Why are archers so cruel? Sagittarius - Fate, love, sex, marriage, health, characteristics

Venus determines the type of emotions that a person will show in a love relationship. Much depends on what zodiac constellation the planet was in at the time of birth.

About women

Venus in Aries in a woman indicates that throughout his life a person will exhibit such qualities as stubbornness, uncompromisingness, masculinity, and at times even conflict. A woman with this position of the planets will not be able to tolerate patronage; she will constantly compete with men in all spheres of life. She lacks gentleness and the ability to get around sharp corners. The partner must respect her independence, tolerate her emotional instability and desire to be first in everything.

Venus position in Taurus reveals the qualities of the planet the best way. A woman born under such influence has beauty, charm, nobility, and good taste. She is able to create an atmosphere of love and complete mutual understanding in the family. An excellent housewife, she will be able to create comfort in the house and surround those around her with warmth, care and attention. A woman with Venus in Taurus knows how to appreciate pleasures that bring physical satisfaction, for example, good food or sex.

Venus in Gemini makes the fair sex easy to communicate with. She interesting conversationalist, trusted friend. She needs to be constantly aware latest events. Such a woman often gets carried away easily, quickly changes the objects of her affection, from which she often suffers. When choosing a partner, she cares least about him social status or income level. A person with Venus in Gemini has the ability to find mutual language with any person, knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations.

Venus in Cancer makes a person emotional and sensitive. Such a woman is able to feel even the smallest changes in her partner’s relationships and mood. She is able to envelop loved ones with love, warmth and care. This type of personality has innate femininity, sensitivity and impressionability. A person under such influence of Venus experiences a great attachment to nature, children, he constantly needs to take care of someone. Thanks to his rich imagination, he can realize himself in creativity.

Venus in Leo will force the fair sex to live by feelings, strive for fame and recognition. She needs to openly show her feelings so that others can appreciate them and show admiration. She values ​​comfort and luxury, so she surrounds herself with expensive things that often emphasize her status. Despite her passion, she rarely loses her head in love, since she is able to control all emotional manifestations. She loves to flirt, while constantly thinking about how she looks from the outside.

Venus in Virgo allows a woman to combine the qualities of a wonderful housewife and an intellectual. She is an interesting, erudite conversationalist, a reliable friend. At the same time, such a person has difficulty showing emotions, since he is always reserved, somewhat cold and calculating. Emotions are seen by him as something unworthy; only weak, stupid people show them. The standard of beauty for this type of personality is cleanliness, neatness and perfection of lines.

Venus in Libra endows a person with excellent taste, the ability to unite different people in one company, the ability to carry on a conversation on any topic. This woman lacks practicality in everyday life, but she knows how to smooth things out. conflict situations, resolve disputes and create a friendly atmosphere around you. She is sociable, ambitious, appreciates art, and often becomes a regular at bohemian circles.

There is a lot of passion, extreme, secrets in love to be revealed if the natal chart contains Venus in Scorpio in a woman; Vasilisa Volodina is characterized by this type of personality as amorous, demanding of her partner, constantly striving for variety. Sex for such a woman is a source of constant pleasure, to which she constantly resorts, achieving skillful mastery in it. Venus in Scorpio imparts devotion, so such a person will never cheat on his partner.

Venus in Sagittarius in a woman, it gives the latter great social activity, leadership qualities, striving for ideal. Such a person is constantly on the move, wanting to benefit the people around him. It is important for a woman with this position of Venus to constantly have like-minded people. She does not pay attention to physical beauty, she is fascinated by spiritual qualities that can help unite people.

Venus in Capricorn gives a woman responsibility, punctuality and determination. She is full of ambitions and best realizes them in her career. She is not without self-criticism, she is hardworking, therefore she often achieves the tasks she sets for herself. Such women are in a constant process of self-improvement. They value stability and have a practical mindset, which does not prevent them from enjoying the spiritual and cultural achievements of humanity.

Venus in Aquarius in a woman, it makes the fair sex a freedom-loving rebel who cannot tolerate any pressure. Frameworks, restrictions, monotony make the life of such a person unbearable. He strives to destroy patterns, move away from traditions and create his own value system. Such a woman does not understand those who are trying to find happiness in family and children. Love for such a person is, first of all, friendship, based on mutual respect as equal partners with the same values. She is attracted to everything new, unusual, extravagant.

