Al Makovetsky cleansing from the negativity of corruption of entities. Cleansing premises from negative energies and entities: reasons

If there is a suspicion that the integrity of the energy shell is broken and there is an entry of an entity, you need to analyze your behavior or the person who has signs of bioenergetic infection. When a destructive essence is present in the energy system, the carrier develops obsessive thoughts of suicide, a sudden craving for alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, vagrancy, and promiscuity. Victims of settlement hear voices that advise them to quickly take their own lives, commit murder, or cause pain to loved ones. The settlers instill unreasonable fears in their hosts, feeding on the energy of a person when he is in a state of horror.

What areas of the aura are vulnerable?

Let's move from words to action!

If you realize that you have become a victim of sharing, there is no need to panic. Panic will only strengthen the destructive essence. Under no circumstances should the situation be left to chance. Urgently look for a specialist who will help get rid of the alien, cleanse the aura, restore energy exchange in it, and protect the energy shell! The longer the settler lives at the expense of the victim, the stronger he is. Particularly difficult cases in magical practice are symbiotes, when the energies of the host and the inhabitant are so intertwined that getting rid of the entity becomes a dangerous, unpredictable process. A special category consists of people who understand that the settler is destroying them, but still cannot decide to get rid of him. This is an important sign of the presence in a person’s aura of a destructive entity that presses for pity and seeks to use the positive qualities of the carrier against him.

Rituals for ridding people of energy settlers and cleaning auras are performed on the waning moon. Rituals are performed in the morning and afternoon. Lunar days are an important point in determining dates for rituals. Practicing magicians prefer to perform exorcism rituals when the phases of the moon change. Energy-wise, this time is difficult, but it is fertile ground for magical actions. An important condition for effectively getting rid of settlers is the help of Higher Powers. In order for the energy of the Universe to effectively influence, it is necessary to observe fasts during the days of cleansing the aura from destructive entities, or at best, fast. The rituals of expelling settlers must be performed on an empty stomach. It is important that not only the exorcist reads the prayers, but also the patient repeats the sacred words silently or out loud.

Most often, people encounter astral entities outside the city. The fact is that they are afraid of electromagnetic radiation. Their habitats are villages and settlements with a minimum amount of electrical communications, although they have also learned to adapt to this side of the physical world.

Negative entities, on the contrary, strive for places where people gather. For them, we people are food. They feed on our energy and live off of us. In order to have a constant source of power, creatures connect to a person and live next to him. Depending on the strength of the capture of a person’s will and biofield, they can cause serious harm and poison the life of their owner and his loved ones.

How the essence manifests itself in a person

Cosmoenergetics helps to get rid of entities of various orders. Cleaning sessions are tolerated quite easily, with perhaps a little discomfort. Most often, everything goes smoothly if the cleansing is carried out by Masters. If you suspect that you have a substitution, then first you need to undergo diagnostics. After confirming the entry of the Entity, it is necessary to urgently begin purification.

Home cleaning is necessary to provide a clean space for a person to restore his protective cocoon. If you have been diagnosed with a breakdown in the protection of your biofield and the presence of an essence, then simply restoring the field without expelling the settler will not reduce the harmful effects of it. Your bioenergy information plan is already infected. Without removing the Essence and further restoring the protection, complete healing is impossible.

Getting rid of and fighting entities using Cosmoenergetics

Seek help from a specialist: describe your problem and send an email [email protected]

Getting rid of the magic of witchcraft

In this article:

Many people are wondering how they can get rid of the effects of negative witchcraft, and, due to the growing popularity of magic and its general availability, the possibility of becoming a victim of damage or the evil eye is also increasing.

All peoples, including our Slavic ancestors, believed in negative magical energy. To protect and get rid of negative influences, many affordable means have been invented that anyone can use at home.

Folk methods of counteracting witchcraft

Pregnant Slavic women often wore red belts or bandages under their dresses, which were supposed to protect the expectant mother and her child from all forms of the evil eye and damage. In some regions, it was believed that a purple or red woolen thread tied around the wrist also prevents negative energy from being applied to a person.

In Ancient Greece, it was customary to carry a bat bone in a pocket or purse to protect against negativity. It is worth noting that this belief has survived to this day, however, it is already quite rare to find people who want to carry animal bones with them.

Belief in the power of negative magical energy has been preserved everywhere in Russia. In our country, people still often knock on wood or spit over their left shoulder so as not to jinx it. Such procedures are usually carried out when you are praised, or you say pleasant things about yourself, as well as during a conversation about serious planned matters.


