Weather in Jordan. Jordan: tourist information, weather, seasons Tourist season in Jordan

Weather in Jordan now: today, for 3 days and for 2 weeks. Climate and weather in Jordan by month. Weather forecast for cities in Jordan.

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Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water





  • June







Average monthly temperature, °C day and night





  • June







In such an important matter as planning a vacation in Jordan, awareness of the current weather is main factor success. What could be more disgusting if your excursion tour is ruined by rain, and the supposed relaxing holiday sea ​​shores under the shade of palm trees - drying heat? Perhaps the only thing is that, having gone on an excursion to the Wadi Rum desert in July, you are quite capable, focusing on the word “desert,” and frivolously not taking warm clothes and being chilled to the bone. In a word, so that these annoying misunderstandings do not spoil your wonderful holiday in colorful Jordan, we have prepared for you a thorough analysis of the Jordanian “weather” not only in each of the four seasons, but also in each of the twelve months of the year.

Jordan in spring

Jordan in spring is ideal for all types of holidays. At this time of year, the temperature here is very comfortable, and rains are rare, so the spring months are a real haven for lovers of “excursion”, and for fans of beach holidays, and for divers, and for those who dote on active “adrenaline” » - rock climbing, hiking and other types of physical activity.

Jordan, autumn

September, October and November in Jordan are, although elevated compared to the “pan-European” one, but comfortable temperature air. For example, at the beginning of autumn, Amman will greet travelers with a pleasant +31 °C, which will gradually drop to pre-winter +21 °C - well, why not the middle zone! One minus is that in November it can rain in Amman and the north. IN central regions country and Petra in September it can still be hot for an “excursion” - up to +32 °C, and in October and November it’s already the same: +27 °C and +20 °C, respectively. As for the Red Sea coast of Jordan, the hot summer continues here - until November the temperature does not drop below +33 °C; The situation is similar in the Wadi Rum desert - well above +30 °C until the very end of autumn.

The bathing and recreational waters of the Red Sea, as well as the recreational and medicinal seas of the Dead Sea, are in no hurry to cool down after the drying summer sun, giving vacationers real “fresh milk”. At the beginning of autumn, off the coast of Aqaba, summer waters still remain at +28 °C, dropping to +25 °C by November, which is no less comfortable for relaxed splashing and long swims. As for the Dead Sea, it is even more generous to tourists - +28...+31 °C throughout the fall.

Off the coast of Aqaba, the waters of the Red Sea in winter cool down to no lower than +23...+21 °C, and the difference with the air temperature is practically not felt.

Jordan in winter

Winter Jordan - perfect tourist destination for fans of sightseeing tours: throughout the country there is a very comfortable climate with temperatures ranging from +12.. +15 °C in the north and center to +20.. +22 °C in desert areas and in Aqaba. The only annoying thing that awaits fans of the excursion is that it often rains until March, so you will definitely need an umbrella on excursions. In addition, winter in Jordan is perfect for diving and relaxing on the beaches of the Red Sea, as well as for relaxation and treatment at the Dead Sea - swimming in both bodies of water is comfortable all year round.

December, January and February in Jordan are highly recommended for holidays for those who do not welcome extreme heat and other weather excesses. At the beginning of winter in Amman and its surroundings (including excursion destinations Jerash and Ajloun), the temperature fluctuates between +14...+16 °C during the day, which, coupled with a large number makes sunny days excursion holiday relaxed and pleasant. In the winter months, the temperature does not drop below +11...+13 °C, however, its differences during the day are significant: at night it can reach +2...+4 °C, so warm clothes will definitely be needed. In Petra and the central regions of Jordan in winter, it is a couple of degrees warmer during the day and the same amount colder at night. Well, on the Red Sea coast there is comfortable weather with +21...+23 °C “in the air”.

The water temperature in the Dead Sea in winter averages +23 °C in December, +21 °C in January and +19 °C in February; in the last month of winter it can be chilly for “warm-blooded” tourists. However, this does not in any way affect the quality of treatment in spa centers. Off the coast of Aqaba, the waters of the Red Sea cool down to no lower than +23...+21 °C, and the difference with the air temperature is practically not felt.

Climate of Jordan

Jordan is a small Arab state located in the Middle East. The feature that makes tourists interested in visiting it is not only its rich heritage ancient culture, but also the possibility of treatment on the waters and mud of the Dead Sea. The southernmost tip of Jordan reaches the shores of the Red Sea, where the city of Akkaba, which bears the same name as the bay of the sea, is located. It is very close to the popular Israeli resort of Eilat. The possibility of year-round swimming in the warm, clean sea also attracts tourists here.