Venus in Pisces gives the fairer sex complete freedom of expression. This creative person, capable of penetrating the secrets of the universe. She is full of love for others and is ready to sacrifice herself. Such a person is characterized by romance, sensitivity, and kindness. At the same time, a woman of this type is often simple and even shy. She expresses herself through creativity, she is fascinated by everything mysterious connected with the life of the spirit. A person with Venus in Pisces can easily endure loneliness, but despite this he strives to create strong romantic relationships.

About men

If Venus is in Aries, a person will enjoy overcoming difficulties in relationships throughout his life. It is difficult for him to put up with monotony, so he will seek passion, adventure and constant confrontation. Such a man will choose a self-confident, passionate, sexual partner who can constantly maintain his interest in her. Monotony frightens such people, so the measured course of life is not for them.

With Venus in Taurus a man develops a refined taste and the ability to appreciate beauty. He is attracted to beautiful well-groomed women who take care of themselves in all situations. However, at the same time, his partner must have intellectual qualities, be able to run a household and maintain a conversation. Such a man surrounds his beloved with care and attention. He is constancy and will not give reason to suspect him of infidelity.

Venus in Gemini in a man will indicate his sociability, cheerfulness and emotionality. He values ​​freedom in relationships, so any attempts on the part of the chosen one to limit him will lead to the escape of such a man. To attract him, a woman must be smart, have many hobbies, be liked by others, and have a good sense of humor. In a relationship, such a person will value ease.

Venus in Cancer in a man it is manifested by external gentleness, non-aggressive behavior, and naivety. His dream partner is a devoted and understanding woman who will understand his sensitive, vulnerable soul. This type of man is secretive in expressing his emotions; he needs guardianship, participation, care and attention. His chosen one should be like his mother. She will have to endure his changeable mood and excessive touchiness. At the same time, she must not only be sensitive, subtle person, but differ in practicality and thriftiness.

Venus in Leo in a man it gives a person a great sense of self-esteem, so he will dream of a perfect woman. At the same time, he expects that the chosen one will constantly admire him, pay tribute to his human qualities, as well as achievements in life. The partner of such a person should have pride, nobility, and passion. He adores luxury, beauty, and appreciates carnal pleasures. He will never tolerate a woman who will hurt his pride.

If Venus is in Virgo in a man, then one should expect perfectionism from him in all areas of life. He is picky in relationships and knows how to restrain his emotions. He will be attracted to an educated woman, wise woman with an active life position. A person with such influence of Venus is distinguished by discipline and concentration, and he will demand the same from his chosen one. She must be purposeful, active, active. He will be put off by a frivolous, flighty lady who dreams of a carefree, idle life.

Venus in Libra in a man it makes the guy romantic and sensitive. For him, a girl’s appearance, her tenderness and femininity are important. He likes to admire himself, he enjoys harmony, so he tries to bring it into his personal life. He will not be able to live with an eccentric, fickle nature that seeks to compete with men. His chosen one will have to constantly make compromises, because this type of man does not tolerate any contradictions. If she manages to adapt to him, then she will find a reliable friend and an inventive lover in one person.

Man with Venus in Scorpio has passion and a strong temperament, so he will look for a woman similar to him. He is jealous, possessive by nature, and he himself will not tolerate any manifestations of jealousy. However, his chosen one should not worry, since this type of man is faithful, despite the fact that many women may like him.

Venus in Sagittarius makes a man active and thirsty for adventure. She gives him a good sense of humor and optimism. However, it is characterized by inconstancy. He will like a woman who does not sit still, always strives to learn something new, and is distinguished by her sincerity and audacity. He loves freedom, he likes life without obligations, so it will be difficult to build a family and strong relationships with such a representative of the stronger sex.

Venus in Capricorn in a man it gives him practicality. He pays attention to reliable women who have clear goals and know what they want from life. For such a man, the social status of the chosen one is important, her financial position. He will not like a flighty person, but will only be attracted to a wise woman. He does not tolerate competition, so his partner will always remain in the shadows. Her role in the family is to help and support her man in any matter.

Venus in Aquarius makes a man freedom-loving. Independence for him is the key to happiness. Often such representatives of the stronger sex remain bachelors for a long time. He will be attracted to an unusual woman who is confident in herself, does not try to change him and does not show much emotion. He likes closed ladies because he likes to solve mysteries in relationships.

Venus in Pisces in a man it makes him sensitive and vulnerable. It is difficult for him to come to terms with cruel reality, so he tries to escape into the world of illusion and dreams. In a relationship, the main thing for him is not the sensual side, but the tenderness of his partner. A woman will have to sacrifice a lot in order to be close to a man under such influence of Venus. Often he falls in love with those who are inaccessible to him, which gives rise to suffering. Often he demands unconditional fidelity from his partner, while he himself cannot maintain it.

