Why dream of a liner in a dream. Dream interpretation liner ship

Dreams about ships foreshadow changes, they are a symbol of wish fulfillment, and sometimes a warning of danger. Seeing a ship in a dream or sailing on it is a sign of change or news. If you dream that the ship is at the pier or has dropped anchor, then your business will stall. Seeing him very close in a dream means quick changes for the better.

If you dream that you are boarding a ship, then you will soon receive a lucrative offer or start a new profitable business. Sailing calmly on a ship in a dream means that your life will pass calmly and measuredly without shocks or worries. Your business will flourish and your income will be such that you will have nothing to complain about.

Reaching the shore in a dream is a sign of achieving your plans. Being on a ship and seeing the lights of a lighthouse is a sign that your plans will come true. It is good to leave the ship ashore only if you yourself wished for it in a dream. In all other cases, leaving the ship ashore in a dream means that you yourself will abandon a profitable enterprise or suffer from attacks from slanderers, which will quarrel you with your partners. Such a dream also predicts dismissal from your job, illness, troubles and obstacles in business.

The turbulence of the sea huge waves, storm, storm and other cataclysms associated with the sailing of a ship in a dream, foreshadow the collapse of plans, failure to fulfill desires, bitter disappointments, and loss of fortune. For a patient, such a dream predicts a protracted illness or death from a sudden attack.

It’s good to see in a dream that the waves have calmed down, the storm has stopped, you are not rocking on the ship, and you are safely reaching the final destination of your journey. After such a dream, expect good news from a close friend, advantageous offers at work, good changes, stable income, increased well-being, etc.

If you dream that you see the mast of a ship, then many new impressions and pleasant acquaintances await you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a journey.

Being on the deck of a ship in a dream is a sign of respect or honor. Sometimes such a dream means recognition of your abilities or merits. Seeing the masts of dead ships in a dream is a sign of the collapse of your hopes.

To dream that a ship is leaving you means an opportunity, your happiness or the fulfillment of a desire that you missed. After such a dream, you may lose your loved one, your wish will not come true, and your business will move very slowly and end in failure. To catch a ship or find the right ship in a dream means that you are making a lot of efforts to achieve your goal. The dream predicts that you are on the right path.

Being late for a ship in a dream is a sign of missed opportunities, lost happiness and failure to fulfill plans. A sinking ship in a dream foreshadows great misfortunes, bankruptcy, ruin, warns of a danger to life and business or of betrayal of loved ones. Sometimes such a dream means marriage for single people, and foretells divorce for married people.

If you dream that you died in a shipwreck, then your loved ones will turn away from you if you do not help them in difficult times. Falling from a ship into the water is a sign of danger to life. For some, such a dream may portend an unsuccessful marriage. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a person will have to leave forever home country and wander in a foreign land.

Being in the ship's cabin means that you will soon learn about the end of your business. The outcome - good or bad - depends on how you felt in the cabin. If you felt good and calm, or you saw beautiful and calm pictures through the porthole, then the matter will be decided in your favor. If you didn’t have enough air, you couldn’t get out of the cabin or find light, etc., then you will have a loss, which you will be very worried about. Therefore, they say that sometimes such a dream predicts illness.

A ship loaded with goods means profit and excellent prospects. Seeing an empty ship's hold in a dream is a sign of failure and loss.

Standing at the helm of a ship is a very favorable dream. He predicts that you will achieve your desired goal in a difficult matter. Seeing an airship in a dream is a sign of desire; if you fly on it, then you may be disappointed, since you will not get everything you wanted. See interpretation: also sky, clouds, sun, thunderstorm, river, sea, ocean, waves, storm, hurricane, fleet, etc.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream interpretation ship

The ship is considered a symbol of the crossing of heavenly bodies across the sky and the dead to the Promised Islands. The ship represents hope and salvation. Based on these meanings, dreams are interpreted, with the image of a ship appearing. Why do you dream about a ship, let’s ask famous interpreters.

Alternative interpretation

Most dream books interpret the image of a ship in a dream as turning points in the dreamer’s life, leading to renewal and a new successful period.

Let's look through popular dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed about a ship, expect recognition, honor and an unexpected promotion. But the plot with a shipwreck promises complete failure in entrepreneurial activity. This will be facilitated by deception on the part of enemies.

If you dreamed of a ship

If the dreamer had to see his own death during a shipwreck, then in reality you will commit a not very moral act and someone close to you will appeal to your honor and conscience.

The dream will indicate failure in business and the inability to hide intrigue, in which, the dream book says, the ship was sailing in a storm. Your business partner will take advantage of this, trying to deceive you. In the event that other passengers died along with you in a storm tragedy, it promises bankruptcy, according to Miller. Shame awaits you. And trying to cry out for help and get shelter from a good friend is futile.

A warship is a harbinger of long separation from friends and leaving the country, according to Miller.

If you happened to see a ship that was shot down, this foreshadows the idea of ​​political intrigue against you.

Vanga's Dream Book

A dream where the sleeper sees a large white flagship, on which it is preparing to be sent to sea ​​cruise, emphasizes that in reality the sleeper is tired of a monotonous, dull life and longs for romantic trips to exotic countries.

If in a dream, the dream book says, the ship you were traveling on was wrecked. And you, saving yourself, grab the broken parts scattered on the waves, this means that in reality you lack worthy support. You flounder on its waves like a helpless kitten, because everything is not going as smoothly as it could be.

It happens to watch a scene where a ship begins to moor, but an obstacle appears on the way to the pier. And the ship carries further and further. This dream is caused by a feeling of loneliness. You have no faith in changes in life.

If you were a captain

Seeing a ship in a dream and yourself as the captain on it speaks of dissatisfaction with your work. You are an energetic and active person, so you would like to have a job that is responsible and, not least important, promising.

It happens in a dream that some stranger is sailing away from you on a ship. This prophesies sudden death for this person.

A dream calls for caution, where the dreamer leads naval battles from paper boats. If you don’t calm yourself down, then don’t expect fate to be favorable.

The plot of the dream, where the sails of the ship on which you are sailing suddenly began to transform into banknotes of very large banknotes, calls on you to think about charity and speaks of your lack of piety. It will not be superfluous to appease God, to bring alms for the benefit of the church, those who have fallen into need. Otherwise, your business will decline, and you yourself will suffer from adversity in full.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

If in a dream the dreamer watches a ship sailing on the sea, this can be combined with a possible invitation to spend the weekend on vacation outside the city. And when in dreams the dreamer himself sailed on this ship, it means that in reality the following situation will arise in which he will need the help and support of loved ones. But they will be too busy and none of them will be interested in your moral and sad state. Therefore, you will have to rely on yourself.

The sinking ship represents your mistakes, which you made due to your shortsightedness and naive views. And you are still dealing with the consequences of your mistakes.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to the medium Hasse, the image of a ship under construction in dreams will bring exciting joy.

Having to steer the ship is a sign of your prudence in business.

If you've seen a ship being built

The dream book indicates that the image of a ship without a mast predicts misfortune, but there are ways out of it. Sinking water transport messenger bad news, and floating - great losses. A ship that enters the port promises the possibility of salvation in case of great danger.

A dream where a ship was anchored calls for being decisive and unwavering in making decisions in an upcoming project.

A merchant ship in a dream being unloaded promises the arrival of distant good guests. And a ship standing for loading promises big profits in reality. Sailing on such a transport promises a happy life.

A dreamed airship promises the fulfillment of bold aspirations. If you've flown it, feel free to take the risk. He will be acquitted.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The astrologer connects some interpretations of dreams, where the image of a ship appeared, with events on a global scale. So he claims that when you dreamed of a ship, the sails of which were golden, and he himself was covered in decorations, this promises uplift and happiness for the region where the dreamer lives.

If the sail of the ship was white, then prosperity in the country will come only when its fate is inextricably linked with the powerful power of the north.

The red color of the sails speaks of future wars and bloodshed, for the sake of establishing prosperity and well-being of life.

