The concept of recreational resources. What are recreational resources? What applies to them

Recreational resources (from Latin recreatio - restoration).

Nowadays, recreational resources have become of great importance in the world. These are objects and natural phenomena that can be used for recreation, treatment, and tourism. These resources combine both natural objects and objects of anthropogenic origin, which include historical and architectural monuments (Petro Palace, French Versailles, Roman Colosseum, Athens Acropolis, Egyptian pyramids, Great Wall of China). But still, the basis of recreational resources is made up of natural elements: sea coasts, river banks, lakes, mountains, forests, medicinal springs and mud.

IN recent years There is a “recreational explosion” on Earth, which manifests itself in the increasing impact of the flow of people on nature. This is the result of the scientific and technological revolution, the isolation of man from nature.

Every country in the world has one or another recreational resources, but vacationers are most attracted to countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Bulgaria, India, Mexico, and Egypt. In these countries, rich natural and recreational resources are combined with cultural and historical attractions. The development of international tourism brings considerable income to many countries.

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At the present stage, recreational resources have acquired great importance in the world. These are objects and natural phenomena that can be used for recreation, treatment and tourism. In recent years, a “recreational explosion” has been observed on Earth, which is manifested in the increasing impact of the flow of people on nature.

This is the result of the scientific and technological revolution and the isolation of man from nature. The use of recreational resources can be assessed by the number of tourists visiting the country. All countries of the world have one or another recreational resources, but vacationers are most attracted to countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Egypt, Turkey, India, and Mexico. The most popular countries and regions are those where rich natural and recreational resources are combined with cultural and historical attractions.

International tourism

Cyprus and Israel).

Asia-Pacific (APR, all countries of East and Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania).

Leading in the number of World Heritage sites European countries.

About 1/5 of World Heritage sites are natural monuments. The unstable socio-economic and political situation in some Asian countries, as well as the remoteness of some parts from Europe, reduces its attractiveness as a center of world tourism and recreation. Due to ongoing civil and political unrest travel companies It is not recommended to visit certain regions and countries: Colombia; Haiti; South Lebanon; Afghanistan; Congo; Rwanda; Algeria; Somalia.

The vast majority of these countries and regions are characterized by political instability, military and national conflicts.

Rice. Foreign exchange earnings from international tourism

extreme tourism

At least 25% of all tourists are young people who developed countries financially sufficiently secure, have a good education and strive to satisfy their unique interests in the knowledge of nature. In the richest capital country in the United States, over 70% of families have an annual income of less than 2 thousand.

dollars do not travel outside the country, 20% of tourists account for 80% of all trips. In Germany, more than 60% of the population is not included in the migratory recreation at all. In the UK, 40% of adults (78.8%) do not travel. In developing countries, foreign tourism is rather poorly developed; the fact remains that the vast majority of the world's more than four billion people have not yet crossed the borders of their country.

According to statistical studies, it has been established that in the middle of the 20th century more than 2 billion.

Recreational areas and resorts

people never went beyond the boundaries of their village or city. The greatest interest in travel is shown by segments of the population with average incomes: employees, youth, intellectuals, and entrepreneurs.

Prices: 26.7%;
Availability of a license: 18.1%;
Range of services: 15.6%;

Expert advice: 11.3%;

Advertising: 3.7%;
Good office: 2.5%;
Other indicators: 5.9%.

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    VII. IN.

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World recreational resources

At the present stage, recreational resources have acquired great importance in the world. These are objects and natural phenomena that can be used for recreation, treatment and tourism. In recent years, a “recreational explosion” has been observed on Earth, which is manifested in the increasing impact of the flow of people on nature. This is the result of the scientific and technological revolution and the isolation of man from nature.

The use of recreational resources can be assessed by the number of tourists visiting the country. All countries of the world have one or another recreational resources, but vacationers are most attracted to countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Egypt, Turkey, India, and Mexico. The most popular countries and regions are those where rich natural and recreational resources are combined with cultural and historical attractions.

The development of recreational environmental management and international tourism can bring great income to these countries (Fig.). Among the natural and recreational sites, the most famous are: the coasts of the Mediterranean, Black, Caribbean, and Red Seas; Hawaiian, Maldives, Canary, Bahamas and other islands; healing mud of Crimea; mineral waters of the Caucasus.

International tourism

The use of modern world recreational resources is characterized by significant territorial unevenness.

World Tourism Organization, which identifies six main regions:
1. European (all European countries, countries former USSR+ Türkiye,

Cyprus and Israel).
2. American (all countries of North and South America).
3. Asia-Pacific (APR, all countries of the East and South 4.

East Asia, Australia and Oceania).
5. Middle Eastern (countries of South-West Asia + Egypt and Libya).
African (all African countries except Egypt and Libya).
6. South Asian (South Asian countries).

European countries lead in the number of World Heritage sites. About 1/5 of World Heritage sites are natural monuments. The unstable socio-economic and political situation in some Asian countries, as well as the remoteness of some parts from Europe, reduces its attractiveness as a center of world tourism and recreation.

Due to ongoing civil and political unrest, travel agencies do not recommend visiting certain regions and countries: Colombia; Haiti; South Lebanon; Afghanistan; Congo; Rwanda; Algeria; Somalia. The vast majority of these countries and regions are characterized by political instability, military and national conflicts.

Foreign exchange earnings from international tourism

Recreational nature management includes travel and excursions, hiking, relaxing on the beach, mountaineering, sea and river cruises, visiting cultural and sporting events, relaxing at tourist centers, fishing and hunting.

One of the types of recreational environmental management is ecological tourism.

Ecological tourism is divided into: coastal, mountain, river, sea, urban, scientific and educational. The objects are national and natural parks, individual landscapes, natural and natural-cultural attractions.

Ecotourists travel to their own and neighboring countries, but their main flow is directed from Europe and North America to tropical countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Costa Rica, Ecuador). By modern estimates, ecotourism is the fastest growing part of the world's recreational environmental management. Becoming more widespread extreme tourism-travels to the Arctic and Antarctic.

