How to send a letter with a description of the attachment and notification. Inventory of attachment


Next, just above the “to” field there is an item “Show all fields”. Click on it with the left mouse button. You will see additional fields to fill out. On the same line with the “file” button you will see two more items: “important” and “with notification" Check the box “from notification" And send a letter.

The addressee, upon receiving the letter, will confirm receipt of the letter. And you will immediately see this confirmation in your email. After this, you will know for sure that your letter has been received and read. By the same principle of writing with notification can be sent to other postal services.


  • how to send notifications by mail

Custom letter different from simple themes that he is assigned an identification number by which his movement can be tracked to the addressee. This number is recorded at each post office where the envelope arrives. If a letter is lost, you can always find out at what stage the loss occurred.


To send a registered letter, you must contact any branch of the Russian Post. There you can register this shipment in a special window.

In order for custom letter accepted, present your passport to the post office employee. His data is entered into the database, and if the envelope does not reach the addressee, it will be returned to the sender. In addition to a general passport, the following are accepted as identification: - military ID;
- foreign passport;
- certificate of a member of the Federation Council or a Deputy of the State Duma;
- resident card;
- Passport or ID with visa stamp Russian Federation.

Depending on how much important documents need to be sent, select the type of envelope. They are ordinary, thin paper, and heavy duty envelopes. Envelopes come in a variety of sizes to suit any item.

Decide whether you need an inventory of the letter's attachments. This is important when sending multiple documents. When filling out the inventory, contact the postal worker - he will tell you whether this is correct, or he will fill out the inventory himself, for an additional fee.

Be careful when writing the address. Don’t forget the recipient’s zip code and last name - these are the most common mistakes when sending. If your letter is being sent abroad, keep in mind that other countries may have different address formats. Carefully rewrite streets and cities on foreign language– the employee is unlikely to be able to verify their correctness. Remember - letters with incorrectly written addresses are returned to the sender.

Consider whether you will need notice of delivery of the letter. This is important if you need to know the exact date and time of receipt.

Once again, check that the attachments are complete, that the address is correct, and hand the envelope and the letter itself to the postal worker. He will seal the envelope, weigh the letter and tell you the amount you must pay for postage and additional services, if any were provided.

Please note

Please note that the rules prohibit accepting particularly valuable documents, money, or credit cards for sending. All these valuables are sent by express delivery - for example, DHL.


  • Official website of the Russian Post company

In order to send a letter or parcel by mail, you must make inventory investments. To do this, you need to fill out a standard form, which can be drawn up by hand, printed on a computer, or received Form 107 by mail. The inventory must include the name of the items, as well as their quantity and estimated value.

You will need

  • - inventory form 107;
  • - pen.


In order to compose inventory investments That's right, you need to fill out two forms. In the inventory, indicate the surname, first name and patronymic of the addressee, zip code and postal address. Then write down the names of the items or documents being sent. In addition, be sure to indicate the quantity of each item and the amount of its valuation. When evaluating items, please note that the estimated value affects the amount of compensation that the sender receives in the event of loss of mail accompanied by inventory yu investments. On the other hand, it should be taken into account that the amount of the assessment affects the amount of the insurance premium.

Each copy of the inventory form must be certified by the sender’s signature. If the inventory contains items that were not valued by the sender, in the “declared value” column opposite these items, put a dash in both forms. If you wish, you may not indicate the estimated value of items on the form intended for investments in the mail.

Next, both copies of the inventory are transferred to the postal worker, who must complete the final execution of the inventory investments. The postal employee compares the entries in both inventory forms, then compares the correspondence between the address and the surname, first name and patronymic of the addressee indicated by the sender in the inventory and on the address label (on back side shells). After this, a comparison is made between the items included in the message and the entries in the inventory. investments. After this, the postal employee must verify the identity of the total amount investments and the amount of declared value.

For each copy of the inventory investments a calendar stamp is affixed, certified by the signature of a postal employee. The first copy of the inventory is included in the postal item, which is immediately sealed. The second copy, along with the receipt, is issued to the sender.

Please note

Inventory of attachment- this is a document that is included in the postal item and contains the name, quantity and cost of the items being sent. The attachment inventory is used when sending valuable letters, parcels, and parcels. This document must be endorsed with a post office stamp before sealing the postal item.

The investment inventory form has standard form 107.

