Which banks give low interest rates on mortgages? Which bank has the lowest mortgage interest rate?

When there are not enough funds to purchase housing, the only option to solve the housing problem is a mortgage from banks. Current loan programs allow you to buy real estate in a short period of time, so you don’t have to wait many years set aside personal funds for such an expensive purchase.

What loans do banks offer for the purchase of housing in Moscow?

Today they provide a loan for the purchase the following types real estate:

  • in a new building or on the secondary market;
  • with a plot, dacha, cottage, townhouse;
  • apartments;
  • , parking space.

A variety of mortgage programs allows you to take out a mortgage in Moscow, taking into account your financial capabilities and needs:

  • with a minimum down payment;
  • secured by existing real estate;
  • at a reduced rate as part of a preferential lending program.

In addition, banks offer a mortgage loan refinancing service. To select advantageous offer, we suggest calculating the rate and payment amount on our website. Enter the required parameters into the loan calculator and receive a list of banks ready to provide you with a loan based on your requests.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2019

A mortgage is a long-term loan, so before concluding an agreement, banks carefully analyze financial condition client and assess its stability. To confirm your solvency you will need to provide:

  • income certificate;
  • documents confirming the availability of money for the down payment (bank account statement or maternity capital certificate);
  • work book;
  • passport.

Mortgages are issued to persons aged 21 to 65 who have sufficient level income. If wages does not meet the bank’s requirements, the borrower may involve additional parties to the transaction - close relatives or a spouse - in the execution of the agreement.

Mortgage rates in Moscow depend on the loan term and category of borrower:

  • The average interest rate is 10-13% per annum.
  • They can count on a minimum percentage (8-9%) preferential categories persons: , employees budgetary organizations, as well as those who are willing to make a large down payment.
  • Many large banks offer reduced rates for their clients who receive salaries on a card.

The contract is drawn up for a period of up to 30 years. Some banks offer a loan without a down payment, with the possibility of paying a down payment or with funds received from the state as a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

Hello friends!

Are you thinking about improving your living conditions? This is a serious step, by taking which you will take greater responsibility not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. Therefore, it is very important to carry out an analysis at the decision-making stage possible options, your financial capabilities and make the right choice.

Mortgage remains the main tool for solving the housing problem. The question of which bank is better to take out a mortgage is relevant for most potential borrowers.

IN Russian Federation The problem of providing citizens with affordable housing remains acute to this day. Just some 20 years ago, we just began to develop mechanisms for solving it. At that time, it was not banks that were the main players in the market, but regional and city administrations. It was on their initiative that regional mortgage programs began to be developed. And only a few years later banks joined the process and almost completely captured the mortgage lending market.

Today, profitable bank offers dazzle the eyes, but experienced borrowers also have plenty of horror stories. How to choose the most favorable conditions in order to feel the joy of your own home and not experience all the hardships of a miserable existence for the next 10 - 20 years? Only through serious analysis of mortgage offers. This is what we will do.

What parameters should you pay special attention to when choosing a bank and mortgage program:

    Bank reliability

To assess reliability, you can look financial rating on the Banki.ru portal. It is based on the organization’s reporting data, which is published on the Bank of Russia website. For the selected time interval, the rate of development or decline is clearly visible. For example, over the past year, FC Otkritie Bank has seriously fallen in the ranking from the top ten. His assets fell by 35%.

Another way to remove untrustworthy banks from the list for obtaining a mortgage is a deposit insurance system. On the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency there are lists of banks that are undergoing rehabilitation or in the process of liquidation. Mortgages are not taken out for 1 year, so you should still choose a reliable bank.

    Type of housing purchased

Banks offer different conditions for housing under construction, new buildings (primary market), secondary market, country houses.

    Loan interest rate

It could be:

  • fixed – not to change until the end of the contract;
  • variable - depend on the economic situation and are regularly reviewed.

In addition, mortgage payments may be:

  • annuity – the same amount for the entire duration of the contract;
  • differentiated - at the beginning of the term the payment is larger and decreases with each month.
    Down payment

The more you pay the bank at the beginning, the lower your overpayment and monthly mortgage payment will be. This is understandable. But not everyone has even 10% of the cost of a future apartment. Let’s say if it costs 2 million rubles, then the contribution will be at least 200 thousand rubles. The amount is not small. For such borrowers, some banks are ready to offer a mortgage without a down payment. But keep in mind that the interest on the loan will be higher.

