What numbers will bring money to Libra today? A few simple recommendations will help you find out your lucky number to attract good luck

What awaits us in the very next seconds, minutes, hours? Where does Luck wait for us? These questions interest everyone.

It turns out that the main purpose, the role of a person is known from the first moments, from the moment of the first breath, the first cry. And it depends on our Date of Birth and Name.

And if the choice of date is left to the Universe, then the name is given to the baby by the parents. Sometimes it's
done thoughtlessly. Choosing a name is a step that will cause the child’s future successes or problems, so preference should be given not just to the option you like.

Science will tell you how to correctly recognize your Luck Number. Knowing your “Lucky Number” makes it much easier to build your own life.

To calculate your Luck Number, you need to focus on three points. The first is the Name Number, then the Birth Number, and at the end – the summation of the resulting results. It's simple.

Letters to numbers conversion table

  1. Name Number

Thanks to the special table (above), it is easy to find out that letters and numbers are interconnected. Determine the numbers for all the letters and add them up.

  1. Birth Number

There is no need to go into calculations here. If you were born on February 1 or November 5, that is, a prime number, then this will be your Birth Number. If the date of your name day is May 21 or December 15, then reduce the number to a simple number.

  1. Luck Number

The sum of the two previous results will be the Luck Number. It should also be turned into a simple one. There is a small exception - these are special numbers. Numerologists call them master numbers. These are 11 and 22. There is no need to carry out any actions or operations with them.

Not entirely clear? Let's look at a specific example. And even more specifically - on mine.

Full name: Golovin Artur Viktorovich

Converting letters to numbers:


My Name Number3 .

My date of birth: 02/17/1970.


My Birth Number9 .

Luck Number = Name Number + Birth Number = 3+9=12=1+2=3

So my Luck Number3 .

Interpretation of Luck Numbers by Numerology

Unit (1)

Owners of this Luck Number probably know that success is their constant companion. You consciously build the correct chain of actions and tasks that should be completed to achieve what you want. If necessary, you adapt to new circumstances. You are characterized by sociability, ease of communication and inner rod who convinces others of the fidelity and correctness of his opinion.

These are leaders who, with their inner strength, pull others along with them and give confidence to their subordinates. If obstacles or unpleasant competition arise in the process, you are not afraid of them. On the contrary, with each life's difficulties your self-esteem is growing rapidly, you show even more hard work and perseverance.

There is only one little thing that is worth doing: so that luck does not turn away at the most inopportune moment, you do not need to praise your own successes. Higher powers can turn boasting against you.

Deuce (2)

To be successful, you need family support, empathy and support. When you are filled with confidence that someone needs what you do, and the result of your work is really needed, then everything works out. It is important to know that the products of the activity are used for their intended purpose. But it’s worth being alone for a short moment, quarreling with a loved one, quarreling with best friend or break off relations with colleagues - luck flies away.

Self-hypnosis is important here. You don’t feel a close shoulder, and it seems that everything is in vain: the mood disappears, work doesn’t go well, general condition getting worse. When the Universe notices that a person does not see a positive ending to his work, then it stops helping him. Thoughts are material. Try to rid yourself of addiction. Know that you need your goals.

Three (3)

What did the troika hide inside? People who have this Luck Number are the builders of their own Destiny and the presence of luck in it. This is an absolutely serious opinion in numerology. If you sincerely believe that success will meet you at the finish line, that is exactly what will happen. You are capable of colossal things. You will conquer any mountain with faith in your own Self.

Having taken up any business, such people must become interested in it, completely immerse themselves in the process, stopping at every detail and studying it. This emotional state is similar to when you are immersed in the world of a fascinating detective story. In such minutes, or even hours, your gaze is unable to notice anyone or anything, there are only lines of an exciting storyline.

But if faith disappears, then nothing will come of it. Everywhere you will begin to encounter confrontations, all the people around you will interfere with you. That is why be absolutely confident in a positive result and cultivate this feeling in yourself. This is the only way you will be able to control your Destiny.

