How much does an adult goose weigh? Gray goose and its varieties

The goose is one of the largest domestic birds. After ostriches and turkeys, they are in third place in size. To know how much does a goose weigh, you will probably be interested not only out of idle curiosity. Perhaps you decide to breed geese, and housewives will find this information useful if they decide to cook a goose dish.

How much does a goose weigh in kg?

The goose is a fairly profitable bird for farming because it grows very quickly. Its weight depends on several factors:

  • breed;
  • age;
  • nutrition;

100-120 grams – that’s it how much does a goose chick weigh? at birth. And by the month his weight increases to two kilograms! According to experts, by the age of 70 days, goslings can increase in weight by forty times. Afterwards, the molting process occurs, and the young animals lose a little weight.

If you are interested in how much a goose weighs on average, then it is 5-8 kilograms for females and 9-12 kilograms for males. It's about about the most common breeds and about birds aged from three to five years. It is by the age of four that the bird reaches maximum weight, and then begins to lose weight again, so keeping a goose no longer makes sense.

The heaviest geese in the world

The most well-fed geese are the Toulouse breed, bred in France. Toulouse, by the way, is considered the world capital of foie gras. Gander weight at proper fattening can reach 14-16 kilograms.

Birds of this breed have a massive build, a short and thick neck, and powerful folds of fat on the stomach. The plumage is gray, the beak is orange. In terms of speed of body weight gain, Toulouse geese are record holders. 4.5 kilograms - that's it how much does the biggest goose weigh? by two months. The liver alone will weigh 400 grams. It is often for the liver that this breed is bred in France. Females lay about forty eggs per year.

“Toulouse” is unpretentious in nutrition; in addition to greens and grain mixtures, pure oats are usually added to their diet, which makes the meat more tender. Wheat, corn and worms are also added.

Another heavyweight breed is the Emden. The weight is the same as that of Toulouse geese, however, in appearance the Emden birds do not resemble them. Their body is long, as is their neck. The plumage is white. Egg production is slightly lower than that of the Toulouse - 25-30 eggs per year, but the meat is considered the most delicious. Another advantage of this breed is its magnificent down and feathers.

In third place is the “large gray” breed, which is especially popular in the vastness of our country. From six to seven kg - that's it how much does a goose weigh in kilograms of this type. Geese are one or two kilograms lighter than ganders. Egg production – from 35 to 45 eggs per year. Although adult individuals are inferior in weight to the previous two breeds, at two months of age they weigh the same as heavyweight record holders.

Updated: December 26, 2017 by: Punisher

Before breeding geese for meat products, it is worth understanding the breeds in more detail. Which one is best to take? When choosing, you need to focus on several factors: the weight of the bird and early maturity. Some poultry farmers choose breeds that can gain weight by the age of six months, and some choose later-maturing geese, whose weight gain can reach 10 kg, but by the age of 1.5 years.

Breed overview

Geese of the Toulouse breed

Toulouse geese are among the most large breeds, characterized by early maturity. By the age of 60 days, such a bird can gain weight of 6 kg, and by the age of one year this figure increases to 10.

Meat products are tender, although high in fat. Another advantage is the liver large sizes, the weight of which can reach 1 kg.

By the age of 60 days, the young animals develop several folds of fat in the abdominal area and the formation of a purse begins, otherwise known as a double chin.

Adults have a wide head and a powerful build. The body itself has a rounded shape. Geese have large bellies, a wide sternum and a short, thick neck. Average weight an adult sire reaches 12 kg, and geese are able to gain weight of about 10 kg. The most common color is gray.

The second name of the Toulouse breed is Christmas. Such a bird is extremely popular in Europe; it is these birds that consumers choose when they want to buy a goose for their Christmas meal.

From one goose you can get about 40 eggs in 365 days, on average one weighs up to 200 g. The breed has one significant disadvantage - this low percentage fertility and, as a consequence, small quantity young animals But despite this, Toulouse geese are considered improvers, which are used in crossing to obtain large offspring with an excellent immune system.

Geese of the Kholmogory breed

They are one of the oldest breeds, the first mention was recorded in 1885. Distinctive feature Kholmogorov is a remarkable growth located above the beak.

It is typical for an adult goose to gain a weight of about 10 kg, and for geese - about 7 kg. You can find piebald or white representatives of the breed. Kholmogors have a wide convex chest with several folds on the abdomen.

The advantages of such geese include the following qualities:

  • the bird is very hardy;
  • adapts perfectly to different conditions content;
  • undemanding to the food supply.

Such indicators allow us to breed the Kholmogory breed almost everywhere, even if the region is not the most favorable weather conditions. Another advantage is a well-developed immune system.

Kholmogorok geese can hardly be considered record holders for egg production - in 365 days they produce about 40 eggs. There is one little trick: if the bird is properly cared for, the amount of egg production doubles.

Gorky breed of geese

The weight of adult birds can reach 10 kg for ganders, and 8 kg for geese. From one female you can get a little more than 60 eggs in 365 days, the hatchability rate of young animals is 80%.

There are 3 most common suits:

  • white;
  • gray;
  • gray

One of the advantages of the breed is its rapid maturity and excellent weight gain. By the age of 60 days, young animals can gain about 3 kg.

