Russian medium-haul aircraft. The future of aviation

Our airliner will compete with aircraft such as the Airbus A320neo (an improved version of the standard Airbus A320 due to a new engine, “neo” “New Engine Option” “New Engine Option”) and the Boeing 737 MAX (also distinguished by the use of more powerful aircraft engines).

The MS-21 aircraft was developed at the Engineering Center named after. A. S. Yakovlev, which is the main design division of the Irkut Corporation. The full name of the model is as follows: Irkut MS-21 or in full “Magic Aircraft of the 21st Century”. Within the framework of the project, three models are planned, differing in their capacity: MS-21 200 is designed to transport from 132 to 165 passengers, MS-21-300 - from 163 to 211 passengers. There is no data on MS-21-400 yet. The aircraft can be equipped with one of the fifth generation engines: PD-14 or American PW1400G-JM. Their distinctive features are lower (by more than 15 dB) noise compared to the requirements of Chapter 4 of ICAO and CO2 emission standards (by more than 20% compared to existing engine analogues). The MS-21 aircraft was first shown on June 8, 2016 at the aircraft plant in Irkutsk.

The total cost of developing a passenger aircraft amounted to $4.5 billion, most of which was provided by the state under the target program. Another $1 billion in the form of a loan for 12 years was provided by Sberbank, Irkut Corporation and its partners invested $1.5 billion. The project budget turned out to be significantly higher than expected at the design stage. Initially, the cost of the project was estimated at $3.947 billion. In general, the project turned out to be inexpensive. Taking into account world practice, the development of a passenger aircraft of this class costs $6-7 billion. This project considered commercially attractive, with a global market share of mid-range aircraft of approximately 50%, but competition is high.

Topic: Problems with the production of the MS-21 aircraft will be resolved!

When developing the MS-21 aircraft, they used modern technologies. In particular, the aircraft uses composite wings, which Boeing could not create. Our technology is called "Black Wing" because of the true color of the wings. The wings also have special winglets or “winglets” that increase the effective aspect ratio of the wing and improve the aerodynamics of the aircraft. This allows you to save up to 7% of consumed fuel and increase your flight range. However, winglets create additional load on the wing during side wind gusts, so they are planned to be used as a reserve in subsequent modifications. Without taking into account winglets, at cruising speed the composite wings of the MC-21 are capable of providing the aerodynamics of the airliner 5-6% higher than that of the best models on the market. Composite wings made the plane much lighter. Its cruising speed is 870 km/h, which, taking into account its greater capacity, is 25-70 km/h higher than most Airbus and Boeing aircraft already in use. It is worth noting that the share of composite materials in the design of the MS-21 aircraft is over 30%, which no other similar model can boast of.

Another feature of the MS-21 passenger aircraft is considered to be higher cabin comfort compared to existing analogues. The airliner has the widest fuselage among all medium-haul aircraft and a larger aisle width compared to other airliners - 56.25 cm versus 45 cm for the Airbus A350 XWB and 42.5 cm for the Boeing 787, wider passenger seats, improved climate control, more personal space compared to the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 models. The peculiarity of the Russian aircraft is its more spacious luggage compartment. The MC-21 can accommodate 7 suitcases of the standard IATA class cabin bag, and the same Airbus A320 can accommodate 2 suitcases.

The Russian MS-21 aircraft is very cost-effective. The cost of the airliner according to the catalog is approximately $90 million, which is much lower than its foreign analogues: Airbus A320 - $97 million, and Boeing 737 - $95 million. At the same time, MC-21 allows you to reduce turnaround time at the airport by 15-20%, which makes it possible to reduce operating costs costs by 12-15% compared to Airbus and Boeing models. And this is approximately $4 million per year. According to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, there are already 175 “firm” orders for the MS-21 medium-range aircraft, more than half of them are from Russian customers. Another 100 orders are under discussion. Deliveries of MC-21 will begin at the end of 2018 - beginning of 2019. The main buyer and first operator is Aeroflot, which intends to buy 50 aircraft

Let's look at the characteristics of the MC-21-300 airliner and its closest competitors - the Airbus A320neo and Boeing 737MAX-9.

Comparative characteristics of the MS-21-300, Airbus A320neo and Boeing 737MAX-9 aircraft

It can be concluded that, based on a number of characteristics foreign analogues superior to our aircraft. In particular, in terms of passenger capacity, maximum fuel load and flight range. However, in general the characteristics are comparable, and in many ways our aircraft is much better. As for capacity, during the development of the MC-21, emphasis was placed on increased comfort, and these include wider seats and a wider aisle between them, which explains the lower passenger capacity. Our aircraft is lighter and more economical than its analogues, which is why the maximum fuel load is smaller. The range is indeed inferior, but this indicator depends on the configuration of the aircraft. Data are presented only for the two-class layout. Currently, not all characteristics of the MS-21-300 are available. However, we can already say what the advantages of the Russian aircraft are:

Lower price.
Higher cost-effectiveness of maintenance and operation.
Greater comfort.
Higher manufacturability of the design.