The country is located in the subtropics with some influence Mediterranean Sea. Despite the relative proximity of the sea, in Jordan there is a sharp continental climate, which will determine the weather patterns at any time of the year. Unlike countries with a more maritime climate, day and night temperatures here differ significantly. And if during the day in summer there is unbearable heat, then at night the temperature can drop significantly.

Weather at Jordan resorts

The peak season for tourist visits to Jordan is spring and autumn. For residents middle zone they resemble the usual summer - quite hot during the day and warm at night. The Jordanian summer heat can seem like pure hell to visitors, when the merciless sun shines overhead for fifteen hours and there is not a hint of cloudiness. The lack of rain from mid-spring until almost the end of autumn also leaves its mark on the perception of the country's climate.

The resort regions of Jordan are the coasts of the Red Sea in the south and the Dead Sea in the center of the country. Despite the fact that the Dead Sea is located somewhat to the north, the peculiarities of its microclimate make all seasons here warmer than near the Red Sea. In summer or spring, autumn or winter, the air temperature here is a couple of degrees higher both day and night. Also warmer is its very salty water.

Both resort region available to tourists all year round. The water temperature in the coldest months in both seas does not fall below +21…+22 degrees. You can also sunbathe on the beach all year round without fear of freezing.

Sights of Jordan

Jordan is an ancient country that is full of historical monuments, perfectly preserved to this day due to the arid climate.

In addition to resort areas where you can swim, sunbathe or dive, the country is full of interesting places, full of historical meaning, where every person strives to get to at least once in his life.

The most famous, legendary city is the city of Petra. Found quite recently - already in the twentieth century ancient city in the rocks, amazes the imagination of travelers from different countries. Abandoned for unknown reasons, it still excites the imagination of historians, archaeologists and ordinary people. One of the episodes of Steven Spielberg's famous film about Indiana Jones was filmed here - under the scorching sun of Jordan. After watching the film, you can also form some impression about the weather in Jordan.

The most interesting historical center is the capital of the country - the city of Amman and many nearby cities and villages. This is also a typical Ottoman city of Salt, by visiting which you will have an idea of ​​how the Arabs lived and live. The Iraq al-Amir Palace is a trace of Hellenistic settlements dating back to the 2nd century. BC e. The city of mosaics is Madaba, where a mosaic map of the 6th century AD is perfectly preserved. with an image of the Holy Land. Mount Sky - according to legend, it was from its top that God showed Moses the Promised Land.

North of the capital there is an interesting historical center- city of Jerash. All the ancient buildings of the city have survived to this day, carefully preserved by a mudflow that once descended on the city. The inhabitants, who did not have time to escape from the wrath of the elements, unfortunately died, but the ancient city itself was perfectly preserved thanks to this event.

Jordan is full of history and, having visited it once, an inquisitive researcher will return here again and again, despite the fact that the weather in Jordan can be very, very hot.

Arab, bordering a number of countries with an unstable political situation, resembles an oasis of peace and tranquility in the Middle East. The Jordanian king and his advisers are friends with, which is beneficial to both countries. Many tourists choose combined tours for their holidays, including visits to Israel and Jordan.

Jordan welcomes all travelers: beach lovers who go straight to the resort on the Red Sea, patients in need of treatment and recovery (the mud and water of the Dead Sea are at their service), pilgrims seeking to worship holy places, curious tourists who are attracted by the sights of ancient cities, admirers active recreation. There is coral reefs and deserted cities covered with sand, snow-white mosques and endless picturesque desert, luxury hotels and a lot of entertainment for every taste.

It is not surprising that many tourists are interested in the question of when is the best time to vacation in Jordan. Even local residents will not be able to answer it unequivocally. You can come to Jordan 12 months a year, clearly defined high season not here. However, most tourists choose autumn, winter and spring for their holidays in Jordan.

Why not summer?

The most comfortable weather conditions for recreation are installed in Jordan in spring and autumn. In spring, air temperatures rarely rise above 27 degrees Celsius. Approximately 8 days a month it's raining. In autumn, the sultry summer is in no hurry to lose ground: the air temperature stays at 25-30 degrees, and it rains much less often. However, this weather is ideal for sightseeing tourism or relaxation in Dead Sea sanatoriums.

