Nicholas 2 burial place. The last royal family

After the execution on the night of July 16-17, 1918, the bodies of members of the royal family and their associates (11 people in total) were loaded into a car and sent towards Verkh-Isetsk to the abandoned mines of Ganina Yama. At first they unsuccessfully tried to burn the victims, and then they threw them into a mine shaft and covered them with branches.

Discovery of remains

However, the next day almost the entire Verkh-Isetsk knew about what had happened. Moreover, according to a member of Medvedev’s firing squad, “the icy water of the mine not only completely washed away the blood, but also froze the bodies so much that they looked as if they were alive.” The conspiracy clearly failed.

It was decided to promptly rebury the remains. The area was cordoned off, but the truck, having driven only a few kilometers, got stuck in the swampy area of ​​Porosenkova Log. Without inventing anything, they buried one part of the bodies directly under the road, and the other a little to the side, after first filling them with sulfuric acid. Sleepers were placed on top for safety.

It is interesting that the forensic investigator N. Sokolov, sent by Kolchak in 1919 to search for the burial place, found this place, but never thought to lift the sleepers. In the area of ​​​​Ganina Yama, he managed to find only a severed female finger. Nevertheless, the investigator’s conclusion was unequivocal: “This is all that remains of the August Family. The Bolsheviks destroyed everything else with fire and sulfuric acid.”

Nine years later, perhaps, it was Vladimir Mayakovsky who visited Porosenkov Log, as can be judged from his poem “The Emperor”: “Here a cedar has been touched with an ax, there are notches under the root of the bark, at the root there is a road under the cedar, and in it the emperor is buried.”

It is known that the poet, shortly before his trip to Sverdlovsk, met in Warsaw with one of the organizers of the execution of the royal family, Pyotr Voikov, who could show him the exact place.

Ural historians found the remains in Porosenkovy Log in 1978, but permission for excavations was received only in 1991. There were 9 bodies in the burial. During the investigation, part of the remains were recognized as “royal”: according to experts, only Alexei and Maria were missing. However, many experts were confused by the results of the examination, and therefore no one was in a hurry to agree with the conclusions. The House of Romanovs and the Russian Orthodox Church refused to recognize the remains as authentic.

Alexei and Maria were discovered only in 2007, guided by a document drawn up from the words of the commandant of the “House of Special Purpose” Yakov Yurovsky. “Yurovsky’s note” initially did not inspire much confidence, however, the location of the second burial was indicated correctly.

Falsifications and myths

Immediately after the execution, representatives of the new government tried to convince the West that members of the imperial family, or at least the children, were alive and in a safe place. People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherin in April 1922 at the Genoa Conference, when asked by one of the correspondents about the fate of the Grand Duchesses, vaguely answered: “The fate of the Tsar’s daughters is not known to me. I read in the newspapers that they are in America.”

However, P.L. Voikov informally stated more specifically: “the world will never know what we did to the royal family.” But later, after the materials of Sokolov’s investigation were published in the West, the Soviet authorities recognized the fact of the execution of the imperial family.

Falsifications and speculation around the execution of the Romanovs contributed to the spread of persistent myths, among which the myth of ritual murder and the severed head of Nicholas II, which was in the special storage facility of the NKVD, was popular. Later, stories about the “miraculous rescue” of the Tsar’s children, Alexei and Anastasia, were added to the myths. But all this remained myths.

Investigation and examinations

In 1993, the investigation into the discovery of the remains was entrusted to the investigator of the General Prosecutor's Office, Vladimir Solovyov. Given the importance of the case, in addition to traditional ballistic and macroscopic examinations, additional genetic studies were carried out jointly with English and American scientists.

For these purposes, blood was taken from some Romanov relatives living in England and Greece. The results showed that the probability of the remains belonging to members of the royal family was 98.5 percent.
The investigation considered this insufficient. Solovyov managed to obtain permission to exhume the remains of the Tsar’s brother, George. Scientists confirmed the “absolute positional similarity of mt-DNA” of both remains, which revealed a rare genetic mutation inherent in the Romanovs - heteroplasmy.

However, after the discovery of the supposed remains of Alexei and Maria in 2007, new research and examinations were required. The scientists’ work was greatly facilitated by Alexy II, who, before burying the first group of royal remains in the tomb of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, asked investigators to remove bone particles. “Science is developing, it is possible that they will be needed in the future,” these were the words of the Patriarch.

To remove the doubts of skeptics, the head of the laboratory of molecular genetics at the University of Massachusetts, Evgeniy Rogaev (whom representatives of the House of Romanov insisted on), the chief geneticist of the US Army, Michael Cobble (who returned the names of the victims of September 11), as well as an employee of the Institute of Forensic Medicine from Austria, Walter, were invited for new examinations. Parson.

Comparing the remains from the two burials, experts once again double-checked the previously obtained data and also conducted new research - the previous results were confirmed. Moreover, the “blood-spattered shirt” of Nicholas II (the Otsu incident), discovered in the Hermitage collections, fell into the hands of scientists. And again the answer is positive: the genotypes of the king “on blood” and “on bones” coincided.


The results of the investigation into the execution of the royal family refuted some previously existing assumptions. For example, according to experts, “under the conditions in which the destruction of corpses was carried out, it was impossible to completely destroy the remains using sulfuric acid and flammable materials.”

This fact excludes Ganina Yama as a final burial site.
True, historian Vadim Viner finds a serious gap in the conclusions of the investigation. He believes that some finds belonging to a later time were not taken into account, in particular coins from the 30s. But as the facts show, information about the burial place very quickly “leaked” to the masses, and therefore the burial ground could be repeatedly opened in search of possible valuables.

Another revelation is offered by the historian S.A. Belyaev, who believes that “they could have buried the family of an Ekaterinburg merchant with imperial honors,” although without providing convincing arguments.
However, the conclusions of the investigation, which was carried out with unprecedented rigor using the latest methods, with the participation of independent experts, are clear: all 11 remains clearly correlate with each of those shot in Ipatiev’s house. Common sense and logic dictate that it is impossible to duplicate such physical and genetic correspondences by chance.
In December 2010, the final conference dedicated to the latest results of the examinations was held in Yekaterinburg. The reports were made by 4 groups of geneticists working independently in different countries. Opponents of the official version could also present their views, but according to eyewitnesses, “after listening to the reports, they left the hall without saying a word.”
The Russian Orthodox Church still does not recognize the authenticity of the “Ekaterinburg remains,” but many representatives of the House of Romanov, judging by their statements in the press, accepted the final results of the investigation.

This gave special weight to the arguments of that group of learned historians and geneticists who are confident that in 1998, in the Peter and Paul Fortress, under the guise of the imperial family, completely alien remains were buried with great pomp. For almost ten years, the problem of finding and identifying the remains of the family of Nikolai Romanov, executed in Yekaterinburg in 1918, has been dealt with by Vadim Viner, a professor at the Russian Academy of History and Paleontology. For this purpose, he even created a special Center to investigate the circumstances of the death of family members of the House of Romanov, of which he is the president. Wiener is confident that the statement of Japanese scientists could provoke a new political scandal in Russia if the decision of a special commission of the Russian government recognizing the “Ekaterinburg remains” as Romanov’s is not canceled. He spoke about the main arguments on this matter and what interests were intertwined in the “Romanov case” in an interview with Strana.Ru correspondent Viktor Belimov.

- Vadim Aleksandrovich, what reasons does Russia have to trust Tatsuo Nagai?

There are enough of them. It is known that for an examination of this level it is necessary to take not distant relatives of the emperor, but close relatives. This means sisters, brothers, mother. What did the government commission do? She took a distant relationship, second cousins ​​of Nicholas II, and a very distant relationship along the line of Alexandra Feodorovna, this is the English Prince Philip. Despite the fact that it is possible to find out the DNA structures of close relatives: there are the relics of Elizabeth Feodorovna, the Empress’s sister, the son of Nicholas II’s sister Tikhon Nikolaevich Kulikovsky-Romanov. Meanwhile, the comparison was made on the basis of analyzes of distant relatives, and very strange results were obtained with formulations such as “there are coincidences.” Coincidence in the language of geneticists does not mean identity at all. In general, we are all the same. Because we have two arms, two legs and one head. This is not an argument. The Japanese took DNA tests of the emperor’s close relatives.

Second. A very clear historical fact has been recorded that when Nicholas once, while still a crown prince, traveled to Japan, he was hit on the head with a saber. Two wounds were inflicted: occipito-parietal and fronto-parietal 9 and 10 cm, respectively. While cleaning the second occipito-parietal wound, a bone fragment the thickness of an ordinary sheet of writing paper was removed. This is enough to leave a notch on the skull - the so-called bone callus, which does not resolve. On the skull, which the Sverdlovsk authorities, and later the federal ones, passed off as the skull of Nicholas II, there is no such callus. Both the Obretenie Foundation, represented by Mr. Avdonin, and the Sverdlovsk Bureau of Forensic Medicine, represented by Mr. Nevolin, said whatever they wanted: that the Japanese were mistaken, that the wound could migrate along the skull, and so on.

What did the Japanese do? It turns out that after Nikolai’s visit to Japan, they kept his scarf, vest, the sofa on which he sat, and the saber with which they hit him. All this is in the Otsu City Museum. Japanese scientists studied DNA from the blood that remained on the scarf after the wound, and DNA from cut bones discovered in Yekaterinburg. It turned out that the DNA structures are different. This was in 1997. Now Tatsuo Nagai decided to summarize all this data into one comprehensive study. His examination lasted a year and ended recently, in July. Japanese geneticists have proven 100 percent that the examination carried out by Mr. Ivanov’s group was pure hackwork. But the DNA analysis carried out by the Japanese is only a link in a whole chain of evidence about the non-involvement of the Yekaterinburg remains with the family of Nicholas II.

In addition, I note that an examination was carried out using the same method by another geneticist, the President of the International Association of Forensic Physicians, Mr. Bonte from Dusseldorf. He proved that the found remains and doubles of the family of Nicholas II, the Filatovs, are relatives.

- Why are the Japanese so interested in proving the mistake of the Russian government and Russian geneticists?

