Application for changing details. Sample letter about changing the bank details of an organization

Letter #1:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich ,

I hereby inform you that the legal and postal addresses of [organization name] have changed since [date].

Legal address: [new address].

Postal address: [new address].

I ask you to indicate the above changes in the details of [name of organization] in all documents. If the documents were drawn up after [date] using the old details, I kindly ask you to be understanding and redo them.

Before [date] an additional agreement to the contract will be sent to you for signing.


Petr Petrov

Letter #2:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich ,

Letter about changing details

In case of changes in the details of the organization after all changes are reflected in constituent documents, the company’s lawyer must draw up a letter and send it to all known counterparties and creditors. The letter must be printed on the company's letterhead in any form.

Civil code Russian Federation obliges to notify about changes in details, which is always reflected when drawing up contracts. The need to draw up a letter about changing details is dictated, first of all, by the fact that every contract obliges to notify either party of significant changes in the terms of the agreement, and changing details is precisely such a condition.

In a letter, it is best not to present the information dryly, but to address the specific person by name in a form, and only after that formulate the meaning itself. The letter must end with the signature of the authorized executive body on whose behalf the letter was drawn up.

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Notification of changes in bank details of LLC "ES-prom"

In connection with the change of the servicing bank, changes occurred in the bank details of ES-prom LLC. We ask you to make payments on invoices and existing agreements with the company LLC "ES-prom" to a current account in the Branch of "Gazprombank" (OJSC) Samara.

Dear partners!

LLC "ES-prom" informs its counterparties about the change bank details companies. In connection with the transition to settlement and cash services in the Samara branch of Gazprombank (OJSC), from December 4, 2013, we ask you to make payments on invoices and existing agreements with the company ES-prom LLC using the following details:


Changing bank details.

We present to your attention a reminder in case your company decides to change banks. The most difficult thing when changing a bank is to notify the tax office and funds in a timely manner about changes in bank details. You will make your life much easier if, without waiting for a notification from the credit institution, you check with the bank employees whether a new current account has been opened. By sending messages to funds and the Federal Tax Service in a timely manner, you will avoid claims from them and fines.

1. It is necessary to prepare documents to open a new current account. If your company decides to change its servicing bank, it is better to open a new account before the old one is closed. All that is needed for this is to prepare a package of documents and conclude an agreement with the bank. The list of all required papers is specified in Chapter 4 of Bank of Russia Instruction No. 28-I dated September 14, 2006.

Documents required to open a current account

  • Certificate of state registration.
  • Constituent documents.
  • Licenses if they affect the company’s ability to enter into a banking service agreement.
  • Card with sample signatures and seal imprint.
  • Documents confirming the authority of the persons indicated in the sample signature card.
  • Documents confirming the powers of the sole executive body of the organization.
  • Certificate of registration in tax office.
  • Almost all documents can be submitted in the form of copies. They can be certified by yourself, or a bank employee will do it. In any case, you will need to have the original documents with you. The bank may ask you to notarize some documents.

    You need to prepare a card with sample signatures yourself. For this document, the established form is provided in Appendix No. 1 to Instruction No. 28-I.

    In addition, the bank may require you to fill out a questionnaire drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2004 No. 262-P. And also additional documents, for example, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    2. The next thing you will need to do is report the new account to the tax office and funds.

    The tax office and funds must be notified about the new current account. This must be done within seven working days (subclause 1, clause 2, article 23 Tax Code RF and clause 3 of Art. 28 Federal Law dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ). It is better to bring the notices in two copies so that one of them remains with you. On the second, an inspector or fund employee will mark that you provided the notification. Messages can also be sent to with a valuable letter with a description of the attachment.

    How to notify tax authorities. The inspectorate must be notified by special form No. S-09-1. It was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 9, 2011 No. ММВ-7-6/362@. The same order establishes the electronic format of the message. If the company is late with the established deadline, it faces a fine of 5,000 rubles. (Article 118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The director or other employee responsible for this may be fined from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. (Article 15.4 of the RF Code on administrative offenses).