Venus in the horoscope

Venus determines the owner’s ability to love, to experience his feelings within himself, as well as the style and way of expressing his feelings externally and, of course, to his loved one.

Venus in a person’s horoscope is also responsible for the preferred style of clothing, favorite colors, in general for a person’s tastes and his love for aesthetics and comfort.

Visiting gloomy Saturn

Venus in Capricorn, ruled by the strict and harsh Saturn, leaves a corresponding imprint on the sensual sphere of the owner of Venus. Such people outwardly often look serious and unapproachable.

The attitude towards issues of love is very responsible, serious and thoughtful. They tend to control their feelings, subordinate them to reason and analyze how worthy the chosen object is of their love. They may be afraid of the very possibility of falling in love, so they constantly try to keep their nascent feelings under control and use their minds to cool their manifestations. They need time for the feelings to strengthen and confidence that the subject who caused them will be able to accept them, appreciate that they will not cause his negative reaction: a grin or rejection.

They tend to dutifully and leisurely choose a partner whom they could love and for good reason: they take this choice too seriously and want to choose a good candidate for long years. They carefully consider the candidate, his ability to be faithful, reliable, and often his social, material level and career prospects.

Venus in Capricorn: behavior in love

The owner of Venus in Capricorn has an amazing ability to demonstrate coldness and inaccessibility even to the subject he likes, which can often alienate the latter and instill in him the consciousness of his own uselessness.

The owner of Venus in Capricorn manages to express his love, especially in the initial stages, with great difficulty. It’s as if something is holding him back and preventing him from venting outward that passion and that all-consuming love that has awakened in him and is secretly hiding inside.

Emerging feelings arise and mature inside for a long time, unnoticed by the object of desire, before the owner of Venus in Capricorn decides to sort things out and take steps to get closer. But there is also a positive fact: feelings are stable and only intensify over time.

Venus in Capricorn gives its owner certain ideas about the rules of behavior in love - severity, fidelity, dignity and other internal attitudes. Any actions of the beloved that do not correspond to the internal rules of our hero can lead to his “icy” reaction, ignoring and harsh inaccessibility. And the more significant the offense, the harsher and longer such a reaction. In the worst situations, such a person irrevocably erases his beloved from his life.

How to attract and make Venus fall in love with Capricorn?

How to make a representative with Venus in Capricorn fall in love with you, how to please him? The task is not the easiest, requiring patience and endurance, and of course a lot of time.

The feelings of a person with Venus in Capricorn are often hidden and formed long time. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish a person’s indifference from the trembling hidden feeling growing inside a person.

Patience and perseverance are required to break the Capricorn wall of cold and impenetrability, as well as doubts about the chosen betrothed. Long efforts are necessary in order to prove one’s own worth and effectiveness. reliability, success in life, and sometimes even basic practical usefulness, which can also play an important role in the decision-making of our strict hero.

Despite the outward coldness and severity, such a person needs to show love, attention and care to himself, because he constantly doubts the feelings of another person. And demonstrating a warm, interested and consistently caring attitude on the part of a person who meets the needs and ideal image our hero, can bear fruit.

Well, what then? Having fallen in love with a person, our hero becomes very devoted, reliable and caring. He seems to be fixated on his loved one, it is almost impossible to seduce him: he remains faithful to his chosen partner and constant in his feelings.

This position of Venus in the horoscope is not the easiest. Often such a person is unlucky in love, the sympathies are not mutual, and the person himself is capable of alienating many people interested in him with his cold and strict behavior.

Venus in Capricorn for a man

Men will appreciate in a woman her seriousness, reliability, loyalty, desire to grow career ladder. A woman’s purposeful actions to achieve success and determination will only please such a man. A serious and responsible woman organizer is able to attract the attention and interest of such a person.

Loud and inappropriately bright colors of clothing can be met with hostility. The owner of Venus in Capricorn will prefer calm, restrained tones, neatness and a classic business style.

Our hero is courting slowly but surely. He is not in a hurry to make serious decisions regarding a woman, he constantly looks closely and evaluates her. But at the same time, he persistently moves towards his goal - to conquer and build a stable relationship with her.

Venus in Capricorn for a woman

Such women really need love and care, but often put on a mask of severity and indifference. From the outside it seems that she is completely absorbed in her work and work responsibilities and does not give of great importance sensory sphere.

