Bagua grid and feng shui zones: creating complete harmony in life. How to determine and harmonize the wealth zone in a house or apartment using Feng Shui

Sometimes we don’t feel comfortable in our own home, we can’t fully relax, and we often get sick. This suggests that positive energy is in a state of dormancy, it needs to be activated so that it begins to work for us. Feng Shui rules for an apartment will help with this. By following them, you can gradually improve your life.

Feng Shui apartment number

Numbers have always been given importance great importance. Fortune telling was carried out on them, dates were tied to important holidays with mystical origin. In China, belief in numbers is especially common. Feng Shui attributes great significance to even seemingly insignificant numbers of apartments and houses. A door is a separator of external and internal space, a portal to your individual world, and apartments are extremely important. The well-being of everyone living inside largely depends on what number hangs on the door.

Lucky apartment numbers according to Feng Shui are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 . One is always the beginning of something new, a birth, which represents a happy event. Two is balance, like yin and yang. The number three in all cultures has mystical powers, and six and nine are multiples of three, therefore they also bring happiness. In addition, nine represents the culmination of the cycle and the imminent achievement of the peak. In addition, the word nine in Chinese means longevity.

Number four is best avoided as it is considered unlucky. It sounds like the word death in Chinese. The number seven is also unlucky. Five is simply neutral, bringing neither happiness nor unhappiness. When the apartment number consists of one digit, it is easy to judge. If you have a two-, three- or four-digit number, you need to add all the numbers and continue adding until you get a number from 1 to 9. Example: for apartment number 156 you need to add 1+5+6=12 , then perform the following action 1+2=3. And by the number three you can judge the energy in the apartment.

Feng Shui zones in the apartment

Inside the home, it is extremely important to correctly configure the energy in order to achieve the desired effect in one or another area of ​​life. According to the Ba Gua map, the Feng Shui of an apartment consists of 8 sectors or zones. They are located according to the cardinal directions, and on the map the cardinal directions are mirrored. To correctly distribute the zones, the map must be turned over, and only then applied to the apartment plan. The size of the home does not matter at all. So, the Feng Shui of a one-room apartment or a spacious penthouse is determined in a similar way.

Feng Shui wealth zone in the apartment

The main element of this zone is wood. Colors – green, violet, lilac. The talisman is water. Therefore, when approaching the question of how to furnish an apartment according to , first of all you need to take care of the availability here water body– an aquarium, an indoor fountain, or at least an image of water. You can put a beautiful vessel filled with water.

To increase the family's wealth and attract money to the house, in the wealth sector it is necessary to increase lighting and remove all trash, which in general Feng Shui does not accept in an apartment. You can place a model of a sailboat here, the bow of which will be directed into the room. It would be good if the sailboat was made of wood, and coins could be placed inside it. It is also customary to place symbols of wealth here - chinese coins, money tree, money toad.

Feng Shui love zone in the apartment

The main element of the love zone is earth. Colors – red, pink, brown, terracotta. The most common talismans that decorate the Feng Shui love sector in an apartment are paired figurines of birds and animals. These could be swans, mandarin ducks, pigeons, dolphins. Also symbolic in this case are images and figures of hearts. You can complement the love corner with a couple of scented candles, fresh flowers, and heart-shaped pillows.

It is logical that this zone is responsible for romantic relationship with the opposite sex, a strong marital bond. In addition, with the activation of this zone, you can strengthen relationships with family and close friends. Post photos with your loved ones here. But sharp objects thorny plants, images of sad and lonely people are highly inappropriate here.

Feng Shui health zone in the apartment

The main element is earth. Colors – yellow, orange, terracotta, beige. Apartment Feng Shui offers the following talismans for activating the health zone - turtle, bamboo, monkeys, cranes, depicted against a background of pine trees. This zone is located in the very heart of the apartment, in its center. And it is also a spiritual center, responsible for the well-being and health of not only the body, but also the soul. This zone unites all other zones and influences them, so you should always keep order here so that other areas of your life do not suffer.

Activation of energy in the apartment occurs when this sector is well lit. It is advisable to hang a crystal chandelier in the center of your home, the crystals of which will direct positive energy to all corners of the apartment. You can also activate the zone using clay jugs, wooden objects, fresh indoor flowers, an odd number of fruits, bamboo branches, seascapes and pebbles.

Career zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

The main element is water. Colors – blue, blue, black, white. Talismans - Chinese turtles, mirrors, coins, wind chimes. Additionally, this zone is a sector of the life path. She is responsible for everything that will help you earn money, as well as for everything that will lead to spiritual development. In dreams of career growth, the activation of Feng Shui zones in the apartment should be accompanied by the installation of turtle figurines and a small fountain. If the goal is to consolidate the achieved effect, then you need to hang an image of calm water. Good influence have aquariums, sailboats and other aquatic mascots.