Their interest here is purely professional. They have a thing that is directly related not only to the memory of Russia, but also to the entire controversial situation. I mean the handkerchief with the king's blood. As you know, geneticists are divided on this issue, as are historians. The Japanese supported the group that is trying to prove that these are not the remains of Nicholas II and his family. And they supported it not because they wanted it, but because their results themselves showed the obvious incompetence of Mr. Ivanov and, even more so, the incompetence of the entire government commission, which was created under the leadership of Boris Nemtsov. Tatsuo Nagai's conclusions are the last, very strong argument that is difficult to refute.

- Were there any responses to Nagai’s statements from your opponents?

There were screams. From the side of the same Avdonin. Like, what does some Japanese professor have to do with it if the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Rossel supported us. Then it was said that this was inspired by some dark forces. Who are they? Apparently there are many of them, starting with Patriarch Alexy II. Because the Church initially did not accept the point of view of the official authorities.

You said that DNA analysis is only a link in the chain of evidence. What other arguments are there to prove that there are no remains of the last imperial family in the Peter and Paul Fortress?

There are two blocks of arguments. The first block is intravital medicine. Initially, Nikolai Alexandrovich and his family were served by 37 doctors. Naturally, medical documents were preserved. This is the easiest examination. And the first argument that we found concerns the discrepancies between the data from the doctors’ lifetime records and the condition of skeleton No. 5. This skeleton was passed off as the skeleton of Anastasia. According to doctors' records, Anastasia had a height of 158 cm during her lifetime. She was short and plump. The skeleton that was buried is 171 cm tall and is the skeleton of a thin person. The second is bone callus, which I already mentioned.

Third. In the diaries of Nicholas II, when he was in Tobolsk, there is an entry: “I sat at the dentist.” A number of fellow historians and I began to look for who was the dentist in Tobolsk at that time. He, or rather she, was alone in the whole city - Maria Lazarevna Rendel. She left her son notes on the condition of Nicholas II's teeth. She told me what fillings she applied. We asked forensic scientists to look at the fillings on the skeleton's teeth. It turned out that nothing matches. The Medical Examiner's Office again said Rendell was wrong. How could she be wrong if she, excuse me, personally treated his teeth?

We started looking for other records. And I found in the State Archives of the Russian Federation on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 17, the records of physician Evgeniy Sergeevich Botkin. In one of the diaries there is a phrase: “” “Nicholas II unsuccessfully climbed onto a horse. Fell. Leg fracture. The pain is localized. A plaster cast has been applied." But there is not a single fracture on the skeleton, which they are trying to pass off as the skeleton of Nicholas II. And we did this at minimal cost. Investigator of the Prosecutor General's Office Solovyov, who led this case, did not need to travel abroad and spend budget money, as he did with pleasure. It was enough to look into the archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg. But this does not indicate reluctance, but rather the fact that the authorities very much wanted to ignore these arguments and documents.

The second block of arguments is related to history. First of all, we raised the question of whether Yurovsky’s note, on the basis of which the authorities were looking for the grave, is genuine. And now our colleague, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Buranov, finds in the archive a handwritten note written by Mikhail Nikolaevich Pokrovsky, and not by any means Yakov Mikhailovich Yurovsky. This grave is clearly marked there. That is, the note is a priori false. Pokrovsky was the first director of Rosarkhiv. Stalin used it when it was necessary to rewrite history. He has a famous expression: “History is politics facing the past.” Yurovsky's note is a fake. Since it is a fake, you cannot use it to locate the grave. This is now a proven issue.

- This also has a legal side...

It is also full of oddities and absurdities. We originally asked that all of this be displayed in the right margin. In 1991, Avdonin, who found the grave, contacted the Verkh-Isetsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Yekaterinburg with a statement about the find. From there they contact the regional prosecutor's office, and a prosecutor's inspection is ordered. The grave has been opened. Further it is unclear. A criminal case is not initiated, but as part of this inspection a prosecutor's examination is appointed. This is already an obvious contradiction. That is, they had to initiate a criminal case in connection with the discovery of remains that showed signs of violent death. Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As a result, a criminal case is initiated under Article 102. Murder committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. This is where real politics comes into play. Because a simple question arises: if you take the case on the circumstances of the death of the royal family, then who should you involve as suspects in the murder? Sverdlov, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky - the city of Moscow? Or Beloborodova, Voikova, Goloshchekina - this is Uralsovet, Yekaterinburg. Who will you file a case against if they are all dead?

That is, a priori the case was illegal, and it had no judicial prospects. But under Article 102 it is easier to prove that these are the remains of the Romanov family, or rather, it is easier to ignore the arguments. How should one act if everything was done according to the law? You must set a statute of limitations and find out that no one can be held accountable. The criminal case is subject to closure. Next, you need to take the case to court, make a judicial ruling to establish personal identity, and then resolve the issue of the funeral. But this was not profitable for the Prosecutor General's Office. She spent government money, feigning vigorous activity. That is, it was pure politics. Considering that huge amounts of money from the federal budget were poured into this matter.

The Prosecutor General's Office initiates a case under Article 102 and closes it due to the fact that the remains belong to Nicholas II. It's the same difference as between sour and salty. Moreover, the decision about the remains was made not by the court, but by the government of the Russian Federation under Chernomyrdin. The government decides by voting that these are the remains of the royal family. Is this a court decision? Naturally not.

Moreover, the Prosecutor General's Office, represented by Solovyov, is seeking to issue a death certificate. I will quote him: “The death certificate was issued to Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov. Born May 6, 1868. Place of birth unknown. Education unknown. His place of residence before his arrest is unknown. His place of work before his arrest is unknown. The cause of death was execution. The place of death is the basement of a residential building in Yekaterinburg.” Tell me, who was issued this certificate? You don't know where he was born? You don't even know that he was an emperor? This is the realest mockery!

- What is the position of the Church?

She does not recognize these remains as authentic, seeing all these contradictions. The church initially separated two issues - the remains separately, and the names separately. And then, realizing that the government will bury these remains, the Church makes the only correct decision from the “God knows their names” series. Here's the paradox. The Church buries under the motto “God knows their names,” Yeltsin, under pressure from the Church, buries some victims of the civil war. The question is: who are we burying anyway?

What do you think was the purpose of this whole thing? The argument for traveling “abroad” is still weak. The level of the game is still slightly higher...

But the banal reason is in the other direction. When did interest in the Romanovs arise? It was when Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, and then Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, tried to improve relations with Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II said that she would not come to Russia until they apologize to her for the fate of Nicholas II. Nicholas II and her father are cousins. And she went only after they apologized to her. That is, all stages of the appearance and study of these remains are closely related to political events.

The autopsy of the remains took place a few days before the meeting between Gorbachev and Thatcher. As for Britain as such, there, in the Baring brothers’ bank, lies gold, the personal gold of Nicholas II. Five and a half tons. They cannot release this gold until Nicholas II is declared dead. Not even missing in action. Because no one put anyone on the wanted list. Therefore, he is not missing. According to UK law, the absence of a corpse and the absence of documents on the wanted list means that the person is alive. In this situation, apparently hoping that they will be able to process certain relatives, the authorities decide to search for the remains and conduct a poor-quality examination.

- But even after that, the Baring brothers’ bank did not issue gold...

It was not by chance that the Prosecutor General's Office issued a death certificate. And a group of citizens turned to the bank for money. But the bank does not recognize this document. They are demanding a decision from a Russian court that Nicholas II died and these are his remains.

- Why are relatives ready to worship someone else’s grave if only they were given gold?

For most relatives, of course, finding an authentic grave is more important than gold. They tried to drag them into this dirty game. Many refused, but some of the Romanovs still came to Yekaterinburg for the funeral.

What do you propose to do now that you have such influential people as Japanese scientists among your allies?

Let's return the matter strictly to the legal field. We'll take it to court. The court will reject the evidence system of the Prosecutor General's Office. Since there are already two court rulings in Germany on the recognition of the Yekaterinburg remains as relatives of the Filatovs. That is, you still need to determine whose remains these are and hand them over to relatives, let them decide where to bury them. That is, the procedure for removing the remains from the Peter and Paul Cathedral is looming.

- Do you know whose remains these are?

According to German scientists, these are the remains of the Filatovs, doubles of Nicholas II. And Nicholas II had seven families of doubles. This is also a fact already known. The system of doubles began with Alexander the First. When his father, Emperor Paul the First, was killed as a result of a conspiracy, he was afraid that Paul's people would kill him. He gave the command to select three doubles for himself. Historically, it is known that there were two attempts on his life. Both times he remained alive because his doubles died. Alexander II had no doubles. Alexander the Third had doubles after the famous train crash in Borki. Nicholas II had doubles after Bloody Sunday 1905. Moreover, these were specially selected families. Only at the last moment did a very narrow circle of people find out which route and in which carriage Nicholas II would travel. And so the same departure of all three carriages took place. It is unknown which of them Nicholas II sat in. Documents about this are in the archives of the third department of the Office of His Imperial Majesty. And the Bolsheviks, having seized the archive in 1917, naturally received the names of all the doubles. Next, Sergei Davydovich Berezkin appears in Sukhumi, ideally similar to Nicholas II. His wife is Surovtseva Alexandra Fedorovna, a copy of the Empress. And he has children - Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia. They covered the king.

FSB. From there, at one time, in 1955, information was leaked that a grave near Yekaterinburg was opened in 1946. Although there is also a conclusion by Doctor of Medical Sciences Popov that the grave is 50 years old, not 80. As we say, in the Romanov case, one question was answered - 20 more arose. The matter is so complicated. This is worse than the Kennedy assassination. Because the information is strictly dosed.

- What was the point of climbing into this grave in 1946?

Perhaps it was created at that time. Let us remember that in 1946, a resident of Denmark, Anna Andersen, tried to get royal gold. Starting the second process to recognize herself as Anastasia. Her first trial did not end in anything; it lasted until the mid-30s. Then she paused and in 1946 filed a lawsuit again. Stalin apparently decided that it was better to make a grave where “Anastasia” would lie than to explain these issues to the West. There are far-reaching plans here, many of which we don’t even know about. We can only guess.

- Did the Filatovs live at that time?