    Loan term

Today it is up to 30 years. It seems that the longer the loan term, the lower the mortgage payment. This is true, but only partly. In this case, you lose by the total amount of overpayment. Let's look at a specific example.

In the first case, I took out a loan of 2 million rubles. at 10% per annum for 20 years. I used an online calculator and got these results.

In the second case, I will take out a loan of 2 million rubles at 10% per annum, but for 30 years.

In the second case, the payment became less by only 1,749 rubles. And the overpayment increased by 1,686,411 rubles.


A mortgage is a lending under which the state obliges the borrower to insure the collateral, i.e., the purchased housing. All other types of insurance (health, job loss, etc.) are optional. You can refuse them before signing the contract or after within 14 days.

If you refuse voluntary insurance, in most cases the mortgage rate will be increased. Banks are warned about this in advance.

    Benefits and special conditions

First of all, when choosing a mortgage program, you should study the rates and conditions in your salary bank. They may be more profitable than other offers. In addition, study the currently available government programs to support certain categories of citizens:

  • young families,
  • families with 2 or more children,
  • state employees,
  • military personnel,
  • large families,
  • single mothers.

If you fall into one of these categories, it makes sense to take a closer look at mortgage programs. Not all banks offer them, but there will definitely be a choice from several.

    Additional fees and expenses

Unfortunately, you can’t do without them when applying for a mortgage. Here is a sample list of expenses.


I put this item on last place, because you need to navigate it with great care and a seriously tuned internal filter. Often, due to their carelessness or illiteracy, people sign contracts with strict lending conditions, and then look for someone to blame and bombard sites with negative reviews. But also useful information there is a lot to be learned.

Comparative analysis of mortgage programs

We will conduct an analysis of apartments in new buildings.

As you can see, the conditions for the 10 largest players in the mortgage market are almost the same. Therefore, additional parameters need to be analyzed. For example, at Rosselkhozbank you can choose a loan repayment method: annuity or differentiated. And at FC Otkritie Bank the interest rate will increase if you do not have time to close the deal within 30 days after the loan is approved.

The procedure for obtaining a mortgage in all banks is standard:

  1. Filling out an application (processing period from 1 to 8 working days).
  2. Receiving a decision on a loan, which will be valid for 3 months, at VTB - 4 months.
  3. Searching for a suitable apartment and completing the final package of documents for obtaining a mortgage.
  4. Making a deal.

When I talked about it in previous articles, I repeatedly drew attention to the voluntary nature of this procedure. The only exception is mortgage lending. The borrower is obliged to insure the collateral.

Despite the voluntary nature of personal insurance (for example, disability), all banks warn that the interest rate will be increased if you refuse it. Sometimes the increase is up to 2%.

Most of the banks in the table participate in the state program to support families with 2 or more children. In this case, the loan rate is 6%. There are also programs for the military, state employees and young families. For participants in salary projects, conditions are more favorable in all banks.

I propose to consider the programs of 5 banks, which, as of June 2018, issued the most mortgage loans. Among them is DeltaCredit Bank, which occupies only 44th place in the overall rating. But I decided to include it in the review because it is in 5th place in terms of the number and volume of loans issued.

State company DOM.RF

Before analyzing mortgage programs in banks, go to the DOM.RF company website. Previously it was called AHML. It began its work back in 1997 with the aim of implementing government programs in the field housing construction.

After filling out the form on the website, an employee will contact you and help you choose the best mortgage option, including government support. Client support is provided by VTB Bank.

The company has developed several mortgage programs for various categories citizens and under different conditions. Their rates are lower than most banks. For example, I calculated payments on a loan of 1.2 million rubles. for 15 years with an initial payment of 20%. I got the following results.

Mortgage programs of top 5 banks


The bank has a number of adjustment factors to the interest rate.

Electronic registration, refusal of which leads to an increase in the rate by 0.1%, is not a free service. Its cost varies from 5,550 to 10,250 rubles. Depends on the type of housing and region.

Sberbank has special programs for young families, as well as by agreement with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the bank is a partner of the DOM.RF company, which implements government initiatives in the field of housing construction. In particular, there is now a program for families in which the 2nd or 3rd child was born. The rate for them is from 6%.


Credit terms:

  1. For workers in some industries, for example, education, healthcare, customs and a number of others, the rate is 0.4% lower.
  2. In case of refusal of life and health insurance, the rate increases by 1%.
  3. If you want to apply for a mortgage using 2 documents (passport and SNILS or INN), i.e., without proof of income, then get ready to repay the loan at a rate higher by 0.7%.