It is really difficult for her to express female affection, sensuality, and care to a man. Instead, she is ready to prove her love and affection long and hard through her deeds: a responsible attitude towards her responsibilities. including, in relation to a man, to be a useful and reliable support for him. At the same time, I hope in my heart that such practical care will be noticed and properly appreciated.

She needs a relationship for many years, for life. Strongly attached to one man. Expects constancy, responsibility and loyalty from him.

Venus in Capricorn is a characteristic of a person who is characterized by such qualities as prudence, ambition, and restraint. With all this, the person is quite reliable emotionally. If he develops in a negative way, then as a result he will easily be able to sacrifice anyone from his environment in order to maintain the safety of his loved one and his status.

The horoscope says that a person who has developed in this way is characterized by emotions of distrust and jealousy, suspicion and a desire for submission. He can either subordinate his partner or submit to him himself. These people do not easily agree to even consider the idea of ​​concluding a family union. More likely. there will be a big difference in the age and social status of these two people.

If character develops harmoniously, this will give a person the ability to subordinate his emotional ambitions to a sense of social justice.

Simply put, a man with Venus in Capricorn will sacrifice not others, but himself, if the need arises, if the well-being of his environment depends on it.

Self-sacrifice of Venus in Capricorn

A woman with Venus in Capricorn is not inclined to brag about her own love victories; she often sacrifices feelings if necessary so that her partner can achieve social or material well-being.

Venus in Capricorn in a woman makes her experience her feelings with great constancy, control herself very much high level, subdue emotions, curb any instincts. The horoscope states that often a woman with Venus in Capricorn tends to interact with a partner who is either more experienced than him or on equal terms.

She is characterized by patience, or at least the desire to show patience, seriousness and care. Since such a person constantly strives for balanced harmony, he successfully learns everything that can help him achieve it.

Deep feelings and ability to work in a team of Venus in Capricorn

When a man has Venus in Capricorn, his emotions will be rich and deep, but he will express them not through words, but through actions aimed at the benefit of the chosen one.

Those born in this sign demonstrate themselves quite well in the business sphere; their cooperation with superiors and subordinates occurs easily and in the right direction.

This means that any senior partner is perceived by him as a support and patron, and the chosen one or chosen one of the heart is identified with the one and only person in life, and therefore such a person clings tenaciously to his beloved and does not want to part.

The more severe trials such a partner faces in a relationship, the stronger they ultimately become, because the person in this sign highly values ​​the experience gained in love and carefully preserves it. Don't think that control over with your own feelings

, which a man with Venus in Capricorn has, is a difficult test; on the contrary, it is given to him very easily, since such people are accustomed to such self-discipline. The horoscope states that the reactions of such a person are always clear and quite consistent; he does not attract an emotional storm into his personal relationships unless there is a dire need for it. The sensual life of such a girl or young man expressed by demands and responsibility on his part.

His whole way of life is clarity, orderliness, rationality and strict style. All of the above somehow naturally makes others trust him and arouses favor among people he knows. It will not be a lie to say that such people tend to constantly engage in self-education and nurturing of their intimate relationships

. Considering that all passions are easily cooled by his mind, they do not have an excessive influence on the relationship.

However, this means that in a sensual and loving sense, such a guy does not develop too quickly, and he does not reach maturity in his youth. The main character traits here are reliability, loyalty and constancy.

Cheerful, reckless, open and generous, they evoke great delight and lasting affection among many. However, they also have a lot of negative qualities, which sometimes completely negate all the good things that the stars, nature and parents put into them. So, next up are Sagittarius and their by no means minor shortcomings.

“Power to me, and more, more!”

Sagittarians love to command and do it sharply, assertively, without taking into account either the subtle spiritual organization of those around them or their ambitions; they strive to become leaders in any team and community, even if they do not have the necessary knowledge and skills. They have an extremely high opinion of themselves and demand submission, and those who resist are declared persona non grata.

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Moreover, this disadvantage is mainly inherent in the ladies of this sign; Sagittarius men are more focused on equal communication and rarely pursue absolute power (although this does happen). Young ladies freely dispose of other people, suppress them with their authority and their authoritarianism. Of course, they are ready for a lot for the sake of those who are part of their social circle, but in return you must cheerfully and with pleasure play the role of a trained animal: look into their mouths, appear on demand, always and unconditionally carry out their orders, even strange or strong ones. harmful to your interests.