Don't know. Filatov's trail is lost.

- And what relatives did the scientist Bonte communicate with?

He communicated with Oleg Vasilyevich Filatov. This is the son of Filatov, who portrayed, according to some sources, Nikolai himself, according to others - Alexei. Obviously, Oleg himself heard the ringing, but does not know where it is. The German compared his analyzes with the German relatives of the Filatovs and with the Yekaterinburg remains. And I got a 100% match. Nobody denies this examination. They are silent about her. Although in Germany it has judicial status. No one has ever talked about doppelgängers. I once stuttered in one interview, they told me that I was crazy, although I was raising a problem that really existed.

- What do you intend to do in the future?

We would like to create some kind of discussion club and hold a series of Internet conferences. In September, the famous scientist-historian Vladlen Sirotkin is scheduled to come to Yekaterinburg. He is collecting documents on Russia's claims to Western debts. According to him, not only do we owe the West, but the West also owes us. The amount of debt is $400 billion. The Czech Republic, England, France, America, Japan, Germany, Italy owe us. A lot of money was sent to the West for the purchase of weapons during the First World War. These were collateral for future deliveries. But there were no deliveries. Our property is there. Here is the price of the issue, which really stands behind all this. We need to show that the problem is multifaceted. It is very important for us that we went against the government, the official authorities, including the government of the Sverdlovsk region. We were persecuted in order to establish historical truth.

My two cents:
Amazing article by Andrey Guselnikov! It was as if I had been there, at the secret burial place of the executed royal family of Nicholas II.
Meanwhile, as a student at USU, I more than once passed by the (execution) house of the Ipatievs in Sverdlovsk, where residents secretly brought flowers. Then it was demolished, supposedly it interferes with the construction of the metro.
What appeals to me: Russian history persistently reconstructs the subsequent events of the October Revolution of 1917. In a neutral, folk, but historical way.
And now no one is afraid of anything.
The intellect of honest people-creepers - fans of historical justice. Gradually, risking his life.
And much later, the political hands of careerists of various scales attach themselves to them.
After all, so, Messrs. Yeltsin and Rossel?!

* * *
“This is the real grave of Nicholas II... The remains lie near Yekaterinburg”

At the worship cross on the Romanov Memorial, the discoverer of the royal remains Alexander Avdonin and his student, employee of the Sverdlovsk Museum of Local Lore Nikolai NeuiminPhoto: Anna Mayorova URA.RU

On the night of July 17, the anniversary of the death of the last Russian emperor, the Orthodox performed another religious procession to Ganina Yama- the place where the royal remains were hidden. They all walked past Porosenkov Log, where the Romanov Memorial is located. There these remains were dug out of the ground: the church still does not recognize them.
Of the 60 thousand participants in the procession, only five people went down to Log and took part in the prayer service.

However, everything may soon change: representatives of the church are involved in the study of the royal remains, and all experts in the new criminal case agreed with the Russian Orthodox Church, not to mention the fact that the new investigation was initiated following an appeal from Patriarch Kirill to Russian President Putin - so no reproaches It cannot be said that the Orthodox Church is excluded from this process. In statements by official representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in the media, one can discern signals: the church is preparing for the recognition of the royal remains and is preparing its flock for this.

The discoverer of the royal remains, Alexander Avdonin, visited the Romanov Memorial he created on the 99th anniversary of the execution of Nicholas II, his family members and associates

White consequence and red truth

After the murder of Nicholas II, his family members and servants, the Bolsheviks took them out of the city, stripped them and threw them into a mine. No. 7 of the Chetyrekhbratsky mine near the village of Koptyaki. The white investigation came to this conclusion (the whites occupied Yekaterinburg a few days after the execution of the royal family), and the communists reported the same in their memoirs. The organizer of the execution, the commandant of the “House of Special Purpose” Yakov Yurovsky, spoke about this “on record” three times (“Yurovsky’s Note” of 1920, “Memoirs” of 1922 and a transcript of a speech at a meeting of old Bolsheviks in 1934 - all of them were classified and stored in the archives).

Exploration work in the area of ​​Mine No. 7 (near Ganina Yama) in 1919, carried out by Sokolov

Belogvardeisky In 1919, investigator Sokolov managed to find in mine No. 7 near Ganina Yam There are traces of the presence there of members of the royal family and their entourage (buttons, parts of corsets, golden pince-nez, etc.) and fires, but Sokolov never found the bodies themselves, which gave rise to his version that the bodies were destroyed by fire and sulfuric acid . However, in the memoirs of the communists there is a “continuation of the story.” Thus, Yurovsky says that after the bodies of the members of the royal family were thrown into the mine, it became clear that they would quickly be found there (as happened later in Alapaevsk with the remains of the great princes) - and it was decided to take them away from there.

He even examined the mines filled with water on the Moscow (in his memoirs, 34 years old - on the Siberian) tract, and decided to bring and drown the bodies of those killed there. “In case the plan with the mines had failed, it was decided to burn the corpses or bury them in clay pits, having previously disfigured the corpses beyond recognition with sulfuric acid,” says the revolutionary in his “Note...”. Due to delays (car breakdown, search for kerosene and sulfuric acid), they began to retrieve the bodies only closer to one in the morning on the 18th. At first they wanted to bury them here, but a peasant acquaintance approached one of the revolutionaries (VIZ worker Ermakov) - and Yurovsky nevertheless decided take away corpses. They were loaded onto the truck again and headed back along the Old Koptyakovskaya Road towards the city. The car got stuck in one of the lowlands.

« The only thing left to do before reaching the mines was to bury or burn them, reports Yurovsky’s Note. - They wanted to burn A-ya [Alexey] and A.F. [Alexandra Feodorovna], but by mistake, instead of the latter, they burned the maid of honor with A [Alexey]. Then they buried the remains right there, under the fire, and lit the fire again, which completely covered the traces of digging. Meanwhile, they dug a mass grave for the others. Around 7 am the pit, arshin at 2? depth, 3? in the square was ready. The corpses were placed in a pit, dousing their faces and generally all their bodies with sulfuric acid, both to make them unrecognizable and to prevent the stench from decomposition (the pit was shallow). Having covered it with earth and brushwood, they put sleepers on top and drove through it several times - there were no traces of the hole left here either. The secret was completely kept - the whites did not find this burial place.”

The Romanov Hall in the local history museum and Porosenkov Log, a bridge made of sleepers, the old Koptyakovskaya road
This is what the “bridge made of sleepers” looked like in the 1920s. Photo - in the Ekaterinburg Museum of Local Lore
Photo: Andrey Guselnikov URA.RU

Investigator Sokolov found this place, interviewed the railway crossing guard Labukhin (he said that boards and sleepers had disappeared that night), but did not think of looking under the platform. Sokolov's book with investigation materials was published in Russian in Berlin in 1925 (a year after his death). " Just a month and a half or two months ago I read for the first time Sokolov’s book,” Yurovsky recalled in 1934, - from this book I saw that my cunning had paid off.
It says that a platform was made along the road, apparently for a truck. They could not find this place, although they saw it. The book included a photograph showing these sleepers.”

“With the establishment of Soviet power, there was no need to search for the remains of the Royal Family: the government itself knew where they were hidden,” Avdonin would later write. The hiding place was not advertised, but it was an “open secret” - party leaders took photographs there (including those participating in the execution), and distinguished guests were taken there. In 1928, the chairman of the city executive committee, Paramonov, showed this place to Mayakovsky, after which he wrote the poem “The Emperor,” which mentions the “ninth verst” from the city: “At the root, under the cedar tree, there is a road, and in it the emperor is buried.” After the war, the same Paramonov showed this place to the Sverdlovsk journalist Yakubovsky, but he did not dare to tell anyone this secret. Over time, no one remained alive who knew the burial place.

The life's work of a Ural geologist

Alexander Avdonin, born in 1932, knew about the death of the royal family since childhood: his family lived in the area of ​​the Shartash station, whose old residents remembered how the Bolsheviks brought Nicholas with his wife, children and servants from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg. As a teenager, Avdonin became interested in local history - he studied in a school club and in the society of young geographers "Globus" in the Palace of Pioneers (located on Voznesenskaya Hill - opposite the house of engineer Ipatiev, demolished in 1977, where the royal family was shot).

Romanov Hall in the Museum of Local Lore and Porosenkov Log, Avdonin Alexander
Relative of the Emperor A.A. Romanov and A.N. Avdonin on the site where the Ipatiev mansion stood
Photo: Andrey Guselnikov URA.RU

Some classes at Globus were taught by a professor from the Mining Institute Modest Claire, who for the first time sowed the “seed of doubt” in the soul of young Sasha, reporting that the people knew nothing about the murder of the Tsar - the revolutionaries did it secretly. And at the age of 16, Avdonin read the book of the revolutionary Pavel Bykov (the first chairman of the Yekaterinburg Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies in 1917-18) “The Last Days of the Romanovs,” which stated that the remains of the corpses after burning were taken from the mines several kilometers away and buried in swamp.

Avdonin graduated from the Ural Mining Institute and became an outstanding geophysicist (he was awarded his doctorate without writing a dissertation - based on a combination of scientific works, which was rare). At the same time, interest in the mystery of the royal remains did not fade away.

In the 60s, he was lucky enough to meet an employee of the Ural Worker publishing house. Gennady Lisin, who met with Mayakovsky in 1928.

True, he did not accompany him on the trip to the place where the remains were hidden, but he remembered how, at the age of 15, he was in a detachment of boy scouts who helped the white investigation in search of the royal remains, combing the forest from Shuvakish station to Ganina Yama. Lisin showed Avdonin these places and Ganin Yama itself.

The Romanov Hall in the Museum of Local Lore and Porosenkov Log, Avdonin Alexander, Avdonina Glina
At the excavation site of the main burial, 1979. From right to left: Alexander Avdonin, Galina Avdonina, Geliy Ryabov, his wife Margarita, Gennady Vasiliev.
Photo: Andrey Guselnikov URA.RU

In 1976, Moscow film scriptwriter Geliy Ryabov, an assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov, came to Avdonin and received the sign “Honored Worker of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs” (for the film about the police “Born of the Revolution”). Their goals agreed - to find the “secret burial” of the Romanovs, and agreed to cooperate: Ryabov works in the archives, Avdonin explores the area.

