Seeing a dress made of thin lace in a dream. Why do you dream of lace in a dream - interpretation by day of the week

Seeing lace torn by newlyweds in the heat of a quarrel in a dream means omissions and grievances in their lives. If a woman saw lace on her friend in a dream, then she will become her rival in matters of the heart. Perhaps she will try to take her husband (if the woman is married) or lover (if she is not yet married) away from the family.

However, seeing torn lace on another woman is a sign of your own success in your personal life or light, casual flirting that is not destined to develop into something more. Black lace symbolizes the condemnation of others, and their discontent will be justified. Wearing freshly woven lace in a dream is a sign of self-respect.

What if you dream about lace?

Why do you dream about lace? Lace is a symbol of intrigue, the cause of which is matters of the heart. Lace also symbolizes romantic adventures, secret dates, new love. And the thinner the lace, the more tender the relationship between lovers will be. If a young man sees his beloved in a lace dress in a dream, then this is a sign that she is honest with him and sincerely loves him. A lady already aged, but unmarried, who dreamed of lace will find her happiness, and even the most seemingly impossible dreams will come true. But why dream of lace that the sleeper sells or buys? Buying lace in a dream promises quick success career growth or a promising and highly paid job. But the sale of lace, on the contrary, suggests that at the moment desires outstrip the possibilities for their implementation.

Thus, it is worth reconsidering your priorities and starting to implement your plans. If young girl I saw myself in a dream at a loom with half-woven lace, then she will certainly get married, although not soon. The groom will be rich, influential, and most importantly, sincerely loving.

But if a person dreams that she decorates at night wedding dress lace, then there will be many matchmaking men nearby, but none of them will turn out to be her destiny. For a woman preparing for her second marriage, a dream in which the lace has turned yellow with age promises difficult life with her chosen one. If young man If someone who has already chosen a life partner dreams of his chosen one wearing a decoration made of roughly woven lace, then this is a warning about the girl’s hypocrisy - that she is not capable of a feeling as tender as lace - love.

What does it portend?

Lace presented as a gift by a young girl to a young man is a secret declaration of love.

If a young man has such a dream, then in reality some girl has tender feelings for him, although she is too shy to say so openly.

However, if the donor of lace for a girl was a young man, then she should think about the seriousness of his intentions on his part. Such a gift can signal frivolity and frivolity, and if the girl herself is committed to marriage, she should start looking for another groom - one who is more reliable and ready to start a family.

See or wear in a dream white dress portends heartfelt joy, an imminent marriage.

Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road;

Dress yellow- a sign of lies, envy and gossip;

Red - for an important visit; gray - get busy spring cleaning or repair;

Golden – get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - for many entertainments;

Pale - you will rest your soul in peace and quiet; black dress portends sad news that will lead you into severe upset.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, the wrong size, foreshadows a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long dress reaching to the toes means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

To sew a dress for yourself - your hard work will be rewarded, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, you will face meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will turn into disappointment.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one.

A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will be bored with the lifestyle you lead and you will want a change.

A beautiful luxurious dress, and also a very expensive one, that you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in family circle.

Seeing an ugly or wretched dress on someone predicts troubles threatening from a rival.

An unkempt, wrinkled or dirty dress means that real life you are about to meet a person for whom you have an insurmountable dislike.

A torn dress means squabbles and disagreements at work; a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

A dress with a belt - deprived of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other frills - a sign that in reality you should be guided by common sense rather than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream means many fans in real life.

A dress covered in sequins portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant suitor for your hand, who, naturally, will be immediately rejected.

Wash or iron a dress - for an upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Why do you dream about Lace according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

Lace – Love date – wear – get a government position – dress someone up – achieve power.

Why do you dream about Lace (Small Velesov’s dream book)

Lace - Love date.

Why do you dream of Lace in a dream (according to the Wanderer’s dream book (T. Smirnov)

Lace – Joy; weave - for marriage.

Why do you dream of Lace in a dream (interpretation of the medium Miss Hasse)

Lace - Wear - you will get a government position; To dress someone up is to achieve power.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Lace?

