A copy of the description of the attachment in the valuable letter. Inventory of attachment

You decide to send a registered letter with a description of the attachment. It would seem, what could be simpler? Come to the post office, take and fill out the form. But no! Take your time. There is one small nuance here.
According to the rules of the Russian Post, a registered letter cannot be sent with a description of the attachment. Only valuable things! (Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated July 6, 2005 No. 261)

You will need
- envelope,
- pen,
- forms.


1). Choose what kind of letter you will send - registered or valuable (if you have the right to choose). In some cases, Russian procedural legislation specifically states that documents must be sent by registered mail with notification of delivery. If you have such a case, then the list of documents being sent should be drawn up not on Russian Post letterhead, but in the form of a covering letter.

2). Gather all the documents you intend to send by registered mail. Write your cover letter on a separate sheet of paper. In the upper right corner, indicate the recipient of the letter. For the title, write: “About sending documents.” In the body of the letter, briefly explain the purpose for which you are sending these documents. Below, as attachments, list the names of all the documents you are sending. Enter the date, your signature with transcript and contact information.
Seal the cover letter with all attachments in an envelope. Write the detailed address of the recipient and go to the post office, send it all by registered mail with return receipt requested (if notification is required).

3). Download the attachment inventory form 107 of the Russian Post (if you still decide to send documents by letter with declared value). Fill out the form in a word processor and then print it in 2 copies. Or fill out two standard forms using the sample by hand at the post office. One copy will remain with you, and the second will be sent to the recipient. If necessary, you can also fill out a notification of delivery form.
Assign the value of the documents as desired. The higher the value, the more compensation you will receive if the letter is lost. (But the more you will pay for sending it.) Typically, such letters are valued at 10 rubles. Individual investments can be left without evaluation; in this case, a dash is placed in the corresponding column of the inventory.

4). When labeling the envelope, in addition to the sender and recipient addresses, also indicate total cost investments. It is usually written in free space envelope on top. The amount of rubles is indicated in words, kopecks - in numbers. Do not seal the envelope with documents until the postman checks the attachments and certifies the inventory with his signature and department seal! Get your copy of the inventory and payment receipt from the postal worker.

Please note

It is advisable to list the attachments of Form 107 if you have reason not to trust the recipient of the letter. For example, when you send a claim to an unscrupulous seller. Without an inventory, no one will stop him from declaring that he did not receive any complaint from you, and that the envelope you sent contained advertising brochures for the SPA salon. The signature and seal of the postal worker on the inventory form in this case will prove that you are right in court.
In other cases, preparing an inventory of documents sent cover letter may even be more preferable.

Useful advice

The passage of both registered and valuable mail can be tracked on the Russian Post website using the postal identifier numbers indicated on the receipt.

Often we are faced with the need to notify someone: an employer about dismissal, a seller about a complaint about the quality of a product, neighbors about the sale of a room, and in many other situations. When we're talking about about the need to “notify in writing” you should know that this is a legally significant action that has corresponding consequences.

Many civilians trials can only be initiated after a pre-trial settlement has been completed. That is, it is necessary to prove that attempts were made to reach an agreement before going to court. What if the other party refuses to compromise or completely ignores requests? And in such cases, the law allows you to go to court. But a mandatory condition for accepting the claim for consideration is confirmation that the plaintiff has properly notified the defendant.

A way to avoid trial

Is proper written notice only important to the court? Not at all! You don't want to sue, do you? Rest assured: so does the person you need to notify. Having received a written notification from you, for example, sent by a notary (more on this below), he will understand that you:

  • are ready to bring the case to court;
  • are legally literate enough to defend their interests in court.

And this is a direct path to a pre-trial resolution of the situation.

Notification form

All notifications that citizens have to deal with can be divided into:

  • notification of various state and municipal authorities;
  • legally significant messages in civil law relations.

Upon notification of the state. bodies most often use forms approved by various by-laws regulations(administrative regulations, instructions, orders, letters from various ministries and departments).

In civil law relations, notifications are usually made in free form.

Sometimes the parties to a contract, in order to make their lives easier, make the forms of the most important notices and notifications annexes to the concluded contract.

Notification methods

Since September 1, 2013, the procedure for transferring legally significant documents is regulated by Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A “legally significant” document can be called differently: claim, demand, notification, statement. The rule for bringing them to the addressee, approved by law, is quite flexible; it does NOT indicate:

  • mandatory delivery methods,
  • the form in which the relevant document must be sent.