Four (4)

Numerology says that those who are accompanied by four as the Luck Number need constant instructions for action. This means that this kind of people are unquestioningly able to carry out all assigned tasks, but it is quite difficult for them to come to an independent decision. They constantly think that they will do something wrong, let the whole team down, and not justify the trust of their superiors.

And luck is a picky lady. In this case, two solutions are proposed. The first is to be subordinate to more strong character people, leaders. Second, gradually try to eliminate your fear of responsibility. It is better to cope with this mental obstacle, because confident and purposeful individuals who are ready to take on the most difficult tasks are especially valued now.

Five (5)

You don't tolerate advice. None – neither right nor wrong. It seems to you that only your opinion exists and it is the most correct. Only in such a position do your actions become orderly and specific. Otherwise, when close friend, a colleague, even a wife, are trying to change something in your business exclusively, you stop finding any passion for it.

There are cases where such people began to suffer mental illness, finding yourself in such situations. They are always accompanied by excessive pride. It is impossible to hear from them a request for help; they will not talk about their failures, nor will they share their worries about the future outcome of the case. All their thinking is occupied with is the independent solution of absolutely all problems. Because of this, success is not always nearby.

If you get an A after all the calculations, think about whether your behavior might be worth changing. It is worth working on your ambitions and excessive pride. Sometimes it is useful to hear another opinion. This is necessary to analyze your own work.

Six (6)

What does the number six mean? Many people do not really tolerate it and try to avoid it in every possible way. But numerology has a completely different opinion. Science shows that the number holds incredible luck. In the most neglected cases, in failed projects, in difficult exams, you will find a way out. Moreover, this will happen in secret from your consciousness; how you got out of such a difficult case will not be known even to you. For each of your achievements you demand at least a meager reward.

In your opinion, work should have a result - albeit not material, but worthy. A special feature of the owners of this number is the ability to find like-minded people. By gathering in teams, they attract a greater flow of luck, enjoying its gifts. They are worshiped and admired. Such successes in all directions can be associated with occult and unrealistic components, but Heaven simply loves you and extends a helping hand.

Seven (7)

It is believed that the number seven is the luckiest. But numerology says the opposite here too. People who have seven as their Luck Number are the least likely to be surrounded by success. They can more be classified as calculated and rational people. They are not going to receive undeserved gifts and are ready to achieve everything through hard work. They tend to calculate all their steps and actions. They can be called a kind of bore, but thanks to their perseverance they can achieve a lot without the help of the Universe.

They behave seriously among people, rarely smile, and are committed to long and regular work. Their actions can be easily predicted, and they can also easily see through others. Therefore, luck is not always needed by those with the number seven. They are capable of creating their own destiny.

Eight (8)

This is the number of money and wealth and brings a lot of income. Eight promotes success in career, business - in everything that has a connection with finance. Usually such people put money in the main place, because their thinking is as follows: love or friendship is not what they need. They think this way because they do not know the true price of unexpected meetings and unselfish relationships. And all you have to do is plunge once not into the financial world, but into the world of warm, pleasant, mutual relations, and immediately money will stop taking up a large part of your life.

If you have faith in your success, if you believe in sincere friendly support, family warmth, then these things will soon appear in life. By the way, you won’t even understand how the hand of a loved one ends up in your hand. And after all banknotes not the main thing! It's not very good without them either. But the world around us represents a lot of other things that are not related to money. Everyone in old age wants to have good memories: how they launched kite together with his little son, as they took him to first grade or helped him tie his tie for the first time. Let other feelings and sensations into your boring material world.

Nine (9)

Have you determined that your number is nine? Then you don't push luck too hard. No, she, of course, is present in your destiny and helps, but along the way you encounter a lot of obstacles. The personality trait of being upset over small problems and nervous about any negativity does not allow you to concentrate and move on without stopping because of any problems.

You can, regardless of your desire, offend loved one, having lost his temper and poured everything out negative emotions from another failure. It’s worth restraining your impulses a little and remaining calm. The people around you do not think of standing in your way or, much less, being an annoying factor for you. Don't take everything so personally. This can help you a lot.