People aged 30 to 50 years are characterized by the greatest tourist and recreational activity.

At least 25% of all tourists are young people who, in developed countries, are financially well off, have a good education and strive to satisfy their unique interests in learning about nature.

The main recreational areas of the world

In the richest country of capital in the United States, over 70% of families with an annual income of less than 2 thousand dollars do not travel outside the country, 20% of tourists account for 80% of all trips. In Germany, more than 60% of the population is not included in the migratory recreation at all. In the UK, 40% of adults (78.8%) do not travel. In developing countries, foreign tourism is rather poorly developed; the fact remains that the vast majority of the world's more than four billion people have not yet crossed the borders of their country.

According to statistical studies, it was established that in the middle of the 20th century, more than 2 billion people never left their village or city.

The greatest interest in travel is shown by segments of the population with average incomes: employees, youth, intellectuals, and entrepreneurs.
According to numerous surveys and questionnaires, the following factors influence the choice of travel agency:

Advice from friends and acquaintances: 31.6%;
Prices: 26.7%;
Availability of a license: 18.1%;
Range of services: 15.6%;
Time and experience in the market: 14.8%;
Personal experience with this company: 13.0%;
Expert advice: 11.3%;
Employee friendliness: 8.8%;
Ratings of travel companies: 4.7%;
Advertising: 3.7%;
Mention of a travel company in directories: 3.4%;
Good office: 2.5%;
Convenient location: 2.5%;
Other indicators: 5.9%.

The tourism industry is a significant factor contributing to greater economic development in those areas globe, which are located far from large industrial centers and have insignificant economic resources.

In a number of countries, tourism has become a large independent industry, occupying a leading position in the economy. This is largely due to the fact that the modern tourism industry provides a large volume of services consumed by tourists during their travel abroad.

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Return to Recreational Resources

Recreational resources are divided into natural-recreational and cultural-historical.

Natural recreational areas include sea and lake coasts, mountainous areas, territories with a comfortable temperature regime, they are used for the following types of tourism: beach ( Cote d'Azur France, Italian Riviera, Golden Sands of Bulgaria, Mediterranean islands and Caribbean Seas, Oceania), winter (Alps, Scandinavian mountains, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Cordillera), environmental (visiting national parks and undeveloped territories).

Resources of the World Ocean. From the second half of the 20th century. Considerable attention is paid to the development of the resources of the World Ocean. The ocean is rich in biological, mineral and energy resources. IN sea ​​water More than 70 chemical elements are dissolved, for which it is called “liquid ore”. Using latest technologies, some of them are already removed from the water, in particular bromine, iodine, magnesium, table salt, etc.

Biological resources of the World Ocean are marine organisms that a person uses.

In the Ocean there are 180 thousand species of animals and 20 thousand.

Tourist zoning of the world: geocultural approach

plant species. Of economic importance are fish, marine invertebrates (oysters, crabs), marine mammals(whales, walruses, seals) and seaweed. So far they provide only 2% of humanity's food needs. The most productive zone is the shelf zone.

The mineral resources of the World Ocean are very diverse. Now oil is being extracted on the ocean shelf, natural gas, coal, iron ores, diamonds, gold, amber, etc. The development of the ocean floor began. Large reserves of iron-manganese raw materials were discovered here, significantly exceeding their reserves on land. In addition to the main components, ocean deposits contain more than 20 useful elements: nickel, cobalt, copper, titanium, molybdenum, etc.

In the USA, Japan, Germany and other countries, technologies for extracting iron-manganese ores from the ocean floor have already been developed.

The energy resources of the World Ocean are inexhaustible and diverse. Tidal energy is already used in France, CILLA, Russia, Japan. A significant reserve is the energy of waves, sea currents, and water temperature differences.

Nowadays, the problem of economical use of the riches of the World Ocean and the protection of its resources arises. The world community is especially concerned about oil pollution in the ocean.

After all, only 1 g of oil is enough to destroy life in 1 m3 of water. To preserve the nature of the World Ocean there are international agreements on the protection of waters from pollution, rules for the use of biological resources, prohibition of testing weapons of mass destruction in the Ocean.

Great hopes are placed on the future use of truly inexhaustible resources: solar energy, wind, internal heat of the Earth, and space.

Air pollution
Soil pollution
Water pollution
Air pollution
Environmental protection
Environmental objects

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Approaches to tourism and recreational zoning of the world. Borders of macroregions and tourist and recreational zones of the world.

The concept of tourist and recreational zoning.

Approaches to tourism and recreational zoning: according to the degree of favorability for a particular type of activity, according to the degree of resource development, according to the degree of development of tourism infrastructure. Territorial approach to tourist and recreational zoning. Macroregions of the world: European, Asian, American, African, Australia and Oceania. Borders of macroregions and tourist and recreational zones.

Tourist and recreational zoning- this is the division of the territory into certain zones (areas) according to the principle of homogeneity of characteristics and the nature of the tourist recreational use.

In the tourism literature, there are different approaches to tourism and recreational zoning.

For example, according to degree of territory development (developed, moderately developed, underdeveloped), depending on focusing on certain territory one or another type of tourism (areas of seaside tourism, lake, river, sports, etc.)

In world tourism statistics, they most often use territorial approach on the basis on which it is customary to distinguish five large tourist macro-regions: 1) Europe; 2) Asia; 3) Africa; 4) America; 5) Australia and Oceania.

TO European macroregion include the countries of Western, Northern, Southern, Central and Eastern Europe, including the Eastern Mediterranean (Israel, Cyprus, Turkey).

TO Asian macroregion include countries in Western and South-West Asia (including Egypt and Libya), East, South (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) and Southeast Asia.

IN African macroregion includes states of the African continent, with the exception of Egypt and Libya.

American macroregion- These are the countries of North, South and Central America, island states and territories of the Caribbean.

TO Australia and Oceania includes the country of Australia and all island groups Pacific Ocean(Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia).

Most detailed counts territorial approach proposed for tourist and recreational zoning Dmitrievsky Yu.D. .

