Sending by valuable letter. How to send a registered letter with an inventory

    The most reliable item is considered to be a valuable item because it does not matter whether a passport and important documents are sent by a valuable letter with or without an inventory; in second place are registered items with or without notification, they also go according to the serial number assigned to them at the post office and do not get lost along the way , but simple letters, unfortunately, cannot be counted; they often disappear en route.

    A valuable letter is the safest when sent by mail, since when it is sent, the declared value is indicated and if lost, it is returned (in whole or in part)

    Just like a registered one, it is sent with a track number, which allows you to track it throughout Russia.

    When delivered to the addressee, it is handed over personally and the recipient must sign for it; if he cannot receive it, then the letter will be given to another person only with a power of attorney from the recipient.

    Remember that such a letter is sent to the employee open, he must check everything according to the inventory; additionally, for greater confidence, you can connect an SMS notification of receipt by the addressee.

    Most likely the most reliable letter is valuable with a full inventory of the contents included in it and with mandatory notification of delivery of the letter to the addressee. After sending such a letter, you have in your hands a receipt, but also a second copy of the inventory of the contents of the letter. The inventory lists all the documents that you included in this valuable letter .

    A valuable item (letter) is considered the most reliable and expensive. Because it is by valuable letter that all important documents must be sent. In addition to this option for sending a letter, there is also the opportunity to send a registered letter with or without notification. A registered shipment also has a valuable individual number by which it can be found in case of loss.

    Any valuable letter is sent with an inventory of the contents, since the post office bears financial responsibility if it is lost in its entirety or some part of its contents. The postal worker will check all the attachments in front of you, comparing them with the inventory, put one copy inside, and give the other one (with the post office stamp and his signature) to you. Only after this the envelope will be sealed and covered with special tape. A delivery receipt will also be attached to the back of the letter, which will be returned to you later. Obviously, this method of sending, for example, documents, is optimal.

    Some kind of guarantee of dates and sending a registered letter with a notification - it will be handed to the addressee, since he will have to sign on the notification form, which will be sent to your address, and you will know for sure that the letter has arrived.

    With registered letters, in general, the same thing happens - they are registered at post offices, assigning them numbers - the path of such a letter, like those indicated above, can be tracked on the official website of the Russian Post. The difference between a registered letter and a letter with notification is that no one will notify you of delivery.

    Finally, simple letters are those that reach the fastest, however, there are no guarantees at all about their receipt by the addressee - such a letter will simply be thrown into your mailbox. You can familiarize yourself with the remaining nuances of sending mail.

    A valuable letter is the most reliable. Its value is recorded and the post office is responsible for its loss. If lost, compensation will be paid.

    You can also send a letter using courier delivery, but this method will be the most expensive.

    If you are sending valuable documents or passports, then you should not save money and send them by regular mail, since no one is responsible for the loss.

    In my opinion, it will be safer if they send you a registered letter. This way, you can track it, and when it arrives in your city, it will be delivered to your hands, not to your mailbox or under your door.

    You can also order a valuable letter, but it will be much more expensive. The point is that he will be insured.

    A return receipt letter is the same as a registered letter, but only you will be given a form with the signature of the recipient stating that the letter has arrived and was handed over to him.

    The most reliable letter will be a valuable letter, all because you will not only pay for it well, but it will also be insured. Ordered and with notice can also be considered reliable. You can track the registered one, with a notification you will sign for receiving the letter.

    If you need to send documentation by mail, then the best option is valuable letter with inventory. We have repeatedly sent such letters to various institutions, and there have never been any failures.

    The valuable letter is issued at the post office, and you will have to fill out two copies of the inventory form and the notification. The postal worker will check your attachment according to the inventory, attach a notice to the letter and seal the envelope himself.

    You will have a mail receipt and a copy of the inventory in your hands. Although this method of sending valuable documentation is not cheap, you get at least some guarantee that the letter will be delivered to its intended destination.

    The safest thing for you, in terms of its delivery, is a Valuable Letter. This is because if it is lost, the post office will immediately automatically charge you with financial liability, but with a registered one, this is not the case, they just have a little more control over it.