Eleven and twenty two (11 and 22)

Professionals in the field of numerology claim that only special people get master numbers. And for good reason. Their owners have excellent intuition and excellent instincts. They often guess numbers in lotteries, take the best prizes in competitions, and jump into profitable promotions and in-store offers. In any activity they intuitively avoid dangerous moments– they leave on time, know how to stop, have restraint and patience. To enjoy the gifts of Luck, such people should not forget that faith in their own Self will contribute to even better results.

Friends, make friends with your Luck. She loves those lucky ones who believe in her and trust her. You shouldn’t curse fate and cry over every minor loss. They cannot be avoided. And the Universe will remember your negativity and preserve it for a long time.

Educate yourself correctly, live in harmony with yourself, be polite to others. Be sure that your life will improve, and successes will come one after another.

I wish you good luck!

Arthur Golovin

P. S. Please click on the social buttons. networks - give others the opportunity to find out their Luck Number! Thank you!

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Back in Ancient India and in Ancient Egypt people were able to realize the hidden power of numbers, their influence on human lives and even on the fate of entire countries. They, as well as the Chaldeans - the legendary sages of Mesopotamia - revealed a certain semantic meaning each number, assigning a simple unit the central role of the basis of the entire universe.

Over time, knowledge about amazing properties numbers developed into an independent esoteric science of numerology. It is often called the magic of numbers, although they, as a rule, do not work on their own, but in close connection with astrology. Numerology is based on the following principle: all multi-digit numbers can be reduced to single ones ( prime numbers from “1” to “9”), which correspond to certain occult characteristics that influence a person’s life and the reality around him.

Life code

According to traditional numerology, a person’s date of birth carries an encrypted number called a personal magic number. Reflecting the influence of cosmic forces on a newborn, it leaves a certain imprint on his entire future fate. This figure is defined as the simple sum of the numbers of the day, month and year of birth.

For example: the date of your birth is 09/14/1986. Adding up all the numbers, we get: 1+4+9+8+6=38=3+8=11=1+1=2, which means that two is a personal magic number, a kind of amulet that protects a person born on this date .

Nowadays, numerologists who study the characters and destinies of people under the protection of certain numbers claim: if a person was born under the sign of one -1, 10,19 or 28th (each of them adds up to one), then These are the numbers that become the happiest and most successful for him. The same applies to all other numbers - from “1” to “9”.

Moreover, the most beloved and happiest number, according to Russians, “7”, it turns out, not only according to the ancients, but also according to the conviction of modern numerologists, is capable of bringing good luck in trade and business to almost everyone.

Accordingly, people whose birthday contains this “lucky” number (and therefore those born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month) were ordered by God himself to prosper in precisely these areas and to undertake the most important matters on such days – they are simply doomed to success!

The Chinese are absolutely confident in magical power numbers, their ability to attract good luck to business, create a favorable atmosphere in the house. The relationship to each number is determined by the homonym word. Knowing their meanings, it is not at all difficult to separate lucky numbers from, to put it mildly, unwanted.

Judge for yourself:

1 (one) pronounced as “honor, gain”;
2 (two) – “easy”;
3 (three) – “growth”;
4 (four) – “death”;
5 (five) – “nothing”;
6 (six) – “wealth”;
7 (seven) – “for sure”;
8 (eight) – “prosperity”;
9 (nine) – “longevity”.

Therefore, in China they are willing to go to great lengths to get telephone and car numbers ending with 8 (the number of prosperity, promising steady prosperity in the future) or 9 (symbolizing the fullness of heaven and earth, that is, perfection). Our lucky seven are also very loved in China. Combinations of numbers “7”, “8” and “9” in any configuration are highly valued. But four are not welcome. Everything that ends with it promises problems and losses.

Program for success

However, is it always better to wait for your “happy” days to start acting?
Of course not. And first of all, because you can learn to make other numbers quite happy, successful or simply joyful. To do this, you just need to be able to give them the appropriate meaning.

Based on numerical programming, modern psychologists have developed extremely effective technique to lift your spirits. Its essence lies in the fact that a person associates a joyful, significant event with numbers - in other words, he assigns a digital code to this event. Subsequently, every time he names the code assigned to the event, a pleasant memory emerges in his mind, along with which comes a joyful mood, as well as a state of mental comfort.

