons create permanent pairs. Predators, feed on birds. The father catches the prey, and the mother feeds the chicks.


By eating harmful insects and weed seeds, pheasants benefit agriculture. In harsh and snowy winters, pheasants starve and often die in large numbers. In such years they especially need feeding and protection.

Siberian Crane

Siberian cranes are under threat of extinction and are included in the international Red Book lists.

Currently, their number is about 3 thousand individuals. Siberian cranes are omnivores, feeding on both plant and animal foods.

Bird class. They need special control.

There are 23 species in total.

Gray goose

mute swan

Whooper swan

Dwarf eagle

Great white partridge

Gray-haired woodpecker, etc.

Gray goose

Inhabits bodies of standing water, swamps, lakes, and ponds surrounded by reeds. It is also found in grassy swamps and water meadows, choosing the most inaccessible places. It flies low and rises high only during flights.

Mute swan

In the past, the mute swan was more widespread and its numbers were much higher. Currently it does not have any commercial significance. The mute mute has a friendly character and lives easily in captivity and semi-captivity.

Eagle - dwarf

A true noble eagle in disposition and character. It differs from its relatives in greater dexterity and less caution. Its flight is fast and easy. An energetic predator. Small birds are the main subject of his hunt.

Great white partridge

The largest number of white partridge chicks die at an early age. It stays and feeds mainly on the ground, and takes off extremely rarely. Runs quickly, skillfully hides. The diet is predominantly plant-based, and the chicks feed on insects.

black grouse

The black grouse spends most of its life on the ground, although in winter it almost everywhere feeds on trees.


The name “grouse” is due to the well-known feature of the mating male, which shows itself to lose sensitivity and vigilance, which is often used by hunters.


Noticeably smaller than black grouse, about the size of a jackdaw. Is the object of hunting.


The quail is considered a space bird, since it is the only one of the entire order of chickens that has received the honor of being hatched in space several times. Incubation quail eggs Our cosmonauts worked at the Salyut 6 and Mir orbital stations.

gray woodpecker

Compared to other woodpeckers, they are less arboreal birds. They often look for food on the ground - in anthills or termite mounds.

Class Reptiles, Reptiles.

Species rare for the Orenburg region

Round-headed spinytail

Spindle is brittle

Foot-and-mouth disease multi-colored

Common copperhead

Patterned runner

Round-headed spinytail

A species of lizards of the round-headed genus, it got its name for the manner of strongly twisting its tail behind its back. Capable of digging holes.

Brittle spindle (spindle)

This lizard is legless. The name comes from the spindle, which is shaped like this lizard. And the “brittle” property makes it easy to throw off the tail. Listed in the Red Book.

Foot-and-mouth disease multi-colored

Serves as prey for many species of snakes, birds of prey and even domestic dogs. The multi-colored foot-and-mouth disease is one of the most beautiful representatives of this genus. Listed in the Red Book.

Common copperhead

One of the most graceful, agile and lively snakes. They feed on lizards, mice, small birds, and less often insects. The copperhead can be attacked by martens, hedgehogs, wild boars, rats and some birds. This species of snake is listed in the Red Book.

Patterned runner

It climbs excellently and moves quickly both along tree branches and on the ground. Swims and dives excellently. The diet includes birds, mammals, snakes, fish and insects. Enemies include the steppe eagle.

Reptile class.

Causes of death:

Confused with poisonous snakes.

  • Confused with poisonous snakes.

Security measures:

Number control.

Environmental education of the population.

Security on the territory of Buzuluksky pine forest.

It is necessary to create micro-reserves in areas of high density.

  • Number control. Environmental education of the population. Security on the territory of Buzuluksky pine forest. It is necessary to create micro-reserves in areas of high density.

Reptile class. Black list.

Squeaky gecko

Squad - Scaly

  • Squad - Scaly

Squeaky gecko.

Animals that disappeared from the territory of the Orenburg region.

Reptile class. They need special control.

Swamp turtle

Viviparous lizard

Already aquatic

Steppe viper

Common viper

Swamp turtle

Inhabits standing or slowly flowing waters. Swamp turtles avoid fast and clean rivers. Large turtles may try to bite if handled carelessly. The bites may be painful, but they are safe. Turtle nests can be destroyed birds of prey and animals. Lives 25–30 years, the species is listed in the Red Book.

Viviparous lizard

For the winter, they climb into shelters to a depth of 30–40 cm and remain there until spring. In spring, they wake up from hibernation quite early, when there are still isolated patches of snow in the forest. Often, unlike our other lizards, they are active on cool and cloudy days.

Already aquatic

Strongly associated with bodies of water. It feeds mainly on fish, less often on amphibians. It spends the night on land, in the morning it warms up in the sun and goes into the water to hunt. Having caught prey, it crawls back to the shore, where it swallows it and either goes for new fish or settles down to digest the prey. Winters on land.

Steppe viper

On land, the viper moves rather slowly, but swims well and can climb the branches of bushes and low-growing trees. In search of food, it visits colonies of mouse-like rodents and bird nests. This species is endangered.

Common viper

It is distributed very unevenly throughout the territory, forming large accumulations in suitable places - snake foci, but being completely absent in large areas. Lives 10 – 12 years. The snake is non-aggressive, and when a person approaches, it tries to use its camouflaged coloring as much as possible, or to move away. Only in case of unexpected appearance of a person or in case of provocation on his part can she try to bite him. It feeds mainly on rodents, amphibians or lizards, although sometimes it eats birds or their eggs.

Class Amphibians, Amphibians.

Species rare for the Orenburg region.

Grass frog.

  • Order – Tailless amphibians.

Crested newt.

  • Order – Tailed amphibians.

grass frog

It usually winters in water - in rivers, ditches, springs, streams and lakes, mainly where there is a current. In aquatic wintering grounds they are usually found in groups. Mass deaths of individuals due to lack of oxygen in the water are not uncommon. Some frogs spend the winter on land in burrows or rotten trees and pits. But these groups are often subject to mass death from frost, especially in snowless winters.

Crested newt

Newts live in freshwater bodies of water. Newt sheds regularly. Sometimes its old skin can be seen on aquatic plants. Lives up to 27 years. Crested newts are capable of making sounds - creaking, squeaking and dull whistles.

Class Amphibians. Reasons for disappearance.

Landscape and climatic conditions at the border of the range.

Frosty and little snowy winters.

Deforestation of mature floodplain forests along the Ural, Sakmara, and Samara rivers.

Drying, overgrowing of water bodies.

Chemical pollution of the environment.

Class Amphibians. Security measures.

Preservation of mature tracts of floodplain forests of large rivers in the region.

Advocacy for conservation.

Class Amphibians. Black list.

Common tree frog

  • Order - Tailless amphibians

Common tree frog

Currently not found in the Orenburg region.

Pisces class.

Species, subspecies and populations listed in the Red Book Russian Federation.

Caspian lamprey

Kurinsky thorn


Volga herring

Brook trout


European grayling

Russian Bystryanka

Common sculpin

Caspian lamprey

This species is a traveler: before reaching sexual maturity, the lamprey lives in the sea, and rises to the Volga, Kura, and Ural rivers to spawn. The species is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book.