    Therefore, the Valuable Letter is called that, since in our time, the real price is represented by the thing for which someone is financially responsible, even if it is an organization.

    In turn, it certainly costs you more, but what you pay extra is, in fact, a kind of insurance, just for you, and therefore everything is real and logical.

In contractual relations between the parties (both legal entities and individuals), business correspondence is usually used. Quite often letters are sent via postal service. In any case, the parties try to protect themselves from a legal point of view by having paper evidence of the sending of letters.

Registered mail

Before sending a letter, enterprises and organizations register it with its number and date in the internal logbook of outgoing correspondence, then make a copy and leave it for storage. This will help in resolving disputes between the parties if any arise.

When sending a letter in a regular envelope, there is no evidence of the fact of sending, and there is no information about the date of its receipt. Therefore, it is wiser to prepare a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery.

To process this correspondence, fill out the notification form in Form 119, which indicates the type of notification (simple), type of item (registered mail), full name, postal codes and addresses of the sender and recipient.

Next, having paid for postal services, you can safely send a registered letter. The receipt received for paid services must be kept as proof that the letter was sent. This is especially important when it is addressed to government bodies in order to protect rights in courts and other authorities.

Postal employees register registered letters under a track number, which is used for tracking from the place of dispatch to the place of delivery to the addressee. If you have to resort to legal proceedings, you can make a request for such information at the post office. Having received a registered letter, the addressee signs the notification, then the postal worker who delivered the letter also signs the notification and puts a postal mark.

Based on the type of shipment, notifications are also divided into simple and registered. A simple type of notification is not subject to registration and is not taken into account; it is simply thrown into the mailbox. A registered notice is attached to the package of correspondence and sent along with it; it is received only at the post office.

When incoming registered mail arrives at the addressee's post office, postal employees deliver it either to the specified address or to a post office box along with a special notice (Form 22). The notice informs the recipient of correspondence that has arrived in his name and is subject to registration. To receive it at the post office, the recipient must present 3 documents: a notice, a passport and a power of attorney (if the addressee is a legal entity).

Valuable letters

Very often, legal entities - enterprises, organizations send various valuable documentation using postal services. Send accounting reports (tax returns), statements of claim, claims and demands.

For more reliable protection against the risks of losing letters due to the fault of postal employees, there is a way to send valuable letters with a declared value. This correspondence is also recorded. When sending the application, the value of the documentation must be declared, that is, the amount that will be paid in case of loss or damage to the documentation.

Receipt of a valuable letter by the addressee is possible only at the post office upon presentation of a notice. The postal service does not deliver or hand over valuable correspondence to the address of residence or location of the recipient.

Rules for filling out attachment descriptions

A postal inventory of the attachment is attached exclusively to valuable letters, but not to registered ones. In addition, it is used when processing parcels and parcels.

When entering any post office, the sender has the opportunity to take an unlimited number of forms. A more convenient way is to download the postal attachment inventory form, filling it out in advance.

There are rules for filling out this form. Prepare 2 copies of the form, without allowing any corrections.

At the top of it, the type of shipment is indicated (letter, parcel, parcel). The full name and address of the recipient are filled in for individuals; for legal entities - the name of the company and/or the full name representing it, the legal address of the company. Line by line, a list of documentation is entered into the table with a note on the quantity, and its valuation is announced. If the sender has decided not to declare the cost, he puts dashes in the appropriate fields. The last lines of the table indicate the total number of document names and their total cost. Below, the sender signs the form.

After the sender has completed filling out the inventory, the postal employee must check the written list with the actual attached documents. Then he signs the form, indicating his position, notes the date of compilation, the department index, and seals everything with a postal seal.

In order to avoid errors in filling out the inventory form, the Russian Post has published on its website a sample of a registered letter with an inventory of the attachment and a notification. There you can also download a form for listing the attachments in a valuable letter. You can also download the form for the inventory of attachment F 107 below.

When you contact the post office, you must first fill out 2 inventory forms and provide an unsealed envelope with a package of documentation. Next, the postal employee is required to check the contents of the package with the list of documentation in the attachment list. At the end of the reconciliation, he gives one copy of the inventory to the sender, and seals the other copy in an envelope along with the correspondence.

