Form for notification of change of details. Sample notification of change of bank details

For each organization there is a certain set of information called “details”, without which it cannot carry out any operations. They must be contained in any letter, agreement, payment order or other document to recognize its validity. If such data changes, the company is obliged to send its counterparties a corresponding letter about the change of details.

Mandatory information

Details are data that each company receives upon registration. They are indicated in the Constituent Documents and are a prerequisite for committing various kinds operations. like this background information must contain all documents compiled by this organization. In case of any adjustments, she must immediately send her partners a letter about changing the details.

Upon registration, each enterprise is assigned:

  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • legal address in accordance with registration;
  • main state registration number (OGRN);
  • physical address (specific location);
  • postal address (the place where correspondence should be received);
  • code of the reason for registering it (KPP);
  • information about the authorized bank through which it carries out all settlement transactions;
  • bank identification code of the payer's bank (BIC);
  • current and correspondent accounts.

If at least one of these data changes, the company must immediately notify its debtors and counterparties. A delay can lead to quite serious consequences. The company must send a letter to them about changing the details.

Rules for drawing up a document

There are no trifles in business correspondence. Especially if it concerns such important things as details. Various situations can happen in life: a change of management, an authorized bank or one of the existing addresses. The enterprise is obliged to inform those with whom it directly cooperates about any of these cases. This is even noted in the Russian Civil Code. A letter about changing details must have a certain uniform style. Such a document, as a rule, is a statement in a certain sequence of the following information:

  1. Name of the organization to which it is sent.
  2. Full name of the head.
  3. New and old details.
  4. The reason that prompted the company to make such changes.
  5. Additional information.
  6. Date of preparation of this document.
  7. Signature of the head of the company.

Information can be sent by mail with mandatory notification. This must be done in advance so that the data does not become outdated during delivery. In some cases, it is recommended to use electronic mailings or transmit information via fax.

Change of address

Some organizations do not have their own premises and are forced to rent them by concluding appropriate agreements. But sometimes there is a need to change your location. In this case, an uninformed client may end up in difficult situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to write a letter about changing the organization details and send it to all existing partners.

First of all, this concerns counterparties and creditors, since the company is in certain contractual relations with them. Such a letter is usually written on company letterhead. As a last resort, you can use an A4 sheet, placing a corner stamp on it in the upper left part. First, the so-called header is drawn up. It is located in the upper right corner and represents information about who this message is being sent to. Next comes the title of the document (“Information letter” or “On changing details”). After this, the main text contains necessary information. The document ends with the signature of the head and is certified with a round seal.

Changing payment details

If a company changes its bank or at least one of its existing accounts, it must also inform all interested parties about such actions. In this case, the change letter bank details is drawn up in the form of a notice. It can be addressed to a separate counterparty or be a single document, which will be called “Notice of change in bank details.”

The design rules remain the same. True, it is better to compose the text in the following sequence:

  1. The reason for making changes, indicating the number, date and title of the document on the basis of which this is being done.
  2. The specific date from which changes will be made.
  3. Information about new details.
  4. Learn more about next steps. Here it should be noted whether all previously concluded agreements remain in force.

Such information must be reported several days before it occurs. Please note that delivery of such a letter will take some time. In addition, the partner will also need to make the appropriate changes.

According to the data specified in the contract, the customer transfers funds for the obligations fulfilled by the contractor, sends correspondence, and checks the validity of documents. If inconsistencies are discovered and there is no notification of innovations, problems will first arise with the supplier. The fact is that, from a legal point of view, the buyer does everything correctly, which means he is not responsible for the failure of the final addressee to receive money and papers.

Therefore, the supplier is obliged to as soon as possible inform the customer about any changes in their data by sending the appropriate document.

What applies to details

Let's look at what basic data you need to indicate when writing a sample letter about changing the bank details of an organization. Separate general and banking information. The first group of information includes:

  • Name;
  • TIN and checkpoint;
  • OGRN;
  • location;
  • mailing address;
  • information about the manager.