Over the next two years, Avdonin and his geologist friends Gennady Vasilyev and Mikhail Kochurov find the Old Koptyakovskaya Road and conduct a topographic survey of it. “Having received in 1992... N. Ross’s book “The Death of the Royal Family,” I found in it a map of the pedometer survey of the “Clay Site” and “ An open mine conducted by Dieterichs in 1919,” Avdonin would later write. “I was surprised that the footage we took 68 years later clearly matched the footage taken in 1919.”

In 1978 they found the "Open Mine"(with the remains of wooden supports), but the main goal was to find a “bridge” in the area of ​​the “ninth verst”. At the same time, geologists understood that it could go underground and be overgrown with grass, so they checked low-lying areas on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road with a special probe.

A similar place was found half a kilometer from the railway crossing. " After some area surveys, we realized that we had discovered a platform... the dimensions were approximately 2 by 3 meters,”- recalls Avdonin.

In September, he sent Ryabov a detailed report, and in the spring of 1979 they organized an expedition to this place, preparing, just in case, a paper stating that a detachment of geophysicists was conducting geological exploration work. The Romanov Memorial on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road and the Romanov Memorial Hall in the Sverdlovsk Regional History Museum museum. Yekaterinburg, photograph, skulls from the burial of the royal family
Researchers removed only three skulls from the burial to conduct examinations, but during the Soviet years all experts were afraid to do them.

On May 31, six of them arrived at the scene: Avdonin and his wife Galina, Ryabov and his wife Margarita, Avdonin’s friends Vasiliev and Pesotsky. We drilled five “mini-wells” (using a one-and-a-half meter pointed pipe that had to be twisted and hit), including one hole - right through a platform of sleepers. An analysis of the “core” (dug out soil) made in the evening of the same day showed a change in its composition, especially under the platform: the soil section contained increased acidity and organic deposits with an unpleasant odor.

The next day, searchers arrived at the site again. They removed the turf and found two layers of old sleepers (across and along the road). Under them there is another layer of rotten logs, from under which Avdonin extracted a light black “piece of iron”, which turned out to be the pelvic bone. " Returning to the excavation site, we were numb: the pit was completely filled with water,” recalls Avdonin. “Apparently, the stream flowing nearby fed it. Bubbles of swamp gas emerged from the depths through the layer of water. I placed a board on the edge of the excavation and plunged my hands into the semi-liquid clay mixture... Elements of skeletal remains could easily be felt inside it. I was overcome with horror."

Soon a skull with gold teeth was removed from the burial (it was suggested that this was the skull of the Emperor). A total of three skulls and several bones were recovered. The search engines drew up a report, put it in a steel capsule and buried the excavation.

One of the skulls remained with Avdonin, Ryabov took the other two to Moscow, declaring that he could, using his contacts, agree on an examination. However, everyone with whom he spoke, having learned what it was about, refused to help (it was 1979 - the very height of the “stagnant times” in the USSR). " Old man, nothing is working.", Ryabov told Avdonin over the phone in early 1980. — Everything needs to be restored. Everything is as before."

The Romanov Memorial on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road and the Romanov Memorial Hall in the Sverdlovsk Museum of Local Lore. Ekaterinburg
The report drawn up by Avdonin-Ryabov’s team on the discovery of the royal remains. 1979
Photo: Anna Mayorova URA.RU

In July 1980, Avdonin and his comrades made a wooden box in which they placed three skulls, other bone fragments, teeth in a bottle of alcohol (they fell out of the skull), and they also placed a copper cross with the inscription “He who endures to the end will be saved.” We left the city on the last train and buried the box at night next to the excavation site. For 12 years Avdonin and his comrades were silent, carefully keeping the secret of the royal remains they found.

In 1989 (perestroika was in progress), an interview with Ryabov appeared in Moscow News, in which he stated that he had established the location of the remains (without mentioning the names of his comrades), and a little later his essay was published in the Rodina magazine.
It became a sensation. Groups became more active, trying to independently find the place where the remains were hidden, and various people began calling Avdonin - threatening, begging, or offering to show the place for money. In 1990, Avdonin and his associates observed the “traces” that the seekers left behind: the circle of their searches gradually narrowed.

The Romanov Hall in the Museum of Local Lore and Porosenkov Log
Scheme of the location of bone remains in the excavation
Photo: Andrey Guselnikov URA.RU

« Worried about the safety of the remains, we decided to transfer information about the place where the remains were hidden to the government,”- remembers Avdonin. He wrote a letter Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Yeltsin— he instructed the first Sverdlovsk governor to organize everything Eduard Rossel. The decision was made by Rossel, who was then preparing the project for the Ural Republic, and it was important for him not to lose the initiative, not to give the royal remains into the hands of Muscovites.

The autopsy took place in June 1991: in addition to Avdonin and his comrades, prosecutors, police officers, military officers, and scientists took part in the work. The memories of the participants in the excavations have been preserved - for example, archaeologist Koryukova about how she was taken from her house and taken in a police UAZ, explaining that this was a “secret operation.” “In the excavation, 9 human skeletons were discovered, with great certainty attributed to members of the Royal Family and their servants,” says Avdonin. “The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case related to the murder of the Royal Family in 1918-1919.”

Many examinations were carried out, including three genetic, involving about 100 experts from different countries - all of them recognized the authenticity of the remains. In 1998, they were buried in the Peter and Paul Fortress; Russian President Boris Yeltsin was present at the ceremony. Patriarch Alexei II came to the funeral.

Alexey and Maria

How the royal family was shot for half an hour in Yekaterinburg

Among the remains found, the remains of two people were missing - Tsarevich Alexei and the emperor’s daughter Maria. They were discovered another 16 years later - 75 meters from the main burial. “The archaeological excavations of the Institute of the History of Archeology, carried out in the 90s, did not reach them by about 10 meters,” says Nikolai Neuymin, one of the organizers of the search work, head of the department of the history of the Romanov dynasty of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. — Academician Alekseev has run out of funding. From that time on, no one cared, to put it mildly, whether there were still remains. But not for us."

In 2007, a group of search engines resumed work - they came, like Avdonin in the 70s, on weekends, and did everything with enthusiasm. According to Neuimin, the main difficulty was that Yurovsky, having reported that the second burial was nearby, did not indicate the direction. “But to the west of the main excavation there is a swamp, to the north there is too high a place, so we considered that the most likely location of the remains was on the eastern or southern slope of the Log, which, moreover, were not covered in any way by the search,” says the researcher .

The hero of the story with Alexey and Maria - the discoverer of their remains was an experienced search engine Leonid Vokhmyakov. His friends scolded him for being lazy and not wanting to dig: Leonid preferred his own method - a short metal probe.

"In the military history club "Mountain Shield" there is a group of search engines who are engaged in digging up and burying the “mountain” - fighters who participated in the Great Patriotic War, who lie in the ground near the surface, says Neuymin. “Vokhmyakov has more than 300 found fighters on his account—can you imagine the experience?”
Romanov Hall in the Museum of Local Lore and Porosenkov Log, Leonid Vokhmyakov

Search engine Leonid Vokhmyakov with his probe during the search for the remains of Maria and Alexey
Photo: Andrey Guselnikov URA.RU

One day (this was the sixth trip to the search site), Leonid heard a characteristic crunch of bones under his probe. A layer of coal was also discovered there (according to Yurovsky’s recollections, the revolutionaries buried the burnt remains of Alexei and the “maid of honor”, ​​covering the place with a layer of coal, simulating an extinct shepherd’s fire). The excavations went on for several days. In total, about 130 grams of burnt, very fragile bones were recovered, but this was enough to conduct research. In 2008, after a series of repeated examinations, researchers recognized that these were the remains of Alexei and Maria. By that time, the royal passion-bearers had already become saints (the church canonized them in 2000). The representative of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, who was present at the opening of the examination reports, learned about the death of Patriarch Alexei II directly at the conference and did not sign the documents.

In 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin, under pressure from the House of Romanov (there are about 90 of them around the world), ordered the funeral of Alexei and Maria.

Romanovs from all over the world had already bought plane tickets, but the funeral did not take place: Patriarch Kirill wrote a letter to Putin, after which the investigation into the death of the royal family was resumed, and the church asked to transfer the remains of the prince and Mary for storage to the Novospassky Monastery.

New examinations are now being carried out. It is expected that by 2018 (the centenary of the death of the royal family), the investigation will be completed and the funeral of the murdered children of the king will take place.

Miracles of Porosenkov Log

According to Avdonin’s associates, the Romanov Memorial is not just the place where the remains of the Tsar and members of his family were found, here is their mass grave
Photo: Anna Mayorova URA.RU

Not everyone likes this name. Especially to the ideologists of non-recognition of the royal remains, who are outraged by the very assumption that the bodies of saints could be in a place with such a name: “This is sacrilege!” Meanwhile, this is a toponymic name indicated on the map of the same white investigator Sokolov. “There were no pigs there, it’s just that this is the lowest place in the vicinity, after the rains the carts got stuck there and, getting out of their mud, people smeared themselves with mud like pigs - that’s why Porosenkov log,” Neuymin suggests.

The most important thing that angers the researcher is that most people do not understand what this place is.
« “I’m especially worried about tourists who are being deceived,” says the researcher. — The place of execution (execution room) in Yekaterinburg turned out to be outside the Church on the Blood. At the memorial, all the guides say that remains were discovered at this site in 1991 and were buried in the Peter and Paul Fortress. But this is only partly true.

When in 1991 When they lifted the sleepers and opened the burial, the remains there were in a state of fat wax: they take the bone with their hand - everything else falls to the ground. Nobody took all this anywhere - these remains are still lying here.”

A similar situation is with the burial of Alexei and Maria. Only if in the first case there were rotten remains in the ground, then in the second there were also the remains of burnt bones, which crumbled before our eyes during the excavation.
“Russian tourists don’t think about it, and foreigners don’t even delve into it, but for us, who are in the know, the inscription on the memorial plaque “This land contains parts of dust...” is not just words. There are very serious things behind it. This is the real grave of Nicholas II and his family members.”

