What is the climate in Barcelona? Typical climate and weather in Barcelona

On various tourism forums you can read completely contradictory information regarding the weather and sea temperature in the capital of Catalonia. Someone writes about stormy winds and heavy downpours in winter period. Others note that it is cool here during the day and warm at night. Still others claim that in winter the air warms up to +20C - +30C during the day, and you can swim in sea water. In fact this information not true. The sea in the capital of Catalonia cannot be called warm in winter. At this time of year it warms up to an average of +14C. The sea becomes very warm in the period July-August. IN this material we'll talk about temperature sea ​​water off the coast of Barcelona by month.


At the beginning of the year, the sea here warms up to an average of +13C - +14C. The strong wind makes it seem even colder. On the beaches of Barcelona this month you can only find “walruses” and surfers in appropriate equipment. Other guests of the Catalan capital come to the coast to enjoy the beautiful seascapes.


At the end of winter, the thermometer in Barcelona shows +16C - +17C. Before opening swimming season still far. The sea temperature is similar to January - +13C - +14C.


At the beginning of spring, sea water is still cold - +16C, although on the beaches you can already meet seasoned vacationers and lifelong surfing fans riding the waves. For them, the March weather on the Barcelona coast is ideal.


In mid-spring, the sun in the capital of Catalonia pleases with its light and warmth more than in the previous month, but the sea is still cool - +17C. Only seasoned swimmers can be found in the water, but on the beaches the number of sunbathing tourists is steadily increasing.


At the end of spring, the sea is already warm enough for short swims. If in the first half of the month the water warms up to +18C - +20C, then in the second half of the month it warms up to +19C - +22C. If you are ready for a little discomfort and want to freshen up, then nothing will stop you from taking a few dips in the sea. Sometimes at the end of spring there is a large influx of holidaymakers on the beaches of the capital of Catalonia, but this depends on the weather and does not happen every year.


At the beginning of summer, the number of holidaymakers who come to Barcelona for a beach holiday is significantly different from May. The water in the sea has already warmed up steadily to +20C - +22C, but it is still not very comfortable to stay in it for a long time.


July is the month of the full start of the beach season in the capital of Catalonia. In mid-summer, sea water here is already very warm - +24C - +25C. The number of vacationers on city beaches is off the charts.


In mid-August, the sea off the coast of Barcelona warms up to +26C - +27C. It is difficult to find free space on the beaches. Because of this, many tourists at the end of summer go on vacation to the resorts of the Costa Dorada or Costa Brava. Although the beaches there are well filled.


At the beginning of autumn, the sea in the Catalan capital warms up to +24C - +25C. Until the middle of the month, there is still nowhere to fall on the beaches of Barcelona. There are years when the September water pleases with its warmth until the end of the month. At this time, you can meet many children with their parents on city beaches.


In the first half of the month, vacationers in the Catalan capital still continue to swim in the sea. The water at this time warms up to +21C - +22C. The second half of October in the city is usually rainy. The sea becomes cool and the swimming season closes, although you can still find sunbathing people on the beaches.


At the end of autumn, the capital of Catalonia is dry and cool. During the day, the thermometer shows +17C - +19C, and at night - +10C - +12C.
The water is already cold - +17C. In addition, the sea in November in Barcelona is stormy.


At the end of the year, on the beaches of Barcelona you can only find “walruses”, tourists walking in warm clothes and surfing fans in special equipment. There are a lot of the latter here. They ride on high waves. The sea temperature in December is +14C. It is also worth mentioning the strong and cold wind that blows on the coast of Barcelona at this time.

You can find out about the current sea temperature in the Catalan capital at any time of the year on the portal www.eltiempo.es/barcelona.

IN high season the air is heated to +27.6°C, and the sea is +24.3°C. Low - air +12.2°C, water +13.2°C, precipitation 25.6 mm, 2 rainy days, 18 in total sunny days. This is a popular city to travel to in Spain. The weather in Barcelona by month, winter, spring, summer and autumn is presented in the graph below. The beach season here lasts at least 4 months.

