Arkady Kobyakov what happened to him. What did Arkady Kobyakov die from: the singer’s difficult life

Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich is a Russian singer with a complex, but at the same time interesting fate. Kobyakov’s work consists of songs in the “chanson” genre, telling about the difficult wanderings of Russian prisoners, love and spiritual values ​​of modern man.

Arkady Kobyakov's childhood and adolescence

The famous chansonnier was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 2, 1976. His father, Oleg Glebovich, held the position of senior mechanic at a motor depot. Mother - Tatyana Yuryevna, worked at a factory for the production of children's toys.

While still a kindergarten student, Kobyakov showed excellent singing abilities, which was brought to the attention of his parents by the teacher. The grandmother also insisted on the need for musical education, and by the age of six the boy was sent to the city choir, in the piano department.

It is not known for certain what turned the singer’s life onto a thorny path, and why he became a criminal Kobyakov Arkady biography. Family,wife and children, biography which are hidden from journalists, also refuse to shed light on this issue. Perhaps the reason was Kobyakov’s mother, who left her family for another man when the chansonnier was still just a boy. It is also known that the woman no longer took part in her son’s life.

One way or another, at the age of 14, Arkady received his first conviction for theft, after which he went to prison for three and a half years. Half a year before the singer’s release, in car accident his father dies. This situation further strengthens in Arkady’s soul hatred towards his own mother, who left them with their father.

Creativity of Kobyakov Arkady

« I know that there is no forgiveness for me, but I still desperately ask." - A.O. Kobyakov.

In subsequent years, Kobyakov served prison sentences three more times:

  1. In 1996 - robbery, 6.5 years.
  2. In 2002 - fraud, 4 years.
  3. In 2008 - fraud, 5 years.

However, despite everything, Arkady Koyabkov was engaged in creative activities both while serving his sentences and while free. In the zone he recorded more than 80 tracks and many video clips for them. The following songs are recognized as the most popular among fans:

  • “And you are like ice.”
  • "It's all behind us."
  • “And it’s night over the camp.”
  • "I will throw the world at your feet."
  • "Thousands of Planets"
  • "I'm just a passerby."
  • “Hello mom.”
  • “I’ll leave at dawn.”
  • "Breeze".
  • “Oh, if only I knew.”

Returning from his last imprisonment, Kobyakov devoted himself entirely to creativity and family. However, in 2015, in the early morning of September 19, the singer died in his own apartment. The cause of death was internal bleeding caused by a stomach ulcer.

Kobyakov Arkady - personal life

Kobyakov was a very open person. In order to find out about his fate, creative quests and numerous arrests, you just need to open a search engine and type into your browser - Kobyakov Arkady biography. Family, wife and children, photo family ones do not differ in such transparency. What is known for certain is that in 2006 Arkady married Irina Tukhbaeva, who in 2008 gave birth to his son, Arseny.

It should be noted that Kobyakov loved his wife dearly. In his work, such a warm feeling also left its mark in the songs dedicated to Irina.

There are truly naturally talented people who write songs from the heart. Such famous singers include Arkady Kobyakov. His biography reveals the difficult fate of a man who has seen a lot in his life. All fans of his work will be interested to know the cause of death of the talented performer.


Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich is a talented singer who writes songs and poems, as well as music. He performed his songs in the style of chanson himself with a guitar. All his work was connected with his life, most of which was lived under arrest. However, he composed songs about love, spiritual values, and difficult characters of people.

The singer was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 2, 1976. My father worked at the auto market selling cars, and my mother worked at a toy factory. Arkady developed a love for singing since childhood, which influenced his biography. The kindergarten teacher immediately noticed that the child had a talent for music and singing. It was my grandmother who firmly insisted on singing in the choir. A six-year-old boy was sent to learn to play the piano.


Arkady was not so active as a mischievous boy. Apparently, the boy did not pay attention to his mother, which led to his zeal for street life. Arkady's mother left the family for another man and did not care for the child. Unfortunately, even his love of singing and studies could not stop him from spending time with suspicious friends and delinquents.

Children's colony

As a 14-year-old boy, Arkady embarks on a bad path and ends up in a children's colony for three and a half years for theft. However, Arkady does not give up his studies and begins to compose songs. At the age of 17 he learns about the death of his father, who dies in terrible accident. 6 months before leaving the colony, he learns that his mother has also passed away.

His new song “Hello, Mom” appears.

