Healthy habits tracker. Tracker of useful habits that will bring you closer to your ideal image

52. Don't always try to fill a pause with words. Sometimes it's good to just sit in silence.

53. When in doubt, answer “I need to think.” Let's face it: we don't always have the right answers to all the questions. So instead of giving a flippant and/or incorrect quick answer, tell the other person that you need time to think about it carefully.

54. Start your most important task in the morning. At this moment you have the most strength and energy. In the morning we usually do most of the work for the day.

55. Tell yourself “we’ll see.” Even when it seems like something terrible is about to happen, there is always at least a small possibility that it will lead to something good in the future. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions about the future, just tell yourself “we’ll see.”

56. Realize that most people don't care about you. Sorry, but people's lives do not revolve only around your universe. So stop worrying about what people think of you. They won't think. Better focus on yourself and try to become better.

57. There are a few people who truly care and care about you. Stay close to such people. They are what make your life amazing. They are the ones who will be with you both in sorrow and in joy.

58. Say something nice to yourself every day. will cheer you up even in the most difficult times. Treat yourself kindly.

59. Happiness is a state of mind, not a destination. Many people think that they will suddenly become happy when they can get their hands on something. But happiness doesn't work that way. It's in your head, it's a state of mind. Therefore it cannot be found anywhere else. Happiness is here, right in front of you, wherever you look.

60. Promise only what you can deliver. Trust is always long haul. How many people first promise mountains of gold, and then do nothing. Don't become one of them.

61. Get married or marry your best friend. Everyone needs someone who will walk with you through the bad and the tough. Good times. Someone with whom you can chat all night long and not feel awkward in the silence. Someone who will love you for who you are.

62. Think about how you can help other people. At the end of your life, the only things that will matter are the people you loved, the people who loved you, and how much you did and helped others.

63. Time is your most valuable asset. Life is unpredictable. You can save and save every ruble, and then all your savings can depreciate in one moment. Yes, money has value. But time is much more valuable. Time with those you love. Time with friends. Time with your spouse. Time with children. There are 525,600 minutes in a year. Are you using this time wisely?

64. Smile at people. You yourself will become happier. A smile is contagious. This reduces stress and anxiety. Helps you gain confidence. And that's great.

65. Don't compare yourself to others. Focus on .

66. Love yourself. Before you get into a relationship with someone else, learn to love yourself. Accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the better you will be able to show love to someone else.

74. Don't leave food in sight to save yourself from unnecessary temptations.

75. Eat slowly and mindfully (you can count how many times you chew your food, eat with chopsticks, carefully cut food into pieces, etc.).

76. Drink mostly non-caloric drinks (water, tea, coffee).

77. Measure your pulse several times a week.

78. Move regularly and try different types loads.

Paul Proshin/

79. Stop thanking people when you yourself do something for them. People who reflexively say thank you come across as insincere and flattering. Train yourself to thank only when there is really something for it.

80. Don't be too formal. Good manners are always important, but too much formality makes you look like a child. Try to have a casual conversation at least once a day about something funny and not necessarily decent.

81. Use a minimum of words. The better you understand something yourself, the easier it is for you to explain something to someone else. Every time you write an email, think about how you can reduce this letter to 25% of the current volume without losing its meaning.

You might be surprised that the habit of making your bed first thing in the morning was included in this section. But what we're really interested in is her by-effect: this way you will start your day with a small but achieved goal, thereby setting yourself up for the success of others.

85. Recognize negative thinking and get rid of it.
Negative thoughts drag you down. Learn to recognize them and try to replace them with more pleasant ones.

86. Meditate. Take courses or just find 5 minutes a day to sit quietly, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and breathe deeply. Believe me, this will seriously affect your life.

87. Get some sleep during the day. A good addition to meditation when you need a little relaxation in the afternoon. To gain strength and feel refreshed, take a 20-minute nap.

88. Sleep at least 7–9 hours at night. It is important to sleep as much as you need so as not to feel drowsy or tired. On days when you train or when there were others physical exercise(let's say you went hiking), sleep a little longer: you need to replenish your energy, so you need more sleep. IN common days Try to stick to the same sleep duration.

89. Relieve stress. To do this, you can create a special evening ritual. For example, take a shower, do some stretching exercises, read a little, and write down notes about your day. This will help rid the brain of unnecessary thoughts, improve the quality of sleep, and improve attentiveness. Daily notes help you come up with new ideas, and reading inspires you to write interesting notes.

90. Find time to meet with family and friends every week. Meet during lunch for a cup of coffee, have family dinners. New ideas don't come without talking to other people. Such meetings will inspire you to new achievements.