The best months to travel

In August, September, July - best time for relax. The price is good warm weather from +26.8°C to +28.8°C. At this time of year there is little rain, no more than 1 day per month, with 34.9 to 61.9 mm of precipitation falling. Also in Barcelona there is a warm sea with water temperatures from +23.8°C to +25.0°C and swimming is a pleasure. There are maximum sunny days for the whole year - from 23 to 29 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Barcelona are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Barcelona by month

The difference in daily air temperature throughout the year is 16.6°C, but due to the presence of the sea, the weather in Barcelona and the monthly climate in Spain are quite mild. Most cold month- December, when the air warms up to +12.2°C, and the warmest is August with +28.8°C.

Water temperature in Barcelona

The beach season here lasts 4 months: October, July, September, August. The sea temperature at this time of year ranges from +22°C to +25°C for a pleasant swim. Worst weather in Barcelona and the water temperature was recorded in February +13.2°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

A bad month for travel is November, it rains on average 5 days. The maximum monthly precipitation is 77.1 mm.

Rest comfort rating

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
Rainy days
January +14.2°C +13.6°C 21 0 days (25.6mm)
February +14.8°C +13.2°C 18 1 day (21.3mm)
March +16.8°C +13.8°C 22 3 days (60.4mm)
April +18.5°C +14.8°C 20 2 days (39.1mm)
May +19.2°C +17.1°C 25 3 days (33.5mm)
June +26.8°C +20.6°C 27 3 days (43.0mm)
July +27.2°C +23.8°C 25 2 days (36.9mm)
August +28.8°C +25°C 29 1 day (34.9mm)
September +26.8°C +24°C 23 4 days (61.9mm)
October +23.8°C +22°C 21 3 days (43.7mm)
November +18.8°C +19.2°C 20 5 days (77.1mm)
December +12.2°C +16.4°C 23 2 days (11.7mm)

Number of sunny days

Beautiful sunny weather will delight tourists in August - as many as 29 sunny days per month. Great time for a holiday in Barcelona.

Wind speed

The maximum wind strength in March reaches 3.3 m/s with gusts up to 5.1 m/s.

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Weather in Barcelona by month in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Air and water temperature, precipitation – helpful information from “Travel The World”.

Barcelona – spanish city incredible beauty, receives tens of thousands of tourists throughout the year. When to go to Barcelona? It all depends on what you want to do - sightseeing, experiencing culture or spending time on the beaches. For each of these activities there is one best period per year.

Weather in Barcelona by month


For many of us, winter means cold, piercing wind and snow. However, in Barcelona, ​​winter is the season for walking in light jackets. During the day, the air is quite warm, heated to +16 C, creating comfortable conditions for walking around Barcelona and its surroundings. What can darken the mood of a tourist visiting the city in December is frequent rain.


The first month of the year in Barcelona is marked by average daytime temperatures of +12 C; at night the thermometer often drops to zero. There are few tourists in Barcelona during this period - cool weather with precipitation is by no means the ultimate dream. Swimming in the sea is out of the question - thirteen-degree water will lure only walruses into its arms.


Second winter month perhaps the worst time to visit Barcelona. Few people would like to wander around this beautiful city, when rain alternately pours from the sky for almost a third of the month or sleet falls. February daytime temperatures range from +12 C to +14 C. The water is as cold as in January.


First spring month Barcelona is quite cool - the daytime temperature, although low (+16 C), is already more comfortable than in February. The sea is slowly starting to warm up - the water in March warms up to a fairly “fresh” 15 degrees.


April is the first month when truly warm weather begins to delight tourists visiting Barcelona. Although the temperature does not reach +20 C, the feeling of spring still appears in the soul, except that short-term rains spoil this feeling a little.


Warmed up to +22 C, the air in Barcelona is not yet a signal for a massive visit to the beautiful beaches, but it already makes it possible in dreams to feel like warm waters Mediterranean, to be precise, then Balearic Sea. In May there is a lot of rainfall in Barcelona and it can be chilly at night, so it is necessary to take an umbrella and a jacket.


In June, the weather in Barcelona kicks off the beach season. The water temperature reaches +22 C, the air is several degrees warmer. The combination of these two indicators creates comfortable conditions for relaxation.


According to the majority of tourists visiting Barcelona, ​​this summer month is ideal for holidays with children. Of course – the water is heated to +24 C, the air – to +27 C...+29 C. Night temperatures in July do not fall below +18 C.


August weather is the hottest time in Barcelona. It is marked by water heated to +26 C and air that often exceeds +30 C. But even this weather does not cause inconvenience due to excessive heat or stuffiness.


