How to be wise in your relationship with your husband. Secrets of a wise woman

There is an opinion that wisdom comes with age and life experience, which is not entirely true.

This is a special perception of reality and attitude that is acquired with a change in worldview and the development of personal qualities.

Every representative of the fair sex thinks about how to become a wise woman. Because this quality leads to successful relationships and a happy family.

Wise qualities

Mind and wisdom should not be confused, since they are completely different concepts. An educated woman may not be distinguished by her life knowledge. While a truly wise woman, who shows understanding in communication, may not have a higher education diploma.

What distinguishes a wise woman?

  • Constancy. Stability is the key to strong relationships and peace of mind. And in order not to flutter like a moth from one man to another, a wise woman will choose “her own.” The lot of stupid ladies is to jump out of marriage as quickly as possible in order to remake a man for themselves. Male nature is akin to hard granite, which is unyielding, and female nature is malleable, like plasticine, in order to be able to adapt to the only chosen one.
  • Understanding. A man’s best friend should be his wife, with whom he can have a heart-to-heart talk and talk about his own experiences. Close relationships develop when a couple discusses ideas, desires, and shares important thoughts.
  • Patience. A wise woman will not allow herself to start shouting, resorting to the “carrot and stick” method. She knows how to gently hint to a man about wrong behavior, and rewards him after doing the right thing. A calm and pleasant atmosphere in the house is conducive to gifts and the desire to return home after work. To a cozy nest, where a loving woman and a hearty dinner awaits.
  • Respect. Before becoming a wise woman for your husband, you first need to understand the course of a man's actions, respecting his decision and giving his own space for personal interests. It could be fishing, modeling or football, but for a man his hobbies are just as important as his family.
  • Lack of criticism. Comments and statements will achieve nothing except another quarrel. Even if your spouse has committed a crime or made a mistake, it is much wiser to pause and sincerely express your feelings. This way the man will better hear your wishes.
  • The ability to forgive. There are no ideal people, and a wise woman is no exception, so she is condescending towards her husband’s mistakes, gently hinting at her emotions, without “sticking” to them for a long time.

A pleasant and balanced woman is considered a gift from heaven, and anyone can become one if they begin the hard work of controlling their own emotions and manifestations of character. This in no way means that you have to suppress your feelings, but it is important that you learn to express them in ways that are safe for you and your relationship.

What behavior is wrong?

It is important to know not only useful qualities and the correct manner of behavior, but also those traits that will prevent you from becoming wiser.

  1. Pride. Integrity will become a significant obstacle in a relationship, making a woman stupid in the eyes of her chosen one. You should overcome your own pride in order to notice in a short time how loyalty and acquired wisdom direct life in a positive direction.
  2. Nitpicking. Before looking for the speck in someone else's eye, you can try to look at the log in your own. All people are flawed, but if you rub your partner’s nose in his shortcomings, there is a risk of turning into a grumbling vixen.
  3. Irritation. Negative feelings arise when women's expectations do not match reality. And if the spouse at the beginning of the relationship was endowed with non-existent qualities, it is not his fault. A wise woman accepts her husband with all his shortcomings, understanding that irritability is the main sign of poor upbringing. And it will never be appropriate anywhere.

By nature, all women are the creators of their lives and happiness, since the mood of the family and the weather conditions in the house depend on them. And the main tools for everyone who wants to become wise women should be sincerity and love.

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Life together is a long-term construction of a durable building, where every day becomes another brick. And whatever the house turns out to be, that’s what you’ll have to live in. A wise woman has access to this understanding, so she invests herself in the creative process every day.

Every man dreams of having a good, smart and most importantly wise wife, although many do not talk about it out loud. But what kind of wise wife is she?

The same as a wise man... Popular wisdom says: “A smart man will get out of any difficult situation, but a wise man will not get into it.” That is, a wise wife knows how to get around “sharp corners”, knows where, when and what to say, ask, do, and sometimes vice versa - not to do, etc., thus creating a reasonably comfortable psychological atmosphere in the family, not taking on unnecessary things, but also not shifting your responsibilities to someone else, caring about your own evolution, as well as the evolution of others...

And young couples especially lack wisdom, because it comes over the years, this is, if you like, mastery of family and not only family relationships... The main scourge of young families is an increased level of selfishness and lack of life experience (they should love me and lily, but I don’t owe anything to anyone (should)...). And in order to somehow compensate for this gap, in this article we’ll talk about some of the secrets of wise women, what this wisdom actually consists of...