Based on the data presented in the table above, one can only create a general impression of the aircraft, but it is hardly possible to evaluate it. The data will not tell you about the role of composite materials, about handling and comfort. Therefore, the issue needs to be explored more deeply. Technologically, the Russian MS-21 aircraft is significantly ahead of its competitors.

And also in broad international cooperation.

In 2009, based on the design team of the Experimental Design Bureau named after. A.S. Yakovlev, a design and engineering division was formed in the corporation - the Engineering Center named after. A.S. Yakovlev, who ensures the development of MS-21. It unites and coordinates the work of scientific and industrial cooperation, which includes the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) and leading scientific institutes of Russia; competence centers created within the United Aviation Corporation (UAC); domestic and foreign engineering companies creating fundamentally new developments for MS-21.

In a single information space with the Engineering Center, specialists from the Irkut Corporation branches in Ulyanovsk and Voronezh are developing the design and systems of the MS-21 aircraft.

A customer-centric approach to product development was introduced during the design of the MC-21. It provides for the involvement of potential customers in the aircraft development process from the earliest stages of the project.

By 2017, Irkut Corporation signed firm contracts for the supply of 175 MS-21 aircraft. The portfolio of “soft” orders (options and letters of intent) exceeds 100 aircraft. At the same time, Aeroflot will begin deliveries in 2018.

Total investment in the creation program newest aircraft MS-21 in mid-2016 amounted to about 100 billion rubles, of which 80% was money received from the state in the form various help, and 20% - Irkut Corporation.

On May 28, 2017, the new Russian civilian airliner MS-21 was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

"A huge victory for aircraft manufacturers." First demonstration of the MS-21 aircraft

© Irkut Corporation / The president of the company that developed the MS-21, the Irkut Corporation (part of the United Aircraft Corporation), Oleg Demchenko, during the presentation of the aircraft, noted that several years ago it was decided to make an aircraft that would take its rightful place in the global aviation market. “We are confident that the MS-21 will be the best in its class,” he added.

3 out of 8

The president of the company that developed the MS-21, the Irkut Corporation (part of the United Aircraft Corporation), Oleg Demchenko, during the presentation of the aircraft, noted that several years ago it was decided to make an aircraft that would take its rightful place in the global aviation market. “We are confident that the MS-21 will be the best in its class,” he added.

© RIA Novosti / Sergey Mamontov / The Irkut Corporation has already formed a starting portfolio of firm orders for 175 MS-21 aircraft. Advances have been received under firm contracts. The first operators of the aircraft will be the airlines of the Aeroflot group, which has ordered 50 aircraft. Another customer of the aircraft was Azerbaijan Airlines.

5 out of 8

The Irkut Corporation has already formed a starting portfolio of firm orders for 175 MS-21 aircraft. Advances have been received under firm contracts. The first operators of the aircraft will be the airlines of the Aeroflot group, which has ordered 50 aircraft. Another customer of the aircraft was Azerbaijan Airlines.

© Irkut Corporation / Irkut is considering the issue of supplying the MC-21 to the national carrier of Tanzania, Air Tanzania. An agreement for the supply of six aircraft with the possible purchase of four more aircraft was concluded with Egypt. Jordanian air carriers showed interest in the MC-21.

6 out of 8

Irkut is considering the issue of supplying the MC-21 to the national carrier of Tanzania, Air Tanzania. An agreement for the supply of six aircraft with the possible purchase of four more aircraft was concluded with Egypt. Jordanian air carriers showed interest in the MC-21.

© RIA Novosti / Alexander Astafiev / “Today we see for the first time the MC-21 - one of the most modern airliners in the world, a passenger aircraft of the 21st century. And we are very proud that it was created in our country. This is a huge victory for aircraft manufacturers, a victory for the Irkut corporation, our scientists, our designers, our engineers, our workers. With your hands (of course, with some support from the state), a modern Russian aircraft industry is being created, which is moving our entire country, our economy forward,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

Developer Irkut Corporation

OKB im. Yakovleva
First flight 2017
Units produced (2017) 1 (4 experimental ones in assembly)
Unit cost (2017) $72 million. (MS-21-200)
$91 million (MS-21-300)

MS-21 (Magic Aircraft of the 21st Century) is a Russian medium-haul airliner developed by the Irkut Corporation and the Design Bureau named after. Yakovleva. The aircraft was rolled out in 2016. Flight tests are planned to begin in the spring of 2017. Being a medium-range aircraft, the MC-21 is a direct competitor to the Boeing 737MAX, Airbus A320NEO and Comac C919.

The history of the MS-21 project began in the 2000s. At that time, the main project of the UAC and the entire Russian aircraft industry was the SSJ 100 - the future Superjet. It was decided to start the work with it, since the creation of a fairly large airliner at once, entering into direct competition with the two most popular aircraft, Boeing and Airbus, was considered too risky. In 2008, the first prototype of the SSJ 100 made a test flight. The implementation of the program has reached the final stages before entering the market.