91. Make time for your loved one every day. Say “I love you” often. Hug and kiss often. Travel together. Talk. Go for walks and on dates. It's good when there is someone who will distract you from work and fill your life with new emotions and impressions.

92. Meet at least one new person per week. New people fill your life with new ideas and take you out of your comfort zone for a little while.

93. Write every day. This could be with personal entries or a blog dedicated to your hobby or professional activity. This is great advice for those who want to develop their creativity and organize their thoughts.

94. Make music an integral part of your life. If you play an instrument, be sure to devote time to it once a week. If you don’t know how yet, but have a desire, learn. Or just listen to more music, look for new directions. Try to associate different music with specific events in your life. For example, listen to jazz or classical music while cooking, or rock and roll while cleaning.

95. Don't worry about money, worry about opportunities. Chasing money, especially at the beginning of your career, is not the best choice. Pursue knowledge and develop your skills. Think long term and it will bring you both money and happiness in the end.

96. Take risks while you are young. You can grow faster and earn more if you take a risky step. No, we are not talking about stupid extravagant actions, but about thoughtful and justified risks. You shouldn't panic if something suddenly doesn't go as planned.

97. Focus on the reward. The ability to focus on one thing is useful both in business and in life. You will become much more productive by focusing on a specific result. Conversely, you will quickly lose your strength if you try to do many things at once.

98. Don't live someone else's life. Don't let your parents, friends, anyone tell you how to live. Listen to their advice, but do what you think is right.

99. Admit when you are wrong. Everyone does it. Know how to recognize them. Apologize, learn from what happened and move on.

100. Don't give up. Never, never quit halfway. But don’t just blindly move forward, not paying attention to feedback. Continue working on the problem, analyze feedback. And then nothing can stop you on the way to your goal.

At first glance, the topic of the article is unusual for our portal, but since we have undertaken to cover all aspects of the Android operating system, we must go to the end. IN Lately trackers, fitness bracelets and other gadgets (for example, Xiaomi MI Band 2 or Meizu Mix) that track physical activity person. At the same time, various programs are being developed to help you concentrate on controlling the kayak while floating along the seething river of life, and it is no longer clear how you used to live without it. And there are more things to do every day, but it’s impossible to keep everything in your head...

But what follows is not about organizers, but about habit trackers, which have become a new feature. Theoretically, we are asked to develop good habits and forget bad ones. To be honest, I myself don’t know how this is implemented in the mobile view. Well, let's figure it out together to understand whether they deserve attention.

First we'll look at Loop, a program with a short name, but deep meaning. It is distributed free of charge and offers various charts and graphs based on an analysis of user habits. How will this help you achieve your cherished goal? Let's see.

The second patient is Mindly. In his case there are already specifics. The application allows you to prepare speeches, plan a project, systematically blow someone’s brains, or, conversely, put your own together. ? Not really.

The test equipment used was:

  • Tablet DEXP Ursus 8EV2 3G (Android 4.4.2, MT8382 processor, 4 x Cortex-A7 1.3 GHz, Mali-400 MP2 video core, 1 GB RAM, 4000 mAh battery, 3G module, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n );
  • Smartphone Homtom HT3 Pro (Android 5.1 Lollipop, MT6735P processor, 4 x Cortex-A53 1.0 GHz, 64-bit, Mali-T720 video core, 2 GB RAM, 3,000 mAh battery, 4G module, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/ n).

Habit tracker Loop

“Loop's habit tracker helps you create and maintain healthy habits so you can achieve your long-term goals. Detailed charts and statistics will show you how your habits have stuck over time. The application does not contain advertising and is open source software.”

It sounds tempting, and although it looks complicated, in reality everything turns out to be simple. You type in what you want to do, and then periodically repeat the sequence of actions that should lead you to the desired result. In order not to be unfounded, I will demonstrate this clearly. By the way, open source code says a lot. On the one hand, this is a plus, on the other hand, clumsy duplicates appear, clogging Google Play.

Introduction and preliminary setup

First they explain to us what a wonderful program the developer has created. It follows from this that we ourselves need to invent habits and celebrate their implementation. And at the end, detailed diagrams will show the success story.

The application interface is minimalistic. In the upper right corner there is a “+” for adding a habit, there is smart sorting and settings behind three dots. By the way, implemented and night mode(white on black).

Combined habit tracker - great way save space in your planner. To avoid wasting time filling out lists, re-writing the same tasks multiple times a week, or using a ton of colorful sticky notes to remind you to complete tasks, create a simple but effective habit tracker sheet.