Summer in Jordan is dry and windy, there is practically no rain, but there is often sandstorms, because, as you know, most of the country’s territory is occupied by desert. Then it’s better not to be on the street. The air warms up to 35 degrees in summer. In such heat, moving through the desert on all-terrain vehicles as part of a safari or sightseeing is quite difficult.

Winter in Jordan is characterized by strong differences between day and night temperatures. At night the air temperature drops to 0 degrees, and during the day it rises to 14-15. It will be difficult for weather-dependent people at this time.

Beauty Petra

The Pink City, initially hidden from the eyes of tourists who, before entering its territory, are forced to walk or ride donkeys through a narrow gorge, appears unexpectedly and immediately stuns. The first thing travelers see is the majestic Al-Khazneh temple, carved into the rock.

Former capital Nabataean kingdom, Petra was abandoned by people around the 6th century. n. e. For a long time they didn’t even suspect its existence. The right to accidentally discover a city lost in the rocks belongs to the Swiss Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, who knew well Arabic and was able to pass for a visiting sheikh.

Petra was recently included in the list of new wonders of the world. Thousands of tourists come every year to look at the buildings harmoniously built into the rocks, which change their color depending on the position of the sun in the sky. To enjoy your trip to Petra, it is better to vacation in Jordan when it is not so hot, that is, in autumn or spring.

Country for pilgrims

Not far from Petra there are two shrines that are often visited by pilgrims. This is the former Nabataean temple of Ad-Dair, which was converted by Christians into a monastery, and the tomb of the high priest Aaron.

In general, Jordan is part of the Holy Land. Here are the places that are mentioned in the Bible; many prophets lived and preached here. You should definitely see the ancient city of Madaba, which is also written about in the Bible. It was abandoned by the inhabitants after 746, when it happened here devastating earthquake. The restoration of the city began only in late XIX century. Among the attractions of Madaba, it is worth noting several villas built by the ancient Romans, early Christian temples with colorful mosaics from the Byzantine period. In one of the local churches, it is believed that the head of John the Baptist is kept.

Beach holiday

Aqaba, Jordan's only resort on the Red Sea, is only 4 hours away by bus from the country's capital. Buses between cities run frequently - five times a day. Aqaba is famous cleanest beaches and a unique microclimate. The backdrop for the city is the mountains, which prevent cold air masses, so it is always summer here. Even in winter, the water temperature remains at 21-22 degrees Celsius. It can be very hot here in summer, so it is better to vacation in Aqaba from autumn to spring.

The length of beaches in Aqaba is 27 km. Along them are built the most fashionable hotels of the resort and the most famous restaurants. Fashionistas from all over the Middle East come to Aqaba for shopping, because there are no duties charged on goods here, which means prices here are an order of magnitude lower than in other cities. If tourists are afraid that they will have to go to long dresses and trousers instead of shorts, we hasten to reassure them: morals in Aqaba are not as strict as in the rest of Jordan.

What to bring from Jordan?

Jordan differs significantly from other Arab countries in the culture of behavior in markets and private stores. Not a single seller will stoop to blocking customers from passing through, loudly inviting them into his shop or grabbing them by the hand. All traders behave politely and attentively.

Another feature of Jordanian markets is that it is not customary to bargain here. Every seller knows the true price of his product and will not reduce it for the sake of short-term profit. Street vendors lower prices for souvenirs a little.

What products should a tourist pay attention to in Jordan:

  • medicinal and decorative cosmetics with Dead Sea salts;
  • wooden figurines carved by local craftsmen;
  • copper utensils with elegant chasing: dishes, cezves, glasses, teapots;
  • containers of different shapes, in which pictures were created from multi-colored sand: camels walking through the desert, growing palm trees.

Features of Jordanian cuisine

In Jordan, the traveler discovers many already familiar and popular dishes that are served in other Arab countries. Most often it is fried and stewed lamb and veal, rice, vegetable stew, potatoes, and millet. Mint is actively used here as spices and flavoring additives. lemon juice, dried and fresh herbs, marinated olives, onions. Eggplants, peas, and beans are widely used. Bread products are served with any dish: pita bread, flat cakes, which are convenient for scooping up gravy and pieces of meat, as well as bread made from dark flour.