    You only need to notify the tax office at the location of your company about the new account. Thus, there is no need to send notifications about opening an account to the inspectorate where the branch is registered. The largest taxpayers also need to send messages about opening accounts to the Federal Tax Service at their location. And not at the place of registration as the largest taxpayers.

    However, the question arises: from what point should the seven-day period for notifying the inspectorate be counted - from the moment of opening an account or receiving a notification from the bank? There is no consensus on this matter. And tax authorities often try to fine companies for violating the deadline. For example, if more than seven days pass from the opening date to the day the company receives a message from the bank.

    Although, in most cases, judges still side with the companies. Thus, the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, in resolution No. 3018/10 dated July 20, 2010, recognized the inspectors’ point of view as unlawful and indicated: the seven-day period cannot be calculated before the company receives official confirmation from the bank.

    To prevent a dispute with inspectors from reaching court, it is still better to insure yourself in advance. To do this, after the agreement with the bank is signed, you need to call there and find out if the account is open. And if the account is open, then send a corresponding notification to the Federal Tax Service.

    How to notify the Pension Fund. The recommended form that should be used to report a new account to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is available on the department’s website www. in the section “For employers/Payment of insurance premiums and submission of reports/Reporting and the procedure for its submission/Recommended sample documents.” The pension fund even offers contribution payers two forms. One for reporting the opening or closing of an account, the other in case individual account details have changed.

    How to notify the FSS of the Russian Federation. The form of notification to social security is given in the letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2009 No. 02-10/05-13656. If the company notified the funds about the new account late, the responsible employee may be fined from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. (Article 15.33 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses). Also, fund employees can fine the organization under Article 48 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ for 50 rubles. as for failure to provide documents.

    3. Next step- transfer money from the old account to the new one.

    There are probably funds left in an account that you no longer plan to use. Therefore, in advance, even before it closes, transfer the remaining money using the new details. If the contract is terminated, the bank will in any case return the remaining money to you either through the cash register or transfer it to another current account. But keep in mind that this will not happen immediately: bank employees are given seven days after closing the account for this procedure.

    4. Then you should close the account that you no longer need. If you decide to close your current account, you need to terminate the agreement with the bank. You can do this at any time (Article 859 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). All it takes is a simple statement on your part.

    When closing your current account, do not forget to hand over all unused funds to the bank. check books with the remaining unused checks and counterfoils (clause 8.4 of Instruction No. 28-I).

    The bank is obliged to close the account even if you have outstanding payment documents (clause 8.5 of Instruction No. 28-I). Even if these are demands from the tax office or bailiffs. In such a situation, the bank will send the payment documents back to the collectors, indicating the reason why the money cannot be withdrawn.

    If there are no funds in the account and you have not carried out any transactions on it for two years, then the bank can close it unilaterally (clause 1.1 of Article 859 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The same is possible in a situation where there are not enough funds in your account for the commissions that the bank agreement provides for. In this case, the bank will send you a notification asking you to deposit the missing amount. And if you do not deposit it within a month, the court has the right to close the account at the request of the bank (clause 2 of Article 859 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    5. After this, you must again notify the tax office and funds about the closure of the account. It is necessary to send notifications to the Federal Tax Service and extra-budgetary funds within seven days, since the law obliges them to be informed about the closure of current accounts. All forms of documents are identical to those described above (when it came to opening an account). If the company forgot to notify the tax office (funds) about closing the account or did so too late, then the penalties for this are the same as in the situation with opening an account.

    6. Now all that remains is to communicate new data to counterparties. It is important not to forget to notify counterparties of new bank details. Otherwise, the company risks not receiving payment on time. You can inform about a new account using a letter in which you indicate all the new data on the current account.

    Letter about changing details

    A letter about changing details is a document that is one of the types business correspondence at the enterprise. Necessity of writing of this document appears when changes are made to the constituent documents of the enterprise.

    The details of the enterprise are a mandatory condition of the concluded contract. In this regard, it is necessary to inform all counterparties and creditors regarding their change. This obligation regarding informing counterparties is provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    A letter about changing details is drawn up in the same form for all counterparties, as well as creditors of the enterprise, regardless of their activities and forms of ownership. The document must be legally certified.

