Nutrition Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer Lopez - diet and healthy lifestyle

0 July 25, 2018, 5:20 pm

Yesterday I turned 49 years old. The singer celebrates her birthday on the beach in a bikini. The star admits that sport is what makes her life better, and she considers movement the key to happiness. Let's talk about the star's favorite exercises.

There are a thousand and one excuses not to go to the gym, but Lopez has learned to strictly follow her fitness regime: “I rarely miss a workout. Sometimes, of course, I can work late, but in such cases I tell myself: just do it , just one hour."

Experts advise setting realistic goals for yourself. If you know that you won’t be able to get up and go to the gym at five in the morning, don’t pretend, but start small. If you need extra motivation, go to the gym with a friend, or reward yourself with a manicure or massage after a good workout (not a trip to the candy store).

Jennifer doesn’t starve herself to stay slim (where else can she get the strength for punch training!). Instead, she sticks to a nutrition plan designed for her by nutritionist Hailey Pomer. The singer's diet includes a lot of protein-rich foods and non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini). The star also eats healthy fats and complex carbohydrates, such as those found in brown rice and sweet potatoes. And, of course, no alcohol (except just a glass of champagne on your birthday) and cigarettes. Lopez also tries to teach her children to eat properly.

I give them a lot of greens, fruits and grains. They already know from childhood what a healthy lifestyle is,

- she said in an interview.

When it comes to exercising, she prefers to work out early in the morning. "I don't like to work out in the evening when I don't have the energy anymore. I go to sports three or four times a week. When I'm in New York, I work out with David Kirsch. When I fly to Los Angeles, I work out with Tracy Anderson. I like to alternate load".

Trainers have different approaches: Kirsch is a fan of planks, push-ups and boxing, while Anderson chooses complex exercises with light weight. Variety in training not only prevents you from getting bored, but also ensures the tone of all muscles. And, of course, J.Lo can’t do without dancing at rehearsals and concerts.

Jennifer has crazy discipline, so even if she misses classes for good reasons, she then works with even greater intensity. She knows how to focus on every step and listens to her body, which is why her workouts are effective,” David shared.

Spiderman push-ups

This is a more complicated version of push-ups. Your hands are on opposite sides of the Bosu ball (a hemispherical platform with a diameter of just over 60 cm with a rubber dome 30 centimeters high, the elasticity is adjusted by air being released or pumped through a special hole), and every time you do push-ups, you pull up one knee closer to the elbow.

As soon as you lift your leg, you force the muscles to stabilize the body. If you lose your balance, you will fall. This exercise works the pectoral muscles, abs, triceps and deltoids. If you have little time for training, then it can generally consist of only this exercise, said David.


Lunges with dumbbells in your hands are great for working the back of your thighs. And this, as you know, is one of the most problematic areas for women. But not J.Lo.

She pays close attention to her Kardashian. Starting position: feet together, hold small dumbbells in your hands. With your right foot you need to take a wide step to the right side. In this case, the toes of the feet point straight forward. Bend forward and touch the dumbbells to the floor on either side of your outstretched leg. In this case, the buttock, knee and ankle (in this case the right one) should be located on the same line perpendicular to the floor surface. Then you need to get up and return to the starting position and change legs. Lunges can be done not only forward, but also to the side.

Fitball exercises

Jennifer performs some of the exercises on a fitball (this is a large elastic ball from 45 to 95 centimeters in diameter), using ordinary dumbbells for loading. One of JLo's favorite exercises is pulling a fitball towards her body.

To repeat the exercise, stand in a plank position with straight arms, placing your feet on an exercise ball. Bend your legs at the hip joints and, working with your abdominal muscles, roll the fitball towards you, pointing your pelvis up. It is important to keep your arms and legs straight and not raise your chin (your head should be down). Then smoothly return to the starting position.

Sumo wrestlers exercise

And another powerful exercise for the buttocks, which Hollywood trainer Lopez borrowed from sumo wrestlers. What to do: stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your left leg at the knee, lift it up and make a circular motion with it. Return your leg back to the floor and make a side kick with it (swing to the side), then immediately squat down, as sumo wrestlers do (after several repetitions, the buttocks will “burn”). Now you need to straighten your knees and jump, lifting your toes and heels off the floor. If you have mastered the “sumo lunges”, then try the advanced version - deep plié squats on your toes.