And again prison

The singer sat last time. After leaving the colony, he strives for a new one, right life. With this thought, he enters the Philharmonic, but does not complete his studies. His bad past comes back to him again.

If he had relatives, maybe they could stop him and save him from prison life. But Arkady had only friends who were prisoners, with whom he committed the robbery.

Therefore, 1996 brought him an arrest for six and a half years in a bunk. In two thousand and two he was released again. But, so far, a bright streak has not appeared in life. He soon went to prison with a four-year sentence for fraud.

Meeting Irina

In the year 2006, Arkady is released from prison again. Personal life changes dramatically during this period of time. He meets Irina Tukhbaeva. They meet at a party where Arkady performs his songs. Ira was not discouraged by her beloved’s criminal past. The courtship did not last long, they soon got married.

Children also appeared immediately after the wedding. The wife gave birth to a son in 2008, who was named Arseny. Arkady showed himself to be an excellent parent, and tried to spend all his time with the family. From the words of his comrades it is clear that he loved his wife and child very much.

But, despite the fact that Arkady valued his family, she could not keep him from committing new incidents. And soon he is convicted of fraud and sentenced to five years in the camps. Finding himself under arrest again, he understands how important it is to be with his family.

Creativity in the life of Kobyakov

Since Arkady spent a lot of time behind bars, it is interesting to know when he had time to engage in creativity. However, he had enough time for creativity both in the camps and in freedom. IN personal diary he wrote that creativity saved him from life behind bars.

He began to engage in creativity from the time when he was in the colony as a child. Therefore, his main listeners are guards and prisoners. Directly behind bars, Arkady wrote over 80 songs. Songs that most people know:

  • “And you are like ice.”
  • "I will throw the world at your feet."
  • “And it’s night over the camp.
  • “I’ll leave at dawn.”
  • “Oh, when would I know.”

While under arrest in the camps, he even made videos. Arkady sings many times in authoritative circles. He refuses sponsorship because he does not want to realize his spiritual creativity for money. In the eleventh year, together with Yuri Kost, he performs in the zone, and is also preparing to release the album “Prisoner Soul”. 2 years later he performs at the Butyrka club.

Long-awaited freedom

He leaves prison in 1913 and moves with his family to Podolsk. Creative activity does not end even after moving, as he shows his creativity at parties and group events.

There's enough large number information about creative activity, being in prison, about life. You don’t often see photos with your family on the World Wide Web. Arkady did not think that his family needed to be shown to the general public. He didn’t like to be photographed, because he believed that his creativity was a purely personal activity, into which he invested a part of himself.

Death of Kobyakov

The date of death of the talented singer is September 19, 2015. The cause of death was determined by doctors by anatomy - a stomach ulcer with bleeding. For the family and many admirers of his work, the illness did not come as a surprise. So, out of thirty-nine years, he spent nineteen behind bars. As you know, food in prison is bad.

Arkady's health could have deteriorated precisely because of poor nutrition. Staying in a colony, and specifically in a punishment cell, where he ended up for expressing insolence towards an observer, could have undermined his health. The disease could only intensify and lead to a logical conclusion. The famous singer died in at a young age 39 years old.

The farewell to the idol took place in the funeral hall of Podolsk. The funeral took place in his hometown by the decision of his beloved wife Irina. The singer's grave at the municipal cemetery.

Irina Tukhbaeva, known as wife of a chanson performer Arkady Kobyakov. The singer died on September 19, 2015, presumably from a disease of the gastrointestinal tract at the age of 39 years.

There is little information about his wife, now a widow.

Arkady Olegovich did his best to protect his personal life and family from the attention of journalists.

It is known that Irina was born in February. There is a video from family archive, where the performer wishes his wife a happy birthday on Valentine's Day.

Presumably, the birthday has already passed in the near future. Most likely, Tukhbaev’s zodiac sign is Aquarius. People of this sign are sensitive, trusting and friendly. Close people are chosen for life. Next to them there are many creative and sometimes not entirely balanced people.

Aquarians are overly curious and can be obsessive. They do not change their minds, and if they decide to take revenge, they will stop at nothing.

The Aquarius woman is characterized by an unusual manner of dressing. You won't get bored with her. She always knows how to cheer you up and get you out of depression and sadness. This is a hard-working and independent nature.

Irina Tukhbaeva was only wife Arkady Kobyakov. The singer met future wife in 2006. He had just been released from prison and, at the invitation of the organizers of one of the parties in the city, agreed to perform his compositions.