After completing the procedure, the postal courier checks whether the recipient's address is written correctly. After this, the courier endorses the form with a stamp and his signature. If the sender indicates the value of the correspondence, a 4% insurance premium is charged based on the total declared value of the item by Russian Post. The sender can avoid paying the insurance premium if he puts the value of the shipment at zero, that is, does not indicate it at all.

The declared value is required in case of loss of correspondence during shipment. Then the postal service returns the amount to the sender in the amount of the declared value. Therefore, in order for correspondence to be more reliably delivered, the declared value should play the role of an additional guarantee of delivery.

The service of sending valuable letters with an inventory of the attachment to the Russian Post costs 20 rubles per 10 grams of papers. The average price for one postal item in Russia ranges from 100 to 150 rubles.

Thus, using the methods described above, the post office guarantees the delivery of valuable correspondence to the addressee.

A letter is a piece of mail containing a written message. Letters can be simple, registered or with declared value. In this article I will talk in detail about how to send a registered letter, and how to send a registered letter with notification and with inventory of the attachment.

So, simple letters most often used for the exchange of written messages between private individuals. That is, an ordinary letter in an ordinary envelope or a greeting card - all this refers to simple letters. In order to send such a letter, it is enough to drop it into the blue mailbox of the Russian Post. The maximum weight of such a postal item must be no more than 20 g.* When sending a simple letter, the sender is not given any supporting documents for sending the letter (check, receipt). Accordingly, if a simple letter is lost, then Russian Post will not bear any responsibility.

Ordered letter intended for sending some documents, forms, receipts. This type of postal item is registered. It is sent directly to the Russian Post office through an operator. The cost of the shipment is slightly more expensive than in the case of a simple letter, but the sender receives a guarantee that the shipment will definitely be delivered to the addressee. A registered letter is delivered personally to the addressee against signature. The maximum weight of a registered letter must be no more than 100 g. If a postal item weighs more than 100 g, then such a postal item is called a parcel post.

A registered letter can be sent simultaneously with a notification of delivery and a list of the contents. True, in the latter case the letter will no longer be called registered, but valuable!

What is “registered letter with return receipt requested”? This type of sending assumes that the letter will be sent to the addressee as a registered letter, that is, the addressee will receive the letter in person, and the sender, in turn, will receive a notification confirming the fact that the letter has been received by the addressee. That is, if you want to send a registered letter and make sure that the letter has been received by the addressee, you must send a registered letter with notification.

What is a “valuable letter with an inventory of attachments”? This type assumes that the contents of the shipment will be described by the sender on a special form. Moreover, when receiving a valuable letter with an inventory, the recipient at the post office with the operator has the right to open the letter and check its contents, which must fully comply with the attachment inventory form.

You can send a registered letter at any branch of the Russian Post. There is nothing complicated about this; you don’t need to fill out any additional forms.

To send a letter:

  • Go to the transaction window at the post office and buy an envelope of the required size. The maximum envelope size is 229x324 mm, that is, slightly larger than a sheet of A4 paper.
  • The envelope must indicate the index and address of the sender and recipient.
  • We tell the operator that we want to send this letter by registered mail and that’s it. After paying for the service, you will receive a check with a tracking number on it, with which you can track the movement of the letter until it is delivered.

How to send a registered letter with return receipt requested

The process of sending a registered letter with return receipt requested is exactly the same as in the previous case. The only difference is that in addition to filling out the address information on the envelope, you will also need to fill out the “Notice of Delivery” form (Form 119). This form can be obtained free of charge at the post office.

An example of filling out this form is shown in the picture below. For clarity, the data that the sender needs to fill out is highlighted in red:

On the front side of the Notification of Delivery form, it is necessary to indicate exactly your data (name, address, zip code), because The recipient of this notification will be you, and not the addressee of your letter.

How to send a registered valuable letter with a list of attachments

Sending a valuable letter with a description of the attachment is carried out in the same way as sending a regular registered letter. The only difference is that you will additionally need to fill out the “Inventory of Investment” form (Form 107). This form is issued free of charge at the post office upon request from the sender.