Kurinsky thorn

The thorn does not spawn every year. Predator, feeds mainly on fish (gobies, sprat, juvenile bream). In winter, food almost stops. Enemies - many fish, especially barbel, they eat thorn eggs on non-breeding grounds.


The maximum age of a sterlet is about 30 years. Valuable commercial fish. Object of pond and lake breeding. The species is on the verge of extinction.

Volga herring

Valuable commercial fish. The number is declining due to deteriorating breeding conditions.

Brook trout

It is especially popular among fishermen. Externally, this is one of the most beautiful salmon fish. Lives in streams and rivers with fast currents and cold, oxygenated water.


Few people now know the taste of this fish. But some 70 years ago it was a commercial fish, it was valued more than sturgeon and was beyond the means of ordinary people. The whitefish got its name from the Belaya River in Bashkiria, where it spawned.

European grayling

One of the most colorful and beautiful fish in Russia. Together with trout, they constitute the main fish population of cold and fast-flowing rivers.

Russian Bystryanka

Found in sections of rivers with fast currents. In some reservoirs it is very numerous, but has no economic significance. Russian bystryanka is scheduled for inclusion in the Red Book of Russia.


Keeps in packs. Adult bersh feeds on young fish. The fish is listed in the Red Book. Fishermen who catch a bersh are recommended to release it back into the water element.

Common sculpin

Sedentary fish. Lives in flowing waters with transparent and cold water. Hides between stones or in holes. When water bodies are polluted, the number of the species decreases and does not recover.

Pisces class. Reasons for disappearance.

River pollution and a lot of silt.

Inaccessibility of spawning sites due to the construction of dams.

Commercial fishing and poaching.

Construction of waterworks.

Violation of migration routes.

Pollution of river headwaters and depletion of springs.

Low natural abundance.

Volley discharge of contaminated wastewater.

Pisces class. Security measures:

Artificial reproduction.

Elimination of sources of pollution (livestock parking and milking) in the upper reaches of rivers and streams.

Prohibition of temporary earthen dams on mountain streams.

Protective regime during mass spawning and occurrence of juveniles.

Creation of an aquatic and ichthyological reserve in the habitats of trout, grayling, and sculpin.

Compliance with the reserve regime.

Class Bony fish. They need special control.

Order - sturgeon

Russian sturgeon

Order - sturgeon

Order - carp-like


An anadromous fish, it lives in the seas, from where it enters rivers to spawn. Early on it was quite numerous, but over time its reserves became scarce. The species is on the verge of extinction.

Russian sturgeon

Sturgeon are ancient fish in origin that have survived to this day. They reached their heyday 100-200 million years ago, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. Currently, this species is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the International Red Book.


Typical river fish. It lives in deep water with fast currents, often near bridges or rapids. Life expectancy is about 15 years.

Class Insects. Species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Watchman - Emperor

Steppe dybka

Krasotel fragrant

Krasotel reticularis

Aphodia twospotted

Smooth bronze

Stephanocleonus fourspotted

Characopygus blackfoot

Parnopes large

Bee - carpenter

Steppe bumblebee

Armenian bumblebee

Extraordinary bumblebee

Common Apollo


Blueberry Rhymn

Steppe dybka

In its habits it is more reminiscent of a praying mantis than a grasshopper. The main danger for the steppe racket currently comes from the use of insecticides. Listed in the Red Book.

Smooth bronze

The larvae develop in rotten stumps of old trees. It is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Bee - carpenter

A large insect, very loosely related to bees, but quite similar in appearance to them.

It is on the verge of extinction; the species is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Steppe bumblebee

The number is very low. The species has almost disappeared or is very rare. In recent decades, the number has sharply decreased as a result of continuous plowing of virgin steppes and the use of pesticides.

Class Insects. Species rare for the Orenburg region.

Toothed blueberry

Large overflow

Zegris yellowish



Ktyr gigantic

Bolivaria shortwing

Bronze beauty

Bessarabian ground beetle

Eight-point waxer

Barbel tanner

Scolia hairy

Xylocopa dwarf

Small peacock eye

Krasotel bronze

It is an active predator and destroys caterpillars. It catches prey both on the surface of the soil and on the trunks of trees and shrubs. The larvae of the beauty beetle, which live in the litter and upper layers of the soil, are also very active predators.

Barbel tanner

A universally rare, little-studied species, the actual number is unknown. Included in the Red Book of the Orenburg Region.


The species is highly vulnerable to fires, continuous mowing, grazing, and heavy trampling of meadows.

Class Insects. Reasons for disappearance.

Human economic activity :

Development of river floodplains

Water pollution

Livestock grazing


  • Development of river floodplains Pollution of water bodies Livestock grazing Deforestation

Treatment of massifs with pesticides.

Mass catching.

Reducing timber construction.

Class Insects. Security Measures.

Protection of mature forest areas.

Study of biology and breeding.

Transition to biological methods of forest pest control.

Restriction of economic activity.

Preservation of virgin lands

Organization of micro-reserves in key habitats.

Creation of a lake reserve in Eastern Orenburg region.

Class Insects. They need special control.

There are 39 species in total.

Mantis religious

Licorice root beetle

Bumblebee evaded

Fruit bumblebee

Saffron jaundice

Mourning maid

Order ribbon blue

Order ribbon, crimson, etc.

Mantis religious

During the period of hunting for smaller insects, mantises can freeze in their characteristic pose for several hours until a suitable victim appears nearby.

Fruit bumblebee

Not only bees, but also bumblebees can collect nectar and receive honey; this is what they feed their offspring, but bumblebees do not store honey for the winter.

Saffron jaundice

Inhabitant of open spaces with the presence of flower stalks. The yellow form is extremely rare.

Mourning maid

Previously, it was widespread throughout Europe, but later the number sharply decreased for unknown reasons. Now it remains at a low but constant level.

Groups of animals in the Red Book of the region.

Number of species

in the area


Number of species in the Red Book


Number of species as a percentage of the total number

The Orenburg region is located in the southeast of Russia, at the point where Europe and Asia meet. This is one of the largest Russian regions, located on the southeastern edge of the East European Plain and covering the southern part of the Urals with the southern Trans-Urals. In the west it borders with the Samara region, in the north-west it neighbors with Tatarstan, in the north from the Ik River to the Urals with Bashkortostan, and in the north-east with Chelyabinsk region. In the east and south, the Orenburg region adjoins Kazakhstan. In the southern part of the region, the desert landscape is dominant, in the north forests and mountains prevail, and in the central and eastern parts there are endless Orenburg steppes.

Flora of the Orenburg region

The Orenburg region is largely characterized by grassy, ​​steppe vegetation. Only about four percent of the total area of ​​the region is occupied by forest. These are mainly coniferous species: pine and larch. Among broadleaf species English oak, linden, maple and elm trees are common. Small-leaved trees include birch, poplar, aspen, willow, and alder. In the southern part of the region, Siberian larch, hazel, and euonymus are found. In the north, Caspian willow, silver elk, juzgun, and tamarix grow. Typical steppe plants are feather grass, wormwood, fescue and thyme, as well as cloves and desert sheep.