When in Jordan, you should definitely try local sweets: sesame cookies, baklava with nuts, candied or dried pieces of fruit and much more. Wash down all this splendor with tea or coffee. Tea is served in small, often metal glasses and placed in large number sugar and mint. Locals drink coffee prepared in cezves without sugar. In cafes, coffee is served with a glass of regular or mineral water. Before you take a sip of coffee, you should drink water to refresh your receptors.

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It just so happened that behind the “backs” of its neighbors, Egypt and Israel, Jordan remained in the shadows for Russian tourists. But the situation is changing, Egypt is closed due to the threat of terrorist attacks, and Israel is not suitable for everyone. And the Russians began to discover new country with familiar seas. It is worth saying that the territory of Jordan is large, but coastline Not good. This is, first of all, the shore of the Dead Sea, and a small piece of the Red Sea, which reaches the shores of the country thanks to the Gulf of Aqaba. Let's take a closer look at the country's weather in different times year.

January is low season.
In January on larger territory Jordan is cold. During the day it is no higher than +12 degrees, and at night it is completely close to zero, and up to +1 +2 degrees. only at the resort of Aqaba is hot weather up to +21, and the sea here is just as warm, not lower than +21 degrees. This month there are not many tourists here, and you can relax for half the price.

February – winter ends.
Yes, in February winter ends in the territory and tourists begin to attack local resorts again. During the day it is already warmer and the temperature reaches +16 +18 degrees. the sea is just as warm, reaching +20 +22 degrees. There is little rain, discounts in hotels are slowly disappearing and prices are starting to rise. February is a good time for treatment and excursions.

March – beginning beach season.
March can rightfully be considered the beginning of a new beach season. In the southern resorts of the country it is already very warm, with daytime temperatures not lower than +23 degrees. True, the nights are cold, and after sunset the temperature drops sharply, dropping to +6 +8 degrees. but both seas are warm, up to +21 degrees. There are significantly more tourists this month. They are in a hurry to relax on the coast of Jordan before real heat and strong winds set in.

April is the time for diving enthusiasts.
In mid-spring, Jordan's resorts are full of scuba diving enthusiasts. There are so many of them here that it seems that if they all sink under water, the sea will overflow its shores. During the day the weather is already hot, up to +31, and the nights are no longer cold and you can walk safely in the evenings, because it’s +18 outside. Both the Red and Dead Seas are becoming even warmer, showing the same results of +22 degrees.

May – summer heat has arrived.
It is in May that the summer heat sets in at the country's resorts. The air is heated to +35, and the scorching sun only makes it hotter. In May, you can no longer spend the whole day on the beach, because at lunchtime, when the sun is at its highest, it is so hot that you can easily get a sunstroke or a skin burn. Even special creams are not strong against such sun. But the sea is simply gorgeous, and shows a temperature of +24 degrees. In May there is absolutely no rain here, but a strong wind can lift the sand up, which is very unpleasant and there is practically nothing to breathe, sand flies everywhere.

June - last month comfortable rest.
If relaxing on the beach in the sun and at a temperature of +35 degrees is comfortable, then come to Jordan in June. It will only get hotter in the coming months. The country's resorts are becoming crowded; there are more tourists here than the beaches can accommodate. Huge demand is taking its toll and room prices are rising to the maximum. If it’s hot during the day, then at night it’s a little cooler to +24. The water in the seas is almost boiling, rising to +26.

July – without a single cloud.
The middle of summer pleases with the heat of +39 degrees. If you can bear such heat, then you are welcome to Jordan. It is not only hot here during the day, but also at night, when after sunset the temperature hardly cools down and is about +26 degrees. The sea is also warm, not lower than +27. It’s hot here in July, and you shouldn’t expect any mercy from the weather, there’s not a single cloud in the sky!

August – continuation of the heat.
In August the heat continues, and seeing a cloud in the sky is like a miracle. Neither the air weather nor the sea temperature differs from the previous month. From morning until late evening it’s hot, you can’t breathe and it feels like you’re in a frying pan. It’s very uncomfortable to relax here this month; the water in the sea doesn’t even help, it doesn’t cool you down, but rather warms you up.

September is a continuation of the hot summer.
September does not bring coolness - the heat continues here. During the day, everything is also unbearable up to +35 degrees, and the nights are a little cooler, about +27 degrees. The only salvation from all this heat is swimming in the sea in the evening. Yes, after sunset it becomes easier to breathe, and the sea, which does not drop below +31 degrees, seems like a real salvation. It is not surprising that it is in the dark that here on the beach more people than during the day.

