Air temperature Sharm El Sheikh. When is the best time to go on holiday to Sharm el-Sheikh? Climate summary

The most prestigious and most Europeanized Egyptian resort, the mecca of world diving, Sharm el-Sheikh is a city located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula between Africa and Asia and washed by warm waters Red Sea. Find out why on the Tour Calendar winter months It is not particularly popular here, and the busiest tourist period is from September to November and from March to May.

Tourist season in Sharm el-Sheikh

Probably every second traveler began to discover the world by purchasing a trip to Egypt. And today, one of the most popular resorts in the country, Sharm el-Sheikh, no longer needs any special introduction, because it is on everyone’s lips. It used to be a small village in the middle of the sands Sinai desert, and today this amazing green oasis, where every detail screams of luxury, is a massive tourist destination, providing itself with an annual stable influx of vacationers in the amount of 3.5 million people. The most luxurious hotels, the most exciting diving in the world, the most... beautiful beaches, and, of course, corresponding prices - you will find all this in Sharm el-Sheikh, where tourist season doesn't stop for a minute!

High season

The heaviest tourist traffic is observed at the resort during the New Year holidays; the rush does not last long - no more than 1-1.5 weeks, however, problems can easily arise with booking rooms at this time. Hotels are 90%-95% full. The weather conditions by Egyptian standards are quite cool, however, there are a lot of people willing to pay an amount twice as much for a holiday tour as at any other time, which sometimes confirms the demand for the resort and high quality rest. Another surge in tourism occurs from March to the end of May and from September to the end of November. It is determined mainly by the beautiful landscapes reigning here at this time. weather conditions. Sharm el-Sheikh has always positioned itself as an elite resort; it is not for nothing that the head of state chose this very place to build his villa, and today the Egyptian elite loves to sunbathe here. Prices for hotels, services and entertainment are approximately 20% more expensive than in other cities of the state, so mainly wealthy tourists or people with above-average incomes come here during the high season. Today, the resort is dominated by Italians and Russians, with slightly fewer Ukrainians and Germans.

Low season

Immediately after the end of the New Year and Christmas, most holidaymakers return home, and the new influx of tourists is not so intense. The thing is that in winter the Red Sea is not very warm, it is no longer hot during the day, and even cold at night. Summer is also not in great demand, but for the diametrically opposite reason - it is very hot (*at midday the thermometer can rise to +40 °C, but due to arid climate high temperatures are tolerated much more easily here than, for example, in Turkey, which suffers from high level humidity). All this has a negative impact on the sales volume of this tourist destination, therefore in low season, from June to August and from the second half of January to February, tour operators, in order not to go into the red, have to offer tours literally at cost. Keep in mind that the most profitable last-minute tours can be caught literally 2-3 days before departure. The vacation turns out to be spontaneous, but it turns out to save a large item of vacation expenses.

Beach season in Sharm el-Sheikh

The swimming season in Sharm el-Sheikh lasts all year round, since the minimum water temperature in the Red Sea is winter season is +20 °C. It is closed only sporadically, after another shark attack on tourists. In summer, the water temperature is quite high - about +28..+29 °C, however, it is much more comfortable for swimming than at the same time on the Turkish Riviera. But in winter, the sea may seem cool to most people, and even after sunset you won’t be able to sit on the beach. The most favorable time for swimming it is autumn and spring.

Diving season

Many divers around the world burn with an unearthly love for Sharm el-Sheikh because of the rich and vibrant underwater world, and most importantly - the bizarre coral reefs that are located right off the coast. The diving season lasts all year round, but the most best conditions for practicing this sport will be from May to October.

