Water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov throughout the year. Water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov throughout the year Addresses of supermarkets and some grocery stores

Sea of ​​Azov– the shallowest and warmest sea. It is considered an excellent place for families with children, since the depth here does not exceed 15.5 meters, and the coast is flat and consists of sand.

Water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov by month

When is the best time to go on vacation?

Many tourists open the season already in mid-May, going on vacation to popular resorts Sea of ​​Azov: Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Yeysk, Berdyansk, villages Golubitskaya And Dolzhanskaya, as well as villages Kuchugury And Peresyp. These resorts are ideal for relaxation.

Fresh air, good climate and the sea, which warms up faster than anywhere else in the resorts, allow you to choose the Azov Sea as your wonderful place for rest already At the beginning of June. The daytime temperature this month is +25 degrees, and the water warms up to +23°C.

It’s even better to relax on the Sea of ​​Azov in July, since the quantity sunny days here it is 28-30, the water in the sea is constantly warm (+28 degrees).

July is for those who are looking for a beach holiday or planning a trip to the sea with children.

The weather is exactly the same here in August, but, unlike July, the number of tourists is slightly less. However, this month is considered paradise for those who do not want to leave the sea, since the water temperature is excellent - +25 degrees.

The Sea of ​​Azov, as well as the resorts located along the coast, are actively developing, attracting more and more “family tourists” every year. New entertainments appear here, and beach holiday always on the top.

The climate in the city of Berdyansk and its environs is moderate - continental, with long-term dry and hot, big amount sunny days in summer, and short, little snow, mild, with frequent thaws, in winter. Average annual temperature air varies from 8.0°C to 11.7°C, on average over many summer period is 9.8°C. Annual temperature regime characterized by the following data: the coldest months in the city of Berdyansk are January and February, the average monthly temperature of which reaches - 2.8 - 3.8 ° C and the warmest - July and August with average monthly temperature 22.3 - 23.1 °C. average temperature water in the Sea of ​​Azov - 18 °C is observed for 128 days a year, which causes a long swimming season. Maximum temperature sea ​​recorded in the Berdyansk Bay - 30°C.

In count atmospheric precipitation, which fall, the city of Berdyansk enters a zone with insufficient moisture. The average annual precipitation in the region is 436 mm

Perennial relative humidity air quality is lowest in the summer (24-25%), rises to 35% until October and reaches its maximum value in February (53%).

The snow cover is unstable and lasts on average 30-40 days. Average height snow cover during the winter in Berdyansk is only 5-10 cm. The average annual evaporation reaches 900-1000 mm

The main winds in Berdyansk are winds from the eastern and northeastern directions, the frequency of which is 40-50%. In spring and summer, close to the eastern and north- easterly winds, the frequency of southwestern and western winds is increasing and represents 21-28%. Winds are mostly light to moderate with speeds up to 9 m/sec. The frequency of strong winds usually varies from 2 to 12%. Depending on the strength and duration of the wind, the water level in the Sea of ​​Azov decreases from normal to 1.5 m and rises to 2 m.

The appearance of ice on the coast near the city of Berdyansk occurs later than on other coasts of the Azov Sea and occurs at the beginning of January. The ice lasts until mid-March. The thickness of the ice does not exceed 30-40 cm. An important role in climate formation is played by the circulation of the Azov Sea, which softens the heat and determines the saturation of the air sea ​​salts and phytoncides.

Berdyansk has at its disposal a fairly high potential of natural recreational resources, the main components of which are: medicinal various types mineral waters, the use of which is possible for sanatorium treatment, for industrial bottling of both medicinal table and natural table waters; sea, estuary and river beaches; estuary brine and sea water.

The main healing factors of the resort are therapeutic silt sulfide mud, mineral sodium chloride waters and brine from underground sources for external and internal use, as well as the sandy beaches of the Berdyansk Spit and the shallow warm Azov Sea, which in the summer is used for climate therapy and sea bathing.

The sea air of the Azov region is saturated with ozone, bromine, iodine and other trace elements, the aromas of steppe herbs.

According to their own climatic conditions and the presence of deposits different types mineral waters, healing mud, the city of Berdyansk is a promising resort area.