1. Be lenient.

Forbearance is not only the ability to forgive, but also the ability to see the positive sides of other people, find positivity in their actions, not hold grudges for a long time, accept apologies, because we all sometimes make mistakes too. By believing in a person and relying on his good side, we strengthen and develop these qualities in him, and over time we form a good habit.

As psychologists say: if you sow an action, you will reap a habit, if you sow a habit, you will reap a character, if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny... We influence and are influenced, or as they say, whoever you mess with, you will get along with...

But, dear women, it is important not to go too far here. I think everyone knows the popular wisdom - “The husband is the head, and the wife is the neck.”

Of course, it’s worth influencing your husband and fighting his bad habits, but taking over his responsibilities and functions and being the “head” is not worth it, even if he has a headache about what and how to do (in his field of activity ), that’s why he is the “head”, and women must perform the function of the neck - support this head, help it, prompt it, and maybe direct it in the right direction, but not do its work for it. Let him train and learn to be this very “head”...

However, unfortunately, some women understand this wisdom in their own way: since I am the “neck”, then all my life I can tell where the “head” should turn, I can control it... And some get so carried away, taking on male responsibilities, that they gradually turn into a “Cossack in a skirt”, or even worse - into a “draft horse”. And then another law comes into force - “If you call yourself a milk mushroom, be one.” And, oddly enough, some men are satisfied with this state of affairs, and they willingly shift their responsibilities onto the shoulders of their wives...

But, each of the spouses must fulfill their prescribed duties and thus develop their qualities in this life: the woman - feminine, and the man - masculine. After all, this is why we came to this World in one body or another. Don’t worry and don’t rush, dear women, in your next rebirths you will appear on Mother Earth in a male body, and you will get your fill of this. Everything has its time...

2. Be tactful.

An integral quality of a wise woman is tact, or in other words, a sense of proportion that everyone should have: what to do, say or do, in what form, and what not to do or say. There should be mutual tactfulness in a family; this is the basis of healthy and warm relationships.

Tactfulness is the tendency to penetrate into the psychological state of another person. We must learn to respect the opinions of others, be able to be moderately lenient, be able to forgive and give in, not accumulate resentment, be able to share grief, sadness and double the joy of another with your sympathy - be able to love.

To be tactful means to be able to act in such a way as not to hurt the pride of others, not to cause anger, irritation or resentment, and to try to help in an unobtrusive manner.

And the other side of the coin is tactlessness. This is when people do not take each other into account, interrupt during a conversation, upset, make inappropriate jokes, make fun of the other’s accidental mistake, and sometimes even of physical disabilities. This behavior only alienates and sometimes leads to family separation. And it is a mistake to think that tactfulness is only needed at work, or on the street with strangers... It is also very necessary in the family!

Tactfulness can be learned, just like good manners, you just need to develop a habit in yourself - to adhere to this very tactfulness.

3. Hugging often.

Sometimes hugs can express more than words. Hugs bring you closer and also give you a feeling of peace of mind, sincerity and understanding.

Sometimes a hug is more important than words,
Simple sincerity of the soul,
And everything becomes clearer
And no explanation is needed...

4. Don't bring up the past.

Forget old grievances forever, especially if you have forgiven some mistake of your husband. There is no need to manipulate this, stir up “dirty laundry”, proving how generous you are and how scoundrel he is. Forgiven - and the question is settled, forever. It’s not worth using your husband’s mistakes as “thorns”, because if you dig around, you will find them too - and what will this lead to? There is no need to spit in the “well” from which you drink and will continue to drink...

And, remember, sometimes the smart one is not the one who is right, but the one who understands when to stop in an argument!...

5. Joint work or leisure.

Everyone remembers the phrase from the cartoon Prostokvashino: “Joint work, in my favor, unites!”... And joint work in favor of the family means in favor of each of its members. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what you do - planting trees, harvesting, repairs, or just going for mushrooms, the main thing is that you will do it together. And this really unites.

6. Speak out your thoughts.

If your husband is not a psychic, then he cannot read your thoughts and cannot in any way guess your desires and expectations. And in order not to be disappointed, speak your thoughts out loud! This doesn't just apply to married couples. It seems that everything is so simple, but how many scandals and hysterics arise on this basis: “...And I thought that you yourself knew…. you’ll guess”, etc.

A man is not responsible for what you have built, in your head, “Castles in the Air”!...

Also, men don’t always understand why a woman is offended or upset... They have masculine logic, so it’s better to just tell them about it, find out what the reason is and the problem will go away by itself.