The hierarchy of tourist areas, in his opinion, should include, in addition to macroregions, zones and districts (as in generally accepted zoning), also smaller elements such as: macrodistrict, mesodistrict, microdistrict. In this regard, he identifies ten tourist macro-regions of the world (Foreign Europe, Russia, Western and Central Asia, South and East Asia, Australia and Oceania, Muslim North Africa, Central and Southern Africa, North America, Mesoamerica (Mexico, Central America, Caribbean America (West Indies)), South America), which are further divided into zones, districts, macro-districts, meso-districts and micro-districts.

Tourist and recreational potential and geography of tourist centers in the Northern European tourist and recreational zone.

Geographical location: location on the mainland and in the macroregion, constituent countries, access to oceans and seas.

Climatic features, types of climates. Favorable time for visiting.

The concept of tourism and recreational potential. Tourist and recreational potential of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland. Geography of educational, environmental, ethnographic, extreme, sports, lake, children's, and entertainment tourism centers.

The tourist and recreational potential of a territory is all the opportunities necessary for the formation and development of tourist and recreational activities within a certain area.

In this case, opportunities are understood as natural conditions and objects, historical and cultural attractions and ethnocultural features.

Northern Europe

Northern Europe is distinguished by its natural attractiveness, and special kind: the natural environment of the northern European countries is very unique, although, by ordinary standards, it is very harsh; it (the environment), in comparison with other regions of Europe, has retained its virgin, pristine character to a greater extent (although, of course, not everywhere).

The ever-increasing tourist demand for visiting the northern countries has led to the fact that they “began to build for tourists modern means accommodation – hotels, boarding houses, motels, campsites, bungalows, fisherman’s houses, sportsmen’s houses, etc.

etc., means of transport and roads are being modernized. Organized sea ​​cruises to the Arctic Circle with dog sledding, bird and animal hunting. Arctic safaris with hunting for polar animals, including polar bears, are also organized in Greenland.”

Nordic countries as a whole are more tourist suppliers, but still constantly strive to increase the influx of tourists into their tourist area.

It should be taken into account that many people who come to Northern Europe tourists visit several countries at once, partly because the number of historical and cultural educational tourism sites in most of them is quite limited.

Basically, these countries specialize in “GREEN TOURISM” (travel to clean, untouched corners of nature without harming it). Green tourism includes such areas as rural tourism, ecotourism, and agrotourism.


Tours to Norway are an excellent choice for lovers of the charm of northern nature.

In fact, it is not as cold there as it seems to the uninitiated tourist; even in winter, the temperature on the coast does not drop below −5 °C.

Recreational resources

Norway's mild climate provides Gulf Stream.

You can travel to Norway with children at any time of the year, but such a trip will be especially pleasant in July or August.

Budgetary holiday in Norway difficult to name, but the deal is always worth the money - in this country the quality of goods and services one hundred percent justifies their cost.

Norway's main tourist attraction - famous fjords- These are narrow sea bays formed during the ice ages.

The fjords are resources for active, extreme, ecological types of tourism.

Respectable tourists admire them from the ship, adventurers conquer seemingly inaccessible rocks on foot and by bicycle, and fearless base jumpers jump down steep cliffs.

The best fjords are the picturesque Geirangerfjord, the long Sognefjord and the most spectacular Lysefjord.

Historical-cultural and historical-architectural tourism developed in cities such as OSLO, BERGEN, TRONDHEIM.

OSLO (“after God”) is one of the smallest and cleanest capitals in Europe (500 thousand people).

people). The city center is a mix of old and new architecture with an abundance of museums and monuments.

Sights: the old quarters of the city, the building of the national theater, the Norwegian Maritime Museum, the Norwegian Folk Museum.

BERGEN is a very picturesque place in Norway, and there are many more attractions here than in the capital.

Once in Bergen, you will not miss its main attraction in any way. Bryggen, the ancient Hanseatic embankment, declared a UNESCO site World Heritage, flaunts in plain sight in the harbor.

The very first houses in the city were built here.

TRONDHEIM is a vibrant university city and the technology capital of Norway. Thanks to the Norwegian University of Natural Sciences and Technology (NTNU), as well as numerous research centers, Trondheim is rightfully considered a city of innovation, science and business.

Centers ski and ski tourism those around Lillehammer are considered.

This is Gausdal, Skei-Gesdal.

The arch. Spitsbergen. Half of the arch. They form nature reserves with unique species of polar animals. This region is famous for the largest WHITE MARKETS.

More than 8.5 million people live in Sweden. The capital of the country, Stockholm, has more than 1.5 million people.

Sweden attracts tourists with its strict nature: sea beaches, numerous lakes (Vänern, Vättern).

Natural water bodies are complemented by artificial canals, including the Goethe Canal (500 km), connecting Stockholm and the second largest city of Gothenburg.

As it should be in Scandinavia, tourist Sweden does not flaunt its advantages. But there are a lot of them: for example, the mountains there are higher than in neighboring Finland and offer more varied skiing. In addition, Sweden guarantees snow cover on the slopes of ski resorts from November to April, as well as excellent equipment of the slopes, a well-thought-out lift system, many services and entertainment for the youngest tourists - it’s not for nothing that Sweden is called behind the scenes "Kingdom of Children" However, if you want to be satisfied with your holiday in Sweden, make sure that you are ready to spend money - the country cannot be classified as cheap.

Moderate, transitional from marine to continental.

In winter, the air temperature in most of the country does not drop below −16 °C, only in the north frosts below −22 °C are not uncommon, while in summer it is rarely warmer than +22 °C (and in mountainous areas +17 °C). Wet sea air masses from the North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea often bring quite changeable weather with precipitation and winds, especially in the off-season.

The main city of Sweden is STOCKHOLM (“well preserved”): this capital on 14 islands really has something to see in terms of museums, architecture and other “sightseeing”.

Among other things, Sweden is “Carlson who lives on the roof” and the Nobel Prize ceremonies. The main principle of the people of Sweden: quality in everything and maximum comfort for people - both at work and on vacation. And last but not least, Sweden is famous for its cuisine - simple, hearty and so similar to Russian.