To master this technique, you must first restore and preserve in your memory the state of mind that arose in you at the moment of a joyful, significant event for you. Let's take for example your first trip abroad or to a prestigious domestic resort. Remember what it felt like when you got off the plane (bus or train). And try to stay in this emotional state for about a minute, certainly trying to remember it as best as possible. Then give yourself the following setting: “From now on, the sensations and feelings received during this event will be firmly associated in my subconscious with the number...”

The digital code should consist of 3-5 numbers that are emotionally significant to you (no more). But it can also be one number, for example the date of a happy and significant event for you (graduation from university, wedding day, birth of a child, or just the number “7”, which you also probably consider happy). In this case, the phrase will be something like this: “From this moment on, the feelings and sensations received during a trip abroad (to a resort, to a dacha with friends...) are firmly associated in my subconscious with the number “7” (I remind you that you may there may be another one). Now, if I say this number when my mood drops, the feelings of joy and happiness will definitely return to me!”

Important nuances

During the self-programming session, no one should disturb you. And of course you need to fully concentrate on what you are telling yourself. Repeat each phrase at least 4-6 times. Say the words slowly, imprinting each sound into your mind. Say the digital codes even more slowly. Your voice at this time should sound calm and firm. If over time the effect of lucky numbers begins to weaken, you need to replace them with others, but they must also contain an emotional, highly positive meaning.

Numerology reveals many secrets, including the secret of wealth and prosperity. Why are some people lucky in financial matters, while others work hard in vain? Each of us has our own destiny, even in terms of money. Pay attention to the banknotes in your wallet and piggy bank.

Money numerology will tell you how to choose the right one money talisman when to spend and when to invest.

All this is easy, everyone can calculate their personal wealth code by date of birth. A simple calculation will bring you money and the desired success. All secrets will be revealed to those who are not too lazy to check and calculate their lucky number. Do not reveal your secrets to others, because Fortune is only friends with those who know how to keep their mouth shut.

Numbers and figures for success

  • Holidays or birthdays are coming;
  • do you have good opportunity invest money correctly;
  • you can help someone in need.

Only then will justice be on your side. And with happiness comes prosperity. Each bill is a specific story about the people who held it in their hands. The code on the banknote will tell you about its fate. Whether she is happy or not, she will bring you wealth or lead to ruin. Hold on to your lucky bills - everyone should have them.

Wealth code

Unlike the number of fate, the money code or the number of monetary success is not calculated from the whole date of birth. You only need a day and a month. To do this, add the first four digits from the date:

The resulting number can be deciphered. In this case, the result is seven, which is actually not the best monetary number. Don't be upset if numerology gives you a sad forecast. This means that you urgently need to rethink your approach to money and spending. Everything will work out for the one who learns from his own mistakes.

Your money numerology number remains the same throughout your life. Unfortunately, or fortunately, this is your fate. But, you have a trump card - knowledge. Now you will know exactly how not to spend your accumulated money. For many, it is contraindicated to take out loans, because negative monetary energy only aggravates losses. Everything is in your hands. By the way, you can check the money code of any person in the same way, you just need to know his date of birth. This can be useful. For example, you know exactly who you shouldn’t lend money to.

Decoding the money code

Now all that remains is to find out what the numbers predict for you. Birth number numerology contains the answers to all questions, so discover the secret of how to become rich.


If you often have bills of 10, 100, 1000, then you should spend them quickly. Don’t put it in the bank, don’t invest it in any projects. The fact is that for numerology one and zero are equivalent. Zero is emptiness, nothing. So it turns out that you put “nothing” into your business, which means you will get “nothing”. These banknotes are best used for shopping, or change them. As soon as the exchange took place, the money ceased to be “unhappy”.

The number 1 is not, in itself, unlucky. Only together with zero it becomes ruinous for your wallet. But you don’t need to use it to attract money into life. Unit is the beginning. A coin with a face value of 1 can be placed in a piggy bank as a symbol of the beginning. The same coin can be buried under the foundation of a house under construction. She will mark happy beginning new business.

One, as a code for wealth, represents the advice to “start small.” Your wealth will begin with a small coin, do not forget this. Imagine how your capital grows, then everything will work out.