In parallel with the tests of the SSJ 100, early works to create a new, larger and more ambitious project - MS-21. The development of the aircraft was carried out by the design bureaus of Yakovlev and Ilyushin. The direct executor of the program was the Irkut Corporation, which produces Su-30 fighter jets and Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft. Irkut also produces a number of components for Airbus A320 aircraft. In 2008, the Ilyushin Design Bureau left the project and development was continued in full at the Yakovlev Design Bureau.

Initially, the plans were very ambitious. In 2009, it was assumed that the MS-21 would take off in 2013, and by 2016 the aircraft would begin to be delivered to customers. However, design problems, as well as difficulties with financing, disrupted the original plans. The aircraft itself became more advanced and complex.

By 2011, it was decided to give higher priority to the creation of an enlarged version of the MS-21-300 airliner (180 seats) instead of the basic MS-21-200 (150 seats). Research and airline surveys have shown that the larger version will be in great demand (70% of requests were for the -300 model). It was decided to postpone the creation of the 200-seat MS-21-400, since its creation would significantly increase the program budget.

It is assumed that the MS-21 will be 10-15% more efficient than its analogues, will have a 15% lighter structure and 20% lower operating costs.

In 2012, Irkut and Pratt & Whitney entered into a cooperation agreement. One of the basic power plants of the aircraft will be the PW1400G engine. The second basic power plant will be the promising PD-14 engine, created at UEC (the main developer is Aviadvigatel).

In 2014, the reconstruction of production sites for a new airliner was completed at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. The assembly of the first prototypes has begun.

On June 8, 2016, a ceremonial presentation took place - the rollout of the first prototype MC-21-300 at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. The first flight is planned for May 2017.

Description of the aircraft

MS-21 is a narrow-body, medium-haul airliner. Structurally, it is a classic airliner with a low-sweep wing and two outboard engines.


MS-21 has one of the most advanced at the moment airframe designs in the world. In terms of the volume of composite materials used (about 40%), it is on a par with the Bombardier C-series (about 40%) and is second only to the Boeing 787 Dreamliner (50%) and the Airbus A350 XWB (53%).

The main advantage and the first such experience in Russia is the “black wing”, created from carbon composite materials. Thanks to this new technology it was possible to reduce the mass of the wing and, while maintaining the strength characteristics, increase its aerodynamic quality. In the near future, the MC-21 will be the only airliner in its class with a black wing. Also, the tail unit and some other structural elements are made of composite materials. The aircraft wing is designed and manufactured by the Aerocomposite concern. ONPP Technology (Russian Technologies) also participates in the creation of composite elements.
The fuselage is developed and produced directly by the Irkut Corporation and the Yakovlev Design Bureau. The fuselage is made primarily of aluminum alloys.

The aircraft's landing gear is classic, three-post. The main landing gear consists of two struts and is equipped with two-wheeled trolleys. The promising modification MS-21-400 is heavier and, presumably, may have four-wheeled bogies. The chassis for the MS-21 is developed and manufactured by the Gidromash concern. Materials are mainly steel and titanium alloys.

Power point

MS-21 is equipped with two jet engines different thrust depending on the modification.
It is planned to use two main power plants.

Dual-circuit turbofan engines of the Pratt & Whitney PW1400G family. The engines are among the most advanced at the moment and, in addition to the MC-21, are used on Airbus A320NEO, Mitsubishi MRJ, Embraer E-Jet E2, Bombardier C-series airliners. For different versions of MS-21 will be supplied different versions engines: PW1428G with a thrust of 12,230 tf for MS-21-200 and PW1431G with a thrust of 14,270 tf for MS-21-300. The first prototype MS-21-300 is equipped with Pratt & Whitney engines.

Double-circuit tube fan engines of the PD-14 family. Developed by the Aviadvigatel concern (part of the UEC). The engine is a completely new powerplant and is expected to compete with similar powerplants. For 2017, the engine is undergoing a series of tests and certification. Serial production is planned to begin in 2018. Different versions of engines will be supplied for different versions of the airliners: PD-14A with a thrust of 12,540 tf for the MS-21-200 and PD-14 with a thrust of 14,000 tf for the MS-21-300.


The MS-21 cockpit is made of glass. Composed of five wide-format multifunctional displays (wide-format displays have not previously been used in Russian civil aviation). To minimize work with paper documents, pilots also have electronic tablets.

Control is carried out using side control handles - sidesticks. Optionally, the cabin can be equipped with additional interfaces:

head-up displays (HUDs) - transparent panels in front of the pilot’s face that display the necessary flight data;
synthetic vision, which forms on monitors a virtual image of the space surrounding the aircraft in the event of loss of visual visibility (time of day, weather conditions and so on).

The cockpit, as well as most of the aircraft's avionics, were developed by the Concern of Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) together with Rockwell Collins.

Passenger cabin

The MS-21 passenger cabin continues the UAC ideology of increasing passenger comfort by expanding the cabin and the passage between the seats. The cabin has a width of 3.81 meters, which makes it the widest in the class of narrow-body medium-haul airliners (SSJ 100, in turn, also has the widest cabin in the segment of regional airliners).