Seeing Lace in a dream - If a young girl dreams that she is weaving lace, she will marry a pleasant, wealthy man. If in a dream she decorates her wedding dress- She will be surrounded by fans, but she will not get married soon. For an adult woman, seeing lace in a dream means happiness and the fulfillment of her most ambitious desires. Buying lace in a dream means being appointed to a high leadership position. And yet, your friends will remain the main value in life for you. Selling lace means wanting too much from life.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Lace in a dream?

Seeing lace in a dream - If your beloved wears lace in a dream, it predicts fidelity in love and an improvement in your position in society. If a woman sees lace in a dream, she will be happy: her most ambitious desires will be fulfilled and her admirers will obey her will without a single objection. – if in a dream you dream that you are buying lace, you will head a large enterprise, but your main wealth will remain true friend. You sell lace - your desires will outstrip your capabilities. A young girl weaving lace in a dream will marry a handsome and wealthy man. If she dreams that she decorates her wedding dress with lace, she will be loved by fans touched by her charm, but marriage will have to wait.

Seeing Lace, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Openwork - Why dream that you are walking past a simple cast-iron fence and suddenly notice that it is openwork. This means that you will soon be under some kind of pressure and you must make every effort to defend your point of view. If you cut out an openwork pattern yourself, then you are very tired. You work a lot and have absolutely no time to rest. If you had a colored dream with an openwork pattern, then you will get sick.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Dream about Lace

A dream about lace foreshadows love intrigues, romantic encounters, incredible tenderness and affection. And the more tenderly you see such an image in a dream, the more sincere the people around you have feelings and emotions for you. The color of lace in a dream is not very great value. For example, white lace is a symbol of purity and sincerity of actions towards you. And Black lace in a dream means the fact that people you know will judge your actions. Blue lace in a dream is a sign of immoral behavior. This will be especially clearly shown and noticeable if such lace is turned onto the wrong side of the garment. Red lace is passion in a relationship. Loving lace and putting it on yourself in a dream is a sign of respect from others. In a dream, purchasing lace with your own money is a sign of reliable and strong friendship. If lace gives

Dream Interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman (Russian translation)

How to understand a dream in which you saw Azhur

You are your loved one, then in reality he treats you with tenderness, awe and love. Decorating your clothes with beautiful lace in a dream is a symbol of spiritual hope for the realization of a desire. Sewing such lace onto a wedding dress in a dream is a bad dream, current or future marriages may have infidelity. Covering lace under clothes in a dream indicates that you should not show your feelings to others. You should not let your emotions come out. Selling lace in a dream means failure to fulfill dreams and desires, that your hopes will not come true in reality. Weaving lace yourself in a dream is a prediction of intrigues into which you may be drawn due to your frivolous behavior. The girl dreamed of lace - happiness and love. Lots of fans. And when a woman sees torn lace in a dream, it means the collapse of hopes and goals.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why you dreamed about Lace in a dream?

Dreaming of Lace - intimacy; gossip.

Why do you dream of Lace in a dream (according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

What does Lace mean in a dream - Fulfillment of ambitious desires. Imagine that all your clothes are richly trimmed with luxurious white lace.

Why do you dream of Lace in a dream (interpretation by psychologist A. Mindell)

Dreaming of Lace - A young woman dreams of lace - the dream promises this woman happiness; she will be a prima in her circle; her slightest wish will come true. A young woman dreams that she decorates herself with lace - this woman is successful with men and will enjoy it, but she will not get married soon. It’s as if you are weaving lace - the situation will require you to mobilize all your strength; you will have to take important decisions; yours will be at stake financial situation. You buy lace - with competent and timely actions you will improve and even improve your financial situation. You sell lace - in general, prosperity awaits you; however, there may be some unpleasant surprises.

The meaning of the dream about Frill (Star Dream Book)

Lace - love pleasures. Venus in Libra.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about Lace in a dream by day of the week?

Dreaming of Lace - Torn lace warns that you are about to commit a rash act that will have bad consequences. Lace on the table speaks of intrigue and gossip.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see Lace, what is it for?

Lace is a romantic date. Buying lace means living luxuriously. Sell ​​- opportunities do not coincide with desires. For girls, weaving or sewing lace yourself will help attract a good groom.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with Lace, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream about weaving lace? - To intrigue - this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

If in the summer you dreamed of one of your friends weaving very beautiful lace, it means that intrigues are being weaved against you.