JLo is a fan of triathlons - a continuous workout consisting of three stages: swimming, cycling and running. It was triathlon that helped her regain her shape after the birth of Maximilian and Emma (then she lost about 15 kilograms in record time).

Squats with a chair

Another very interesting exercise is the chair squat. You will need to sit on a regular chair, but leave this action unfinished; as soon as you feel that you are touching the chair, you need to freeze for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. A great way to work your glutes.

Walking platypus

This is a variation of the low squat. The fastest, most effective workout for your butt. It works the inner thighs and makes the back elastic and toned,

- said David.

Instagram photo,

But both of them are haunted by the glory of the Latina.

But do they know that outside the concert venues the actress and singer leads a healthy lifestyle?

“I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs,” she says. “When I was little, my mother told me that it was harmful. And she was right! To get away from stress, I’d rather get a massage.”

Plastic surgery Jennifer doesn't accept either. She refutes rumors that Lopez’s shape is the result of surgery and says that her body is a gift from nature.

Jennifer Lopez parameters

Height 167 cm

Weight 56.5 kg

Hips 96 cm

Waist 58 cm


With a height of 167 cm, the singer weighs 56 kg and wears clothing sizes 44-46. Once upon a time, Jennifer Lopez was on the Hollywood, chocolate, spinach diet, but, having lost 2-3 kg, she returned to her normal diet.

“I’m not afraid to eat like a normal person,” she said in a recent interview. “I don’t want to be like Hollywood starlets who look like hungry, exhausted clochards. And diets... I resort to them before a tour - just to tone yourself up.”

Concert diet the star looks like this.

For breakfast - a glass of water or cocoa, an apple or orange. For lunch - 200 g of cottage cheese and the same amount of fruit.

Jennifer snacks on dried fruits, and for dinner she eats 200 g of fish or poultry and 300 g of vegetables.
Before going to bed, the singer has low-fat natural yogurt waiting in the kitchen.

She eats this way for two days before the performance - and, according to her, goes on stage “refreshed.”

“On ordinary days, I try not to exclude my favorite and familiar dishes from my diet. I love meat and salads. I can afford to eat turkey, shrimp salad, oysters or Latin American cheese pancakes for lunch,” says J.Lo. - Of course, I have a nutritionist, with whom we draw up a menu once a week. But I try not to deny myself pleasures. Fried meat with broccoli, oysters, lobster - this is very tasty food!”

Sometimes Jennifer breaks down and switches to fatty Cuban dishes and carbonade. “And then my nutritionist completely shakes up the refrigerator, and instead of goodies, turkey meatballs and soy meat appear in it,” the singer complains.


Jennifer “keeps” her beauty secret from her mother.“Don’t forget to apply moisturizer not only to your face, but also to your neck,” the star advises her fans. “I use it every day, right after my shower, and this is the result.” A jar of cream, perfume, mascara and faint lip gloss are always kept in the singer’s cosmetic bag: “While you are 20, you walk around with the face you were born with, and then you get the face you made for yourself.”

“A self-tanner is enough to give your skin a golden hue. "Just make sure you scrub your skin thoroughly before applying it," Lopez says. Hair is more difficult to take care of. Jay washes them with mineral water and never forgets to use conditioner.
Every three weeks, Lopez visits beauty salons, where she gets moisturizing masks and a French manicure: “Mom told me that a woman should be well-groomed. And then the whole world will revolve around her.”


Jennifer visits a fitness club. She trains on an exercise bike, does aerobics and does strength training. Jennifer is delighted with the martial art of Krav Maga and believes that with its help the muscles of the arms, legs and abdomen are perfectly worked. The star also likes stepper machines that strengthen the muscles of the buttocks.

The star works out twice a week for 3 hours a day under the supervision of a personal trainer.
Her trainer believes that the result depends not on the number of exercises, but on the regularity of their implementation.

If you exercise for 20-30 minutes every day, combining strength training with cardio training (interval training), your figure will be perfect!

Jennifer completes her gym sessions with meditation. “Being attractive is easy,” she tells herself. “You just have to stop worrying about things like excess weight and cellulite. You need to learn to see your inner beauty, and it is unattainable until you accept your appearance for what it is.”


Healthy sleep is an important health rule for a star. Jay demanded that her managers schedule 8 hours of sleep!


Since the birth of the twins in February 2008 Jennifer has lost 20 kilograms. This result was achieved thanks to active sports; Lopez tried to go to the gym for an hour 6 days a week, says her coach Gunnar Peterson.