Cabin layouts support two basic classes:
Business class (C): 4 seats in a row with a pitch of 36″
Economy class (Y): 6 seats in a row with a pitch of 32″
Condensed economy class: 6 seats in a row with a pitch of 28-29″
Salons can be two-class or one-class.

Thanks to the expansion of the cabin, it was possible to widen the passage between the seats, which makes it easier and faster for passengers to seat themselves on the plane. In addition, this will allow passengers to move freely even in the presence of cabin carts (previously, carts occupied the entire width of the aisle, blocking the road).

The enlarged cabin also made it possible to install more spacious luggage racks.

The passenger compartment is equipped the latest systems and equipment that improves the microclimate in the cabin. Thanks to this, it was possible to reduce noise in flight, increase atmospheric pressure and improve temperature control.

The development of passenger cabin systems is carried out by NPO Nauka together with the Hamilton Sundstrand concern (USA). The interior was created by C&D Zodiac (France).


MS-21-200 - junior version airplane. Accommodates up to 165 passengers in a single-class configuration. With a take-off weight of up to 72.5 tons, it is equipped with derated PD-14A or PW1428G engines. Due to the fact that the model is in less demand, a second one will be created after the -300 model.

MS-21-300 - basic and larger version. The fuselage has been lengthened by 8.5 meters compared to the MC-21-200. Capacity reaches 211 passengers in a single-class configuration. With a take-off weight of up to 79.2 tons, it is equipped with PD-14 or PW1431G engines. MC-21-300 is in great demand and will be the first to hit the market. First prototype is a modification of MS-21-300.

MS-21-400 - an enlarged version of the -300 model. It has a number of design changes, an enlarged wing and a four-post chassis. Accommodates up to 230 passengers. With a take-off weight of 87.2 tons, it is equipped with a forced PD-14M engine with a thrust of up to 15.6 tf. Significant design changes compared to other aircraft in the family increase the program budget and risks. In this regard, the creation of MS-21-400 has been postponed.

In the future, options are being considered to create larger aircraft of the family, as well as modifications with an increased range. However, there are no specific plans for further expansion of the family for 2017.

Orders and deliveries

As of 2017, Irkut Corporation has orders for about 170-180 aircraft with options for more than a hundred aircraft. The largest customers are Ilyushin Finance (63 aircraft + 22 options) and Aeroflot (50 aircraft + 35 options). Foreign customers: Azerbaijani AZAL and Egyptian Cairo Aviation.

Serial production is planned to begin in 2018. Within a few years, production will be brought to the target - 70 aircraft per year.
Irkut Corporation plans to produce and deliver about a thousand aircraft within 20 years.


MC-21 is a medium-haul airliner. This niche is almost completely occupied by Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 airliners. The new Chinese aircraft Comac C919 is also vying for it. The market for medium-haul aircraft is the largest in the world - about 78% of all commercial aircraft with a capacity of more than 100 seats are such aircraft. In addition, over 30 thousand aircraft of these types will be sold within 20 years.

In terms of power characteristics and efficiency of power plants, the MS-21 is similar to its competitors (often the engines are the same or very close). In terms of aerodynamic quality and design, the aircraft is the most advanced aircraft in the world at the moment. Presumably, this allows it to be 12-15% superior to the previous generation A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft and 6-7% superior to the A320NEO and Boeing 737MAX generation.

However, list price is only one factor in choosing aircraft. When concluding contracts, manufacturers offer a serious package of financial options (purchase or leasing options, credit rates, and so on). In this context, built over many years complex system Airbus and Boeing's sales significantly exceed Russian and Chinese competitors.
In addition, the supply of commercial aircraft requires a large, extensive and efficient technical network.
service around the world. Often, creating such a network can be a more complex task than creating the aircraft themselves.

Significantly complicating entry into the market is the fact that most airlines have already chosen a supplier. Up to 2025, about 75% of the market for these aircraft has already been contracted.

Nevertheless, taking into account the characteristics and prospects, conquering a certain share of the world market with the MC-21 airliner seems to be a completely feasible task.

In 2017, UAC and the Irkut Corporation presented the practical implementation of the 21st Century Long-Range Aircraft project - the new Russian MS-21 airliner. The plane took off for the first time on May 28, 2017, opening new era in Russian civil aviation. The presentation of one of the four aircraft built up to this point was successful and was highly appreciated by specialists.

The new MC-21 aircraft is in direct competition with the American Boeing 737 Max and the European Airbus A320neo. In addition to taking its rightful place on the list of desirable acquisitions for international air carriers, it has also become a serious solution in import substitution for the domestic industry.

If by the beginning of the century the Russian military aviation industry was already at the level of world achievements, then the need for modernization was long overdue for the civil aviation industry. The Airbus began to be developed at the beginning of the 2000s at the A.S. Design Bureau. Yakovleva. The design of the Yak-242, which was created back in 1995, was taken as the basis. Already in 2004, the Yakovlevites joined Irkut, where, over time, a separate division of the famous OKB was formed. Taking into account modern trends, design engineers developed a new family of passenger aircraft. The first flight of the MS-21 was a real triumph for Russian aircraft designers.