When purchasing an apartment with an area of ​​65 sq. m there is a reduced interest rate (by 0.7%). To take advantage of the promotion, you must take out comprehensive insurance.


A special feature of a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank is the ability to choose a loan repayment method:

  • annuity payments, i.e. the same throughout the entire loan term;
  • differentiated, which decrease every month.

Credit terms:

  1. In case of refusal of life and health insurance, the rate increases by 1%.
  2. For public sector employees, the rate is reduced by 0.4%.

For citizens who receive income from running personal subsidiary plots, there are more favorable conditions.


Offers 2 loan repayment schemes: annuity or differentiated. The minimum rate of 9.2% applies when purchasing personal insurance.

  • 8.7% for a loan amount of 12 million rubles. in Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region;
  • 8.7% when purchasing apartments in other regions of the Russian Federation and the loan amount is from 4 million rubles;
  • 9% for all borrowers, but for apartments purchased from bank partners.

Promotions are valid only with comprehensive insurance.


A bank that specializes in issuing mortgage loans. Credit terms:

  1. Interest rate from 8.5%.
  2. Duration – up to 25 years.
  3. Down payment – ​​from 15%.
  4. If you refuse personal insurance - plus 1% to the rate.
  5. Co-borrowers – maximum 3 people.
  6. The loan is issued to employees, individual entrepreneurs and business owners.

It is possible to use instead of the base rate:

  • Optima – minus 0.5% (this service costs 1% of the loan amount);
  • Media – minus 1% (this service costs 2.5% of the loan amount);
  • Ultra – minus 1.5% (this service costs 4% of the loan amount).

The bank provides the “Mortgage Holiday” service. In the first 1 – 2 years you can only pay 50% of the monthly premium. Naturally, the underpaid amount is added to the amounts of further payments after the grace period expires.

When you pay the loan once every 14 days (the payment is divided into 2 parts), you shorten the loan term and reduce the amount of interest payments. I'll show you with an example how it works. I took out a loan in the amount of 1.6 million rubles. for 20 years, the down payment was 20% or 400 thousand rubles.

When repaying once a month and 2 times a month, the picture is as follows.

Thus, the loan term is reduced by more than 4 years with the same monthly payment amount.


Where is the best mortgage? If you think that now I will recommend a bank to you, then you are mistaken. Too many individual conditions need to be taken into account. Have you given birth to your 2nd or 3rd child? Then please go to DOM.RF for a mortgage at a rate of 6%. Or maybe you are a budget employee? Then there are several offers to choose from.

But 5 banks that are today leaders in issuing mortgage loans should definitely interest you first. So start with your salary bank and then move on to the top 5. By and large, the conditions in them differ slightly.

And let's not forget one more thing. Once in a lifetime, each borrower can submit documents for reimbursement income tax when purchasing housing. The amount can be impressive.

How to choose the cheapest mortgage for secondary housing in 2018? Which bank in Moscow has the best mortgage? Who can help you get a mortgage?

Hi all! Denis Kuderin is back in touch!

We continue our series of articles about mortgage lending. The topic of the new publication is profitable mortgages. The material will be useful to anyone who is thinking about purchasing a home on credit and is looking for the most favorable conditions from financial institutions.

So let's begin!

1. What conditions for mortgage loans are considered favorable?

For many citizens, mortgage lending is the only way to acquire their own housing without for many years savings and savings, and right now.

Mortgage loans secured by real estate are a popular type of lending throughout the civilized world.

In Russia, this method of purchasing housing became popular only 15 years ago. Nevertheless, thousands of Russian citizens have already managed to buy real estate on debt with a multi-year collateral, and some have even paid off their loans in full.

Secured loans - briefly about the main thing

Before we talk about profitable mortgages, we need to say a few words about the properties of loans secured by the property being purchased.

Briefly about the main features of a mortgage:

  • loans are taken for a long term (from 5 to 30 years and above);
  • loans are of a targeted nature - they are issued only for the purchase of housing, or, in extreme cases, for the construction of one’s own home;
  • the buyer, although he becomes the owner, does not have the right to dispose of the property without the knowledge of the bank until the loan is fully paid off.

The main advantages of a mortgage are the speed of obtaining a loan (especially if you work through professional credit brokers), large selection programs, profitable investment of funds.

Quality apartments do not become cheaper over the years and, whatever one may say, renting someone else’s home is always more expensive than buying your own.