7. Be grateful.

You need to thank for everything if you want to continue to receive attention or services. This seems like a small thing, but at the same time it is a good motivator and creates a friendly atmosphere in the family. And do it from the heart...

8. Don't force your husband to attend your bachelorette parties.

Well, firstly, the husband may not be interested in this, he would be happy to talk about fishing, hunting, cars, repairs, etc., but not flowers, recipes, fashion, hairstyles, makeup, etc. You must understand that men have slightly different interests and if your husband does not want to drink tea with you in the kitchen, so much the better. Separate friends are also good, and you will have the opportunity to keep secrets and take a break from each other.

9. Try to always look good.

Pay attention to your appearance, take care of your body, hairstyle, clothes, and lead a healthy lifestyle. This will be an additional bonus for you and will compensate for some of your shortcomings. Men sometimes say, “Yes, she’s a bitch, and she spends a lot of money, I don’t know where, but she’s pretty...”, and they endure it.

But don’t rely only on this, because appearance is a candy wrapper, but there must also be a decent filling, only then does harmony arise in the family, good and stable relationships, comfort, respect and love.

10. Eat right.

Eat right yourself and teach your family to do so - this is the key to health, beauty, and, as a result, well-being in the family. After all, whether you are healthy and overweight or not depends greatly on how you eat. And also, if someone gets sick as a result of poor nutrition, the whole family suffers...

11. Create comfort in your home.

Create comfort in your home and keep it clean. But don’t overdo it, don’t turn your house into a museum! Your loved ones should not walk around in fear and be afraid of accidentally disturbing the order in the house, or accidentally ruining something. Remember, sterility is good in moderation...

12. Don’t wash dirty linen in public.

A wise woman never washes dirty laundry in public, unless of course it goes beyond what is permitted. We had a fight, debriefed, made peace and moved on without repeating the mistake.

And it also happens that they have a fight, then she calls her mother and tells her what a scoundrel he is. After a while, they made up and long ago forgot about the quarrel, but my mother was left with an aftertaste... And then they wonder why the mother-in-law and son-in-law hate each other so much?!

For the same reason, do not criticize or humiliate your husband, in the presence of your friends or other strangers, if necessary, tell him your comments in private, in the form of constructive criticism. If, of course, you want your friends to treat your husband with respect, or he greets them warmly: “Ah, Ninochka, come in, Valyusha is waiting there.” These are people close to you and it depends on you whether they will be enemies or friends. What's better? Choose.

13. Be a caring housewife.

A wise woman is also a caring housewife. But you also need to know when to stop in this!

After all, hyperbolic care first gets boring, then irritates, and then can destroy love and destroy a family. So, be careful with this quality, you need to take care, but in moderation!

14. Be more careful about controlling your loved ones.

You also need to be more careful about controlling your loved ones. Control and love are incompatible things. Better build trusting relationships in your family...

And in conclusion, I would like to quote the words of the sages from the East - “... without love and family, a woman will never be satisfied, no matter how successful she is in other areas of life.” So, take care of your family, dear women, and build harmonious relationships within it.

...“A wise wife will build her home, but a foolish one will destroy it...” (Proverbs of Solomon)

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 6 minutes


How to become an ideal wife? First you need to figure out what kind of a good wife she is. Maybe she is an excellent housewife, a faithful and reverent friend, or a sex bomb in a dressing gown? Or maybe all of them together. No, the main thing is that a good wife is a wise woman. But wisdom does not come by itself. It must be earned through tears and suffered through personal experience.

To simplify this task, the site provides Some working tips to help you become a wise wife.

  1. Have patience
    Family is not fun. Relationships are full of contradictions, conflicts, everyday and financial difficulties. There is no need to feed yourself the illusion that life will be vanilla and romantic. And the time between walks under the moon and breakfast in bed will be occupied only by tenderness and warmth. No, there will be quarrels - after all, all normal people quarrel. Unless, of course, they lack self-esteem and personal ideas about life. Spouses collide with their opinions and interests and an explosion ensues.
  2. Talk about your wishes
    The man is not a telepath; he cannot read minds. And, unfortunately, he also does not have intuition, unlike girls. Therefore, husbands simply cannot guess about women’s thoughts and desires. You shouldn't be offended by this.

