Is it possible to return overpaid loan interest to your account if you repay it early? How to force the bank to return interest on a loan.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, when applying for a loan, the borrower is obliged to pay the amount of debt and the interest due on it. But, despite the frequent practice of lending in Russia, few borrowers know that they can demand a refund of interest on the loan.

Any loan, including a consumer loan, may have all sorts of hidden fees - additional interest on top of the base rate, for insurance, opening a loan bank account, for early closure of a loan, etc. Such actions are illegal and the overpaid interest on them can be returned.

Interest on a consumer loan can be refunded:

  • in case of early repayment of debt;
  • for tax deductions;
  • in case of return poor quality goods purchased on credit.

Refund of interest on annuity lending

The vast majority of consumer loans are loans issued under the annuity system. What does it mean? With this lending system, the amount of contributions is fixed and does not change throughout the entire period of repayment of the debt, but interest for using the loan is accrued on the balance of the loan debt. It should be noted here that the amount of contributions is always large at first, and the amount of repayment of the principal debt is, on the contrary, insignificant. Therefore, by repaying such a loan ahead of schedule, the borrower overpays interest for using the loan, which he has already fully paid off and closed.

Therefore, it turns out that in case of early repayment, the borrower overpays the interest amount for using the loan itself.

Art. 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines interest as a fee for the borrower’s use of the amount that is issued on credit. Consequently, the bank can charge interest for the period from the moment the loan is issued until it is fully repaid. Therefore, the bank has no right to demand that the borrower pay interest for the period when he did not use the loan.

You can return interest on an annuity loan as follows:

  • close the entire amount at a bank teller or through an online service;
  • contact the place where you received the loan on the day of the next payment established by the loan agreement;
  • if the debt is fully repaid, you will be completely released from payments;
  • If the debt is partially repaid, the institution recalculates the schedule.
There is also a procedure for returning interest paid for differentiated lending. If the borrower wants to return interest upon early repayment of differentiated lending, you need to:
  • top up your account;
  • contact the place where the loan was issued on the day of the scheduled payment and fill out all the necessary documents.

Refund of loan interest with tax deduction

A tax deduction is an amount that reduces the amount of income from which taxes are in turn paid. Thus, the income you receive is only 87% of the total amount of your earnings, the remaining 13% is income tax, which your employer pays to the state. It is this 13% that can be returned in certain cases.

A return of 13 percent of a consumer loan can be made in the case of a targeted loan issued for the purchase of real estate, if:

  • The cost of mortgage housing is no more than 2 million rubles - 13% of the cost is returned.
  • The cost of mortgaged housing exceeds 2 million rubles - the deduction from the amount cannot exceed 260 thousand rubles. You can also return 13% of the interest paid under the loan agreement.

To get back the income tax withheld after purchasing a home, you need to:

  • write an application to the Federal Tax Service;
  • submit a package of documents to the Tax Inspectorate.

Such a package of documents must contain:

  • tax return with income for last year;
  • documents confirming the purchase of housing and ownership of it;
  • documents confirming payment of interest on mortgage loan;
  • income certificate;
  • agreement confirming the issuance of a loan.

Refund of loan interest when purchasing low-quality goods

Let's say you took out a phone on credit, and it broke down within the next few months. Diagnostics showed that the phone was faulty, the purchase and sale agreement was terminated, and the deposit was returned to you. But there remains a certain amount of interest that you have regularly paid to the bank these few months. The question is: how can I get this interest back now? The law obliges the return of the amount paid for the goods, given before the moment of its return and the amount paid for using the loan. In this case, the return of interest on the loan is often carried out by the store where the low-quality product was purchased.

01/27/2018Andrey Govorov

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When we take out a loan from a banking institution, this institution is guided by the repayment period specified in the agreement. The bank is not interested in the return being made ahead of schedule, because in this case it simply does not receive the projected profit, which is unprofitable for it. That’s why banks are trying to create all the conditions that would make it possible to protect them financial situation in a situation where early repayment will be made. But still, the truth often turns out to be on the side of the borrower - and it is possible not only to pay off debt obligations ahead of schedule, but also to return interest on the loan if repaid early.

Why is this necessary?

Why do we need a refund of interest paid at all? The fact is that when you make a full early repayment, when you repay the loan in full and close the contract, a situation may arise that you overpaid. For example, you had an agreement according to which interest rate on the loan is 10%, the duration of the contract is 10 years. At the same time, for the first year you pay an amount of interest payments that is equal to 20% of the total amount of interest that you must pay for all these 10 years - this may arise due to the nature of the contract.