Like many other European beach resorts, September is the velvet season. The water in the sea is quite warm, and the air warms up to +24 C.


The air temperature in October drops only a couple of degrees compared to September, the water also cools slightly - in short, the velvet season ends and the number of tourists decreases by leaps and bounds. It rains for almost a third of the month.


In the last month of autumn, there is usually no talk of a beach holiday - sea water with a temperature of +18 C is not very attractive. The air temperature during the day is no more than +18 C, in a word - tourist season ends.

And you can learn about the features of a holiday in Barcelona in different months of the year.

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Here is information about the weather in Barcelona by month: average air and water temperatures, average monthly quantity precipitation.

Barcelona has a typical Mediterranean climate. Weather in Barcelona hot in summer and warm in winter. This climate makes Barcelona quite an attractive tourist destination.

Summer weather in Barcelona It's pleasant with sunny days; it usually doesn't rain. IN summer months average temperature in Barcelona it is about +28 - +30°C. It’s easy to guess that in the summer Barcelona is literally “attacked” by tourists. And prices for trips to Barcelona are also slightly higher than in the off-season. But summer is the warmest and most comfortable time for excursions and shopping.

A winter weather in Barcelona more damp, but there is less rain here than in other cities Western Europe. This is due to the features geographical location Spain. The average air temperature is +13-+14°C. Agree, attractive for winter?

During the autumn and spring periods weather are different. In spring, the air temperature averages +16-+18°C, and in autumn it is slightly warmer – +20-+25°C. Spring in Barcelona is an incredibly beautiful phenomenon: everything literally blooms and smells, and the city itself seems to come to life after winter hibernation.

Barcelona is one of the most beautiful Spanish cities, which is visited annually by numerous tourists from all over the world. They are practicing here beach holiday, get acquainted with cultural characteristics region and explore local attractions. The type of holiday you choose in Barcelona depends partly on the weather in a particular month.


In Russia, winter is considered to be a cold season with snowfalls and strong winds. But in the capital of Catalonia this month you can meet people on the street wearing light autumn jackets. During the daytime the city is quite warm. The air warms up to +16C. You can take walks and explore Barcelona and its surroundings. It is worth noting that at the end of the year it is rainy in the capital of Catalonia, so do not forget to take an umbrella with you before going for a walk.


The year in the city begins with average daytime temperatures of about +12C; at night it can drop to 0C. January is considered a slow month for tourist activity. Not everyone likes to get to know the city in cool weather in the rain or sleet. The opening of the swimming season is still a long way off. The sea water temperature in January is only +13C. Walruses only occasionally visit local beaches.


At the end of winter, there are even fewer tourists in the Catalan capital than in January. In February, there is a total of ten days of precipitation in the form of rain and sleet. The thermometer in the daytime shows +12C - +14C. The sea continues to remain cold.


At the beginning of spring, the city is still cool. During the day the air warms up to an average of +16C. In general, the weather this month is more comfortable than at the end of winter. Sea water gradually becomes warmer - +15C.


It is this month that the tourist flow to the capital of Catalonia begins to grow. It's getting warm in the city - +20C. Spring is coming into its own and the mood may be slightly spoiled by short-term rains.


The average temperature in the Catalan capital this month is +22C. True, a massive influx of vacationers has not yet been observed on local beaches. May is considered a rainy month here, and nights in late spring are still cool. Before traveling to Barcelona in May, do not forget to bring a jacket and an umbrella.


It is this month that the capital of Catalonia opens beach season. The water in the sea warms up to +22C. The city is becoming warm like summer. You can meet many tourists on the streets and beaches of Barcelona.


July in the Catalan capital is a wonderful month for a family holiday with children. The water temperature in the sea is +24C, and the air temperature is +27C - +29C. At night the thermometer can drop to a maximum of +18C.


August here is the hottest month of the year. Sea water warms up to +26C, and air - up to +30C. At the same time, there is no feeling of stuffiness in the city.


Barcelona delights holidaymakers in September velvet season. Adults and children are still splashing in the water in comfortable conditions, and the thermometer in the city shows +24C.


It's a little mid-autumn colder than September. This applies to air and water temperature. Holiday season is nearing its end and vacationers are gradually leaving Barcelona. In addition, October is considered a rainy month. There is a total of ten days of precipitation here.


In November you will hardly see anyone on the beaches of Barcelona. The temperature of sea water and air is the same +18C.