Prigozhin's daughter from the first. Video: Joseph Prigogine spoke about his first marriage


Happy New Year, comrades)
And the question will be like this. Imagine a situation.
You live with your husband. Whether it’s long or short, we’ve already lived together for 15 years.
Your mother-in-law has disliked you all her life. Snakehead Cinderella too. They built and built intrigues and dirty tricks, but they didn’t build.
The mother-in-law, a kind darling, one day takes and signs off the only home for her beloved daughter. Taking my son for a ride full program. And a couple of years after writing it off, he falls ill with banal cystitis. Her daughter, the snake-headed sister-in-law, is taking her to the hospital. Doctors prescribe miracle pills. They are called antibiotics. But my sister-in-law doesn’t buy them.
My dear mother-in-law is getting worse day by day. And you go to distant places to save the accursed one.
He gets into the car and drives tens of kilometers towards the hospital. There you roll your dear one on a gurney along the floors. You are carrying heavy sumaris. You still remain guilty. Yes, that's the problem. Cinderella doesn’t particularly want to go to her mother.
Your betrothed comes to his mother when your sister-in-law cries with burning tears. She can't get up. She smells so bad that her neighbors in the tent are asking for a transfer. And the sister-in-law says on the phone that she is not going to wash it. And the son also can’t wash his mother’s hands. I would wash dad, but mom is embarrassed.
And so, freaking out just like that, you rush to the hospital. You wash it, make it stand up, oil it, fatten it up. And you think what to do next.
You are inviting me to live with you permanently. And the mother-in-law is afraid to leave her daughter, who lives on her pension. Her daughter (sister-in-law) also perked up (she realized that her pension was going away and she would have to work) and shouted that she was ready to look after her mother.
Would you take your mother-in-law with you? Or would you trust your sister-in-law? It’s scary for my mother-in-law and my daughter to go, but my daughter will definitely die. She doesn't need it for nothing. Only because of the pension.
Sorry for the mistakes. For the form of presentation too. I'm terribly evil.



It’s very interesting to listen to people who have experienced it. I gave birth to a girl 7 months ago. My mother, unfortunately, has been gone for a long time, but my mother-in-law lives 15 minutes from us and during all this time she has never even come for a walk with her stroller. She comes every 1.5 months, the child doesn’t know her. My husband is at work, he helps in the evening, he tries, there are no questions for him. It's gotten to the point where I have to ask my friends to sit so I can go away and do things. It seems to me that this is somehow abnormal, because my mother-in-law has an irregular schedule and she could sometimes let me go during the day purely on business, without even going for a walk. I don’t even stutter about any help around the house or that she has to babysit around the clock, and I pick my nose, but at least I just came to the child to communicate more often, otherwise when she shows up, the child is in tears, she’s already whipping her own and not their own. I watch how grannies play around with strollers on the streets, listen to my friends as they come to cook for them, pet them, bathe/feed the child and it’s so insulting... Don’t think that I’m complaining, I can handle it, in any case, I have no options, I will continue to spin, it just surprises me. Or maybe this is how it should be? Like we raised our own children, now you guys have fun =)


Charm OSV

Hello. Who, children, often had to have their teeth treated? Can you recommend any pasta? Until the age of 4.5 years, the child had no problems, then suddenly 6 holes appeared at once, two nerves were removed. A year later, one hole, and after 3 months (now at 6.2) three caries at once. At the same time, one chewing tooth, number five, had to be removed prematurely; a fistula formed around it. 5 teeth have already fallen out on their own. We brush twice a day, sweets in moderation and for some reason caries forms. It coincided with the fact that we went to the garden 4 months ago (we didn’t go to the garden before), we had a cough and snot, maybe this is somehow connected?


But his greatest pride is Valeria, with whom he has been happily married for almost 15 years. On the eve of the anniversary, which Prigozhin will celebrate in a Moscow restaurant, his relatives revealed unknown facts about him.