Large cities - Gothenburg, Malmo.

Ski resorts in Sweden:

§ Idre

§ Salen

§ and Ore (Are)

The main beauties of Sweden have natural origin: the harsh tundra of Lapland, the islands of the Gulf of Bothnia, the green hills of the west, the cliffs of Norrbotten, beautiful lakes.

Cultural attractions are mostly found in the larger cities: Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm.

Among other things, the magnificent castles of Sweden deserve close attention.

Sightseeing tours of the city (bus and walking) are usually included in most group tours. Royal Palace, Vasa Ancient Ship Museum, Astrid Lindgren Fairy Tale Museum Junibacken. Open air museum Scansen.

Sweden ranks one of the first in the world for the quality of water purification.

Tap water in Sweden is safe to drink without boiling first. Therefore, you should not be surprised if they are served tap water in a bar or restaurant.


The country is located in the east of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Population: 5.5 million people. The country also includes the Åland Islands, 6.5 thousand islands off the southwestern coast of the country.

Types of tourism: winter ski tourism(in

Jyväskylä has 2 ski centers: for children and with difficult slopes), in summer you can swim 100 meters from the Arctic Circle (Lake Saimaa is the largest in the country), fishing on the Finnish lakes and Åland Islands, historical and cultural tourism in the cities of Helsinki, Turku, Tampere.

Helsinki is the capital, located on the shores of the Gulf of Bothnia, famous fresh air and beautiful landscapes.

Sea-Life Scandinavian Marine Center with 28 large aquariums. There are more than 60 churches in the city. The most interesting architectural structure is considered to be the church carved into the rock “Church in the Rock” or “Snow Church” (organ concerts are often held). The east of Finland is filled with endless hills, lakes, and pristine forests where the original Karelian peoples live.

This is the area ecotourism and active recreation.

Lapland is one of the most exotic and popular places in Finland. The capital, Rovaniemi, is the home of Santa Claus.

The country is located on the Jutland Peninsula and the Danish Archipelago in the Baltic Sea. Denmark is the birthplace of H.H. Andersen.

CLIMATE Moderate maritime, fairly mild climate without sudden temperature changes and with relatively uniform precipitation throughout the year. Air temperature in January is 0..-7°C.

Summer is cool, the average temperature in July is +15..+16°C. The best time to visit the country is July-August, when it is warmest and there is relatively little precipitation.

The capital of the country is Copenhagen, where the most oldest, large and popular amusement park in - Tivoli. By the way, it is also considered the oldest amusement park in the world.

In Copenhagen: Guinness World Records Museum, Believe It or Not Museum of Jokes and Pranks.

Large cities are also Aarhuns and Odense.

In Odense: the house where the famous storyteller G. was born.

H. Andersen, park named after. Andersen, open-air museum "Funsk Village".


The country is located on the island of Iceland. Population 281 thousand people. The capital is Reykjavik.

Business card countries - dozens of active (Hekla) and dormant volcanoes, numerous geysers, waterfalls.

Therefore, the most common type of tourism is natural-cognitive.

Near Reykjavik there is an extinct volcano Esja - this is a great place for trekking(sports hikes along the volcano crater, descents from steep slopes)

Iceland is a country sport fishing(trout, salmon fishing) and extreme tourism(rock climbing, horseback riding, diving).


>> Recreational resources of the Earth

§ 7. Recreational resources of the Earth

Recreational resources serve as the basis for recreation and closely related tourism. In recreational geography, there are four main types of recreational use of the territory. Firstly, this is a recreational-therapeutic type, which uses medicinal waters, mud, and comfortable climate conditions. Secondly, this is a recreational and health-improving type using the beaches of the seas, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, forests, and parks. Thirdly, this is a recreational and sports type, including skiing, sailing, and mountaineering. Fourthly, this is a recreational and educational type, based on remarkable natural and cultural sites and landscapes.

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The territory and its geographical location is a resource for the development of the recreational economy. In addition, each territory has certain specific resources, which are called recreational.

Recreational resources- these are objects, phenomena and processes of natural and anthropogenic origin that are used or can be used for the development of recreation and tourism. They are the material and spiritual basis for the formation of TRS of various types and taxonomic ranks.

The main property of recreational resources is that they have the ability to restore and develop a person’s spiritual and physical strength. Such resources are suitable for both direct and indirect consumption, providing various services of a resort, medical and recreational tourism nature.

Recreational resources are divided into two main groups: natural and historical and cultural.

Natural recreational resources include natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems, natural objects, phenomena and processes that have internal and external properties and characteristic features for organizing seasonal or year-round recreational activities. Within the framework of natural recreational resources, climatic, landscape, orographic, balneological, biotic, mud, water and other resources can be distinguished. In turn, each of these types consists of separate subspecies, for example, balneological resources are divided into mineral waters of different chemical compositions, and therefore, different therapeutic effects.

Historical and cultural recreational resources include recreationally attractive historical monuments, architecture and archeology, places associated with the life and activities of prominent historical figures, territories where pronounced ethnographic features, places of worship, museums, art galleries, etc. have been preserved. All these recreational resources attract people to satisfy their spiritual needs and are able to satisfy the thirst for knowledge, changing the environment for the psychophysiological restoration of the individual.

Material and technical equipment of recreation and tourism with the latest fixed assets, increasingly clear intervention of economic levers in this area of ​​economic management, design changes in natural and historical-cultural environment, which are systematically carried out by people, necessitate the allocation of socio-economic recreational resources. These include the material and technical base of recreation and tourism, the corresponding transport infrastructure, labor resources, etc., as well as various water parks, swimming pools, stadiums, tennis courts, etc. The share of such man-made recreational resources is constantly growing.