Children's zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment

At the same time, this zone is a creative zone. The main element is metal. Colors – white, silver, gold, yellow, gray. , which can be used to diversify the design of an apartment according to Feng Shui in this sector - figurines of children, bells, wind chimes, shells, horseshoes, plants with round leaves. Since the apartment sector according to Feng Shui is responsible for creative success, new projects and the birth and raising of children, your and your child’s self-expression, the method of activating this zone depends on the needs.

If you want to achieve creative success, place objects and images related to your hobbies here. For a seamstress, this could be a machine and spools of thread. For the artist - an easel and brushes with paints. For a musician - the instrument he plays and music books. If you can't cope with raising children, you can't find relationships with them. mutual language, place in this area items related to their astrological signs. Also arrange and hang children's drawings, crafts, houseplants, photo with children.

Feng Shui travel zone in the apartment

She is also responsible for the assistant, mentor, Teacher. The main element is metal. Colors – gold, silver, white. Talismans - photos of parents and other people you respect, a horseshoe, metal bells, images of exotic corners of the planet. The arrangement of this zone predetermines the appearance of people who can help you with difficult situations, instruct, patronize you. Placing figurines of the deities Ganesha and Guin here will help strengthen the influence of this sector.

How to arrange an apartment according to Feng Shui if your goal is travel? First of all, post photos of places where you would like to go, as well as images of travelers and various Vehicle. Increase lighting, remove all broken objects and images with erotic overtones. All kinds of firearms are also undesirable here.

Apartment according to Feng Shui - rules

There are several basic rules that must be followed if you want to improve the atmosphere in your home and activate beneficial energy:

  1. Get rid of clutter. Everything that has long ceased to be useful to you, has lost its original appearance, is broken, cracked, or does not function should be removed from the house without regret. By doing this, you will make way and space for new energy that will fill your home and bring prosperity.
  2. Protect the entrance to your apartment using Feng Shui. To prevent the negative energy of people coming to you from penetrating into you, hang a mirror above the front door. It will reflect and return negativity to the one who came with it. This method is good in the fight against damage and curses.
  3. Provide free space and light in the hallway and living room. Do not keep clothes and shoes that are out of season. Keep these two rooms clean and tidy.
  4. Keep an eye on the head of the furniture. There should not be empty space behind the bed, sofa, or armchairs; they should be placed against a wall or partition, which serve as a symbol of support and confidence in different life situations.
  5. Pay attention to the location of windows and doors. Feng Shui of an apartment is important in the details. If the door in the room is located opposite the window, energy flies out of the house. You can correct the situation with the help of a tall living plant on the windowsill. The plant should have round leaves that will retain the energy of the house.

Feng Shui paintings for an apartment

Paintings that complement your apartment design can act both positively and negatively according to Feng Shui. To avoid the second, you need to make sure that the images on them evoke positive emotions, and not feelings of anxiety or worry. It is better not to bring aggressive and hostile pictures into the house. You should also avoid posting portraits of deceased relatives and celebrities who are no longer alive. Abstract and incomprehensible paintings are also undesirable. They do not carry any message, and sometimes contain a hidden negative meaning that you are not even aware of.

Arranging furniture in an apartment according to Feng Shui

Furniture should not interfere with the movement of Qi energy, therefore the question of how to furnish an apartment according to Feng Shui is very important. So, the main points:

  • place tall cabinets against solid walls and preferably away from doors;
  • Doors and stairs should not be reflected in mirrored furniture doors;
  • High backs of chairs and armchairs are preferred; their seats should be turned towards the window;
  • It is better to choose round tables - it is more friendly;
  • the TV does not need to be installed with the screen facing the window or door;
  • the bed must be placed with its head against the wall, and the door to the room should be visible from it;
  • in the kitchen you need to zone the room, separating the elements of fire and water with a table, shelf, cabinet.

Feng Shui aquarium in the apartment

According to Feng Shui, water features such as an aquarium or a fountain in an apartment are simply irreplaceable. The energy of water activates three important zones at once, so Feng Shui rules in an apartment require the presence of at least one such object. At the same time, its size should correspond to the room in order to facilitate the accumulation of energy of money, career and family, and not wash away what is there. In this case, the aquarium must contain constant movement water and good lighting. The number of fish in it must be odd.

Indoor plants according to Feng Shui in the apartment

They bring a certain energy. Their correct choice and arrangement will help harmonize the atmosphere in the house. These should be plants that stretch upward and preferably have rounded leaves. Flowers with masculine energy are dracaena, lemon, asparagus, chlorophytum, etc. Flowers with feminine energy are violet, crassula, begonia, cyclamen. For a harmonious distribution of energy, it is advisable to have plants with both energies in the house. To ensure that the energy field of a flower is always active, take good care of it, show it love and care.

Mirrors in the apartment according to Feng Shui

When starting to study how to arrange an apartment according to Feng Shui, people are certainly faced with the issue of placing mirrors. This powerful magical item is capable of attracting and repelling energy depending on its location. The mirrors of your home should not reflect the front door, bed, or unpleasant landscape outside the window. But the dining table reflected in the mirror promises an increase in wealth. The reflection of the picturesque landscape also has a positive effect - this way additional beauty will enter your home every day.