There are tons of things you can track in a habit tracker. You don't need to keep track of everything, but a sheet like this would be an ideal reminder for, say, a month. We made a face mask - put a cross on the sign, called our parents or friends - put a cross, made a backup copy of the blog - put a cross.

Or you can make a tracker for mandatory completion, for example, when you write a book. You need to write every day and, in order not to stop, put a cross after, say, you’ve written a chapter.

What do I add to my habit tracker?

  • Morning routine
  • Evening routine
  • Sport exercises
  • Written blog article
  • Working on a book
  • How much coffee did you drink per day?
  • How much water
  • Column - breakfast - trying to teach myself to eat breakfast
  • Masks for hair, face, etc.

I use a monthly tracker, but you can also create weekly, quarterly, for any period that you need. Habit trackers should not be confused with challenges, although sometimes they can be combined. You can track the execution of your challenge in the tracker - also a convenient option. So, is there? Reading ideas for them...

Examples of habits for your BuZho tracker


Personal habits allow you to keep yourself in shape not only physically, but also temporarily. If you follow them, like new tasks in your bullet journal tracker, for at least a few months, then you will be able to complete them simply and automatically.

  1. Didn’t press the snooze button, that is, didn’t snooze the alarm, but got up right away
  2. Went to bed on time
  3. I slept for so many hours
  4. Was reading a book
  5. Take time for yourself; dispelled; rested
  6. Didn't watch TV
  7. No expenses
  8. Washed my hair
  9. Made a face/hair mask
  10. Turned off computer phones 30 minutes before bed
  11. Yoga, stretching, other sports
  12. Back up phone files such as photos
  13. Less than 1 hour on social networks
  14. Called my parents
  15. Filled out a gratitude journal
  16. Left work on time
  17. Paying bills as a habit
  18. Transferred money to a savings account


Adding healthy habits to your trackers is a great way to visit doctors less often.

  1. Ate 5 vegetables
  2. Ate fruit
  3. Workout
  4. Drank 8 glasses of water
  5. Calorie intake below or at target
  6. No soda junk food, coffee, alcohol, booze, etc.
  7. Taking medications and/or vitamins
  8. Brushed my teeth
  9. No snacks
  10. Changing toothbrushes and cosmetics based on expiration date or opening of the cap

It's less about habit and more about tracking your social media activities. However, if these all-powerful networks are embedded in the meaning of your work, then go ahead and form the necessary habit.

  1. Publishing on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.
  2. Sent a letter to subscribers


For many, cleaning is a hated task, regularly procrastinated, and then forgotten or not fully completed. If you add BuZho to your tracker, then you can live in purity and with a free head. Not to think, I had to remove something else.

  1. Vacuum cleaner
  2. Wiped off the dust
  3. Washed the floor
  4. Cleaned the bathroom
  5. Washed clothes or took them to the laundromat
  6. Cleaned the kitchen inside the cabinets
  7. Cleaned out the wardrobe
  8. Cleaned glasses, lenses, monitors, phones, etc.


Blogging on professional basis(or semi-professional) requires regularity. Publish posts, make backup copies, read comments, and so on - all this is periodically forgotten. But if you make a kind of list or a cool checklist, then there will be no problems with memory.

  1. Added blog post
  2. Blog statistics verified
  3. Content Planning
  4. Editing Blog Posts
  5. Images taken for blog posts
  6. Replies to comments
  7. Commented on other blogs
  8. Sent a newsletter to blog subscribers
  9. Created a blog backup

Business and work

Well, everything is clear here, right? The work requires organization and concentration. Develop the right habits to do your best work.

  1. Backing up computer files
  2. Prepared the workspace
  3. Updated spreadsheets
  4. Took photographs; scanned the receipts
  5. Reviewed your weekly/monthly goals
  6. Answered emails
  7. Negotiations on cooperation
  8. Track your progress as you work on a project


Oh, these restless children. I'm a mom, and you? An hour ago we got our child high and forgot about it when we went to the toy store to pamper our child! 😊 It turns out that mom didn’t seem to punish her, since she brought a new toy, but this way you can write everything down. Or, on the contrary, the child is a “listener”, and you did not keep your promise, did not bring what he wanted. In general, all parents need a children's tracker, believe me, you can write a lot there.

  1. Diseases
  2. Vaccinations
  3. Courses
  4. Homework
  5. A haircut
  6. Payment for school, extracurricular activities, etc.
  7. Naughty behavior
  8. Buying a new toy
  9. Number of hours your baby slept
  10. Breastfeeding (you can use the usual tracker by hour instead of day)

Random Habits

Want something new? No problem, write it down and follow the instructions 😊.