    A letter about changing details requires displaying the following information:

  • name of the organization (according to the constituent documents) to which the letter is sent
  • position, as well as the last name, first name and patronymic of the person to whom the letter is directly addressed
  • legal address (old, new)
  • postal address (old, new)
  • the text of the letter informing about changes in the details, as well as the reasons that led to these changes (as a rule, the reason is a change in the location of the enterprise)
  • the date when the company plans to send an additional agreement to the contract in which new details will be registered
  • date of this letter
  • signature of the person who sent the letter about changing details.
  • In the text of the letter, it is advisable to mention that changing the details in no case entails a change in the rights and obligations of the parties or other provisions of the previously concluded agreement. Also make a note about the invalidity of the old details from a specific date. This information serves as a precaution against possible disagreements between counterparties.

    The letter about changing details does not have a specialized writing form. In this regard, this document is drawn up on the company’s letterhead, either in writing or in electronic form. In this case, an arbitrary form of writing is used in formal business style. The document can be delivered to counterparties in the form postal letter(preferably with a receipt), fax or email.

    How exactly should the supplier notify the buyer about changes in his details. Reliable ways to notify customers about a new checking account.

    Question: The supplier's bank details have changed. 1) Is it necessary to enter into an additional agreement or is a letter enough (the contract says nothing about this)? 2) Is it enough that the supplier sends new details by email without an additional agreement and without a letter (the contract says nothing about this) not stated)?3) If the supplier’s bank details have changed, is he obliged to state the reason ((the contract does not say anything about this)?4) Does the buyer bear any liability (from tax or other inspectorates) if the supplier has first were the bank details blocked (but the supplier somehow opened another account at another bank)?

    Answer: How exactly the supplier should notify the buyer about changes in his details is agreed upon by the parties in the contract (Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This can be issued both as an additional agreement to the contract and as a notification letter.

    old details.

    In this case, there is no need to justify the reason for changing the details.
    If the creditor has not notified the debtor about the change in his bank details, then the debtor has the right to fulfill his monetary obligation according to the details of the creditor known to him. In this case, all possible difficulties associated, for example, with finding funds in the account of a non-performing bank, will fall on the creditor. Therefore, it is in the interests of the creditor to properly notify its debtors of changes in its details.

    At the same time, if the creditor notified the debtor of a change in his bank details, and the debtor still transferred money using the previous details, then in this case the debtor will not be considered to have fulfilled his monetary obligation to the creditor, which means that he can be required to fulfill the obligation under new details and collect sanctions for late payment.

    The debtor is not responsible for the actions of the counterparty in opening a new account. The legality of the transfer to the new details of the supplier will be confirmed by the notification received from the creditor.


    The lender's bank details have changed. He did not notify the debtor about this, who fulfilled the monetary obligation using the previous details. Will the creditor be able to demand that the counterparty pay the debt using new details and collect sanctions for late payment?

    No, he can't.

    If the creditor has not notified the debtor about the change in his bank details, then the debtor has the right to fulfill his monetary obligation according to the details of the creditor known to him. In this case everything possible risks related, for example, to the presence of funds in the account of a non-performing bank, will fall on the creditor. Therefore, it is in the interests of the latter to properly notify its debtors of changes in its details, and also to make sure that the addressees have received these notifications. For example, if the creditor notified the debtors by mail, you need to receive notification of delivery of registered letters to each of the debtors.

    At the same time, if the creditor notified the debtor of a change in his bank details, and the debtor still transferred the money using the previous details, then the debtor will not be considered to have fulfilled his monetary obligation to the creditor. This means that he can be required to fulfill his obligations under the new details, as well as impose sanctions for late payment.

    Reliable ways to notify clients about a new checking account

    Which method to choose

    There are two ways to notify the counterparty about a new account - sign an additional agreement to the contract with him or simply send a unilateral notification. Which one to choose first depends on the terms of your contracts.