According to Feng Shui, it is the main tool for analyzing the energy assessment of any space, be it an office, a house, an apartment, or a personal plot. This octagon location is an energy map divided into 9 sectors, including the center. Each sector describes a specific aspect of a person's life. Below we will describe each of them.

Magic square Lo Shu, is a square with nine sectors, which, like the Bagua octagon, serves as a tool for analyzing the energy of premises. According to legend, four thousand years ago, a divine turtle crawled ashore from the Lo River, with the image of numbers on its shell; the order of these numbers forms the basis of all feng shui formulas.

Different schools of Feng Shui use either magic square Lo-Shu, or the Bagua octagon, both tools give almost the same result, but a slight difference still exists, but we will not consider it in this article. For beginning Feng Shui practitioners, I would recommend using the Lo Shu square, as it is easier to apply to the apartment plan.

How to use the Lo Shu square

Lo Shu Square one of the main Feng Shui tools for assessing the energy of any room. To use it, you will need a plan of your apartment or office, house, garden plot, etc., after which you will need to determine the orientation of your room to the cardinal points. To do this, take any tourist compass, stand with your back to the front door of your apartment, and take measurements with a compass; when measuring, you need to take into account interference from iron structures. So take a step forward from the door and take a second measurement, and if they match, then there is no interference and your measurement is accurate. If the results do not match, try to identify the source of interference and take measurements at a distance from it.

After you have taken measurements with a compass and accurately determined the orientation of your apartment. Apply a Lo-Shu square to the plan of your apartment, aligning it exactly with the cardinal points. Now in front of you is the energy map of your apartment, with the help of this map you can influence different aspects of your life, below we will consider them all in order.

How to correctly apply a Lo Shu square to a floor plan

According to Feng Shui practice, the correct shape of a house is a square or rectangle; in such rooms, Qi energy is distributed evenly, and applying a Lo Shu square to the house plan will not be difficult. To do this, take a plan of a house or apartment and draw lines along the load-bearing walls of the house; you should end up with a square or rectangle, depending on the shape of the building. Everything that fell overboard, balconies, ledges, everything non-residential premises does not need to be taken into account. Next, evenly distribute this square or rectangle into nine identical sectors, you should end up with nine identical squares or rectangles. Then mark the cardinal directions on the diagram.

If your apartment plan does not have the correct shape, that is, it is not a square, a rectangle. For example, your apartment is the letter “G”, then also along the load-bearing walls, draw it to a square or rectangle.

As can be seen in the figure, the eastern zone of the apartment is completely absent; this sector belongs to the family; below we will describe them all. According to Feng Shui, the residents of this house have disagreements with their parents, misunderstandings with their children and everything that is associated with the family sector. If you have a similar situation and are missing any sector, do not worry, there are corrective Feng Shui remedies that correct such situations and make the energy of your home favorable.

Sectors and zones of the apartment

Knowing the descriptions of all sectors and zones of the apartment, we can analyze the energy map of our home and find out which sector should be activated first in order to feel luckier, happier, richer, etc. You will find out in which zone it is best to place

1. Career, life path - NORTH

Main element: Water.

Power element: Metal.

Colors for activating the sector: White, blue, light blue, black.

The Career sector refers to how you earn a living, it indicates your life path and your goals that you are striving for. The idea is that if you really the right way, then you feel very good at work, you are full of enthusiasm, and you like your job. If this is not the case, then you should pay attention to this sector in your home.

2. Relationships and love - SOUTHWEST

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for activating the sector: red, pink, all shades of brown.

The sector of love and relationships is responsible for your relationship with a loved one, as well as for relationships with friends and family. If you are single or have problems in your marriage, then it is worth focusing on this sector and getting it in order. To activate the sector, you can use paired things, for example two vases, red candles, etc.

3. Family - EAST

Main element: Wood.

Power supply: Water.

Colors for activating the sector: brown, green, blue, black, a little red.

The Family sector is responsible for your relationships with children, parents, as well as your relatives. If you have disagreements with your parents or children, then you should pay attention to this sector and put it in order. To activate the sector, you can use fresh flowers.

4. Wealth - SOUTH-EAST

Main element: Wood.

Power supply: Water.

Colors for activating the sector: purple, green, lilac, a little red.

The Wealth sector is responsible for material wealth, prosperity and prosperity. It also applies to your inner perception of the world, whether you feel happy and satisfied with life. To activate the sector, you can use an aquarium with fish, a fountain, or fresh flowers with round leaves. If you are haunted by financial failures in life, then you should first of all pay attention to this sector, put it in order, remove the rubble, if any.

5. Health - Center

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for activating the sector: beige, yellow, terracotta, orange.

This central sector is responsible for your overall health, your well-being, and how quickly you restore your strength. This sector has a special location, being in the center it unites other sectors together, so it has an impact on all sectors in your home. The word health conveys the direct meaning of this sector; the health of other adjacent sectors depends on its health, that is, if this sector is not in order, there are blockages, then this will negatively affect all other sectors and have a bad impact on all aspects of life. Or vice versa, if you activate this sector, then positive will have positive influence to all other sectors in your home.