Among medicinal plants, growing in the region, we can mention licorice, small-leaved linden, buckthorn, St. John's wort, medicinal valerian, knotweed, kupena, oregano, lily of the valley and many other plants. Wild fruit-bearing plants and shrubs are represented by strawberries, blackberries, steppe cherries, drupes, prickly plums, rose hips, and Siberian hogweed. Among the honey plants, it is worth mentioning caragana tree and shrubby caragana, mountain ash, viburnum, willow, dandelion, coltsfoot, steppe strawberry, small-leaved linden, sweet clover, mouse pea, chicory, thistle, etc. Among the essential oil plants, sweet bison grows here , various types of thyme, wormwood, peppermint, woodruff.

The grassy swamps hide an extremely rare plant, the “insectivorous” sundew. Also there you can find the equally rare multi-spike cotton grass and the relict club moss. The Red Book lists eight species of orchids growing in the Orenburg region, as well as the Schrenck tulip and Russian hazel grouse. Among the forest herbs, the locust (curly lily) and lady's slipper occasionally please the eye.

Common shrubs include: hazel, euonymus, and wolf's bast. The Orenburg region is famous for its richest natural collection of mosses and lichens, among which you can find varied Marchantia, sphagnum, cladonia, bearded lichens hanging from trees and many others.

Fauna of the Orenburg region

There are over eighty species of mammals in the Orenburg region. Common and long-eared hedgehogs are found almost everywhere. The Russian muskrat still survives in the Ural floodplain. The north is home to many rodents: moles, shrews, hamsters and rats. Meet bats. There are squirrels in the forest. In the steppe, vegetable gardens and arable fields, ground squirrels and marmots are often found. Beavers, water rats and muskrats live along the banks of reservoirs. Permanent inhabitants of the steppes: field mice, steppe pikas, jerboas, and in the forests: little mice, wood mice and yellow-throated mice. In the western Orenbuzhye you can see the forest dormouse.

The objects of hunting are the brown hare and the white hare, wolves, foxes and steppe corsacs. It is extremely rare to see a brown bear living in the forests of Shaitantau and Maly Nakas. Among the mustelids in the Orenburg region you can see the badger, ermine, pine marten, polecat, weasel, European and American mink, and river otter. Lynxes live in some southern areas. Licensed hunting is carried out for forest-dwelling wild boars, roe deer, elk, and red deer. In the southeastern regions of the Orenburg region there are small herds of steppe saigas. Large colonies of steppe marmots have been preserved in the Orenburg Trans-Urals.

Among the birds, the typical inhabitants of the steppes are daytime predators: steppe eagles, imperial eagles, and many small falcons. Not far from the steppe reservoirs live the steppe, meadow and reed harrier. Numerous representatives of the passerine order here are larks and yellow wagtails. Less common are lapwings, lapwings, and steppe tirkushki. Near bodies of water there are greylag geese, mallards, waders. In the forests there are wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, woodpeckers, and crows. A real pearl among the birds living in the Orenburg region is the white-tailed eagle.

Among amphibians and reptiles, swamp turtles, quick-footed and viviparous lizards, spiny roundheads, legless lizards and brittle anemone are common. Reptiles are represented by common and water snakes, steppe viper, patterned runner, copperhead. Among amphibians, newts, lake, pond and grass frogs, toads, and spadefoots are often found. Frequent guests in gardens and vegetable gardens are gray and green toads.

Among commercial fish In the middle Urals, pike perch, bream, ide and asp are common, as well as roach, podust and white-eye. In the lower reaches, sabrefish and roach are found. Among the small fish there are perch, chub, and ruff.

Climate in the Orenburg region

It is characterized by a pronounced continental climate with warm summer and frosty winters with stable snow cover, light precipitation and a significant annual temperature range. Winter lasts the longest with severe frosts and strong snowstorms, lasting over four months. In winter, the air temperature here can drop to -49 degrees Celsius. The average temperature in January ranges from -14 to -16 degrees.

Summer is hot and sunny. The most favorable time occurs at the end of May - beginning of June, when the steppe begins to bloom, and all the trees, including mountain oaks, are covered with dense foliage. In July, the average temperature usually reaches 22 degrees, and during the daytime it can rise to 40 degrees. This is also the time when most thunderstorms occur.

Precipitation in the Orenburg region is distributed unevenly. Their number decreases in the direction from northwest to southeast. Stable snow cover in the Orenburg region forms at the end of November and reaches maximum height in the first ten days of March. The melting of snow cover begins in the first half of April. Local snowstorms are characterized by gale-force wind gusts, sleet, and occasionally rain in the middle of winter. Most snowstorms occur in January. Temperature boundaries for the autumn and spring seasons are not easy to establish due to large fluctuations at night and during the day. At the end of September, such fluctuations can reach 20-25 °C.

It is located on the border areas of various zoogeographical regions and geographical zones. Many factors determined the originality and uniqueness of the local animal world.

Nature reserves, which are under state protection, are educational (in the field of ecology), research, scientific, and environmental institutions. The purpose of their activity is to preserve and study the natural movement of natural processes or phenomena. Also, in the territories of these zones, the genetic fund of flora and fauna is replenished, individual communities and species of flora and fauna, unique or typical ecological systems are subject to conservation. The Orenburgsky Nature Reserve is no exception.

General description

The environmental protection zone is formed by four sections, the total area of ​​which is equal to 21.7 thousand hectares.

The Orenburg Nature Reserve contains:

  • “Talovskaya steppe” - 3200 hectares;
  • “Burtyn steppe” - 4500 hectares;
  • “Aituar steppe” - 6753 hectares;
  • “Ashchisay steppe” - 7200 hectares.

All zones are located approximately at the same latitude. In longitude they are separated from each other by 240, 380 and 75 km. Such territorial fragmentation made it possible to fully present the main landscape types found in the steppes of the Orenburg region.

History of creation

The first plans for organizing a protected area began to be developed back in the twenties of the last century. But it was only in 1975 that they began to come to fruition. The impetus was the research of one of the expeditions, as a result of which a pristine area of ​​steppe was discovered in the Orenburg region. The reserve was finally created in 1989.

Climate zone

The territory has a continental, dry climate. The average air temperature is 2.5 °C. The duration of the frost-free period in the reserve is 130 days. The average annual precipitation is 390 mm.

Aituar steppe

The territory covers an area of ​​6753 hectares, it is located on the left bank of the river. Ural, on the border of our country with Kazakhstan. Until the 60s of the last century, there were two modest Kazakh villages in the vastness of this steppe. Steppe and meadow tracts were used as hayfields, but today all types of economic activity have been suspended. The only exception was a horse farm specially created in Aytuark for the production of high-quality kumiss.

The Orenburg Nature Reserve in this area is considered the most mountainous area. This is part of the Ural folded side. The fauna is represented by 38 species of animals. In this area, bobbacks, mole voles, mice, and pikas are common. Foxes represent predators. Roe deer, wild boars, and moose live in shrub and tree thickets.