A wrecked ship in a dream calls for a change in the political situation in one’s country and for the establishment of mutually beneficial economic and interstate relations with another, more friendly country.

The ship, all on fire, predicts the danger of declaring war. Or an impending natural disaster that will bring enormous devastation. It will take a lot of time and effort to eliminate the consequences and restore well-being.

Explosion on ship warns of danger environmental disaster, nuclear war.

Why do you dream about a ship?

What kind of ship was it?

A ship is a type of water transport. Most interpretations of dreams with this image carry positive predictions if this image was in peaceful and calm colors. The following details will help you reliably find out the meaning of dreams:

  • ship during a calm period;
  • rocking on the waves;
  • incapacitated ship;
  • many sea liners;
  • sudden departure;
  • sail on a small boat;
  • dreamer in the cabin.

A beautiful dream, where the dreamer was sailing on a ship on a calm sea, promises a cloudless life with stable income. Suddenly the plot of the dream shows in the distance an island covered with beautiful greenery, this promises a huge inheritance, or a profitable and happy marriage.

I dreamed of a ship that rocked peacefully on the waves, but did not sail on the sea, indicates an unstable and precarious situation in business affairs. Perhaps in reality you will have to abandon the implementation of a project that you think is profitable. But in fact, it requires unjustified financial investments that will take years to pay off. You have more profitable and quickly payback projects in stock. It’s better to take up their implementation.

It happened in my dreams to see a merchant ship, it is interpreted in different ways. If it has just downloaded, then this may mean emigration from the country and rich life. And when it is unloaded, it promises profitable acquisitions, possibly related to real estate or a car.

If you happen to sail on a ship that has rusted to the ground, it means that your environment consists of people with outdated views, or the company you work for is not successful and is losing its relevance.

In a word, you are in an environment that does not promise any prospects, where there is no development. Urgently, without delay, and without hesitation, part with this environment.

If you dreamed of a beautiful big airliner, with a huge number of passengers, or there were many of them, a whole flotilla, speaks of an upcoming trip to some kind of symposium, or seminar, and the like. This will bring you new and profitable acquaintances, ensure growth in career ladder, and all the ensuing consequences.

If you dreamed of a huge airliner

In the plot of the dream, I saw how the whole crew was suddenly about to leave the port on their ship, some kind of fuss was happening, this was a harbinger of unforeseen and unexpected circumstances that would cause the refusal of a trip that promised benefits. It's better not to take risks here.

If you had a dream where you were sailing on calm water on a small boat, it indicates your desires, which greatly exceed your capabilities. Naturally they cannot be satisfied. Therefore, moderate them and do not rush things. Because life will give you the opportunity to implement them a little later.

When in a dream you had to sail on a ship through stormy water, and this made you seasick, you went to the cabin to rest. Such a sight symbolizes the upcoming trial in which you will be drawn. And suddenly the ship is wrecked, then there is a high probability of losing, due to the testimony of the witness, which was very uncertain. But if there is a calm, hopes for success are high.

What do ship dreams tell you about?

Water transport is a symbol of community, new achievements, and renewal. Let's look through other interpreters, what they say about the information that these images bring to us in a dream.

If the dreamer happened to see how he, along with the crew and passengers, was drowning on a ship, without doing anything special to save himself and without fussing, this means that he is very susceptible to other people’s opinions. You are under pressure and greatly influenced by the negativity of group karma. You need to be bolder and more persistent in defending your point of view, trying to overcome your self-doubt.

When the dreamer saw himself in the role of a designer, or was building a large ship, which he then had to sail on, auspicious sign. He promises that you will have to create your own, very cost-effective and highly profitable project.

A rowing ship predicts romantic trips, but they will be fraught with risk. After all, fate is not always favorable and sends a fair wind.

If you were on a boat

When the plot of a dream paints a picture where you are on a boat on the open sea, and on a distant shore someone is standing and just watching you, this prophesies a break between peaceful, warm relations with your acquaintance or close friend. But suddenly one of you makes an attempt to swim towards, or you both begin to swim towards each other, which means in reality you will be able to find mutual understanding and set everything up as before.

Dream book online

By looking at the interpretations that are presented in the online dream book, we can familiarize ourselves with some more nuances.

IN women's dream book They say that if a girl sees a sailboat in her dreams, she will soon become pregnant and give birth to a boy.

The writer Aesop says that a dreamed ship is a sign of salvation. After all, the first ship was Noah’s Ark, which he built at God’s command for the salvation of the worthy. The Argonauts who lived in Ancient Hellas carried their ships on their shoulders through the desert. Because they revered salvation and hope in him.

The dream book claims that everything that a liner dreams about reflects the worldview of the sleeper. The details in the dream will tell you how the dreamer imagines his life, what he strives for and what he fears. From the interpretations you can find out that in at the moment will be possible to implement, and what surprises will have to be dealt with.

Miller's weather forecast

In Miller’s dream book, the interpretation of the dream, what the airliner is about, is inextricably linked with weather conditions and time of day. If you dreamed of a windy day, circumstances will force you to change plans on the fly. Seeing the storm begin. happens on the eve of trouble.

The interpreter explains night travel by liner as a tendency to take unjustified risks. Sunny weather means good fortune will accompany you. Much will be achieved in the coming period.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Early predictions promise a long-awaited meeting with old friends if you dreamed of a cruise ship.

In modern interpretations, a cruise ship means an uncontrollable desire to act, destroy obstacles and work tirelessly. The result will be a brilliant success.

In Medea's dream book, a cruise ship leaving the port without you represents envy. In this case, this feeling will turn out to be constructive; in reality, you will soon prove your superiority.

At the helm

It’s interesting to know why you dream of seeing yourself on a ship not as a passenger, but driving the ship yourself.

In the Wanderer's interpretation, a powerful ocean ship symbolizes exorbitant ambitions. The details of what you see in a dream will tell you how feasible they are.

According to Pastor Loff, those who in reality do not at all want to bear responsibility for the ship, crew and passengers have to see themselves at the helm or in the captain's cabin. The dreamer's favorite tactic is to escape obligations in order to continue to drift with the flow.

Oceans of love

Freud's dream book will tell you why a woman dreams of seeing herself on the deck of a liner: the dreamer fears for her loved ones. In men's dreams, the symbol reflects the fear of an excess of emotions and affection.

When in a dream you happened to accompany a friend on a swim, in reality you are worried about him. Seeing a sea voyage with a loved one makes you unhappy with your intimate life.

A departing liner in a dream symbolizes a thirst for stability and peace. Many ships talk about sexual promiscuity.

Colorful boats

If you happen to see a liner in a dream, remember what color it was. The dream book will tell you what traditional and exotic shades mean in dreams.

  • You may dream of a white liner when ambitions are just going through the roof;
  • A white steamer in a dream promises good luck coming from the north;
  • A white ship in a dream means that in reality all is not lost;
  • If you dreamed of a red liner, there will be a serious struggle for vital interests;
  • The silver color in a dream indicates that the dream will certainly come true;
  • A shining gold liner portends great happiness, which will find you on its own.

Sea adventures

Most predictors believe that sailing on a liner in a storm happens on the eve of a streak of bad luck. A ship's breakdown warns of a serious danger; it is better to postpone risky undertakings.

Meneghetti's dream book explains being late for a flight with the fear of missing out on your chance. If you dreamed of sailing safely, but at the same time feeling anxious for no apparent reason, the next morning everything will fall out of your hands.

Esoteric dream book believes that those who are dependent on a destructive group have to drown in the depths of the sea along with the liner. The dream interpreter of Veles considers a shipwreck a good sign, a harbinger of a wedding or great success.

The Careless Mariner

This is how the Psychoanalytic Interpreter explains why you dream of drifting: you are trying to come to terms with an unacceptable situation and live by inertia. Drifting also represents the fear of losing purpose and the need for rest.

The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima promises that the state of apathy will not last long. Having gained strength, you will enthusiastically take on a new business, which will turn out to be very profitable.

Woman on board

If a lonely lady dreamed of an ocean liner, Eastern dream book promises a hasty marriage.