    Look at what clauses there are in the contracts in this regard. For example: “Any changes and additions to the Agreement are valid only if they are in writing and signed by both parties.” If the agreement contains similar conditions, it is safer to sign an additional agreement with the counterparty on changing payment details (ruling of the Eleventh Arbitration Court of Appeal dated December 29, 2012 in case No. A72-6245/2012). We also recommend signing an additional agreement if the agreement contains the wording something like “the buyer undertakes to pay for the goods according to the bank details specified in the contract.” Otherwise, the buyer has the right to pay using the old details.

    If the agreement does not contain such conditions, then send the counterparty a notification about the change in bank details. Moreover, if the contract contains direct clauses that only notification is sufficient. For example: “If bank details change, the parties notify each other within 5 (five) working days by mail by registered mail, by fax or other available means of communication. In this case, drawing up an additional agreement is not required.” Although an additional agreement would also not hurt, as it would completely eliminate disputes about payments.

    Notification of change of current account

    The form of notification is arbitrary. In it, provide the current account details - bank name, current account number, bank correspondent account number, BIC. If several agreements have been concluded with one counterparty, then you can send him only one letter with a message that all agreements (if possible, list their numbers and dates) must be paid using new bank details.

    The organization's details include information about the address of its location, OGRN, INN, KPP, bank account information and other similar information. Such data is usually provided in contracts concluded with counterparties. It is on the basis of this information that the company’s business partners reflect data on the party to the transaction in primary and other documents. For example, in payment orders, invoices, delivery notes. And it is extremely important to ensure that this information is up to date, i.e. promptly inform counterparties about changes in any of their details. After all, if, say, an organization changed its address, but did not inform its supplier about this, the invoices issued by it will contain outdated information about the buyer’s address. And this will become an obstacle for tax deduction. Or, for example, an organization, knowing the unstable position of its bank, decided to open a new account, but did not inform its buyer about the changes in time. And he, in turn, paid the debt under the contract to the problem bank. And the buyer will not be at fault here, and the debt to the supplier will be considered repaid. And it doesn’t matter that the supplier, for example, will not be able to get money from his account in a bankrupt bank.

    Timely informing counterparties about changes in their details is of particular importance. It is no coincidence that contracts often provide for the counterparty’s obligation to notify the opposite party of changes in its details within a reasonable time.

    Information letter for changing details: sample

    As a rule, the organization’s details are contained in the client’s card, which the company sends to its counterparties upon request. Accordingly, if the details change, you can send an updated version of such a card.

    But you can also send a notification letter to your counterparties about changes in details. If necessary, the fact of sending such a letter can be documented. For example, by sending information by registered mail with return receipt requested or by marking receipt when delivering the letter in person.

    The organization determines the form of the letter independently. It indicates the information that is subject to change, as well as the date from which such changes are to be applied. Such a letter can be addressed either to a specific counterparty (then its name is indicated in the header) or to an indefinite number of persons.

    Let's give for newsletter about changing the bank details of the organization, a sample of how to fill it out.

    According to the data specified in the contract, the customer transfers cash for the obligations fulfilled by the contractor, sends correspondence, checks the validity of documents. If inconsistencies are discovered and there is no notification of innovations, problems will first arise with the supplier. The fact is that, from a legal point of view, the buyer does everything correctly, which means he is not responsible for the failure of the final addressee to receive money and papers.

    Therefore, the supplier is obliged to as soon as possible inform the customer about any changes in their data by sending the appropriate document.

    What applies to details

    Let's look at what basic data you need to indicate when writing a sample letter about changing the bank details of an organization. Separate general and banking information. The first group of information includes:

    • Name;
    • TIN and checkpoint;
    • OGRN;
    • location;
    • postal address;
    • information about the manager.

    Payment data is the following list:

    • current account;
    • bank name;
    • correspondent account.

    Sample letter about changing bank details

    How to compose a letter

    There is no unified form established in Law No. 44-FZ. However, you should pay attention to a number of features.

    It is advisable to draw up a sample information letter about changing the bank details of an organization on the organization’s letterhead. In this case, the correspondence will be more formal in nature, as opposed to a simple A4 sheet.