For an idea, even to the scaffold

There are many real fanatics among Sagittarius. If a representative of this sign is imbued with some idea, he cannot be stopped; in the name of what he sacredly believes in, he will go over his head, leave the blazing fires of the Inquisition in his path, sacrifice not only himself, but also a lot of other people. Fanaticism can be religious (and this is not always associated with official confessions; they also regularly get involved in sects), scientific, political, revolutionary, even philosophical. The main thing is that the goal is HIGH, and how many people will suffer while achieving it (one or two, tens, millions) is not the point.

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When Sagittarians strive for this highest goal or devote themselves to some kind of SERVICE, common sense refuses them, any arguments cease to work on them, and those who disagree with them and dare to contradict them, they simply destroy, at best morally. They don’t even feel sorry for like-minded people if it suddenly seems to them that they have deviated from their common path. History knows many examples of the fanaticism of representatives of this sign and its very sad consequences.

Multiple marriages

It is difficult to say whether the “habit of getting married” should be considered a disadvantage, but this certainly does not please those who, tying their fate with a representative of this sign, are counting on eternal love and an unbreakable family union. Sagittarians are rarely limited to one marriage. As a rule, they get married at least three times. They quickly get tired of living with someone whom they recently loved madly, and they begin to look for shortcomings in him, which, of course, they don’t even try to put up with.

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In addition, representatives of this sign are incredibly amorous and immediately want their loved ones for undivided use, but at the same time they are usually honest with themselves and with their amorous partners. So the algorithm of their behavior is as follows: fell in love - got married, fell out of love - left on his own or kicked out the one who no longer evokes the old feelings; fell in love while married to someone else - immediately divorced, even if new item sighs are not yet reciprocated.

However, this does not prevent Sagittarius from periodically “having everything that moves,” without regard for attachments and marriage obligations, and in old age they are often left alone, since over the years the charm becomes less, without it their wandering nature and authoritarianism can be tolerated and other kinks are very difficult.

Boneless language and peculiar humor

Sagittarians love to joke and do it everywhere and always, including during sex, but most often their “humor” sounds like caustic insults and hurts the nerve. Representatives of this sign even ask quite harmless questions with teasing and teasing, and they take on a completely different meaning. They manage to confuse, unsettle, and discourage better than anyone else; in a conversation with them, even timid individuals, who usually do not go to the trouble of speaking, get lost. Their straightforwardness, sometimes bordering on real rudeness, is also shocking.

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Aggressive touchiness

Sagittarians are extremely touchy. Moreover, they have two states: first, they immediately hit the offender in the face and nobly forgive him, and second, they harbor a grudge and begin to take revenge quietly, even somehow like a cat, in other words, “shit in their slippers.” . This comes as an unpleasant surprise for many, because usually few people expect petty secret meanness from them, the generous representatives of this sign; nevertheless, sometimes, when Sagittarius cannot recoup openly, they start a “guerrilla war”.

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And they don’t just play dirty tricks, but choose exactly those actions that offend and irritate the offenders the most, do what causes the most intense negative reaction and a violent outburst of negative emotions. By the way, apologizing in this case is useless: until Sagittarius has played enough and exhausted all his nerves, he will not calm down, even if he is caught red-handed and demonstrates repentance in every possible way (although he does not ask for forgiveness, otherwise the crown will slip off).

“The toastee drinks to the bottom!”

Of course, alcohol abuse is common to many, but Sagittarians do it on a special scale and flaunt their ability to “drink the sea”; Moreover, they can easily drag into this process even those who, before meeting them, if not a convinced abstainer, then at least used quite moderately. The thing is that representatives of this sign simply do not want to hear refusals and insist until the “victim” follows their lead.

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They themselves like the feeling when their natural courage and bravado are additionally stimulated by strong drinks, so it seems to them that alcohol liberates others, makes them more decisive, and, yes, funnier. So one of Sagittarius’ favorite pastimes is to get someone very drunk and watch him “perform feats,” and then, cool head, tell the poor fellow about his adventures and sarcastically comment on them.

“Now it hurts like hell!”

Pugnacity is also inherent mainly in Sagittarius women. Men of this sign understand perfectly well that they can inadvertently kill you, so they don’t let go of their hands unless absolutely necessary, but the ladies don’t restrain themselves and easily work with their fists. Moreover, it doesn’t matter to them who is in front of them - a two-meter jock or a child, a teenager, a weak, sickly person. And this, too, does not really fit into the generally accepted idea of ​​Sagittarius as protectors of the orphaned and wretched. If you make them angry (and anger flares up in them instantly), they can no longer control themselves.

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Throughout their lives, Sagittarians are distinguished by the activity of both mind and body, therefore they are usually very harmoniously developed and often remain in good mood. They value openness, ease and freedom, and perceive any restrictions painfully.