In the fall, why did you dream of seeing beautiful lace underwear in a dream - for a wedding.

In winter, why dream of being in the finest lace - a sign of the flowering of your body and the infallibility of your soul, the best time in your life.

Dreams about lace predict love affairs, romantic dates, affection. The more delicate the lace, the more tender and sincere your feelings. Black lace in a dream means that others will judge you. Wearing lace or putting it on in a dream is a sign of respect for others. Rough lace in a dream - a sign vicious relationship. Especially if you see them on the wrong side of clothes. Buying lace in a dream means that you will find the right one close friend. Seeing your beloved in lace in a dream is a sign of tenderness and romance in your relationship. Decorating clothes with lace in a dream is a sign of good hope for the fulfillment of a desire. Decorate a wedding dress with lace - bad dream for those who want to get married. Such a dream indicates that this is still far away. Hiding lace in a dream is an indication that you should hide your feelings and not give them free rein in order to avoid unpleasant publicity. Torn lace in a dream is a sign of a break in relationships. Selling lace in a dream means that your hopes will not be fulfilled. Weaving lace in a dream is a harbinger of intrigue into which you will be drawn due to your frivolous behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Lace

If a young girl dreams that she weaves lace, she will marry a pleasant, wealthy man. If in a dream she decorates her wedding dress with lace, she will be surrounded by admirers, but will not get married soon. For an adult woman, seeing lace in a dream means happiness and the fulfillment of her most ambitious desires.

Interpretation of dreams from

She sees lace in her dream - she will be happy: her most ambitious desires will be fulfilled and her admirers will obey her will without a single objection.

If you dream that you are buying lace- you will lead a large enterprise, but your main wealth will remain a faithful friend.

If in a dream you sell lace

If she dreams that she is decorating her wedding dress with lace- she will be loved by fans, touched by her charm, but marriage will have to wait.

Dream book of lovers

If a young man dreams that his beloved wears lace- this portends fidelity in love.

A woman dreaming of lace fabric- such a dream promises happiness and loyal fans.

The girl who dreams that she weaves lace in her sleep- in reality she will marry a rich and handsome man.

Dream about how she decorates her wedding dress with lace- promises her loving fans, but does not foretell a quick marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Lace seen in a dream- symbolize female dexterity and cunning.

Light, beautiful lace- a sign that you have every chance to arrange your affairs well if you show flair and intuition.

Black lace- a sign of secret intrigue.

Torn lace- warn that your plans may fail.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of lace- rest assured that all your most cherished wishes will certainly come true. You are also at risk of being invaded by fans.

If you buy lace in a dream- you are guaranteed a comfortable existence.

A dream in which you sell lace- means that you should live within your means.

If you weave lace- you will be lucky with a husband who will be able to fully provide for you.

A dream in which you decorate your wedding dress with lace- promises you a large crowd of fans. However, none of the contenders for your hand will be awarded the title of your husband.

Dream book for a bitch

They sold lace- your desires will outstrip your capabilities.

Young girl weaving lace in her sleep- will marry a handsome and wealthy man.

If she dreams that she is decorating her wedding dress with lace- she will have many fans, but marriage will have to wait.

Modern combined dream book

If a lover has a dream in which his beloved adorns herself with lace- this predicts fidelity in love and successful career advancement.

If a woman dreams of lace- she will be lucky, since her most ambitious desires will be fulfilled, and her fans will blindly fulfill her whims, without demanding anything in return.

Buying lace- a sign that you will not experience financial difficulties, although you will live in grand style.

Selling lace in a dream- a warning that you are living beyond your means.

If you dreamed that you were weaving lace- soon you will begin a new romance.

In a dream you watched someone weaving lace- one of your loved ones will have a new friend (girlfriend).

Buying lace- to a pleasant acquaintance.

If you dreamed that you were selling lace- you are about to part with your beloved (beloved).

English dream book

If a young man dreams of his beloved wearing lace jewelry- this is a warning that she is too extravagant and wasteful - she is not suitable for running a household. In general, a real doll who will never learn to be a wife and support for her husband.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Lace- love date.
When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.