Of course, it couldn’t be done without a low-calorie diet. Jennifer used the Freshology system, popular in Hollywood, which was designed specifically for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Freshology offers ready-to-eat meal delivery to suit your diet.

Lopez's diet included breakfast, lunch, dinner and two "snacks" (total - from 1200 to 1400 calories per day); The star has been on this diet since October 2008, and here is the result!

Latin American Jennifer Lopez is one of the most sought-after Hollywood actresses. There is so much controversy and speculation surrounding her body and character. Many consider her untalented, many say that she cannot crawl out from under the plastic surgeon’s knife. And it would seem that all this should hit the actress’s pride and undermine her authority. But that was not the case, Jennifer knows herself, she long ago realized that the right lifestyle makes it possible to live beautifully and work fruitfully.

As for plastic surgery, the actress says that her body is a gift of nature, which she constantly works on. After all, a gift is a gift, but over the years it can disappear. Therefore, physical activity and diet are the basis of her beautiful body. With a height of 167 cm, Jennifer Lopez weighs only 56 kg, while her hips are 96 cm and her waist is 58 cm. This is an ideal figure.

Jennifer Lopez and her diet

The actress herself does not focus on different diets. She claims that she eats the same as any normal person. It is important for her that nutrition is balanced and correct. Of course, at one time Lopez tried many Hollywood diets, but quickly abandoned them. She realized that she did not want to look like Hollywood starlets, because she was completely satisfied with her own body shape.

And yet, Jennifer Lopez sometimes does not ignore diets, because her touring life requires keeping her body in good condition and in good shape. Here are some diets from Jennifer Lopez.

This diet is called the “concert” diet:

  • For breakfast in the morning, the actress usually drinks a glass of water or cocoa. Adds one fruit (apple, orange) to the diet.
  • For lunch, only 200 grams of cottage cheese and the same amount of fruit.
  • But for dinner she can afford 200 g of fish or chicken and 300 g of vegetables.
  • Between meals, Jennifer allows her to eat some dried fruit.
  • And before bed, be sure to have low-fat yogurt.

Jennifer Lopez follows this diet for two days before a concert. According to her, after eating this way she looks refreshed.

In 2008, Lopez gave birth to two twins, which affected her figure. Many spiteful critics rejoiced, but it was not to be. The American did not relax; she spent an hour every day in the gym under the supervision of an experienced instructor, six days a week. And at the same time she went on a diet.

It was a low-calorie diet that was famous throughout Hollywood. Its name is Freshology. This is a regular diet of five meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as two snacks in between. The main requirement is to consume 1200-1400 calories per day. Just a couple of months, and 20 kg away.

What is the essence of J.Lo's diet? Firstly, we had to divide the entire period into two stages, where the first stage is rapid weight loss, the second is stabilization of weight and shape. At the first stage, the actress had to give up all fatty foods, sugar (completely), salt and spices. Alcohol and fruit were also prohibited. She ate only vegetables and fish, sometimes chicken breast appeared on the menu. Drinks include only tea and coffee, and all without sugar. A very strict diet that lasted two weeks.

At the second stage, it is allowed to gradually introduce foods rich in carbohydrates into the diet. Fruits are also included here. The most important thing is to correctly distribute the products you add over the weeks. For example, in the first week there was an apple, in the second another apple and a slice of whole grain bread, in the third there were berries, melon and legumes. And all this in minimal quantities. The second stage lasted a month.

And the consolidating stage of Jennifer Lopez’s diet is an increase in food intake with the addition of various foods. For example, you can already eat chocolate, drink a little wine, and so on. But don’t relax, overdoing it can lead to all your efforts going in vain.

These are the diets followed by Jennifer Lopez, who at her age conquers huge stages, attracting people with her talent and magnificent figure. Don't forget that J. Lo constantly plays sports, dances and gets massages.

Even the richest and most famous Hollywood stars strive for ideal forms, strictly monitor their diet, neglecting momentary weaknesses for the sake of long-term results. Many people believe that money and great opportunities solve all the problems of stars and help them always look perfect and stunning. But celebrities are also capable of temptation and often gain extra pounds, the main thing is to know how to deal with them. Sultry Latina Jennifer Lopez can serve as an example of elegant, chiseled forms. According to the singer herself, she is naturally inclined to be overweight and constantly suffers from the pounds she has gained.