106 species of birds are widely distributed, and 41 of them are noted to nest. Falconiformes are represented in a wide variety, including the steppe kestrel, saker falcon, imperial eagle, buzzard, steppe harrier, and eagle. This area of ​​the reserve is home to little bustards, partridges, and quails. Insects are represented by many species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

On the territory of the reserve there are four single mounds and two burial grounds. There are a total of 16 mounds located near the boundaries of the site.

Ashchisay steppe

This zone is located on an area of ​​7200 hectares, which are located in the Svetlinsky district. Previously, the steppe was a pasture with limited livestock load; some places were used as hayfields.

The terrain of the area is flat, flat, slightly sloping. A beautiful contrast to the Ashchisay steppe is provided by outlier rocks, ridges, and ridges that are not subject to the activity of watercourses and lakes.

The hydrographic steppe is represented by hollows and a few lakes, the filling of which depends on the volume of melted water. spring waters. Most of them have a round shape. This is one of the most beautiful places that the Orenburgsky Nature Reserve is proud of.

What is protected in this area?

More than 20 species of mammals and 53 species of nesting birds are common in the area. Among the representatives of the fauna (animal world), the most characteristic species are the small gopher, badger, steppe polecat, bobak, and fox. Among the birds, it is customary to highlight the demoiselle, the steppe eagle, and the lark. Smoldering fires, herons, and bitterns nest there.

Monuments of historical and archaeological value

On the territory of this reserve there is a mound, which, according to research, belongs to the tribes of late medieval nomads. The height of the monument is 1 m, diameter - 20 m.

Burtinskaya steppe

The site is located in the Pre-Ural zone of Orenbuzhye, occupying an area of ​​4,500 hectares. During Soviet times, the steppe was partially exploited as hayfields. The protection zone includes saline and meadow tracts, karst lakes Koskol.

The steppe is located in the eastern part of the marginal trough of the Cis-Urals, therefore it is represented by a hilly and ridged topography. The modern landscape began its formation in the Pliocene in places occupied by the accumulative plain. The main water dividing form was the Mueldy plateau.

The predominant rocks are continental red polymictic conglomerates. Soil-forming rocks are diverse. On steep and sloping slopes there are eluvial deposits of heavy mechanical composition.

Ten soil varieties were identified within the site. The basis of the soil cover is chernozems of southern origin. The thickness of the humus horizon reaches about 38 cm, and the content of humus itself reaches 8%.

The hydrographic network is very developed and is characterized by constant flow. It is represented by the headwaters of small rivers, headwaters, and temporary watercourses. IN security zone There are two Koskol lakes of karst origin. The water in them is slightly mineralized.

The Orenburg Nature Reserve, where the Kainar spring is located (in the Burtin steppe), is an area of ​​amazing beauty. The source itself is considered one of the main attractions. Its water surface area is 15 m². This is a powerful, amazing spring of the vaucluse type, which does not freeze even in winter.

The Burtin steppe is considered the standard of the Pre-Ural ridged, hilly landscapes. The zone includes valley-gully, inter-syrtovo-valley, syrtovo-plakor types of terrain.

In the flora of the steppe, a number of mountain-steppe relics and edemics have been identified, for example, Ural carnation, Helm's astragalus, spiny mountain grass and others.

The Orenburg State Nature Reserve in the Burtinskaya steppe preserves numerous representatives of the flora and fauna. The fauna is particularly diverse and rich. About 120 species of birds are found in the area, of which 51 species nest. The most typical representatives are the little bustard, steppe eagle, demoiselle crane, kestrel, demoiselle, falcon, harrier, and black grouse.

Among mammals, 24 species were identified: ground squirrels, marmots, hamsters, voles, and pikas. Reptiles include the steppe viper and the marsh turtle.

Historical and archaeological objects of the site

On the territory there is a burial mound, which belongs to the Sarmatian culture of the 7th-3rd centuries. Doctor of Science e. The monument is located on the Mueldy plateau not far from the geodetic sign “420.9 m”. It is formed by 13 mounds, two of which are especially large and reach a height of 2.5 m and a diameter of 40 m. Other mounds are almost identical: up to 0.8 m in height and with a diameter of 10 to 20 m.

Talovskaya steppe

The site is located in the Pervomaisky district of the region and covers an area of ​​3200 hectares. Until 1988, moderate grazing of horses and sheep took place here. There were also summer camps for sheep, near which pasture degradation of vegetation and soils was revealed.

The relief is characterized by a flat appearance, which was formed mainly in the Mesozoic. Modern type The area acquired in Quaternary times under the influence of denudation processes that caused the rise of the territory.

The soil-forming rocks are represented by typical tertiary saline marine clays. The protected area is located in the transition area from chernozems to medium-deep carbonate soils on gentle slopes and watersheds.

The Orenburg Nature Reserve in the Talovskaya steppe is characterized by poorly developed hydrography. River networks are represented exclusively by temporary watercourses. These are the upper reaches of the Talovaya and Malaya Sadomna rivers; within the territory they do not have a constant flow. There are also no occurrences of groundwater.

The Talovskaya steppe is the standard of the Trans-Volga-Ural steppes. The landscape structure of the area is formed by the syrt-plator, slightly undulating interfluve and valley-gully type.

Historical and archaeological monuments of the site

On the territory there is a burial mound, presumably of Sarmatian culture. It can be found on the northwestern border of the site at an elevation of 198.9 m. This is a unique archaeological value contained in the Orenburgsky Nature Reserve.

Director of the environmental protection zone

By order of the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the country on August 19, 2013, Rafilya Talgatovna Bakirova was appointed director of the reserve. This is a major specialist, candidate of legal sciences, coordinator of the UN Steppe Project at the regional level, associate professor, head of the legal department of the local agricultural university, with which the Orenburgsky Nature Reserve cooperates. Bakirova is distinguished by her sincere interest in the success of the assigned tasks. She is characterized by professionalism and inexhaustible energy of activity, so the nature protection zone will only flourish.

The Orenburg State Reserve is located in good hands. There is no doubt about the dedication and professionalism of the new director. The work carried out in the reserve can be found in the resources mass media. They highlight natural processes occurring in the steppe, environmental events, competitions, publishing and advertising activities. Thanks to this, the reserve attracts a large number of tourists.

Excursion programs

When visiting unique environmental sites, people not only get acquainted with the unique environmental situation protected areas. During the trip, visitors can realize the fragility of its connections, which are easily destroyed under human influence.

Today in the reserve you can follow four educational and educational excursion routes. This is the “Reserved World” of the Trans-Urals, Trans-Volga region, Southern Urals, Cis-Urals.


The Orenburgsky Nature Reserve has a fauna that is considered typical for the local area. She is presented the following types steppe animals:

  • Lun.
  • Kestrel.
  • Belladonna.
  • Little bustle.
  • Pestrushka.
  • Mole voles, etc.

The Orenburg Nature Reserve, whose animals and plants are under special protection, also contains numerous species characteristic of the deciduous forest zone. This is a mouse, an ordinary hedgehog, a badger, a lynx, a clint, a black grouse, a scops owl, and a wood pigeon. Also in the protected area live representatives of semi-deserts, in particular, the long-eared hedgehog and the little lark. Sometimes a striking representative of tundra species is found - the snowy owl.