True, there is a danger that in case of non-payment of the debt, the bank will take the collateral property for itself in accordance with the clauses of the mortgage agreement. In addition, loans are not issued to everyone - to issue a loan, you must satisfy established by banks requirements.

These requirements are approximately the same in all financial institutions:

  • certain age (from 21 to 40-45);
  • having a stable job;
  • the corresponding amount of the borrower's income;
  • good credit history.

For many people, purchasing their own home is a dream that, unfortunately, is not so easy to achieve. The issue of mortgages becomes especially painful for young families and military personnel - after all, they really want to start living together in their own apartment or house, but, as a rule, salaries in our country do not allow them to purchase their own home right away. In such cases, people are increasingly using a mortgage as the only way to purchase real estate: apartments in new buildings from the developer, land plots, townhouses and country houses or housing on the secondary real estate market. But additional opportunities also open up; borrowers can insure themselves when using a mortgage - the sale of apartments from the developer in many residential complexes in Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg often begins with accreditation in large Russian banks.

What is a mortgage?

Mortgage is long-term loan for the purchase of housing secured by real estate. Among all forms of purchasing a home, a mortgage is the most convenient, as it can significantly alleviate the financial burden of the buyer. Like any other financial transaction, home lending has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be studied before signing an agreement with the bank.

A mortgage allows you to become a homeowner in a fairly short terms , while the loan is issued for a long term, which makes it easier to repay. If we compare mortgages and rental housing, even with equal monthly payments, a mortgage is definitely more profitable in that you have to pay for your own housing, and not for someone else’s. In addition, a mortgage makes it possible for the borrower and his family members to obtain registration in the housing purchased in this way.

Despite large number advantages, mortgages also have some disadvantages. This will be especially acute if you want to buy an apartment with a mortgage in Moscow or a room in St. Petersburg. So, over a long period of time, a significant part of the income will have to be paid to repay the loan. And if this opportunity is lost, the home will have to be sold to pay off the debt to the bank. But in any case, banks always try to look for compromise solutions in critical situations and choose a way out of them that would suit each party.

Where to get a mortgage? Which banks issue housing loans?

When applying for a mortgage, many factors and nuances are taken into account, which allows each consumer to choose the most profitable lending option. In addition, each of the many existing today on financial market banks offer several mortgage lending programs. As a result, consumers have a huge selection of offers that can satisfy any requirements and conditions of borrowers, so questions such as “where to get a mortgage” or “which banks give mortgages” do not arise today.

In order not to get confused in such a wealth of banking offers and to choose the most profitable option, we suggest using our mortgage calculator and calculating interest rates on mortgage loans in the largest banks in Russia. By clicking just a few buttons, you will see offers with the lowest mortgage interest rates in just a few seconds. This will help you avoid visiting bank offices on your own, studying a lot of documentation on mortgage programs and making preliminary calculations for each of them.

Lowest mortgage interest rates!

Using our calculator you can Easily and quickly calculate your mortgage loan, simply by entering your data in the appropriate form fields. So, to calculate a mortgage, you will need to select a region, indicate the type of housing (an apartment on the secondary market, an apartment in a new building, country real estate), select a currency (Russian rubles, US dollars or euros), the cost of the property, select the amount and term of the loan. For more accurate calculations, you can provide additional lending conditions - select a form of income confirmation, loan collateral (any, loaned object, guarantee, other real estate), select the type of interest rate (any, fixed, floating), citizenship and registration.

After all the fields are filled in, you need to click on the “Calculate” button and within a few seconds the system will provide you with a list of offers for mortgage loans that meet all your conditions. From this list you can select several offers and compare them using the “Compare” button, this will help you choose the most profitable program. In addition, each of the proposed options can be studied in detail using the “Go” link. After you decide on the loan program, you can fill out an online application, and bank representatives will contact you to clarify the details at a time convenient for you.

Mortgage broker whose services do not need to be paid

There is no additional charge for our service, You will cooperate with the bank under the selected loan program on the same conditions as if you were applying for a mortgage at the bank’s office. As for the banks that we offer for cooperation, these are the most reliable institutions that provide only high-quality services on transparent terms.

In which cities is the mortgage calculator relevant?

Welcome! Today we will look at mortgage conditions in 2019. You will find out what the most favorable conditions are for you in various banks. You will be able to compare your capabilities with the requirements of mortgage organizations, and also understand which credit organizations it is not even worth starting a relationship with in your case.

