Altai regional crisis center for men. Regional crisis center for men Altai regional crisis center for men

Altai Regional Crisis Center for Men- an innovative institution within the structure of the Main Directorate of the Altai Territory for Social Protection of the Population and Overcoming the Consequences of Nuclear Tests at the Semipalatinsk Test Site (Glavaltaysotszashchita). The activities of the Center testify to the overcoming of a one-sided approach to providing social assistance to families, when a man did not come to the attention of specialists. Although, obviously, without defining the role and place of a man in modern society and the family, it is impossible to talk about a full, comprehensive, effective rehabilitation of the family.

  • In 2002, the Center was given the status of a basic experimental institution by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
  • In 2006, on the basis of a competition for social service institutions for families and children, organized by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the KGUSO "Crisis Center for Men" was awarded the status of a supporting experimental institution in the social sphere.

Philosophy of the Center:

We are absolutely convinced that:

  • any person may find himself faced with life's disasters and troubles;
  • any a person needs a strong family and community support to realize your life potential;
  • We believe in and work with the family as a full partner in the client's change process;
  • the well-being of society depends on the well-being of its members;
  • we can help the client and his family realize their own abilities, we believe in their potential and create conditions for the growth of social competence in solving problems;
  • we believe that adherence to the highest standards of integrativeness and professionalism will help us in providing the best quality care to the client and his family.

Structure of the Center

Branches of the Center:

  • Consultative reception department.
  • Department of "emergency psychological assistance to the population by telephone."
  • Department for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency.
  • Department for work with single-parent families.
  • Family Violence Prevention Department.

Target group:

  • Men experiencing situational crises: loss of a job, loss of a loved one (state of “acute grief”), family conflicts, pre-divorce situation, divorce, survivors of acute myocardial infarction, etc.;
  • Problem-oriented groups of men: men raising children without a mother, participants in extreme events and local armed conflicts, men who abuse close relatives, men whose professional activities are associated with stressful working conditions;
  • Teenage boys who are registered with the internal affairs bodies and/or internal school records.

Types of activities:

  • Providing (permanently, temporarily, on a one-time basis) specific types and forms of socio-economic, medical-social, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical and other social services;
  • Conducting social patronage for the family of a client of the Center in need of social assistance, rehabilitation and support;
  • Assisting the Center's clients in their social adaptation and rehabilitation;
  • Implementation of activities for increasing stress resistance and psychological culture of the population, at strengthening the value of family and a healthy lifestyle, incl. through propaganda, publishing, educational activities, organizing speeches in the media on current issues of the Center’s activities;
  • Implementation of activities aimed at preventing deviant forms of behavior, suicide, unfavorable forms of emotional response and behavioral stereotypes, conflict relationships, domestic violence and other social risks;
  • Involvement of state, municipal bodies, organizations and institutions (health care, education, migration service, etc.), as well as public and religious organizations and associations (veterans, committees of the Red Cross Society, associations of large families, single-parent families, organizations of the disabled, etc. .p.) to solve problems of the Center’s clients that they cannot overcome on their own;
  • Carrying out human rights activities, representing the interests of the Center’s client in court;
  • Participation in the development and implementation of targeted programs for social protection of the population;
  • Making proposals to government bodies to improve legislation in the field of protecting family rights, the work of social services to prevent crisis phenomena;
  • Methodological support for social service institutions for the population of the region in the core areas of the Center’s activities, including training and supervisory sessions, advanced training for employees of social service institutions;
  • Carrying out activities to improve the professional level of the Center’s employees, increase the volume of social services provided and improve their quality;
  • Conducting research work, testing, introducing and testing innovative forms, methods and technologies of social services, preparing scientific and methodological recommendations, collections of articles, theses, etc.
  • Studying and adapting foreign experience to the conditions of the region, developing international cooperation in the field of social services.

Consultative reception department

Target: provision of advisory socio-psychological, socio-legal, medical-social, socio-pedagogical services to the center’s clients through the implementation of a complex of psycho-correctional, rehabilitation, and educational activities.

The consultation department has been operating since January 1997, and was created in connection with the current need of clients to receive advisory services from specialists in various fields. Indeed, often the client’s difficult life situation is characterized by disadvantage in many areas, which determines the advisability of assistance of varying directions. Implementing the principle of comprehensiveness, the department provides consultations with specialists: social work specialist, psychologists, psychotherapist, andrologist, sexologist.

Providing comprehensive advisory assistance in difficult life situations is the optimal technology aimed at activating the external and internal resources of a person necessary to overcome a crisis situation, acquire an adaptive personal mechanism and transfer this experience to one’s immediate social environment.