  1. Learning/mastering a new skill
  2. New word
  3. Practice something, such as drawing, calligraphy, wood carving...
  4. Watered the plants


School, university, college, etc. – everything requires organization and freeing of thoughts. Write down what you need and relieve your brain, because you can always look at your planner.

  1. Passed the exam
  2. Working on a task
  3. Did my homework
  4. Prepared for the exam
  5. Extracurricular activities

These are the habits for your tracker. Organize yourself and free up time for more enjoyable things than cleaning, taking an exam, or watering the plants. 😊

52. Don't always try to fill a pause with words. Sometimes it's good to just sit in silence.

53. When in doubt, answer “I need to think.” Let's face it: we don't always have the right answers to all the questions. So instead of giving a flippant and/or incorrect quick answer, tell the other person that you need time to think about it carefully.

54. Start your most important task in the morning. At this moment you have the most strength and energy. In the morning we usually do most of the work for the day.

55. Tell yourself “we’ll see.” Even when it seems like something terrible is about to happen, there is always at least a small possibility that it will lead to something good in the future. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions about the future, just tell yourself “we’ll see.”

56. Realize that most people don't care about you. Sorry, but people's lives do not revolve only around your universe. So stop worrying about what people think of you. They won't think. Better focus on yourself and try to become better.

57. There are a few people who truly care and care about you. Stay close to such people. They are what make your life amazing. They are the ones who will be with you both in sorrow and in joy.

58. Say something nice to yourself every day. will cheer you up even in the most difficult times. Treat yourself kindly.

59. Happiness is a state of mind, not a destination. Many people think that they will suddenly become happy when they can get their hands on something. But happiness doesn't work that way. It's in your head, it's a state of mind. Therefore it cannot be found anywhere else. Happiness is here, right in front of you, wherever you look.

60. Promise only what you can deliver. Trust always goes a long way. How many people first promise mountains of gold, and then do nothing. Don't become one of them.

61. Get married or marry your best friend. Everyone needs someone who will walk with you through the good and bad times. Someone with whom you can chat all night long and not feel awkward in the silence. Someone who will love you for who you are.

62. Think about how you can help other people. At the end of your life, the only things that will matter are the people you loved, the people who loved you, and how much you did and helped others.

63. Time is your most valuable asset. Life is unpredictable. You can save and save every ruble, and then all your savings can depreciate in one moment. Yes, money has value. But time is much more valuable. Time with those you love. Time with friends. Time with your spouse. Time with children. There are 525,600 minutes in a year. Are you using this time wisely?

64. Smile at people. You yourself will become happier. A smile is contagious. This reduces stress and anxiety. Helps you gain confidence. And that's great.

65. Don't compare yourself to others. Focus on .

66. Love yourself. Before you get into a relationship with someone else, learn to love yourself. Accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the better you will be able to show love to someone else.

74. Don't leave food in sight to save yourself from unnecessary temptations.

75. Eat slowly and mindfully (you can count how many times you chew your food, eat with chopsticks, carefully cut food into pieces, etc.).

76. Drink mostly non-caloric drinks (water, tea, coffee).

77. Measure your pulse several times a week.

78. Move regularly and try different types of exercise.

Paul Proshin/

79. Stop thanking people when you yourself do something for them. People who reflexively say thank you come across as insincere and flattering. Train yourself to thank only when there is really something for it.

80. Don't be too formal. Good manners are always important, but too much formality makes you look like a child. Try to have a casual conversation at least once a day about something funny and not necessarily decent.

81. Use a minimum of words. The better you understand something yourself, the easier it is for you to explain something to someone else. Every time you write an email, think about how you can reduce this letter to 25% of the current volume without losing its meaning.

You might be surprised that the habit of making your bed first thing in the morning was included in this section. But what we are really interested in is its side effect: this way you will start your day with a small but achieved goal, thereby setting yourself up for the successful achievement of others.

85. Recognize negative thinking and get rid of it.
Negative thoughts drag you down. Learn to recognize them and try to replace them with more pleasant ones.

86. Meditate. Take courses or just find 5 minutes a day to sit quietly, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and breathe deeply. Believe me, this will seriously affect your life.

87. Get some sleep during the day. A good addition to meditation when you need a little relaxation in the afternoon. To gain strength and feel refreshed, take a 20-minute nap.

88. Sleep at least 7–9 hours at night. It is important to sleep as much as you need so as not to feel drowsy or tired. On days when you exercise or have other physical activity (say, you went hiking), sleep a little longer: you need to replenish your energy, so you need more sleep. On regular days, try to stick to the same amount of sleep.