6. Helpers and travel - NORTHWEST

Main element: Metal.

Power supply: Earth.

This sector is responsible for travel, patrons, support of friends in difficult moments of life, as well as spiritual mentors and intuition. Do you have someone you can turn to in difficult moments in life? Do you have authoritative friends who can help you in insurmountable situations? If you are having problems with all this, then you should pay attention to this sector and put it in order.

7. Creativity and children - WEST

Main element: Metal.

Power supply: Earth.

Colors for activating the sector: gray, white, golden, silver, yellow.

This sector is responsible for how you spend your free time, leisure in nature, or how you express yourself through art, sports. And also your relationship with children and their upbringing. If you have problems conceiving, you should also pay attention to this sector. This area also applies to your setting life plans and their implementation, the materialization of your desires.

8. Knowledge and wisdom - NORTHEAST

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for activating the sector: orange, yellow, terracotta, beige.

This area is responsible for how you learn, understand the world, and gain experience. If you are experiencing problems in the area of ​​learning, you should first look for the reasons in this sector of your home. This sector is also an ideal place for home meditation and yoga.

Any thing or living space has its own unique energy. Many people try to arrange their home in such a way that all family members and guests feel comfortable here. Can help with this ancient teaching from China - Feng Shui, which is more than 2 thousand years old.

The name, consisting of a pair of words, translates as air-water. The teaching says that certain zones are responsible for any area of ​​human life, and living space is divided into them. By properly arranging this or that area, it is possible to achieve success in life.

There are 9 feng shui zones in the apartment, represented on the Ba Gua octagon in the form of career, family, children, wealth, health, fame, love, career and wisdom. By ancient history about 2 thousand years ago came ashore big turtle, the shell of which was decorated with a divine message in the form of trigrams orderedly arranged in a circle. They were deciphered by a sage named Fu Xi. Ba-Gua consists of eight trigrams facing the cardinal directions, and the ninth is located in the center.

Finding zones

To independently differentiate in the right order feng shui zone in your home, you should get a compass, an apartment plan and the Ba-Gua octagonal grid.

First of all, using a compass, determine the place in the house where the north is. This is the starting point. Having marked the north on the plan, they combine it with the Ba-Gua trigram, which is responsible for the career; by laying out the grid on the plan, it becomes clear where a specific zone is located in the house.

However, due to modern non-standard layouts, the apartment plan does not always fit into the Ba Gua grid. Often, some areas simply fall out. It is possible to harmonize missing areas by strengthening them in the largest room - the living room. To do this, the room is divided into sectors using the same method so that the dropped zones are included in the Ba-Gua grid.

After delimiting the space into zones, you can begin to activate each individual sphere.

Feng Shui rules

Feng Shui of an apartment depends not only on the competent activation of a particular area, but also on adhering to general rules.

The most important rule– maintaining cleanliness in every corner of the living space. The teaching prohibits accumulating and storing unnecessary things, as this contributes to the accumulation of destructive energy.

Much attention is paid to windows. They must be kept clean. Through large openings, the favorable energy “qi” penetrates well inside. A coating of dust and dirt on the glass indicates an accumulation of bad energy. It is also unacceptable to clutter the window sills big amount flower pots.

All old, broken, unnecessary things and equipment must be thrown out of the house, as they accumulate negative energy. The same applies to the first aid kit and ladies' cosmetic bag.

In order for good Feng Shui to be present in an apartment at all times, it is necessary to frequently move objects in the rooms. Then the energy “qi” will be able to circulate freely in space. To do this, it is enough to change the location of 27 any objects in the house, for example, swap photo frames or rehang paintings.

All plumbing must work flawlessly, and the bathroom and bathroom must remain perfectly clean. And to attract cash flows The toilet lid should be closed.

Bright lighting contributes to the strong attraction of positive energy flows. Therefore, the entire apartment should be well lit; any burnt out light bulbs should be thrown away immediately.

It is important to correctly arrange the furniture in the apartment according to Feng Shui. To do this, knowing the Ba Gua zones, you need to place the main furniture items in their places.

Activation of Ba Gua zones

So, in order for favorable energy flows to penetrate the house and begin to have a beneficial effect on the lives of household members, after dividing the space into separate zones, each of them should be activated.

Career (north) – it can be activated by enhanced lighting and placement of the “wind chime” accessory. If you have a goal to consolidate your career successes, then pictures or photos with calm water placed in the zone will help with this.

A figurine of a wise turtle will support career success. If the focus is on career advancement, then any office paraphernalia placed here will additionally saturate this area.

Knowledge and wisdom (northeast direction) – it is ideal to place an office or library here. All mental endeavors here will succeed. Any things related to learning activate the area. It is prohibited to place cutting objects here.

Travel (northwest) – by activating this area, helpers appear in difficult matters. Here you need to place figurines of divine guardians, photos of mentors in spiritual practices. It is possible to influence travel by placing photos of places for future trips and means of transportation in the zone. It's better not to leave broken things here.