It turns out that instead of a tenth of the interest payments, you paid (or must pay after the fact) a fifth - therefore you are claiming a refund of ten percent, because they were paid in excess, not in accordance with the agreement that was agreed upon earlier. So you need to refund the overpaid interest.

How do banks feel about this?

Banks, of course, are not interested in people returning the amounts they overpaid. Therefore, some of them play it safe and insert clauses into loan agreements that stipulate in advance that interest will not be returned if the loan is paid early. For example, such lines are in the agreement of VTB 24 and a number of other banking institutions. Most of the time, people just accept it as a given - and sometimes this is the right decision.

Some large banks, for example, Sberbank, on the contrary, are calm about the return of overpayments.

But you can also try filing a lawsuit. Although sometimes cases are lost, the court is often on the side of the borrower; there are many such precedents. So it all rather depends on what amounts we are talking about. If they are significant, if the overpayments on interest are serious, it makes sense to sue the bank.

How to behave in other cases?

If the bank does not provide for such clauses in the agreement, the situation becomes much simpler. All you need to do is fill out an application for a refund of interest. If the payments are annuity, interest is returned during the next monthly payment, otherwise - at any time, subject to the preparation of a special agreement.

Remember that the state, by and large, is on the side of the borrower, so try to demand a refund. In this case, you can refer to Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to it, interest is a fee for the borrower’s use of the loan amount, and, therefore, is payable only for the period from the date the loan was issued until the date of its full repayment. If the interest is written off in favor of some other period - which, in fact, happens when there is an overpayment - then it turns out that a violation is occurring, and any violation is a direct reason for proceedings.

If you do not want to lose money, if you believe that your rights are being infringed and write off cash happened illegitimately, then most optimal solution will contact a professional lawyer who will help study the situation and suggest exactly how to proceed, what measures to take and what measures to take legislative acts Emphasis should be placed on ensuring that the situation in question is resolved in your favor.

Read also: Return of interest on a mortgage loan in 2016

Andrey Govorov

Financial Advisor

Income tax refund on loan

Every month, every citizen of our country gives the state a part of their own earnings in the form of income tax. At the same time, the more wages, the greater the tax amount will be. But if you are a borrower, then in some cases you have more than just the option of returning the loan insurance. but also to reimburse this type of tax.

Only residents who have an identification number have the right to refund the tax on the loan.

Refund of loan interest.

We all take out loans in one way or another sometimes. This could be a phone loan or a mortgage. Let's consider the essence of credit. is a service for which you need to pay money or interest to the bank.

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— Most people are more loyal to overpayments and do not “catch up” with them, but I recommend that you do this, since it is possible and correct. It is worth considering that you can return any overpayment, even for current payments, even after paying off the entire debt. To return it, you will need to find a payment receipt and actually write an application to the bank, then go to the nearest bank branch with these two pieces of paper.

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We are talking about a specific clause of the agreement - about charging a commission for maintaining a bank account, and this is illegal. When you borrow from a bank, you do not open an account in order to transfer funds to it, withdraw them from it, receive some kind of profit from it, etc. That is, the bank does not make any effort to maintain your account. And sometimes he charges significant amounts for this. For example, if you pay 3,500 rubles per month, the payment for maintaining an account can be 2,500 rubles per month.

How to force the bank to return interest on a loan

On recalculation of interest in case of early repayment of a loan

Details Published 05/03/2016 17:04

On recalculation of interest for early repayment of a loan

Early repayment of a loan turns out to be beneficial for a number of borrowers, but a natural question arises whether it is realistic to reduce the amount in this case bank interest. It can be especially difficult to figure out if the agreement provides for repayment of the loan in annuity payments, that is, equal monthly amounts throughout the entire term of the agreement.

Loan interest repayment

Turning to judicial practice, it can be noted that when considering claims for recalculation of interest on early repaid annuity loans, primary and mid-level courts often refer to the fact that the structure of annuity payments contains the amount of interest for the actually expired, and not planned in the contract, period of using the loan, from which logically follows that extra money After early repayment of the loan, the bank will not take it from the debtor who has paid off.