But the law states that legal consequences begin from the moment of its delivery. Accordingly, it is in the interests of the sender of the notification deliver it in such a way as to have proof of delivery to the addressee. Moreover, if a legal dispute arises, he will have to prove the fact of notification. Therefore, if you do not want to later prove in court with the help of witness testimony that - notify in writing!

The best options for written notification are those that allow you to document the receipt of this document:

  • by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery;
  • a valuable letter with an inventory and notification of delivery.
  • courier service;
  • delivery to the addressee in person.

How to make an inventory of attachments when sending documents by registered mail. Tips, recommendations, practical experience. (10+)

Sending documents by mail with a list of attachments

Send official documents mail with a description of the attachment may be needed in the following cases:

  • If such form of sending is determined by law. For example, reports in tax office.
  • If this form of correspondence is determined by the contract.
  • If a conflict situation arises and it is necessary to record the fact of sending documents.

In the second case, even if there is no conflict yet, you need to be careful with the correspondence, since problems may arise in the future, and you will need to confirm that the correspondence was conducted in full accordance with the agreement.

When compiling an inventory of the attachments, try to indicate the individual features of the documents that you are sending, so that you can subsequently determine whether the documents are filed in the archive of your correspondent that you sent. Remember that even if there is no conflict situation, employees simply tend to lose papers and then falsify them to avoid punishment. In the inventory, try to describe the document in such a way that it cannot be falsified or replaced. Be sure to indicate the title and reference number of the document in your records (if you have one), as well as that it is bound and numbered if it consists of several pages. For example, “Official complaint with conclusion expert commission ref number 235. The set is laced and numbered." A notification of delivery will be sufficient grounds; the recipient will not be able to remove or replace the sheets, since he will not be able to lace the document again and put your signature or the signature of your employee and the seal of your company.

If the document sent by mail with a list of attachments has only one page, then be sure to write that this is a signed original. You need to write it like this: “Original application with signature” or “Complaint with signature certified by a notary,” and not “Application”, “Complaint”. If you write according to the second option, then you will never be able to prove that you actually directed.

If the document contains several sheets, then it must be laced and numbered. Read how to properly lace a document.

When sending a letter to the tax office, you should not particularly worry that the sheets will be replaced. There are simply no people at the tax office interested in such a substitution. But if you send a complaint, a claim, some kind of order or a signed agreement, then the situation may develop in such a way that your counterparty may find it interesting to carry out falsification.

Example of an attachment inventory


Attachments to a valuable letter

Where 111111, Mokhnansk, Proezd Medvedei, 1

To the name General Director LLC "Peat and Soil A" to Ivanov M. E.

Please note that the post office cannot refuse you to include the full title of the document in the inventory.

Be sure to keep a list of the attachments and delivery receipts.

I do remote consulting. We develop various documents (regulations, procedures) and send them to the customer by mail with a list of attachments. Documents are considered transferred if they are sent by mail. There have been a couple of cases where customers wanted their money back on the grounds that the kits didn't contain something (even though they actually did contain everything). Typically, this situation is due to the fact that the customer’s priorities change, and he no longer needs the ordered and paid for documents. There is a temptation to refuse documents and return payment. But sending in response a photocopy of such a postal inventory of the attachments (indicating that the documents were stitched) eliminated all questions, since the customer understood that he would not be able to fake the lacing (and we can prove its presence based on the inventory).

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Good afternoon Tell me, if the list of sending a claim contains the name of the document and a mention that each sheet is signed by the sender, then the likelihood of the recipient replacing the claim sheets disappears?
Business text style. Characteristics formal vocabulary. The style of the official...

Complaints, claims. Standard procedure, regulations for consideration. Position....
Standard procedure for handling complaints and claims. Template for adaptation....

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Example explanatory note, which I once wrote to my supervisor...

Job description. Form, structure, pattern, example, pattern, flow...
Sample job description. Structure for filling with content....

They call it custom postal item, which has an identification number. Using this number, you can monitor the movement of your shipment on the Russian Post website. At each stage of correspondence movement, the identifier is entered into a single database, which is regularly updated.

Registered correspondence is handed over to the addressee or his representative, who has a power of attorney, in person. The addressee must sign the notice or statement upon receipt of the letter. If the recipient is not at home, the postman leaves a notice of registered mail. In this case, the addressee must come to the post office and receive correspondence after presenting his passport.

The weight of registered mail should not exceed 100 grams when sent within Russia or 2 kg when sent abroad. Registered mail can be of two types: simple or 1st class. 1st class items are transported to the delivery point by air, so they reach the recipient much faster. Of course, delivery of 1st class items costs more than regular ones.

Registered letter with notification - what is it?