That is, in order to send a valuable letter with an inventory of the attachment, you will need to indicate all the data on the envelope in which the letter will be sent, and also fill out two forms with an inventory of the attachment. You will need to fill out exactly two forms, because... one remains with the sender, and the second is received by the addressee. Accordingly, based on this form, the addressee will be able to check the contents of your shipment.

An example of filling out form form 107. The list of attachments is shown in the picture:

When sending a valuable letter with a description of the attachment, provide the envelope to the operator unsealed (opened). The operator must check the contents for compliance with the attachment inventory.

Registered mail: delivery times and costs

The delivery time for registered letters is exactly the same as the delivery time for other postal items, including parcels and parcels. Russian Post has target dates that you should rely on. I already wrote in more detail about this earlier in the article about sending parcels by cash on delivery. If you want your letter to arrive faster, then it must be sent 1st class.

As for the cost of sending a registered letter, the cost depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, with or without notice, with or without a description of the attachment. See the Russian Post website for more details.

* The weight of a simple letter can be higher than 20 g, but not exceed 100 g. For each subsequent full or incomplete 20 g of the weight of a simple letter, an additional fee will be charged.

Dear author, before writing such an article, read the postal rules. Registered letters with an inventory do not exist! The inventory is made only for valuable items. And the note that a shipment with an inventory is placed only in this case: the sender draws up an inventory in 2 copies, evaluates each item, the postal employee checks the inventory with what the sender put in the envelope/box and only after that signs and stamps it. one copy remains with the sender, the second is placed in an envelope/box. If you want to send a registered order with an inventory, then this is your right, but! No one will check your inventory, no one will sign for it, and the shipment will not be marked “with inventory.” Your shipment will be registered or ordered with notice. BUT NO DESCRIPTION!

Extremely outraged by the work of the postal service. I have to send a registered letter every month, with or without notification, from Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory, to Moscow, and every month I look for these letters that are “walking” in an unknown place. So today, two letters have been lost and a search application has already been written and no answer, no greeting. They have a disgraceful attitude towards their duties and there is no punishment for them. What are they paid for? And there is no one to ask... how much health and hassle is wasted due to the disregard of postal workers to their direct responsibilities.

How to send a letter via Russian Post: step-by-step instructions

With the development of postal services on the Internet and accessible services from cellular operators, paper postcards and letters in envelopes are no longer sent as often as 10-15 years ago. But in some cases it is impossible to do without sending it in a regular postal envelope. How to send a letter via Russian Post so that the correspondence is guaranteed to reach the addressee?

What can you send in a postal envelope?

To begin with, it is worth determining what exactly can be sent in an envelope for letters, and for what you will need to use, for example, a parcel. What can you send by letter by Russian Post?

In addition to postcards and letters, you can put almost any paper or cardboard correspondence in an envelope: personal documents (passport, diploma, work book, certificates, etc.), paper (cardboard) crafts and products, photographs, etc. The main thing is that the weight of one letter did not exceed the established norm - 100 g (for letters to another country - no more than two kilograms). The exception to this rule is money and bank cards - postal workers themselves do not recommend putting them in envelopes.

The question often arises: is it possible to enclose small objects in a paper letter? For example, jewelry, keychains, flat magnets, badges? Postal employees answer this question in the negative. The reason is simple - when stamping an envelope or when sending/removing it through a mailbox, the envelope may tear due to the bulky item inside.

However, senders who have had some success sending small items in letters claim that such attachments can be transported as long as the items cannot be clearly felt in the envelope. This is achieved by simply wrapping the item in cardboard, several layers of tape or thick paper.

Depending on the type of sending, letters can be registered, simple, express, letters with declared value or with notification. The step-by-step procedure for sending them is approximately the same, with the exception of some features. Using the example of a simple postal item, let's look at how to send a letter via Russian Post:

  • Any letter is sent from the nearest Russian Post office, the address of which can be found on the official website of this organization. A simple letter, in addition, can be dropped into a street mailbox.
  • To send, you need to purchase an envelope in accordance with the size of the attachment. The smallest is 114 x 162 mm or 110 x 220 mm (euro), the largest is 229 x 324 mm.