In the current work on a new revolutionary model for Russian civil aviation, the designers used the potential of such well-known Russian enterprises as TsAGI named after N.E. Zhukovsky, UAC, North American and European corporations. The Ulyanovsk and Voronezh branches of the Irkut Corporation played their role.

A special place was given to the selection power plant. In 2012, Irkut and Pratt & Whitney agreed to cooperate, thanks to which the base MS-21 engine was supplied - PW1400G, which in the future will replace the PD-14, created by the domestic company UEC. At the beginning of the summer of 2016, the creation of the MS-21-300 model aircraft was completed. And this historical photo of the MS-21 Irkut aircraft, taken on June 8 of the same year, captures the moment of its rollout.

Presentation of MS-21

Main design features of MS-21

The designers managed to introduce a number of innovations and thereby ensure the excellent qualities of the MC-21 in aerodynamics, efficiency, reliability and environmental friendliness. Note that the new airliner consists of forty percent composite materials, which has significantly reduced its weight. The modern on-board maintenance complex, which can be seen in the photo of the MS-21 cockpit in the gallery above, allows for 100% control over technical condition aircraft and its reliable navigation.

In the new aircraft, the designers, listening to the opinions of future consumers, used the innovative possibility of rearranging the cabin by increasing the diameter of the fuselage. In the photo of the MS-21 interior, you can see how comfortable the world’s largest Airbus interior looks. Specially designed chairs are designed for people of various configurations, as well as for people with disabilities. disabilities. It was this key feature that made it possible to present the airliner in two modifications MC-21-200. The first was designed for 165 passengers in economy class. The second MS-21-300 could accommodate 200 passengers in a compact cabin version.

The designers tried to make the interior lighting more natural through large windows. Not the least role is given to control systems for pressure, microclimatic conditions and temperature conditions in the salon. The implemented technologies allow the aircraft to be operated in all climatic zones, regardless of the season.

Particular attention was paid to the safety of the aircraft. Flight tests of the MC-21 confirmed all parameters of compliance with international safety standards for civil aircraft. By the way, a new bench base was specially created for these tests in Russia.

Flight and technical characteristics of the MS-21 300 aircraft

The aircraft received one of the most advanced airframe designs of all existing today. In terms of the volume of composite materials used, it is inferior to the Airbus A350 XWB, which consists of polymers by more than half.

For the first time in Russia, the so-called black wing, a technology using carbon composite materials, was used in the construction of the airliner. It helped to significantly reduce the weight of the aircraft wing while maintaining strength indicators, and the aerodynamics only improved. The tail unit and a number of other aircraft parts are designed using the same principle. In the near future, this aircraft will remain the only one in its class to use such technology. The Aerocomposite concern and ONPP Technology took part in the creation of this know-how. The fuselage is based on traditional aluminum alloys. It was developed and created by the Irkut Corporation and the Yakovlev Design Bureau.

The basic installation is equipped with paired jet engines of different thrust. These are the most modern units today, which are used by the world's leading aircraft manufacturers in the latest aircraft developments. Russian analogues- PD-14 is being tested today. After receiving certification, they will be launched into mass production by the Aviadvigatel concern. This is also a revolutionary development for the Russian aviation industry. For the heaviest presented series MS-21-300, a modification of the PD-14A engine with a thrust of 14,000 tf will be developed.

The “glass” cockpit has also become a new concept in the civil aircraft industry. It is made up of several (or rather, five) multifunctional displays. Pilots are equipped with electronic tablets to connect to a common interface. Side handles are used for control. The cabin can be additionally equipped with:

  1. Indicators displaying current flight data on the windshield directly opposite the pilot's face.
  2. Synthetic vision, capable of forming a current virtual image of the airliner if visibility decreases to unacceptable levels.

The cockpit and the main part of the avionics were designed at KRET with the assistance of Rockwell Collins. To date, two modifications of the MS-21 have been developed and implemented, and one modification will be prepared in the near future.

The fuselage of this model is 8.5 meters longer than that of the 21-200. At a presentation in May 2017, a new Russian MS-21 aircraft of this modification was shown. Serial production of the MS-21 will begin with this model.

The promising model MS-21-400 will become an even more strengthened version of the 300. The modification will receive the following characteristics:

  • capacity: 230 passengers;
  • take-off weight: maximum 87.2 tons;
  • derated engine PD-14M with a thrust of up to 15.6 tf.

In the real future, more powerful modifications of the M-21 family aircraft will be prepared with the expectation of obtaining the maximum possible flight range, cabin capacity and other useful characteristics.

Prospects for the development of the MS-21 project

Taking into account the cost of the MS-21, estimated at $91 million, the aircraft becomes a direct competitor to Airbuses of its class. In 2017, the Irkut Corporation signed more than one hundred and seventy contracts for the supply of these aircraft, a third of which were ordered by the national air carrier Aeroflot. The first deliveries are planned for 2018.

Already in November 2017, Irkut's subsidiary, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, will complete the commissioning of new stations for aircraft final assembly lines. In the near future, parts will be manufactured for the next five aircraft in the series. The line will have a production capacity of 20 airliners per year and will reach full capacity within a few years.