A pregnant symbol in a dream foreshadows the birth of a son, who, having matured, will choose a profession related to the sea.

An image is often a harbinger of the implementation of a bold idea.

flying ship

In Aesop's dream book there is an explanation of why you dream of a boat sailing in the sky, also known as a modern airliner. What you see in a dream foreshadows salvation from a seemingly hopeless situation. In this case, it turns out that the key to solving the problem all this time was with the sleeping person.

When you dreamed about an airliner, psychologist Denise Lynn encourages you to descend from heaven into reality after waking up.

In the dream book of Simon Kananita, an aeronaut means the fulfillment of a desire, thanks to an extraordinary decision.

The article on the topic: “dream book of liner ship” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Seeing a large ship in a dream is a sign that you will soon have the opportunity to visit places where you have not yet been, but have long dreamed of visiting. However, this is not the only way dream books explain why such an image is seen in dreams. After looking through the interpreters, you will understand that your life can change dramatically after such a dream.

What does Miller promise?

A dream about a passenger ship, according to Miller’s dream book, means honor and respect in the team. But if you see in a dream a large ship carrying cargo, then you can be sure that a promotion awaits you.

But, as this interpreter explains, why do you have a dream in which you are standing on the deck of a liner caught in a storm: if you saw something like this, then you should be careful, since the dream means future troubles.

Specifics of the watercraft's operation

When interpreting what a big ship means in a dream, do not lose sight of the specifics of the vessel’s operation. Here, for example:

  • an international ocean liner promises travel;
  • multi-seat cargo-passenger ferry - predicts hard work;
  • fishing trawler - to profit and prosperity;
  • seeing an icebreaker in a dream means reconciliation.

Cruise ship as a symbol of the road

A dream in which you are seeing a huge steamer with people leaving the pier at sea suggests that very soon you will have to change your social circle. Perhaps you will move to another city or change jobs, says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

Also pay attention to the interpretation of the dream proposed by the Eastern Dream Book. If you dreamed that you were sailing on the sea on a large ship, then this is a sign of a long journey. Remember, if you liked sailing on the sea, then you will go on vacation. But if you didn’t want to sail, then this will be a work trip, and quite tiring.

Hard-working ship: You will face both joy and failure

Do you see in a dream that you are watching a huge self-propelled barge moving along the surface of the sea and leaving marks on the water? Some event will happen that you will remember for a long time.

I dreamed that you were in control big ship for transporting goods, which has just been launched? In the near future, you will be entrusted with a responsible task, and if you complete it, you will earn not only money, but also authority.

But if in a dream you happened to witness a cargo ship sinking, and you see bags and trunks floating on the water, then you should not go anywhere, advises Lunar dream book. You will encounter failure along the way.

Sunken boat, or Be careful!

Remorse will torment the dreamer who discovered a sunken ship in a dream. You probably offended someone, and now you are reproaching yourself for it. And if you dreamed that the sunken ship had sails, then look for the reasons for real failures in the past. Think about whether someone holds a grudge against you, Medea’s dream book suggests.

Wondering why you dream of a large wartime ship lying on the seabed? Having “digged” into dream books, you will understand that such a plot foreshadows quarrels. Do you see in your dream that this is a pirate schooner with black sails and the Jolly Roger? Who will really scare you.

Dream Interpretation

Liner ship

Dream Interpretation Liner ship did you dream about why you dream about a Liner ship? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Liner ship in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Liner

cruise as described - A dream in which you are taking a cruise on board an ocean liner and all that stuff is just a prediction of your meeting with friends who have not been seen for a long time due to the busyness of each of you. If in a dream you enviously accompany someone on a cruise, it means that you will have a happy opportunity to prove your superiority over your rivals in the presence of a man whom you consider to be yours., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

ocean as described - If in a dream you go on an ocean voyage, it means that in reality you will also have a long journey ahead, perhaps by land transport. Seeing yourself in a comfortable cabin on an ocean liner, looking out the window at the endless expanses of the ocean, portends a turbulent period in your life. The calm, serene surface of the ocean is a sign of favor in all matters. A turbulent ocean, making itself felt by intensified rocking, means that you are entering a transitional period, when joys and sorrows will alternate with each other, just like losses and gains. The element that played out in the ocean - to get rid of the burden of heavy worries and gloomy thoughts about the past, bright prospects. To be shipwrecked in the ocean and to be thrown onto an unknown land - by acting unfairly towards your friends, you will lose their support., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

deck as described - A dream in which you walk along the deck of an ocean liner cruising around the world foretells that your efforts will not be in vain, your diligence will be appreciated. Watching a storm unfold in the ocean from the deck is a harbinger of troubled family relations perhaps a divorce. To be carried off the deck by a wave over the side of the ship - in reality you will not be able to resist the pressure exerted on you. Seeing from the deck the distant light of a lighthouse on the shore when returning from a long voyage portends a favorable outcome in a matter that will lead you to success., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

sail according to the description - Sailing on some kind of vessel on a river or lake - the dream foretells that you will experience annoyance and shame for the stinginess of your admirer; sailing on the sea - you will soon achieve an outstanding position in society and will endow others with benefits. If you are sailing on a small boat on calm, clear water, this is a promise of a bright, unclouded feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for the rest of your life. A dream in which your voyage is interrupted by an approaching storm is a harbinger of a thunderstorm thickening in the family atmosphere and ready to rain tears at any moment. Sailing on a large ocean liner, making a pleasant trip, foretells troubles that may arise due to your thoughtless and careless statements about your colleagues. If in a dream you went to circumnavigation- this means that in reality you will be completely satisfied with the results of your work and the progress of affairs in general. To see people swimming and sunbathing on the beach in a dream - in reality you will be deceived in your expectations happy love, for you will be abandoned by a friend who will betray you, flattered by another, more attractive person. A dream in which you are swimming in a pool foretells that your soul will rush between two loved ones, not knowing which of them to give your heart to. If you dream that you are swimming naked, unable to go ashore because of the men who have appeared there, in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation when you will have to make a clear choice between your aspirations and duty towards loved ones. Seeing men swimming naked portends annoying disappointments, which, in essence, should not be paid serious attention to. If in a dream you are scuba diving, then in reality you will lose hope of realizing your plan when the goal is already very close and achievable., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

Right now they are looking at dream interpretations on the website:

I dreamed about a Ship, what is it for, what does a Ship mean in a dream

I dreamed of a Ship in a dream, what is it for:

Ship - dreams of long journey, happiness in love.

I dreamed about a Ship in a dream, interpretation:

Ship - relationships; journey. Steamboat, motor ship - power; control; wealth; competition; sailboat - wealth; disappointment; thirst for romantic adventures; ability to take risks; a ship steered with oars is dangerous; escape from something; well-being; shipwreck - break in relationship; disease; death; hydrophobia, fear of drowning; incompetence; getting off the ship means completing a life stage; boarding a ship alone - independence or loneliness; going on a cruise - a desire for a new relationship; the ship is leaving, but you are left on the shore - an alarming state.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about a Ship - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of a Ship - An unexpected promotion. Imagine that you are the captain or owner of a ship.

I dreamed about a Ship - what does it mean?

Ship – This is a slow way to travel, but a lot of fun if it's a cruise ship and you're not in a rush. The sea usually symbolizes the depths of the subconscious, and traveling through it signifies a tentative willingness to try the waters without getting your feet wet. Why do you dream: Traveling on a ship can either indicate a desire to slow down the pace of life, or reflect the irritation that you experience in real life due to not achieving your goals as quickly as you would like.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed about a Ship, why:

Ship - You see a ship or many ships in a dream - a favorable period is beginning in your life; you will occupy a higher position in society and enjoy well-deserved respect; when they say: A big ship has a long voyage, they are talking about you; your merits will glorify you; perhaps they will even write about you in the encyclopedia. You dream of a warship - a long trip abroad is quite likely. You dream of a ship in a stormy sea - if you are busy with business, then hard times await you; business partners are trying to deceive you and profit from your troubles; another interpretation of the dream: the wedding will be fun, but the marriage will be unsuccessful. It’s as if your ship has been wrecked - the dream promises the worst prospects in business - you can drop everything and leave your office; try doing something else. It’s as if you died in a shipwreck - someone close to you will need your help; someone will open their heart to you. You dream that some people die during a shipwreck - chronic failure in business will lead you to complete collapse; disgraced and humiliated, you turn to a friend for help, but he will throw up his hands and refuse. You are sailing on a ship on a calm sea - you can rest assured that you are moving along the path to success.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Had a dream and what does a Ship mean in a dream?