The good-heartedness and sincerity of Sagittarius, unfortunately, is balanced by impulsiveness, often excessive. In addition, people of this sign easily go to extremes, making enemies either through excessive frankness or through a useless struggle for justice. Interestingly, Sagittarians more often defend the rights of others than their own; they constantly feel responsible for those around them and often annoy them with their guardianship.

Among Sagittarius there are two types of people - noble idealists who strive to make everyone happy, and greedy, resourceful financiers who are eager to achieve power at any cost. Many people, not without reason, consider the latter to be flatterers and snobs, but this does not bother them much.

By the way, all Sagittarius are confident in their own impeccability and even the fairest criticism is ignored, and good advice is rejected in the rudest way. But with those who do not try to influence their behavior, Sagittarians behave very nicely. They always have a joke or a compliment, a moment to chat and even a vest for bitter tears.

Sagittarius men are talkative and sometimes are not inferior to the ladies in their desire to chat. The rebellious spirit turns Sagittarius into an eternal teenager who can indulge in outright rudeness or hooligan behavior, and even gets into a fight. It’s good that Sagittarians usually come out of battles as winners; By the way, after a battle they usually spare no expense in calming down the defeated enemy. However, Sagittarians are generally always generous.

Sagittarius women make excellent mothers, distinguished by their nobility and willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the family. They almost never punish children without reason, do not cheat on their husbands and do not deceive loved ones. The only thing the Sagittarius wife does not like is running a household. She can make every effort to create comfort, but the result will not satisfy her. However, the Sagittarius woman is usually helped to calmly treat such weaknesses by her constant optimism.

Keys to success in love

Sagittarius does not look for easy ways to happiness, and this greatly affects his personal life. Fortunately, representatives of this sign are endowed with a developed sense of self-preservation, so they avoid relationships that could harm them. And yet, failures in their personal lives sometimes await them too. The reason for this is his adventurous nature and inability to stop at the moment when it is necessary.

Their inherent stubbornness, as well as a strong desire to teach everyone who has an opinion different from their own, can prevent Sagittarians from finding personal happiness and spiritual harmony. It is for this reason that many romances with Sagittarius, which start out excitingly, often lead to the creation of unions in which there is practically no real peace: reasons for complaints and discontent, criticism, reproaches and irritation constantly arise. At the same time, Sagittarius does not at all strive to part with their chosen one, and he does not dare to break up, expecting that things are about to go smoothly. A couple can exist for a long time in the hope of harmony, but never achieve it.

In order to become happier in their personal lives, Sagittarius must admit that, despite their characteristic energy, activity and spiritual strength, they sometimes feel the need for a sense of security. Oddly enough, these are adventure lovers and dangerous adventures They value stability, loyalty and devotion very highly in their partner.

Seven typical problems- seven keys to happiness in love

1. I can't choose the right partner

Usually, Sagittarians who already have some life experience and have left behind several not very successful connections complain about this. But sometimes a similar problem arises among young representatives of this sign, who intuitively feel that their chosen one does not meet the needs of their soul.

In romantic relationships, Sagittarians tend to rely solely on their intuition, neglecting logic and common sense. They are not afraid unequal marriages or unions that seem extravagant to others. The difference in age, worldview, and religious views does not seem to Sagittarius to be an insurmountable obstacle when they are in love; The ability to be enchanted and believe in one’s own fantasies among representatives of this sign is very great. However, sooner or later you, like everyone else, have to come down to earth; This is where it turns out that you are not able to find a common language or establish contact with your soulmate on an intuitive, subconscious level.

So, your life will become much easier if you are guided not only by emotions, but also by common sense in romantic relationships. Sometimes you need to listen to the advice and recommendations of people who know you well - or at least take into account the opinions of others. The attraction of extravagant and unusual people is very great, but dealing with them is not easy - keep this in mind when you feel that you are close to losing your head.

2. I love him (her), but I’m bored with him (her)

Sagittarians are very freedom-loving and cannot stand restrictions; they need a change of sensations and new emotions like air. If your chosen one is a person who strives for stability, calm and predictability in a relationship, sometimes quite serious difficulties can arise. The main problem is that at the early stage of a relationship you concentrate on your chosen one and do not want to see anything around; some time later, on the contrary, you stop paying attention to the person who more than deserves it.

You should not perceive romantic relationships as a system of restrictions that interfere with self-realization or achieving your goals. It's wise to maintain some "private" space and allow your partner to do the same - this will allow each of you to have room for personal growth, which is what's important in staying interested in each other.