The advisory process as a type of activity of the department is a clearly established, trouble-free functioning system, which has optimal, in terms of sufficiency and information content, documentary support, which allows you to quickly analyze the process and respond to changes in it. An important system-forming link in the consultative process is the initial consultation. The primary reception specialist, performing the functions of coordinating the consultation process, ensures its efficiency and uninterrupted functioning. The main content of the initial reception is: comprehensive analysis of the specifics of the client’s life situation, his request and referral to an appointment with an appropriate specialist, as well as maintaining motivation to attend consultation by creating accepting emotional atmosphere, information about the Center’s services and pre-registration for consultations.

Advisory activities are problem-sensitive, clearly representing the specifics of the problem fields of clients' requests. The systematicity and specificity of customer requests signals the emergence of a problem area of ​​social disadvantage, which can be considered as a form of social order for one or another type and direction of work. In this case, an emergency response to emerging social ill-being is the main content of the activities of the department’s specialists. This format is carried out through the development of targeted programs focused on resolving the stated problems using socio-psychological means. The emergency response format, in addition to searching and researching target groups, also involves technological mobility of specialists, which consists in the development and implementation of innovative spaces of psychosocial work with men. As a result of the indicated approach, in addition to the consultation reception, the following functions function in the department: programs and projects:

  • Program " Psychosocial work with men who have suffered acute myocardial infarction"(implemented on the basis of the rehabilitation department of the Altai Regional Cardiological Dispensary);
  • Program " Psychological support for persons in crisis", which is a step-by-step supervision of clients experiencing a crisis;
  • Psychological Club " Ascent to Individuality", an open, permanent group aimed at self-actualization of individuality through the disclosure of resources and personal potentials of the participants;
  • Personality development program "33", a training group for personal growth with a rational-emotive orientation, the group is closed, its name comes from the structure.

Implementing the principle of comprehensiveness, clients are provided with socio-medical andrological advisory services. These services are characterized by a combination of a purely medical focus and a socio-psychological one. So, an important aspect of andrological assistance is the formation of responsible reproductive behavior in the client, which manifests itself, first of all, in the presence of motivation to preserve and transmit reproductive health as an integral part of the life of a modern man.

The structure of the department’s activities is dominated by social and psychological services, which corresponds to the requests and needs of clients.

Social and psychological services of specialists are aimed at assisting clients - men of working age, experiencing difficult life situations and their immediate environment - in improving their mental state and restoring the ability to adapt in the environment of life.

The goal of the psychologist’s work is to create psychological conditions for the formation of a culturally productive self-actualizing personality of the client, who has a sense of life perspective, acts consciously, is able to maturely and responsibly analyze his life situation from various points of view and independently overcome a difficult life situation.

Social and psychological services are provided in two forms of work:

  • Individual psychological counseling.

Individual psychological counseling services should ensure the optimization of significant interpersonal relationships, as well as the activation and mobilization of the potentials and resources of the client’s personality necessary to overcome difficult life situations and solve socio-psychological problems. The psychological impact is based on dialogue interaction through the circulation of psychological information between psychologist and client. The psychological information that a psychologist receives and uses is specific knowledge about the peculiarities of the functioning of the client’s mental reality, obtained by the psychologist on the basis of a general scientific theory.

The following technologies are used:

  • Psychological support for people in crisis.

Target— assisting the client in productive personality change in crisis situations to overcome difficult life situations and effectively fulfill life in individual social circumstances. The support is carried out for a sufficiently long period of time, necessary for the manifestation of positive personal changes at the behavioral level in the specific life situation of the client.

Crisis counseling.

The goal is to provide the client with emergency short-term psychological assistance (including by telephone) aimed at supporting vitality, increasing stress resistance and mental security, analysis, research and mobilization of physical, spiritual, personal, intellectual resources, as well as creating motivation for active actions to exit out of a crisis and overcoming a difficult life situation.

Psychological consultation.

Target— increasing the client’s intrapersonal competence, establishing meaningful interpersonal relationships, creating a need for psychological knowledge in order to fully develop the personality at each age stage, self-actualization of individuality and increasing the psychological culture of the client and his microsocial environment.

When implementing the above work technologies, the following techniques, techniques and methods are used: conversation, interview, 5-step reframing, paradoxical intention, interpretation, free associations, feedback, self-disclosure, reflection of feelings, paraphrase, analysis of current emotions, clarification, clarification, motivation , encouragement, active listening, directive, confrontation, provocation, giving significance, silence, empathic positive support, analysis of alternatives, influencing summary, modern behavioral-cognitive counseling, multimodal psychotherapy.