What does a Ship mean in a dream - to a very early promotion, career growth, or the start of a new profitable business. Imagine that you are at a shipyard. A new, newly built ship is launched here. This ship belongs to you. Imagine its appearance in as much detail as possible. Then imagine breaking a bottle of champagne on the side of a ship for good luck. If you want your new business brought you wealth as soon as possible, imagine’ that the ship is loaded with goods. Then imagine how the ship sails away from the shore and confidently takes the given course. The faster the ship moves, the faster your career will take off.

The dreamer dreamed of a Ship, what is it for?

What is this ship for / Boat - see also Trip. 1. The appearance of a ship or boat in a dream is often associated with how we cope with our own emotions and the emotions of other people. Also, these images can represent how we move through our lives, whether we control it. 2. If in a dream a person is alone in a small boat, this is due to his loneliness or isolation. Dreaming about being on a huge ship allows you to evaluate your attitude to social order. It is curious that people who are terrified of missing out on some opportunity are often late for the ship in their dreams. 3. The boat expresses our attitude towards death and “The Last Voyage”. It also means fertility and a desire for travel and adventure.

I dreamed about a Ship in a dream, why:

What does a Ship mean in a dream - a happy marriage.

What does sleep mean by day of the week?

  • Did you dream about a Ship from Sunday to Monday?
  • Did you dream about a Ship from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If from Tuesday to Wednesday you dreamed of a Ship?
  • I dreamed of a Ship from Wednesday to Thursday, why?
  • If you had a dream about a ship from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dreamed of a Ship from Friday to Saturday, why?
  • Why did you dream about the Ship from Saturday to Sunday?

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Tue March 17, 2015, 20:35:22

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Liner according to the dream book

The dream book claims that everything that a liner dreams about reflects the worldview of the sleeper. The details in the dream will tell you how the dreamer imagines his life, what he strives for and what he fears. From the interpretations you can find out what can be accomplished at the moment, and what surprises you will have to deal with.

Miller's weather forecast

In Miller’s dream book, the interpretation of the dream, what the airliner is about, is inextricably linked with weather conditions and time of day. If you dreamed of a windy day, circumstances will force you to change plans on the fly. Seeing the storm begin. happens on the eve of trouble.

The interpreter explains night travel by liner as a tendency to take unjustified risks. Sunny weather means good fortune will accompany you. Much will be achieved in the coming period.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Early predictions promise a long-awaited meeting with old friends if you dreamed of a cruise ship.

In modern interpretations, a cruise ship means an uncontrollable desire to act, destroy obstacles and work tirelessly. The result will be a brilliant success.

In Medea's dream book, a cruise ship leaving the port without you represents envy. In this case, this feeling will turn out to be constructive; in reality, you will soon prove your superiority.

At the helm

It’s interesting to know why you dream of seeing yourself on a ship not as a passenger, but driving the ship yourself.

In the Wanderer's interpretation, a powerful ocean ship symbolizes exorbitant ambitions. The details of what you see in a dream will tell you how feasible they are.

According to Pastor Loff, those who in reality do not at all want to bear responsibility for the ship, crew and passengers have to see themselves at the helm or in the captain's cabin. The dreamer's favorite tactic is to evade obligations in order to continue to drift with the flow.

Oceans of love

Freud's dream book will tell you why a woman dreams of seeing herself on the deck of a liner: the dreamer fears for her loved ones. In men's dreams, the symbol reflects the fear of an excess of emotions and affection.

When in a dream you happened to accompany a friend on a swim, in reality you are worried about him. Seeing a sea voyage with a loved one makes you unhappy with your intimate life.

A departing liner in a dream symbolizes a thirst for stability and peace. Many ships talk about sexual promiscuity.

Colorful boats

If you happen to see a liner in a dream, remember what color it was. The dream book will tell you what traditional and exotic shades mean in dreams.

  • You may dream of a white liner when ambitions are just going through the roof;
  • A white steamer in a dream promises good luck coming from the north;
  • A white ship in a dream means that in reality all is not lost;
  • If you dreamed of a red liner, there will be a serious struggle for vital interests;
  • The silver color in a dream indicates that the dream will certainly come true;
  • A shining gold liner portends great happiness, which will find you on its own.

Sea adventures

Most predictors believe that sailing on a liner in a storm happens on the eve of a streak of bad luck. A ship's breakdown warns of a serious danger; it is better to postpone risky undertakings.

Meneghetti's dream book explains being late for a flight with the fear of missing out on your chance. If you dreamed of sailing safely, but at the same time feeling anxious for no apparent reason, the next morning everything will fall out of your hands.

The esoteric dream book believes that those dependent on a destructive group have to drown in the depths of the sea along with the liner. The dream interpreter of Veles considers a shipwreck a good sign, a harbinger of a wedding or great success.

The Careless Mariner

This is how the Psychoanalytic Interpreter explains why you dream of drifting: you are trying to come to terms with an unacceptable situation and live by inertia. Drifting also represents the fear of losing purpose and the need for rest.

The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima promises that the state of apathy will not last long. Having gained strength, you will enthusiastically take on a new business, which will turn out to be very profitable.

Woman on board

If a lonely lady dreams of an ocean liner, the Eastern Dream Book promises a hasty marriage.

A pregnant symbol in a dream foreshadows the birth of a son, who, having matured, will choose a profession related to the sea.

An image is often a harbinger of the implementation of a bold idea.

flying ship

In Aesop's dream book there is an explanation of why you dream of a boat sailing in the sky, also known as a modern airliner. What you see in a dream foreshadows salvation from a seemingly hopeless situation. In this case, it turns out that the key to solving the problem all this time was with the sleeping person.

When you dreamed about an airliner, psychologist Denise Lynn encourages you to descend from heaven into reality after waking up.

In the dream book of Simon Kananita, an aeronaut means the fulfillment of a desire, thanks to an extraordinary decision.

House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

Why do you dream about a big ship?

Why do you dream about a ship?

During the night a person can see several different dreams, but when you wake up, most often, one story remains in your memory. It may hide important information about the future. Since the ship is an ambiguous symbol, for interpretation you need to try to remember as many details as possible, for example, what the ship looked like, what you did with it, etc. Thanks to this, you will receive the most accurate information.

Such a dream often promises advancement in your career, and you can also rise in the eyes of others. If you see a ship caught in a storm, this is a warning that you should expect problems at work. A dream in which you see successful swimming predicts the fulfillment of a wish. Seeing a ship in the distance means that in reality, in difficult times, you can count on the support of friends. If the ship sails away from you, this is a harbinger of losses. Night dreams in which a ship is anchored is a recommendation that it is necessary to be persistent in resolving issues.

Seeing a loaded ship means that you should expect an interesting business ahead that will bring significant benefits. A dream where a ship is in a calm sea predicts success in business and the opening of tempting prospects. If you get off the ship, this is an indication that you will soon achieve your goal. Setting sail on a ship means that in reality you want to radically change your life. A dream where you are steering a ship symbolizes the right choice in life. Seeing a ship on land means that you will soon be saddened by something, but this will not last long.

Why do you dream of a sinking ship?

A shipwreck is a warning that trouble is ahead. Watching a shipwreck means that in the future serious problems may arise in work and in financial sector. A dream where you see a sinking ship foreshadows the receipt of bad news, and it can also be a symbol of the fact that collective thinking has a negative impact on life. One of the dream books contains information that the wreck of a ship is an indication that enemies will soon take active action. If a ship sinks because it was hit, this is a warning about the emergence of gossip at work.