    The form itself states the following:

    1. Recipient's name, full name and the position of the responsible person.
    2. Title of the document.
    3. The city in which the document was drawn up, date and reference number (if available).
    4. Message about new data.
    5. The date on which the changes take effect.
    6. Additional information.
    7. Signature of the supplier's manager, seal (if available).

    Letter form to fill out

    How to write a notification

    You can download our sample notification of changes in bank details from the links below or develop your own. To do this, specify:

    • the reason for changing the details. For example, that you close an account and open a new one;
    • the day the old account was closed;
    • the day on which a new account is opened;
    • the date from which payments must be made according to current information;
    • information about the new account (name of the bank, its BIC, account number and account number in the bank).

    A sample notification of a change in an organization’s bank details can be signed by the head of the company or a person authorized by him by power of attorney.

    Download the notification form for changes in bank details

    Download a completed sample notification of change of details

    How to notify the customer about changes

    After the contractor has become aware of the start date new information, he draws up a sample notification of a change in the organization’s bank details.

    You can hand it over to the customer personally or use postal services. In order to promptly notify the buyer, you can additionally send him a copy in electronic form. However, the form of the document that is defined in the government contract (for example, written) will be considered valid.

    Receiving a message to such an address indicates receipt of the message by the counterparty himself, until he proves otherwise.

    When sending a notification, check whether the contract agrees on the counterparty's exclusive address for sending legally significant messages. This may also include an email address. If the address is agreed upon, then send the notification to it. The exception is if you know (should know) that it is unreliable (clause 64 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2015 No. 25).

    If such an address is not specified in the contract, send a notice to the address indicated:

    • in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, if the counterparty is a legal entity;
    • in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, if the counterparty is an individual entrepreneur.

    If the notice is delivered to this address, it is considered received, even if the person is not located there (clause 3 of article 54, clause 3 of article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    When sending an additional agreement, follow the same rules as for sending a notice. However, if the contract specifies an email address as the exclusive address for sending legally significant messages, you will still have to send the counterparty by courier or mail a draft additional agreement signed on your part. On email in this case, we recommend sending a notification about the change in bank details and indicating that you have prepared, signed and sent an additional agreement to the contract to the counterparty's address by courier (by mail).

    The Contractor must ensure that the buyer accepts this document. This can be done by asking the addressee for the incoming number and date or a receipt. Otherwise, during the notice delivery period, he may transfer the money to your old checking account.

    When can you do without a letter about changing details?

    Even at the stage of submitting an application to participate in public procurement, a potential supplier is required to provide general and banking information. This is necessary for drawing up a contract after the tender. Accordingly, if an organization, during the preparation of a tender proposal, is in the process of changing any of the above data, then it should indicate new data in its application. Moreover, such information will become available to the customer only after opening the envelopes (opening access to electronic documents) when it will no longer be possible to make changes. It should be remembered that before the deadline for submitting competitive and auction applications, the participant can withdraw the proposal, make adjustments and resubmit it.

    In the case when the application has already been submitted, the participant has won the tender and the need to change details arose at the stage of concluding the contract, instead of a notification,

    Each company upon registration receives a certain set of details, which are indicated in its constituent documents and are necessary to carry out most operations. If this data changes, the company must notify its partners and customers, government agencies and regulatory authorities. This can be done using an information letter about changing details.

    From the article you will learn:

    When do you write a notification letter about a change in bank details?

    Any organization in the course of its activities interacts with other individuals and legal entities. In order for all members of communication to have the opportunity to quickly and accurately identify the company, it needs a list of unique data - details. They allow you to find a company in state register and obtain the information necessary to carry out many operations. If for one reason or another (change of address, conclusion of a service agreement with a new bank) this information changes, the company is obliged to inform its counterparties, clients, customers, partners and creditors about this. To do this, the organization’s lawyer needs to draw up a letter notifying about the change of bank accounts. details and send it to all third party institutions involved in the activities of the enterprise.