October is a great month for a vacation.
Finally, the heat is receding, and the temperature is becoming more comfortable for relaxation, reaching +30 degrees. in the evening and at night it is also comfortable around +20, and you can walk around the cities and along the seashore. In October there are many lovers of beach holidays, excursions and active ones. It’s no secret that rock climbing is developed in Jordan, so after a hot summer, lovers of rock climbing and conquering heights gather here. Most of the tourists here come from ships. Hundreds of luxurious yachts land on the shores of Jordan every day. cruise ships, which bring new tourists for 2-3 days. Such a vacation is very convenient, because during the travel time tourists manage to visit 5 or more places, get acquainted with their culture, and relax on their beaches.

November is cool, but the water is warm.
In the last autumn month, the heat completely subsided, and during the day it was no higher than +25 degrees. In the southern resorts there are a couple of days below +30, but this is an exception to the rule. The nights are becoming noticeably cooler, and you can no longer walk without warm clothes. After sunset it’s +8 +12. But the sea makes you happy and doesn’t think about cooling down, showing a crazy +25 degrees! You can swim here both day and night.

December - winter has come.
In December beach holiday is not popular; during the day it’s already +15, and at night it’s almost freezing to +3. Only in the southern resorts are the nights warmer, about +10 degrees. The sea is warmer, but swimming in it is not recommended. In December, lovers of excursions fly in and out of the country, who can explore cities, sights in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy low prices.

January is the most cold month(this is at an air temperature of +16), and the warmest is June (about +36). Temperature differences between day and night are within 10-14 degrees. Let's go through the months. You can choose the month that suits you to travel to Jordan, because acceptable weather conditions are individual for everyone: some are hot at +20, while others require sunshine of +35.


The first month of the year is cool, so there are few tourists in Aqaba. The daytime sun warms the air to +17, and at night the thermometer can drop to +7. The sea temperature is +22, not everyone can enjoy its waves. Rains do not visit Aqaba in January. Of course, up to 10 mm of precipitation may fall. This month is very suitable for exploring the sights of the country. Cool weather will provide an opportunity to view archaeological and architectural monuments Jordan.


The second month of the year is not particularly different from January in terms of temperature. The air temperature during the day and at night is 2 degrees higher: +18 and +8, respectively. The sea is cool. There are few tourists in Aqaba this month. There is no rain, and there are at least 22 sunny days.


In hot March, tourists begin their pilgrimage to the attractive coast of Aqaba. There are quite enough sunny days: at least 27. The sea, however, is the same as in February, but the air temperature compensates for its coolness, because during the day it is +22-23, and at night - +13. There is no rain observed. A great month to relax on the beach.


In this spring month It’s a sin to complain about the weather in Aqaba. At hot daytime temperatures +33-39 beware sunburn. You can also make night sea swims at night at +21. The sea is heated by the sun to +26, so holidays with children will also be favorable. This month the amount of precipitation does not exceed 4.6 mm, and the sun shines all 30 days.


In June, the heat here is often unbearable. For those who like to warm up their body, but without fanaticism, June is perfect. The sizzling daytime temperature ranges from +29-41, at night around +22. The sea is just milk: its temperature of +26 will delight both adults and children. You don’t have to worry or remember about precipitation in June at all, since it is not observed here this month.


Another month is ideal for swimming and relaxing by the sea. During the day +28-39, at night 10-12 degrees cooler. Sea water cannot upset you at a temperature of +26-27. The clouds do not dare to sail to the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba.


August is not inferior to other months in terms of climatic comfort. During the day the temperature reaches +38, at night +19. The warm Jordanian Sea, at a temperature of +28, “keeps” a considerable number of tourists near it. Sunny days stand for 31 days, and precipitation in the form of rain is observed no more than 3.00 mm per month. An excellent period for a family holiday, but do not forget sun protection.


This month will not overshadow your holiday by the sea. During the day the sun warms up the air differently than on other days summer months, but still hot: +32-36. At night it is 12-15 degrees cooler. But sea water is pleasing: +27. Clouds may “run up” for 1 day, precipitation will not exceed 4.2 mm. Tourists love September, and Aqaba has no shortage of vacationers.


Starting in October, Jordanian weather changes somewhat. There is a decrease in degrees both in the air and in sea water. During the day, the thermometer will show from +20-27, although an increase to +35.6 was also noted. At night, temperatures down to +9 are quite likely. The water in the sea is still the same warm: +25.5. October “doesn’t like” rain; there will be no precipitation this month.