Payment data is the following list:

  • checking account;
  • Name of the bank;
  • correspondent account.

Sample letter about changing bank details

How to compose a letter

There is no unified form established in Law No. 44-FZ. However, you should pay attention to a number of features.

It is advisable to draw up a sample information letter about changing the bank details of an organization on the organization’s letterhead. In this case, the correspondence will be more formal in nature, as opposed to a simple A4 sheet.

The form itself states the following:

  1. Recipient's name, full name and the position of the responsible person.
  2. Document's name.
  3. The city in which the document was drawn up, date and reference number (if available).
  4. Message about new data.
  5. The date on which the changes take effect.
  6. Additional Information.
  7. Signature of the supplier's manager, seal (if available).

Letter form to fill out

How to write a notification

You can download our sample notification of changes in bank details from the links below or develop your own. To do this, specify:

  • the reason for changing the details. For example, that you close an account and open a new one;
  • the day the old account was closed;
  • the day on which a new account is opened;
  • the date from which payments must be made according to current information;
  • information about the new account (name of the bank, its BIC, account number and account number in the bank).

A sample notification of a change in an organization’s bank details can be signed by the head of the company or a person authorized by him by power of attorney.

Download the notification form for changes in bank details

Download a completed sample notification of change of details

How to notify the customer about changes

After the contractor has become aware of the start date new information, he draws up a sample notification of a change in the organization’s bank details.

You can hand it over to the customer in person or use postal services. In order to promptly notify the buyer, you can additionally send him a copy in electronic form. However, the form of the document that is defined in the government contract (for example, written) will be considered valid.

Receiving a message to such an address indicates receipt of the message by the counterparty himself, until he proves otherwise.

When sending a notification, check whether the contract agrees on the counterparty's exclusive address for sending legally significant messages. This may include an email address. If the address is agreed upon, then send the notification to it. The exception is if you know (should know) that it is unreliable (clause 64 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2015 No. 25).

If such an address is not specified in the contract, send a notice to the address indicated:

  • in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, if the counterparty is a legal entity;
  • in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, if the counterparty is an individual entrepreneur.

If the notice is delivered to this address, it is considered received, even if the person is not located there (clause 3 of article 54, clause 3 of article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

When sending an additional agreement, follow the same rules as for sending a notice. However, if the contract specifies an email address as the exclusive address for sending legally significant messages, you will still have to send the counterparty by courier or mail a draft additional agreement signed on your part. In this case, we recommend sending a notification about changes in bank details by email and indicating that you have prepared, signed and sent an additional agreement to the contract to the counterparty's address by courier (by mail).

The Contractor must ensure that the buyer accepts this document. This can be done by asking the recipient for the incoming number and date or a receipt. Otherwise, during the notice delivery period, he may transfer the money to your old checking account.

When can you do without a letter about changing details?

Even at the stage of submitting an application to participate in public procurement, a potential supplier is required to provide general and banking information. This is necessary for drawing up a contract after the tender. Accordingly, if an organization, during the preparation of a tender proposal, is in the process of changing any of the above data, then it should indicate new data in its application. Moreover, such information will become available to the customer only after opening the envelopes (opening access to electronic documents) when it will no longer be possible to make changes. It should be remembered that before the deadline for submitting competitive and auction applications, the participant can withdraw the proposal, make adjustments and resubmit it.

In the case when the application has already been submitted, the participant has won the tender and the need to change the details arose at the stage of concluding the contract, instead of a notification,

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Some of the most important elements business correspondence is a letter about changing details. The need to write such a letter and send it out in bulk arises if constituent documents changes were made to the enterprise.

A prerequisite for concluding an agreement with any company is the details of the enterprise. In this regard, when changing details, it is simply necessary to inform all counterparties, creditors and other partners about this. Moreover, this obligation is spelled out in the laws of Russia, and failure to fulfill it threatens with many troubles. The letter about changing details is drawn up in the same style and has an identical appearance regardless of the type of activity of the counterparties. The letter must be legally certified.