Best time for excursions

First of all, those for whom water activities come first, go to Sharm el-Sheikh, and only after that cultural program. However, this does not mean that there is nothing interesting in the city. On the contrary, the “excursion” offered here is very varied - just have time to visit the sights. In summer, few people manage to withstand the heat of the Egyptian sun, but spring and autumn are perfect for traveling to tourist sites. In winter, temperatures are probably the most suitable, but due to periodic winds, excursions may not take place in the most comfortable conditions, so it is worth checking the weather. Priority trips this season are to Cairo and Luxor, as it is very hot there the rest of the year.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Sharm el-Sheikh is completely geared towards tourists; there is no city as such, so the bulk of the holidays celebrated here are aimed at the resort crowd. In May, a grandiose Camel Festival is held, in April, spring is celebrated as part of the Sham el-Nasim holiday, and in October-November there are numerous boat races.

Climate in Sharm el Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh has a subtropical desert climate with insignificant annual precipitation: in winter and spring there is about 1 wet day per month, summer and autumn are characterized by complete drought. The annual temperature variation is quite smooth. The warmest period of the year is from April to October, and the coolest, respectively, is from November to March. Thanks to the protection from the north-west by the Sinai Mountains, the winds here are much weaker, and the climate is a couple of degrees warmer than in Hurghada.

Sharm el-Sheikh in spring

In March, the climate changes from cool to warm season. The thermometer gradually creeps up, and by April the weather becomes truly summer. This also applies to night temperatures, which at this time reach a comfortable +19..+20 °C. The water in the sea is warming up - approximately +23..+25 °C. The active swimming season opens, and the beaches are filled with tourists. In the first two months of spring there is a risk of sandstorms, provoked by the hot wind from the desert “Hasmin”, but, fortunately, such weather lasts no more than 1-3 days, so there is nothing to fear. Set in May hot weather, the sun becomes more active, the evenings are very pleasant and warm.

Temperature and weather in Sharm el Sheikh in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Temperature average+21 +25 +29
Temperature during the day+25 +30 +34
Temperature at night+16 +20 +24
Water temperature+22 +23 +25
Rain1 day1 day1 day

Sharm el-Sheikh in summer

Summer at the resort is so hot that only “heat-resistant” tourists can endure it

In summer, Sharm el-Sheikh is only registered toy soldiers and resistant to high temperatures tourists. Almost every day - 40-degree heat, 13 hours of bright light sunlight from 14 o'clock daylight hours. And in the dark, the weather is not at all happy - the mercury column stably freezes at +26..+27 °C. The sea is very warm, so it does not bring the expected refreshing effect. However, due to the low level of humidity, such weather is somewhat easier to bear, but it is still quite unsafe to go to the resort with children at this time.

Temperature and weather in Sharm el Sheikh in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Temperature average+32 +33 +33
Temperature during the day+37 +38 +37
Temperature at night+26 +27 +28
Water temperature+26 +28 +29

Sharm el-Sheikh in autumn

Autumn, along with spring, is considered the most favorable time for a holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh. It's kind of velvet season- an improved version of summer with more moderate weather conditions. Clear skies, warm seas and mild evenings with a light breeze. In November, the resort is very crowded with tourists, which is explained by the coming end of the high season in Turkey, as well as a series of public holidays. Temperatures are slightly lower than in the first two autumn months, but quite pleasant for beach holiday. In addition, the water does not yet think about cooling.

Sharm el-Sheikh, known among tourists as "Sharm", is one of the most popular Egyptian resorts, which annually attracts holidaymakers from all over the world.

Sharm el-Sheikh is located in the south of the Sinai Peninsula, stretching from northeast to southwest along the Gulf of Aqaba. “High” seasons are considered to be the spring and autumn months. Desert climate The subtropics are conducive to beach holidays: there is little precipitation, and temperature changes are smooth, without sudden jumps.

In the north-west, the resort is protected by the Sinai Mountains, thanks to which the weather in Sharm el-Sheikh is always slightly better than in Hurghada, where the temperature is on average two to four degrees higher.

The hottest months are July and August, when the air heats up to +35-36 °C, and at its peak the temperature can reach +45 °C. The breeze blowing from the sea slightly dilutes the heat. However, you should not neglect warm clothes: it is quite cool in air-conditioned rooms, including inside the cabin of a tourist bus.