According to Neuimina, Many miracles happened in Porsenkovy Log - first of all, the very fact that the royal remains were preserved, although civilization came close to them more than once.

“In the 70s, a telephone cable was laid in the ground that connects the village of Shuvakish with the Seven Keys,” says the researcher. — The cable passed through the grave and cut off the forearm of Nicholas II (there is an archival photograph from 1991 where it can be seen).

This telephone cable is still lying here in the ground. Is there a gas pipe nearby? In this area it goes along the top, and not the rest of the territory - underground. Imagine what would have happened if she had walked along the ground a little to the right?”
The Romanov Memorial on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road and the Romanov Memorial Hall in the Sverdlovsk Museum of Local Lore. Ekaterinburg

The telephone cable passed right through the place where the royal remains were hidden.
Photo: Anna Mayorova URA.RU

The discovery of the remains of Alexei and Maria is also a miracle, according to search engines. “Vokhmyakov found exactly that fire with his probe at a depth of 40-50 cm (the maximum excavation depth was 55 cm),” Neuimin recalls. - What if the Bolsheviks buried them at 1.5 - 2 meters? You can't find it with a probe! It is unrealistic to conduct total excavations - things are still there! It’s a miracle that the remains were not dug up by dogs (probably due to the sulfuric acid used by the Bolsheviks). Church representatives often ask: where are the miracles here, in this log? And here there are pure miracles.”

Today the Romanov Memorial is a quiet, cozy corner in nature. There is no fence or security; volunteers and employees of the investigative committee help maintain order.

Two years ago, the head of the regional Investigative Committee, Valery Zadorin (in July 2017, was temporarily suspended from service) took patronage of the memorial - since then, investigators have come to Log more than once, held community cleanups - mowed the grass, strengthened one of the slabs, which began to fall.

Private funds were used to install barrier posts with a chain to prevent ATVs and snowmobiles from racing here (previously, racers drove near the crosses right over the royal graves).

The Romanov Memorial on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road and the Romanov Memorial Hall in the Sverdlovsk Museum of Local Lore. Yekaterinburg, Romanov memorial
Porosenkov Log has preserved its pristine natural beauty. “If only it weren’t like on Ganina Yama,” people say
Photo: Anna Mayorova URA.RU

Discussing the information flashed in the press that this site could be transferred to the church, activists of the Obretenie foundation express only one wish - “that a second Ganina Pit does not happen.” “Recently, the great-great-grandson of Emperor Alexander III, Pavel Eduardovich Kulikovsky-Romanov, visited our memorial,” says an employee of the local history museum. “He was shocked and said: “I would like this part of the log to remain in its original form.” So that there are no bekhaton tiles and asphalt here. Can you imagine if everything here is sealed in asphalt?”

By the decision of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, a section of the Old Koptyakovskaya road with an area of ​​36 hectares, including Porosenkov Log, has been declared a historical monument since 2014 - however, only of regional significance. “The status, of course, does not correspond: in my opinion, the grave of Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family - saints canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church abroad - is probably a monument not of a local level, and the document should have been signed by someone higher than Sverdlovsk Prime Minister Pasler,” says Neuimin.

According to many researchers, without the royal remains found in Porosenkovo ​​Log, there would have been no Ganina Yama, no religious processions, no canonization of the emperor and members of his family. Alexander Avdonin, who found the royal remains and revealed them to the world, was awarded the Order of Honor. Just. .0.0.jpg
On July 18, “Memorial” was visited by Alexander Avdonin, a legendary man who, back in 1979, risking a prison sentence, managed to discover the burial place of the Tsar, kept this secret for 12 years (until the collapse of the USSR), and in 1991 organized the recovery of the remains from earth and showed them to the world Photo: Anna Mayorova URA.RU

TASS DOSSIER. On the night of July 16-17, 1918, in the basement of the house of mining engineer Ipatiev in Yekaterinburg, Emperor Nicholas II (Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov) was shot along with his wife, son and four daughters. Along with them, Doctor Evgeny Botkin, footman Aloysius Trupp, maid Anna Demidova and cook Ivan Kharitonov were killed. The verdict of the Ural Regional Council of the Romanovs and their associates was announced before the execution by the commandant of the house, Yakov Yurovsky.

In 1979, near Yekaterinburg, in the area of ​​​​the Old Koptyakovskaya road, the site of the alleged burial of the remains of the executed royal family was discovered, but this fact did not become public knowledge. The official opening of the burial ground was carried out only in 1991; the remains of 9 people were found inside. In August 1993, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation opened a case to investigate the death of the Romanov family.

After several genetic examinations carried out in 1993-1997. in England, the USA and Russia, a specially created State Commission stated that the found fragments of bodies most likely belonged to members of the royal family and their associates. However, the remains of Tsarevich Alexei and Princess Maria (according to the American version - Anastasia) were not discovered.

On February 27, 1998, the Russian government decided to bury the remains in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg - the ancestral tomb of the Russian tsars. However, the Russian Orthodox Church expressed doubt that the fragments of bodies found near Yekaterinburg belonged to members of the royal family, and considered it impossible to participate in the burial ceremony. The Russian Church Abroad also did not accept the version that the found remains belonged to the Romanov family.

On July 17, 1998, in St. Petersburg, in the Catherine Chapel of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul of the Peter and Paul Fortress, the burial of the remains of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his wife, three daughters and four close associates took place. In accordance with historical tradition, the remains of the abdicated emperor were buried separately from other monarchs. More than 3 thousand people took part in the funeral ceremony, including descendants of the Romanov dynasty.

On August 20, 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra, Tsarevich Alexei, Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia as saints as having suffered martyrdom. On the site of the Ipatiev House destroyed in September 1977, the Church on the Blood was built in honor of All Saints who shone in the Russian Land, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'. The opening and consecration of the memorial temple took place in July 2003.

On July 29, 2007, in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg, on the Old Koptyakovskaya Road, a new burial was discovered, in which fragments of the bodies of a child and a young woman were found with signs of violent death, presumably Tsarevich Alexei and Princess Maria Romanov. Samples of the remains were sent for examination to Russian and foreign laboratories, including the USA and Austria. The research results were delivered to the Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. The Russian Orthodox Church again expressed doubts about the belonging of the found fragments of the bodies of the daughter and son of the last Russian Tsar. Since 2011, the discovered remains have been stored in the State Archive of the Russian Federation.

On October 1, 2008, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia recognized members of the royal family as unreasonably repressed and subject to rehabilitation. Thus, the family of the last Russian emperor was rehabilitated.

In January 2009, the investigation into the death of the royal family was discontinued "due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution and the death of persons who committed premeditated murder." In August 2010, the court supported the claim of the emperor's descendants and ordered the investigative authorities to change the wording in the criminal case. On November 25, 2010, the investigative decision to terminate this criminal case was canceled, and on January 14, 2011, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that “the resolution was brought in accordance with the court decision and the criminal case was terminated. Identification of the remains of family members of the former Russian Emperor Nicholas II ( Romanov) and persons from his retinue are confirmed in this resolution."

On July 9, 2015, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to create an interdepartmental working group on issues related to the research and reburial of the remains of Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria Romanov. Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko was appointed head of the group.

On September 11, it was announced that the working group would propose to the Russian government to hold a burial ceremony on October 18 in the Catherine's chapel in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The heir to the throne Alyosha Romanov became People's Commissar Alexei Kosygin

The royal family was separated in 1918, but not executed.
Maria Feodorovna left for Germany, and Nicholas II and the heir to the throne Alexei
remained hostages in Russia

In April of this year, Rosarkhiv, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture, was reassigned directly to the head of state. The changes in status were explained by the special state value of the materials stored there. While experts were wondering what all this meant, a historical investigation appeared in the President newspaper, registered on the platform of the Presidential Administration. Its essence is that no one shot the royal family. They all lived long lives, and Tsarevich Alexei even made a career in the nomenklatura in the USSR.

The transformation of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov into Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Nikolaevich Kosygin was first discussed during perestroika. They referred to a leak from the party archive. The information was perceived as a historical anecdote, although the thought - what if it was true - stirred in the minds of many. After all, no one saw the remains of the royal family then, and there were always many rumors about their miraculous salvation. And suddenly, here you are - a publication about the life of the royal family after the alleged execution is published in a publication that is as far as possible from the pursuit of sensation.
- Was it possible to escape or be taken out of Ipatiev’s house? It turns out yes! - historian Sergei Zhelenkov writes to the President newspaper. — There was a factory nearby. In 1905, the owner dug an underground passage to it in case of capture by revolutionaries. When Boris Yeltsin destroyed the house after the decision of the Politburo, the bulldozer fell into a tunnel that no one knew about.

Left hostage

What reasons did the Bolsheviks have for saving the life of the royal family?
Researchers Tom Mangold and Anthony Summers published the book “The Romanov Affair, or the Execution that Never Happened” in 1979. They started with the fact that in 1978 the 60-year secrecy stamp of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty signed in 1918 expires, and it would be interesting to look into the declassified archives. The first thing they dug up were telegrams from the English ambassador reporting on the evacuation of the royal family from Yekaterinburg to Perm by the Bolsheviks.
According to British intelligence agents in the army of Alexander Kolchak, upon entering Yekaterinburg on July 25, 1918, the admiral immediately appointed an investigator in the case of the execution of the royal family. Three months later, Captain Nametkin put a report on his desk, where he said that instead of execution there was a re-enactment of it. Not believing it, Kolchak appointed a second investigator, Sergeev, and soon received the same results.
In parallel with them, the commission of Captain Malinovsky worked, who in June 1919 gave the following instructions to the third investigator, Nikolai Sokolov: “As a result of my work on the case, I developed the conviction that the august family is alive... all the facts that I observed during the investigation are simulated murder."
Admiral Kolchak, who had already proclaimed himself the Supreme Ruler of Russia, did not need a living tsar at all, so Sokolov received very clear instructions - to find evidence of the death of the emperor.
Sokolov can’t come up with anything better than to say: “The corpses were thrown into a mine and filled with acid.”
Tom Mangold and Anthony Summers believed that the answer should be sought in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk itself. However, its full text is not in the declassified archives of London or Berlin. And they came to the conclusion that there were points relating to the royal family.
Probably, Emperor Wilhelm II, who was a close relative of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, demanded that all the august women be transferred to Germany. The girls had no rights to the Russian throne and therefore could not threaten the Bolsheviks. The men remained hostages - as guarantors that the German army would not march on St. Petersburg and Moscow.
This explanation seems quite logical. Especially if we remember that the tsar was overthrown not by the Reds, but by their own liberal-minded aristocracy, the bourgeoisie and the top of the army. The Bolsheviks did not have any particular hatred for Nicholas II. He did not threaten them in any way, but at the same time he was an excellent ace in the hole and a good bargaining chip in negotiations.
In addition, Lenin understood perfectly well that Nicholas II was a chicken capable, if shaken well, of laying many golden eggs so necessary for the young Soviet state. After all, the secrets of many family and state deposits in Western banks were kept in the king’s head. Later, these riches of the Russian Empire were used for industrialization.