Valeria's wife: “My monster”

“Yosya won me over in the very first month, when the contracts had not yet been signed, we just started working, communicating... We got to know each other better and better, and after a few weeks it seemed that I had known him all my life. He introduced me to friends and relatives. I realized that I had met a very sincere person, without a double bottom. I’m used to encountering the opposite - hypocritical, deceitful. And here, as if in full view, even a scarecrow, I was looking for what the catch was. It seems like he’s a real “show business shark”; his friends said about him: “He’s a monster.” But in fact big baby, spontaneous, touching...

“I remember Joseph was covered with a wave of fear, he could not sleep when I was not around,” said Valeria.

I admit that at home my husband is far from white and fluffy: if something is wrong, he is capable of raising his voice. But these are just emotions, no one seriously reacts to them anymore. When there are no external irritants, work difficulties, no quarrels at all... But a desire appears to be alone with oneself, we go into separate halves, the apartment is huge. It’s unrealistic happiness if we go somewhere and the phone doesn’t pick up. We recently flew to the Maldives, and there was poor communication there. We enjoyed the silence and communication for several days.

“Joseph will kill anyone for his family, like a bull terrier. Same for friends. He is our protector, our wall,” the singer says about her husband.

We work on equal terms - as partners. I know that if I suddenly don’t want to perform anymore, I can step aside and everything will remain the same for me. My husband will continue to work hard as before. For him, the main thing is to provide for his loved ones, so that everyone feels comfortable. Friends and casual acquaintances go to Yosa for help... His underground nickname is the Ministry of Emergency Situations. He rushes to solve any problems, even the most hopeless ones. Sometimes I ask: “Maybe that’s enough, react calmer.” He waves it off. But sometimes he gets tired, starts muttering, grumbling - they say, he’s tired as much as possible. And the very next day he gives advice and instructions on what to do.

I look after my husband’s health, as well as my own. We undergo regular examinations. Fortunately, he leads correct image life, and excellent genetics. Of course, there were nervous moments, probably triggered by a midlife crisis. I was overcome with a wave of fear; I could simply not sleep for several nights in a row, especially when I went on tour. Then I tried to load myself with work until five in the morning, so that then I would automatically fall asleep. And two hours later he got up and ran somewhere again. I had already exhausted myself to an incredible state and, in the end, gave up: they say, I’d rather go to concerts with you. He began to sleep like a marmot, right next to me.”

Daughter Elizabeth: “There were no grudges against my father”

"Joseph - good dad. In principle, I tried never to create unnecessary problems for my parents. I’m not a club person, I’m not a party girl, I didn’t provoke anyone to be strict. Most of all, I am grateful that I did not limit my choice of profession, did not say: “Go there, you will continue the family business.” And the rest is also complete freedom.

“I never had any resentment towards my father for his decision to separate from my mother. I’m even glad about their divorce, because people shouldn’t be together just because they have a common child. If someone else makes a person happy, that’s wonderful...” shares Lisa.

I was very young then and I don’t remember the period when we lived together. And by the way, I had an amazing relationship with Valeria.

The older I get, the closer I get to my dad. He pays for my studies, we were very united by the trip to Switzerland, where I entered the university. Now I’m finishing it, and it took 2.5 years instead of 4 years. Afterwards I'm going to New York. There I plan to continue to engage in film directing, creating TV series, and writing scripts. Perhaps I can partially pay myself. I think it's time. Recently, my friend and I launched our own clothing brand, so far we only sew T-shirts, but we hope to expand the range. I see my father very often - as a rule, I fly to Moscow at least once a month. Now he and Valeria had a small tour of Europe, I came to Paris and Milan. We walked a lot and talked.

For his anniversary, my mother and I are preparing a joint gift for him. It’s hard to come up with ideas when a person seems to have everything, so we chose from what was necessary.”

Mom Dinara Yakubovna: “In touch 10 times a day”

“I’ve been living in Israel for many years, there are many relatives here, for example, my sister Galya, with whom Joseph is also very close. Of course I miss you. No matter how many times I call to Moscow, I refuse. Where should I go to the capital, I’m used to the warmth and the sea. Yes, and I see poorly: moving is difficult, I almost never leave the house.