It is necessary to take into account a number of advantages that became possible thanks to Russian engineers. So for the first time in the world in production large parts liner, infusion technology was used using automatic lines. Previously, the prepreg-autoclave method was used for these purposes, which was significantly more expensive.

The MS-21 project is a promising investment site. Taking into account the costs from the state budget, which amounted to one hundred billion rubles, experts foresee a planned five-year payback for the project. In any case, the creation of aircraft of the MS-21 family was a breakthrough in the Russian civil aviation industry and opened a new era of domestic aircraft construction. Under the sanctions blockade Russian economy Western countries, this step will certainly further strengthen the independence and authority of the Russian economy in the world market.

Just like NEO and MAX are replicas of the last century, where the only new ones are engines identical to the MS-21 engines.

For example, it was also possible to remotorize the Tu-214 airframe using these engines. How to implement a high-speed wing with a span of up to 36 meters.

Which is business card MS-21, although it’s not clear why it has a completely black wing. It was enough to use new alloys from RUSAL. And even without these alloys everything would look no worse.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the reverse process begins soon. Some elements of the black wing will begin to be made of metal.

According to him, the test flight of the MS-21 does not yet indicate complete success project.

This opinion was expressed by the honored pilot of Russia, member of the Russian Presidential Commission on the development of general aviation, Yuri Sytnik, to the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

“It took off, did not stay on the runway, did not fall apart in the air, the aircraft systems worked - but this is a local success. Next we need to look: will it correspond to the parameters stated by the creators, will the calculations be confirmed, its aerodynamic quality, weight, range, its operational parameters, how reliable and repairable it will be. If you invest that much money, you can make candy out of anything. But why spend such billions if there is already such a machine - the Tu-204SM. Therefore, I am not optimistic about MS-21.”

Our longtime friend, Hero of Russia, Honored Test Pilot Magomed TOLBOEV called the editorial office. The reason is joyful - the first flight of the Russian medium-range aircraft MS-21. Here is a short conversation between the editor-in-chief and the legendary test pilot.
- Magomed Omarovich, would you like to sit at the helm of this plane yourself?
– With pleasure, because at one time, back in the 80s, I flew an Airbus 319. Our and French guys were then preparing for the Hermes space program. We dreamed that we would someday have the same car. Finally the dream has come true. I think we must first of all thank Oleg Demchenko, President of PJSC Irkut Corporation, General Director - General Designer of JSC OKB im. A.S. Yakovlev." This is a unique organizer and designer, one of the representatives of the Yakovlev design school. And second, of course, to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin for his fundamental support of this aircraft when the MS-21 creation program was on the verge of failure. But he assured everyone that we would find the money and take off! The Patriots finally won.
– When will they be installed on the aircraft? domestic engines?
“Thanks to this aircraft, the program for the production of the latest PD-14 aircraft engine was revived. If there were no MS-21, then our Russian engines would not exist either. There would be Rolls-Royces and Pratt-Whitneys. And the fact that P&W are installed at the initial stage is normal. This was what had to be done in order to reduce the flight test time.
– I think that PD-14 will be on MS-21 in two years.
- Will. Three thousand hours of bench testing have already passed, and flight tests have begun. All that remains is to put the electronics and fuel management system in order. Everything must be digital. This is the only thing. But before MS-21, all control was mechanical. So it was believed that for safety reasons in case of war it is better to have mechanical control than electronic control. But electronic provides savings, reduction in noise and specific fuel consumption. The benefit is great.
But in any case, this is the human mind and its genius. This is not just electronics, I took a button, pressed it, and the numbers started running...

If we compare this with aircraft of the same class - the Boeing 737 and the Airbus 320. Have you flown them all?
– There are no doubts: our plane is no worse than others. But it won’t be too “better” either. This is understandable. Boeing has reached the highest peaks in this area. We have failed for the last 25 years... We, the Russian people, show amazing heroism: first fail, and then win. Over the past 25 years, Airbus and Boeing have, of course, moved far from us. But we have also reached the finish line and do not have to lag behind. We will go on equal terms.
– So there is nothing to compare yet?
- Compare? This is at the last stage, called operational. During the operational flight, all the little things are revealed that the test pilots could not notice and the designers could not foresee. The more flights will be made on more aircraft, the faster we will recognize all the minor shortcomings, with the elimination of which the aircraft will be brought to perfection.
– Magomed Omarovich, I congratulate you too, because you have done a lot to ensure that we preserve civil aviation. Thanks to people like you, we always have hope that Russia will remain a great aviation power!
- Thank you. Now it’s the turn for the Tu-334. Let it be called differently, but soon it will definitely return, at least to the Armed Forces.
– Will we see the Tu-334 in the sky?
- Yes, that's another one. volitional decision President Vladimir Putin and the implementation of the patriotic, civic positions of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Everyone is ready, just waiting for the go-ahead.


Likewise, the Tu-214 needs to be modernized, including to PW with a thrust of 16 tons, as a larger aircraft, with greater capacity and range.