The concept of “recreational resources” is not only geographical, but also historical. Therefore, over time, more and more new types of recreational resources have arisen, are emerging and will continue to emerge. Understanding this fact allowed the famous Ukrainian scientist in the field of recreational geography A. Beidik to identify ufological recreational resources - territories in which anomalous phenomena caused by contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations were discovered. Although such contacts have not been proven by science, the recreational and tourism industry is increasingly attracting areas where life forms are likely to be present extraterrestrial origin to tourist sites.

For recreational geography great value has a comprehensive and specialized assessment of the territory’s recreational resources. In many ways, it is subjective and depends on the experience, intellectual and educational level of the researchers. Recreational resources are assessed qualitatively, quantitatively, points and costs.

For qualitative assessment, the words “best”, “best”, “worse”, “most”, “more”, “attractive”, “average”, “more profitable” and others are used. Qualitative assessment in recreation always takes place. People have an internal ability to compare. Having visited at least two recreational facilities, they necessarily compare their quality. This qualitative assessment, in all its subjectivity, significantly influences the general opinion about the level of attractiveness of certain recreational facilities and territories.

Quantitative assessment determines the formal characteristics of recreational resources in meters, kilometers, grams per liter, temperature, salinity, level of water pollution, depth of coastal waters, amount of precipitation, etc. Assessing the recreational attractiveness of Batumi beaches in comparison with the beaches of Odessa, one can qualitatively characterize Odessa beaches as it’s better because the climate there is dry in summer and there is sand, not pebbles, and you can name the amount of precipitation in millimeters in July in Odessa and Batumi, and also compare air humidity in the corresponding quantitative indicators.

The scoring is somewhere in the middle between qualitative and quantitative. Based on the subjective process of developing rating scales, one or another type or subtype of recreational resources receives a certain score. The most commonly used is the 37-step scale. For example, a 5-step scale corresponds to a qualitative assessment of “best”, “above average”, “average”, “below average” and “worst”.

The valuation of recreational resources currently dominates in the field of their economic development. Investments are directed to the use of the most attractive resources, which, as a rule, have the highest price. The recreational component in the price of one hundred square meters or hectare of land around large cities, in the Crimea, and the Carpathians is overwhelming. The constant rise in prices for recreational resources is the call of the times.

V. Stafiychuk suggests using the following methods for assessing and analyzing recreational resources: normative index, balance, graphic, cartographic, scoring, expert, comparative geographical, statistical and mathematical-statistical (threshold analysis, factor, correlation, regression, cluster methods , potential method, latent structure method, spatial diffusion method, Berry method), modeling, etc.

Questions and tasks

1. Define recreational resources.

2. What is the main property of recreational resources?

3. What groups are recreational resources divided into?

4. What are natural recreational resources?

5. What do historical and cultural recreational resources include?

6. Name the components of socio-economic recreational resources.

7. How are recreational resources assessed?

8. What methods of assessment and analysis of recreational resources do you know?

Since recreational resources are distributed extremely unevenly on the planet, an increasing number of people go on trips for recreational purposes and motives. These recreational trips (therapeutic, health-improving, educational, sports) became the basis for the development of recreational tourism. Recreational aspects are always present in business types of tourism (business tourism, congress tourism, shopping tourism).

The implementation of a tourism business in market conditions can be carried out in the presence of four main components: capital, technology, personnel, and recreational resources. This means that, without having enough capital, one can acquire personnel, technology and engage in tourism. To do this, it is necessary to select a place where recreational resources are available, and if there is no such place, then create it. This is one of the specific features of the tourism business in market conditions. Since the fourth component - recreational resources - is the cheapest, this generally determines the high profitability of the tourism business. If tourism is associated with the creation of a tourist resource, then the cost of the tourism product increases sharply.

Costume knight festival, USA

Recreational resources are understood as a set of natural and man-made objects suitable for creating a tourism product. As a rule, recreational resources determine the formation of tourism business in a particular region. These resources have the following main properties: attractiveness (attractiveness), climatic conditions, accessibility, degree of knowledge, excursion significance, socio-demographic characteristics, potential reserve, method of use, etc., these resources are used for health, tourism, sports and educational purposes.

Recreational resources can be conditionally divided into natural and socio-economic (socio-cultural).

Natural tourism resources are classified:

§ by belonging to certain components of the natural environment (climatic, water, forest, etc.).

§ by functional purpose (health-improving, educational).

§ according to exhaustibility (exhaustible: objects of hunting, fishing and inexhaustible: sun, sea water).

§ on renewability (renewable: plants, animals and non-renewable: medicinal mud, cultural monuments).

Socio-economic resources include:

§ cultural and historical objects (monuments and memorable places, museums, architectural ensembles).

§ cultural and historical phenomena (ethnographic, religious).

§ economic (financial, infrastructural, labor).

Despite its social and humane role, tourism modifies the environment. Reducing damage to the tourism industry to the environment is regulated by the state and international levels through environmental education, tax regulation, limiting the tourist and recreational load on natural resources, etc.

Thus, recreational resources are considered as one of the factors in the development of tourism and the basis for planning the production of a tourism product.

Recreation structure.

An analysis of the scientific and specialized literature of the 70-80s shows that most publications on recreational geography consider only issues related to tourism, and not to recreation in general. Thus, in the domestic literature there is a firmly established idea that recreation and tourism are close concepts, identical in most publications, but to be precise, recreation includes tourism, excursions and rest without moving from the usual environment of existence. Thus, tourism is the most important component of recreation. All terms that include the word “recreational” are focused primarily on issues related to tourism or recreation in general. One of the most well-developed concepts that entered the 80s even in school curriculum- "recreational resources".

There is a different understanding of the word “recreation” abroad, which has begun to be actively introduced into the Russian language. In English tourism literature, recreation is understood as a set of phenomena and processes associated with the restoration of strength in the process of rest and treatment. Therefore, the English-language “Recreation and Tourism” should be perceived rather as “Recreation and Tourism”. However, in modern tourism literature the expression “Recreation and tourism” is constantly encountered, which is nonsense for the Russian language, since tourism is an integral part of recreation. Moreover, they began to distinguish “recreational tourism”, which in the traditional understanding of these terms is a tautology.