In November there are already few holidaymakers, although the sea is warm: average temperature water +24. And there is already a coolness in the air, which is not suitable for lounging on the beach. The daytime sun warms the air from +21 to +26, and at night it will be a little chilly to walk around Aqaba: +8. The good news is that it doesn’t rain in November.


The year ends with a cold December. It is relatively cold, since the daytime temperature ranges from +19 to +24. You can still swim in the sea; it is warmed up to +23. Rain may come to the area, but literally for one day and will not exceed 8.3 mm.

As you can see, every month is good in its own way. Choose the one that suits you, and go ahead sea ​​coast Aqaba.

Weather on the Dead Sea coast

The area is characterized by special climate conditions, which are determined by geographical indicators. The dry desert climate of the Dead Sea provides sunshine for almost 330 days a year. At the same time, rains do not exceed 50-60 mm per year. Desert climate forms a significant difference between day and night temperatures. Sometimes their difference reaches 15 degrees. High temperature during the day it is safe, you don’t feel it because high humidity air. The sun's rays do not negatively affect human skin, since intense evaporation of salts occurs near the Dead Sea and an aerosol layer of 400 meters is formed, which does not allow ultraviolet solar radiation to pass through.

Considering the weather along the Dead Sea coast, we note that from April to November there are the most tourists here. It is during this period that the water in the sea heats up from +24 to +35. The warmest sea in July and August is +35. The coldest sea in winter period- from +18 to +22.

Swimming in the sea is possible both in summer and winter during the daytime. The air is heated from +19 to +22. Swimming in the morning, evening and at night is excluded (unless you are a “walrus”), since from December to February the temperature is +11-13.

The spring months (March, April, May) delight guests of the country and local residents with temperature indicators day and night. If in March the average daytime temperature is +25, then in May it rises to +35. At the same time, at the beginning of spring it is +16 at night by the sea, and closer to May - up to +27. The sea is gradually gaining warmth: in March it starts at +21, in April it reaches +24, and in May it already turns into warm salty milk, warming up to +30.

Summer is summer. If in June the air is heated by the sun to +37, then in July and August the thermometer will already show +38-41. At the same time, at night the thermometer will drop by only 10 degrees. You understand that +27-29 at night is hot for us. And the sea turns into fresh milk: +32-35.

In September and October, air indicators are the same day and night, and the water temperature drops by only 2-4 degrees compared to in summer. November “welcomes” beachgoers with still hot days up to +27, but already cool nights: +18. You can still swim if you are not afraid of the +25 mark on the water thermometer.

Does it rain in Jordan?

In Jordan it rains from October to March. The most “weepy” months are December and January. Residents are unlucky in this matter northern regions: precipitation is possible here, but not more than 200 mm per year. This can hardly be called nature's crying season. After several hours of rain, the sun's rays remove traces of precipitation. In the heat, a few drops from the sky will seem like a blessing from God. The rest of the country is hot and dry all year round.

The weather at the Dead Sea is conducive to meeting with sun rays, which extremely rarely darken the clouds. Rainfall in this area is more of an anomaly than a pattern. During the rainiest period in the country (December-March), precipitation at the Dead Sea does not exceed 5 mm per month.

Time to relax in Aqaba

Spring and autumn are the best times to relax in Aqaba, swim in the sea and take healing procedures from salt, mud and clay. The air is not yet hot, and the sea is warm enough for procedures. At the beginning of September, during the summer months, there is incredible heat here, although it is not particularly felt near the sea. During the rest of the year, swimming in the sea is also possible, since it is warm enough for water procedures, but be prepared for a slight chill after the water comes out and take into account the fact that in winter and autumn it quickly gets dark and immediately gets colder. For evening walks to the sea, you need to bring a jacket or windbreaker.

When to go sightseeing in Jordan

There are about 20 thousand monuments of past civilizations in Jordan. You understand, there is something to see. The cool winter weather is ideal for excursions to the country's iconic and famous monuments, as well as for pilgrimages to holy places. When choosing one of the following for your trip to Jordan: winter months Whether it's the beginning of spring or the end of autumn, you can't go wrong with the weather.

Remember that bad weather does not happen in Jordan if you know all its nuances and are prepared to meet it. To do this, read our articles about Jordan.