The modern fauna of the territory is relatively diverse and rich. There are mammals - about 48 species, birds - 190 species, reptiles - 7 species, amphibians - 5 species, fish - 6 species, about 1000 species of insects. The Orenburg Nature Reserve, the photo of which is presented below, takes care of the entire ecosystem as a whole.

Mammals include seven species of insectivores, 23 of rodents, 3 of chiropterans, 9 of carnivores, 4 of artiodactyls, and 2 of lagomorphs. About 15 species of these animals are common in all areas protected area. Among them are marmots, gophers, pieds, mice, jerboas, fox, wolf, hare, badger, ferret, weasel, corsac fox.


The Orenburgsky Nature Reserve contains more than 600 species belonging to the plant world. This figure is about 40% of the total number of flora representatives growing throughout the region. Among them, the role of specimens that are classified as endangered is great. 23 plant species are included in the country's Red Book. Many representatives of the flora living in the protected area belong to the mountain-steppe petrophytes, for example, silver-leaved pennywort, Ural carnation, Helma's astragalus, Bashkir gum.

The Orenburgsky Nature Reserve is of particular importance for our country. On its territory, unique ecological systems of the steppe and zonal upland landscapes were preserved. This is a world in which there is no anxiety and tension, a kingdom of nature and complete harmony, which is important to preserve.

Mammals. More than 80 species of mammals live in the region. The common hedgehog is found everywhere, and in the southern regions it coexists with the long-eared hedgehog. Construction of underground tunnels is underway in the forest-steppe northern regions common mole. In the quiet backwaters of floodplain lakes, a unique endemic of the Russian Plain has been preserved - Russian muskrat. Among the 11 species of bats, the largest is giant nocturnal, inhabiting the dense forests of Maly Nakas and Buzuluksky pine forest. In large forests in the north of the region it occurs common squirrel.

The most typical inhabitants of arable land, pastures, vegetable gardens and the outskirts of populated areas are tawny and small ground squirrels. In most of the steppe and forest-steppe areas of the region it establishes its own colonies boibak (marmot). The burrows of this animal with characteristic tubercles are typical of the landscapes of untouched virgin steppes, now practically unpreserved.

Recently, forested rivers and reservoirs of the region have widely spread common beaver and muskrat. Currently, licensed fishing for these valuable animals is underway.

The most numerous representatives of mammals in the region are rodents of the hamster and mouse families. Among hamsters, typical inhabitants of steppe landscapes are Eversmann's hamster, common hamster, common vole, mole vole, and from mice - field mouse, little mouse. In the forests there are numerous hamsters - bank vole, and from mice - wood mouse

Rice. 66. Habitats of some species mammals and birds

Brown bear Marmot Eversmann's hamster
Reddish gopher steppe eagle Steppe eagle nest
Young Buzzard Bustard Demoiselle Crane

Rice. 67. Representatives of the fauna of the Orenburg region

Inhabits rocky steppes with thickets of bushes steppe pika (stenostavka). In the twilight of the night, the whistling of a pika is often mistaken for the cry of some nocturnal bird. Open landscapes throughout the region are inhabited by the Great Jerboa.

Traditional hunting objects - white hare, fox, corsac fox, and also wolf who inhabit both forest-steppe and steppe areas of the region. Predatory animals include: badger, ermine, pine marten, steppe and forest polecat.

Very rarely on the territory of the region there are species listed in the Red Book of the Orenburg Region. South Russian dressing and European mink.

Previously, in conditions of higher forest cover in the region, it was widespread brown bear. Nowadays, this animal, exotic for the Orenburg region, is occasionally found in the mountain forests of the Maly Nakas and Shaitantau ridges.

Since the 70s of the XX century. The lynx is moving from the north into the region, and is already found in the southern regions of the region.

In the forests, large ungulates include wild boar, roe deer, elk and red deer. With the exception of the latter, they are objects of licensed hunting shooting.

Birds. To date, there are more than 280 species of birds within the region.

The plowing of the steppes led to the fact that most of the large birds that were found in abundance in the Orenburg region - bustard, little bustard, demoiselle crane, gray partridge,- are now considered rare and endangered.

As before, it is impossible to imagine the appearance of the steppe without daytime predators - steppe eagle, imperial eagle and buzzard, as well as small falcons - falcon and kestrel. Hunting animals are often found near bodies of water Looney- steppe, meadow and reed.

For open steppe spaces, the most characteristic species is the skylark. The inhabitants of the open steppe also include burrowing duck-fire

The world of birds inhabiting water bodies is very rich. Among them there are widespread species (mallard, greylag goose), for which hunting is permitted. There are species listed in the Red Book of the region - red-breasted goose, stilt, avocet, curlew.

The forest areas of the region are inhabited black grouse, hazel grouse, woodpeckers. Not rare in Buzuluksky pine forest and some forests in the north-west of the region capercaillie. Breeds in floodplain forests in the Urals White-tailed eagle.

Reptiles(reptiles) in the region are represented by 13 species.

Lives in all reservoirs of the Urals and Samara basins, along streams and steppe rivers swamp turtle. The most numerous and ubiquitous reptiles are fast and viviparous lizards. On the sands in the southern regions of the region, a desert species of lizard from the agamidae family is noted - roundhead-twirlytail. In all forest-steppe areas of the region and in the Buzuluksky forest you can find a legless lizard - the spindle is brittle. Floodplain lakes, rivers and ponds of the region are inhabited by two species snakes- ordinary and water.

Widely found in steppe pastures, hayfields, and bush thickets. steppe viper(Fig. 68). Prefers wooded areas common viper.

Amphibians (amphibians) in the Orenburg region are represented by 10 species. In the shallow water bodies of the Samara, Dema and Bolshoy Ik river basins live tailed amphibians - crested and common newts.

The most numerous amphibians are frogs: lake frogs, sharp-faced frogs, grass frogs. The usual habitats of frogs are lakes, ponds and river reaches with standing water, damp and swampy meadows.

Toads - gray and green - are found in forests, vegetable gardens and meadows far from water bodies. They are active at night or when the soil is abundantly moist.

Rice. 68. Representatives of the fauna of the Orenburg region

Fish. Lakes, streams, ponds, and reservoirs in the region are inhabited by over 60 species of fish.

Very rare sturgeon for the Orenburg region - Beluga, Russian sturgeon, thorn, stellate sturgeon, sterlet. They spend most of their lives in the Caspian Sea, and in the river. Urals are found only during spawning and wintering migrations. For spawning from the Caspian Sea to the river. The Urals come and a representative of salmon - whitefish.

Mountain streams and rivers flowing into Sakmara are inhabited by trout and grayling. The most important fishing objects are: pike, bream, carp, asp, ide, roach, pike perch. In almost all reservoirs of the region there are adjacent crucian carp and perch.

The deep-water reaches of both large and small rivers are inhabited by som, often reaching a weight of 80-120 kg. In small rivers flowing into the Ilek and Ural, it lives burbot. It prefers rivers with a rocky bottom and spring feeding, with a water temperature no higher than 16-18°C.