The term “recreational resources” has begun to be replaced, which is very well developed and its meaning is clear. Instead of “recreational resources,” the term “tourist resources” is used, the essence and theory of which have not yet been developed, and the definition itself is very vague. Often these concepts are considered as synonyms, then it is not clear why to introduce a new term to replace the established and theoretically justified one. There is an assertion that recreational resources are part of tourist resources, which again is a terminological confusion, since tourism is part of recreation, and not vice versa.

Thus, borrowing foreign terminology without taking into account the established conceptual apparatus within the framework of domestic science and practice leads, firstly, to philological paradoxes, and secondly, it confuses the presentation of the material due to semantic contradictions. Ignoring the existence of recreational geography only brings harm to tourism.

A number of borrowings from English language just extra. One of the currently fashionable words “destination” is translated simply as “direction” and does not carry any other semantic meaning. Attempts to interpret a destination as a destination that attracts tourists with recreational resources and provides conditions for accommodation, transportation, food and entertainment for tourists are not convincing. This is any tourist destination: France with 70 million tourists a year and the microstates of Oceania, Paris and a village in Siberia, the Adriatic and the North Pole. Reflecting the tourist specifics of the concept, one could translate the word “destination” as “tourist (recreational) destination,” which is noted in a number of publications. The author does not propose to abandon the term, which has rapidly entered Russian-language tourist terminology, but aims to draw the attention of the tourist community to the excessive contamination of the language with foreign terminology.

Along with the emergence of terms that contradict the established conceptual apparatus, publications appear that distort the theory of recreational geography. For example, I.V. Zorin and V.A. Quarterly recreational potential is called “the relationship between the actual and maximum possible number of tourists, determined based on the availability of recreational resources.” Potential cannot be a “relationship,” although its study makes it possible to estimate the maximum possible number of tourists. The recreational potential of a territory is “a set of natural, cultural-historical and socio-economic prerequisites for organizing recreational activities” (Mironenko, Tverdokhlebov, 1981), the main integral part recreational potential are recreational resources.

From the definition of recreational resources according to I.V. Zorin and V.A. Kvartalnov, firstly, is not clear why they are part of tourist resources, what is not included in them, and secondly, where in this definition their most important part is cultural and historical recreational resources. Apparently, the authors understand only the natural component by recreational resources. In the same work, explaining the concept of “capacity of recreational resources” (essentially natural!), “anthropogenic load” is considered. Anthropogenic load does not have standards determined “in order to prevent violation of the ecological state of the natural environment,” since this is a real load that can be lower, equal to or greater than the maximum permissible and in tourism it is called recreational load (anthropogenic load - disturbances of nature during any human activity, not only recreational). Maximum permissible recreational loads are not determined in accordance with the law Russian Federation", because they are different for each landscape, and the existing standards relate to isolated cases, for example, beaches, environmental zones.

There are many definitions of the term recreational resources, some more successful than others. At V.I. Prelovsky uses a completely acceptable definition of natural recreational resources, “which should be understood as natural phenomena, processes or individual elements of the landscape (more capaciously and better - “elements and phenomena of the geographical environment”)... which can be used to organize recreational activities.” However, the latest scientific and educational publications provide an unsuccessful, in our opinion, definition, and the explanations distort the essence of the term with accompanying accusations of everyone and everything in misunderstanding it. According to V.I. Prelovsky, natural recreational resources are “natural bodies, phenomena, processes or individual relief elements... that can be used for recreation and tourism purposes”, these are “components of the natural environment”. Natural recreational resources, like any resources, are not a component of the natural environment, but a combination of elements of the entire geographical environment, i.e., the recreational resources of a beach are a certain combination of characteristics of the relief, climate and sea, as well as flora and fauna. In our opinion, it is unfortunate to use the words “natural bodies”, which carry a physical and philosophical load, to define recreational resources. We should rather talk about natural objects or elements of the geographic environment. Plants, animals, beaches, waterfalls, etc., require a different definition. It looks strange to add the concrete among the abstract concepts - “individual relief elements”.

The most important thing: a recreational resource, like any other, requires study, but it will be a resource regardless of whether it is studied or not. If a waterfall is known and attracts tourists, it is a resource, regardless of whether its height is measured and how many people can visit it, if the beach attracts people for relaxation and swimming, then it is a resource, regardless of whether we know its area, the duration of the beach and swimming season and recreational capacity. Since ancient times, man has been using the energy resources of wind and falling water, without having any idea about kilowatts. Patricians in ancient Rome bathed in the baths mineral springs, knowing nothing about their debit, chemical composition, about the temperature scales of Celsius and Fahrenheit, but they used a healing resource. Thus, it is incorrect to say that a natural condition becomes a resource only when it is studied, that “climatic conditions become a resource only if the duration of the period with comfortable conditions is known” (according to V.I. Prelovsky). Natural conditions and natural resources are one of the basic concepts of geography, closely related to the natural-philosophical category “geographical environment”. Natural conditions are those elements of the geographical environment that people do not directly use in production activities, but without which its existence is impossible, this is the air we breathe, this is the climate in which we live (regardless warm climate or cold, causing huge costs for warm construction and fuel). Natural resources are those elements of the geographic environment that people directly use in their production activities (mineral, energy, water, etc.). Climate becomes not a condition, but a resource when it begins to be used in economic activity. In relation to agriculture it represents agroclimatic resources, since the amount of heat and precipitation is important for agriculture given climate. For urban educational tourism, for festival tourism, even for hunting tourism, the climate is a natural condition, but for swimming, beach or ski tourism it is a resource. As productive forces develop, new elements of the geographic environment become a resource. Transition from Bronze Age to iron is associated with the development of a new mineral resource - iron ore, with the advent of windmills, wind and mountain rivers from natural conditions are transformed into valuable energy resources. Thus, the boundary between a condition and a resource is very fluid and is determined by its use in economic activity, and not by the degree of study

38) main types of recreation.