    You need to speak directly, but gently about your intention. Of course, “Darling, I want a new fur coat” does not need to be said in a direct context. But the phrase “I want to communicate more, let’s spend this weekend together” sounds quite competent.
  3. Hugging more often
    The warmth of tactile communication means much more than words. Touches give warmth, calm, and give a feeling of security. In addition, it is a rare man who can express his thoughts beautifully. And with hugs you can easily express love, and mutual love.
  4. Spend more time together
    It doesn't matter what you do - watch a movie, read a book, walk in the park or, ultimately, have sex. To be closer, you need to communicate more.
  5. Do not keep grudges and negativity in your memory
    There are many negative aspects in marriage. You shouldn’t spoil your life together with memories of quarrels and omissions. Read also:

    Let only warm and positive moments remain in your memory.
  6. A wise wife does not compare her husband with other men
    After all, no one is perfect. Each person has his own shortcomings, and perhaps other people’s and unnoticed weaknesses are much worse than those with which your spouse is endowed.
  7. A good wife does not humiliate her husband
    Moreover, in public. A man is a leader by nature, and a woman is his friend, assistant and strong rear. It is humiliating for the stronger sex to endure criticism from one’s own spouse. This undermines a man's self-esteem and destroys his personality. Read also:
  8. A smart wife does not reproach her husband, that is, she does not nag him
    He may earn little, drive a car poorly, not help around the house, and may not like your girlfriends. But if you nag him, he definitely won’t change. Therefore, the best way out is to forgive him for his small shortcomings.
  9. A good wife does not impose her opinion
    Because the man is the head of the family. Making a decision is his birth responsibility. And being henpecked is shameful. A wise wife will unobtrusively guide her husband to the decision that she needs.

    For example, she doesn’t want to change her car, but wants to go on vacation. The wife will reveal all the positive aspects of relaxation and its vital necessity, including for her husband. “You've worked so hard, you just need a rest. And we will change the car next summer. Neighbors say she is in good condition."
  10. A wise wife is not jealous of her husband, does not spy on her, and does not humiliate herself to the point of hysterics.
    In family life, it happens that the spouse moves to the left. But terrible scenes of jealousy will not correct this serious problem. Perhaps it would be better to compete with your rival or change your attitude towards your husband.

A wise wife should:

A woman is the keeper of the hearth, and she needs to understand what exactly The happiness of the family and the success of this union depend on her wisdom. Remember this, dear ladies!

What do you see as feminine wisdom in relationships? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

Valeria Protasova

Psychologist with more than three years of practical experience in social psychology and pedagogy. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and way of life. I write what I know about. I believe that human relationships are important in all areas of our lives.

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A woman's wisdom is a special wisdom. And she gives us great responsibility, because a lot really depends on us, women, and on how wise we are.

From this point of view, the desire for sexual equality not only gave us a lot of rights and opportunities, but also partly distorted our feminine essence. Because, striving to be on an equal footing with men, women began to try to be like men - to behave like men, to fight, to achieve their goals, to strive for success in business, sports and in many other areas, access to which was previously closed to women.

And in relationships, we now also often strive to behave like men - to be independent, self-sufficient, relaxed, openly communicate our desires, rights and defend our interests. Is it good? Definitely, this helps us to be freer, more fully realized, and follow our desires. But there is a downside to this.

Many of us are accustomed to the assumption that if there are any problems in a relationship, then we need to discuss them and decide how to deal with them. Of course, if the question is about deciding how to spend the weekend, then this is the simplest and most effective: “Shall we go to the cinema?” – “Of course” – “On Saturday?” - “No, I have to work on Saturday. Let's go on Sunday? - "Let's". You shouldn’t sit and wait for someone to guess what you want to see at the movies, and of course, it’s best to coordinate plans so that everyone enjoys this trip.

But here's a different situation. "Let's go to the cinema?" - “Yes, exactly, the new episode of “Apocalypse” has just been released, you should definitely watch it!” - “Horrors again? But I want to go to Indian Summer! - “Let’s go to this next time?” - “But you said the same thing last time, and we never went!”

Word by word, reproach by reproach, a lot can be agreed upon here, but, as everyone knows, such conversations lead nowhere. You want, he doesn’t do it, you are offended, you prove, you convince - let’s do it together, equally, so that no one is offended, well, this is fair, right? As a result, he didn’t go to the cinema with you, you didn’t cook dinner - what else? As he is with me, so am I with him. And where does all this lead sooner or later? Maybe it won’t lead to a final break, but it certainly won’t make the relationship any better.

And why all? Because we women begin to fight and prove. And we shouldn't fight. This is not our method.