“As a child, it was not easy with Joseph - always with his own opinion, stubborn, independent. I don’t even know where this energy came from - to break out of the environment in which I grew up. And now it’s even difficult to imagine a more attentive and caring son. Any little thing... If the TV is broken, Joseph will immediately organize it and a new one will be delivered home on the same day. It also helps financially, it’s not even discussed,” says Dinara Yakubovna.

We call each other often - ten times a day. Sometimes I don’t understand how he tolerates this. Apparently, he understands that it is important for me to know how he is doing, how his health is. And sometimes you just want to hear a voice - at least for a minute. Sometimes he laughs it off: you won’t believe it, nothing has changed in the last two hours. I remember I even told an anecdote: “My son works as the head of a large enterprise, he has a meeting, there are about 50 people sitting there... Mom calls: “Son? Can you talk? No? Then listen." Even on my own birthday, I dial his number first, because I wake up early - at eight o’clock. And Joseph is indignant that I do not allow him to take a step. This year he and Valeria vacationed abroad, and due to the time difference, he managed to get ahead of me. Laughed that he was terribly proud!

I accepted Valeria right away. If Joseph feels good, then so do I. I see that she does everything to make her son happy.”

Photo: social networks Valeria and Joseph - in Russian show business this is one of the most famous and influential couples. Over the course of more than 15 years of relationship, the gentle and fragile singer Valeria and her determined husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, have repeatedly proven that two opposites have united. can create a true example of harmony as in family life, and in work.

Their family celebrates April 2 important event- Joseph Igorevich turned 50 years old. We called the hero of the day to congratulate him and find out how he was going to celebrate this milestone anniversary. “I will celebrate my birthday with friends. There will be few friends this time - 500 people. Everyone will gather, it will be cultural program. Everything will be closed, without journalists,” Prigozhin said.

Children of Prigozhin and Valeria will come to the anniversary

The people closest to Prigozhin and Valeria - their children - will also come to the celebration. Let us remind you that the couple has six of them - three for one and three for the other. Some of the children live in Moscow, the rest will come from other countries. Joseph Prigozhin’s 20-year-old daughter, Liza Prigozhina, is now studying in Geneva (Switzerland), where she lives and works, and her brother, although not half-blooded, is 24 Valeria's year-old son from her second marriage, Artemy Shulgin. Both of them, of course, will not miss the anniversary. It is not known whether the producer’s mother Dinara Yakubovna will be present at the celebration. She lives in Israel and Prigozhin himself, according to recent rumors, planned to move to Israel for permanent residence. In March, he denied all the rumors, saying that he was quite happy with his life in Russia.

“Unsecret” diet from Valeria

He approached his sixth decade in excellent physical fitness. The fact is that for about two to three months the producer has been losing weight using a nutritional method based on personal experience his wife. “I’m on a diet, I’ve already lost 11 kilograms and I plan to lose at least ten more. The diet is called No secret by Valeria and this is the very case when you can eat and not gain weight - all the calories are listed in it and so on.” Of course, proper nutrition The matter is not limited to - together with his wife Valeria, today’s birthday boy goes to the gym. IN lately On Prigozhin’s Instagram page, one could more than once see videos from their joint activities. “We are working, preparing for April 2,” Joseph Igorevich wrote under such a video at the end of January.

Joseph Prigogine spoke about his relationship with his first wife and their common children.

The day before, the famous producer became the hero of the “Actually” program. On the air of the program music producer told why he stopped financially supporting and communicating with ex-wife Elena Prigozhina and their common children.

Let us recall that Joseph’s first wife was Elena Evgenievna Prigozhina, a housewife from a wealthy family. In their marriage, they had two children: son Dmitry Prigozhin and daughter Danaya Prigozhin. Soon after the birth of their second daughter, the marriage broke up.