Beach holiday

Beach holidays are the most common type of holiday. Warm rays of the sun, the splash of sea waves, the whisper of a light breeze, as well as interesting entertainment programs and discos organized by the guides. Sunbathe on the beach, wander along the warm sand, dive under the water, photograph seascapes.

The combination of a beach holiday with interesting excursions and all kinds of entertainment will diversify your vacation.

Some people prefer to have an active holiday - attend all kinds of excursions, go diving, surfing or go on safaris to remote corners of a particular country. Others choose a relaxing holiday on golden beaches, with the opportunity to leisurely contemplate the beauty of local landscapes and enjoy life away from the bustle of big cities.

All this happiness awaits you at the resorts Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Thailand, Tunisia, UAE etc.

Excursion holidays

Excursion tourism will provide you with the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the country, its customs and traditions.

Such tours usually include visits to several cities with accommodation in different hotels and a rich excursion program, and may include air travel or bus transfers.

Excursion tours are divided according to the degree of intensity and exoticism. The most affordable are buses around Europe, the most expensive are sea cruises. Many people think that a bus tour is boring. It all depends on how this tour is organized. The most unpleasant thing is moving at night, so always check whether there will be such transfers. The second thing you should pay attention to is the cities. It's more interesting when big city it takes at least a day and a half.

Most sightseeing tours focus on Western Europe, primarily due to the simplicity of the Schengen Visa, where you can move freely within the borders of the Schengen zone.

Excursion tourism is the most educational and exciting routes, acquaintance with culture and history France, Czech Republic,Germany, Italy etc.

Exotic tours

Exotic holiday- this is a vacation in countries that are not popular destinations, due to the lack of direct regular flights, and nevertheless, in terms of the level of service, it competes with many destinations.

Magnificent white sandy beaches, tropical vegetation, impenetrable jungle, roaring waterfalls, blue skies, crystal clear seas of all shades of blue-green. At any time of the year, eternal summer and a riot of rich colors amazes.

Holidays in exotic countries attracts tourists not only with the hot sun and clean beaches, but also the opportunity to get extraordinary experiences that you will be pleased to share for many years after visiting the resort.

Rich History and the countries' culture and natural diversity provide a wide range of travel and recreation opportunities.

Exotic holidays – Dominican Republic, Seychelles, island Bali, Cuba, China, India, Malaysia, Maldives.


A cruise is an ideal way to take a break from everyday life; it is a great opportunity to enjoy absolute freedom and discover new countries.

None of the trips can compete with a cruise in terms of the comfort of moving from one corner of the world to another.

During the day you go ashore, see the sights of those cities where your liner calls, and in the evening you will find a variety of shows with the participation of singers, dancers, magicians, magicians, gala evenings and masquerades, games and karaoke - this is just a small part of the evening entertainment program. Waltz, tango, salsa, mambo, rock, rap orchestra will perform a variety of melodies for you. And dance lovers can go to a disco or nightclub.

And another significant plus for cruises is the cost. After all, if you break any of the cruise routes into components and calculate how much time and money you would need to spend visiting each country separately, then you would see for yourself the validity of the statement that a cruise is also profitable!

Ski holiday

Today, winter ski holidays in European resorts are a wonderful alternative to a beach holiday.

Recreation opportunities are varied. They depend on the country in which you decide to vacation. Winter in the mountains is not just about skiing. Fans unusual species Sports enthusiasts can choose snowshoeing or paragliding. And on the frozen lakes, ice skating and windsurfing are very popular.

At the resorts Andorra, Austria, France, Italy you will find excellent ski slopes, working ski lifts, carefree holidays, various exciting excursions and many pleasant impressions that will stay with you for a long time.


How to use 2-3 weeks of vacation not only to pamper yourself, but also to improve your health? The latest resort technologies make it possible to conduct an examination and an effective treatment course in a short time.

Wellness traditionally includes SPA services, thalassotherapy, massages, anti-aging, anti-stress, cosmetic, relaxation, weight loss and other programs.

A bath with essential oils, massage, meditation - this is how the morning begins in hotels where there are SPA centers. This is where you can relieve stress, fatigue and pamper your body with pleasant treatments. Many clinics specialize in treating specific types of diseases.

A measured rest with the opportunity to improve your health is what many would like to get during their vacation. You can’t buy health, but you can try to improve it at the best health resorts in the world: Austria, Germany,Switzerland, France, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Israel.

Research hypothesis

Conservation of recreational resources and their rational use will occur if:

Every person is aware of the importance of recreational resources;

- every person will understand the structure of recreational resources and the biological condition of restoring recreational resources;

Every person will understand how and where recreational resources can be used.

Testing the hypothesis required a decision the following tasks:

Analysis of the role of recreational resources for human health;

Identification of types of recreational resources and their location on the territory of Russia;

- identifying the most effective ways to preserve Russia's recreational resources and their rational use.

Research methods. To solve the problems, a set of methods was chosen: analysis of theoretical literature, analysis of the correct placement of recreational resources, analysis of the ecological state of objects, analysis of potential environmental use.

Chapter 1. What are recreational resources and their types

1.1.Natural recreational resources

Recreational resources– components of the natural environment and socio-cultural phenomena that can be used to organize recreational activities. When classifying recreational resources, some authors distinguish them according to their origin into two main types: natural recreational resources and socio-cultural resources (cultural and historical recreational resources). Other authors divide recreational resources according to the nature of their use. Baransky N.N. distinguishes four main types:

Recreational and therapeutic (for example, treatment with mineral waters);

Recreational and health (for example, swimming and beach areas);

Recreational and sports (for example, ski resorts);

Recreational and educational (for example, historical monuments).

Natural recreational resources are a complex of physical, biological and energy-informational elements and forces of nature that are used in the process of restoration and development of a person’s physical and spiritual strength, his ability to work and health. Almost everything natural resources have recreational and tourist potential, but the extent of its use varies and depends on recreational demand and the specialization of the region.