At that time, the singer was just beginning to gain popularity. But he was already known in narrow circles. It was at that legendary party for the couple that Irina and Arkady met.

As they themselves confirmed more than once, it was mutual love at first sight.

The young people began dating, and a few months after they met, Arkady proposed to Irina to become his wife. The girl was not afraid of her lover’s criminal past, and she agreed.

It is unknown where Irina is from, except for the fact that she citizen of the Russian Federation. It is also not known whether relatives from the bride’s side were present at the wedding and who specifically.

Relatives and friends of the family did not talk about the life of the performer and his wife, but they saw them together quite often.

After some time, the couple started thinking about procreation. And a very short period after the wedding, the couple’s first child is born. Unfortunately, this is the only child of Arkady Kobyakov. The son was born in 2008 and he was named Arseny. Currently child about 10 years old and he attends school.

Presumably, after the funeral, the Kobyakov family, a widow and a child, live either in Podolsk (the performer lived in the city with his relatives for a short time before his death) or in Nizhny Novgorod, where the singer is buried (this city is the historical homeland where Arkady spent his childhood and adolescence) .

Friends and acquaintances spoke warmly about Irina and said that the couple was happy together. Irina supported her husband in everything, and, despite the last prison sentence, she remained faithful to her husband. There are many songs dedicated to this woman, which confirm Irina’s devotion, including in correspondence.

Available photographs from the boarding school confirm how much Arkady Kobyakov loved his wife. In almost all the photos, he looks at Irina with an enthusiastic, loving look and hugs her.

As the performer has repeatedly said, the hardest time in prison It was not a lack of freedom, but an inability to communicate with family and raise a son. Although, neither his wife nor Arseny stopped the singer from taking the next step, which led to the zone.

After the death of Arkady Kobyakov, Irina Tukhbaeva and her son finally disappeared. The woman's last public appearance was at her husband's funeral. But even during this period, Irina was so heartbroken that she could not communicate with anyone.

It is possible that the wife did not make an official declaration of death Arkady, and served as the reason for numerous versions of the singer’s death.

One of which stated that criminal background the performer would not leave him alone and in order to protect himself and his family, he faked his death and changed his place of residence, leaving for another country. This version was confirmed by the fact that Irina did not disclose the details of not only her death, but also the funeral procession.

For a long time it was not known where the singer's body will rest and how fans can say goodbye to him.

What is your wife doing now? famous singer not known. But perhaps as his son grows up, Kobyakov’s talent will be passed on to him, and then fans will still They will hear the famous name more than once. And perhaps then fans will learn more about the performer’s beloved woman, to whom a huge number of Arkady Kobyakov’s songs were dedicated.

The famous chansonnier Arkady Kobyakov did not live long. He died of a hemorrhage caused by a stomach ulcer in 2015 at the age of 39. Arkady spent most of his life in prison, but managed to write many songs.

Arkady Kobyakov - author and performer of songs in the chanson genre, loving husband and my father passed away at an amazingly early age. Many fans of his work are still perplexed as to how such a death could have been allowed to happen in 2015. However, for those who knew the singer closely, the death of Arkady Kobyakov did not come as a surprise. Why, to a certain extent, wealthy and famous person died as a result of a fairly common and treatable disease, and what in his life led to this diagnosis?

When did Arkady die?

The date of death of the famous chansonnier is considered to be September 19, 2015. This happened in the morning in the singer’s own apartment in the city of Podolsk, where he lived with his wife and son. Official reason Death was determined after an autopsy to be internal bleeding. Bleeding began as a result of a stomach ulcer, which Arkady suffered from for a long time. many years. At the time of his sudden and very unexpected death, the singer was only 39 years old.

The funeral of Arkady Kobyakov, at the insistence of his wife Irina, took place in the city where he was born and raised - in Nizhny Novgorod. Although the farewell ceremony for the singer took place in Podolsk, where he lived in recent years. Why did it happen that at the peak successful career, at the moment when the difficult and dark past finally gave way to a happy and fulfilling present, this still young artist passed away? Many fans of the singer’s work still cannot believe this tragedy. Just as the artist’s family probably can’t believe it either.

The childhood of Arkady Kobyakov

Kobyakov’s biography is full of events, but, unfortunately, not of a positive nature. This man had to go through many trials before earning quiet happiness for himself. family life. Why did finding a family become the highest point of well-being for Arkady Kobyakov? The fact is that the singer’s childhood could not be called full and happy.