The number 2 is one of the most “not good” for numerology. It symbolizes poverty, loss, waste of everything. This means that large bills with a sum of digits of 2 you need to exchange or spend as soon as possible. Amounts of 200 and 2000 cannot be lent or borrowed, in any case, when it comes to repayment, something will go wrong. You'll lose money. It is also not recommended to keep money in two banks or safes.

You have to be careful with two

By the date you receive the money, you can predict whether it will benefit you or not. If the number 2 appears, then try not to spend monetary transactions, otherwise you will harm yourself. Destiny number 2 indicates that a person absolutely does not know how to earn money, but spends it thoughtlessly. It is very important to control yourself in this case. Do not take out loans or debt. Let it will go better not the best in your life best period, but it will end by itself.

Banknotes with the number 2 always lead to thoughtless spending and the purchase of useless goods. If you find one in your wallet, get rid of it quickly. Such bills cannot be given to the poor, it will only worsen their situation.


All sums with a three bring success to their owner. Number 3 is very stable. Only 4 is more sustainable. Construction funds can be lent, invested in promising projects, donated, or given for growth. They will always bring profit to their owner. For the sake of your wealth, keep a lucky three note in your wallet. It is best if it is a foreign sack.

Three is an elemental meaning. If you are asked for financial help, give a bill like this with a three. She will bring help to the one asking for help, the amount spent will be returned to you with interest, may you receive a blessing. From birth, a person depends on the forces of justice. You have the power to make your life better by helping others. In this regard, three is an excellent value.

If your destiny number is 3, then you also understand - people are reaching out to you for help. It's about not only about money, but also about any other help. And if you agree, fate returns everything to you squarely.


Four is a symbol of prosperity

A symbol of complete financial stability and stable position. If four is your number, then there is something to be proud of. You know how to handle money, you know its value. The most important thing is that you know how to earn this money. This is very important, the four is one of the most positive banknotes. There is no adventure or luck in it, it is only the ability to clearly set a task and carry it out. A person knows that money does not come out of thin air - it must be earned.

Banknotes with a sum of numbers equal to four are best left in your piggy bank. They will add harmony to your life and become the key to future prosperity. It’s better not to give them to anyone, but to use or spend them yourself.


Such a bill will be very useful to you, because if the sum of the digits of the code is 5, or you have large money with a face value of 5000 denominations, it is best to spend it. Use it for business, buy useful, necessary things. They will serve you for many years, will bring a lot of joy. Buying food is a waste of this excellent banknote. It is best to buy something important for you, your home, your family. Then you will feel like you invested your money wisely.

If you are building a house or equipping it, choose large bills in denominations of 5000, spend only them. You've never had an investment as good as these. Everything you buy for your home will last for many years, bring you joy, and will always look great.


Stable payment number. If your money number is six, then you only heard about the delay in salary in the news on TV. Money comes and goes, but you always know when it will happen. You are lucky; not everyone is able to feel the energy of wealth so well. The main thing, do not forget, things are spiritual first, and only then material. Then everything will be fine.

Six speaks of stability

Money numerology gives one piece of advice to those who find a banknote in their wallet with a code of six. Carry it in your wallet. She will bring you good luck. Monetary stability has never harmed anyone. This is especially good in our unstable times.


Seven is a dangerous number for those who do not know how to spend money correctly. It attracts troubles, robberies, losses. If your number is seven, then you know this from birth - you cannot give money into your hands. A person simply cannot control himself - the craving for waste, useless purchases or investments is in his blood. Take your salary and spread it over a month? It won’t work, because already in the first few days you will want to go out for a walk to the fullest. And then disappointment comes.

If you happen to have a banknote with code 7, it’s better to spend it quickly and change it. Then the harmful influence will not pass on you. You can’t keep that kind of money with others, otherwise you’ll lose them too soon. Don't keep her in the house. In general, the sooner you get rid of it, the better for you. Not for nothing favorite number all casino owners are seven.