In January-February the air temperature during the day is +15...+18 °C, at night +13 °C, less often +10 °C, sometimes a cool wind blows. Overall the most cold weather in Sharm el-Sheikh falls between November and March.

The air is warm and dry, regardless of the season, the humidity is low, no more than 40-50%, so the heat is not painful and can be tolerated comfortably. In the first days of rest, however, it is better not to spend a lot of time in the sun, and during outdoor excursions, wear closed cotton clothes.

Rain is an extremely rare occurrence; no more than 7.24 mm of precipitation falls per year. Light rain occur from November to December.

The water temperature in Sharm el-Sheikh does not fall below +20 °C, and in summer it rises to +28 °C.

The best time to holiday at this Egyptian resort is from May to November. Although, of course, in other months there are many tourists here, who are attracted not by the beaches, but by historical and cultural attractions.

On the Weather website. Tourist. Ru you can always find out the weather forecast in Sharm el-Sheikh for a week, 10 and 14 days.

Weather and climate in Sharm el-Sheikh by month

As already mentioned, deserted tropical climate ensures a smooth change of seasons, and there are no sudden temperature changes at the resort.

Weather in Sharm el-Sheikh in summer

Local summer weather- exclusively for the most hardy or those tourists who are not going to leave the hotel premises. Traveling with small children during this period is not a good idea.

Daytime temperature in June reaches +34 °C, at night - up to +23 °C. In the middle of the month the air can warm up to +46 °C. The water is +26 °C, tourists are looking for the desired coolness in the sea. The optimal time to go to the beach is morning or evening.

IN July In Sharm el-Sheikh the weather is so hot that some hotels are reducing their prices in hopes of attracting guests. During the day it is regularly +35 °C, at night +25 °C. There is no rain. The water warms up to +27 °C and does little to save you from the sweltering heat.

August hits everything temperature records. During the day +40 °C, at night +25 °C, water +28 °C. People try not to go out, lunch breaks stretch for several hours, and the crowds of tourists are noticeably thinning out. However, August also has its advantages: it is considered the best for diving.

Weather in Sharm el-Sheikh in autumn

A new tourist season begins in autumn.

IN September It's still hot, but the temperature is gradually dropping. During the day the average is +33 °C, at night +23 °C. The water is still heated to +28 °C. By the end of the month, the number of vacationers with children increases. There is no precipitation, as there was throughout the summer.

The most comfortable of the autumn months is considered October. The average daytime temperature is +30 °C, at night the air is heated to +28 °C, water +27 °C. Precipitation is an almost unprecedented phenomenon at this time. By the end of the month the temperature drops another degree.

Temperatures continue to fall in November, but still the weather in Sharm el-Sheikh is favorable for a pleasant, relaxed holiday. During the day the air temperature is +26 °C, at night +17 °C. The water is noticeably cooler, +25 °C.

Weather in Sharm el-Sheikh in winter

Daylight hours are shorter during the winter months, so the nights are noticeably cooler, although the day is still warm.

IN December"winter" begins. It is best to relax in the first half of the month: the weather is still comfortable, and prices begin to decline. By the end of December, that is, by the New Year holidays, they will return to their previous positions. The air temperature during the day is +24 °C, at night +12 °C, the daily difference is noticeable. The water is heated to +24 °C.

Instability - distinctive feature Sharm el-Sheikh weather January. This is the most cold month, but tourists continue to go - spend January holidays. Temperature during the day is +21 °C, at night +10 °C. The water is heated to +22 °C. Quite cloudy with a chance of strong cold winds.

The first signs of the approaching season are already noticeable in February. During the day the thermometer rises to +22 °C, although at night it is still cool, +11 °C. The sea, however, is colder, +20 °C. By the end of the month it gets noticeably warmer, by two to three degrees.

Weather in Sharm el-Sheikh in spring

Spring marks the onset of the tourist season.