How to fill out an investment inventory

Let's consider the procedure for filling out the form for listing the contents of a mail item.

First, indicate the type of shipment: valuable letter, parcel or package.

Then in the “To” line we write the full name, in the “Where” line - the recipient’s postal address.

We proceed to filling out the table in which we indicate the item number, the name of the items being sent, their quantity and cost (in rubles). The declared value affects the amount of compensation in case of loss of mail. But it is important to take into account that the higher it is, the higher the insurance fee for the shipment. postal parcel. If the sender wishes, it may not be indicated.

We put a signature in the “Sender” line.

Below is the position and signature of the postal worker who verified all the completed information.

The list of attachments is drawn up in two copies - one of them is included in the postal item, the second is received by the sender along with the receipt. This document is written by hand or filled out on a computer. Corrections are not allowed. Before sealing the postal item, a postal item is stamped on the attachment inventory form.

Despite the appearance email, and all kinds of programs that allow free communication, mail services continue to be used. Official correspondence, correspondence between consumers and utility services, sending documents to court - all this is carried out strictly by mail. In addition to simple letters, to send which you just need to put them in mailbox, the post office may offer to send a valuable or registered letter. What is the difference between these two postal items?

What is a registered letter?

If the sender wants to know whether his letter has reached the recipient or not, he sends a registered letter, for sending which he a receipt is presented. Attached to it is a notice that the sender fills out and on which the recipient must sign, as well as indicate the date when the letter arrived at his address. The notice indicates the address to which it should be returned. If it is returned to the sender with the addressee's signature, he can be sure that the letter has arrived.

This type of mail is often used during official correspondence when you urgently need to send documents and you need to be absolutely sure that they will reach the final addressee, since the post office guarantees delivery of such a letter. Enterprises also send registered letters when responding to requests and complaints from citizens in order to attach a receipt of the letter and a notification to the received response as proof of receipt of the correspondence by the addressee. If the registered letter is not received, it, together with the notification, is returned to the sender with the appropriate note.

What is a valuable letter?

A valuable letter is sent in cases where the documents or contents of the letter have certain value and if it is lost, the sender may suffer material damage. An inventory must be included in the letter, which indicates a list of documents and their cost, which the sender has the right to demand in the event of loss of correspondence. A valuable letter may also be accompanied by a notification of its receipt by the addressee.

What do registered letters and valuable letters have in common?

These types postal items exist in order to secure shipment correspondence. Valuable and registered letters are usually accompanied by a receipt. For sending postal correspondence, the sender additionally pays for postal services, in confirmation of which he receives a receipt in which it is indicated unique code, by which you can track the location of mail. You can’t send money by either valuable or registered mail; that’s why there are money transfers by mail.

What is the difference between registered and valuable letters?

Postal items have many differences, which the sender must carefully study before choosing exactly how he will send correspondence.


Sending a registered letter costs less than a valuable one, and the reason lies in the fact that the latter is accompanied by an inventory of the attachment, which indicates the cost of the correspondence being sent. In case of loss of a letter or its theft, the post office bears financial liability to the sender and compensates for the material damage caused. Important documents are usually sent by valuable mail, such as work book or claim materials that have a certain value for the sender, therefore their loss can cause him material damage.

Item type

By registered mail you can send a letter, an “M” bag, a secogram, a postcard or a parcel; a valuable letter has a narrower range of correspondence that can be sent - a container, a parcel, a letter or a parcel.

Availability of inventory and notice

Sending a valuable letter implies the mandatory completion of an attachment inventory, which indicates the entire list of documents being sent with an exact indication of their name, number of pages and cost. There is a special approved form to fill out. The correctness of filling out the inventory must be checked by postal employees; they check whether everything is correct. specified documents are in stock, since the post office is responsible for the safety of the sent letter.

If everything is filled out correctly, then the postman puts a stamp on the attachment inventory and puts one copy of the inventory in the envelope and gives the other to the sender. The notification does not have to be attached to a valuable letter; the sender fills it out only if he wants to find out when the correspondence was received by the addressee. An inventory is not attached to a registered letter, but a receipt may be attached.

Delivery type

The postman delivers a registered letter to the addressee at the address specified by the sender. The notification must include the date of receipt and signature of the recipient. Once completed, the notification is sent to the sender as evidence that the letter was received by the addressee. If according to specified address the recipient was not found, the post office returns a registered letter with the note “after the expiration of the storage period” or “the addressee has left.”

You can receive a valuable letter at the post office using your passport or by power of attorney. The recipient receives a notification to the address specified in the letter that a valuable letter has arrived at the post office and needs to be picked up. Unfortunately, this is a disadvantage of sending a valuable letter, since unscrupulous recipients may ignore the fact that the letter was sent to their address and never receive it, since it is returned to the sender after the end of its storage period at the post office.

Often we are faced with the need to notify someone: an employer about dismissal, a seller about a complaint about the quality of a product, neighbors about the sale of a room, and in many other situations. When we're talking about about the need to “notify in writing” you should know that this is a legally significant action that has corresponding consequences.

Many civilians trials can only be initiated after a pre-trial settlement has been completed. That is, it is necessary to prove that attempts were made to reach an agreement before going to court. What if the other party refuses to compromise or completely ignores requests? And in such cases, the law allows you to go to court. But a mandatory condition for accepting the claim for consideration is confirmation that the plaintiff has properly notified the defendant.

A way to avoid trial

Is proper written notice only important to the court? Not at all! You don't want to sue, do you? Rest assured: so does the person you need to notify. Having received a written notification from you, for example, sent by a notary (more on this below), he will understand that you:

  • are ready to bring the case to court;
  • are legally literate enough to defend their interests in court.

And this is a direct path to a pre-trial resolution of the situation.

Notification form

All notifications that citizens have to deal with can be divided into:

  • notification of various state and municipal authorities;
  • legally significant messages in civil law relations.

Upon notification of the state. bodies most often use forms approved by various by-laws regulations(administrative regulations, instructions, orders, letters from various ministries and departments).

In civil law relations, notifications are usually made in free form.

Sometimes the parties to a contract, in order to make their lives easier, make the forms of the most important notices and notifications annexes to the concluded contract.

Notification methods

Since September 1, 2013, the procedure for transferring legally significant documents is regulated by Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A “legally significant” document can be called differently: claim, demand, notification, application. The rule for bringing them to the addressee, approved by law, is quite flexible; it does NOT indicate:

  • mandatory delivery methods,
  • the form in which the relevant document must be sent.

But the law states that legal consequences begin from the moment of its delivery. Accordingly, it is in the interests of the sender of the notification deliver it in such a way as to have proof of delivery to the addressee. Moreover, if a legal dispute arises, he will have to prove the fact of notification. Therefore, if you do not want to later prove in court with the help of witness testimony that - notify in writing!

The best options for written notification are those that allow you to document the receipt of this document:

  • by registered mail with notification of delivery;
  • a valuable letter with an inventory and notification of delivery.
  • courier service;
  • delivery to the addressee in person.

Despite the development of high technologies, the presence modern methods communications and data exchange capabilities via the Internet, situations may arise when it is necessary to transfer information on paper. As a rule, originals of valuable documents must be sent in this way.


If, when sending a regular message, the sender does not need to visit the post office, then a registered letter with a notification can be sent only with the appropriate registration at the post office. Postal workers will help you follow all the details of the procedure so that the shipment is guaranteed to reach the addressee. This is the most reliable shipping method.

It is enough to warn the operator about your intention to send a registered letter in order to avoid errors in registration. How much it costs to send a registered letter and receive confirmation of sending, you need to find out directly at the post office.

Attachments to be sent are most often:

  • originals securities;
  • documentation on the work activities of the organization;
  • original copy of invoices and acts for financial statements;
  • requests, notices from state and municipal institutions: tax service, judicial system, military commissariat
  • certificates, copies of personal documents, powers of attorney, etc.

Sending a registered letter by Russian Post will not require much time and money. Placing the “Custom” mark on the envelope indicates the assignment of a unique identification code. Such a stamp is affixed by a postal worker, after which the sender has the opportunity to track the movement of his shipment by entering the received code into the appropriate line of the “Tracking” service on the official website of the Russian Post:

Important! The identification number can be found on the receipt issued to the sender after payment has been made.

Algorithm of actions

If the shipment is registered, then in addition to the ability to track its path to the addressee, the sender can receive not only a documentary report of delivery to the specified address, but also the fact of delivery, confirmed by the personal signature of the recipient (notification).