What is an eight? This is the infinity symbol, or two times four. In any case, the number is lucky. An endless amount of money, a constant influx. A person who owns such a banknote must carry it with him. Then, gifts of fate will literally fall from the sky. A person who carries such a bill with him often finds money or valuables. Try it, you will be surprised how it works.

Eight will bring good luck

The most interesting thing is that a banknote with code 8 is always in demand: you can give it as a gift, lend it, invest it or buy it. In any case, good luck awaits you, and what you spend will come back to you.


The most neutral of monetary numbers. They will not bring you wealth, but they will not take it away either. Strangely enough, such banknotes come across very often. It is best to spend them first, because nines will not bring you profit or joy from shopping. Spend them on the most everyday things. It's better not to buy food with them. Money should make money, and the nine balances positive and negative values.

Lucky bills

There is such a thing as a lucky bill. It cannot be spent or exchanged. Such bills become your monetary talisman, which is capable of attracting money into your wallet. But how and where to find such lucky money? Each bill has a number. You need to add up all its elements, and the resulting number will show whether it will bring happiness or not. The most successful numbers will be 6 and 4. They bring harmony. The monetary code for such a banknote is not found often, you will have to look for it.

If you get the number 2 or 7, spend it quickly, don’t keep it in your wallet, because this banknote only brings losses. Use it to buy something unnecessary that you will use quickly and won’t end up lying around the house. If the resulting number is 1 or 8, then it can be put into a piggy bank. All good things start small. This banknote may be very small, but you will be surprised how larger money will flow into your piggy bank.

Despite this, a banknote on which the number matches the number of your destiny will be lucky. You will be especially lucky if it is 6 or 8. According to fate, a person has excellent chances of getting rich, so this talisman must be protected and not wasted. You will get your destiny number by date of birth by adding up all the components: day + month + year.

If you want to get rich, then do not neglect the advice of experts. These small rules must be remembered to gain wealth. This has nothing to do with your date of birth or other numerology concepts.

  • Don't keep torn banknotes at home. They draw in the energy of wealth.
  • If you want to invest money in something, then choose only brand new bills. It's better to buy something for the old ones. This is how you maintain the balance of the money cycle.
  • When borrowing money, do not lend small bills. Then even more will come back to you.
  • It is better not to keep gold and jewelry at home. The energy of gold attracts thieves.
  • All money magic happens only on Fridays after sunset.
  • Do not count money after sunset - this will lead to sudden expenses.

Little tips like this can be very useful. Of course, you probably have your own rituals for attracting money that don’t let you down. Use them. Your personal code for money numerology will help you understand financial problems. If something goes wrong, there is always an opportunity to change your attitude towards money. Remember, spiritual concepts and interests should always be slightly higher than material ones. Then harmony of life is achieved, and there is no shortage of money. Do not put them at the forefront, so that life does not pass in pursuit of gold.

People try to catch luck by the tail in any way. There are a huge number of options for this. One of them is to find your secret, lucky number and thanks to it always be on top.

Folk wisdom

It should be noted that some nations have their own unlucky and lucky numbers. For example, quite a lot of people in the world are afraid of the number 13. In some countries there are no floors with this number, houses or even apartments. As a counterbalance, seven or even three sevens are often considered a lucky number. Why this is so, no one knows for sure. But one thing can be said: this number is mentioned quite often in the Bible - almost 400 times. There are a huge number of sayings and proverbs where this figure appears. And magicians consider seven to be the number of enlightenment. Therefore, 7 can easily claim the title of the luckiest number.

Memorable dates

Lucky numbers a certain person may also reflect certain events in his life. So, very often they use various memorable dates- birthday, wedding day, etc. This method is most often used by people who gamble. And as a result, they often win. Why this happens, no one knows for sure. But the fact that an important date for a person has a magical meaning is a fact!

Selection method

You can find out which numbers are lucky for a particular person simply by selection or analysis. So, you should think carefully before drawing conclusions. After analyzing your life, you can see that a certain number occurs more and more often than usual. So it risks becoming happy for the owner. By the same principle, one can trace warning numbers that can signal a person about impending trouble.