The early childhood of a boy born in 1976 ordinary family The workers, however, were quite prosperous. Parents were forced to work constantly, so from a very young age, Arkasha was raised by her grandmother. She instilled in him a love of art, and most importantly, music. Therefore, already in kindergarten The teachers singled out the boy and strongly advised the parents to continue their son’s education in the musical direction.

At the age of 6, Arkady became a student of the prestigious boys' choir in Nizhny Novgorod (then Gorky). Music education Thanks to his innate talent, it was easy for Arkady. But the boy always had problems with behavior. He was prone to aggression, outright disobedience and simply hooligan and dangerous antics. Perhaps this constant craving for demonstrating protest against everything was the result of his mother leaving the family. She chose to leave for another man, leaving her son in the care of his father and grandmother. Of course, in a gentle and unstable adolescence Such turning points in the family, the main support of any person, can lead to fatal consequences.

Tragic events

Arkady spent more and more time on the street. His social circle could not be called well-mannered and intelligent. Small boyish pranks grew into real robbery. As a result, at the age of 14, Arkady ends up in a children's correctional colony for theft. For three and a half years, the boy grew up under the supervision of guards in the company of juvenile criminals just like him. In the colony he continued to receive secondary education. It was there, behind bars, that I felt the desire to engage in creativity - writing poetry and songs. The first lines, which later became the text of one of the most popular and beloved songs by many, “Hello, Mom,” were written in the colony.

Creativity became salvation for Arkady, an opportunity for contact with loved ones. After all, while in prison, the boy learns about the death of his father and mother.

News about tragic death Arkady Kobyakov receives his parents in an accident on the Arzamas highway a few days before his release. It’s hard to imagine what the future singer experienced, having lived for more than three long years in anticipation of meeting his family, and learning that he would never have the chance to see them again. Cruel fate deprived the young man of the opportunity to even accompany them on their final journey.

That genuine sincerity and pain that shines through the text of Kobyakov’s first song is truly an attempt to pour out his tragedy on paper.

Repeated imprisonments

In 1993, Arkady was released, full of intentions to continue his musical studies, find a job and live as a law-abiding person. He actually enters the Mstislav Rostropovich Academic Philharmonic and continues his piano studies.

However, soon the law-abiding attitude leaves young man. One should not be surprised at this situation, because Arkady is surrounded only by friends with a criminal past, the connection with whom is much closer and closer than with new classmates. Parents and relatives who could protect the guy from fatal mistakes, alas, are no longer around.

In 1996, Kobyakov again went to jail for robbery. The sentence he is given is already substantial - six and a half years. Subsequently, life behind the fence of places of detention will be inextricably linked in Kobyakov’s life with creativity. After all, most of its very short life this singer spent time in prison.

Almost immediately upon his release from prison in 2002, Arkady earns another 4-year sentence for fraud. In 2008, he was again convicted under the same article for 5 years.

It was during his third term that Arkady began to be very actively involved in creativity. The first popularity comes to him. He even, while in prison, records an album and shoots video clips for the most popular songs.

Wife Irina

So, in 2006, Arkady Kobyakov was released as an artist of the chanson genre, already popular in certain circles. Of course, the main admirers of his work were people with a criminal past, gangster bosses and former prisoners. But such specific popularity helped Arkady quickly find his niche in show business. And finally, arrange your personal life. He began to actively speak at criminal gatherings, corporate parties and other events.

At one of these evenings, Arkady met his future wife Irina. The romance was stormy, and very soon both realized that they could not live without each other. Irina was not at all deterred by her chosen one’s difficult past. Therefore, she agreed to his proposal of marriage without hesitation.

Already in 2008, Arkady and Irina became happy parents. The son was named Arseny. But the joy of fatherhood did not last long for Arkady. In the same year he was sentenced to 5 years. This term was his last and most difficult. According to the testimony of many of Arkady's friends, and according to photo together him and his family, it is clear that for him they were the meaning of life and its main value. Separation from his beloved wife and little long-awaited son became a real blow for the artist. Perhaps it was during this most difficult test for Arkady that the illness developed, which ultimately resulted in the death of the singer.