  • The envelope should be filled out in legible handwriting in any color of ink except red, yellow and green. Various crossing-outs, stains or corrections on the envelope are not allowed.
  • In the upper left corner, in a special field, fill in information about the sender:

In the “From” line, the full name or name of the sending organization is indicated;

In the lines “From 9raquo; The sender's address information is entered in the following order:

  • Street;
  • House number;
  • building number (if any);
  • apartment number (office or office number);
  • settlement (full geographical name);
  • district (if it is present in the address);
  • name of the region of the Russian Federation (region, territory, etc.);
  • name of the country of departure (only for sending abroad);

    A simple letter, the weight of which does not exceed 20 g, is sent in a postal envelope without additional payment or additional stamps. However, if the weight of the item is greater or the letter is expected to be delivered outside the country, then before sending the letter via Russian Post, you should contact the operator, who will weigh the letter and affix stamps in accordance with the price of the item.

    How does such a message differ from a simple letter? How to send a registered letter via Russian Post? The service for sending registered letters is intended for sending important documentation, official correspondence (requests, claims, notifications, complaints, etc.). Registered letters have a number of advantages compared to sending a simple message:

    • When sent, a registered letter is assigned an individual track number (indicated at the top of the check issued to the sender). Using it, it is possible to track the delivery of the message through the Internet service “Tracking of items” on the PR website.
    • This type of shipment is delivered personally to the addressee against signature after presentation of the passport. This is indisputable evidence that the sender sent the letter in a timely manner, and the recipient is familiar with the contents of the message.

    Sending registered letters is a more reliable, but also more expensive way of delivering correspondence. How to send a letter via Russian Post if you need to use the “Registered Letter” service? After completing the steps described above, the sender must contact the postal operator, say that he needs to send a registered letter, and pay the cost of this service. The postal employee will weigh the envelope, register the letter with a tracking number, and attach a barcode and stamps in accordance with the cost of the item.

    Notice: what is it for and how to fill it out correctly

    Registered letters with notification are a service that allows the sender to find out the exact date of delivery of the letter to the recipient. This is an official document, which in some cases can also serve as proof of the fact that correspondence was sent on time. To use this service, you must fill out a form and inform the operator that a registered letter is sent with a notification.

    It is filled out on a special postal form F-119. All information is on both sides in a field indicating: “Those circled with a bold line are filled in by the sender.” The filling procedure is as follows:

    1. In the field indicating “Notification must be returned to the address”, the data of the sender of the letter is entered in the same sequence as on the envelope. Marks are placed in the “Letters” boxes; and “Custom 9raquo;.
    2. The recipient's information is entered into the field on the back of the form in the same order as on the envelope. Marks are placed in the “Letters” boxes; and “Custom 9raquo;.
    3. The notification is glued by the operator directly to the envelope, and after delivering the registered letter to the recipient, the form is removed by the postman and sent to the sender.

    It is recommended to order a letter of value (also known as a letter of declared value) to send particularly valuable attachments: originals of personal documents, securities, real estate documentation, etc. This type of postal item is supplemented by a description of the attachment indicating the amount at which the sender estimates the contents of the envelope.

    This type of forwarding is considered one of the most reliable, since a valuable letter is necessarily assigned a registration number, which means it can be tracked on its way to the addressee. In addition, if the letter is suddenly lost, the sender receives compensation from the post office in the amount of the declared value.

    How to send a registered letter via Russian Post if it needs to be supplemented with an inventory of the attachment with a declared value? In addition to purchasing and filling out the envelope (there is no need to seal the letter), the sender will need to contact the post office operator to make an inventory:

    • It is filled out by the sender in duplicate on special forms f-107. The inventory must contain a detailed list of all papers sent in the letter, indicating their estimated value.
    • The mail operator checks the contents of the attachment with the compiled list.
    • Each copy is signed by the operator who accepted it and the sender.
    • One copy is handed over to the sender, the second is placed in an envelope along with the papers being sent.

    How much does it cost to send a letter via Russian Post if it is a letter with declared value? In addition to the cost of sending a registered letter, the sender will need to pay insurance fees in the amount of 4% of the amount of its declared value. It is worth noting that in the event of its loss, the paid insurance fee will not be reimbursed to the sender.