This point of view of the judges is also reflected in the decision of the Zavyalovsky District Court Altai Territory By statement of claim Irina Shichenko, and in the appeal ruling of the Altai Regional Court in the same case. In November 2011, Irina Shichenko took out a loan from one of the Sberbank branches in the amount of 300 thousand rubles at 18.2% per annum, for a period of 5 years, which is 60 months, with the condition of repayment in annuity payments. The loan was repaid in 37 months instead of 60, after which Irina Shichenko recalculated the amount of interest taking into account the actual period of use of the borrowed funds and filed a lawsuit against Sberbank to recover from it overpaid interest on the loan, interest for the use of other people's funds, penalties for non-compliance with consumer requirements, penalties for violation of deadlines for completing services and compensation for moral damage. Two courts refused to satisfy the stated demands, and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ruled cassation appeal Shichenko's ruling, which sent the case for review to the Altai Regional Court. Referring in its ruling to Article 32 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, paragraph 1 of Article 819 and paragraph 4 of Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recommended that the court, when reviewing this case, check the validity of the calculation of interest paid and make a decision taking this into account.

The reference to Article 32 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation recalls a similar case won in Novoaltaisk in 2012, when the magistrate upheld Igor Bekhinov’s claim against VTB Bank 24 in terms of overpaid interest for using a loan, interest for using someone else’s money and compensation for moral damage. In addition, in 2014, the Supreme Court already spoke in favor of the borrower Alexander Davydkov in a lawsuit with the Bryansk office of SKB Bank. The recommendation of the RF Armed Forces to lower courts to check the legality of interest calculations is obvious and justified; it remains to be understood what needs to be paid attention to when checking the early repayment of annuity loans.

The main difficulty for the borrower of an annuity loan is to independently calculate the amount of the monthly payment using a rather complex formula, which, in fact, involves the planned repayment period in months. Different in appearance, but giving the same result of calculations, variants of these formulas are easy to find on the Internet; one of the options is indicated, for example, in the description of consumer loans on the Sberbank website, in the document “ General conditions by product." For clarity, we will consider the Sberbank formula using the example of the Shichenko case. To calculate, it is convenient to use online calculators for exponentiation.

Sberbank formula: Pl=S*(P annual/(12*100))/(1- (1+P annual/(12*100))^(-T))

The expression (P annual/(12*100)), that is, the annual interest rate divided by 12 and 100, is how the monthly interest is calculated, or rather the monthly coefficient, since we have already divided by 100. Then the monthly annuity payment is equal to the loan amount or the amount of the loan balance multiplied by the following fraction: the coefficient for the month divided by the expression 1 - (1 + the coefficient for the month, raised to the same power with a minus sign, how many months are written in the loan agreement or how many months are left until repayment). We substitute the amount of 300 thousand rubles, the annual rate of 18.2 and the number of months 60:

Pl=300000*(18.2/12/100)/(1- (1+18.2/12/100)^(-60))=300000*0.015/(1- (1+1/1.015^60 ))


Due to rounding of decimal places, when calculating independently, we get an amount close to the bank 7650 rubles, but with a difference of several rubles. Online credit calculators give results even closer to the bank results, which we will take as a basis.

Interest for 1 month: 300000*18.2/12/100=4550
Loan amount for 1 month: 7650-4550=3100
Interest for 2 months: (300000-3100)*18.2/12/100=4503
Loan amount for 2 months: 7650-4503=3147
Interest for the 3rd month: (300000-3100-3147)*18.2/12/100=4455
Loan amount for 3 months: 7650-4455=3195
And so on…

Having delved into the principle of calculating annuity payments, we can notice that if one fine month, say, the 37th month out of 60, the borrower has an amount sufficient for one-time early repayment of the entire loan balance, then upon such repayment, demand There is really no reason to recalculate the interest paid.

It’s another matter if in the middle of the contract period the borrower repaid part of the loan balance or, more interestingly, with each payment or for some payment terms repeatedly - and possibly unevenly - exceeded the annuity payment amount. If the amount actually paid for the next repayment period exceeds the annuity amount, then it turns out that the interest in the annuity part for the actual past month has been paid, the new month has not yet arrived, part of the loan body has been repaid according to the schedule as part of the annuity part, and the borrower quite logically assumes that the amount in excess of the annuity payment will additionally repay the loan principal, which will subsequently lead to a reduction in the interest due to the bank.