Why do you dream about a big ship?

Vessel large size is an omen of change. In addition, there is information that such night vision predicts the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Seeing a large ship in a dream means that you will soon be entrusted with a responsible task, the successful completion of which will help radically change your life for the better.

Why do you dream of a sunken ship?

Such a dream may be an omen of a meeting with ill-wishers. For a single girl, this can be a symbol of imminent marriage. One of the dream books contains information that a night vision of a sunken ship promises the destruction of all plans and hopes for the future. This could also be a harbinger of an uninteresting trip.

Why do you dream of sailing on a huge ship?

If you feel strong swaying, this is a recommendation that you should make a clear decision without giving in to doubts. A dream where you are on a ship is a symbol that you will devote a lot of effort to work. If you are traveling on a large ship, it means that in reality you often entertain yourself with unrealistic dreams.

Why do you dream about a warship?

Such a night vision promises separation from close friends, you may have to move to another country or go on a long trip. It can also be a symbol of the fact that to achieve success in life, you will have to show courage and strength.

Why do you dream about the Ship?

ABC of dream interpretation

Ship - symbolizes a journey through the stormy or calm waves of life. A wider range of possibilities than a train, especially if the dreamer is at the helm.

Getting caught in a storm on a ship is a warning of danger or quarrel.

Have a nice trip - your wishes will come true.

To leave the ship ashore is to plunge into worries.

Seeing other ships and boats means turning to friends for support.

American dream book

The ship is you, your holistic “I” in the midst of changes, especially emotional ones.

English dream book

Seeing your own ship sailing on the sea with goods is a dream foretelling that you are on the path to wealth.

Seeing yourself in the cabin of a ship sailing on the ocean is a harbinger that you will emigrate to a foreign country.

If you see yourself on a ship that has a leak, this is a sign that your upcoming trip will be unsuccessful.

If a pregnant woman sees ships in a dream, it means that she will have a son who will become a sailor.

Eastern dream book

A ship is a dream that promises a quick and successful marriage.

Idiomatic dream book

“Leave behind” - to surpass everyone, to surpass everyone in business and achievements.

Italian dream book

A ship is an image of a vehicle moving towards or away from a goal.

If a person travels on a ship, this signifies his desire to change his life situation, his belief that he is on the right path.

If the subject dreams that he is the captain of this ship, then this is a reflection of his desire to control his situation and keep his course.

If the ship is drifting, then this is an expression of the fear of living without goals.

If the ship sails away and the subject is late for it, this is a sign of fear of missing out on an opportunity.

Because of its shape, the ship is a symbol of involvement in maternal relationships.

Maly Velesov dream book

Ship - joy, a successful outcome, a good marriage; on the water - winning; small - illness; arrival - unexpected success; sails away - luck in love, money; anchored - do not back down from decisions; with people - well-being; entering a ship is good (for the poor) / danger (for the rich); to be on it is a road, happiness; floating - to lead; in the sky - happiness / death (for the patient); under construction - a love meeting; shipwreck - success, marriage (young) / bad, bitter news, misfortune, divorce, betrayal of loved ones.

Newest dream book

A spaceship is an unusual message; make an extraordinary decision.

Russian folk dream book

The ship is a symbol of hope and dreams.

If a ship appears in your dream, then perhaps you just want to take a break from everyday affairs and worries.

Ship - can also mean fate. May indicate salvation.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ship - direction towards or away from the target.

Traveling by ship is a change in life situation. Life outside of oneself, the desire to overcome stagnation and stability.

Drifting and loss of control over the movement of the ship correspond to personal dissociation and apathy.

The masts and chimneys of a ship are associated with a phallic symbol. Sunken ship. The collapse of the goal is in the past.

Family dream book

Ships - dream of honor and unexpected promotion. As they say, for a big ship, a long voyage!

A ship sailing on a stormy sea means your loss to your business partner.

A warship - dreams of a long separation from friends and homeland.

A wrecked ship promises political intrigue.

Slavic dream book

Seeing a ship is a sign of joy or good news.

Dream Interpreter

A ship seen in a dream means joy; to be on a ship is to travel; a small ship means illness; a ship sailing in full sail means good news.

Modern dream book

Dreams in which you see ships predict glory and unexpected rise that you could not even imagine.

Seeing a shipwreck in a dream warns of a threatening turn in affairs. Your friends will betray you.

If you dream that you died as a result of a shipwreck, you will show a great will to live and a desire for glory.

Seeing a ship struggling with the waves during a storm in a dream foretells that failure in commercial transactions awaits you. In addition, you will be preoccupied with the desire to hide from public opinion some intrigue, as your business partner threatens to betray you.

Seeing that others are shipwrecked means that you will in vain seek refuge for your friends to protect them from shame and impending bankruptcy.

In general, all dreams about sea vessels are a sign of dedicated work and inexhaustible energy.

For a young woman to see that growing hemp has brought her trouble predicts quarrels and separation from her lover.

Seeing hemp seeds in a dream is a sign that you will have a faithful, reliable friend. For business man such a dream promises favorable opportunities for enrichment.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dreamed about the side of a ship that you are looking attentively at, it means that soon you will have an opportunity for relaxation or entertainment.

If in a dream you lean heavily over the side of a ship to look down, such a dream promises you big changes in your life.

Seeing rocking on a ship in a dream means that you are experiencing fear and doubt; calmly think about the current situation and find a way out of it.

Seeing yourself on the deck of a ship during a storm means that disasters will overtake you and an unsuccessful marriage is possible.

If the sea is calm, the path to success is open to you. For lovers, such a dream predicts happiness.

If you see a ship in a dream or are on it, it means that you will meet a person who has arrived and is far away, from whom you will learn a lot of new information.

If you are traveling by boat to distant countries, this means that you are consoling yourself with unrealistic dreams.

If the ship passes by, you will be saying goodbye to a friend or familiar surroundings in general.

A steamer leaving into the distance means that worries and sorrows remain with you, but hopes float away.

Getting off it means achieving your cherished goal, shipwreck means tears.

If you dream of a sailboat, you are faced with a question of honor; try to use common sense and logic and not give in to instincts.

The death of a ship means a meeting with the enemy; the death of the steamer - to a quick marriage.

If you see in a dream the construction of a ship and at the same time someone shows you all the details of the shipyard, the dream represents efforts that will be crowned with success.

Being in the cabin of a sailing ship is a sign of a relaxing pastime.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you saw a ship sailing on the sea, it means that you simply do not have enough fresh air and space. The dream can be regarded as an invitation to a country holiday.

Sailing on a ship yourself in a dream - soon you will have a very difficult situation when you really need the understanding of your loved ones, but they will be busy with their own affairs, few people are interested in how you feel. So that you do not feel offended or unpleasant, give up all hope of understanding and rely solely on your own strengths.

A sinking ship is a symbol of the fact that you once made a mistake, and this happened because of your naivety or short-sightedness. Now you are trying to correct the consequences of your mistake, but so far in vain. There will probably come a time when your attempts will be crowned with success.

Dream book for lovers

Seeing a ship in a stormy sea in a dream means that you will try to win the love of the person you are in love with through intrigue, but your plan will be revealed and you will only win his contempt.

A dream in which you see ships means that marriage awaits you to a rich chosen one.

Warships - dream of separation from a loved one.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Sailing on a ship - you can become a hostage to other people's financial frauds.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The airship is a symbol of ghostly dreams. The dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic?

Dream book for a bitch

Ship - rapid career growth thanks to your activity and energy.

Being on a ship during a storm means failure due to betrayal or deception of a partner.

Warships mean a long separation from relatives and friends.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The ship is a symbol of a very large and important enterprise.

A luxury liner seen in a dream means that you are busy or may soon be engaged in some very promising and profitable business.

The silver color of the liner may portend that your cherished dream will soon come true. (But be careful that the word “Titanic” is not written on the side of the liner).

A merchant navy vessel portends success in commercial affairs.