    Mailing is the cheapest method of postal delivery. Today, the client has the opportunity to find out in advance how much it costs to send a letter via Russian Post. This can be done through the official website of Russian Post, using the Postal Calculator service.

    For example, to find out how much it costs to send a registered letter by Russian Post, you need to enter information about the sender’s and recipient’s settlements into the interactive fields of the calculator, indicate the weight of the letter, the delivery method, and also check the box next to “Registered9raquo; in the "Additional Services" section. After this, the service will automatically calculate the cost of sending.

In contractual relations between the parties (both legal entities and individuals), business correspondence is usually used. Quite often letters are sent via postal service. In any case, the parties try to protect themselves from a legal point of view by having paper evidence of the sending of letters.

Registered mail

Before sending a letter, enterprises and organizations register it with its number and date in the internal logbook of outgoing correspondence, then make a copy and leave it for storage. This will help in resolving disputes between the parties if any arise.

When sending a letter in a regular envelope, there is no evidence of the fact of sending, and there is no information about the date of its receipt. Therefore, it is wiser to prepare a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery.

To process this correspondence, fill out the notification form in Form 119, which indicates the type of notification (simple), type of item (registered mail), full name, postal codes and addresses of the sender and recipient.

Next, having paid for postal services, you can safely send a registered letter. The receipt received for paid services must be kept as proof that the letter was sent. This is especially important when it is addressed to government bodies in order to protect rights in courts and other authorities.

Postal employees register registered letters under a track number, which is used for tracking from the place of dispatch to the place of delivery to the addressee. If you have to resort to legal proceedings, you can make a request for such information at the post office. Having received a registered letter, the addressee signs the notification, then the postal worker who delivered the letter also signs the notification and puts a postal mark.

Based on the type of shipment, notifications are also divided into simple and registered. A simple type of notification is not subject to registration and is not taken into account; it is simply thrown into the mailbox. A registered notice is attached to the package of correspondence and sent along with it; it is received only at the post office.

When incoming registered mail arrives at the addressee's post office, postal employees deliver it either to the specified address or to a post office box along with a special notice (Form 22). The notice informs the recipient of correspondence that has arrived in his name and is subject to registration. To receive it at the post office, the recipient must present 3 documents: a notice, a passport and a power of attorney (if the addressee is a legal entity).

Read also: Is it possible to change the name of an LLC?

Valuable letters

Very often, legal entities - enterprises, organizations send various valuable documentation using postal services. Send accounting reports (tax returns), statements of claim, claims and demands.

For more reliable protection against the risks of losing letters due to the fault of postal employees, there is a way to send valuable letters with a declared value. This correspondence is also recorded. When sending the application, the value of the documentation must be declared, that is, the amount that will be paid in case of loss or damage to the documentation.

Receipt of a valuable letter by the addressee is possible only at the post office upon presentation of a notice. The postal service does not deliver or hand over valuable correspondence to the address of residence or location of the recipient.

Receipt of delivery is actual proof of receipt of the letter, but there is no proof of the list of documentation attached to the letter. The way out of this situation is to send a valuable letter with an inventory of the attachment and a receipt. To arrange such a shipment, you need to prepare a completed Form 107 form, which guarantees delivery of the documentation in full. It must be filled out in advance before sending the letter.

A postal inventory of the attachment is attached exclusively to valuable letters, but not to registered ones. In addition, it is used when processing parcels and parcels.

When entering any post office, the sender has the opportunity to take an unlimited number of forms. A more convenient way is to download the postal attachment inventory form and fill it out in advance.
There are rules for filling out this form. Prepare 2 copies of the form, without allowing any corrections.

At the top of it, the type of shipment is indicated (letter, parcel, parcel). The full name and address of the recipient are filled in for individuals; for legal entities - the name of the company and/or the full name representing it, the legal address of the company. Line by line, a list of documentation is entered into the table with a note on the quantity, and its valuation is announced. If the sender has decided not to declare the cost, he puts dashes in the appropriate fields. The last lines of the table indicate the total number of document names and their total cost. Below, the sender signs the form.

After the sender has completed filling out the inventory, the postal employee must check the written list with the actual attached documents. Then he signs the form, indicating his position, notes the date of compilation, the department index, and seals everything with a postal seal.