    General details<

    1. TIN - taxpayer identification number;
    2. OGRN - main state registration number;
    3. legal address;
    4. physical address;
    5. postal address;
    6. OKVED - code of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities;
    7. OKATO - classifier code for objects of administrative-territorial division;
    8. OKPO - code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations;

    Bank details

    KPP - reason code for registration;

    information about the authorized bank (name, location);

    BIC - bank identification code of the payer's bank;

    current account;

    correspondent account;

    If these data change, the company is obliged to send information messages about the change in details to all enterprises with which it does business. Such notification must be sent to counterparties. This condition is usually fixed in the agreement between the parties. This obligation is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If changes have affected the company’s accounts, then the bank is responsible for informing the tax service.

    The company secretary or its lawyer is responsible for drafting the information message. In some cases, notifications are prepared directly by managers and employees of organizational units that work directly with counterparties.

    How to correctly write an information letter about changing details?

    Information letter about the change details does not have a unified model provided for by law. The sender composes it in free form, taking into account his own needs and objectives. However, when preparing and drafting a document, you should adhere to existing norms and standards in the field of office work.

    For official notification, the organization's letterhead or standard A4 sheet is used. If the company's business rules require the use of forms for informational correspondence, it is preferable to use a form approved by local regulations. This gives the address credibility and reinforces its official character.

    A letter notification of a change of details is drawn up according to the sample of an informational business letter (if there is an approved form in the current office management instructions). If such a template does not exist, business correspondence standards must be followed.

    Writing the notice by hand is acceptable, but it is better to type it on a computer. Printed text is easier to read and understand than handwritten text. The signature of the head of the sending company must be handwritten. For all messages of this kind (except for the official information letter to counterparties about changing bank details) certification by seal not necessary.

    The document can be issued in several copies for all interested parties. The request is recorded in the outgoing correspondence journal. Such a record may be needed, for example, if disagreements arise with counterparties.

    The tone of the letter should correspond to a business style, be polite and correct. Compliance with the rules of the Russian language when drawing up official documents is one of the indispensable conditions.

    Read also:

    • Registration of details and document forms in government agencies

    Mandatory information letter details

    Like any other official document, an information letter contains a number of mandatory attributes that give it legal force. The document, as a rule, consists of two parts: a header with information about the sender and recipient, and the main text.

    Header of the letter notifying about the change of details

    Sender information is indicated in upper left corner form. You must enter:

    full name of the organization (in accordance with the charter);

    legal address;

    contact details (address and telephone number for contact).

    Official company letterheads often contain all the necessary information, eliminating the need for the sender to enter them manually.

    IN upper right corner information about the addressee is located:

    1. recipient's name;
    2. address (including postcode);
    3. positions, surname, first name and patronymic initials of the person to whom the compiler directly addresses;

    Just below on the left side is the date the letter was written and its identification number in the registration log.

    The name of the document type (Information letter about changing details) is placed in the center of the sheet, which in this case serves as a short heading.

    Information letter text

    First of all, the recipient is informed about the fact of a change in details. Next, you need to report exactly what data has changed and when the previous information lost its meaning. In some cases, they indicate the reason for the changes that have taken place, for example, a change of address.

    Then you need to specify new data taking into account all changes.

    Next, the compiler is recommended to indicate all his requests regarding past and future documents (apply changes, make changes to the documentation). If the notification is drawn up for counterparties, it is important to indicate the exact date of sending the additional agreement to the contract in which new data is registered. In this case, it is also important to indicate that the change details does not cancel or change the legal obligations of the parties to the contract.

    If additional materials are attached to the message, they must be listed in the list of attachments at the end of the main text, indicating the number of sheets. If necessary, the list can be supplemented with brief explanations.

    The main text is followed by the signature of the compiler with a transcript and job title. The compiler can be the head of the company, his deputy or the clerk.

    Information letter about changing details: sample design

    The execution of notification letters must be approached with great responsibility. Firstly, official documents are the face of the organization; they are used to judge the company as a whole. A well-written official appeal can increase the authority of the institution and arouse respect among business partners. Secondly, the subject of such a notice is the company's identification data. An error in the text of a message can cause dire consequences: from sending important correspondence to an old address to transferring funds to an outdated account number.

    Letter of notification of change of details: sample

    That is why the execution of an official information letter must be taken as seriously as an agreement or contract.