According to adopted in economy environmental management classifications based on dual character concepts " natural resources", reflecting them natural origin, on the one hand, and economic significance, on the other, natural recreational resources can be grouped by:


    types of recreational use;

    exhaustion rates (quickly exhausted, slowly exhausted, inexhaustible);

    possibilities of self-healing and cultivation (renewable, relatively renewable and non-renewable;

    opportunities for economic replenishment (renewable, irreplaceable);

    the possibility of replacing some resources with others.

In recent years, there has been increasing attention to natural resources from the point of view of their use for active recreation of the population and therapeutic, preventive and medical measures. The country's transition to market relations has raised in a new way the issues of exploitation of resort areas, as well as the development of the capabilities of components of the natural environment directly for medicinal purposes.

There are areas in Russia where recreational activity is the determining industry in the structure of their social reproduction. It includes a network of recreational enterprises and organizations.

Characteristics of recreational resources by main landscape and climatic zones allows us to evaluate these zones in comparison (by the richness of these resources), which helps to identify the most effective directions for the development of the resort network of our country

About a third of Russia's territory is occupied by the taiga zone. All of it is potentially favorable for active climatotherapy. At the same time, the presence of blood-sucking insects, which cause great concern to people and animals and create uncomfortable conditions for treatment and outdoor recreation, has a negative impact. The epidemiological situation in certain years is also a serious problem. The greatest wealth in terms of recreational resources is represented by the zones mixed forests and forest-steppe. It was here that the most favorable conditions of existence and life for the population of Russia were formed and preserved, which can represent an ecological optimum for the development of civilization in Eastern Europe and part of the Siberian region. It was here that a unique Russian culture was formed in its expanded understanding, taking into account its future sustainable development. In this regard, the recreational conditions of this special zone are most favorable for conscious work in recreation, which can always be nearby and will not be replaced by short-term and annoying, albeit exotic and educational resorts.

As for the recreational resources of semi-desert and desert zones, their landscape conditions are unfavorable for the development of resort construction, with the exception of individual oases. The Mediterranean zone, which includes humid and dry subtropics, is very favorable for the location of health resorts. However, the collapse of the USSR significantly reduced Russia's recreational opportunities in this regard. Of the mountainous regions, the Caucasus is of greatest interest. The Altai Territory and a number of eastern mountainous regions are promising.

1.2. Cultural and historical recreational resources

In the complex of recreational resources, a special place is occupied by cultural and historical resources located in cities and villages and in inter-settlement areas and representing the heritage of past eras social development. They serve as a prerequisite for organizing cultural and educational types of recreational activities; on this basis, they optimize recreational activities as a whole, performing quite serious educational functions.

The spaces formed by cultural and historical objects to a certain extent determine the localization of recreational flows and the directions of excursion routes.

Cultural and historical objects are divided into material and spiritual. Material covers the totality of means of production and other material assets society at each historical stage of its development, and spiritual - the totality of society’s achievements in education, science, art, literature, in the organization of state and public life, in work and everyday life. In fact, not all heritage of the past relates to cultural and historical recreational resources. These include only those cultural and historical objects that have been studied and assessed by scientific methods as having social significance and can be used, given the existing technical and material capabilities, to satisfy the recreational needs of a certain number of people for a certain time.

Among cultural and historical objects, the leading role belongs to historical and cultural monuments, which are distinguished by the greatest attractiveness and, on this basis, serve as the main means of satisfying the needs of educational and cultural recreation. Depending on their main features, historical and cultural monuments are divided into 5 main types: history, archaeology, urban planning and architecture, art, and documentary monuments. Thus, historical monuments may include buildings, structures, memorable places and objects associated with the most important historical events in the life of the people, the development of society and the state.

Archaeological monuments are fortifications, mounds, remains of ancient settlements, fortifications, industries, canals, roads, ancient burial places, stone sculptures, rock carvings, ancient objects, areas of the historical cultural layer of ancient settlements.

The following objects are most typical for monuments of urban planning and architecture: architectural ensembles and complexes, historical centers, neighborhoods, squares, streets, remains of ancient planning and development of cities and other settlements; buildings of civil, industrial, military, religious architecture, folk architecture, as well as related works of monumental, fine, decorative and applied, landscape art, natural landscapes.

Monuments of art include works of monumental, fine, decorative and applied art and other types of art.

Documentary monuments are acts of bodies state power and government bodies, other written and graphic documents, film, photo and sound recordings, as well as ancient and other manuscripts and archives, recordings of folklore and music, rare printed publications.

The cultural and historical prerequisites of the recreational industry include other objects related to the history, culture and modern activities of people: original enterprises of industry, agriculture, transport, scientific institutions, higher education institutions, theaters, sports facilities, botanical gardens, zoos, oceanariums, ethnographic and folklore attractions, handicrafts, as well as preserved folk customs, holiday rituals, etc. All objects used in educational and cultural recreation are divided into two groups - immovable and movable.

The first group consists of monuments of history, urban planning and architecture, archeology and monumental art and other buildings, including those pa-

pendants of art that form an integral part of architecture. From the standpoint of cognitive and cultural recreation, it is important that the objects of this group are independent single or group formations.

The second group includes monuments of art, archaeological finds, mineralogical, botanical and zoological collections, documentary monuments and other things, objects and documents that can be easily moved. The consumption of recreational resources by this group is associated with visits to museums, libraries and archives, where they are usually concentrated.( Geographical distribution of World Cultural Heritage sites – Table No. 1 in the Appendix )

Recreational resources are characterized by socio-cultural spatial and temporal relativity. Depending on the initial point of view and the time of assessment, the same object can be assessed differently.

In general, recreational resources are characterized by contrast with the usual human environment and a combination of different natural and cultural environments. Almost any place that meets the following two criteria is recognized as a recreational resource:

1) the place differs from the usual human habitat;

2) is represented by a combination of two or more naturally different environments.

Statistically, the most attractive are the edge zones, the junction of different environments (water - land, forest - clearing, hill - plain, etc.). The most attractive combinations of several contrasting environments: mountains + sea + diverse cultural environment. This creates the most highly rated recreational areas, such as California or the Mediterranean.Resources Russia (6)Abstract >> Geography

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