Group work

Psychological services provided in a group form are aimed at developing and building the skills of social competence of clients through the instillation of socially valuable norms of behavior, the formation of personal premises for adaptation to changing living conditions and attitudes towards personal and social growth. Active psychological influence is based on the processes of group dynamics of a small group, which is a multi-level structure of interpersonal relationships and, through structuring feedback processes, serves as a tool for self-exploration of the communicative style, social attitudes and personal resources of the clients of the group members.

Technologies used:

  • Social-psychological training.

Target— development of skills and abilities that contribute to personal and social development, self-realization of individuality and actualization of personal resources, followed by practicing and consolidating the skills of their use in the conditions of the training group.

Self and mutual aid group.

Target— bringing together clients experiencing a common problem situation to share experience in overcoming asocial forms of life, relieving the consequences of traumatic situations, neuropsychic tension and helping in getting out of a state of discomfort. Through the formation of a sense of empathy and mutual support, a feeling of safety and emotional security of the participants is facilitated, contributing to the successful social adaptation of the participants.

Communication club.

The goal is to create psychological conditions for preserving, maintaining and strengthening the psychological, social and mental health of clients, increasing stress resistance, the level of psychological culture, primarily in the field of interpersonal relationships and effective communication.

When implementing group work technologies, the following techniques, techniques and methods are used: group discussion, role-playing game, brainstorming, managing group dynamics processes, structuring the feedback process, developmental psychological exercises, psycho-gymnastics, autogenic training, neuromuscular relaxation, respiratory and bodily oriented techniques, elements of psychodrama, art therapy.

Psychocorrectional measures are of a declarative nature and are implemented in individual and group forms of work. Psychological correction consists of active psychological influence and is aimed at overcoming or weakening deviations in the development and emotional state of the client in order to ensure that these deviations comply with age standards, the requirements of the social environment and the interests of the client.

In the process of work, the specialist receives from the client psychological information regarding the personality characteristics, interpersonal relationships of the client, the specifics of the socio-demographic status and life situation. The content of this information is a professional secret. The psychologist is obliged to take measures to ensure confidentiality all information received from the client, and is responsible in accordance with the established procedure for the disclosure of professional secrets.

The department's specialists provide an innovative form of social service - a visiting advisory team. In order to increase the availability of advisory assistance for the regions of the region, in 2000 the format of a visiting advisory team was introduced. The advisory team includes specialists: psychologist, psychotherapist, andrologist, social work specialist. For the convenience of the population and structuring the work of specialists, pre-registration for consultations is carried out, for which an information campaign is carried out in local media.


date of state registration 07.25.1995

Barnaul, st. Georgiy Isakov, 113e tel: 55-12-88

Child. Instructions for use

Information and therapeutic group for parents “Child. Instructions for use." New set. At the group, parents will have the opportunity to discuss pressing issues, receive new information and learn more effective strategies for communicating with children. .

Sunday with dad

Project goals? Development of forms of rehabilitative leisure for fathers with children, in the activities of which the parent learns methods of involving children in various types of joint activities (including play), which contributes to the formation of mutual affection and emotional intimacy in the father-child dyad. .

“We are a great team, We are called “gang”, Our motto is not to lose heart, to go through everything and know a lot!” - such words, accompanied by loud laughter and joyful cries of boys, are heard within the walls of the Crisis Center for Men every Thursday and Tuesday. This has begun a new season of work for the rehabilitation leisure group for boys from 7 to 11 years old, “Gang of Smart People.” .

Transfer of games to pediatric traumatology

ADHD in children. Seminar for parents

Development group "Gang of Smart Guys"

"Child. Instructions for use" group for parents

Thinking development training for men

Participation in the forum “Together for the sake of children!”

Participation in the regional festival-fair “Focus on the Family!”

It is generally accepted that strong men do not need support, as if they are naturally endowed with the ability to stoically endure all difficulties and cope with emerging problems. This is a strange and dangerous myth that does not help the modern man at all, but on the contrary, often aggravates his emotional state if he fails to immediately, quickly resolve the difficult situation in which he finds himself.

The specialists of our Center do not believe in these harmful myths, but firmly believe that no matter how difficult and hopeless your life may seem to you at the moment, you are not doomed to continue living in the hopeless darkness of despair, anger, hopelessness and melancholy.

Our experience shows that most problems can be solved, especially if you are motivated to solve them. Of course, you will have to change something in your life, you will have to make efforts to get results, but we are ready to support you in this, to go through this path again and again with each client.

Articles by Center specialists

Focus is on family!

The regional crisis center for men took part in the regional festival-fair of innovative social services “Focus on the Family,” which took place on November 17.

As a result of the event, our Center was awarded in the “Hurray, Vacations!” nomination, dedicated to children's rehabilitation leisure.

The Regional Crisis Center for Men, together with the Integrated Center for Social Services in Barnaul, are taking part in the International Day of Charity #ShadyTuesday, which will be held throughout the country on November 28.

Thematic toy library "Child's Rights"

On November 21, at the Regional Crisis Center for Men, as part of the Child Rights Month, a legal play session for children of primary school age was held.

Seminar for parents on ADHD

As part of the series of seminars “Psychology: simply about complex things,” we invite parents to the next meeting dedicated to attention deficit disorder in children.

New enrollment in the group for parents

Dear parents, this news is for you! The crisis center for men is opening enrollment in the “Child” group. Instructions for use." This is a group for parents who have difficulty communicating with their children.

Social work with men deserves to be singled out as a separate branch of this professional activity, however, for a number of reasons, it is taking only its first steps not only in our country, but also in the world as a whole.

Gender-oriented social work is a comprehensive social work aimed both at organizing assistance to men and women who find themselves in difficult life situations, and at gender education of all specialists involved in solving clients’ problems. The need for gender education for social workers, lawyers, doctors, and teachers today is beyond doubt. There is always a risk that, when dealing with the difficult life situation of clients, social workers and other specialists may also be influenced by stereotypes and proceed only from the “natural” destiny of men and women. The lack of a well-thought-out gender policy, gender culture and traditions is reflected both in the legislative framework in the social sphere and in the activities of social services, which are often not familiar with the principles of gender equality and therefore are not always gender-sensitive and are not always ready to apply a gender approach. Almost all social services, based on the fact that family problems, children's issues and conflicts are the sphere of women, are focused primarily on them, and this is reflected in the names of these services (for example, the Commission on Women, Children and Youth Affairs). Men's crisis centers and psychological support centers for men are a rare exception; in Russia, the only crisis center exists in the city of Barnaul, and several of its branches are open in nearby cities of the Altai Territory.

The Altai Regional Crisis Center for Men is an innovative institution within the structure of the Main Directorate of the Altai Territory for Social Protection of the Population and Overcoming the Consequences of Nuclear Tests at the Semipalatinsk Test Site, operating since 1993. The activities of the Center testify to overcoming the one-sided approach to providing social assistance to the family, when a man was not caught in the field of view of specialists. At the initial stage of the Center’s activities, the focus was on social support for men who had undergone heart surgery and were in need of comprehensive social rehabilitation and support. Subsequently, other programs began to be implemented, in particular, for the social rehabilitation of participants in local wars, support for single-parent families, etc. The structure of the Center is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Structure of the Regional Crisis Center for Men (Barnaul)

The Altai Regional Crisis Center for Men combines preventive and rehabilitation areas in its activities. The main objectives of the center are, in particular, providing social assistance to men experiencing a crisis, consolidating the interactions of state and public structures to provide social support to various groups of men (for example, self-help and mutual support groups), implementing various preventive measures, etc.

The emergence of crisis centers for men became a characteristic phenomenon in the last third of the 20th century on the Eurasian continent. Against the backdrop of the traditional orientation of social and socio-medical support systems towards women and children, this became a landmark event. Leiner-Axelsson B., Grigoriev S.I., Guslyakova L.G. Features of social assistance technologies in male crisis centers in Sweden and Russia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries // Social education in Russia of the XXI century... Social work and training of social workers in the new time: Sat. articles and educational method. materials / Ch. ed. V.I. Zhukov. - M., 2006. - P. 421. This reflected the emerging strategic turn in the sociology of gender studies and the practice of social work, which represents the holistic social security and activity of not only women, but also men, who, as “suddenly it turned out,” can be actors, subjects of social aggression, and its objects, victims, as well as people, individuals in need of general and special social assistance.

Extensive experience in gender-oriented social work with men has been accumulated at the Crisis Center for Men in Gothenburg (Sweden). The very idea of ​​​​creating a Crisis Center for Men was based on the desire to expand the possibilities of seeking help for men in crisis due to divorce and men who allow themselves to abuse a woman. Leiner-Axelson B. Crisis center for men in the social protection system (the experience of Sweden, Gothenburg) // Ibid., p. 346. The solution to these problems constitutes the main directions of the center’s activities.

The purpose of the crisis centers is to help men find a way out of the circle of family troubles that cause violence and traumatize all participants and witnesses. Such centers employ social work specialists, psychologists, sociologists, etc. In Sweden, such units exist not only in cities and towns, but also in prisons, where they naturally have their own specifics. Social protection of families and children (foreign experience). - M.: Center for Universal Human Values. - 1992. - P. 70. Employees of the crisis center for men also work in schools, tell teenagers about the problem of violence, train social workers, psychologists, police officers, etc.

The effectiveness of social work depends on how well it reflects the interests of a particular gender community. The peculiarities of the male gender role in modern society and the presence of specific problems among men make it relevant to use the areas and technologies of social work, which we will consider in the following sections.