Family (east) – element – ​​wood, color – green. This area symbolizes loved ones. Placed here family photos, types of forest landscapes, plants, potted flowers and things made of wood.

It is strictly forbidden to leave metal objects, images of the dead, herbariums and dried flowers here. And the presence of sharp or piercing objects provokes additional quarrels.

Children and creativity (West), color – snow-white. It is better to place here bronze figurines in the form of divine protectors, children's drawings and crafts, living indoor plants or a flowerpot with real flowers. The presence of dried flowers is unacceptable.

Wealth (southeast direction). The site has a direct relationship with material well-being. Any symbols of money, objects with precious stones, a vessel with water made of silver.

An aquarium in which goldfish live, or accessories in the form of red fish, is appropriate. A miniature fountain or a money tree in a pot will also work.

Glory (south) – responsible for social position. All existing awards and diplomas, figurines in the form of non-birds of prey should be moved to this zone, the main thing is that they are not made of wood.

Love, marriage (southwestern part). You should definitely place a picture of your loved one here. Characteristic of this area are paired objects in the form of mandarin ducks, doves, and butterflies. Erotic paraphernalia and literature should also be stored here. It is forbidden to include here photos with lonely sad people, climbing plants.

Health (center) color – lemon or orange-orange. A pot of soil and wood objects should be placed here. The area will be decorated with images of landscapes with water and natural paintings. Symbolic objects in the form of a pine or bamboo twig, a figurine of a crane or a deer will only help to activate this area.

Feng Shui of one-room apartments

It is still possible to decorate a one-room apartment according to Feng Shui, even despite its small area. To do this, you should free up space from unnecessary and bulky things so that “qi” energy can circulate freely.

Using the Ba-Gua octagon, you need to delimit the zones, and then also activate each one by placing the necessary attributes.

Photos of the design of a small apartment according to Feng Shui show that any room can be both beautiful and energetically positively charged if you follow simple recommendations and advice.

Photo of the basics of Feng Shui for an apartment

The free flow of Qi energy is what he sees as the secret happy life the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui. By organizing our home in accordance with her recommendations, we will create everything the necessary conditions so that health, love, luck, money come to him. How exactly to achieve this? Feng Shui of an apartment is a comprehensive concept, we will focus on the main points.

Determining Feng Shui zones in an apartment

A certain sector (zone) is responsible for each aspect of life in an apartment. Its activation leads to positive changes. But here it is important to know: what to activate and how. Let's start with the first one.

Any house is divided into 8 zones - according to the number of cardinal directions. Here they are, indicating the area of ​​responsibility of each of them:

  • north – career
  • northwest – travel and helpers
  • northeast - knowledge and wisdom
  • south – self-realization and glory
  • southwest – love and marriage
  • southeast - wealth
  • West – children and creativity
  • East – health and family.

We activate the necessary sectors

Now you need to determine which parts of your apartment they fall on. In other words, where, for example, is your wealth sector located - in the corner of the kitchen or near the entrance to the bedroom. There are three ways to find out:

  1. Ba Gua. The easiest way.
  • You need to draw a Ba Gua grid diagram on cardboard and cut it out. Here she is:
  • Next step– reproduction on paper of the apartment plan showing on it all available premises, with the exception of balconies and loggias: rooms, kitchen, bath, toilet, storage room. Maintain the same scale as on the Ba Gua grid, as well as the real proportions of the rooms.
  • Remember where your windows face and connect the house plan with the Ba Gua octagon in a mirror image. If the windows face east, attach a line with their designation to the western sector on the grid. Now you can see where which zones in the apartment are located.
  1. Using a compass and protractor.
  • Again, you will need a plan of your apartment. It must be cut along the contour.
  • Now take a well-sharpened pencil and place the outline on its tip. We are looking for a balance point - a place where the paper does not fall from the pencil. This is the center of the apartment.
  • Using a compass, we determine the cardinal directions and plot them on the plan, but in a mirror image. That is, where south is, we write north, where west is east, and so on.
  • We connect the center of the protractor with the center of the apartment on the plan. We divide the apartment into 8 sectors (each 45 degrees). Now all sectors are at your fingertips.
  1. From corner to corner. We focus on the corners of the room. We determine the sectors, standing with our backs to the front door (not to the interior doors):
  • the center of the wall with the entrance door, that is, behind you is the quarry area
  • the center of the wall opposite the front door is the zone of glory and self-realization
  • the near left corner is the zone of wisdom and knowledge
  • the near right corner is the zone of assistants and travel
  • far left corner - wealth zone
  • the far right corner is the zone of love and marriage
  • the middle of the left side is the family and health zone
  • the middle of the right side is the zone for children and creativity.