Kobyakov's creativity

The creative path of Arkady Kobyakov was short-lived, but bright and original. His songs always felt sincerity, genuineness, and truth. This must be what distinguishes true talent - the ability to express in creativity all human feelings, all the ugly truth and the pain of personally experienced events.

As the singer himself admitted more than once, it was songwriting that helped him survive the harsh everyday reality of prison. After all, it was while behind bars that he wrote more than 80 texts, many of which became hits that are still popular today. Fans of the chanson genre know and love Arkady Kobyakov’s songs “And it’s night over the camp”, “Oh, when only I knew”, “I’ll leave at dawn” and, of course, the first piercing “Hello, Mom”.

Three years after the singer's death, videos of his live performances remain popular. His songs continue to be performed. Their sound will make it possible to prolong such a short creative path a person who, having barely begun to truly live, went to heaven.

The biography and personal life of this chanson performer who passed away early are shrouded in mystery - it is not known for certain whether Arkady Kobyakov’s wife actually existed, or whether she, like some facts of his life, is only a fiction, composed by those who tried to create a certain image of the singer. And Arkady Kobyakov’s children most likely do not exist, at least, no information is provided anywhere about their existence.

Arkady was born in Nizhny Novgorod, then still the city of Gorky, in June 1976 in the family of a car depot worker. His mother also worked in production, and his grandmother was mainly involved in raising the boy.

Arkady's vocal abilities manifested themselves early - in kindergarten, teachers immediately drew attention to this and included Arkasha Kobyakov's performances in matinees and concerts.

According to one version, at the age of six he began to learn to play the piano, but it is not known how long this training lasted.

At school, Arkady did not show much interest in studying; he was more interested in having fun with friends. According to one of the legends composed about early biography chanson performer, Kobyakov’s mother left the family, abandoning her son to his father and grandmother, and according to another, his parents died in car accident, but it’s difficult to say what actually happened in Arkady’s personal life during that period.

The lack of parental attention and proper upbringing, as well as the influence of the street, led to the fact that at the age of fourteen Arkady Kobyakov ended up in a children's colony near Ardatov, where he spent three and a half years.

He started composing songs back in school years, did not give up this activity in the colony, where he wrote one of his most piercing songs, “Hello, Mom.” The song turned out to be so soulful and melodic that its first listeners immediately liked it.

They say that upon being released, Arkady Kobyakov decided to start his biography anew, and entered the Academy. Rostropovich, but whether this actually happened is again unknown for certain.

Kobyakov remained free for only two and a half years and went to prison again, this time not for theft, as the first time, but for robbery, receiving a longer sentence - six and a half years.

But this was not the last sentence received by the chanson performer - he went to prison two more times, where he spent another nine years, and all this time he continued to compose songs. For the third time, Kobyakov served his sentence in the Yuzhny camp, and during his four years there he recorded more than a dozen songs.

The work of the prison musician attracted the attention not only of his fellow inmates, but also of other music lovers in the “chanson” genre. After his release in 2006, Arkady continued creative activity, began performing in restaurants, at corporate events, and everywhere his performances enjoyed constant success.

In 2011, the first album with Arkady’s songs, “Prisoner’s Soul,” was released, followed by four more. After his last term, which ended in 2013, and from prison, Kobyakov emerged as a well-known performer of criminal and prison songs.

He continued to work in restaurants, gave solo concert in the capital's club "Butyrka". In addition, Arkady went on tour, and his songs were played on the radio.

Considering that Kobyakov spent most of his life behind bars, he was unable to arrange his personal life. In some online publications you can find information that the singer got married, and Arkady Kobyakov’s wife was a certain Irina Tukhbaeva. However, the performer’s concert director claims that no wife, much less children, of Arkady Kobyakov ever existed.

During his short life, this famous chanson performer managed to record over eighty compositions. In 2014, Arkady Kobyakov began collaborating with the company “Gold of Chanson”, which helped him re-release his already known songs, record new ones, and shoot several videos.

With his concerts, the singer visited more than a hundred Russian cities, performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Kobyakov died on September 19, 2015 due to bleeding caused by an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer - this was the official conclusion of the doctors. Recent years Arkady lived in his apartment in Podolsk, where his body was found. The police began an investigation into the causes of this tragic incident, but no criminality was found in the singer's death.

After Kobyakov’s death, rumors appeared that he was alive, and that death was just a staged act arranged by Arkady himself in order to disappear from view certain people. Arkady Kobyakov was buried in his small homeland, Nizhny Novgorod.