But it must be remembered that by law, namely paragraph 3 of Article 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of a citizen borrower who has received a loan for non-entrepreneurial purposes to repay the loan (credit) amount ahead of schedule is conditioned by his obligation to notify the lender (lender) about this no less than 30 days prior to such return or more short term established by the contract.

In case of one or two early partial repayments in the middle of the contractual period, the bank may agree to calculate new annuity repayment schedules at the request of the borrower, but if each borrower repays different amounts every month that exceed the payment previously calculated and fixed in the agreement, and require regular recalculation of interest, then banks are likely to provide organized resistance, say, both by introducing restrictions for borrowers into the texts of loan agreements and by lobbying for changes to the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Apparently, attempts in this direction are already underway. Thus, the Association of Russian Banks hopes for the adoption of the prepared amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, prohibiting the early repayment of mortgage loans without the consent of the lender. For consumer loans and loans, exceptions are expected to remain.

Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 2016 in case No. 51-KG15-14.

The interest rate on the loan refers to the essential terms of the loan agreement. Its size and procedure for determining it, including depending on changes in the conditions stipulated in the loan agreement, are usually established by the lender by agreement with the borrower (clause

Early repayment of a loan from Sberbank and return of interest

1 tbsp. 819 Civil Code of the Russian Federation; Part 1 Art. 29, part 2 art. 30 of the Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1).

Interest accrual at monthly and daily loan interest rates

The amount of interest (AS) as part of the loan payment is calculated differently in individual banks. Some banks determine the monthly interest rate to calculate it, others - the daily interest rate (a more common case).

In the first case, the amount of interest is calculated using the formula:

SP = SKost. x PS,

where SKost. - the balance of the loan on which interest is charged;

PV is the monthly interest rate (1/12 of the annual interest rate divided by 100).

In the second case, the amount of interest is calculated using the formula:

SP = SKost. x (P / (yearly days) x days),

where P is the annual interest rate divided by 100;

year. days - number of days in a year (365 or 366 days);

days — the number of days for which interest is accrued in the current period. If payments are monthly, then the value “days.” maybe, depending on the month, from 28 to 31.

Sometimes in calculations the value “year. days." regardless of leap year is 365. In individual banks this value is always 360.

Example: Calculation of interest on a loan

1. The balance of the loan is 100,000 rubles.

The billing period is from 02/10/2017 to 03/09/2017 (both dates inclusive), that is, the number of days in billing period — 29.

Calculated interest amount = (16% / 100 / 365 x 29) x 100,000 = RUB 1,271.23

2. Interest is calculated slightly differently if the billing period falls partly on a normal year and partly on a leap year.

The balance of the loan is 100,000 rubles.

The interest rate is 16% per annum.

The billing period is from 12/10/2016 to 01/09/2017 (both dates inclusive). In this case total quantity days in the billing period - 31, but 9 of them relate to in a normal year, and 22 is a leap year.

Calculated interest amount = (16% / 100 / 365 x 9) x 100,000 + (16% / 100 / 366 x 22) x 100,000 = RUB 1,356.27

Interest accrual for annuity and differentiated loan repayment methods

According to the terms of the agreement, the loan can be repaid with annuity and differentiated payments.

Thus, in accordance with the annuity procedure for repaying the loan, it is subject to repayment through the borrower’s monthly payment of a fixed amount. sum of money, which primarily includes the full payment of interest accrued on the principal balance, as well as a portion of the loan itself, calculated so that all monthly payments are equal.

A differentiated method of loan repayment involves payment of payments that are not the same throughout the loan term, including fixed amount, forming part of the principal debt, and interest in excess of it.

In any case, the payment consists of two parts - the amount of interest (SP) and part of the principal debt (AP):

AP = SP + OD.

Regardless of the method of loan repayment, interest is accrued at general formula mentioned above.

Peculiarities of calculating interest under a consumer loan agreement

The interest rate under a consumer credit (loan) agreement is determined using one of the rates (Part 1, Article 9 of Law No. 353-FZ of December 21, 2013):

  • fixed rate;
  • variable rate - depending on the change in the variable amount provided for in the contract.

If a variable interest rate is applied, the lender is obliged to notify the borrower of its change no later than seven days from the beginning of the lending period during which the changed rate will be applied (Part 4 of Article 9 of Law No. 353-FZ).

At the same time, the legislation regarding a consumer loan (loan) establishes a limit on its total cost (PV), which affects the interest rate on it (Part 11, Article 6 of Law No. 353-FZ).