If you love and value your partner, don't let frivolous hobbies ruin your relationship. Coquetry and flirting can cheer you up - but, alas, not for long, and the consequences of such a mistake will not dissipate soon.

3. He/she demands too much from me.

Brave and determined Sagittarians lose their characteristic courage when it comes to long-term commitments. Representatives of this sign strive to maintain independence for as long as possible and have ways of retreat, even if they are sincerely attached to their partner. Difficulties arise at the moment when you need to take light and carefree relationships into a more serious direction; It is in this case that Sagittarius gets the feeling that their partner expects too much from them.

If your partner is dear to you, try to objectively evaluate the demands that he makes of you - it is quite possible that they are not at all overstated. However, a healthy attitude towards one’s own desires and aspirations is also necessary; Don’t you expect too much from your chosen one, offering to adapt to your independent, and sometimes selfish and overly extravagant character. By expecting your partner to accept you for who you are, you lose sight of your own inconstancy; in fact, the person you choose has to constantly adjust to your mood. The main thing that is expected of you is consistency and predictability in behavior; If you are sufficiently open and learn to explain the reasons for your actions, it will be easier to achieve harmony.

4. Love relationships change my character.

Freedom-loving, sometimes frivolous, cheerful Sagittarius When you fall in love, you become completely different. Severity and a tendency to jealousy appear in his character, and common sense, the ability to act decisively and not be afraid of anything, fade into the background.

You are endowed with a strong will and can maintain it in any situation without becoming emotionally dependent on your partner. Do not lose your independence, maintain your own interests; sometimes it is necessary to preserve “private territory” even in the most trusting and intimate relationships, since your spiritual comfort depends on its presence.

A real threat, How love relationships, as well as your personal development, may represent a loss of individuality. Remember that, no matter how strongly you are attached to your chosen one, it is important to remain yourself and not blindly accept a line of behavior that can be either tactfully proposed or imposed. It must be admitted that Sagittarians rarely choose tyrant partners, intuitively guessing their danger to themselves, but they can become a victim of a manipulator, a master of psychological traps and intrigues.

5. He doesn't take me seriously

Sagittarians often give the impression of being cheerful, optimistic people, but completely frivolous - and representatives of this sign are undeservedly deprived of trust by their partners. It is difficult to imagine that behind the constant cheerfulness and inexhaustible positivity of Sagittarius, there is also hidden wisdom and a deep intuitive understanding of life, and yet this is exactly the case.

Sagittarians rarely show their weaknesses, complain about failures, or share concerns. That is why even those who constantly deal with them believe that nothing seriously bothers the representatives of this sign. It is very important to learn to share your feelings with your partner, otherwise he is unlikely to be able to understand how deep your feelings and emotions can be, and take them seriously.

Many Sagittarians so often wear a mask of unshakable fun and optimism that they themselves get used to it and refuse to carry on conversations on more or less serious topics or discuss the distant future. Watch your behavior. If in difficult situation your first reaction is to laugh it off, show off your sense of humor and avoid a frank conversation; you should not be surprised that your partner perceives your relationship as pleasant, but not too serious, and sees in you a person of mood, dealing with whom is interesting in its own way, but sometimes and just as tiring.

6. Romantic relationships never last.

Sagittarians find it difficult to maintain serious relationship of a loving nature, as evidenced by the fact that the divorce rate among them is higher than that of other representatives of the sign. For many Sagittarius, marriage, even an outwardly happy one, is hard work, since their independent nature resists any ties, and the desire to gain new experience does not combine well with fidelity and constancy. In addition, Sagittarians usually have their own value system, which does not completely coincide with the one accepted in society; sometimes it is difficult for them to find a partner who would be willing to live “unlike everyone else,” and very quickly harmony is replaced by a struggle to uphold their own ideals.

In order to save romantic relationships not given to you by sweat and blood, you must be very attentive to your true emotional needs. It is difficult to deceive you, but sometimes, being in love, you substitute own desires and aspirations that are characteristic of your chosen one. This is a direct path to internal disharmony, which results in either open conflict or a cooling of relationships leading to a breakup. Remember that only those who are fluent in their own language can seek a common language with a partner, and do not agree to compromises before you understand what you personally gain or lose.

It is also important that Sagittarians, for the most part, are endowed not only with sensuality and emotionality, but also with extraordinary intelligence. So representatives of this sign will only benefit if they do not blindly trust their enthusiastic love - a little prudence and composure will be useful to anyone who wants to avoid serious mistakes.