Zodiac sign

Lucky numbers for a particular person can be determined by one’s own zodiac sign or a science such as astrology. So, Pisces, for example, are helped by sevens and twelves, Leos by fives, and Scorpios by the numbers eight and twenty-one. You can also focus on your helping planet and thus designate your lucky number. People of the Sun will take one as their assistant, “lunar” representatives will take two, “Martians” will take four, etc.


How to find out your lucky number? There is a method for this, described in numerology. You will need a special table, thanks to which a person will have to convert the letters of his full name into numbers. Then flatten everything. Add the numbers of your birthday to the result obtained, and voila! - personal lucky number found. It is believed that it will help a person and guide him throughout his life.

Life is a game

There are also certain lucky numbers in some games. So, in roulette, a seven is considered lucky, or more precisely, “7 is red.” In poker, the favorite is the eight. B is again the number seven.


Knowing your lucky numbers is very good, but you shouldn't get hung up on it. This is especially true for people who like to gamble. After all, there are not many situations when a lucky number helps in a casino. But there are many stories about the complete bankruptcy of individuals who wanted to catch luck with the help of numbers.

We are surrounded by numbers, they are everywhere: in phone numbers, addresses, important dates and various documents. If we understood their meaning better, we could use them to our advantage. In astrology, numbers are not something abstract. Each number carries a certain energy that affects a person. Each zodiac sign has its own number that brings it luck; other numbers can create problems and troubles. Find out which number corresponds to your zodiac sign.

Sun – 1

The Sun is the patron saint of people born under the sign of Leo. One is a symbol of a positive start and success in business. That is why the number 1 for Leo is a real “success magnet”. But they should be wary of the number 2, it slows down their success and development.

Moon – 2

Two in astrology is endowed with the energy of love and security, which are so necessary for Cancers. This number brings good luck and tranquility: 22, 222, 2222 - these numbers are lucky for Cancers. Also, in combination with two, they are favored by the number 7: 27, 272, 722 - these numbers reinforce each other. But the unit brings worry to Cancers.

Mars – 3

This is the lucky number of Aries and Scorpios. In any situation that involves competition or challenge, it is better for them to surround themselves with numbers containing the number 3. Feel free to schedule important negotiations on the 3rd. In addition, you can have a talisman in the shape of a triangle.

Mercury – 4

This number contains the energy of knowledge, deep thoughts, science, and exchange of experience. Four brings happiness to Virgos and Geminis. These zodiac signs need to work in the field of journalism, entrepreneurship, translation and any other activity related to information. In addition, you can use squares as a talisman. Let it be or

Jupiter – 5

This number brings strong positive energy to Sagittarius, especially if their work is related to constant communication with people. In general, Sagittarians are the favorites of fate, so the number 5 will be lucky for them in combination with any other numbers. They can choose a five-pointed star as decoration.

Venus – 6

This is the number of harmony that Libra and Taurus value above all else. Number 6 brings luck and satisfaction to these signs if they do what they love. In addition, the number six will bring happiness in love affairs. Feel free to set your wedding date for June 6th. The numbers 4 and 9 will enhance the beneficial effect: for example, 4 has a positive effect on relationships and marriage, and 9 will bring success in creative endeavors and in the professional field.

Saturn – 7

Seven is generally a lucky number, but everyday life it brings success to Capricorns. Saturn is the planet of obstacles, just like its wards Capricorns are full of unpredictability and stubbornness. Number 7 helps these wayward people listen to their guardian angel and make the right decision.

Uranium – 8

8 is a lucky number for Aquarius. Her double image is like a mirror reflection in water. The Eight helps Aquarius draw energy from the world around them; it charges these special, talented and original people with inspiration and insight. In addition, 8 is a symbol of infinity, a spiral, so Aquarius is recommended to choose jewelry for themselves that contains this symbol.

Neptune – 9

Nine is a symbol of completeness, maturity, and closure of the circle. This number is considered lucky for Pisces. They should avoid any sharp objects or jewelry. The best ornament for Pisces will be a circle. 9 in combination with 1 brings Pisces money, in combination with 2 it strengthens intuition and helps to make the right decision, and in combination with 6 it attracts love to them.

Well, now, most likely, you will pay more attention to the numbers around you. Moreover, thanks to these tips, you can use them to your advantage!