Pay attention!

Depending on whether, according to the agreement, interest is accrued on the amount of a consumer loan (loan) for the period of delay by the borrower in repaying it or paying interest on it, the amount of the penalty for such delay cannot exceed (Part 21, Article 5 of Law No. 353-FZ) :

— 20% per annum if interest is accrued for the period of delay;

— 0.1% of the amount of overdue debt for each day of delay, if interest is not accrued for the period of delay.

Features of calculating interest under a microloan agreement concluded with a microfinance organization

The amount of interest on a short-term (up to a year) consumer microloan agreement concluded with a microfinance organization from January 1, 2017 is limited to three times the loan amount.

For contracts concluded during the period from March 29, 2016 to December 31, 2016, such a prohibition applies if the amount of accrued interest and other payments under the contract (except for penalties and fees) additional services) is four times the amount of the loan (clause 9, part 1, article 12 of the Law dated 07/02/2010 N 151-FZ; part 7, article 22 of the Law dated 07/03/2016 N 230-FZ; Information from the Bank of Russia “Questions and answers. Microfinance organizations").

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In certain cases, the law provides for the possibility of returning to the taxpayer part of the taxes paid. If a citizen has taken out a consumer loan, then it is possible to receive a tax deduction only if the borrowed funds were spent on certain purposes specified in Tax Code RF. This article will discuss the possibility of returning part of the income tax for consumer lending.

A taxpayer can count on a tax refund from a loan if he used borrowed funds for certain social goals or to improve living conditions.

Important! It is possible to return income tax on a consumer loan if the funds were spent on improving housing conditions only if the loan agreement states that the funds are earmarked and can only be used to improve housing conditions (purchase of an apartment, construction of a house).

Social tax deduction for education

So, a taxpayer can return part of the income tax if he spent borrowed funds on the education of his children or his own full-time education, if the education was received before the age of 24.

Important! Social deductions are not provided if education was paid for from maternal family capital.

Moreover, this social deduction is limited to a maximum amount of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Can I get back the overpaid interest if I repay early?

per year per child for both parents. For example, if a taxpayer paid 100 thousand rubles for his child’s education in 2015, then he will be able to return tax deduction for 2015 only 50 thousand rubles. by virtue of direct instructions in the law.

Besides this, educational institution must have a license for the relevant educational activities.

Important! The student’s brother (sister) can also take advantage of this deduction if he paid for education full-time education for their brother (sister) until they reach the age of 24 years.

Social deduction for medical treatment using consumer loan funds

Also, a taxpayer can receive a social deduction from the borrowed funds spent if these funds were spent on the treatment of a citizen or the treatment of his close relatives (spouse, parents, children under the age of 18). And also in the amount of costs for purchasing medicines.

This social deduction also has a limitation on the maximum refund amount - the taxpayer can return no more than 120 thousand rubles as a deduction in one calendar year.

Important! If the treatment was expensive in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, then the taxpayer has the right to return as a deduction the funds actually spent without limiting the maximum refund amount.

Property deduction for improving housing conditions

In addition, the taxpayer can return the income tax paid from a consumer loan if the loan was targeted and was spent on improving the borrower’s living conditions.

And there are features here because a citizen can return not only a deduction from the amount of borrowed funds, but can also take advantage of a deduction from the interest paid on a targeted consumer loan.

For example, the loan amount is 1 million rubles, in this case the borrower can return 13% in the form of principal property deduction(130 thousand rubles). The amount of interest for the use of borrowed funds amounted to 1 million rubles, so the taxpayer can also return 13% of the interest paid (130 thousand rubles).

Important! With a social deduction for education or medical treatment You can only return income tax on the principal amount of the loan. You cannot receive a deduction from interest paid on a consumer loan for these needs.

The procedure for obtaining a deduction for a consumer loan

To receive the education deduction, the taxpayer must file a tax office application accompanied by the following documents:

  • birth certificate and passport of the student, as well as the passport of the parent;
  • a certified copy of the license of the educational institution;
  • receipts for tuition fees;
  • agreement on paid education;
  • certificate of the applicant’s income from the employer.

When receiving a deduction for paid treatment, the following is submitted to the tax office:

  • receipts for payment for treatment;
  • agreement on paid medical care;
  • receipts for the purchase of medicines;
  • a copy of the license of the medical institution;
  • certificate of income of the taxpayer.