The letter about changing details contains a lot of very important information:

1. Name of the organization to which this letter is sent
2. To whom is this letter sent directly (position, surname, first name and patronymic of the responsible person)
3. legal and postal addresses 9the old one is indicated first, and then the new one)
4. the text of the letter itself, for the sake of which this is all started (to put it simply, the reason for changing the company’s details is most often its new address)
5. Also, the letter must necessarily indicate the date of drawing up the letter itself, as well as the exact date when the agreement to the contract will be sent, in which new details would be registered
6. The signature of the person who composed and sent this letter must be present - this should never be forgotten, so that later you can ask that person.

The text of the letter must indicate that changing the company’s details does not cancel or change the rights and obligations of both parties; it is also necessary to indicate from what date the old details are considered no longer valid.
A letter about changing details is written independently. There is no special form or template. Sent most often by personnel such as managers, accountants and the like by email because it is the most convenient way. The sooner the details are changed, the sooner you need to inform about it, so as not to bring trouble on yourself, because everyone knows that tax code The Russian Federation is characterized by cruelty.

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Each legal entity has bank details. Without a current account, the process of paying taxes and making payments becomes more complicated, and the load on the cash register increases. The account is not a permanent detail of the company, like an INN or KPP. How to compose correctly letter about changing bank details?

Informing counterparties: right or obligation?

For a credit institution, an enterprise is the same client as individual. He retains the right to change a bank account within the bank (closing the old one and opening a new one) or transferring for service to another bank. In any case, the question arises of how to write an information letter about changing bank details for interested parties.

If mandatory banking services legal entity is a controversial issue in Russian legal literature, then the mandatory notification of a change in the details of counterparties is not subject to discussion. The form of notification is not specified by law. According to business custom in Russia, the organization sends a letter to interested parties about changing bank details.

Important! Paragraph three of Article 30 of the Banking Law establishes the client’s right to open any number of accounts he needs, without limiting the type of account or currency.

The obligation to notify the counterparty is contained in Article 165.1 of the Civil Code (part one). The Code defines this category of information as “a legally significant message that entails consequences for another person.”

As you can see, the circle of addressees of the information letter is defined by the legislator as broadly as possible. They could be:

  • business project partners;
  • clients;
  • customers;
  • suppliers;
  • other interested parties.

A letter about changing the bank details of an organization should be sent within the appropriate time frame, since the corresponding obligations arise for the addressee only after receiving new details.

We are writing an information letter

There are no specific requirements for this type of correspondence. Given the high activity of fraudsters, a letter about changing the current account should be prepared on company letterhead signed by the manager or chief accountant. Due to the operational nature of the information, you can pre-distribute a scanned copy of the letter with a note about duplication of the message by mail.

Depending on the relevance of the information at the time of receipt, the counterparty will have the opportunity to make its own decisions - wait for a paper copy of the letter or check its accuracy with a representative of the organization.

In the event of a change in the current account data, it is better if a sample letter about changing the organization’s bank details is drawn up jointly by the legal and economic services. Addressees, depending on the number of counterparties, can be specified:

  • personally - in the “header” of the letter the addressee’s postal details, his surname and initials are indicated, as well as the address “Dear First Name and Patronymic!”;
  • depersonalized - in the “header” of the letter the target group of recipients is indicated with the marking “(according to the list).” For example, “To clients of OOO LLC (according to the list).” In this case, a mailing list is additionally compiled with the letter, listing the addressees.

The form for a letter about changing details can be downloaded

It is better to take individual data in the text of the message from the constituent documents:

  • full and short (if provided) name of the organization,
  • legal address.

In addition, you should indicate:

  • document that is the basis for informing,
  • new details;
  • date of change of details.

Here you can see a sample of filling out the 2018 form. You can also download a sample for use in your work.