A mortgage for improving housing conditions assumes that citizens purchase an apartment or other real estate with the help of loan funds banking organization issued for a specific period. For the entire lending period, the purchased or other object of suitable value is pledged to the bank's ownership - these are the main conditions for obtaining a mortgage to ensure the fulfillment of the borrower's obligations.

In 2019, most credit institutions revised their credit policy and increased the rate on housing loans to make the purchase of housing affordable for citizens. Basic loan rates have been reduced for both the purchase of housing under construction and finished housing.

A number of banks do not make any difference between the properties being purchased; the conditions for providing a mortgage loan are the same for both newly built and ready-made apartments in apartment buildings. However, other credit organizations, on the contrary, reduce interest rates specifically for the purchase of housing under construction or newly built housing from accredited seller companies.

This is due to the fact that the speed of purchasing an apartment with a mortgage from a developer is much higher than on the secondary market, because the borrower already has a specific loan object and does not need to engage in a lengthy search for an object, as on the secondary market.

The program ended in 2017 state support mortgage transactions, carried out jointly with leading credit institutions and providing favorable conditions for mortgages, but was launched in 2018

However, leading banks can already guarantee the terms of mortgage lending and interest rate, comparable to that which existed with state support and even lower, as the flow of mortgage clients has increased, the number of transactions guarantees a stable income for credit institutions.

The development of innovation is also reflected in concluding mortgage transactions, for example, Sberbank offers a 0.5% discount on electronic registration transactions. Mortgage loan You can apply for both primary and secondary housing on more favorable terms.

This procedure will take 2-3 days and will help save time on registering a transaction in Rossreestr, and will also be beneficial to non-resident borrowers, as it will make the process of taking out a mortgage remote.

To apply for a mortgage via electronic registration after approval, you must contact the bank’s partner (developer or real estate agency) or Sberbank itself.

Financial experts agree that the cancellation of the state mortgage support program has already been digested by the market. Banks have adapted to new conditions and offer preferential terms purchasing an apartment in a new building in 2019.

How to get a mortgage

The standard procedure for mortgage transactions is as follows:

  • The borrower chooses a loan offer and bank that is convenient for him;
  • Housing is selected: secondary or from an accredited list of developers;
  • An application is submitted to the bank to consider the possibility of a loan;
  • Upon approval of the transaction, a list of documents on the loaned object is provided;
  • Transactions are registered in Rosreestr, insurance is taken out and the banks make the final payment of loan funds for the purchase of housing.

Mortgage repayment

The plan occurs monthly in annuity (equal) or differentiated payments (with a gradual decrease in the amount). The overpayment for the second type of payment is significantly less, but not all banks approve of this option.

Both partial and complete are possible. There should be no fines, restrictions and commissions - this is illegal. Delay in making monthly payments of more than 3-6 months can result in court proceedings, imposition of fines, removal of the property from the borrower's property and sale of the apartment at auction.

If you need legal support, then sign up for a free consultation with our lawyer in special form. We will quickly help you resolve any controversial issues with the bank.

State support programs

Since 2017, the state no longer provides a reduction in the loan rate, however, there are other preferential conditions for obtaining a mortgage:

  • Using maternity capital, accrued by the Pension Fund at the birth of the second child;
  • Military mortgage – for persons participating in the funded military system;
  • Mortgage for a young family - for couples or single parents, provided they are on the list for improvement of housing conditions;
  • Social mortgage - for persons engaged in certain activities (doctors, teachers, etc.) or living in certain conditions (the Far North zone);
  • Mortgage restructuring – writing off up to 30% of bank debt for certain categories of citizens.

We reviewed it earlier in 2019. Be sure to read this article to find out what government benefits you may qualify for.

Calculation and where to get it

You can calculate your mortgage yourself directly on our website. Use our . It will allow you to find out the monthly payment for an annuity and differentiated payment, what income is needed for the required amount, how much you will overpay, how the schedule and overpayment will change if early repayment and in case of early repayment of the mortgage with maternal capital.

The calculator is very functional and will allow you to quickly calculate the desired option. From this post you can take the percentages, and then plug them into the calculator and compare what conditions in different banks are more suitable.

We also have the “” service running right on our website. With its help, you can send a mortgage application to all banks at once and quickly receive a decision with a partner discount at a rate of 1%.

We are waiting for your questions and suggestions in the comments. We would be grateful for rating the post and liking it on social networks.