A properly drawn up housing plan will help activate the right areas

Before activating specific zones, you need to harmonize the entire space of the apartment. Because if in one place everything is according to science, and in the rest - haphazardly, nothing will work out. So, where to start arranging an apartment according to Feng Shui:

  1. To clean up. This means not only washing the floor and wiping the floor, but also clearing away the rubbish, throwing away all unnecessary, unnecessary, broken things. By doing this, you will put things in order in your head, get rid of unpleasant memories and clear the way for positive thoughts. Nothing will distract you from acceptance. important decisions. If you do not dare to remove old clothes, toys, gifts from your life, this indicates that you are not ready to part with the past. And this will prevent you from moving on and on positive changes in this case there is no point in counting.
  2. Correctly position the front door and objects at the entrance. This is important because Qi energy enters the house through the front door, and nothing should interfere with its further movement. Therefore, the front door should open inward, not outward.

Order in everything - both in the apartment and in thoughts.

If, when opening, it bumps into a wall or rests against a small and cramped hallway (corridor), this is bad. Hang a large mirror that will create the illusion of larger space.

The front door should not open onto the toilet. If this happens, keep it closed at all times.

If there are windows opposite the door, the Qi energy, as soon as it enters the house, will immediately leave through the window. With this layout, you need to curtain the windows with thick curtains.

  1. Correctly arrange interior items. the main objective organizing the interior according to Feng Shui - allowing the favorable Qi energy to move freely around the house, bringing comfort and harmony into it. Therefore, you should not clutter up the space with furniture. It is better to use built-in furniture, and regular furniture should be placed along the walls. It is also worth raising it above the floor, placing it on high legs.

Massive cabinets with mirrors should not be placed opposite stairs and doors. Their reflections can bring great misfortune to the house.

Correct arrangement of objects is the key to favorable energy circulation

Do not place the TV with its screen facing a window or door. But on the contrary, it is better to place armchairs and chairs with their backs to the window.

  1. Choose for home matching decorations and images. Everything that is associated with negativity should leave the house. For example, paintings and photographs depicting suffering, pain, death. Only pleasant, positive things that bring a smile and pleasant memories. Then thoughts will be directed only towards improving life.
  2. Decorate the premises of the house in accordance with their purpose. The bedroom, for example, should be quiet and cozy. Nothing should interfere with a restful sleep. Therefore, there is no place for a computer or TV here. Avoid bright colors and create narrow passages.

Activation of the Feng Shui zones of the apartment

Now let’s move on to activating the sectors you need.

Sector of love and marriage. It is perhaps the most important for women. Located in the southwest. Responsible for all types of love: between a man and a woman, parents, relatives, as well as the intimate sphere.

To maintain strong marital relationships, place two candles in this sector - red and white. They will symbolize a man and a woman. You can tie the candles with a red ribbon. When disagreements arise, you need to light these candles for a short time to clear the subtle levels of energy.

For the same purpose, it is necessary that all objects in a given zone be paired. Two armchairs, two sofa cushions, a candlestick - only two-armed, and so on. There should be no portraits or photographs of single women or men. Violation of these rules can lead to divorce or the fact that the search for your soul mate will not be successful.

On the contrary, post here your wedding photos of the two of you, happy and smiling.

Pairs of doves stimulate this zone well (symbolize romantic love), butterflies, mandarin ducks, geese (they personify marital fidelity).

Wealth sector. Located in the southeast. The main element is wood. To attract money, Feng Shui science recommends first of all getting rid of:

  • trash cans (especially open ones)
  • boxes with metal tools
  • paper shredders
  • unpaid bills
  • broken things
  • trash.

And you need to place here everything that symbolizes the Tree and what feeds it - Water and Earth:

  • living plants: money tree (crassula tree), bamboo, fern
  • artificial tree with leaves made of stone or Chinese coins
  • toad with coins
  • small fountain
  • aquarium with goldfish
  • paintings with images of ponds, waterfalls and other sources of water
  • images of green plants and natural landscapes.

Living plants in the Wealth Sector will help you achieve what you want

There are also recommendations regarding the colors and shapes of objects located here. The best colors to use in the wealth sector are black, brown, green, blue, and light yellow (earthy). Red and orange are also acceptable, but not as primary colors. The shape of objects and drawings on them should look like rectangles, squares or waves.

Good lighting and Fresh air– also necessary conditions for activating the wealth zone.

Health sector. It is no coincidence that according to Feng Shui, it is the center of the apartment: without health, there is nowhere. There will be no prosperity in any area of ​​life if there is no health. Located in the east. The main element is Wood. Therefore, the more wooden objects, living plants and green colors there are, the better.

Among the symbolic objects, it is advisable to place a crane, a deer, a porcelain peach, a pine tree and a bamboo here. They represent health and longevity.

The following can be harmful to health:

  • sharp corners and overhanging beams (drape them, cover them with climbing plants);
  • the proximity of the bed through the wall to the kitchen stove, bathtub or toilet (rearranging it will help);
  • things left over from previous residents who were ill for a long time (wash everything thoroughly and “ring” with air bells).

By eliminating everything that prevents the arrival of positive events, you can significantly increase your chances of success and happiness.

The science of Feng Shui came to us from China. This is the power with which many people attract money, good luck, and improve their Family status or career. There are many methods to attract vital factors.