Women's wisdom is not outside, but inside. This is not the ability to prove, convince, suppress and overcome. It is the ability to change the state, essence, atmosphere, the very state of things in space. And from this, in turn, everything changes externally, because when conditions change, the results become different.

There is no magic or magic in this. But it becomes clear how women before, not even having the right to say out loud about many things, were nevertheless able to influence many things. That’s exactly it – not by breaking through the barricades with a saber, but by first changing your inner state.

Women cannot fight, but they can love, accept, forgive, support. So she came home, was tired, did a lot of things, went to the store and bought everything, ran out for a manicure, and went separately to the stationery department because the child had run out of plasticine. And at home at that time, the husband was not fed, the child’s homework was not done, there was a mess all over the apartment, and everyone was waiting for her, as if it was impossible to redo at least some of the things without her.

The option with barricades is to quarrel with everyone, proving that they could be at least a little more attentive, more caring, and could spend at least a little time on household chores. Be offended by everyone, cry, watching how everyone snaps and slams doors in response. Maybe we can still get the husband to wash the dishes with his jaw tightly clenched, and the child to put away the toys in tears. Go to bed feeling guilty before everyone, dissatisfied with yourself, your loved ones and your whole life...

Option about the wisdom of a woman. Upon returning home, take a look at the front of work. Be horrified. Calm down. Go cook and feed your family. Eat yourself, rest a little. Do homework with your child. If he can’t do it himself, help him put away the toys. By this time, the husband may have already washed the dishes. And if he doesn’t wash it, then you can ask him about it, if in principle he can do it. If he can’t, then don’t ask, wash it yourself or don’t wash it and go to bed quietly. And before going to bed, think about how to organize everything next time so that there is no such rush. After all, the fact that everything turned out this way is in many ways actually a mistake of the woman herself - these are all our expectations that they will understand us without words, without asking, will guess, and take care of us.

It's no secret that men and women are different. And some things, no matter how simple they may seem, men simply cannot do - we must accept this as a fact. Well, they can’t wash the dishes, the floor, ironing, cooking, doing homework with the children, going grocery shopping—emphasize what is necessary. But a woman can, that’s how she’s designed. She can do it all at once or sequentially, she can do a thousand small boring things every day for a long time, with endurance, patiently.

If a man is not capable of this (there are still exceptions), there is no need to demand this from him. Let him calmly go about his manly business - carry heavy things, go to work every day, manage, take care of the garage, cars, hammer nails, change sockets, clean the sewer and do other things that are not very interesting and feasible for women. And it is quite pointless to expect that he will be helpful, that he will catch all wishes on the fly and fulfill them, that he will think about what to do to make his wife feel better. And it's not because he doesn't love and doesn't care. But because his male concern manifests itself in other ways - that there is a roof over his head, that the mortgage is paid, that the loans are closed, that the car drives, that the sewage system works. It’s exaggerated, of course, but we understand the difference in perception, right?

And one more important point is love. We all expect, starting from kindergarten, that we will be loved. For this we try to be beautiful, smart, sexy. And sometimes we don’t understand why they love that ugly one, but no one looks at me, so beautiful? And only much later, if we’re lucky, do we begin to understand that they love us when we love ourselves. And not only at the courtship stage, but especially in the family. It always depends on the woman whether there is love in a relationship or not.

Yes, it can be so difficult to love, not only when we are trying to please each other, but also when numerous shortcomings have already become apparent. But this is the only true path - if we find love in ourselves for our man, accepting and supporting him, then he will always feel it and respond. And it’s not true that they don’t understand and don’t feel - you know that, right? They all understand and feel very well, and you can easily verify this by changing your own state and attitude towards your man. And now he really sympathized, and washed the dishes, and gave a massage before bed. But if we just begin to demand this love from them, you know, how can you force someone to love?

A woman's wisdom is not weakness. This is great power. You need to be strong to be wise, patient to be able to forgive. In order to love, respect and appreciate yourself. You shouldn’t convince a man of his worthlessness, since he can’t wash the dishes, but you don’t need to feel either humiliated or deprived of something when you have to give in. Just to each his own. And it’s not for nothing that we are together – men and women. Because together, when we are wise and each minds our own business, we become something much greater than individually.

Wisdom of a woman video

I bring to your attention a video with intuitive and metaphorical cards from the “” section. You can use them for harmonization, for spiritual fulfillment - look at beautiful drawings, read texts about love and wisdom, listen to pleasant music. The video can also serve as a . Ask questions and get answers.