How much do other breeds weigh?

The first part of the article described the most popular breeds of geese, indicating their weight and productivity. You can get acquainted with the parameters that representatives of other lines have in the following table:

Breed name

Gander weight (kg)

Geese weight (kg)

Number of egg products per year (pcs)



Vladimir clayey


Danish legart






85 (record holder - 140)



Tula fighting


10, can gain weight up to 16



After reading the information in the article, each breeder can choose the breed he likes based on necessary qualities.

Geese can be bred for the following purposes:

  • obtaining meat products;
  • eggs;
  • down and feather.

But, as you may have noticed, the egg-laying qualities of geese leave much to be desired, which is why it is worth giving preference to obtaining meat. Proper bird management will provide farmers with excellent results without having to invest huge amounts of money. cash.

One of the main delicacies when breeding geese is their liver, and if the products good quality, you can make a good profit by supplying a valuable product to restaurants.

Geese are one of the largest domestic birds. In size they are second only, perhaps, to turkeys and ostriches. And this does not apply to individuals modern breeds, which can weigh twice as much as usual. I wonder how much a domestic goose weighs and how to achieve its maximum weight? Find out the answer to this question right now.

How much should it weigh?

Despite the fact that not every farmer today raises geese, it is still a very popular and profitable poultry. Already at birth, babies weigh about 100-120 grams, and by the month they gain weight up to 2 kilograms. But what is most surprising and sometimes even incredible is that by 70 days the goslings increase their weight by 40 times! Yes, it sounds unrealistic, but it is true.

Then, after the two-month mark, the birds begin to moult and lose a little weight. As a rule, to obtain meat by this period, young animals are slaughtered. It is important to note that geese live a long time, so many breeders keep them for quite a long time. Especially if the bird is bred.

How to achieve good mass growth?

As you probably understand, weight gain and mass gain in geese to a greater extent depends on nutrition. In general, the diet of poultry differs little from wild diet, since it is based on greens. In homestead farms, they also live mainly on pasture green fodder throughout the warm period. One bird can eat up to two kilograms of fresh grass and other greens per day. This amount of food is enough for her to live, but for intensive growth and heavy weight, as you understand, this is not enough.

To increase growth, geese need to be fed nutritious feed. Basically, good grain, mixed feed, animal products such as cottage cheese and eggs are used for this. For good development and growth, the bird must receive minerals (chalk, calcium) and vitamins (vegetable and foliage supplements). As practice shows, the presence of a clean body of water nearby gives a very big advantage to the weight gain of geese. In it, birds collect duckweed, aquatic vegetation, and small aquatic inhabitants.

Poultry fattening

Geese should begin to be fattened at the end of summer, around August. As a rule, the bird should already weigh about 3-4 kilograms. But if you want to get a real meat giant, the diet needs to be increased up to four times. During this period, it is best to give not dry, but steamed grain in small portions. The entire fattening period can last from 15 to 25 days, depending on the desired weight. By this time, with intensive fattening, the weight of the bird increases to 5-8 kilograms, but some breeds are distinguished by even greater rates of weight gain - up to 7-9 kilograms.

We all know well that in addition to the meat of this poultry, the liver and stomach are very highly valued. In Russia, for example, both before and today, goose with apples is a very respected “guest” of feasts and feasts, and liver is a favorite dish of gourmets. However, in order for these products to be tasty and have the highest gastronomic characteristics, the bird must be well-fed and well-fed. It is from these offal that one can understand how well the farmer cared for the geese.

In order to achieve the best results, experts advise feeding the bird with whole grains, and feeding it with dry legume hay and root vegetables. Geese love potatoes and carrots. IN winter period to maintain the health of poultry, it is recommended to add it to the menu sauerkraut. Surprised? But this product helps to absorb all micro- and macroelements well.

To improve digestion, which is directly related to weight gain, geese should regularly have chalk in their feeder. Do not forget about feed during the period of growth and development of young animals. It is in the first months that the foundations for a future good weight are laid for babies.

Video “Performance of geese at the Kuban Fair”