Therefore, these two aircraft are not competitors, but complement each other.

The most fundamental thing about the MS-21 is its wingspan - 36 meters.

Is a metal wing possible today for the MS-21 with a span of 36 meters?

It is possible with the use of alloys from RUSAL, and maintaining all the characteristics.

In general, the only breakthrough characteristic of the MS-21 is the pressure in the cabin at flight level. This is where composites can be promoted.

But the advantages of a composite wing are very doubtful.

Let's compare. The wing of the Tu-214 is one and a half times larger. However, the empty weight is only 13 tons more.

I’m embarrassed to ask, but what is 13 tons as a percentage? 30 or 35?

well that has to do with it
cube square

Wing made of composites solely for the sake of
aerodynamic perfection

But the weight is in question and is it worth it?
the price tag is ridiculous

Remotorize the Tu-214? This has already been done - Tu-204SM. It didn't help. It's not the engine.

And attempts to revive the Tu-334 are another hole where taxpayers’ money will go to waste. To put it into production you need a lot of money, despite the fact that about 20 of these aircraft will be produced at best. It will NEVER pay off. And most likely they will also want to modernize it, because its contents are probably already outdated.

- your awareness is amazing. It would be better if you were silent and did not create topics with a stupid title.

- TOTAL? Do you think that 13 tons is a small thing? Recalculate this weight in passengers! That's 130 people with luggage!

Oreshenko Pavel
the number of questions immediately shows the level

Below the baseboard

I'll have to again for the Wikipedia guru
FAQ show

What kind of magical “Rusal” alloys are these? Is Rusal engaged in the development of materials for aviation?

Real metal.

If NEO and MAX, and with them MS-21, are outdated junk, then you, apparently, have reconsidered" Star Wars" - there are no newer aircraft in this segment. What is modern and progressive then? Tu-204?

NEO and MAX were sold many years ago for many years to come.

The MS-21 is not junk, but the aircraft is identical in terms of engines. And the weight is identical to the A321.

Remotorize the Tu-214? This has already been done - Tu-204SM. It didn't help. Isn't it the engine?

It's just the engine. The Tu-214 has never been re-engined. Tu-204SM too. Don't read Wikipedia at night.

There were ideas to remotorize the Tu-204 with a V2500. However, only ideas.
There was a less economical option with English engines, but it belonged to a private investor, so he flies them.

And attempts to revive the Tu-334 are another hole where taxpayers’ money will go to waste. To put it into production you need a lot of money, despite the fact that about 20 of these aircraft will be produced at best. It will NEVER pay off. And most likely they will also want to modernize it, because its contents are probably already outdated?

Are you Poghosyan?
And it's very similar. We were discussing MS-21, and suddenly Tu.

Tu-334 has nothing to do with the topic.

“In general, the only breakthrough characteristic of the MC-21 is the pressure in the cabin at the flight level. This is where composites can be promoted.”
- your awareness is amazing. It would be better if you were silent and did not create topics with a stupid title?

As a Wikipedia fan, you simply have nothing to say.

"empty weight is only 13 tons more"
- TOTAL? Do you think that 13 tons is a small thing? Recalculate this weight in passengers! Is this 130 people with luggage?

A difficult case. People with suitcases will fly on the wing.

Do you have any aviation education at all?

This is a question for you.

Without a doubt, the MS-21 is secured with orders for the next 10 years.

Therefore, it’s time to think about real innovation.

According to the ideology of MS-21, it is B787. A little more comfort and fashionable words.

However, the B787 composite wing has only 100% lift.
two percent better than B767. Yes, and as I already wrote in the topic
in principle, no better than the Il-96-300 wing.

Bolsunovsky Anatoly

We are talking about a supposedly innovative wing
the effect has not actually been proven
neither in weight nor in aerodynamics

When comparing the Tu-214 with the B757, approximate parity is visible
when comparing A321 and MS-21 the same parity
however, what is the gain and novelty

Innovation for Innovation's Sake

There is no doubt that the MS-21 will be supplied with orders for 10 years

However, this is exactly the same outdated aircraft
like Tu-214

However, Tu-214

This is serial and with domestic equipment
also with the possibility of modernization and remotorization

But it is impossible to compare MS-21 and Tu-214

First of all, by wingspan

European manufacturer Airbus is working to improve the takeoff and landing capabilities of its re-engined A320neo narrow-body aircraft on short runways, the aircraft manufacturer said in a statement. The aircraft manufacturer is currently conducting relevant tests.

Improved performance was achieved by replacing standard panels on the wing root fairings with Kevlar ones. By optimizing airflow, the updated elements, called SHARP (SHort AiRfield Package, kit for short airfields), will increase the lift of the wing. This in turn will lead to a decrease in the minimum speed during takeoff and landing of the aircraft and, as a result, to a reduction in takeoff and landing distances.

Installation of upgraded panels on fairings will be offered as an option. In addition, the updated element can be installed on machines already in use.

One of the reasons for the development of SHARP was Airbus's desire to provide A320 access to Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont Airport. It is located between a mountain and a long bridge, and its runway is about 1,300 m long. According to the Flightradar24 service, now only the “younger” members of the family fly there: A318 and A319.