A fishing boat is a symbol of a profitable enterprise.

Warship - may hint that for real success you will need qualities such as firmness, courage and strength of character.

Pirate ship - warns against risky business.

A beautiful sailboat in a dream is a sign that you can take advantage of favorable circumstances.

A dream in which you see danger threatening the ship means that you should be more careful and work out your plans more carefully, otherwise your big business may end in failure.

Dream Book of David Loff

Boats can symbolize completely different things: wealth, travel, isolation, danger, romanticism, and even complete disappointment and frustration.

Boats and canoes generally only bob on the calm waters of lakes and rivers. Therefore, if in a dream you dream of a boat located far out on the open sea, then this means a break in peaceful relations with someone. Analysis of the surrounding situation will help you get more detailed interpretation.

The meaning of a ship's symbols depends on its type.

The most likely interpretations are isolation, danger, escapism and romance.

Sailing and rowing ships are often found in similar environments. Sailboats - portend wealth or disappointment; they can symbolize prosperity or romanticism, but are associated with a certain risk: after all, we are not always spoiled by a fair wind.

Steamboat - symbolizes power, control, wealth, competition or travel. Probability dangerous situation reduced to a minimum - only an engine breakdown can interfere.

A sinking ship means fear of water, fear of drowning or incompetence.

But more often than not, a sinking ship is an allegorical image relating to some specific aspect of your life. To more accurately determine the interpretation, look at who is sailing on the ship or, conversely, who is clearly missing there. Also analyze whether it is clear from your dream why the ship is sinking. Do you recognize the ship? What feelings do you experience - joy and relief or fear and anxiety?

Dream Interpretation of Health

To control the ship - you need to subordinate your actions to reason; in a stormy sea - to a conflict, stressful situation; after a storm or stranded - to illness; drowning is a sign of danger; floating, loaded - to health and high performance; a small boat sailing from a pier or from a large ship - to pregnancy and childbirth.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Ship - honor, wealth; sailing - victory over the enemy.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing ships in a dream means honor and an unexpected promotion for your lifestyle.

Finding out about a shipwreck in a dream means a disastrous turn in business. Your enemies will deceive you.

If you dream that you died in a shipwreck, it means that someone very close to you will call on your honor and your life.

If you dream of a ship in a stormy sea, it means that you will find yourself unlucky in business and will not be able to hide some intrigue from the public, while your business partner will try to deceive you.

If you dream that others are shipwrecked, it means that bankruptcy and shame await you, and your attempts to find protection and shelter with your friend will be in vain.

Seeing warships in a dream means a long separation from friends and your country.

If you dream of a wrecked ship, this promises political intrigue. In general, a dream about ships can open a period of energetic activity in your life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The ship is a symbol of a new and happy era of life.

Seeing a ship with golden sails or other decorations is a symbol of happiness that will come in the country where the dreamer lives.

Seeing a ship with a white sail means that happiness will come only when the life of your country is inextricably linked with a powerful and prosperous northern power.

Seeing a ship in red is a symbol that foreshadows bloody clashes and strife in order to establish happiness and achieve prosperity.

Seeing an old, destroyed ship - this symbol indicates that hopes for happiness are in vain, it is necessary to link one’s destiny with another country or change the political situation in one’s native country.

When you dream of a burning ship, it symbolizes a sudden collapse of prosperity, a declaration of war, or a powerful natural disaster that will worsen life for a long time and bring a lot of grief and suffering to the territory of the country where the dreamer lives.

Seeing a ship explode is a symbol of a catastrophe on a universal scale: a collision with a cosmic body, an explosion of an environmental crisis, a nuclear war.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which a ship is present means unexpected acquisitions. Traveling on an ocean liner in pleasant company and enjoying beautiful weather means happy events await you in reality.

Seeing a ship in distress on the open sea - to bad news; if a ship disappears into the depths of the sea before your eyes, this means that bankruptcy and shame await you, and any requests to a friend for help will be met with indifferent silence.

Sailing on a small boat alone far from the coast - in reality you will incur significant financial losses, getting caught in a decent storm means that in reality you will show complete failure in business, looking ridiculous and helpless in the eyes of your enemies.

A ship with a mast blown down during a hurricane is a harbinger of misfortune, from which there is only one way out, but it lies through many obstacles. If your ship has been torn from its anchor and is being carried to God knows where, rising on giant waves, you should not retreat from once decision taken- only this is your salvation in the current extreme situation.

Coming out of a sea scrape alive and unharmed is evidence of a prudent approach to the undertaking. If you dreamed that you died in a shipwreck, it means that one of your close relatives will seriously need your help.

Seeing the skeleton of a ship under construction standing on the slipways of a shipyard in a dream means that a passionate feeling awaits you ahead, which may well grow into ardent love. A ready-made ship being lowered from the stocks, on the side of which a bottle of champagne breaks - such a cheerful dream really foreshadows a happy rescue in an extremely dangerous situation.

A ship unloading at the port portends a meeting with distant friends; standing under loading - to profitable business and profit. Climbing aboard a ship means entering a streak of luck and success in reality. Sailing on a ship on a calm sea in complete calm - in real life, indulge in an easy, completely harmless hobby. Seeing a ship with bright lights sailing towards you on the open sea is a harbinger of prosperity and happiness in everything.

Looking at the mast of a ship in a dream promises long and pleasant journeys, the emergence of new friends and additional property. Seeing the wreckage of a ship smashed against the rocks means unexpected changes in circumstances caused by the need to postpone anticipated pleasure.

The broken shell of a ship that has landed on the coastal reefs means good luck in life awaits you.

To dream that a ship is leaving the shore, leaving you on it - such a dream foreshadows minor worries. To dream of a ship sailing towards the very horizon means winning, generally good luck in the game. A ship sailing toward the light of a lighthouse portends that the path to success will be open to you in the very near future; for those who love such a dream - a prediction family happiness and many years of marriage.

Dream book of the past

If you dream that you are traveling on a ship, this indicates your desire to change your life situation, and your belief that you are on the right way in this search.

If the ship is drifting, this expresses fear of life without a goal.

If the ship is sailing away and you are late for it, you are missing out on your lucky chance by your inaction!

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A ship under construction is an exciting joy; manage - prudence in enterprises; without a mast - misfortune from which there is a way out; drowning - you will be struck by unfortunate news; floating - big loss; entering the port - salvation is in great danger; at anchor - do not deviate from your decision; unloaded - expect distant friends; sailing on it is happiness, a happy marriage; loaded - profitable business; airy - fulfillment of desires; flying on it is the fulfillment of bold aspirations

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

In general, ships in a dream symbolize honor, an unexpected promotion or a period of energetic activity.

If you dream of a ship in a stormy sea, you will experience failure in your affairs.

Finding out about a shipwreck in a dream means a disastrous turn in business, the deception and treachery of enemies.

If you dream that you died in a shipwreck, a person very close to you will ask for help.

A dream in which others are shipwrecked means that bankruptcy and shame await you, and your attempts to find protection from your friend will be in vain.

Warships - dream of a long separation from friends and your country.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Seeing a ship means hopes, dreams, plans; parting; a child who has become an adult and leaves his mother.

Swim - change, take a certain course in life, strategic life plan, career, arrangement of her personal life for a woman (negatives and obstacles to the implementation of such a plan can be indicated by: strong waves, muddy water, pitching, storm, breakdowns).

Getting off the ship means marriage; pension, old age (idiom: “from the ship to the ball”).

A ship sailing in the sky is happiness; for the sick - death.

A warship is an additional indication of some kind of statehood, the protection of some (vital) borders, trials, hardships, threat.

The ship is sinking, sunken ships - the collapse of all plans and hopes.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Ship - receiving important news from afar, emigration

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a ship in a dream means honor and an unexpected promotion in rank, which will entail an improvement in your standard of living.

If you dreamed that you witnessed the sinking of a ship, it means a turning point in your life, after which your affairs will go awry.

If you dreamed that you were building a ship, you are the architect of your own wealth.