The concept of a “wise woman” is different from the concept of a “smart woman”. After all, a wise woman understands that there are situations when there is no need to be smart at all (in any case, try not to show off your mental abilities - leave this for achieving career heights).

Ancient philosophers said: “Women are smart and cunning by nature, but men are taught by reading books.”

To skillfully guide a man’s actions, you should not resort to the advice of healers or girlfriends. Simple things that women sometimes don’t think about will help you achieve the desired result.

So, what kind of wise woman is she, what is her wisdom, how to become wise in a relationship with a man and live a happy life.

1. Choosing the right man

Often girls (especially young and inexperienced) are attracted to gentlemen who cannot be influenced. Usually they are very charming, cheerful, give girls beautiful compliments, and present good gifts. But attempts to set such individuals in a serious mood do not bring the desired result.Initially, a wise woman chooses the right man, who does not need to be changed, just guided a little - very subtly and not intrusively.

2. Calm, only calm

A wise woman preserves peace in the home, a pleasant atmosphere in communication, does not provoke and avoids emotionally tense environments. Creates a comfortable microclimate, peace in family relationships, so that all household members want to go home. We also include offense here - an offended woman cannot be wise.

3. Patience and endurance

You flirt with a man and see his interest, but he himself does not take any measures. Be patient, wait, give him the opportunity to make a decision and take the first step, all you need to do is “give the green light.” Once having made a decision for him, you will be forced to do this forever. Consider whether this is necessary. A wise woman makes sure that her man is at his best, knows how to take responsibility, and at his own request.

4. Beauty is a terrible force

A wise woman always works on her appearance, takes care of herself, and chooses the right clothes. She doesn’t choose one that is too revealing, with deep necklines and other vulgar details. Remember: in everything you need to observe moderation. Also with makeup, it should not be flashy, but its complete absence is undesirable. A man should like what he sees. Wisdom is needed in everything.

5. Make up, make up, make up

You quarreled and both fell silent. It’s hard for you to bear the silence, it starts to get annoying, and you decide to go ahead and make peace. Remember: during silence, men calm down, at least most of them. Repeat to yourself: “Now he is silent and calms down, I also calm down.” This will help prevent both of you from causing trouble in the heat of the moment, and you won’t delete his favorite game on the computer or hit him with a rolling pin, as was previously intended. A wise woman has the strength to wait for the moment, and then go for reconciliation.

6. Freedom

A wise woman does not take away a man's freedom. She doesn’t forbid spending time with one of her friends, and doesn’t forcefully plan his leisure time, and won’t look at him with displeasure when he comes home from work at the wrong time. Remember: you need to trust a man, respect him as a person. After all, these actions lead to the fact that he will do everything the other way around, like a small child, hide and lie even more, resulting in a conflict.

7. Lack of imperative method in colloquial speech

A wise woman will never rule over a man. Instead of the usual “Go buy some bread”, she will say: “Darling, I wanted to make cutlets, but I forgot that we ran out of bread. Could you buy it? In the meantime, I’ll prepare the other ingredients.” The goal has been achieved. And here another wonderful mechanism comes into play - a joint action that brings you together spiritually - a wise woman knows about this.

8. The weaker sex - oh, these weak strong women

A woman is designed in such a way that she often needs help. If you use this weakness correctly, you can successfully manipulate your man. As a result, a simple “Darling, please help me screw in the light bulb” will awaken in a man a feeling of pride in himself - they need him, they cannot live without him. Remember the saying “a woman’s strength is in her weakness.” Also, a wise woman always thanks her man for good deeds.

9. The path to the heart

Many women know that they shouldn’t pester a man and ask him for anything (buy a fur coat, go to the sea, etc.)… until he has had a good meal. There is one more thing to remember: you should not interrupt a man while eating, this will reduce the whole effect to “no”. It’s worth making sure that the food is tasty, perhaps with a glass of wine, and that you’re in a mood for a pleasant conversation, so that the answer is a definite “yes” to your desired and dear woman. Perhaps these are already feminine tricks; a wise woman is not deprived of them.

10. Sincerity and caring

A wise woman treats her man sincerely and openly, but at the same time does not forget that it is better to “chat” about many things with her friends rather than burden her beloved with unnecessary information about choosing tights. It’s better to show attention - ask how his working day was, what tasty things to cook for him. Men appreciate this kind of wise, caring behavior.

This is how it is formed.

Next to a wise woman, a man is inspired to do new good deeds towards his beloved and becomes more successful. And a woman blossoms from a happy life - in caring for each other, mutual understanding and love.