Daylight hours March increases to 12 hours. During the day it is a couple of degrees warmer than in February, about +25 °C, but at night it is still cool, the thermometer reaches +14 °C, the water is comfortable for swimming (+22 °C), but not everyone decides to swim.

Daytime weather forecast for Sharm el-Sheikh in April promises a pleasant +28 °C during the day and +17 °C at night. The water warms up to +25 °C, and there are many tourists on the beaches. Rainfall and sandstorms are unlikely.

Every day May It's getting hotter. During the day the air temperature rises to +32 °C, at night it drops to +20 °C. May is considered the most popular month for holidays in the Egyptian resort.

Tourists from all over the world arrive at Egyptian resorts every day., in order to

soak inwarm waters of the Red Sea and enjoy its extraordinary underwater

peace, because the temperatureThe waters in Sharm El Sheikh are almost comfortable for swimmingall year round.

It will help you get a charge of solar emotions for several months ahead

balancedfood and hospitable staff best hotels Sharm El Sheikh.

Water temperature in Sharm today

Water temperature in Sharm El Sheikh by month

Average monthly temperature, °C

in autumn in winter

September October November December January February

28 +27 +26 +24 +22 +23°C

in spring In summer

March April May June July August

24 +25 +26 +27 +28 +29 °C

“Winter in Egypt is quite warm, during the day the air temperature reaches +22,

but despite this it is cool at night. It gets dark quickly in winter"

is the mostcoldest month of the year. During this period, most tourists

arrivesto Sharm tocarry out New Year holidays at resorts

Red Sea.Daytime temperatures remainon average at +21°C,

and at night it hardly reaches +11°C.

Februaryin Sharm El-Sheikh is not much different from January, although during the day

airit is already 1 degree warmer and is +22°C, and at night +11°C +12°C.

The sea water temperature unfortunately drops another couple of degrees to +20 and

therebybecomes more comfortable for sport swimming.

"Spring in Sharm El Sheikh features moderate beach weather"

The first month of spring -March, brings to Egypt increased daylight hours to 12 hours

and general warming. During the day the thermometer fluctuates between +24°C +25°C,

and at night it comesalready up to +15 °C. The water temperature reaches +22°C.

In April The weather in Sharm is getting warmer. There are still a couple of months until the sultry heat,

and for a comfortable vacation it’s just right, because the water temperature in April in Sinai

the peninsula warms up to +25°C. Daytime temperatures are around +28°C,

and at nightdrops to +17°C. It's time to take sunbeds closer to the sea, because

number of touristsat the resorts of Egypt at this time it is already high.

May- this is a harbinger summer heat, crowded beaches, camel rides and

other entertainment in Egypt. During the day the air warms up to +32°C and does not drop at night

below +20 °C.There is no rain as always. May can be called the “Velvet” spring in the region.

"In summer, true fans of hot weather gather in Egypt, warm sea and cold hibiscus"

In JuneThe water temperature in the Red Sea is +26°C.

During the day it is quite hot, up to +35°C, and at night not lower than +23°C.
You can still escape the heat in the water, but not for long.

July- the same month when the air conditioners in the rooms do not turn off.

Water temperaturein Sharm in July it reaches +27°C. The air is warming up

up to +35 °C, and at night does not fall below +25°C.Great weather for diving

with a mask ortrips on excursions in an air-conditioned bus.

Water temperature in Sharm El Sheikh in August reaches +28°C.

The month is considered the hottest of the season. The heat of the day breaks all records and

can reach+40°C, and at night up to +26°C. During this period, the local population

and tourists prefer morespend time near air conditioners.

For romantic walks in the desert in AugustWe recommend stocking up on a pair

good camels with humps full of water.

"In autumn, Egypt is a priority destination for our tourists"

In Septemberair temperature drops to + 32°C. It also decreases at night,

up to +23 °C. There are still a lot of tourists. Great time for surfing and diving.