Often, for registered mail, they choose an additional service such as delivery receipt. This is a document confirming receipt of the letter by the addressee. When sending important papers, it is official proof that the postal item has been delivered to the recipient.

To apply for this service, you need to fill out a special form for notification of delivery of a registered letter, which can be obtained at the post office. The form completed by the sender is sent to the destination along with the letter. After delivery of the correspondence, the recipient signs the notice and it is sent back.

What is allowed to be sent in registered letters?

According to Order 114-p of the Russian Post, only written messages are allowed to be enclosed in any letters, including registered ones. The weight of the item should not exceed 100 grams, and the size should not exceed 229 x 324 mm. Photographs, manuscripts, printed publications should be sent as a parcel post. For them, the maximum permissible weight is 2 kg.

How to send a registered letter?

To send registered mail, you need to contact any post office. Depending on the size and weight of the letter, you should take an envelope the right size, indicate on it the addresses of the recipient and sender, fill out the appropriate forms to receive additional services. The postal employee will calculate the cost of shipping, accept payment and issue a receipt.

Simple custom

If the sender does not need notification of receipt, he can simply send a registered letter without any additional services.

Ordered with notification

To send a registered letter with notification, you must first fill out the notification form, give it to the employee along with the letter and inform what other additional services you need.

Ordered with a list of attachments

To send valuable mail, an additional service is used, such as an inventory of the attachment. It is only available for shipment within Russia. The sender fills in special form in duplicate, which lists the items or documents being sent, their quantity and declared value. Declared value is the amount that the sender will be able to receive if the registered item is lost or damaged.

The letter is handed over to the postal employee open and sealed after comparing the inventory and contents. One copy of the inventory remains with the sender. The addressee can open such a mail item in the presence of postal workers and check it against the inventory.

If it turns out that the correspondence was not received in full, the post office employee draws up a report. The report is sent to the main post office of the locality, on the basis of which an investigation is carried out within up to two months. Based on the results of the investigation, the recipient will be compensated for the cost of the items not received in accordance with the declared value. If payment of compensation is delayed or refused to be paid, you can use it.

How much does a registered letter cost?

The cost of sending a registered letter from Russian Post depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, the distance between the points of departure and destination, the class of item, etc. Tariffs for services for the delivery of letters and notifications are posted on the official website of the Russian Post. However, it is not easy to independently calculate the costs of a registered letter, because you need to take into account many nuances.

To find out the approximate cost of a shipment, you can use the postal calculator on the Russian Post website. To do this, the online service specifies where and where the correspondence should be delivered, the weight or number of sheets in the letter, the delivery method, selects the desired additional services and calculates the price.

Delivery times for registered mail

The delivery time of a registered item depends primarily on the distance between the points of departure and destination. The control deadlines for sending written correspondence between cities of regional and regional significance are given in Resolution No. 160 of March 24. 2006. From the regional or regional center letters should arrive in cities within the territory of subordination within 2 days, from the district center to the rest settlements– in 3 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Since ordinary citizens send registered letters infrequently, they may have questions regarding this type of mail.

What is the difference between a registered letter and a regular letter?

A registered letter differs from a simple letter in that it requires registration. The sender simply puts a regular letter in the nearest mailbox. Registered mail is handed over to the postal worker. An employee applies a so-called line mark to a registered item. postal id(SPI) and registers it in a single database. Then he weighs the letter, specifies the delivery method, accepts payment and issues a receipt. Registered mail is delivered to the addressee personally, and the postman places a simple letter in the mailbox with the apartment number.

How to fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter?

The form for notification of delivery of registered mail can be obtained from the postal worker or printed from the website and filled out in advance to save time. On the front side you should indicate:

  • type and category of departure;
  • Full name and address of the recipient of the notification of delivery;

On back side the form indicates:

  • type and category of postal item;
  • Full name and address of the recipient of the registered letter.

Sending postal correspondence by registered mail with return receipt is a guarantee that the letter will not be lost and will be delivered to the recipient personally, and the sender will be notified of delivery.

In contractual relations between parties (both legal entities and individuals), as a rule, it is used business correspondence. Quite often letters are sent via postal service. In any case, the parties try to protect themselves from a legal point of view by having paper evidence of the sending of letters.

Registered mail

Enterprises and organizations, before sending a letter, register it with its number and date in the internal logbook of outgoing correspondence, then make a copy and leave it for storage. This will help in resolving disputes between the parties if any arise.

When sending a letter in a regular envelope, there is no evidence of the fact of sending, and there is no information about the date of its receipt. Therefore, it is wiser to prepare a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery.

To process this correspondence, fill out the notification form in Form 119, which indicates the type of notification (simple), type of item (registered mail), full name, postal codes and addresses of the sender and recipient.