The producer said that he and Elena always had difficulties in their relationship and they rarely could find common language. Later, the ex-spouses had heated property disputes - they divided business and real estate. According to the man, he helped his ex-wife and children for twenty years, but due to real estate fraud that occurred three years ago, he broke off all contacts with them.

On the air of the program it turned out that Prigozhin left ex-wife Elena and the children have two apartments. However, the property in a prestigious area of ​​the capital was sold without his knowledge or consent.

“I just found out one day that the huge apartment in the center of Moscow no longer exists. She sold it for next to nothing. Well, imagine market value such real estate is a hundred million rubles, and she sells it for thirty. And he does it underground so that I don’t find out. I tried to reason with the children, called them and talked for a long time. I wanted them to prevent this, but to no avail. After the incident with the apartment, we practically do not communicate; I do not help them financially. She simply left the children without their rightful home,” he said.

Prigozhin’s daughter Danaya confirmed that the property was indeed sold on the initiative of her mother. According to the girl, they had every right to do this, since the apartment belonged to their family.

Daughter of Joseph Prigogine - Danae

A little later it turned out that the money raised from the sale was used to open a business for the new husband of Prigozhin’s ex-wife. This fact especially hurt the famous producer.

“During this entire time I felt remorse. He left his family, a single woman with two children. But it turns out she got married, and no one even told me about it! They were simply afraid of losing financial support. And some KAMAZ trucks were purchased for this man with the proceeds. He’s supposedly doing business,” the producer commented.

Danae was quick to point out that new chosen one The mother managed her money wisely and regularly brings home the money she earned. The girl herself does not intend to accept financial help from her father. The only thing she wants is his attention.

20-year-old Danaya publicly accused Prigozhin of abandoning her with her brother and completely forgetting about them, despite the fact that both children are disabled.

The famous producer emphasized that he loves all his children. He will be happy to start communicating with his daughter, but only on the condition that the girl finds use for her talents. However, he no longer intends to communicate and financially support his first wife.

Today, April 2, producer Joseph Prigozhin celebrates his 50th birthday. He managed to achieve recognition and financial stability thanks to his own hard work, but he considers his family to be his main wealth. In honor of the holiday, relatives shared personal details characterizing the producer, and the names of three women who played a major role in his life became known.

One of these women is the producer’s wife, singer Valeria, with whom he has been happily married for almost 15 years. They were brought together by work when the star signed a contract with a producer, with whom she continues to work to this day. In the process of meeting Joseph Prigogine, Valeria became more and more impressed, although at first she showed extreme caution, having behind her a negative experience of communicating with men. In addition, in show business he was called a “monster,” which also frightened the star, but later she appreciated this side of the producer.

“Friends said: “Yes, he is a monster.” But in fact, he is a big child, spontaneous, touching... Joseph will bite anyone for his family, like a bull terrier. Same for friends. He is our protector, our wall,” Valeria explained.

Second no less important woman is Joseph Prigogine's daughter from his first marriage, Elizaveta. The girl has an excellent relationship with her father, who behaves wisely and always gives his daughter the right to choose, including with regard to her future profession.

Elizaveta is currently studying to become a film director in Switzerland, and is also trying herself as a fashion designer. She said that Valeria was able to establish contact with her, so they became a real family. Elizabeth did not even object to her father’s divorce from her mother, fully supporting their decision.

“I never had any resentment towards my father for his decision to separate from my mother. I’m even glad about their divorce, because people shouldn’t be together just because they have a common child,” Elizabeth expressed her position.

And of course, an important role in the producer’s life was played by his mother Dinara Yakubovna, who lives in Israel, where she has many relatives. She refuses her son’s offers to move to Moscow, having gotten used to the local climate. Joseph Prigogine is very attached to his mother, whom he completely provides for and fulfills her every desire. Dinara Yakubovna pays tribute to the patience of the producer, who calmly answers her numerous calls, despite his busy schedule.

Photo: Joseph, his mother (center), Valeria and Aunt Galya (right)