If you dreamed that you observed a fire on a ship, the obstacles in your business will soon disappear.

Freud's Dream Book

The ship is a symbol of everything female, female genital organs.

If a man travels on a ship, he is afraid of dying during sex.

If a woman travels by ship, she fears the imminent death of one of her close relatives.

If you send someone on a trip, you fear for their life.

If you are traveling on a ship with your loved one, you experience discomfort when having sex. You should consult a specialist.

If a man sees a ship from the outside, he has complete harmony in his personal and sexual life, and he does not want any changes.

If a woman sees the ship from the outside, she has constant anxiety about her relationship with her partner; she is always afraid of losing him.

If you see a lot of ships, you tend to change your sexual partners often for fear of losing your sexual attractiveness.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

A ship or boat entering a port is salvation from great danger; you have found a “shelter” and someone who will help you.

The ship is at anchor - you do not need to deviate from your decision.

Building a ship means new romantic trips, joy.

Being a captain on a ship and steering it is prudence in life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Watching a ship sail away means good luck in money and love; arrival - unexpected success; sailing on a ship - important changes, new beginnings, hopes; shipwreck - betrayal by loved ones.

Aesop's Dream Book

Ship - this symbol is associated with hope that never dies.

The ship is a symbol of salvation in a hopeless situation. In this regard, the ship was endowed magical power and attributed to it capabilities inaccessible to conventional means of transportation.

If a ship appears in your dream, perhaps in reality you simply dream of taking a break from everyday worries and affairs.

In some cases, a ship can mean a dream or destiny.

In ancient Hellas, the Argonauts carried their ship on their shoulders across the desert because it was considered a symbol of hope and life. The very first ship was the ark, built by Noah at the behest of God in order to save the most worthy. Therefore, this symbol can be interpreted as salvation and refuge.

Seeing a ship sailing across the sky means that in a difficult situation you will find a way out without outside help, because you have enormous energy; to a happy streak in life; to a lucky coincidence.

To see a seashore, to which many ships are moored and gradually they all light up - this dream foreshadows bad sad news from afar; to loss of hope; to disappointment, which will lead to strong changes in life; to giving up everything you have achieved.

Seeing a ship sailing on the waves in a dream is a symbol of hope and faith.

A dream in which you are sailing on a ship means that you have come to terms with the reality of life and are simply going with the flow of life without making any effort.

If in a dream your ship crashed, in real life you will need the help of your loved ones.

A dream in which you go on a long journey on a ship indicates that you are tired of the monotony and want to change the situation and have a little fun.

Seeing an unusual ship in a dream is a sign that you need help and spiritual support.

A ship with lowered sails symbolizes difficulties and health problems.

Repairing a ship in a dream means that with your hard work you will achieve a lot and overcome any difficulties.

A dream in which you saw how a storm breaks the ship on which you are sailing means that in reality you are so carried away by your passions that you are not aware of the real danger that they conceal.

Medieval dream book

A ship returning safely is good news.

Seeing a lot of ships means good news or a robbery.

Boarding a beautiful ship means better times.

Sailing on a ship in calm waters is a sign of joy.

Boarding a small ship means illness.

Seeing a warship is unlucky.

French dream book

Seeing a ship in a dream is a lucky sign. He promises you sure luck.

If the ship is richly equipped, it is possible that good times will return to you soon.

If you dream that you are on a ship during a storm, this is a sign that your situation in life is stable and you have nothing to fear.

But if your ship crashes in a dream, the dream warns you against danger or reckless actions.

Ukrainian dream book

A ship on the water is a win; sailing on a ship is happiness; anchored - do not back down from your decisions; the ship is sinking - bitter news, misfortune; a ship is being built - a meeting with love.

Gypsy dream book

Sailing on a boat brings happiness.

However, if the boat is sailing on a rough sea, you will be extremely busy.

Steamboat - slower but more reliable vehicle, so the interpretation is the same.

Lifeboat - you need rescue, try to get out of a difficult situation.

Esoteric dream book

The ship represents new achievements in the public sphere.

To be on a ship means to work in the social sphere, in public work.

Sailing on a ship means rushing towards big changes.

Those who remained on the shore will fall behind in life.

Sinking with the ship means succumbing to group interests. Negative Impact group karma.

Build - create your own business, party, organization.

Online dream book

A dream in which you see a ship promises you a quick journey through the seething or quiet everyday waves. Soon a sea of ​​opportunities will open up before you if you see yourself at the helm in a dream.

If in a dream you find yourself in the epicenter of a storm on a ship, you are warned about upcoming difficulties or future strife.

You went down from the ship to land - the dream promises you a lot of worries into which you will plunge headlong.

If this is a space ship, some strange news awaits you, or you will soon have to make a rather unusual decision.

See the rocking on the ship - you will be tormented by doubts and fear of something, but if you think about everything in a calm atmosphere, you will quickly find a solution from it.

If you dream of a military ship, you will experience a long separation from loved ones and comrades. If it is fishing, this is a sign that a profitable deal will soon be concluded. If this pirate ship- you are warned about risky transactions.

If you dreamed that it was sinking, expect some bad news.

If in a dream you see yourself boarding a ship, your life will soon be immensely happy and successful.

Alien ship - the attitude and worldview of the people who surround you will change. Moral values ​​will take a leading place.

An airship is a dream that will come true, but not fully or not in the way you would like.

If you dream of a ship wreck, there is a high probability of getting into a traffic accident for you and your relatives.

Sailing on a ship in a dream means dramatic changes in fate.

Sailing on a ship on calm waters means increased well-being, material wealth in the family, joy and pleasure.

A dream in which you begin to build a ship - new successful projects in business, reliable partners. There are special events and good news in the family.

Sailing on a ship means putting life on a different track. You are tired to death of the old way of life, you are catching the fresh wind of change.

A sinking ship in a dream - you will have to face troubles head-on. During the time that you did not pay attention to these problems, they grew to alarming proportions.

Large (space) ship - you never even dreamed of such happiness that you will experience.

A dream in which a sunken ship appears before your eyes - all this time you have been building castles in the air, the time has come to descend from heaven to earth and carry out more mundane plans.

White ship - your future will be cloudless and bright, full of spirituality and purity. Your soul will finally rest from tiring troubles.

Warship - there is a long journey ahead, which can last for several years.

A ship is stormy - the collapse of plans and hopes. The work will be unfruitful.

Why do you dream about a Ship, dream book What does it mean to see a Ship in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Ship in a dream?

According to the dream book, see Ships and boats (see also Boat, Sail Raft) - The meaning of the symbolism of a ship depends on its type. The most likely interpretations are isolation, danger, escapism and romance. Sailing and rowing ships are often found in similar environments. Sailboats portend wealth or disappointment; they can symbolize prosperity or romanticism, but are associated with a certain risk: after all, we are not always spoiled by a fair wind. The steamboat symbolizes power, control, wealth, competition or travel. The likelihood of a dangerous situation is minimized - only an engine breakdown can interfere. A sinking ship can mean fear of water, fear of drowning, or incompetence. But more often than not, a sinking ship is an allegorical image relating to some aspect of your life. To more accurately determine the interpretation, look at who is sailing on the ship, or vice versa, who is clearly missing there. Also analyze whether it is clear from your dream why the ship is sinking. What feelings do you experience - joy and relief or fear and anxiety? – Coral – Coral protects from lightning and the evil eye, facilitates the healing of wounds and ulcers, scares away demons and drives away temptations, strengthens memory. Red coral carries masculine energy (women should not wear it), symbolizes passion and love, and white coral – feminine. If in a dream you saw corals growing on the seabed, coral reefs, then this is a sign that you have to go to long journey, maybe abroad, and on the way or in a foreign land you will find yourself a new acquaintance, the relationship with whom will subsequently develop into a strong friendship. If you see that you are wearing beads made from pieces of coral, then this is a sign of your sadness. Similar dream may also promise jealousy, and not without reason, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream book of the healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about a Ship in a dream?