Next, having paid for postal services, you can safely send a registered letter. The receipt received for paid services must be kept as proof that the letter was sent. This is especially important when it is addressed to government bodies for the purpose of protecting rights in courts and other authorities.

Postal employees register registered letters under a track number, which is used for tracking from the place of dispatch to the place of delivery to the addressee. If you have to resort to legal proceedings, you can make a request for such information at the post office. Having received a registered letter, the addressee signs the notification, then the postal worker who delivered the letter also signs the notification and puts a postal mark.

Based on the type of shipment, notifications are also divided into simple and registered. A simple type of notification is not subject to registration and is not taken into account; it is simply thrown into the mailbox. A registered notice is attached to the package of correspondence and sent along with it; it is received only at the post office.

When incoming registered mail arrives at the addressee's post office, postal employees deliver it either by specified address, or to a post office box along with a special notice (Form 22). The notice informs the recipient of the correspondence that has arrived in his name, which is subject to registration. To receive it at the post office, the recipient must present 3 documents: a notice, a passport and a power of attorney (if the addressee is a legal entity).

Valuable letters

Very often, legal entities - enterprises, organizations send various valuable documentation using postal services. Send financial statements ( tax returns), statements of claim, claims and demands.

For more reliable protection against the risks of losing letters due to the fault of postal employees, there is a way to send valuable letters with a declared value. This correspondence is also recorded. When sending the application, the value of the documentation must be declared, that is, the amount that will be paid in case of loss or damage to the documentation. Receipt of a valuable letter by the addressee is possible only at the post office upon presentation of a notice. The postal service does not deliver or hand over valuable correspondence to the address of residence or location of the recipient.

Rules for filling out attachment descriptions

Receipt of delivery is actual proof of receipt of the letter, but there is no proof of the list of documentation attached to the letter. The way out of this situation is to send a valuable letter with an inventory of the contents and a notification of delivery. To arrange such a shipment, you need to prepare a completed Form 107 form, guaranteeing delivery of the documentation in full. It must be filled out in advance before sending the letter.

A postal inventory of the attachment is attached exclusively to valuable letters, but not to registered ones. In addition, it is used when processing parcels and parcels.

When entering any post office, the sender has the opportunity to take an unlimited number of forms. More convenient way- download the postal attachment inventory form, filling it out in advance.

There are rules for filling out this form. Prepare 2 copies of the form, without allowing any corrections.

In its upper part, the type of shipment is indicated (letter, parcel, parcel). Fill in the name and address of the recipient for individuals, for legal entities - the name of the company and/or full name representing it, legal address company. Line by line, a list of documentation is entered into the table with a note on the quantity, and its valuation is announced. If the sender has decided not to declare the cost, he puts dashes in the appropriate fields. In the last lines of the table he puts total number names of documents and their total cost. Below, the sender signs the form.

After the sender has completed filling out the inventory, the postal employee must check the written list with the actual attached documents. Then he signs the form, indicating his position, notes the date of compilation, the department index, and seals everything with a postal seal.

In order to avoid errors in filling out the inventory form, the Russian Post has published on its website a sample of a registered letter with an inventory of the attachment and a notification. There you can also download a form for listing the attachments in a valuable letter. You can also download the form for the inventory of attachment F 107 below.

When you contact the post office, you must first fill out 2 inventory forms and provide an unsealed envelope with a package of documentation. Next, the postal employee is required to check the contents of the package with the list of documentation in the attachment list. At the end of the reconciliation, he gives one copy of the inventory to the sender, and seals the other copy in an envelope along with the correspondence. In this case, the postal employee bears full responsibility for ensuring that the inventory corresponds to its actual contents. Legal entities This service is paid separately.

After completing the procedure, the postal courier checks whether the recipient's address is written correctly. After this, the courier endorses the form with a stamp and his signature. If the sender indicates the value of the correspondence, a 4% insurance premium will be charged based on the total declared value of the item by Russian Post. The sender can avoid payment insurance premium, if it sets the cost of the shipment to zero, that is, it will not indicate it at all.

The declared value is required in case of loss of correspondence during shipment. Then postal service returns the amount to the sender in the amount of the declared value. Therefore, in order for correspondence to be more reliably delivered, the declared value should play a role additional guarantee forwarding.

The service of sending valuable letters with an inventory of attachments to the Russian Post costs 20 rubles per 10 grams of papers. The average price for one postal item in Russia ranges from 100 to 150 rubles.

Thus, using the methods described above, the post office guarantees the delivery of valuable correspondence to the addressee.