Those who have been to Turkey well remember the amulets and souvenirs in the form of a blue eye sold everywhere, but few people know that this is an ancient amulet against negative magical influences, which, according to some sources, was used in Byzantium and Ancient Greece.

With the advent of photography, people began to believe that part of a person’s soul is transferred to the photograph, and such statements are not far from the truth. Even if your soul is not in danger, photography will nevertheless have a powerful spiritual connection with you. That is why you should not distribute your own photographs, especially to people you don’t know well, because with the help of a photo, even an inexperienced sorcerer can inflict strong damage, which can bring a lot of trouble.

Getting rid of negative witchcraft

There are many means to get rid of even the most dangerous and harmful witchcraft. Among them are many simple and accessible magical rituals and conspiracies that can be safely performed at home, even if you are little familiar with magic.

At the same time, there are very strong and dangerous damage and curses that a beginner cannot resist.

If you feel that you have become a victim of a curse to death or a serious illness, and do not have sufficient experience in magic, it is better to use the services of professionals.
Be that as it may, no matter how you get rid of negativity, the first thing you must do is make sure that the damage or curse really takes place.

There are various methods for diagnosing negative magical effects. Each of them can be carried out independently and at home, you can be sure that such rituals will definitely not bring you any harm.

If any diagnostic tool shows that you are indeed a victim of magic, you will need to decide how to get rid of the negative energy. If you decide to fight damage on your own, then pay special attention to choosing a cleansing ritual and, of course, prepare mentally and physically for such a ritual.

A simple way to get rid of the evil eye and weak damage

This method of cleansing is suitable for you only if diagnostics have shown the presence of weak negative energy that is not capable of causing any serious health problems. To perform this ritual you will need one fresh chicken egg and a black felt-tip pen.

Lie down on your bed, relax, and concentrate on your desire to clear your mind and body of negative energy. Then place the egg on your chest and roll it for 3-5 minutes, constantly repeating the words of the spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), roll an egg across my chest, rolling out evil witchcraft forever. From your soul, from your mind, from your white body, from your zealous heart. You, dark witchcraft, witchcraft sent by enemies to harm me, get away from me, go into the night, return to your enemies the next night and reflect on them. I, the servant of God (name), heal myself, establish protection from malice, fence myself off from troubles and misfortunes forever. Neither fierce damage, nor an evil eye, nor a generational curse will come to me. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, write the following words on the used egg with a felt-tip pen: “My troubles are in the egg.” After this, take the egg outside and bury it under any tree.

Pouring negative energy through water

If negative energy enters your life, it will instantly begin to affect not only your well-being, but also your relationships with people around you. To rid yourself of the negativity that affects your relationships with loved ones, use this simple method.


To cleanse yourself of negativity, you need to rinse your body every evening with warm, but not hot water, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“You are water, water-water, you pour away from me, the servant of God (name), the dark oppression, the devastation of life. Let nothing spoil me, let no one threaten me, let nothing break me, twist me, let nothing throw me from side to side. Wash it off. Water, water, all my failures are gone, wash away my black streak, my streak of life. Let what is said come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protect yourself from the sorcerer

This method is intended to forever protect yourself and your loved ones from the negativity emanating from the sorcerer who appears in your home. With the spread of the Internet, information becomes available to everyone, so it is not surprising that your friend, relative, acquaintance or childhood friend turns out to be a magician who wants to harm you with the help of dark witchcraft. To protect yourself from such an enemy, you will need to buy a new needle, prepare a glass of clean spring water, a handful of wormwood, salt and pepper.

On the first night of the waning moon, take water, add salt, pepper, wormwood and needle to it, mix and say the words of the spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), did not call you (name of the enemy) to my house, I did not miss you, sorcerer (witch), and did not call you to my doorstep. Let your feet leave my house forever, don’t lean towards me anymore, and don’t hang out with me. Don’t walk around my house, don’t wander around the house, it’s better to leave in an amicable way. May what has been said come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The next day, after sunset, you will need to remove the needle from the water, take the liquid to the witch's house and splash it on her doorstep. Then return home. The next morning you will need to go to the nearest church and light a candle there for the health of your enemy.

All components of the ritual have protective functions.

When you return home, take the needle that was in the glass during the ritual, thread a white thread into the eye, and drive the needle into the upper left corner of the door frame. These actions will not only protect you from possible negativity, but will also return to the enemy all the negative witchcraft that has already been cast.