Seeing a Ship in a dream means – Ship: seeing – unexpected honor and promotion; being on a ship in a storm means failure in business; shipwreck - a disastrous turn in business, deception; to die during a shipwreck - someone close to you will ask for help, your partner cares only about himself. Seeing others shipwrecked means bankruptcy, disgrace, and friends will not be able to help you. Warships mean separation from friends and loved ones, a damaged ship means intrigue, a beautiful ship means a happy marriage, as the dream book says about this dream.

Captain (of a ship). For a woman or girl - to meet her betrothed.

Cabin - arrest, imprisonment and other troubles; being in the cabin means trouble, failure, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Ark - moving to a new place of residence, changing office.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about a Ship in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Ship - A dream that promises a quick and successful marriage. Dreaming of a shipwreck means trouble. Dying in a shipwreck is a sign that you need to show willpower

Liner - An ocean liner dreams of success and, perhaps, a quick marriage. Also, such a dream is a symbol of selfless labor and inexhaustible energy.

Fleet - If you see the approaching fleet, get ready for serious changes in the economic and political situation in the state

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Ship, what does the dream mean:

Seeing a Ship or a shipwreck in a dream - Ships dream of honor and an unexpected promotion. As they say, for a big ship, a long voyage! A shipwreck promises a disastrous turn in business. Your enemies will probably deceive you. A ship sailing on a stormy sea means your loss to a business partner. A warship dreams of a long separation from friends and homeland. A wrecked ship promises political intrigue. According to Nostradamus, the ship is a symbol of a new and happy era of life. This is how he interpreted dreams about a ship: Seeing a ship with golden sails or other decorations is fortunate for the country in which you live. If you dream of a ship in red, then there are bloody clashes and strife ahead for the sake of establishing happiness and achieving prosperity. An old, destroyed ship in a dream means that hopes for happiness are in vain. A dream about a burning ship symbolizes a sudden collapse of prosperity, a declaration of war, or a powerful natural disaster. The explosion of a ship is a symbol of disaster. In D. Loff’s dream book it is written: “Boats can symbolize completely different things: wealth, travel, isolation, danger, romanticism, and even complete disappointment and frustration. Boats and canoes generally only bob on the calm waters of lakes and rivers. Therefore, if in a dream you dream of a boat located far away in the open sea, then this implies a break in peaceful relations with someone. Analysis of the environment will help to obtain a more detailed interpretation. The meaning of a ship's symbols depends on its type. The most likely interpretations are isolation, danger, escape from something. Sailing and rowing ships are often found in similar environments. Sailboats portend wealth or disappointment; they can symbolize prosperity or romanticism, but are associated with a certain risk: after all, we are not always spoiled by a fair wind. The steamboat symbolizes power, control, wealth, competition or travel. The likelihood of a dangerous situation is minimized - only an engine breakdown can interfere. A sinking ship means fear of water, fear of drowning or incompetence. But more often than not, a sinking ship is an allegorical image relating to some specific aspect of your life.”

Cabin - Seeing yourself in a ship’s cabin is not good. Perhaps some kind of trouble is approaching you. Most likely you will be drawn into trial, which you may lose due to the uncertain testimony of your witness.

Summer dream book

Why see a Ship in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Sail - Seeing a lonely white sail in a dream means vain hopes.

Schooner - You will live your life without realizing your childhood dream.

Autumn dream book

Why see a Ship in a dream?

Why do you dream of a Sail - a sail fluttering in the wind - for overseas trips.

Schooner (yacht). – A wave of luck will sweep your home, you will literally be swimming in money.

Spring dream book

Why see a Ship in a dream?

According to the dream book, what does a Ship mean in a dream – Sail – to the acquisition of new hope.

Schooner (yacht). - grandiose plans that will not come true.

Dream Interpretation Big Ship

Why do you dream of a big Ship in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream about a big ship, you have to do something very profitable and promising project. Any opportunities will be open to you.

Try to use the favorable period to solve long-standing problems. It will be much easier to go to the intended goal with a tailwind.

Dream Interpretation sailing on a ship

Why do you dream of sailing on a ship in a dream?

Sailing on a ship is interpreted as change and making significant decisions. If you are sailing on a ship on calm waters, you will find prosperity, prosperity and a happy life ahead. If the water in your dream is cloudy or stormy, be prepared for trouble. If in the dream the ship you are sailing on is small, the dream recommends matching your desires with your possibilities.

Big ship

Dream Interpretation Big ship had a dream, why do you dream about a Big ship? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Big Ship in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ship

Dreams about ships foreshadow changes, they are a symbol of wish fulfillment, and sometimes a warning of danger. Seeing a ship in a dream or sailing on it is a sign of change or news. If you dream that the ship is at the pier or has dropped anchor, then your business will stall. Seeing him very close in a dream means quick changes for the better.

Dream Interpretation - Ship

This symbol is associated with hope that never dies. The ship is a symbol of salvation in a hopeless situation. In this regard, the ship was endowed with magical powers and attributed to it capabilities inaccessible to ordinary means of transportation.

Dream Interpretation - Ship

A dream in which a ship is present is a sign of unexpected acquisitions. Traveling on an ocean liner in pleasant company and enjoying beautiful weather means happy events await you in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Ship

Unexpected promotion. Small - you will have a small but very friendly team of like-minded people under your command. Launching a ship - a new beginning profitable business. The ship is loaded with goods - a new position will be the first step on the path to wealth. Seeing yourself in a ship's cabin - work related to foreign business trips. Throwing something overboard means you will be able to beat all applicants for the position. The ship is sailing from the shore - the appointment will be the starting point of rapid career growth. Building a ship is a profitable marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Ship

in most cases it means salvation and closeness to the rulers. Sometimes it is interpreted as care and sadness that quickly pass. If someone sees himself entering a ship that is standing on the sea, this means that, depending on the size of the ship and how deeply he entered it, he will approach the ruler, but then part with him. If he sees that he has entered a ship into which water has penetrated, then this means worry and illness or imprisonment, from which he will soon get rid of. If he sees that he has left the ship, then his worries will quickly leave him. If he sees a ship on land, then this is also a quickly passing concern and sadness. And if someone sees a ship moving in his direction, then this means a quick resolution of problems.

Dream Interpretation – Ship, shipwreck

Ships dream of honor and unexpected promotion. As they say, for a big ship, a long voyage.

Dream Interpretation - Ship

Seeing a ship passing or boarding a ship means good news, success in business, a happy marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Ship

The ship is a symbol of a new and happy era of life.

Dream Interpretation - Ship

See hopes, dreams, plans; parting; a child who has become an adult and leaves his mother. Swim with change, take a certain course in life, a strategic life plan, a career, arranging your personal life for a woman (negatives and obstacles to the implementation of such a plan can be indicated by: strong waves, muddy water, pitching, storm, breakdowns, etc.). Get off the ship marriage; pension, old age (idiom: “from the ship to the ball”). A ship sailing in the sky is happiness; death for the sick. A warship is an additional indication of some kind of statehood, protection of some (vital) borders, trials, hardships, threat. The ship is sinking, sunken ships are the collapse of all plans and hopes. The death of the ship, see Incidents.

Dream Interpretation - Ship

The side of the ship that you are looking attentively - soon you will have a convenient opportunity for relaxation or entertainment.

Why do you dream about a big white ship?

samuel --

Seeing a sailing liner in a dream means a successful turn in your affairs. Such a dream promises happiness for lovers

Radygina Oksana

All dreams will come true. Luckily soon.

Alar Naeni

Vyacheslav Storozhuk

girl buy a dream book! “;;No.

for a big ship, a long voyage.

Lovesongs – they kill me

If he swims in your direction, then expect happiness. And from you, happiness will pass you by.


A ship seen in a dream is a harbinger of honor and an unexpected promotion in rank, which will entail an improvement in your standard of living. Hearing the crash of a collapsing ship means a terrible turn of events in business. Your friends will betray you. If you feel in a dream that you are dying in a shipwreck, in reality the situation will be unusually close to the fact that your life or honor will be under threat.