In order to avoid errors in filling out the inventory form, the Russian Post has published on its website a sample of a registered letter with an inventory of the attachment and a notification. There you can also download a form for listing the attachments in a valuable letter. You can also download the form for the inventory of attachment F 107 below.

Despite the advent of e-mail and all kinds of programs that allow free communication, postal services continue to be used. Official correspondence, correspondence between consumers and utility services, sending documents to court - all this is carried out strictly by mail. In addition to simple letters, which can only be sent by dropping them in the mailbox, the post office may offer to send a valuable or registered letter. What is the difference between these two postal items?

What is a registered letter?

If the sender wants to know whether his letter has reached the recipient or not, he sends a registered letter, for sending which he a receipt is presented. Attached to it is a notice that the sender fills out and on which the recipient must sign, as well as indicate the date when the letter arrived at his address. The notice indicates the address to which it should be returned. If it is returned to the sender with the addressee's signature, he can be sure that the letter has arrived.

This type of mail is often used during official correspondence when you urgently need to send documents and you need to be absolutely sure that they will reach the final addressee, since the post office guarantees delivery of such a letter. Enterprises also send registered letters when responding to requests and complaints from citizens in order to attach a receipt of the letter and a notification to the received response as proof of receipt of the correspondence by the addressee. If the registered letter is not received, it, together with the notification, is returned to the sender with the appropriate note.

What is a valuable letter?

A valuable letter is sent in cases where the documents or contents of the letter have certain value and if it is lost, the sender may suffer material damage. An inventory must be included in the letter, which indicates a list of documents and their cost, which the sender has the right to demand in the event of loss of correspondence. A valuable letter may also be accompanied by a notification of its receipt by the addressee.

What do registered letters and valuable letters have in common?

These types of postal items exist in order to secure shipment correspondence. Valuable and registered letters are usually accompanied by a receipt. For sending postal correspondence, the sender additionally pays for postal services, in confirmation of which he receives a receipt, which indicates a unique code by which the location of the postal correspondence can be tracked. You cannot send money either by valuable or registered mail; for this there are money transfers by mail.

What is the difference between registered and valuable letters?

Postal items have many differences, which the sender must carefully study before choosing exactly how he will send correspondence.


Sending a registered letter costs less than a valuable one, and the reason lies in the fact that the latter is accompanied by an inventory of the attachment, which indicates the cost of the correspondence being sent. In case of loss of a letter or its theft, the post office is financially liable to the sender and compensates for the material damage caused. Important documents are usually sent by valuable letter, such as a work record book or claim materials, which have a certain value for the sender, so their loss can cause him material damage.

Item type

By registered mail you can send a letter, an “M” bag, a secogram, a postcard or a parcel; a valuable letter has a narrower range of correspondence that can be sent - a container, a parcel, a letter or a parcel.

Availability of inventory and notice

Sending a valuable letter implies the mandatory completion of an attachment inventory, which indicates the entire list of documents being sent with an exact indication of their name, number of pages and cost. There is a special approved form to fill out. The correctness of filling out the inventory must be checked by postal employees; they check whether all the specified documents are available, since the postal service is responsible for the safety of the sent letter.

If everything is filled out correctly, then the postman puts a stamp on the attachment inventory and puts one copy of the inventory in the envelope and gives the other to the sender. The notification does not have to be attached to a valuable letter; the sender fills it out only if he wants to find out when the correspondence was received by the addressee. An inventory is not attached to a registered letter, but a receipt may be attached.

Delivery type

The postman delivers a registered letter to the addressee at the address specified by the sender. The notification must include the date of receipt and signature of the recipient. Once completed, the notification is sent to the sender as evidence that the letter was received by the addressee. If the recipient was not found at the specified address, the post office returns a registered letter marked “after the expiration of the storage period” or “the addressee has left.”

You can receive a valuable letter at the post office using your passport or by power of attorney. The recipient receives a notification to the address specified in the letter that a valuable letter has arrived at the post office and needs to be picked up. Unfortunately, this is a disadvantage of sending a valuable letter, since unscrupulous recipients may ignore the fact that the letter was sent to their address and never receive it, since it is returned to the sender after the end of its storage period at the post office.