October- perhaps best month for lovers of a moderate beach holiday. During the day

the air warms up to +30°C, and at night to +21°C. Water temperature in Sharm in October

holds onat +27°C, and this cannot but rejoice.

It's time to start playing beach volleyball!

In NovemberThere are not as many tourists as in summer, there is room to turn around and no need for sunbeds

occupy from early morning. During the day the air warms up to +26°C. Temperatures drop at night

up to +16 °C, a sea ​​water still surprises with its warmth at +26°C.

Water temperature in Sharm El Sheikh in Decemberremains quite comfortable,

at + 24. During the day the weather is also quite comfortable and reaches + 22°C. But the nights

They are no longer so warm and you can’t go out in the evening in just a T-shirt, as the temperature

drops to +13°C.

Articles about Egypt:

Even in the winter months. This is explained by the availability of vouchers, good service and the presence of interesting attractions and entertainment at any time of the year. And the weather in Sharm el-Sheikh in January is favorable for a great time.

Weather forecast in January in Sharm el-Sheikh

During January there is a relatively stable average temperature air and water, which makes it possible to have a wonderful vacation.

At the same time, on some days the air temperature can reach +30 degrees.

Average air and water temperature

This is explained by the fact that northern regions(Sharm el-Sheikh) more protected from the wind, because the Sinai Mountains are located here, while more southern areas, including, due to the lack of mountains, are less protected from wind gusts.

So rest a little warmer will be in Sharm el-Sheikh, but Hurghada is also very popular due to its excellent beaches, large selection first-class hotels, many interesting attractions and entertainment.

What to do this month?

In January you can do everything the same as in other months. But due to the appropriate weather conditions, many people choose to go sightseeing or enjoy water sports.

Beach holiday

Beach holiday not so common. Tourists mostly prefer to engage in water sports or sightseeing.

You will hardly see local residents on the beach at this time, but for Russians this is a completely acceptable temperature for a resort holiday. Therefore, it is mainly Russians who vacation in January.

What to see and how to have fun?

January is the most favorable time for excursions. Because in other months the heat interferes. Sights can be seen both in Sharm itself and beyond. The latter can be realized by going to the following cities:

  1. Cairo;
  2. Luxor;
  3. Aswan.

In Sharm itself you can admire the most beautiful temple - Coptic Church, inside which there are elements of the Orthodox and Catholic religions, many frescoes from the Bible. This christian church. During the service, parishioners are seated, and the service is conducted in Arabic.

The next interesting attraction is Mount Sinai(or Mount Moses, Horeb, Jemel Musa). It is considered sacred in Christianity and Judaism. It is believed that it was here that the prophet Moses spoke with God and received the Ten Commandments from him.

In Sinai you can find a chapel, a mosque and a monastery. This mountain is located on the Sinai Peninsula. Its height is 2300 meters above sea level. You can climb the mountain on your own or on a one-humped camel, which is called a camel here.

Among interesting places Also Naama Bay. Here you can see the sandy beach, coral reefs, a large abundance of flora and fauna. Popular aquatic species sports There are shops, clubs, restaurants. In the evenings there are discos.

There is also National Park Ras Mohammed(Cape Mohammed). It is located in the south of the Sinai Peninsula and is one of the most picturesque places in the Red Sea. Southern part The park is one of the leaders among beaches for snorkeling. The park has rich flora and fauna: mangroves, fish, foxes, gazelles. There are 150 species of coral reefs here. A notable feature of Ras Mohammed is salt lake, which is similar in composition to the Dead Sea.

Charm at any time of the year - a great place for diving, windsurfing And snorkeling. Here is the purest, picturesque natural world.

Among interesting entertainment Also worth noting is kayaking, canoeing or boating.

Holidays and festivals

January 7 in Sharm is held Coptic Christmas Festival. At this time, various colorful theatrical and musical religious performances take place.

In January they also celebrate New Year And Nativity of the Prophet Muhammad.

In this view you can see what awaits you in January in Sharm el-Sheikh: