What to do in Paris in January. Is it worth going to Paris in January: weather, shopping, reviews

January in Paris is beautiful in its own way. There are not as many tourists as in the summer season, but those who come here feel the cost-effectiveness of the trip. As a rule, tickets, accommodation, museums lower their prices, creating favorable conditions for a budget holiday.

What's the weather like in January in Paris?

January is the most cold month in the capital, however, severe frosts, as well as snow, are not observed here. The weather is above zero, the average daily temperature is +5, the minimum is +3. In clear weather, the air can warm up to +7. Cloudy weather prevails, precipitation falls regularly, usually in the form of rain. Gusty winds are blowing, up to 9 m/s. Because of high humidity actual temperature feels much cooler than it actually is. Frosts down to -3 are possible at night, but during the day the thermometer steadily rises above zero, giving no chance for snow to linger on the city streets.

Month Average temperature Average humidity Wind speed Number of days
January +4.9 °С 84 % 3.8 m/s 6 17 6 1 0
February +5.5 °С 78 % 4.1 m/s 9 16 5 0 0
March +8.2 °С 72 % 3.5 m/s 11 14 4 1 0
April +11.7 °С 66 % 3.1 m/s 17 9 4 1 0
May +14.9 °С 67 % 3.5 m/s 16 12 1 0 0
June +19 °С 64 % 3.3 m/s 21 9 0 0 0
July +21.4 °С 65 % 2.9 m/s 16 13 1 0 0
August +20.3 °С 66 % 2.8 m/s 17 11 2 0 0
September +16 °С 74 % 2.6 m/s 20 8 2 0 0
October +12.7 °С 81 % 2.8 m/s 14 12 4 0 0
November +8.6 °С 84 % 3.3 m/s 9 14 6 1 0
December +5.7 °С 85 % 3.4 m/s 7 17 5 1 0

How to dress in January in Paris

There is no need to get too warm. It is enough to have with you an insulated, windproof and waterproof jacket, as well as comfortable, high-quality shoes. In case of windy weather, be sure to have a hat, scarf, and gloves with you. A folding umbrella will not hurt.

Events in January

What to see in January in Paris

  • . Until mid-January, there are fairs where you can not only buy souvenirs, but also feel the winter atmosphere, especially in the evening.
  • . January good month to visit museums. Use a museum card to save on tickets.
  • . Don't miss the opportunity to see Paris from different angles.
  • . Walk through iconic religious buildings in Paris and explore their interiors.
  • . The theater life is vibrant, and if you love theater, then it’s worth visiting at least the Grand Opera to see the stunning interior design.
  • . The discount season continues in January; massive sales will begin by the end of the month. Don't miss the chance to take advantage of discounts in the fashion capital.
  • . Book an excursion at a great price with a Russian-speaking guide and go around interesting routes to get to know the city.
  • (price: 59.00 €, 3.5 hours)

American writer Hemingway recalled:

When we returned to Paris, it was clear, cold, wonderful days. The city was preparing for winter […]in many good cafes there were braziers on the terraces where you could warm up […] on the streets it was winter-light. Bare trees against the sky and walks in a sharp, fresh wind along the rain-washed paths of the Luxembourg Gardens have become commonplace..

Hemingway's description fits Paris in January perfectly. The drowsiness of the first month passed, the holiday rush died down, and the new year announced itself with gradually growing days and a crisp, clear winter accompanied by lower temperatures and clear skies.

Parisians retreat from the holidays and flood the streets and heated terraces to hang out with friends and, of course, attend the winter soldes (sales), a Parisian ritual that borders on religious. For shopping lovers, January is definitely best month to visit the French capital.

Thanks to the fact that high season has already ended, you can find good plane tickets in January, especially if you book a month or two in advance.

And, since in January, compared to spring and summer, tourism experiences a lull, you can linger as long as you like in the city's best cultural attractions, for example, the Musee d'Orsay or the Pompidou Center. You can stand in front of your favorite painting or sculpture for as long as you see fit.

And of course, January is a great time to bask in the warm and cozy cafés of Paris, so take your books and magazines with you. For those interested in the intellectual history of Paris, head to the Latin Quarter or Saint-Germain-des-Prés, in whose cafes you can usefully spend most of the day.

Weather in Paris in January

What to take with you to Paris in January?

January in Paris is usually very cold, and the thermometer dropping below zero surprises no one. With skies clearer than in November or December and a biting wind, it feels like the frost is about to bite your nose. So be sure to pack a mountain of warm sweaters, jackets, scarves, warm socks and a hat to cover your ears.

And although there are almost no showers in January, Paris is famous for its eccentric weather and sudden precipitation. That's why it's important to bring an umbrella that can withstand a windy, rainy day.

Make sure you have a pair of waterproof boots with you. These must be shoes with good soles, because in January the streets become frozen and slippery. Snow usually melts as soon as it reaches the ground, forming an unpleasant slush. This means that high heels and polished shoes are not an ideal solution for walking around the city at this time.

Take a pair of warm gloves too so that frozen hands do not distract you from local attractions. You may only need them towards the end, but you should have them in your pocket.

Consider bringing a couple with you. good books and magazines, in case you want to spend a cozy morning or afternoon reading in a cafe.

Describing your last winter in Paris, the American writer Ernest Hemingway said that

When we arrived in Paris again, it was clean, cold and beautiful. The city had adapted to survive the winter... many cafes had braziers placed near them so that you could warm up on the terraces... the streets were illuminated with a special winter light.

Now accustomed to the bare trees against the sky, you walk along the freshly washed gravel path through the Luxembourg Gardens into the biting wind.

Hemingway described Paris beautifully in January.

Getting used to winter and cold weather has passed, the joyful celebrations of Christmas and New Year are behind us, the days have become longer, the streets smell pleasantly of fried potatoes, the air temperature has become even lower, and the sky is clearer and higher and the air is clearer.

Definitely, for shopaholics, January is best time, and Paris in January - best city all over the world.

January is considered a low tourist season and airlines usually offer good discounts on flights in January. You can take advantage of this opportunity and book, preferably in advance, a round trip ticket. If you are lucky and have time to buy a ticket on a hot offer, then you can easily fly to Paris from Moscow for 150-200 Euros round trip.

And it is precisely because of the low tourist season that visiting Paris in January opens up great opportunities for tourists.

Entrance to galleries, museums and exhibition halls is free, there are very few people, you can calmly enjoy viewing great paintings or architectural monuments, without jostling and irritated by the inability to get to the next masterpiece of painting.

Finally, January is a great time to spend time in the warmth, comfort and charm of Paris's many cafés, just make sure you pack enough books and magazines for your trip.

For those interested in the history of Paris, we can advise you to combine business with pleasure in cafes and restaurants in the Latin Quater or Saint-Germain-des-Pres - you will not only study history well, but also enjoy amazing dishes and local wines.

By our standards, Paris in January is not at all cold - the temperature is from -2 to -6 degrees. True, it sometimes rains.

What makes sense to take with you when going on a trip to Paris in January, and how to dress.

January in Paris is rarely cold and temperatures tend to hover around zero or slightly below. But there is often a strong wind. And so take warm sweaters, coats, and most importantly, scarves and those so loved by your ex Soviet people, hats with earflaps. Well, or something that can protect your ears well.

Paris is known for its sudden heavy downpours. Therefore, an umbrella is a necessary and obligatory thing.

Take a good, comfortable pair of waterproof boots. It's also important that the soles of your boots don't slip because the streets can be slick and icy in January. The snow is melting and there is slush on the streets.

High heels and shoes are absolutely inappropriate footwear, although sometimes you want to show off in a pair of Jimmi Choo shoes you freshly bought on sale.

Warm gloves are what you will definitely need. Don't let cold hands distract you from the sights. They may not be needed, but let them be.

If you want to spend part of your time in Parisian cafes, then grab a couple of your favorite books and magazines.

If you plan to buy most of the branded items during the January sales, don't forget your credit cards, or better yet, bring a safe from home

Based on materials from the Go to Paris website.

A trip to Paris in January is an opportunity to see the city in festive decoration, beautiful and elegant: light elegant touches in the everyday picture - a few bright balls on evergreen trees, floral arrangements on the parapets of bridges, in shops, cafes. But in the evening and at night, Paris seems to explode with fantastic lights and illuminations, taking on a fabulous look.

January in Paris is unpredictable - so say weather forecasters

What's the weather like in January? Unpredictable. It can be warm - up to +12 o C degrees and above. Anyone who watched the wonderful film “A Man and a Woman” remembers the heroine’s walk to the amazing music of Francis Ley through winter Paris past green lawns and a small pond with floating white swans. If you are lucky with the weather, you can see the city exactly like this: sunny, surrounded by green trees and smiling flowers.

But most often Paris greets you with rain, and sometimes with real snowy winter. Average temperatures in January: during the day -4 o C, at night -3 o C. But these are average statistical data. Therefore, when going to Paris in January, do not forget to put in your luggage things designed for any weather: warm, windproof ones, hats, gloves, umbrellas and, of course, comfortable waterproof shoes with non-slip soles.

Walking through winter Paris

Once you find yourself in snow-covered Paris and are upset that the main landmark of the city - the Eiffel Tower - is not visible because of the hanging clouds, you will suddenly see the top of the tower above a dense layer of clouds - this sun peeking out for a few minutes gives unforgettable moments for which you can forgive the weather all the inconveniences.

Tired of walking around the snowy city? Sit down with a cup of hot coffee at a street cafe table (they are heated in winter in Paris), admire fresh flowers or bright balls in a white cap of snow.

Paris will present many more surprises in January - reviews and photographs of tourists captured jets of fountains against the backdrop of snow-covered pyramids at the Louvre, and birds gliding in bewilderment across a frozen pond.

Paris gives Russian tourists discoveries that make us proud of our country and its culture: the most beautiful bridge in the French capital - the bridge Alexandra III. There is Stravinsky Square, Sevastopol Boulevard, Leo Tolstoy Square, Rimsky-Korsakov dead end, many streets in honor of great people: Peter the Great, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, and cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Peterhof, Kronstadt, Odessa.

We buy air tickets Moscow-Paris

It's faster and easier to fly to Paris by direct flight in just 4 hours. But you need to be prepared for the fact that due to bad weather, flights to Paris in January may be delayed. In addition, direct flights are the most expensive. Tourists give advice on how to buy tickets at a good price:

  • buy tickets for flights with transfers, which will cost almost half as much as for a direct flight;
  • purchase tickets from the same airline for both flights. If you are late due to weather conditions for a connecting flight, the airline takes care of all the worries about the onward flight to Paris;
  • book roundtrip tickets immediately.

It is better to purchase tickets in advance, keeping track of possible discounts and last-minute tours. The cost of tickets also depends on the date of departure:

  • the most expensive tickets to Paris in January - January 2 and 3, the cheapest - January 13 and at the end of the month;
  • from Paris the most expensive are January 5-8, the cheapest are from the middle to the end of the month.

How else can you get to Paris?

Another way to get to Paris: fly to some European city and transfer there to a high-speed train to Paris. Or vice versa: first by train, and then by plane. You can travel the entire route from Moscow to Paris by train; it will take 37 hours. Ticket prices: coupe - 20,470 rubles, luxury - 28,398 rubles.

Another ground transport that will take you from Moscow to Paris is a bus: a comfortable bus leaves from the Varshavskaya bus station twice a week, the travel time will take about 48 hours, the ticket price is 7,840 rubles, round trip - 14,900 rubles.

Tours to Paris to choose from

January is considered the low tourist season, offering cheaper plane tickets and discounted hotel rates. All travel agencies offer significant discounts on tours. Thus, tours to Paris for January (with round-trip flights and hotel accommodation) cost: for 5 nights - from 30,000 rubles, for 7 nights - from 33,000 rubles.

You can purchase sightseeing tours, the price of which, in addition to flights, transfers and hotel accommodation, includes bus and walking tours of Paris and the surrounding area, and visits to museums. The cost of 8-day tours ranges from 35,000 to 60,000 rubles. The topics are very different:

  • "Paris for everyone!"
  • "Walk in Paris"
  • "Classic Paris"
  • "Royal Paris"
  • "Paris and the castles of the Loire."
  • "Fontainebleau plus Versailles."

Several tours are also offered for traveling with children:

  • "Paris Holidays"
  • "Paris for children"
  • "Paris + Disneyland".

Business cards of the French capital

If you are exploring the city on your own, the question arises about what to see in Paris in January. There are five places, according to tourists, with which the French capital is associated:

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, which received a second name almost immediately after construction - “ Iron Lady", in the first month of the year, it amazes with its festive illumination, and those who celebrated the New Year in the capital will remember it against the backdrop of stunning fireworks. The weather in Paris in January does not always allow you to see the 324-meter tower in its entirety and take a high-speed elevator or walk to the observation deck, from where the entire city is at your fingertips. But there is an opportunity to see the openwork structure close to it, and go ice skating on the skating rink (free, 24 hours a day), flooded on the platform of the tower, located at a height of 50 meters from the ground.


Paris in January is attractive due to the absence or short queues at museums, the opportunity to calmly contemplate masterpieces, moving slowly from one exhibit to another. The exception is the Louvre: even in January you will have to stand in line to get into this museum. But Mona Lisa's smile and wings will make your wait worthwhile.

Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris) is a Gothic cathedral that is striking in its architecture, stained glass windows, and interior design. This is a functioning Catholic church; services are held here, accompanied by the sounds of an ancient organ. The cathedral houses a Christian shrine - crown of thorns Jesus Christ.

Main street of the city

The 50-meter Arc de Triomphe was erected by order of Napoleon, and the bas-reliefs decorating it tell about his victories, and the arch itself is one of the beautiful decorations of Paris. From Arc de Triomphe The 2-kilometer Champs Elysees begins, surrounded by parks, shops, and cafes. Parisians traditionally celebrate the New Year on the Champs-Elysees, and the main street of Paris is still illuminated.

Disneyland - a trip to a magical land

A trip to Disneyland Paris in January, according to tourists, is although not the best time, but delight and pleasure are guaranteed. There are 5 parks here:

  • Main road.
  • Borderland.
  • Adventureland.
  • Land of discovery.
  • Fantasyland.

In the evening, a real fairy tale begins at Disneyland: fireworks and a light show near the Sleeping Beauty Castle, which projects Disney cartoon characters, the castle’s illumination is constantly changing, and if at this time it's snowing- incredible magic!

Travelers should take into account that the Amusement Park is not located in Paris itself, but in the town of Marne-la-Vallee Chessy. You can buy a single ticket to Disneyland, which includes the cost of travel on special buses: Disneyland Paris Express or Cityrama. You can get to the park by RER (high-speed train). This type of transport, according to tourists, is the fastest and cheapest.

Disneyland is not only a huge amusement park, but also the accompanying infrastructure: shops, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, hotels, even ranches and wigwams. All buildings are unique not only in architecture, but also in interior, each is a continuation of a fairy tale.

January is the month of sales and high fashion

Twice a year in Paris there are seasonal monthly sales, when clothes, shoes, accessories, including branded ones, can be bought in almost all stores with significant discounts.