Only the person indicated in the “Recipient” line has the right to receive such messages. Other persons have the right to receive, but only if they have a certified one.

How to send a registered letter:

  1. Prepare documentation for shipment.
  2. Visit any branch of the Russian Post.
  3. Inform the postal worker about your intention to issue this type sending.
  4. Enter all the details of the sender and recipient.
  5. Fill out the notification of delivery form correctly.
  6. Give the envelope with papers and the form to the postal employee.

Based on the volume of documentation being sent, you can select the most appropriate envelope size. Acceptable sizes correspond to: C6 format – minimum, C4 format – maximum. Weight should not exceed 100 grams if sent within Russia, and 2 kg if sent abroad.

The delivery time for registered valuable letters depends on the remoteness of the regions of departure and destination. To find out the approximate date, you should use a special calculator available for use on the Russian Post website.

You must fill out a special form

Sample form

The sending person does not have to compose the text. For this there are special forms: on the territory of the Russian Federation - f. 199, for abroad - CN07. The sender will learn about personal delivery of a registered letter by the returned signed form. The notice is printed on thick A6 paper:

Information is entered line by line. Forms are issued free of charge and can often be found in special compartments. If an error was made while filling out, you can fill out a new form. When the message reaches its destination, the recipient will receive a notification, the presentation of which will allow him to pick up the envelope. The recipient will not have to think about how to correctly fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter, because the sender did it for him. He will only have to put a signature proving the fact of delivery.

Russian Post provides the opportunity to use additional services, for example, SMS notification of delivery, 1st class mailing, and delivery of messages by airlines.

Sample form for milking Russia

It would seem that it is impossible to make a mistake. However, there is some confusion when filling out the lines. How to correctly fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter.

  1. Specify the type of notification: simple or custom.
  2. Check the box for the type of message that is being sent. In this case, “letters”, “registered”.
  3. In the “To” line, enter the full name of the person sending the message, or the name of the organization (when exchanging documentation between legal entities).
  4. The sender's address is written in the "Address" line.

If you have any doubts about the correctness of the postal code, it is better to contact the postman and determine the correct postal code using a directory.

Attention! Many people make the mistake of indicating themselves as the sender. Remember that such a notification indicates receipt by the addressee, and therefore is sent on his behalf.

In the “Sender” line, you must indicate the person to whom the shipment is sent, but you must indicate yourself as the “Recipient”.

Sample form for abroad - CN07

Additional service

To send important papers, you can use another service - send a valuable letter with a description of the attachment. This type of forwarding allows you to partially or fully compensate for damage in the event of loss or damage to the message. What is a valuable letter with an inventory of attachments? Such a letter (or parcel) with declared value is officially registered postal system, after which its path is available for tracking using the assigned track code.

How to send documents in this way. There are rules for sending parcels with declared value. The procedure is similar to sending messages in the “registered” category and is carried out only from the post office.

To avoid making mistakes, you need to follow step by step instructions:

  1. Prepare documents.
  2. Come to the post office and select the optimal size envelope. The minimum and maximum allowable sizes are C6 and C4 formats, respectively.
  3. Inform the postman of your intention to send a valuable item.
  4. The amount indicated as “declared value” is established by the sender and is written on the form line when registering the shipment.

You can find out how much it costs to send a registered (valuable) letter by Russian Post using online calculator or from a postal worker. For example, shipping from Samara to Khabarovsk will take about 6 days, and total cost together with notification and inventory will be about 170 rubles (about 4 days, cost - 220 rubles with expedited delivery method).

To avoid loss or confusion upon receipt of the message, an inventory of the contents is additionally included in the envelope. A letter with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment allows you to avoid misunderstandings between the post office, the sender and the addressee.

The inventory is compiled in two copies, one of which remains in the hands of the sender, and the second is placed inside the envelope after verification by the postman. When filling out, in addition to the total value, the sender indicates the value of each of the items being sent. Upon arrival of the letter at the addressee's post office, he will receive a notice containing the mark “valuable”, as well as the valuation amount. Thus, the recipient has the opportunity to verify the actual availability of documentation with the inventory.

Useful video: how to send a letter with receipt of receipt?

Remember! Please check all documents before sending. Attachments must be listed strictly line by line, indicating serial number and name. Handwriting must be legible and the text must not contain errors. Any corrections are unacceptable.