Insects. The most numerous insects inhabiting the Orenburg steppes are Orthoptera - grasshoppers and locusts. Grasshoppers choose places with high grass - ravines and meadows. Rare species - large (7-8 cm) predatory grasshopper - steppe rack (Fig. 68). Various types of locusts prefer open, dry steppes. Most dangerous pest agricultural crops - Italian locust (Prus).

The decoration of the steppes of the region are beetles. They play a huge role in processing dead plant matter and thus enriching the soil with organic substances. darkling beetles. The disposal of animal droppings is carried out by coprophagous beetles, among which there are species that specialize in the droppings of marmots and gophers. Blister beetles help reduce locust numbers. They are distinguished by their bright color (white longitudinal stripes on a dark background). longhorned beetles. A serious pest for wheat crops in the western part of the region is one of the types of grain beetles - beetle

On a hot sunny day, the steppe is filled with an incessant thin buzzing, which is created by a small (up to 1 cm long) hairy fly - a big buzzer. In May and June, at the height of the flowering of plants, many different insects can be found on the inflorescences - bees, wasps, parasites. Wasps are imitated by brightly colored hover flies, and bees are imitated by tahini flies with a dense abdomen dotted with bristles. The largest fly in the Orenburg region is gigantic ktyr 5 cm long lives on the sands in the southern regions.

More than 200 species of bees live in the region, including those listed in the Red Book steppe bumblebee and carpenter bee. Wasps are also diverse. Occurs everywhere French wasp (polist). Many wasps hunt spiders to feed their larvae, not excluding tarantulas. The largest wasp - sphex eastern, black in color, up to 3 cm in size, with long, spider-like legs, it lives in burrows. Sphex can be seen in August on flowering kermek.

Daytime butterflies are an excellent addition to the fragrance of the blooming steppe: pigeons, checkers, satyrs, nigellas, which give the area a unique variety of colors. On rocky hills you can find swallowtail- a large beautiful butterfly, which is included in the Red Book of the region.

The listed insects are characteristic of open steppe spaces. Reservoirs, meadows and forests are inhabited by other types of insects. The greatest diversity was noted on the territory of the Orenburgsky Nature Reserve, and poorer diversity was observed on agricultural lands.

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· What is the difference between the tectonic structure of platforms and folded areas? What eras are distinguished in geological history? Orenburg region has

How did the Ural Mountains develop in the Orenburg region?
The geological history of the eastern folded part of the region begins with the formation mountain systems Baikal folding. During the Baikal folding, which lasted about 1 billion years and covered

Test your knowledge
1. What eras are distinguished in geological history? 2. Using fig. 5 “Main stages in the development of the relief of the Orenburg region” ( Educational materials, With. 5) answer the questions: in what parts of the region is it

· List the known Vath igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and minerals. What is the difference between the placement of combustible and ore (metal) minerals?

How and where are combustible mineral deposits located?
Oil and gas. Oil is an oily, dark brown liquid with a reddish, yellow or greenish tint and a characteristic pungent odor. Oil deposits always contain

What is the location and origin of ore minerals?
Iron ores. 8 deposits have been explored in the region iron ores. Seven iron ore deposits make up the Orsko-Khalilovsky group, located in the Kuvandyk and Gai regions

What non-metallic minerals are the Orenburg region rich in?
Mineral salts. Deposits of sodium chloride salts are associated with the salt layers of the Pre-Ural foredeep and the Caspian syneclise. The formation of salt-bearing layers is associated with

Test your knowledge
1. Using maps of mineral resources and tectonic structure (Educational materials, Fig. 4, p. 5) of the Orenburg region and data from Table. 1 (Training materials, p. 6), analyze where

Plains and mountains
· What are the main differences between flat and mountainous terrain? · Using the physical map of Russia, determine within which greatest plains and mountains the Orenburg region is located.

What are the characteristic features of the Cis-Ural relief?
The most important feature of the Cis-Ural relief is the asymmetry (different steepness) of the slopes of watersheds. The southern slopes are steeper and more dissected than the northern ones. Short and deep ravines on the southern slopes

What features does the relief of the Southern Urals and Trans-Urals have?
Limestone ridges to the east pass into the Guberlinsky Mountains - a pile of highly dissected low hills, 400-550 m high. However, the sharp tops of the hills and the steepness of their slopes give the locality

What processes are involved in the formation of the relief of the earth's surface?
The relief of the earth's surface is formed as a result of the interaction of internal forces - tectonic movements, and external forces - water and wind. Internal forces form the framework or structure of the relief. External

Test your knowledge
1. Explain the reasons for the rapid melting of snow in the spring in the Orenburg region? What consequences does this lead to? 2. Using the climate map of the Orenburg region, set the elevations with higher

When does spring come to the Orenburg region?
Spring in the Orenburg region is short, but in the life of nature it is the most eventful time. Its onset occurs quickly. In March, average temperatures are still negative, and snowstorms and snowstorms

How do the Orenburg steppes change during the summer?
With the flowering of rose hips (May 28) and the flight of starling chicks (June 1), the long-awaited phenological summer is established, long, hot and dry. Among the summer months according to the number of hours of sunshine

When does autumn begin in the Orenburg region?
A sure sign of the onset of autumn is the appearance of autumn colors on the birch tree from September 21st. It is difficult to determine the temperature limit for the onset of autumn due to the large difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures

When does the winter season start?
Winter in the Orenburg steppes is cold and windy. Winter weather is unstable. Quiet clear days with severe frosts can be replaced by long thaws with sleet or rain. Long rain

Where do the rivers of the Orenburg region flow?
Almost all rivers of the Orenburg region belong to the Ural and Volga basins (Fig. 46). Thus, for the only exception all of them belong to the Caspian Sea basin - an area inland

Test your knowledge
1. Determine which basins the following rivers belong to: Bolshoi Ik, Salmysh, Kumak, Guberlya, Chagan, Irtek, Buzuluk, Sadak, Donguz, Berdyanka, Chernaya, Burtya, Yangiz, Kargalka. 2. Define

What lakes and reservoirs are located in the Orenburg region?
In the Orenburg region, the largest lake is Shalkaregakara. This is a steppe saucer lake. It has a round shape and a depth of 1.5 m. The water level in the lake changes every year. Lake basin in spring

Where are the underground seas hidden?
In conditions of insufficient quantities of surface water, the level of which continuously changes throughout the year, groundwater is the most important source of water supply. The richest in reserves

What influences soil formation?
Unlike soils in other natural zones, steppe soils have the largest amount of valuable organic matter - humus or humus. Due to the dry climate and the abundance of dying grassy steppe

How and where does the “king of soils” - chernozem - develop?
The Orenburg region is almost entirely located in the zone of fertile steppe chernozems. Only in the south do chestnut soils stretch in a narrow strip, and in the north do gray forest soils lie under forests.