So, what are entities and how do they affect our lives? Our world and parallel ones are inhabited by a large number of creatures. They have different origins, as well as completely different natures of existence. Some of these creatures are located only in the physical plane, while others are located only in the astral plane. But creatures such as humans or animals are on the border of these two planes.

We live in both planes, but at the same time our energetic and physical bodies are inextricably linked with each other. As a result, a problem with physical health can affect the energy shell, and vice versa. Negative entities take advantage of this chance.

These beings are astral energy organisms. Their prevalence is colossal, one might say that they are everywhere. The fact is that they are invisible to the eye of an ordinary person. However, the influence they have on our lives is enormous. Some entities are classified as positive, while others are classified as negative.

We encounter the first quite rarely; most often they live in places remote from humans and have practically no contact with them. The closest analogy is the wild animals that live in the forest, which you don’t encounter when living in the city. Of course, if you really want to, you can go further from the city and find several of these creatures.

Residents of small villages and hamlets also encounter them quite often. The fact is that positive entities are repelled by electromagnetic radiation that comes from electrical appliances and electrical wires. With the advent of mobile communications in our lives, this influence has increased even more, which further alarms these creatures.

As you know, a person’s spiritual body is protected from the outside by an energy field. It is a cocoon of power that is constantly in slight movement and vibration. The integrity of this protective field directly depends on the physical, mental, and moral state of a person. Trauma inflicted in one or several areas at once affects the overall health.

What is important is that the injury does not have to be of a physical nature; it can simply be stress, unexpected news, or a negative energetic influence from the outside through witchcraft or the evil eye.

After a cleansing session from entities, a set of measures is also taken to restore the normal functioning of the energy body. The protective cocoon is also affected, the holes in it are closed, and its walls are generally strengthened.

It should be remembered that getting rid of entities is not a one-time procedure. This process requires long work and great effort, both on the part of the cosmoenergeticist and on the part of the patient.

Types of entities and means to combat them


These entities prefer to settle in entire colonies. They live both in human organs and in internal energy channels. The consequence of their effect on the body is considered to be general fatigue and lack of strength. They are also the cause of sluggish chronic diseases.

Entry into the energy body occurs at the moment of general thinning of the walls or multiple holes in the cocoon. Usually they do not appear independently, but together with some stronger entity.

Channels from the Buddhist and Magic blocks cope well with these creatures.


The main result of the influence of these entities on a person is an increase in the aggressiveness of his character. More than one being in the energy field causes alcohol, drug or any other addiction. Also a common consequence of such proximity is a person’s sexual obsession, frequent and disorderly change of partners. These entities are the lower spirits of people and animals, whose distinguishing feature was an addiction to one or another addiction.

It is worth noting that astral entities do not penetrate deeper than the cocoon; they have enough food in these layers. The result of their influence is the various types of addictions mentioned above, as well as general laziness and loss of ability to work.

The frequencies of all three main blocks of cosmoenergetics: Buddhist, Magical and Magisterial perfectly destroy these creatures, since their removal is not difficult.


From the lower astral worlds, these creatures penetrate a person, and they live not under a cocoon, but inside the energy body. The route of their penetration is the lower chakra. In those moments when it is weakened or its work is disrupted, it becomes an excellent gateway for various kinds of entities.

Cosmoenergetics use the frequencies of the Magic Block to destroy these entities, since in this case the work is carried out with an important and complex spinal energy channel, and the strength of the Buddhist Block is usually not enough.


To treat and destroy these entities, frequencies of the Buddhist block are used in cosmoenergetics.


These creatures are created by human thought. Their behavior and impact directly depends on this thought. Most often, they appear at the moment of some strong emotional outburst and carry precisely this energy.

In addition, there are specially created varieties. Such elementals are created by sorcerers to influence human behavior. They are planted at a specific location in the human body where they cause the most harm. As mentioned above, the symptoms of such a landing can be absolutely anything, it all depends on the purpose for which it was done.

Expulsion and destruction of such entities is a very difficult process, especially when it comes to specially created varieties. Cosmoenergetics in these situations use the Master's block of frequencies.


Guests from mental worlds. They capture a person’s consciousness and give rise to various fears in him. As a result of this impact, a person experiences a large number of negative emotions, which these entities feed on.

They usually move in during childhood at the time of some kind of psychological trauma. It is with them that strong fears are associated, which stretch back from childhood and intensify with the process of growing up.