In the cemetery in the Italian village of Marcotta there was a gravestone on which Princess Olga Nikolaevna, the eldest daughter of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, rested. In 1995, the grave, under the pretext of non-payment of rent, was destroyed and the ashes were transferred

Life after "death"

According to the President newspaper, the KGB of the USSR, based on the 2nd Main Directorate, had a special department that monitored all movements of the royal family and their descendants across the territory of the USSR:
“Stalin built a dacha in Sukhumi next to the dacha of the royal family and came there to meet with the emperor. Nicholas II visited the Kremlin in the uniform of an officer, which was confirmed by General Vatov, who served in Joseph Vissarionovich’s bodyguard.”
According to the newspaper, in order to honor the memory of the last emperor, monarchists can go to Nizhny Novgorod to the Red Etna cemetery, where he was buried on December 26, 1958. The famous Nizhny Novgorod elder Gregory performed the funeral service and buried the sovereign.
Much more surprising is the fate of the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. Over time, he, like many, came to terms with the revolution and came to the conclusion that one must serve the Fatherland regardless of one’s political beliefs. However, he had no other choice.
Historian Sergei Zhelenkov provides a lot of evidence of the transformation of Tsarevich Alexei into the Red Army soldier Kosygin. During the thundering years of the Civil War, and even under the cover of the Cheka, this was really not difficult to do. His future career is much more interesting. Stalin saw a great future in the young man and far-sightedly moved him along the economic line. Not according to the party.
In 1942, the representative of the State Defense Committee in besieged Leningrad, Kosygin supervised the evacuation of the population and industrial enterprises and property of Tsarskoe Selo. Alexey had sailed around Ladoga many times on the yacht “Standart” and knew the surrounding area of ​​the lake well, so he organized the “Road of Life” to supply the city.
In 1949, during Malenkov’s promotion of the “Leningrad Affair,” Kosygin “miraculously” survived. Stalin, who called him Tsarevich in front of everyone, sent Alexei Nikolaevich on a long trip around Siberia due to the need to strengthen cooperation activities and improve the procurement of agricultural products.
Kosygin was so removed from internal party affairs that he retained his position after the death of his patron. Khrushchev and Brezhnev needed a good, proven business executive; as a result, Kosygin served as head of government the longest in the history of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation - 16 years.

There was no funeral service

As for the wife of Nicholas II and daughters, their trace cannot be called lost either.
In the 90s, the Italian newspaper La Repubblica published an article about the death of a nun, Sister Pascalina Lenart, who held an important post under Pope Pius XII from 1939 to 1958. Before her death, she called a notary and said that Olga Romanova, the daughter of Nicholas II, was not shot by the Bolsheviks, but lived a long life under the protection of the Vatican and was buried in a cemetery in the village of Marcotte in northern Italy. Journalists who went to the indicated address actually found a slab in the churchyard, where it was written in German: “Olga Nikolaevna, eldest daughter of the Russian Tsar Nikolai Romanov, 1895 - 1976.”
In this regard, the question arises: who was buried in 1998 in the Peter and Paul Cathedral? President Boris Yeltsin assured the public that these were the remains of the royal family. But the Russian Orthodox Church then refused to recognize this fact. Let's remember that
in Sofia, in the building of the Holy Synod on St. Alexander Nevsky Square, lived the confessor of the Highest Family, Bishop Theophan, who fled from the horrors of the revolution. He never served a memorial service for the august family and said that the royal family was alive!

Golden Five Year Plan

The result of the developed Alexey Kosygin economic reforms became the so-called golden eighth five-year plan of 1966 - 1970. During this time:
- national income increased by 42 percent,
- the volume of gross industrial output increased by 51 percent,
- agricultural profitability increased by 21 percent,
- the formation of the Unified Energy System of the European part of the USSR was completed, the unified energy system of Central Siberia was created,
- development of the Tyumen oil and gas production complex began,
- Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk and Saratov hydroelectric power stations, Pridneprovskaya state district power station came into operation,
- West Siberian Metallurgical and Karaganda Metallurgical Plants started working,
- the first Zhiguli cars were produced,
- the provision of the population with televisions has doubled, washing machines - two and a half times, refrigerators - three times.


The Royal Family: real life after an imaginary execution

History, like a corrupt girl, falls under every new “”. So, the modern history of our country has been rewritten many times. “Responsible” and “unbiased” historians rewrote biographies and changed the fates of people in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.
But today access to many is open. serves only . What gets to people bit by bit does not leave those who live in Russia indifferent. Those who want to be proud of their country and raise their children to be patriots of their native land.
In Russia, historians are a dime a dozen. If you throw a stone, you will almost always hit one of them. But only 14 years have passed, and no one can establish the real history of the last century.
Modern henchmen of Miller and Baer are robbing the Russians in all directions. Either they will start Maslenitsa in February by mocking Russian traditions, or they will put an outright criminal under the Nobel Prize.
And then we: why is it that in a country with the richest resources and cultural heritage, there are such poor people?

Abdication of Nicholas II

Emperor Nicholas II from the Throne. This act is “fake”. It was compiled and printed on a typewriter by the Quartermaster General of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief A.S. Lukomsky and the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the General Staff N.I. Basili.
This printed text was signed on March 2, 1917, not by Sovereign Nicholas II Alexandrovich Romanov, but by the Minister of the Imperial Court, Adjutant General, Baron Boris Fredericks.
After 4 days, the Orthodox Tsar was betrayed by the top of the Russian Orthodox Church, misleading all of Russia by the fact that, seeing this false act, the clergy passed it off as real. And they telegraphed it to the entire Empire and beyond its borders that the Tsar had abdicated the Throne!
On March 6, 1917, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church heard two reports. The first is the act of “abdication” of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II for himself and for his son from the Throne of the Russian State and the abdication of Supreme Power, which took place on March 2, 1917. The second is the act of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich’s refusal to accept the Supreme Power, which took place on March 3, 1917.
After the hearings, pending the establishment of a form of government in the Constituent Assembly and new fundamental laws of the Russian State, they ORDERED:
« The said acts should be taken into account and implemented and announced in all Orthodox churches, in urban churches on the first day after receiving the text of these acts, and in rural churches on the first Sunday or holiday, after the Divine Liturgy, with a prayer to the Lord God for the pacification of passions, with the proclamation of many years to the God-protected Russian Power and its Blessed Provisional Government».
And although the top of the Russian generals mostly consisted of Jews, the middle officer corps and several senior ranks of the generals, such as Fyodor Arturovich Keller, did not believe this fake and decided to go to the rescue.
From that moment on, the Army began, which turned into a Civil War!
The priesthood and the entire Russian society split.
But the Rothschilds achieved the main thing - they removed Her Lawful Sovereign from governing the country, and began to finish off Russia.
After the revolution, all the bishops and priests who betrayed the Tsar suffered death or dispersion throughout the world for perjury before the Orthodox Tsar.
On May 1, 1919, the Council of People's Commissars signed a document, still hidden from the people:
To the Chairman of the V.Ch.K. No. 13666/2 comrade. Dzerzhinsky F.E. INSTRUCTION: “In accordance with the decision of the V.Ts.I.K. and the Council of People's Commissars, it is necessary to put an end to priests and religion as quickly as possible. Popovs should be arrested as counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs, and shot mercilessly and everywhere. And as much as possible. Churches are subject to closure. The temple premises should be sealed and turned into warehouses.
Chairman V. Ts. I. K. Kalinin, Chairman of the Council. adv. Commissars Ulyanov /Lenin/.”

Murder simulation

There is a lot of information about the Sovereign’s stay with his family in prison and exile, about his stay in Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg, and it is quite truthful.
But what happened next is the most amazing thing.
Was there an execution? Or perhaps it was staged? Was it possible to escape or be taken out of Ipatiev’s house?
It turns out yes!
There was a factory nearby. In 1905, the owner, in case of capture by revolutionaries, dug an underground passage to it. When Yeltsin destroyed the house, after the decision of the Politburo, the bulldozer fell into a tunnel that no one knew about.
Thanks to Stalin and the officers of the General Staff, the Royal Family was taken to various Russian provinces, with the blessing of the Metropolitan ().
On July 22, 1918, Evgenia Popel received the keys to the empty house and sent her husband, N.N. Ipatiev, a telegram in the village of Nikolskoye about the possibility of returning to the city.
In connection with the offensive of the White Guard Army, the evacuation of Soviet institutions was underway in Yekaterinburg. Documents, property and valuables were exported, including those of the Romanov family (!).
On July 25, the city was occupied by and.
Great excitement spread among the officers when it became known in what condition the Ipatiev House, where the Royal Family lived, was located. Those who were free from service went to the house, everyone wanted to take an active part in clarifying the question: “Where are they?”
Some inspected the house, breaking open the boarded up doors; others sorted out the lying things and papers; still others raked out the ashes from the furnaces. The fourth ones scoured the yard and garden, looking into all the basements and cellars. Everyone acted independently, not trusting each other and trying to find an answer to the question that worried everyone.
While the officers were inspecting the rooms, people who came to profit took away a lot of abandoned property, which was later found at the bazaar and flea markets.
The head of the garrison, Major General, appointed a special commission of officers, mainly cadets of the General Staff Academy, chaired by Colonel Sherekhovsky. Which was tasked with dealing with the finds in the Ganina Yama area: local peasants, raking out recent fire pits, found burnt items from the Tsar’s wardrobe, including a cross with precious stones.
Captain Malinovsky received orders to explore the area. On July 30, taking with him Sheremetyevsky, the investigator for the most important cases of the Yekaterinburg District Court A.P. Nametkin, several officers, the doctor of the Heir - V.N. and the servant of the Sovereign - T.I. Chemodurov, he went there.
Thus began the investigation into the disappearance of Sovereign Nicholas II, the Empress, the Tsarevich and the Great.
Malinovsky's commission lasted about a week. But it was she who determined the area of ​​all subsequent investigative actions in Yekaterinburg and its environs. It was she who found witnesses to the cordon of the Koptyakovskaya road around Ganina Yama by the Red Army. I found those who saw a suspicious convoy that passed from Yekaterinburg into the cordon and back. I obtained evidence of destruction there, in the fires near the mines of things.
After the entire staff of officers went to, Sherekhovsky divided the team into two parts. One, headed by Malinovsky, examined Ipatiev’s house, the other, led by Lieutenant Sheremetyevsky, began inspecting Ganina Yama.
When inspecting Ipatiev’s house, within a week the officers of Malinovsky’s group managed to establish almost all the basic facts, which the investigation later relied on.
A year after the investigations, Malinovsky, in June 1919, testified to Sokolov: “As a result of my work on the case, I developed the conviction that the August Family is alive... all the facts that I observed during the investigation are a simulation of murder.”