So, you can return income tax paid not from any consumer loan, but only from a loan spent on certain social purposes or to improve the borrower’s living conditions.

ATTENTION! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

Krainikov Vladimir

Specialist in credit obligations, pre-trial and judicial settlement of loan disputes, assistance to borrowers in reducing loan debt.

Credits, loans

And We are ready to help you.

How much can you pay?

How high interest rates unite dissatisfied borrowers

For a year, civil activist Ermek Narymbaev argued in courts that he was paying illegal hidden payments to the bank on his mortgage for an apartment in Almaty. The court sided with Narymbaev, who is also waging an aggressive information campaign against the practices of local banks.

At the end last week The Almaty City Court ruled that Ermek Narymbaev should not pay Alliance Bank anything except the balance of the principal debt and 10 percent of annual commissions.

Lawyers from Spravedlivost LLC will help you get your money back for illegal bank insurance.

After applying for a loan from a bank, take a careful look at your agreement. Surely there are hidden interest and commissions. And such violations by banks affected not only you. Previously, one would have had to come to terms with the fact that one had to pay “draconian” interest rates to the bank. However, now the situation has changed and everyone has a real opportunity to sue the bank for their money.


04/13/2012 Lyudmila Milevskaya

Often, wanting to borrow a large sum from the bank as soon as possible, the borrower signs loan agreement, without delving into the details, and in the end is forced to pay commissions that he did not expect at all. Meanwhile, not all bank fees are legal.

On the side of the borrowers are Rospotrebnadzor and the Supreme Arbitration Court (SAC). Their position is that a borrower, without special financial education, may not understand the intricacies of the contract and be infringed on his rights, therefore his rights need special protection, albeit to the detriment of the interests of banks.

Collect all documents confirming your lending relationship with the bank and all payments you have made on the loan.

This is, first of all, your loan agreement, receipts confirming your deposit of cash into the bank's cash desk (or postal orders, bank transfers from another credit institution, checks from instant payment terminals or third-party organizations through which you made payments - for example, cell phone stores communications, etc.

How to get back hidden interest on a loan

I hasten to tell you that we now have a department for working with consumers of credit services.

We know how to recover overpaid loan interest, illegally withheld commissions and hidden fees.

And We are ready to help you.

The choice is yours - silently overpay the interest on the loan or contact us.

Instructions for returning bank commissions

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Since no one has been living by subsistence farming for a long time, money has become an absolutely necessary item for our contemporary people.

How to get back hidden interest on a loan

At the Sberbank branch I was offered to get a credit card. Upon receipt of the card I was given:

— sheet “Information on the full cost of the loan”;

— sheet “Calculation of the total cost of the loan”

they indicate the presence of a grace (interest-free) period and the absence of commission when using a credit card.

I was not familiarized with any other terms and conditions for receiving and using a credit card.

Questions in the Consumer Loan section

Date: 02/06/14 19:23

Hello. I took out loans from different banks at one time, now there is nothing to pay, what should I do?


How to force the bank to return interest on a loan?

This is not a simple question that cannot be answered unequivocally. It all depends on which banks the loans were issued at, the amount of debt, etc. Read more at the link

Date: 02/04/14 17:43

Hello! Tell me, what kind of court decisions are there on consumer loans?


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Life is unpredictable, there are situations when you urgently need a small amount of money. Unforeseen expenses have become a common occurrence.

Every time you run to your neighbors for money - it’s a shame, to borrow money, leaving a receipt from a little-known private person is scary, it’s better to contact a trusted microfinance organization (MFO) Bystrodengi, the interest rate in which will allow you to solve financial difficulties with a minimal overpayment.

How to get back hidden interest on a loan

The point below is not how to deceive the bank and not return the money taken, not at all... (obligations taken must be fulfilled even for ethical and moral reasons), but how not to allow banks or credit institutions to lead you into debt bondage, which will be “tomorrow” - if you are late at least one payment. There is a certain principle in service with the banking collection structure: “those who are guilty of one thing are to blame for everything” and if you are the culprit of at least one delay - hold on... a whole bunch of interest, fines, penalties and other conceivable and unimaginable punishments will fall on your “once guilty” head...

When providing loans to the population, the legislation of the Russian Federation imposes a number of mandatory requirements on Banks, which, as practice shows, Banks almost always violate.

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Hidden loan fees

Despite numerous revocations of licenses from credit institutions, there are still enough operating banks in our country. Moreover, many of them continue to conduct their activities not entirely cleanly. Let's consider today what pitfalls hide commercial and state banks and how we can avoid them.

The legislation provides and describes the procedure for issuing and repaying a cash loan.

How to get back hidden interest on a loan

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The need to return overpaid funds on a loan may arise in different situations. For example, if the required amount for early repayment was incorrectly calculated or simply due to the borrower’s carelessness. In any case, this money is not lost. They can be returned either by voluntary agreement with the creditor or by judicial procedure. This is exactly what we will tell you in detail in this article.

Three stages of repayment of loan overpayment

Nowadays, overpayment of a loan is quite a rare occurrence, since banks require advance notification of their intention to make a full early repayment. Thanks to this, interest is recalculated so that excess funds are not deposited. Although, if you are in doubt or know for sure that you paid more on your loan than required, you can get your funds back. Moreover, regardless of what payment schedule was used - annuity or differentiated. To do this, you will need to perform a maximum of three simple steps:

1. Send a request to the bank requesting information about the amount of overpayment on the loan. You can download a sample application by clicking on the image below.

You can prepare 2 copies and submit one directly to the department, and on the second the responsible employee will mark the acceptance of the first. Or send one request by registered mail with notification to the address of the head bank.

2. Having received information about the amount of overpayment, you will need to contact the nearest branch of your bank to write an application for a refund. The form will be provided to you. In the application you indicate how you want to receive the money. There are often two options available:

    To a personal account (current, card) of the same or another bank;

    Cash through the cash register.

Large credit institutions almost always return overpaid money to their clients voluntarily on the day they apply.

3. If the bank refuses to voluntarily pay you overpaid loan funds, then this fact must be recorded. It is advisable to document it, but it is also possible with the help of video recording. After this, you will need to prepare to go to court. To draw up a claim, you will need the help of a qualified lawyer, since each case is individual, and it is not possible to provide a general sample. Before contacting a lawyer, prepare the following package of documents:

    Loan agreement.

    Additional agreements (payment schedule, insurance agreements, etc.)

    All loan payment receipts.

    The bank's response to your request about the presence of an overpayment.

    Your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the lawyer’s fees will be reimbursed to you as legal costs. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a specialist not according to the lower cost, but according to his qualifications. Moreover, even if your claims against the bank are rejected in a local court, you must contact the appellate court. If he also takes the side of the creditor, then feel free to submit a petition to Supreme Court RF. He will definitely support you. This can be confirmed thanks to his resolution on a similar case dated March 1, 2016.

Another important point is the deadline for repayment of overpaid loan funds. It lasts three years after full repayment of the loan. That is, this possibility is subject to the rule limitation period, and you should not put off going to the bank, and if it refuses, voluntarily pay the funds to the court.

The loan payment consists of the loan body (the principal part of the debt) and interest on the use of funds. The procedure for writing off interest in each institution is the same - this process is regulated by the Central Bank. However, some organizations provide separate clauses in the contract that provide greater freedom of action to the creditor.

Procedure for repaying interest on loans

The client pays interest on the loan monthly. The amount is calculated based on the balance of the debt, i.e. Every month the percentage decreases. The client will not notice this, since the payment does not change every month (the “body-interest” ratio is simply adjusted). If a differentiated payment scheme is used, the amount of payments per body is constant, and the contribution decreases with each payment due to a decrease in the amount of interest.

If an insufficient amount is received (less than the required amount indicated in the schedule), interest will be written off first, and the remainder will be used to pay off the loan. If there is a current delay, when the client makes a payment on the loan, the funds are written off in the following order:

  • penalty;
  • overdue interest;
  • urgent interest;
  • overdue principal amount;
  • current debt on the loan body.

Early repayment of interest on the loan (in advance) is not allowed. If the client pays part of the loan ahead of schedule, the current interest is written off, and the remainder goes to cover the principal debt. This will subsequently lead to a reduction in the amount of interest accrued.

Most banks, when repaying a loan early, require payment of interest for the time that the client actually used the money. That is, the client saves future interest payments. However, there are also institutions that stipulate in the contract that the client must repay the interest in full according to the schedule.

Is there a refund of interest on the loan upon early repayment?

If the client can demand the bank to return the overpaid interest. This is relevant for those loans for which annuity payments are made.