What helped the Hollywood actress lose weight?

Jennifer Lopez strictly adheres to an hourly diet and physical activity. A healthy lifestyle has more than once saved the singer from extra centimeters; for example, after giving birth, the singer lost 18 kilograms.

Jennifer Lopez parameters

  • Height: 167 cm.
  • Weight: 55 kg.
  • Waist: 58 cm.
  • Hips: 96 cm.

Any 20-year-old girl can envy Lopez’s parameters, despite the fact that the actress herself is already 46 years old.

How did the Hollywood diva lose weight?

All her life the singer has been struggling with excess weight, attracting everyone to a healthy lifestyle. For example, on her Instagram page, J.Lo launched a new project #BeTheGirl Challenge, in which the girl, under her leadership, conducted a 10-day beauty and wellness course for everyone.
To lose weight, the actress, under the guidance of professional trainers and nutritionists, created her own training and nutrition system. Jennifer Lopez does not count calories, but monitors the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. No snacking on the run! The singer always carries healthy foods in her purse: fruits, nuts, vegetables.

Lopez diet “how to tone your body in the shortest possible time”
The actress rarely resorts to strict diets, doing this exclusively before tours in order to quickly tone herself up.

The actress's quick diet looks like this:

  1. For breakfast - a glass of water with lemon or coffee with cinnamon.
  2. Lunch - 250 grams of cottage cheese with fruit or vegetable salad.
  3. For a snack, Jennifer Lopez prefers fruits or berries.
  4. Dinner – 200 grams of lean meat (chicken or turkey) or fish, baked in the oven.
  5. Low-fat kefir or yogurt is allowed before bed.

Lopez follows this diet for 2-3 days before a performance.
“I don’t try to limit myself in everything, because I’m not a robot, but a human, and I don’t strive to become a skinny starlet. The ideal form is harmony between the outside and the inside.”
In 2016, a successful singer uses the services of a nutritionist to lose weight and eats 5 meals a day in small portions. To lose a couple of kilograms, she limits the consumption of fatty Cuban dishes, which appear in the singer’s refrigerator every now and then.

Training and sports Jennifer Lopez.

Lopez constantly visits the fitness club, does aerobics and strength training. Once a week, the singer works with a trainer, combining cardio and strength training.

Jennifer Lopez is a fierce opponent of plastic surgery. “I’m used to fighting myself and my shortcomings - on my own! “My body is a gift of nature,” said the star.
In 2016, Jennifer Lopez is a highly paid actress and singer, a good, caring mother and simply a beautiful woman. A healthy lifestyle and the absence of bad habits helped Lopez get rid of the hated pounds and achieve ideal shape.

Jennifer Lopez's weight loss technique

Diet Jennifer Lopez is a combination of several techniques that help the singer in emergency situations. When J. Lo needs to lose a few pounds and tone her body, the singer uses a concert diet.

Diet Jennifer Lopez lasts 2-3 days and relieves the singer of 3 extra pounds, removes all excess liquid.

Jennifer Lopez diet menu:

Breakfast: a glass of water after waking up, then a cup of cocoa without sugar, an apple or orange.

Dinner: 200g low-fat cottage cheese, 200g melon or other fruits.

Dinner: 200g boiled chicken breast or fish with a side dish of 300g vegetables.

Second breakfast and afternoon snack include dried fruits, and before bed you can eat some low-fat yogurt.

Jennifer Lopez's diet: the star's daily diet

As J.Lo herself says, it is not a diet that helps her stay in shape, but a properly formed diet for every day. Diet is just a way to spur the body to burn fat. Also, the actress and singer does not forget to play sports. We present to your attention the diet plan of Jennife Lopez, which helped the star lose weight after giving birth.

· Breakfast: oatmeal cooked with milk and fruit. Porridge can be replaced with cottage cheese.

· Lunch: yogurt with muesli in a ratio of 200:150.

· Dinner: turkey cutlets with shrimp salad, or baked tenderloin with vegetables. Sometimes pancakes with cheese.

· Afternoon snack: milkshake and fruit (apple or orange).

· Dinner: meat with broccoli and mushrooms, or fish with rice, or oysters.

· Before bed low-fat yogurt.

Jennifer Lopez has a real sweet tooth, so she created a special sweet diet, in which you can eat 100 g of chocolate bars with coffee or tea without sugar for several days. This will help avoid breakdowns.