At the scene

On July 28, A.P. Nametkin was invited to the headquarters, and from the military authorities, since civil power had not yet been formed, he was asked to investigate the case of the Family. After this, we began to inspect the Ipatiev House. Doctor Derevenko and old man Chemodurov were invited to participate in the identification of things; Professor of the Academy of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Medvedev, took part as an expert.
On July 30, Alexey Pavlovich Nametkin participated in the inspection of the mine and fires near Ganina Yama. After the inspection, the Koptyakovsky peasant handed over a huge diamond to Captain Politkovsky, which Chemodurov, who was there, recognized as a jewel belonging to Alexandra Feodorovna.
Nametkin, inspecting Ipatiev’s house from August 2 to 8, had at his disposal publications of resolutions of the Urals Council and the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, which were reported by Nicholas II.
An inspection of the building, traces of gunshots and signs of spilled blood confirmed a well-known fact - the possible death of people in this house.
As for the other results of the inspection of Ipatiev’s house, they left an unexpected impression on its inhabitants.
On August 5, 6, 7, 8, Nametkin continued to inspect Ipatiev’s house and described the state of the rooms where Nikolai Alexandrovich, Alexandra Feodorovna, the Tsarevich and the Grand Duchesses were kept. During the examination, I found many small things that, according to the valet T.I. Chemodurov and the Heir’s doctor V.N. Derevenko, belonged to members of the Family.
Being an experienced investigator, Nametkin, after examining the scene of the incident, stated that a mock execution took place in the Ipatiev House, and that not a single member of the Royal Family was shot there.
He repeated his data officially in, where he gave interviews on this topic to foreign, mainly American correspondents. Stating that he had evidence that the Royal Family was not killed on the night of July 16-17 and was going to publish these documents soon.
But he was forced to hand over the investigation.

War with investigators

On August 7, 1918, a meeting of the branches of the Yekaterinburg District Court was held, where, unexpectedly for the prosecutor Kutuzov, contrary to agreements with the chairman of the court Glasson, the Yekaterinburg District Court, by a majority vote, decided to transfer the “case of the former Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II” to a member of the court, Ivan Aleksandrovich Sergeev.
After the case was transferred, the house where he rented premises was burned down, which led to the death of the investigator.
The main difference in the work of a detective at the scene of an incident lies in what is not in the laws and textbooks to plan further actions for each of the significant circumstances discovered. What is harmful about replacing them is that with the departure of the previous investigator, his plan to unravel the tangle of mysteries disappears.
On August 13, A.P. Nametkin handed over the case to I.A. Sergeev on 26 numbered sheets. And after the capture of Yekaterinburg by the Bolsheviks, Nametkin.
Sergeev was aware of the complexity of what was coming.
He understood that the main thing was to find the bodies of the dead. After all, in criminology there is a strict attitude: “no corpse, no murder.” They had great expectations for the expedition to Ganina Yama, where they very carefully searched the area and pumped out water from the mines. But... they found only a severed finger and a prosthetic upper jaw. True, a “corpse” was also recovered, but it was the corpse of the Great Anastasia’s dog.
In addition, there are witnesses who saw the former Empress and her children in Perm.
Doctor Derevenko, who treated the Heir, like Botkin, who accompanied the Royal Family in Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg, testifies over and over again that the unidentified corpses delivered to him are not the Tsar and not the Heir, since the Tsar must have a mark on his head / skull / from the blow of the Japanese sabers in 1891
The clergy also knew about the release of the Family: Patriarch St. Tikhon.

Life of the royal family after “death”

In the KGB of the USSR, on the basis of the 2nd Main Directorate, there was a person who monitored all movements of the Royal Family and their descendants across the territory of the USSR. Whether someone likes it or not, it will have to be taken into account, and, therefore, Russia’s future policy will have to be reconsidered.
Daughters Olga (lived under the name Natalia) and Tatyana were in the Diveyevo Monastery, disguised as nuns and sang in the choir of the Trinity Church. From there, Tatyana moved to the Krasnodar Territory, got married and lived in the Apsheronsky and Mostovsky districts. She was buried on September 21, 1992 in the village of Solenom, Mostovsky district.
Olga, through Uzbekistan, left for Afghanistan with the Emir of Bukhara, Seyid Alim Khan (1880 - 1944). From there - to Finland to Vyrubova. Since 1956, she lived in Vyritsa under the name of Natalya Mikhailovna Evstigneeva, where she rested in Bose on January 16, 1976 (11/15/2011 from the grave of V.K. Olga, Her fragrant relics were partially stolen by one demoniac, but were returned to Kazansky).
On October 6, 2012, her remaining relics were removed from the grave in the cemetery, added to those stolen and reburied near the Kazan Church.
The daughters of Nicholas II Maria and (lived as Alexandra Nikolaevna Tugareva) were in the Glinsk Hermitage for some time. Then Anastasia moved to the Volgograd (Stalingrad) region and got married on the Tugarev farm in the Novoanninsky district. From there she moved to the station. Panfilovo, where she was buried on June 27, 1980. And her husband Vasily Evlampievich Peregudov died defending Stalingrad in January 1943. Maria moved to the Nizhny Novgorod region in the village of Arefino and was buried there on May 27, 1954.
Metropolitan John (Snychev, d. 1995) looked after Anastasia’s daughter Julia in Samara, and together with Archimandrite John (Maslov, d. 1991) looked after Tsarevich Alexei. Archpriest Vasily (Shvets, died 2011) looked after his daughter Olga (Natalia). The son of the youngest daughter of Nicholas II - Anastasia - Mikhail Vasilyevich Peregudov (1924 - 2001), coming from the front, worked as an architect, according to his design a railway station was built in Stalingrad-Volgograd!
The Tsar's brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, was also able to escape from Perm right under the nose of the Cheka. At first he lived in Belogorye, and then moved to Vyritsa, where he rested in Bose in 1948.
Until 1927, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna stayed at the Tsar's dacha (Vvedensky Skete of the Seraphim Ponetaevsky Monastery, Nizhny Novgorod Region). And at the same time she visited Kyiv, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sukhumi. Alexandra Feodorovna took the name Ksenia (in honor of St. Ksenia Grigorievna of Petersburg /Petrova 1732 - 1803/).
In 1899, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna wrote the prophetic:

“In the solitude and silence of the monastery,
Where angels fly
Far from temptation and sin
She lives, whom everyone considers dead.
Everyone thinks she already lives
In Divine.
She steps behind the walls,
Submissive to your increased faith!”

The Empress met with Stalin, who told Her the following: “Live quietly in the city of Starobelsk, but there is no need to interfere in politics.”
Stalin's patronage saved her when local security officers opened criminal cases against her.
Money transfers were regularly received from France and Japan in the name of the Queen. The Empress received them and donated them to four kindergartens. This was confirmed by the former manager of the Starobelsky branch of the State Bank, Ruf Leontyevich Shpilev, and the chief accountant Klokolov.
She did handicrafts, making blouses and scarves, and for making hats she was sent straws from Japan. All this was done on orders from local fashionistas.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna

In 1931, the Tsarina appeared at the Starobelsky Okrot Department of the GPU and stated that she had 185,000 marks in her account in the Berlin Reichsbank, as well as $300,000 in the Chicago Bank. She allegedly wants to put all these funds at the disposal of the Soviet government, provided that it provides for her old age.
The Empress’s statement was forwarded to the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR, which instructed the so-called “Credit Bureau” to negotiate with foreign countries about receiving these deposits!
In 1942, Starobelsk was occupied, on the same day she was invited to breakfast with Colonel General Kleist, who invited her to move to Berlin, to which the Tsarina replied with dignity: “I am Russian and I want to die in my homeland.” Then she They offered to choose any house in the city that she wanted: it would not do for such a person to huddle in a cramped dugout. But she refused that too.
The only thing she agreed to was to use the services of German doctors. , the city commandant still ordered to install a sign at the Empress’s home with the inscription in Russian and German: “Do not disturb Her Majesty.”
Which she was very happy about, because in her dugout behind the screen there were... wounded Soviet tankers.
German was very useful. The tankers managed to get out, and they safely crossed the front line. Taking advantage of the favor of the authorities, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna saved many prisoners of war and local residents who were threatened with reprisals.
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna lived under the name from 1927 until her death in 1948 in the city of Starobelsk, Lugansk region. She took monastic tonsure in the name of Alexandra at the Starobelsky Holy Trinity Monastery.