Feng Shui sectors

As a rule, many people want to change their lives in better side. One person dreams of being cured of an illness, another - to build a career, a third - to become famous, etc. There is an opinion that it is possible to change oneself and one’s life with the help of the Chinese science of feng shui.

There are 8 sectors in each room. Each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​our life:

  1. Career. This area is located in the northern part of your apartment.
  2. Fame and self-realization. The sector is located in the south.
  3. Children's zone is located in the west.
  4. Family and health- East.
  5. Travel and desires are located in the northwest.
  6. Knowledge and wisdom determined on the northeast side.
  7. Love and marriage located in the southwest.
  8. Wealth is located in the southeast.

Can different ways determine the required areas of the apartment. However, the most faithful and reliable is a compass. With its help, you will know exactly where each sector is located. It should be understood that sometimes a very important area falls on a window, corner or door. Don’t be upset, this sector can be developed no worse than others.

Feng Shui zones should be determined from the center of the apartment. However, remember that the compass will only show more accurately when all electrical outlets are unplugged. Otherwise you will be deceived.

The easiest way is to draw a plan of the apartment and use it to determine the center and cardinal directions. Then use a protractor to measure out 8 equal pieces. These are your sectors. Now you can safely equip them.

Before you activate your Feng Shui zones, you first need to overcome yourself and throw away all the junk that you don’t need. After all, many people think that it will still be useful. You'll see, as soon as you throw away the old skirt that you don't wear, but you feel sorry for it, you'll immediately find money for a new one. It is believed that stale things accumulate all negative energy.

You shouldn’t immediately take on all the Feng Shui zones in your apartment. First, deal with one sector. If you are satisfied with it, move on to the rest. Moreover, when you arrange the first sector, you will see that your efforts were not in vain, and it actually works.

Do not overload the room with symbols. The apartment should be cozy. Try to arrange objects in moderation.

Always remember that Feng Shui helps with problems, and does not do everything for you. Therefore, we must hope, but also not give up, but go towards our dreams. After all, if a person lies on the couch, then no one will bring money or a career to his house.

Feng Shui is intended for those people who try, try to improve something, but fail. For example, he sits at the same job for years, hopes for a promotion, but it never comes. This is where Feng Shui will definitely come to the rescue. After all, a person strives for improvement. In this case, it is necessary to arrange a quarry area. If you do everything right, then everything will be fine.

Love sector

We found out how to determine Feng Shui zones. Now we can look at some in more detail. If you want to have love in your life, then this sector needs to be given special attention. However, remember that marriage is also possible. So think carefully about whether you need it. If you have not given up on your thoughts, you can arrange the love sector.

Before you start activating this zone, you must believe in success. There should be no water, souvenirs with fountains or wood in this sector. Stones, not necessarily precious ones, are better suited. You can bring regular ones from the street, river or sea. This is a great element that activates the zone.

Red paper or fabric hearts must be in this zone. This is the most important and powerful symbol of love. If you have the opportunity to put a rose quartz heart in this sector, happiness will come much faster than you expect. Just remember that these talismans must be paired. Never hang one heart.

Red candles are the second important talisman of love. There should also be two of them. When the new moon comes, light them for a few minutes. This attracts love into your home.

A lamp, floor lamp or sconce in red colors is perfect. Choose one thing. Turn them on for 3 hours for 49 days. If you still have time to read interesting book about love, then rest assured that happiness will soon knock on your home.

According to Feng Shui, the love zone should not be too crowded. Select two or three elements to attract. When there are a lot of things in one zone, it quickly loses positive energy.

If you're unlucky enough to have your love zone in the bathroom or toilet, then never leave open doors. It is believed that water washes away all romance and positive energy. The same applies to the kitchen.

Attracting wealth

The financial sector needs to be activated in blue, light blue or green color scheme. Feng Shui for attracting money is the simplest. Wooden furniture is perfect for this sector. Many people put a rocking chair, chest of drawers or cabinet. In the same zone you need to place a money tree. There is an opinion that these talismans attract financial stability and prosperity.

The fountain is water. It’s not for nothing that they say: “money flows like a river.” Therefore, in the wealth sector it will not only look great, but capital will also appear. It is quite possible that you will be offered a part-time job that you so need at the moment.

If you can’t yet install a fountain, hang a picture of water. It could be a waterfall, the sea, a river with nature, and many more. etc. There is no need to install an electric fountain or painting in this area. As they say, a little of every good thing.

An aquarium will come in handy here. However, it is necessary to feed the fish well. They must not be allowed to starve. After all, this can lead you to trouble. You should choose a friendly fish. It is better that it looks like gold. Try to make a wish near the aquarium about financial stability and success as often as possible.

Near money tree put a few paper bills, and in the flowerpot itself - coins. Just don’t try to place a cactus in this area. On the contrary, he will push wealth away from you. Feng Shui does not like thorny flowers to attract money.