Goose weight Goose weight The weight of a goose depends on age, fatness and breed. Geese of the Kholmogory, Toulouse, Vladimir, Adler, Shadrinsk breeds, as well as large gray geese, quickly fatten and gain weight. The live weight of goslings of these breeds reaches 4 kg by 60-65 days of life. Kuban, Chinese, and Gorky geese have high egg production, but the fattening qualities of these breeds are low. The weight of goslings depends on age. A day old gosling weighs only 90-100 grams, and a month old one weighs almost 2 kg. When the live weight of the goslings reaches 4 kg, they are slaughtered. They reach this weight in 60-65 days. If you slaughter goslings over 70 days old, the quality of the goose carcass deteriorates, because the geese begin to molt and the bird’s growth slows down sharply. Geese will have to be kept until 120-130 days until the end of molting. At 3 months of age, the weight of goslings is 4.2 - 4.4 kg, at 4 months 5 - 5.5 kg, at 5 months - 6 kg. The most intensive weight gain of a goose occurs up to 60-70 days. To increase the live weight of adult geese, they are fed 1.5 - 2 weeks before slaughter by feeding them steamed grain, sometimes even by force. They are not allowed for walking at this time. Fattening geese Fattening geese usually begins in August. By this time, the weight of the geese reaches 3.5 - 4 kg or more. 15 - 20 days before slaughter, the bird is fed to satiety with steamed grain 3.4 times a day. They are not allowed to go for walks. At the beginning of fattening, 30-35 grams are given for each kg of live weight of the goose. grains at each feeding, and at the end of fattening - 135 grams. During intensive fattening, the young animals are not allowed to go out to pasture; they are kept in pens, given plenty of grain and green grass. When fattening geese, their live weight reaches 4 - 4.5 kg at the age of 70 - 75 days. At the same time, the edible parts in the carcass make up about 60%. and the amount of fat in meat is up to 20%. Geese meat at this age has an excellent taste. In 75 days of cultivation, 10-12 kg of grain and 25 kg of fresh grass are consumed. Goose carcass Immediately after slaughter, the goose must be plucked. After plucking, the goose carcass is cut from the cloaca to the keel and removed internal organs. The liver and stomach are eaten. After this the goose is washed cold water and after two hours they are used or stored. When choosing a goose at the market, you must follow the following recommendations. Firstly, the goose must be young, its weight should not exceed 4 kg, and its skin must be light. Secondly, the goose carcass must be well processed and look good, without unpleasant odor, there should be fat deposits under the wings. And thirdly, the seller must have a quality certificate or a certificate from a sanitary doctor. The weight of a goose largely depends on the breed. Toulouse geese are the heaviest of the geese. Ganders often weigh 11 - 12 kg, and geese - 10 kg. These geese are also the fattest, producing livers up to 1 kg. The weight of geese of the Kholmogory breed is up to 10 kg. Large gray geese are almost the same weight. Gorky, Italian, Adler, and Rhine geese are a little lighter. The weight of geese of other breeds (Kuban, Chinese, Shadrinsky, etc.) is usually 4 - 6 kg.

Geese are one of the largest domestic birds. In size they are second only, perhaps, to turkeys and ostriches. And this does not apply to certain modern breeds, which can weigh twice as much as usual. I wonder how much a domestic goose weighs and how to achieve its maximum weight? Find out the answer to this question right now.

Despite the fact that not every farmer is engaged in this today, it is still a very popular and profitable poultry. Already at birth, babies weigh about 100-120 grams, and by the month they gain weight up to 2 kilograms. But what is most surprising and sometimes even incredible is that by 70 days the goslings increase their weight by 40 times! Yes, it sounds unrealistic, but it is true.

Then, after the two-month mark, the birds begin to moult and lose a little weight. As a rule, to obtain meat by this period, young animals are slaughtered. It is important to note that geese live a long time, so many breeders keep them for quite a long time. Especially if the bird is bred.

How to achieve good mass growth?

As you probably understand, weight gain and mass gain in geese depends largely on nutrition. In general, the diet of poultry differs little from the wild diet, since it is based on greens. In homestead farms, they also live mainly on pasture green fodder throughout the warm period. One bird can eat up to two kilograms of fresh grass and other greens per day. This amount of food is enough for her to live, but for intensive growth and high weight, as you understand, this is not enough.

To increase growth, geese need to be fed nutritious feed. Basically, good grain, mixed feed, animal products such as cottage cheese and eggs are used for this. For good development and growth, the bird must receive minerals (chalk, calcium) and vitamins (vegetable and foliage supplements). As practice shows, the presence of a clean body of water nearby gives a very big advantage to the weight gain of geese. In it, birds collect duckweed, aquatic vegetation, and small aquatic inhabitants.

Poultry fattening

Geese should begin to be fattened at the end of summer, around August. As a rule, the bird should already weigh about 3-4 kilograms. But if you want to get a real meat giant, the diet needs to be increased up to four times. During this period, it is best to give not dry, but steamed grain in small portions. The entire fattening period can last from 15 to 25 days, depending on the desired weight. By this time, with intensive fattening, the weight of the bird increases to 5-8 kilograms, but some breeds are distinguished by even greater rates of weight gain - up to 7-9 kilograms.

We all know well that in addition to the meat of this poultry, the liver and stomach are very highly valued. In Russia, for example, both before and today, goose with apples is a very respected “guest” of feasts and feasts, and liver is a favorite dish of gourmets. However, in order for these products to be tasty and have the highest gastronomic characteristics, the bird must be well-fed and well-fed. It is from these offal that one can understand how well the farmer cared for the geese.

In order to achieve the best results, experts advise feeding the bird with whole grains, and feeding it with dry legume hay and root vegetables. Geese love potatoes and carrots. In winter, to maintain the health of poultry, it is recommended to add sauerkraut to the menu. Surprised? But this product helps to absorb all micro- and macroelements well.

To improve digestion, which is directly related to weight gain, geese should regularly have chalk in their feeder. Do not forget about feed during the period of growth and development of young animals. It is in the first months that the foundations for a future good weight are laid for babies.

Video “Performance of geese at the Kuban Fair”