Kosygin - Tsarevich Alexei

- became Alexei Nikolaevich Kosygin (1904 - 1980). Twice Hero of Social. Labor (1964, 1974). Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru. In 1935, he graduated from the Leningrad Textile Institute. In 1938, head. department of the Leningrad regional party committee, chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council.
Wife Klavdiya Andreevna Krivosheina (1908 - 1967) - niece of A. A. Kuznetsov. Daughter Lyudmila (1928 - 1990) was married to Jermen Mikhailovich Gvishiani (1928 - 2003). Son of Mikhail Maksimovich (1905 - 1966) since 1928 in the State Political Directorate of Internal Affairs of Georgia. In 1937-38 deputy Chairman of the Tbilisi City Executive Committee. In 1938, 1st deputy. People's Commissar of the NKVD of Georgia. In 1938 – 1950 beginning UNKVDUNKGBUMGB Primorsky Krai. In 1950 - 1953 beginning UMGB Kuibyshev region. Grandsons Tatyana and Alexey.
The Kosygin family was friends with the families of the writer Sholokhov, composer Khachaturian, and rocket designer Chelomey.
In 1940 – 1960 – deputy prev Council of People's Commissars - Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1941 - deputy. prev Council for the evacuation of industry to the eastern regions of the USSR. From January to July 1942 - Commissioner of the State Defense Committee in besieged Leningrad. Participated in the evacuation of the population and industrial enterprises and property of Tsarskoe Selo. The Tsarevich walked around Ladoga on the yacht “Standard” and knew the surroundings of the Lake well, so he organized the “Road of Life” through the Lake to supply the city.
Nikolayevich created an electronics center in Zelenograd, but enemies in the Politburo did not allow him to bring this idea to fruition. And today Russia is forced to purchase household appliances and computers from all over the world.
The Sverdlovsk Region produced everything from strategic missiles to bacteriological weapons, and was filled with underground cities hiding under the symbols “Sverdlovsk-42”, and there were more than two hundred such “Sverdlovsks”.
He helped because he expanded the borders at the expense of the Arab lands.
He implemented projects for the development of gas and oil fields in Siberia.
But the Jews, members, made the main line of the budget the export of crude oil and gas - instead of the export of processed products, as Kosygin (Romanov) wanted.
In 1949, during the promotion of G. M. Malenkov’s “Leningrad Affair,” Kosygin miraculously survived. During the investigation, deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, “organized Kosygin’s long trip around Siberia, due to the need to strengthen cooperation activities and improve matters with the procurement of agricultural products.” Stalin agreed on this business trip with Mikoyan on time, because he was poisoned and from the beginning of August to the end of December 1950 lay in his dacha, miraculously remaining alive!
When addressing Alexei, Stalin affectionately called him “Kosyga”, since he was his nephew. Sometimes Stalin called him Tsarevich in front of everyone.
In the 60s Tsarevich Alexei, realizing the ineffectiveness of the existing system, proposed a transition from social economics to real economics. Keep records of sold, not manufactured, products as the main indicator of enterprise performance, etc. Alexey Nikolaevich Romanov normalized relations between the USSR and China during the conflict on the island. Damansky, meeting at the airport in Beijing with the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai.
Alexey Nikolaevich visited the Venevsky Monastery in the Tula region and communicated with the nun Anna, who was in touch with the entire Royal Family. He even once gave her a diamond ring for clear predictions. And shortly before his death he came to her, and she told him that He would die on December 18th!
The death of the Tsarevich coincided with the birthday of L.I. Brezhnev on December 18, 1980, and during these days the country did not know that the dacha was located on the territory of the Vvedensky Skete of the Seraphim-Ponetaevsky Monastery. Now all that remains of the Skete is the former baptismal sanctuary. It was closed in 1927 by the NKVD. This was preceded by general searches, after which all the nuns were relocated to different monasteries in Arzamas and Ponetaevka. And icons, jewelry, bells and other property were taken to Moscow.
In the 20s - 30s. Nicholas II stayed in Diveevo at st. Arzamasskaya, 16, in the house of Alexandra Ivanovna Grashkina - schemanun Dominica (1906 - 2009).
Stalin built a dacha in Sukhumi next to the dacha of the Royal Family and came there to meet with the Emperor and his cousin Nicholas II.
In the uniform of an officer, Nicholas II visited Stalin in the Kremlin, as confirmed by General Vatov (d. 2004), who served in Stalin’s guard.
Marshal Mannerheim, having become the President of Finland, immediately withdrew from the war, as he secretly communicated with the Emperor. And in Mannerheim’s office there hung a portrait of Nicholas II. Confessor of the Royal Family since 1912, Fr. Alexey (Kibardin, 1882 - 1964), living in Vyritsa, arrived there from Finland in 1956 on a permanent residence. the Tsar's eldest daughter, Olga.
In Sofia after the revolution, in the building of the Holy Synod on St. Alexander Nevsky Square, the confessor of the Highest Family, Vladyka Feofan (Bistrov), lived.
Vladyka never served a memorial service for the August Family and told his cell attendant that the Royal Family was alive! And even in April 1931 he went to Paris to meet with Sovereign Nicholas II and with the people who freed the Royal Family from captivity. Bishop Theophan also said that over time the Romanov Family would be restored, but through the female line.


Head Department of Biology of the Ural Medical Academy Oleg Makeev said: “Genetic examination after 90 years is not only complicated due to the changes that have occurred in the bone tissue, but also cannot give an absolute result even if it is carried out carefully. , used in studies already conducted, is still not recognized as evidence by any court in the world.”
The foreign expert commission to investigate the fate of the Royal Family, created in 1989, chaired by Pyotr Nikolaevich Koltypin-Vallovsky, ordered a study by scientists from Stanford University and received data on the DNA discrepancy of the “Ekaterinburg people”.
The commission provided for DNA analysis a fragment of the finger of V.K. St. Elizabeth Feodorovna, whose relics are kept in the Jerusalem Temple of Mary.
« The sisters and their children should have identical mitochondrial DNA, but the results of the analysis of the remains of Elizaveta Fedorovna do not correspond to the previously published DNA of the alleged remains of Alexandra Fedorovna and her daughters,” was the conclusion of the scientists.
The experiment was carried out by an international team of scientists led by Dr. Alec Knight, a molecular taxonomist from Stanford University, with the participation of geneticists from Eastern Michigan University, Los Alamos National Laboratory with the participation of Dr. Lev, an employee of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
After the death of an organism, the DNA begins to quickly decompose (cut) into pieces, and the more time passes, the more these parts are shortened. After 80 years, without creating special conditions, DNA segments longer than 200–300 nucleotides are not preserved. And in 1994, during analysis, a segment of 1,223 nucleotides was isolated».
Thus, Pyotr Koltypin-Vallovskoy emphasized: “ Geneticists again refuted the results of an examination carried out in 1994 in a British laboratory, on the basis of which it was concluded that the “Ekaterinburg remains” belonged to Tsar Nicholas II and his Family.».
Japanese scientists presented the Moscow Patriarchate with the results of their research regarding the “Ekaterinburg” ones.
On December 7, 2004, in the MP building, Bishop Alexander of Dmitrov, vicar of the Moscow Diocese, met with Dr. Tatsuo Nagai. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Department of Forensic and Scientific Medicine at Kitazato University (Japan). Since 1987, he has been working at Kitazato University, is vice-dean of the Joint School of Medical Sciences, director and professor of the Department of Clinical Hematology and the Department of Forensic Medicine. He published 372 scientific papers and made 150 presentations at international medical conferences in various countries. Member of the Royal Society of Medicine in London.
He identified the mitochondrial DNA of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. During the assassination attempt on Tsarevich Nicholas II in Japan in 1891, his handkerchief remained there and was applied to the wound. It turned out that the DNA structures from the cuts in 1998 in the first case differ from the DNA structure in both the second and third cases. The doctor's research team took a sample of dried sweat from the clothes of Nicholas II, stored in the Catherine Palace, and performed a mitochondrial analysis on it.
In addition, a mitochondrial DNA analysis was carried out on the hair, lower jaw bone and thumbnail of V.K. Georgiy Alexandrovich, the younger brother, buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. He compared DNA from bone cuts buried in 1998 in the Peter and Paul Fortress with blood samples from Emperor Nicholas II’s own nephew Tikhon Nikolaevich, as well as with samples of the sweat and blood of Tsar Nicholas II himself.
Dr. Nagai's conclusions: "We obtained different results from those obtained by Drs. Peter Gill and Dr. Pavel Ivanov in five respects."

Glorification of the King

(Finkelstein, d. 2000), while mayor of St. Petersburg, committed a monstrous crime - he issued death certificates for Nicholas II and members of his family to Leonida Georgievna. He issued certificates in 1996 - without even waiting for the conclusions of Nemtsov’s “official commission”.
The “protection of the rights and legitimate interests” of the “imperial house” in Russia began in 1995 by the late Leonida Georgievna, who, on behalf of her daughter, the “head of the Russian imperial house,” applied for state registration of the deaths of members of the Imperial House killed in 1918–1919. , and issuing death certificates."
On December 1, 2005, an application was submitted to the Prosecutor General's Office for the “rehabilitation of Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family.” This application was submitted on behalf of “Princess” Maria Vladimirovna by her lawyer G. Yu. Lukyanov, who replaced Sobchak in this post.
The glorification of the Tsar, although it took place under (Alexy II) at the Council of Bishops, was just a cover for the “consecration” of the Temple of Solomon.
After all, only a Local Council can glorify the king in person. Because the King is the exponent of the Spirit of the entire people, and not just the Priesthood. That is why the decision of the Council of Bishops in 2000 must be approved by the Local Council.
According to the ancients, saints can be glorified after healing from various ailments occurs at their graves. After this, it is checked how this or that ascetic lived. If he lived a righteous life, then healings come from God. If not, then such healings are performed by the Demon, and they will later turn into new diseases.
In order to be convinced from your own experience, you need to go to the grave of Emperor Nicholas II, in Nizhny Novgorod at the Red Etna cemetery, where he was buried on December 26, 1958.
The funeral service and burial of Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II was performed by the famous Nizhny Novgorod elder and priest (Dolbunov, d. 1996).
Whoever the Lord grants to go to the grave and be healed will be able to see it from his own experience.
It is yet to be done at the federal level.
Sergey Zhelenkov