Improved aerodynamics of the A320neo will significantly expand its range of applications compared to its predecessor. Thus, the European aircraft manufacturer will have greater access to markets that are characterized not only by short runways, but also by high-elevation airports and hot climates.

It can be assumed that by improving aerodynamics, the A320neo will be able to more successfully compete with the promising Russian narrow-body aircraft MC-21, one of the potential markets for which is Asian countries, including India and China.

Another consequence of the improved aerodynamics of the A320neo may be that the aircraft will displace some of the less spacious aircraft from competing manufacturers from the market. Having similar takeoff and landing characteristics, the A320neo will provide operators with greater capacity, which will increase savings on routes with dense passenger traffic.

Compared to the Tu-204, the MS-21 gains almost 30% in fuel consumption per passenger kilometer. A little more than 10% is due to new engines, about 10% - because it weighs less, about 5% - due to aerodynamics, the rest is a “snowball” effect. What do you think, is this not progress? This is colossal progress in 30 years! Technologies have reached the shelf; to advance to the next 30%, a whole revolution will have to be carried out in materials, engines, laminarization, etc. This costs a lot of money, which is why both Boeing and Airbus have delayed the introduction of an entirely new generation of narrow-body aircraft. So, purely technically, MS-21 has a chance to break through...

And stop dreaming about Tu-204NG, Tu-334NG, etc. If you simply remotorize the Tu-204, the gain in fuel will be only a little more than 10%, i.e. the loss to the leaders of 20% will remain. And who will you sell to?

Bolsunovsky Anatoly
compared to the 1994 A321

and who will you sell to?

Do you know the price of second hand goods?
and there are also neo and max 2017 editions with identical engines
Tu-214 is a much larger aircraft
and in terms of capacity and fuel supply

and Pogosyan really didn’t like the Tu-214

Tu-204 wins almost 30% in fuel consumption per passenger-kilometer over SSJ

But this is exactly what Poghosyan wanted
do not compare SSJ with competitors
and divert the discussion

After all, the meaning of the topic
the fact that innovations are yesterday’s and not effective

Which means it's time to do something

Sometimes you remind me of a word bot that generates a pseudo-random set of words. Do you even read what you yourself wrote?

"MS-21 is a hopelessly outdated aircraft." “For example, it was also possible to remotor the Tu-214 airframe using these engines.” "It's just the engine."

This is all taken from your, sorry, illiterate posts. When they prove to you that this is illiteracy, you immediately jump off the topic and start wagging: “You know the prices for second-hand goods,” etc.
I think there is no point in continuing the discussion. Don't feed the troll :(

Bolsunovsky Anatoly
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I just suggested comparing the MS-21 with the 1994 A321
that is 23 years ago
weight is the same, engine thrust is the same

What's the point of a composite wing?
and where innovations can have an effect

New neo engines provide 16 percent fuel savings
according to the manufacturer

Tu-214 is 15 percent more spacious
that is, with identical engines to the A321
fuel consumption will be identical

However, it is impossible to compare the Tu-214 and MS-21
by wing span these are different market segments
Tu-214 must be compared with B757
here we obviously need remotorization for neo engines
with 16 tons of thrust
then there will be an obvious profit over the B757

MS-21 must be compared with A321 1994

A321 1994
48 tons
220 pax
14 tons engine thrust
Wingspan A321 - 34.1 meters

MS-21 2017
48 tons
211 pax
14 tons engine thrust
Wingspan - 35.9 m
There are 17% more orders for long-haul aircraft than the market requires, according to a recent study by the major Swiss bank UBS. Like most international experts, when analyzing the market, UBS takes into account only aircraft manufactured by Airbus and Boeing, since these companies act as virtual monopolists in the market for civil aircraft with a passenger capacity of more than 100 people.

Of the two airline giants, European Airbus is in a more vulnerable position, according to UBS. “Even though Airbus has a significantly larger order backlog, we estimate that its largest customers are 26% overbooked, while Boeing's largest customers are 2% overbooked,” UBS analyst David Strauss said in a note. published report.

In order for all ordered aircraft to be put into service, the global fleet of long-haul aircraft must grow by 6% annually over the next seven years, UBS estimates. This in turn implies an annual increase in passenger traffic of 7%.

According to Swiss financiers, Lion Air (Indonesia), AirAsia (Malaysia), IndiGo (India), VietJet (Vietnam) and Avianca (Colombia) placed unreasonably large orders. For comparison, the list of carriers that are potentially short of aircraft consists of American and Chinese companies - Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, United Airlines and China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines.

If we consider aircraft categories, the surplus of orders for narrow-body aircraft is 21%, with the Airbus A320 family leading the way. As for regions, the most overheated market is China, but North America On the contrary, there are about 900 aircraft missing.
An excessive number of orders for narrow-body aircraft is not the most pleasant news for the project of the promising Russian mainline aircraft MS-21, which recently made its first flight. According to expectations, approximately one thousand MS-21s are planned to be delivered by 2037.