Destruction is carried out using frequencies from all three blocks.


They capture a person's mind and determine his actions. Penetration occurs in cases where a person’s karma has a strong negative character. It is possible to drive the wearer to alcoholism, murder, suicide, or drive him crazy.

Very difficult to expel. For treatment, channels are used that clean and clarify karma.


The most dangerous type of entity. They influence a person until they kill him or drive him crazy. Penetration into the body occurs at a time when a person is experiencing severe stress or when deliberately sent by a sorcerer.

A demonic entity changes a person’s behavior and worldview, and its appearance is always associated with negative karma. These creatures are able to live in the host for many years and camouflage themselves.

To expel them, the frequencies of the Master's block are used, and only cosmoenergetics can cure a person from this ailment. Cleaning and the consequences are extremely painful, so they should be carried out with extreme caution.

Mount Belukha is a rare phenomenon on earth. Belukha is an earthly conductor of the energy of Spiritual Cosmic Personalities. The energy emanating from it cleanses a person, helps the rapid merging of his energy centers, which in turn contributes to accelerated, but natural energetic and spiritual growth.
You just need to ask her to help you. If the appeal - the request is not received - the Law of non-violence against the individual will work, and nothing will happen to you.
Belukha has its own Natural Temple, with a radius of 500 km. The city of Ust-Kamenogorsk is also located in its streams, so all the work that will be discussed below can be carried out directly in it, without going to the foot of the Holy Mountain.

In the Belukha Temple you can get rid of very terrible, deadly energy pollution, not only for its residents, but also for its guests. Just say:
“Dear Mount Belukha and all the Personalities working through it, I turn to you with love and ask you to help me cleanse myself of witchcraft, various programs, suckers, attachments, entities, the evil eye, damage and other negative energies.” - Take a breath - and As you exhale, send your greeting and request. Stay in silence, feel, live this moment....Read the prayer. Thank Everyone.
In addition to the karma of past incarnations and curses, in this way you will be freed from any energy pollution.
Any curse is removed by Forgiveness. Karma of past incarnations is removed by Repentance and Forgiveness.
In the Belukha Temple, all the listed energy attacks of our time are removed, not only from you, but also from anyone you want to help, wherever he is. It is enough to imagine this person or look at his photograph and do the same work that you did with yourself. Thank.
Then you need to put protection (for yourself, for anyone).

The Ancestor Spirits of your Family Tree can completely protect you from any type of energy attack. As soon as it touches your biofield, they transmute all negative energy. It is only necessary to notify them in time by creating a self-healing protective program of information.

Here's how to do it:
- Lord, help me install a self-healing protective information program.
- I place a self-healing protective information program near me; with the help of which the Spirits of the Ancestors of My Family Tree, who are responsible for the purity of my biofield, will be able to instantly learn about the energy attack on my Personality and immediately cleanse my biofield.
Spirits of the Ancestors of My Family Tree, responsible for the purity of my biofield, I address you with love and ask you to allow me to join this program with you.
Please cleanse my biofield: from all energy pollution: evil eye, damage, curses, suckers, attachments, entities, programs of various types, witchcraft. Right down to the source.
Transmute the witchcraft power of the magician and his attributes; talk to the Spirits from the Astral World who are helping him, about how they harm themselves by working with sorcerers.
Thank you

It is enough to carefully read all this information - and you will be clean and protected!
This is a very stable protection against any energetic violence or attack, although it does not help against pollution during the natural exchange of biofields. In this case, you can work with your biofield with the help of the Divine flow.

Cleanse yourself. Saying: “Lord, take away from me the energy that is alien to me with your energetic rain.” Inhale - as you exhale, look from head to toe to “rinse” your biofield and energy channels. With sharp exhalations, cleanse all centers. Be sure to say: “Mother Earth, accept it, recycle it for good.” Thank everyone.

Close. Strengthen your biofield, with the words: “Lord, protect me with your energy.” Inhale, as you exhale, imagine a white egg around you. “Mother Earth, protect me with your energy.”
Breathe. As you exhale, imagine a black egg around you. "Violet Fire, protect me with your energy." Inhale. As you exhale, place the purple egg around you.

Recharge. Say: “Lord, please charge all my centers with your rainbow.” Inhale the energy of the Lord through the upper center - and as you exhale, imagine a rainbow emerging from your centers; if you cannot imagine, it is enough to simply know that it exists.
This work will help your energetic and spiritual development and growth.