Career zone

To move up the career ladder, you need to determine a sector. It should contain the following colors: blue (blue), black and green (lime). To enhance this area, you need to add wavy or round shapes. Wood will not work, but metal objects not only look beautiful, but also activate the career sector.

There are destructive colors that negatively affect the area - yellow, brown and terracotta. As in the wealth zone, items related to water are important here. This is an aquarium, fountains, paintings depicting nature.

For the career sector, it is important to put a turtle. It is a symbol of wisdom and wealth. There shouldn't be too many turtles. One is enough. It is desirable that it be metal.

Yours workplace It should always be in order, no trash or unnecessary garbage. There should be a picture of some successful and wise man. Feng Shui will help you move up the career ladder. The career zone is the place that is responsible for your success at work.

Help with studies

All parents want to see their child successful person. To do this, you need to work on your performance every day. Feng Shui will help here too. First of all, it is necessary to clean the child’s workplace perfectly. Only those things that are necessary for studying should be there.

It is advisable to place crystal on the table. These could be vases, a globe, fish. The table must be set so that there is a favorable side for the child. Special feng shui numbers will help you with this, which will help you determine lucky number. We will return to them later.

Health and Feng Shui

If you often feel unwell, it doesn’t hurt to activate a sector that will help you improve your health. According to the tradition of this science, you need to place figurines in the form of a crane, deer, bamboo, peach or pine tree. These trees can also be used for furniture in the health zone.

Paintings with a landscape of bamboo or a pine grove are ideal. Choose the symbols that are most interesting to you and place them. As in any sector, you shouldn’t arrange everything at once.

A bed or sofa should not be placed in that area if someone else with a serious illness was lying there. Often illness comes from outside. If there is a hospital near your home, then you need to hang checkered curtains or place bright red flowers on the windowsill. They protect the home from negativity.

Feng Shui symbols

Feng Shui talismans attract luck, wealth, career, health or success to your home. It is important to know what a certain symbol means. These can be figures or magnets that attract positive energy. Each symbol has its own place in the room.

Horse- this is a career. She says that your work will pay off. The horse will help you become more resilient, patient and will bring you a good reputation. The amulet brings success to the apartment.

Phoenix is a bird that is greatly revered in China. There is an opinion that she is the patroness of man. It is advisable to place it, like a horse, in the career area. She brings happiness and victory. However, a lonely phoenix affects the character of the household. To avoid this, you need to place a turtle or dragon nearby. They will calm the bird's ardor.

Elephant must be placed in the wealth zone. It helps to attract money. Of course, this does not mean that you can pick them on a tree. However, if you are looking for a job for more favorable conditions, soon you will be offered it with a well-paid salary.

a lion- a talisman that removes all negative energy from the room. Therefore, it is advisable to place it close to entrance doors or on the windowsill.

Turtle- is a symbol of health and longevity. However, if you place it in the bedroom, it will bring an undesirable effect. Therefore, the most suitable place for her is in the health sector.

Feng Shui talismans are strong energy. If you want luck, success, career or health to visit you, try to place them in the right direction.

Feng Shui hieroglyphs and their meaning

Good luck comes indoors not only through talismans. Hieroglyphs also play an important role. There are a huge number of them, but there are the most common ones, which are often used by the Chinese. Today, hieroglyphs are sold in stores. They can be painted on towels, various fabrics, and furniture.

Wealth- this hieroglyph is popular. It is believed that he brings into the house financial well-being. It is advisable to keep it in the place where you put your money.

Prosperity- this hieroglyph symbol increases your finances. Thanks to him, family members are able to realize themselves in any field.

Mighty dragon- this hieroglyph gives strength and courage. Thanks to him, a person can successfully develop in his studies, career or business. He doesn't let me into the house negative energy, which has a positive effect on all family members.

Hieroglyph luck will help you successfully complete the things you start. This symbol will not interfere absolutely anywhere in the room.

Abundance- this hieroglyph helps you find yourself. Thanks to him, you will understand what exactly is best for you to do, which friends to free from communication with you, and with whom it is better to be friends. There will be abundance in everything.

Before engaging in this science, it is necessary to learn all the Feng Shui hieroglyphs and their meaning. Only then can the full arrangement begin.

How to calculate the number of GUA

Every person has a lucky number that helps in life. It all depends on the date of birth. In order to calculate numbers according to Feng Shui, you need to do this:

Let's say you were born in 1979. Let's add two last numbers: 7 + 9 = 16. Now add the resulting two numbers: 1 + 6 = 7. Add 5 to the remaining number. It looks like this: 7 + 5 = 12. And add last time: 1 + 2 = 3. Now we have the GUA figure. For those born since 2000, it is necessary to add the number 6, not 5. According to Feng Shui, the luck of each person depends on the number.


In order to change your life, you need to properly activate the Feng Shui zones in your apartment. Remove negativity with lions or mirrors. You also need to find the right location so as not to damage your premises.

Don't forget that prosperity comes only to those who believe in the power of action. If you laugh at this science and don't recognize it, you shouldn't even start. You are simply not ready for changes for the better. Start arranging your home only when you feel that you really need it.