Test your knowledge
1. Identify among the natural factors the most important for the formation of soils. Give reasons for your answer. Explain why black soil is the most fertile type of soil? 2. Using soil

What are the characteristics of the area's vegetation cover?
Dry-loving herbaceous vegetation dominates in the Orenburg region. Forests occupy only 4% of the total area of ​​the region. Most forests are located in the north-west of the region. Here le

What plants form rocky and solonetz steppes?
The low-mountain ridges, syrts, and rocky plateaus widely developed in the Orenburg region are occupied by rocky steppes, which differ markedly from the flat steppes. Weak soil layer

What useful and rare plants grow in the Orenburg region?
Many plant species in the Orenburg region are beneficial to humans or animals. Medicines, essential oils, paints and yarn are obtained from them. The Orenburg flora includes

What are the features of the animal world of the steppes?
The modern fauna of the Orenburg region has changed greatly under human influence. The settlement of the region and its agricultural development led to changes in the distribution, abundance and species range

What are the landscape features of the “land of natural contrasts”?
The Orenburg region is located on the border of two large physical-geographical countries: the Russian (East European) Plain and the Ural folded country. The border between them is the main lan

How are the cheeses of the Russian Plain different?
As you know, the Russian (East European) Plain corresponds to the platform of the same name. This determines the flat nature of the relief. The geologically homogeneous Russian Plain is divided into

Landscapes of the Southern Urals
· Using botanical (Fig. 63) and landscape maps (Fig. 69), trace how the border of forest-steppe and steppe is shifting on the western and eastern slopes of the Urals. Extending in a narrow strip from

What makes the country's Turgai dining landscape stand out?
The Turgai dining country occupies the southeastern part of the Orenburg region. Turgai steppe. The crumpled crystalline rocks of the Turgai province are buried under thick layers

What types of terrain are found in the Orenburg region?
The entire diversity of landscapes in the Orenburg region can be reduced to several main types. Let us highlight the main types of terrain found in our region. Floodplain type of terrain

How was the population of the region formed in the past?
The population of the Orenburg region, like the country as a whole, is constantly changing. It is formed under the influence of both natural (the ratio of fertility and mortality) and mechanical

A very picturesque idea of ​​the life and appearance of the peasants who inhabited this territory at the beginning of the 20th century. can be obtained from the multi-volume publication “Russia. A complete geographical description of our fatherland",

What differences existed in the settlement of certain parts of the region?
Before moving on to an analysis of the size and composition of the population at the present time, let us consider the differences in the settlement of individual parts of the region. Indeed, in geography it is necessary to pay attention to changes

How many of us are Orenburg residents and where do we live?
The Orenburg region is currently home to 2 million 199 thousand people, or approximately 1.5% of the Russian population. In general, the distribution of the population across the territory corresponds to the quality of natural

What is the national composition of the population of the Orenburg region?
One of the most striking features of the region's population is multinationality. The region is home to representatives of more than 80 ethnic groups (peoples), belonging mainly to the Indo-European

What processes influence the national composition of the population?
The modern composition of the population was formed over a long period of time under the influence of both natural and socio-political factors. Changes in the ethnic composition of the population

Mennonite Germans, who lived for 100 years in the Orenburg region and almost completely emigrated to Germany in the 90s, settled compactly and separately in a number of settlements

What features unite Orenburg residents?
Despite the differences, there is something that allows this conglomerate of peoples to be united under a single term - Orenburg people. Orenburg residents are great patriots of their region. Having grown up in the steppe, they love their

What religions do the residents of the region profess?
Remember: what is the religious composition of the Russian population? The religious affiliation of the population of the Orenburg region is largely determined by its geographical location

Test your knowledge
1. Representatives of what nations live in your locality? 2. Among your friends there are probably children from ethnically mixed families. Ask them which one

Where and from where are people currently moving?
Mechanical movement or migration plays an important role in changing the size and composition of the population of any territory. Population migrations resemble “Brownian movement” - each person, taking p

What are the features of the natural population movement at the present time?
Natural growth has always been one of the sources of population growth in the Orenburg region, although its value has been declining for several decades. Since 1994 there has been

Test your knowledge
1. Name as many positive and negative consequences of migration as possible for the migrants themselves and the territories of their arrival and departure. 2. In your class, among your friends and relatives

What are the features of the region's economy?
The Orenburg region belongs to the moderately developed industrial-agrarian regions. Orenburg residents can be proud that the region’s enterprises account for more than 5% of all-Russian natural gas production and 3% of oil

What is the standard of living in the region?
At the stage industrial development The availability and quality of natural and material resources plays a decisive role. For the post-industrial stage of development, the most important quality of “human resource”:

What is the importance of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) sectors in the regional economy?
Currently, it is impossible to imagine the functioning of production and non-production sectors, the operation of transport, the life of the entire society and the individual without the use of products

How has the development and location of fuel and energy sectors in the Orenburg region occurred over the last century?
At the beginning of the 20th century. The energy sector of the Orenburg region consisted of several small power plants with a total capacity of about 3000 kW. The main energy raw material was wood fuel. Coal and kerosene were imported

Petroleum and oil refining industry
Without the products of this industry, the work of the entire economic organism of both the country and any region is impossible. Everyone knows that cars run on gasoline, airplanes run on kerosene, no diesel.

Gas industry
This industry accounts for about 18% of the cost of industrial production in the region. Natural gas has basically the same scope of application as oil, but unlike it it is more

Coal industry
The industry is losing its importance in the region. Despite the low cost of production, coal from the Tyulgan open pit is not in demand among consumers. Low quality coal, low heat transfer, high ash

Electric power industry
The Orenburg region has significant electric power potential. The installed capacity of power plants in the region is 3.7 million kW. More than 99% of electricity is generated

Test your knowledge
1. Why did the share of fuel and energy sectors in the structure of industrial production increase significantly in the 90s? 2. Where and why is the oil produced in the region processed? 3. What factor

What factors determined the location of metallurgical complex enterprises in the Orenburg region?
Metallurgical production in the region arose at the turn of the third millennium BC. Within the Oktyabrsky and Sakmara districts, in those very distant times,

Ferrous metallurgy
Ferrous metallurgy occupies a prominent place in the structure of industrial production in the region. In terms of production value, it is second only to the oil and gas industry. Industry represented

Non-ferrous metallurgy
The Orenburg region is one of the regions with a developed non-ferrous metallurgy. There are 7 enterprises in various industries operating in the region. The copper industry dominates. This is due to the presence

Test your knowledge
1. What are the features of production and location of the main non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises? 2. Why are OHMK NOSTA products in high demand in the domestic and foreign markets?

How was the region's mechanical engineering formed?
In pre-war times, small machine-building enterprises operated in the region, mainly related to the repair of railway transport and agricultural machinery. In

How did the role of the engineering complex change in the 90s?
By the beginning of the 90s, mechanical engineering was one of the areas of specialization of the region. In the structure of industrial production, it was very slightly inferior only to the fuel and energy complex (Fig.

What is the composition and importance of the engineering complex at the present time?
Despite the existing problems, the machine-building complex continues to play an important role in shaping the industrial appearance of the region. This is due to the fact that the mechanical engineering of the region differs more

What is the geography of mechanical engineering industries in the region?
Heavy engineering is the main branch of specialization of the engineering complex. The proximity of metallurgical enterprises - the main suppliers of raw materials and at the same time the heads

Test your knowledge
1. What factors determined the development and location of mechanical engineering industries in the region? 2. Why did the role of the machine-building complex in the regional industry decrease significantly in the 90s?