Winter sales begin on the second Wednesday of January; in 2018 they will run from January 10 to February 13. Tips from tourists who are planning shopping in Paris in January will help:

  1. So, at the beginning of sales, discounts are minimal - 10-20%, next week - 35-50%, in the third - 70-75%, by the end they reach 80-90%.
  2. It is better to make purchases in the morning and at lunchtime, when there are fewer customers in the stores - after all, fashionistas from different countries deliberately come to the sales.
  3. You shouldn't devote your weekends to shopping.
  4. The ideal places for shopping, according to tourists' reviews, are outlets ( shopping centers for sales). The most popular: La Vallee Village (near Disneyland) and Usines Center Paris Nord (near Charles de Gaulle airport).

In the midst winter sale an event is taking place in Paris that attracts film stars and pop stars - Week high fashion. Here are the trends for the upcoming spring-summer season. But you can only get to these shows with special invitation cards.


For some, Paris is a dream, and they go to the capital of France, having absorbed all the available information about this city from books, films, songs, and the Internet. For others, a trip to Paris is a tick in the list of cities they’ve seen: I’ve been here too. There are those who were skeptical about all the common epithets of the city: “Gray rose” (M. Voloshin), “A holiday that is always with you” (E. Hemingway), and many consider the phrase “See Paris and die” by I. Ehrenburg to be vulgar . This is how you can classify the reviews of tourists who visited Paris for the first time. The result is the same: many dream of seeing him again.

I couldn't even dream about Paris. I had a stereotype in my head that in France everything is very expensive, but in Paris the prices are simply astronomical. I need to add up several of my salaries to buy two tickets to the city of lovers. But, after all, winter is a time of fairy tales, and all women’s desires should come true. My boyfriend sacrificed his savings to show me. Why doubt, you have to fly. I quickly gathered my things. How you met me in January - I’ll tell you right now.

January weather in the city of dreams

Some tourists who have experience tourist trips big, they do not advise flying to Paris in January, because the weather is not kind, and prices remain high (if you book tours in holidays You can get a discount, but you have to time it correctly). Personally, I was lucky. There were no snowfalls.

January weather no different in Paris on sunny days. During my entire vacation, the air temperature did not rise above 10 degrees Celsius. In the evening, I saved myself from extreme sports and walking around the city at night. And she was in the room. The temperature at night varies significantly; there were night frosts. But there is another significant disadvantage of January weather: rain and cold wind. It rains almost every day, high humidity (on average, twenty days with precipitation in January).

There were no beautiful snowflakes that cover the city with snow, but this weather did not interfere with the romantic atmosphere. Bring boots, an umbrella and warm clothes.

Holidays in Paris or what tourists will see in January

Life in Paris is like big holiday. Parisians live at a special pace. They know how to enjoy life, cook deliciously, love and celebrate holidays. The following events take place here in January:

  • The grand opening of the Christmas lights on the Champs Elysees (the installation runs from the beginning of December and ends on the tenth of January);
  • New Year(a solemn march takes place in the city);
  • Epiphany;
  • International exhibition and show of underwear - Interfiliere Int"l Exhibition of Lace.

I don't know the city and the cost of public transport is very high, so I chose only one event. Like every woman, I carefully choose my underwear. A ticket to the Interfiliere Int"l Exhibition of Lace exhibition was a cherished dream for me. I managed to buy one ticket and get to the exhibition on the last day. The exhibition and show of underwear are held at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center. The building is beautiful, I liked the atmosphere. But I expected something more from Paris.

Tourist saturation

It is impossible to imagine Paris without tourists; there are always tourists here. There are no long queues at the Louvre in January. You can easily book a hotel room and calmly travel to Versailles. High tourist season will begin at the end of April, and in May there will be so many people in the city that you will have to stand in line for hours. January is the best time to freely visit museums in Paris.

Take a look, do it with your chosen one. Bad weather, wind, rain - these are all little things. Paris in January looks like a real fairy-tale city. And I really don’t want to go home!