Poor quality food product what to do. Spoiled products - where to complain? Sold low-quality goods

We live in a country where our rights are violated at every step, we are deceived, cheated, robbed, fooled, misrepresented false information, poisoned with medicines, low-quality products, bad environment. Sometimes this becomes so obvious that a person reaches an extreme degree of indignation and is ready to spend his nerves to restore justice. This is exactly what happens when spoiled food purchased at the nearest supermarket spoils our mood and health. Where to go to complain in such cases is a question that worries many people.

IN Western countries Excellent practice has developed: complain to higher authorities about any violation that infringes on the rights of buyers or harms their health. And these complaints really work there. In Russia they also like to complain, but only behind the scenes, in kitchens, in get-togethers. And if one, another, a third, a tenth, a twenty-fifth complained, the supervisory authorities would begin to work in full force. But where should one go to complain?

The first thing that comes to mind- bring the damaged product back to the store along with the receipt and demand its replacement with a quality one or a refund. Yes, that would be an easy option. But even if they replace your product with another or return your money, this will not set a precedent, and unscrupulous sellers will deceive customers again and again. It's better to file a complaint.

Regarding spoiled food, deception in stores, poor quality service, all this will be of interest to an organization called Rospotrebnadzor. Every city has reception offices at the city administration. You can come in person , write a statement in 2 copies. One of the copies must be stamped with a stamp indicating acceptance of the application. Also you can send an application by mail with notification of acceptance. You can even call by phone , but it’s not a fact that a telephone conversation will work - we’re used to trusting paper more than people.

With such a complaint you will create a precedent, a problem. The complaint must state the claim and attach evidence in the form of a receipt and a photograph of the spoiled food product.

If Rospotrebnadzor did not take any measures, did not respond to your application, or even refused to accept it, you can complain about this organization to the prosecutor’s office. Or you can complain to the head office Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer protection on the website rospotrebnadzor

All kinds Consumer Rights Protection Society also at your service: they have experienced lawyers who will help you competently write a complaint or lawsuit.

But the best part is that you can file a complaint against a store selling low-quality products. via the Internet . The same Rospotrebnadzor provides this opportunity. A complaint can be sent to specialists via special form. The letter must be formatted according to certain rules: Your details must be indicated: last name, first name and patronymic, postal address with zip code, all information about the store - address, name, product and all data from the receipt.

Every day, each of us goes to supermarkets, markets and regular grocery stores and purchases various goods there. In order not to run into spoiled products, you need to pay attention to their expiration date. But there are cases when the deadlines are in order, and after opening the package the product emits bad smell. Some foods, such as fruits and vegetables, do not have expiration dates at all, but may be stale or spoiled. The buyer will be able to evaluate the freshness of the purchase only at home, when he opens the package. We will explain what to do if you receive a product of inadequate quality, how to build your own, and tell you about all the rights of the consumer.

The process of returning low-quality products to the seller

If the expiration date is normal, but after opening the package the food product emits a sharp, specific odor, indicating its spoilage, or there is mold - this indicates improper storage conditions. They may be damaged during transportation or directly at the point of sale. In this case, the buyer has the right to write a claim for a low-quality food product and return the spoiled food back to the store or market. Let's consider what is needed for this.

All legal relations between the buyer and the seller are regulated by the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. It clearly states that food poor quality product It is possible to return it back if it is of poor quality.

This is considered a product that is unfit for consumption for objective reasons, namely:

  • the expiration date has expired;
  • discrepancy between the information on the packaging and its contents;
  • presence of foreign objects in the product.

The buyer can choose one of the options to resolve the situation with a poor quality product:

  1. Demand a full refund.
  2. Exchange the product for a similar one, but of proper quality.
  3. Agree to the discount and continue to use the food product.

If the consumer’s health has suffered from the consumption of a spoiled product, then he has the right to go to court and demand material and moral compensation, as well as reimbursement of treatment costs, if any. This is also possible when the product states that it does not cause allergies, but after eating it the buyer has an allergic reaction. Or if there is poisoning from low-quality products and the consumer suffers physical illness. In this situation, you will also have to defend your case in court.

Important: The period for returning money to the buyer for low-quality products is up to 10 days. In this case, the seller can transfer funds both on the day of application or within a specified period (for example, if the payment was made via a bank card)

If a complaint about low-quality products is based only on the buyer's personal feelings, then the seller may refuse his request for a replacement or refund. In this case, an examination of the purchased food product is carried out. If the suspicions are confirmed, the consumer will be refunded and all costs associated with contacting the expert commission will be reimbursed.

How to return a low-quality food product without a receipt and with a receipt

If the quality of the product is visible naked eye or you have an expert’s opinion on hand, then you need to contact the retail outlet where it was purchased. You must have with you:

  • cash or sales receipt;
  • poor quality product;
  • written expert opinion (if necessary).

If the sale was made without issuing a receipt or it was lost, then witness testimony is required that can confirm the fact of purchase in this particular store. You can also request video from surveillance cameras. It will be irrefutable evidence that the damaged product was purchased from this seller.

Compensation in case of purchasing low-quality products

The quality of a product cannot always be judged by external signs. It may have a normal taste and smell, but after consumption it may cause health problems. This may be indigestion, poisoning in any form, damage to the esophagus by foreign objects in the product or the appearance allergic reaction. In such cases, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor or directly to the seller with a demand for compensation for treatment and restoration of health.

In to judicial procedure such issues are resolved extremely rarely, so you need to be prepared for litigation and prepare evidence base. It is necessary to conduct an examination and have a written conclusion about the quality. Collect and attach to the claim evidence of treatment costs. These could be purchase receipts. medicines or visits to medical facilities.

Important: for carrying out examination of low-quality food products, purchased in a store, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor. State supervision and control authorities will establish the conformity of food products sanitary standards and will issue a decision on the possibility or impossibility of consuming the product.

If the court takes the plaintiff’s side, he will be compensated for all costs of treatment, examination and purchase of goods.

Important: The amount of moral damage is assessed by the injured party independently. At the discretion of the judge, this amount can be left unchanged, reduced or even canceled.

Actions in case of refusal of the seller to accept the damaged product back and compensate for the damage

If the buyer is refused a refund for the product poor quality, then he needs to make a written complaint to the store owner. It must indicate all the circumstances of the incident.

Important: The seller or administration representative must leave his signature on the written form and write down the decision.

Refusal of the buyer's demands gives the victim the right to go to court and demand legally reimbursement of material costs and moral compensation.

Please note: The court must provide a written examination stating that the product was indeed of inadequate quality. The costs of the expert must be included in the total amount of the claim.

As a rule, sellers return it to the buyer without any problems. cash for damaged goods. Because if the consumer goes to court, an examination is carried out by Rosportrebnadzor and the consumer is found to be right, the other party will have to suffer large financial losses. They will be associated with compensation for moral and material damage, all legal costs, and the likelihood of an additional inspection by the sanitary inspector increases.

Not many people can boast of knowledge of the law that protects consumer rights. Often, when buyers buy a low-quality product, they don’t know what to do with it and simply throw it away. And this happens from time to time. This is a fundamentally wrong and unreasonable approach. A product of inadequate quality can and should be returned to the seller, demanding a refund or exchange for an identical product. Know your rights and know how to defend them.

Store shelves are overflowing with low-quality, harmful and expired goods. As a rule, when choosing a particular product, the buyer refers to the popularity of the manufacturer, the design of the packaging and the recommendations of friends. Quite rarely does the consumer pay attention to its composition. The packaging contains information that allows you to find out how high-quality and natural a particular product is. Rospotrebnadzor regularly checks food. The black list of products is constantly updated. Thanks to him, you can purchase only high-quality products.

Full inspection of goods in production

This year, Rospotrebnadzor inspected a number of products. Specialists visited a huge number of not only stores, but also production facilities. Already in the first quarter they inspected more than 100 enterprises. Experts sent more than 1,000 food samples for examination. Almost 2% of goods turned out to be unsuitable and dangerous for consumption. They're in urgently were blacklisted as food products.

The products that are on the black list include food additives, with excessive consumption of which a person can develop life-threatening diseases. It is for this reason that it is important to pay attention to the components that are included in the product you choose.

Checking stores

This year, Rospotrebnadzor has done a colossal job. Food products were carefully studied not only in factories, but also in stores. More than 50% of outlets failed inspection. As a rule, in this case, entrepreneurs sold expired and low-quality products. They did not adhere to storage conditions and did not have any rights to the goods.

During the inspection, more than 120 protocols were drawn up. The court decided to confiscate the low-quality one and seized it in the amount of 53 thousand rubles.

Sold expired goods: what to do?

Not everyone thinks about what we eat. Due to your own carelessness, you can purchase expired goods in almost any store. Irresponsible sellers often place such goods on the counter deliberately, wanting to avoid financial losses. Eating expired products can cause not only intestinal infections, but also other diseases. In the event that you purchased a product from expired expiration date, do not rush to throw it away. From our article you can find out what actions need to be taken in such a situation.

Rospotrebnadzor regularly monitors the quality of goods. Products are checked both in factories and in stores. However, after some time, many entrepreneurs again begin to sell low-quality and expired goods. When purchasing such a product, first of all you need to take the receipt with you and try to return it. The seller will replace the product with a fresh one or return the money you spent on its purchase.

If the seller refuses to replace the product or return the money, you will need to write a written statement of complaint. This must also be done if the product has caused food poisoning. The application must be accompanied by a photo of the product and a receipt for its purchase.

There are often situations where the expiration date has not yet expired, but in this case you can also request a replacement of the product or a refund. If you have not saved the receipt, then post this procedure it will be more difficult. To clarify this situation, it is necessary to request a review of CCTV footage. Witnesses who went shopping with you can help you get your money back or replace the product.

If store employees refuse to return the money or replace the product, be sure to request a complaint book and describe the violation in it. The written statement that we talked about earlier must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor or a consumer protection organization.

How to properly file a complaint about a low-quality product?

Rospotrebnadzor regularly seizes low-quality products and goods. However, they are not able to inspect all retail outlets in the country. In this case, complaints written by consumers help them. Absolutely everyone should know how to properly file a complaint against an irresponsible entrepreneur with Rospotrebnadzor. It is statements like these that help identify gross violations from entrepreneurs.

In a complaint against a store that sells low-quality goods, you must indicate the address and details of the director of the outlet. You will also need to write your personal information. These include full name, telephone number and actual residence address. At the next stage you need to specify detailed information about the product, namely, provide its description, cost, date and time of purchase, as well as the expiration date indicated on the packaging. If you are attaching a receipt to your complaint, this must be indicated in the application. At the very end, you must sign and date the application.

Deterioration in quality

Rospotrebnadzor checked the quality of products not only locally produced, but also imported. Experts have found that the quality of goods made outside Russian Federation, noticeably worsens. This summer, Rospotrebnadzor developed a strategy that will improve the quality of absolutely all products until 2030.

Experts say that every year imported products become more harmful. The number of dangerous additives in it increases every year. Such changes do not comply with generally accepted standards. Many people don't think about what we eat. Buyers often pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer. During the first half of this year it was confiscated large number popular imported goods. Such products accounted for 65% of total number poor quality food.


This year, Rospotrebnadzor conducted a full inspection. The black list of products was supplemented by counterfeits. Butter is also the most commonly counterfeit product.

The black list includes butter produced by the Kursk Milk plant. After examining the samples taken, it was revealed that the product contains vegetable fat that is hazardous to health. The degree of danger is at a medium level. The product cannot be called butter, since it contains only up to 50% milk fat. The cost of the product is about 70 rubles per half kilogram.

"Dixie" and "Traditional" are two types of oil that are also included in the black list of products. The packaging states 82.5% milk fat. The test showed that the composition contains 81% of this component. These types butter almost completely correspond to the information stated on the packaging. However, they were blacklisted due to violations of safety standards during manufacturing. The product contains high levels of fatty acids. Buyers note that these types of butter have a rather unpleasant odor and do not recommend purchasing it.

Counterfeits include Ostankino sausages. Rospotrebnadzor claims that the manufacturer saved on their production. The components stated on the packaging were completely or partially replaced with soy, cartilage and skin. The number of dangerous microbes in such a product exceeded the norm by 52 times. This may indicate that sanitary requirements are completely ignored in production. Buyers note that in lately The quality of these sausages has noticeably deteriorated.

Poor quality sausages

This year, Rospotrebnadzor compiled a black list of products. It includes a huge number of sausages. This is no coincidence. For testing, we purchased sausages from famous brands. Only one out of 8 samples was found to be safe for consumption. The shelf life of such products ranges from several weeks to a month. However, due to manufacturing irregularities, it is not recommended to consume them a week after packaging.

A huge number of microorganisms were identified in all samples. Eating sausages that are included in the black list of products can cause serious food poisoning. Violators face a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles. If their use causes harm to the buyer’s health, the fine will double. In some cases, the offender may face prison time.

Is it possible to give sausages to children?

Many parents prefer boiled sausages when preparing breakfast or a snack for their child. However, Rospotrebnadzor does not recommend abusing such products. It is not advisable for children under 14 years of age to include sausages in their diet. After all, they contain additives that affect the development of the body. The composition also includes phosphates, which remove calcium. They can cause excessive brittleness of bones and teeth.

It's best to cook it yourself. Such a product will not contain harmful components and will be useful not only for children, but also for adults.

Children's drinking water

Regular inspections are carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. The blacklist of products contains a huge number of products that do not comply with generally accepted standards. Rospotrebnadzor especially carefully checked products intended for children. In August of this year, 5 samples of baby water were sent for examination. None of them passed the test. Mercury was found in three samples. This component accumulates in the body and can cause deterioration. general condition child.

Some of the samples have a distinct odor when heated. This indicates that the water contains hazardous substances.

Let's sum it up

Rospotrebnadzor regularly checks food products. Every year there are more and more low-quality goods. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the black list of products and pay attention not only to their price and popularity, but also to their composition. Be healthy!

When buying food in a store or at the market, each of us has at least once encountered a low-quality product. Moreover, we often immediately throw sour milk, meat with an unpleasant odor, frozen vegetables and fruits into the trash. However, it would be logical to exercise your right to purchase quality food products correctly - and return the damaged goods to the seller.

So, food products are considered to be of poor quality and cannot be sold if:

  • do not comply with the requirements of regulatory documents;
  • have obvious signs poor quality;
  • do not have established expiration dates (for food products for which the establishment of expiration dates is mandatory) or the expiration dates have expired;
  • do not have markings containing information required by technical regulatory documents(Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Protection of Consumer Rights”).

What to do if you buy low-quality products?

Step 1. Contact the store where the purchase was made and request a replacement of the product, proportionate reduction the price paid or a full refund by presenting a cash receipt. You have every right to do this.

The seller does not have the right to refuse to satisfy your requirements, even if the packaging of the goods is opened or damaged or it is already partially used. For example, when cooked, store-bought pasta produces a strange smell or has an unusual taste. You have the right to return opened packaging pasta and receive the full amount paid for it upon purchase.

Justified consumer demands must be considered by the seller immediately and satisfied within 7 days; if an examination is necessary, the maximum period for consideration is 14 days.

If the seller violates the deadlines for satisfying the justified demands of the consumer, the consumer must pay a penalty in the amount of 1% of the price of the goods for each day of delay.

Step 2. If the requirement was not satisfied by the seller, you can leave an entry in the book of comments and suggestions, clearly recording the complaint, formulating the requirements and indicating your contact information. In accordance with the law, the store must promptly respond to such an entry and give a written response within 15 days.

Step 3. You can contact the relevant authorities for prompt inspection of the product (Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of your city or district, territorial authority State Committee on standardization). The examination must be carried out by independent specialists who have permission to conduct this type of research.

If, as a result of an examination of product quality, the consumer is found to be at fault, he is obliged to reimburse the seller for the costs of conducting the examination and transporting the goods.

You have every right to take personal part in checking the quality of the product and conducting an examination. The conclusion can only be challenged in court. You can also conduct additional examination of the goods at your own expense.

Step 4. If the seller does not respond or does not satisfy your requirements within the time limits established by consumer protection legislation, should contact government agency on consumer rights protection, public organization consumers, court with a statement of claim.

This is important!

  • Good quality food products cannot be exchanged or returned.
  • The consumer has the right to return a defective product, even if it was purchased at a discount.
  • Goods purchased and stored by the consumer, regardless of the length of the shelf life, as a rule, are not subject to research (quality control, examination). Therefore, act immediately!
  1. Please read the product information carefully(label, packaging, insert leaflet, tag, stamps, price tags, etc.). Labeling of food products in packaging must be complete, reliable, understandable and easy to read (in Russian or Belarusian). Inscriptions, signs and symbols must be contrasting with the background.

The consumer packaging and price tag must indicate the production date of the product and its expiration date, storage temperature, name of the product, its composition, nutritional value, information about the content of GMOs and other substances and recommendations for preparation (if required by the specifics of the product).

Upon request, the seller is obliged to familiarize you with documents certifying the quality and safety of the goods, as well as containing information about the production time and shelf life of loose goods.

  1. Always take a receipt or other document confirming the fact of purchasing the goods. All sellers without exception must issue these documents ( individual entrepreneurs in markets as well).

You can make a claim for a defective product without a receipt. In this case, you need to prove that the purchase was made in this store. Confirmation may be packaging or a price tag with markings shopping facility, as well as witness statements.

Reminder to the consumer upon purchase food products can be found at the link.

If you don’t know what to do in a particular situation with the return or exchange of low-quality products, seek advice from a consumer protection specialist in the trade and services department of the executive committee.

The buyer has the right:

  • for education in the field of consumer protection;
  • information about goods;
  • free choice of goods;
  • proper quality, quantity and safety of goods.

Be careful when making a purchase!

3 If the store refuses to refund your money, contact your local office of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

Write an application (can be downloaded in the application below), in which indicate the full name of the entrepreneur, legal address establishments and the exact location of the store where the low-quality product was purchased, as well as how the administrator and sellers responded to your requests. Please include copies of the receipt and dated packaging, as well as photographs if you took photographs of the damaged product.

You can also leave a statement on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor - 52.rospotrebnadzor.ru.

4 If you have been poisoned by an expired product, you must keep all written documents indicating your stay in the hospital, the purchase of medicines, and contact the store with them, demanding that the costs of treatment be reimbursed.

In case of refusal, you have the right to go to court. You must have all the documents with you: cash receipts, certificates and prescriptions from a doctor, receipts for purchased medications, etc. As a result, you may be refunded the cost of the product, the cost of the examination, treatment, and a small amount for compensation for moral damage.

Knowledge of the Russian Federation Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Law on Consumer Rights) dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 will be useful to you.

Here are some excerpts:

Article 7. Consumer right to safety of goods (work, services)

P 4. If mandatory requirements are established for goods (work, services) by law or in the manner established by it, ensuring their safety for the life and health of the consumer, environment and preventing damage to consumer property

Article 18. Consumer rights when defects are detected in a product

P 1. If defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, the consumer has the right to choose:

Demand a replacement for a product of the same brand (same model and (or) article);

Request a replacement for the same product of a different brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;

Refuse to execute the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the defective product.

P 5. The consumer’s absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of purchase of the goods is not a basis for refusal to satisfy his requirements.