89. Relieve stress. To do this, you can create a special evening ritual. For example, take a shower, do some stretching exercises, read a little, and write down notes about your day. This will help rid the brain of unnecessary thoughts, improve the quality of sleep, and improve attentiveness. Daily notes help you come up with new ideas, and reading inspires you to write interesting notes.

90. Find time to meet with family and friends every week. Meet during lunch for a cup of coffee, have family dinners. New ideas don't come without talking to other people. Such meetings will inspire you to new achievements.

91. Make time for your loved one every day. Say “I love you” often. Hug and kiss often. Travel together. Talk. Go for walks and on dates. It's good when there is someone who will distract you from work and fill your life with new emotions and impressions.

92. Meet at least one new person per week. New people fill your life with new ideas and take you out of your comfort zone for a little while.

93. Write every day. This could be with personal entries or a blog dedicated to your hobby or professional activity. This is great advice for those who want to develop their creativity and organize their thoughts.

94. Make music an integral part of your life. If you play an instrument, be sure to devote time to it once a week. If you don’t know how yet, but have a desire, learn. Or just listen to more music, look for new directions. Try to associate different music with specific events in your life. For example, listen to jazz or classical music while cooking, or rock and roll while cleaning.

95. Don't worry about money, worry about opportunities. Chasing money, especially at the beginning of your career, is not the best choice. Pursue knowledge and develop your skills. Think long term and it will bring you both money and happiness in the end.

96. Take risks while you are young. You can grow faster and earn more if you take a risky step. No, we are not talking about stupid extravagant actions, but about thoughtful and justified risks. You shouldn't panic if something suddenly doesn't go as planned.

97. Focus on the reward. The ability to focus on one thing is useful both in business and in life. You will become much more productive by focusing on a specific result. Conversely, you will quickly lose your strength if you try to do many things at once.

98. Don't live someone else's life. Don't let your parents, friends, anyone tell you how to live. Listen to their advice, but do what you think is right.

99. Admit when you are wrong. Everyone does it. Know how to recognize them. Apologize, learn from what happened and move on.

100. Don't give up. Never, never quit halfway. But don’t just blindly move forward, not paying attention to feedback. Keep working on the problem and analyze the feedback. And then nothing can stop you on the way to your goal.

In December, I conducted an experiment, instilling new habits and strengthening existing ones. To track the progress of the process, I prepared a habit tracker as a separate file.

Later, from the beginning of January, I marked up a diary page for the tracker. February came, and I completely forgot what it was like to live without such a useful tool! If you've heard something about a tracker, but have no idea how much it helps in life, keep reading!

Now my tracker looks like this (page on the left):

As you can see, its “structure” is as simple as possible - on the left are all the habits/repetitive actions that I try to maintain in my daily routine. On the right are columns with dates. To begin with, I made the tracker multi-colored; there is an opinion that using one black pen will make it easier to control your habits. I’ll try this option on the next page - so far it’s convenient and pleasant for me to color my day.

What is the usefulness of the tracker?

  • The tracker is a very visual tool. This is useful for habits like “drink 4 glasses of water a day” and the like. - you will stop forgetting about them! Most often, such mistakes also happen with ideas like “walk N steps a day.”
  • The tracker quickly develops a new and extremely important habit - checking it every day 🙂 This helps you quickly fit new things into your daily routine and make them habitual. If I hadn’t noted anywhere whether I was able to turn off the Internet at 23.00 and forget about it until tomorrow, then the habit itself would not have taken hold so quickly.
  • Only with the tracker did I get my hands on some habits - before I didn’t understand where to write them down and how to check their implementation. For example, English classes. It was pointless to write on the pages of the planner - you turn the page and immediately forget that you wanted to improve some grammar topics. And here this information on all areas of life is collected on one page, which I check at least once a day.
  • The tracker teaches you to praise yourself - after all, all the progress is before your eyes! It’s so nice to sit down and celebrate that I was again able to devote time to the things that I consider important, but previously I regularly forgot to do (and everyone has this, right?).

What is most often practiced with the help of a tracker?

I will give a random and fairly universal list of habits that can be included in your habit tracker (all to be completed in a day):

  1. Drink 4 glasses of water
  2. Walk 10,000 steps
  3. Read 30 minutes
  4. Meditate
  5. Exercise/Jogging/Any other physical activity
  6. Rest from the Internet from 23.00
  7. Taking vitamins
  8. Write down one to three good events per day
  9. Do not add sugar to tea or coffee
  10. Have fruits/vegetables

Materials about the experiment in December can be read here.