Chemical complex
You know that the chemical industry can combine (interact) with many industries. At the same time, it performs a unique function - it transforms by-products and even industrial waste

Complex of light industry sectors
The light industry of the Orenburg region is primarily associated with down-knitting production. The Orenburg down scarf continues to be a symbol and calling card of the region. So far these are words

Test your knowledge
1. Give examples of consumer goods produced in the region by chemical and light industry enterprises? Are you purchasing them? 2. What are the features of the development and placement of chi

What place does agriculture occupy in the regional economy?
In the total volume of goods and services produced in the region, agriculture has a relatively small share, on average over 5 years less than 10%. This is less than the cost of trade and public services

What are the natural and socio-economic conditions for the development of agriculture?
You already know that the region’s territory is arid, continental climate with hot summer and cold winter. Dryness and low winter temperatures are limiting factors for

What are the features of production organization in modern agriculture?
Significant changes have occurred in recent years in the forms of organization of agricultural production. Personal subsidiary plots of the population took first place in terms of production volume, pushing aside

Crop production
The typical landscape of the region's expanses is fields sown with agricultural crops. Arable land occupies half of the entire territory, and in the structure of farmland its share is close to 60%. But in the department

The main direction of livestock farming in our region is dairy and meat cattle breeding. It provides 2/3 of the cost of marketable products of this branch of agriculture. Main breeds of large

Food industry
Until the mid-60s, the food industry was the undisputed leader among industrial sectors in terms of the cost of products, which was traditionally determined by the leading role of the agricultural sector

What are the features of transport in the Orenburg region?
The region has developed railway, road, pipeline and aviation types transport. There is no water transport, although the Urals were once navigable. As you remember, products

Communications or information infrastructure
As you know, the main function of communication is the transmission of information. Life is impossible without information modern society. This is especially true for a market economy. Information influences management processes

Test your knowledge
1. In what units is transport work measured? 2. What are transport products? 3. What types of transport do you, your family and your friends use? 4. Than oud

What is the composition and features of the region's service sector?
In the 90s, the service sector of the Orenburg region expanded and became more complex. The population spends 22% of their income on various services. Despite this, according to many indicators of the sphere

What are the features of trade organization?
Let's consider the features of the largest type of service in terms of cost. Considering the above, it is easy to understand why trade turnover per capita in cities is higher than the regional average, and in all

What are the features of the development of science and education?
Science and education play an important role in modern world. It is no coincidence that in developed countries this area is supported by the state and private companies. The role of science is constantly growing, this is one

What are the features of recreational services (leisure and tourism services)?
Recreation (rest, recovery) is necessary for all people. Without rest, labor productivity decreases, fatigue and irritability accumulate. Accessibility for an active, full-fledged person

Many centuries ago, on the site of the lake. The collapse was Mount Tuz-Tube (translated as Salt Roof). As a result of centuries-old salt mining, a lake was formed in its place in 1906. Salt concentration in lake R

One of the most famous monuments of republican significance is the Caravanserai complex, consisting of a mosque building, a minaret and the main building (inn). The caravanserai was intended for

How did the region's connections change in the 90s?
Foreign economic relations of countries and regions can develop differently depending on the current economic situation, as well as on the policies pursued by the authorities. Focus on self-sufficiency

With which foreign countries and what does the Orenburg region trade?
Granting the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the right to independently enter the foreign market in the 90s gave impetus to the development of foreign economic relations in the region. Volume of foreign trade turnover

What other forms of economic relations are carried out by the region?
One of the new forms was the participation of Orenburg manufacturers in exhibitions and fairs held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, as well as the holding of such exhibitions and fairs in Oren

Why are intra-regional districts identified?
You have already studied most of this textbook and, I think, are convinced of the significant geographical diversity of the Orenburg region. Nagla region is so diverse and multifaceted both in natural and

Western, or Buzuluk-Buguruslan intraregional economic region
The Western, or Buzuluk-Buguruslan intraregional economic region occupies 31% of the region's territory, and 24% of its population lives in it. An important factor development of the area is

Central, or Orenburg intraregional economic region
The Central, or Orenburg intraregional economic region is the largest in terms of area and population. It occupies 38% of the region's territory, and 44% of its population lives in it.

Eastern, or Orsk intraregional economic region
The Eastern, or Orsk, intraregional economic region occupies 31% of the region's territory, and residents make up 32% of its population. Of the three intra-regional districts, Eastern ranks the least

What are the features of human impact on the natural environment?
Man draws everything necessary for life from nature. Every minute he influences the natural environment, taking from it the necessary components to satisfy his own needs and create

The largest anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment in our region
In the mid-50s, the Orenburg region, along with other regions of Russia, found itself at the center of the development of virgin lands - a unique anthropogenic impact on natural resources in the history of mankind.

What is the current state of the environment in the region?
The state of the environment is determined by the level of concentration chemicals in air, soil and water. For example, the air contains about 0.03% carbon dioxide(permissible norm), which is not in

What are the ways to preserve and manage the natural environment?
One of the ways to preserve the environment is to reduce harmful emissions from industrial enterprises through the introduction of low-waste and non-waste technologies. These should include cleaning and dusting

Test your knowledge
1. Why can’t a person do without constant impact on the natural environment? 2. What examples of large-scale impacts and changes do you know? natural environment on the territory of Orenburg

Protected areas, natural and cultural monuments
· What forms of protected natural areas Do you know? The history of protection and changes in the nature of the Orenburg region can be traced back to the middle of the 18th century, when Russian

What can place names tell us?
Have you ever wondered why the locality in which you live is called this and not another; the river in which you like to swim; what mountain do you ski in winter? Geographical names

How and why did the toponymy of the Orenburg region change?
On the map of the Orenburg region, toponyms from different eras coexist; they are superimposed on the territory in the form of layers, or strata, and the older the layer, the more difficult it is to study. For the territory of the region

What are the features of the oikonymy of the Orenburg region?
Oikonyms of the Orenburg region are more amenable to study than other toponyms, since they are “younger”. The names of many settlements come from nearby natural objects or

Bibliography on geographical local history of the Orenburg region
1. Akhmetov R.Sh., Gerasimenko T.I. and others. Orenburg region // Businessman’s Guide. M., 1993. 2. Vetrov A.S., Popov N.V. Geography of the Orenburg region // Manual for students

The largest industrial enterprises
Enterprise (company) Location Industry Volume of product sales in 2000 (billion rubles) "Or

The largest enterprises of the mechanical engineering complex
Enterprise Location Branches of mechanical engineering "Yuzhuralmash" Orsk Heavy

The largest power plants
Power plants Location Installed capacity, thousand kW Iriklinskaya GRES village. Energetik, Novoors

The largest oil fields
Fields Administrative district Volume of oil production, thousand tons Sorochinsko-Nikolskoye Sorochinsky

The largest food industry enterprises
Enterprise Location Industries Orsk meat processing plant Orsk

The largest regional commercial banks
Banking organization Location Size of assets 2002 (million rubles) Forshtadt Orenburg

Geography of the Orenburg region
Textbook for students in grades 8-9 of secondary schools Project leader O. V. Gavrilov Editor G. S. Savelyeva Proofreaders L. Klochkova