7. We fight all the time

People who are calm and not prone to openly displaying emotions find it difficult to get along with Sagittarius: representatives of this sign are sometimes harsh and uncompromising, not always ready to listen to their interlocutor, but some rush to defend their own interests even when there is no one to defend them from. It may seem that Sagittarius is the initiator of conflicts in a couple, but this is not so: it’s just “ average temperature“His feelings may be stronger than those of his partner.

So, if you are sure that your chosen one is not deliberately provoking you into quarrels, be prepared to work on yourself; otherwise, it can be assumed that the couple has very deep problems, the solution of which will require the efforts of both partners - if, of course, they really want to save the relationship.

If quarrels arise over trifles, then The best way to prevent them - to comprehend the science of tact and diplomacy. At first it will seem that colossal concessions are required from you, but soon you will notice that the efforts are not in vain and the relationship is improving. No matter how trite the advice to listen to your interlocutor and try to accept his point of view may sound, in your case it is very useful. The problem of many Sagittarius is the reluctance to part with the line of behavior “there are enemies all around”, a heightened desire for self-defense and an overly emotional reaction to any criticism, even constructive. Be softer; nature has given you amazing intuition and the ability to “feel” people, understand their aspirations and desires - so don’t let this gift perish in oblivion. Being overly carried away by yourself and your own experiences, you turn your partner into a toy of your passions - and, meanwhile, you can see a personality in him, and a very attractive personality, because your choice was not accidental.

Sexuality of the sign

First love usually overtakes Sagittarius in childhood, and throughout their lives they retain the ability to instantly get carried away and devote themselves wholeheartedly to each new novel. Sagittarians are romantic and easy to charm, but they are not constancy. It may seem that Sagittarius is simply collecting his love victories, but this is not so - he really is sincerely in love every time and is seriously worried about the breakup.

Sagittarius should not be reproached for frivolity: they are simply too active to be faithful. If Sagittarius manages to find a partner who can change with him - or better yet, stay one step ahead, such a romance can be as long as it is passionate.

True, this will require serious effort: Sagittarius tend to achieve fresh erotic impressions by changing a partner, rather than improving relations with someone who has already fallen victim to their charm.

Quantity sexual partners Sagittarius's is usually large, and the point here is that people of this sign are always lucky in love. At the same time, they are very afraid of the manifestation of possessive instincts and often limit relationships with the person they like only to sex. For the same reason, Sagittarius can for a long time maintain a relationship with a non-free partner, since this does not threaten them with any ties.

The fear of boredom, characteristic of Sagittarius, also manifests itself in their sex life. At the same time, Sagittarians themselves rarely propose to introduce some new element into the relationship, but they accept their partner’s ideas with enthusiasm. At the same time, they generously share their acquired knowledge and hone their skills in the company of a completely different person.

Marriage and compatibility

The tendency to do important things without thinking has the most dramatic effect on family life many Sagittarius: they get married very early, without listening to anyone’s advice, and then, even being disappointed, do not dare to break the ties that bind them. The fact is that people of this sign are very proud and would rather torture themselves and others than admit they made a mistake. Sagittarians generally tend to praise their home, even when in fact its fire has long gone out.

Neither men nor women born under the sign of Sagittarius strive for marriage. To be happy, they need freedom, so their chosen ones should not try to take possession of their “other half” completely. In a partner, people of this sign usually value intelligence and erudition, rather than external attractiveness or passion.

The family life of Sagittarius is very uneven: periods of romantic passion are followed by scandals, the cause of which is the eccentricity and outbursts of anger characteristic of representatives of this sign. At the same time, Sagittarians usually do not know how to correct their mistakes, but over time they learn to at least make amends.

Sagittarians are not averse to ordering their loved ones around, but they do not tolerate such treatment towards themselves. Direct criticism seriously offends them, and if Sagittarius is in bad mood, he is able to make a problem out of any little thing and bring the matter to a breakdown.

In marriage, Sagittarians may seem unpredictable and capable of flaring up over any little thing, but the point here is rather that they are accustomed to hiding their experiences and weaknesses even from a loved one, and give vent to their feelings only when it is too late to correct mistakes.

The union of two Sagittarius will be successful and interesting, full of adventure and wanderings. Sagittarius will make an excellent pair with Aries, understanding his rebellious soul, but skillfully softening his selfishness and assertiveness.

Sagittarius will find the key to Leo's vain heart, besides charging his partner with his energy and thirst for life.

But an alliance with Pisces is unlikely to work out. The fact is that the ardor characteristic of Sagittarius can frighten the vulnerable and sensitive Pisces.