So, the amount of the contribution is the same every month, but at the initial stage the percentage of interest is very high - it can exceed the loan amount several times. For example, a client took out a mortgage with a bank for 10 years in the amount of 1 million rubles. with a rate of 10% per annum. It turns out that every year a citizen must give 10% to the institution (that is, for 6 months - 5%). If the client pays off the entire debt in six months, he will overpay 49,382.95 rubles. The total amount of interest for the entire loan period is 585,808.84 rubles. What part will be the interest for six months?

49,382.95 / 585,808.84 = 0.0843, that is, 8.43%.

In fact, 3.43% (8.43 – 5) was collected from the client unlawfully. In monetary terms, this is 0.0343 * 1,000,000 = 34,300 rubles.

How to return interest on a loan upon repayment? You should contact the bank with an application. If this does not bring results, you need to file a lawsuit. However, some banks (for example, VTB24) have included a clause in the contract stating that in case of early repayment, the client pays all accrued interest on the repayment date. If the borrower agreed to these conditions, it is unlikely that it will be possible to return the money even through court.

  1. Please read all fine print carefully before signing. You should fully understand the scheme for forming the monthly payment and the procedure for applying fines in case of delay.
  2. If you are planning to sue the bank for the return of overpaid interest, enlist the help of a lawyer who specializes in such cases. It is quite difficult to achieve good results on your own.
  3. Available on the Internet online calculators, with the help of which you can preliminarily calculate the amount of overpayment on the loan. However, when going to court, the data must be taken from a specific loan agreement signed at the bank.

QUESTION: Is it possible to return interest on a consumer loan that the bank withheld for the time during which the borrower no longer used the borrowed money? And how to return the interest on the loan?

ANSWER: Yes, you can, but only if you repay the loan early. Otherwise, there is no reason to return interest. We will tell you how to do this below.

By the way, if you repay the loan early, you can also return the cost of insurance, more about that. And, for example, in Sberbank this process looks like.

Taking apart this question, you should remember only one thing - the economic and common sense of returning an overpayment of interest on a loan only exists if you are in front of the bank. In all other cases, this should not be done.

Why is that so?

Yes, it's simple.

Nowadays, all banks everywhere work according to an annuity loan repayment scheme, but no one is forcing it on you, it’s already taken for granted. Although you can pay off your debt using a differentiated scheme.

The annuity system assumes that you will repay the loan with monthly payments, which in turn are very cleverly calculated by the bank.

That is, you will not pay every month an equal amount money - it will always be different. And its size will depend on the following logic of the bank: first of all, the credit institution writes off more interest on the loan and a small part of the principal debt, and then, closer to the end of the loan agreement, this proportion will change in the opposite direction. Smart, right?

You've probably already encountered all of this if you've ever taken out a loan, and even more so if you're now wondering how the interest on a loan is returned when the debt is repaid early. But for clarity, look below at an example of a loan repayment schedule - you will immediately understand everything from it, even if you have never borrowed from a bank.

The reason for this behavior of the bank is that the credit institution in any case wants to screw you over, and it is also trying to insure itself as much as possible against possible non-payment of the loan. A fool understands that the borrower will make the first few payments on the loan in any case, and then he may get tired of it all, or his financial situation will worsen, or something else.

In any case, if you repay the loan early and in full, it turns out that you have already paid usurious interest for the time during which you will not use the borrowed money. It turns out that the service was not fully provided. And for a service paid for but not received, the money must be returned, especially since you have all the legal rights to do so.

But to understand whether the game of returning money is worth the candle (and returning money is always more difficult than giving it away), you must first understand how much you can return.

How to return interest on a loan:

  • first read the loan agreement carefully (but if you have already repaid the loan ahead of schedule, then there is nothing there that prevents you from returning the overpaid interest)
  • write an application to the bank in two copies addressed to the manager (see example of an application at the end of the article)
  • In the application, indicate your request, your arguments and calculations
  • attach to it copies of the loan repayment schedule and a certificate of absence of debt
  • don’t be lazy, go to the bank branch where you took out the loan and submit an application to the bank employee on a first-come, first-served basis (this, of course, can also be done by mail by sending registered letter with an inventory and a note of delivery)
  • be sure to check that the employee puts a mark on your copy indicating its acceptance
  • If an employee ends up performing this operation, please contact the head of the department
  • if the head of the branch refuses to accept the application, then contact the bank management or directly to the court