How to set a goal correctly to ensure you achieve it. What to do if the goal is achieved or not achieved

Goals make us develop and move forward in life. Setting is the first step to successfully achieving a goal. You switch from a passive observer to an active participant in your life. It is important that you understand the importance of goal setting and apply this knowledge daily. Then the goals will gradually begin to be realized. We will talk about how to set goals and achieve them correctly in this article.

I propose to first consider the main reasons for the need to have your own goals. This will make the goal setting process more conscious and dispel all doubts. The main reasons include:

  1. You will be in control of your own life.
    Today large number Busy and working people do not feel that they are enjoying life. The reason for this is the fact that they do not know what they want. Children finish school and are not sure what they will do next, adults work for many years and reach the age of 40 and feel that they have not used their potential.
    In reality, you are simply carrying out the goals of others. For example, fast food corporations convincing you that you “love it.” Or the consumer products industry telling you you need this shampoo at 70% off. When you think about your own goals and understand what you really want, you will seem to come out of autopilot. Instead of letting people tell you what to do, you will take responsibility for your choices.
  2. You will get maximum results.
    Top performers, world class athletes and successful people set goals. Michael Phelps (swimmer, 23 times Olympic champion), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook co-founder), Richard Branson (business tycoon) and Elon Musk ( general manager Space X and Telsa Motors) had clear goals, so they achieved success.
    What goals do you want to achieve in a year? By setting goals, you think ahead, after which you can work on an action plan. Remember that all objects are created twice: initially they are invented in the mind, then they “come to life” in real world. Setting goals is a mental creation. Physical creation is accomplished only when you begin to make efforts and bring your plans to life.
  3. You will have clear focus.
    While life gives you general direction, your goals allow you to focus on what's most important, spending your time efficiently and channeling your energy in the right direction. Let's imagine that you dream of opening an online store and have set yourself such a goal. You have no idea how to achieve it, but setting a goal gives you focus. You start brainstorming and get ideas. You realize that you can start by analyzing the demand in the market in your city, understand what products are popular and what people buy most. Then choose a niche that is in demand and interesting to you. Next, all that remains is to find a supplier, post photos of the goods on the website or in social networks, organize delivery and reception of calls. This way, focusing on your goal guides you in the right direction.
  4. You will take responsibility.
    Setting goals helps you become more responsible. Instead of just talking or blaming others, you now have a responsibility to take action. This accountability is for yourself, not for anyone else. No one knows the goal you have set and no one will bully you. Only you will win if you achieve it.
  5. You will increase your motivation.
    Setting goals is like connecting you to your inner desires. They help motivate you and strive for your ideals. This is especially effective if you are going through a difficult life stage; goals help remind you of what is important, focus on your desires, and overcome obstacles.
  6. You will become a better person.
    Goals will help you reach your highest potential. Without them, you habitually do the routine work that makes you feel safe every day. But it doesn't allow you to grow. This robs you of your infinite potential. Motivation will force you to take risks, experience new situations and go beyond the usual, thereby giving you the opportunity to reach new heights.
  7. You will live better.
    Last but not least important point: goals guarantee you better life. As time goes on, it is by setting goals with specific actions that will ensure that you use your potential and achieve greatest number useful experience within the allotted time.

Setting a goal

To achieve a specific result, you can use different methods. One of the most effective methods is the “SMART” technology. The word is an acronym and includes five main criteria. Any task you set must correspond to them.

  • Specificity. It is not enough to set yourself the goal “I want a house by the sea.” It is necessary to describe all the nuances and preferences in your mind as accurately as possible. Otherwise, you may have a house, but it will belong to a relative and you will not be able to manage it as you would like. The goal seems to have been achieved, but you don’t get what you wanted. Example:
    Wrong: I want a house by the sea.
    Right: Two-story house in personal ownership with good repair and a swimming pool in Phuket next to the sea.
  • Measurability. You have talent and good ideas, because you want to open own business. This is interesting and, if successful, will allow you to make good money. In this case, you need to set a goal of how much income you want to receive per month from your business and gradually achieve it. Example:
    Wrong: I want to become a successful and rich entrepreneur.
    Right: Income 500,000 rubles per month from your business.
  • Reachability. Try to jump above your head and set ambitious plans for yourself, while relying on objective reality. Example:
    Wrong: I want all people to be healthy.
    Right: Learn to become a doctor and develop effective ways healing the body.
  • Significance. When setting a specific goal, ask yourself the question “why do I need this?” in order to come to a specific answer “I will become happier”, “I will be able to help people”, etc. Money cannot be a goal - it only provides an opportunity to acquire something what do you desire. Example:
    Wrong: Want more money to travel.
    Right: Traveling through European cities.
  • Deadlines. Without a time frame, a goal can stretch out over many years. An approaching deadline encourages action and increases productivity. Example:
    Wrong: I want to learn English.
    Right: Next year I will pass the TOEFL exam with excellent marks.

How to achieve your goals

Achieving what you want can sometimes be very difficult. We blame our colleagues, friends and even fate for our failures and failures, but, of course, we don’t think about ourselves. To achieve your goals, you need to consider several points.

  1. Write down your goals. It’s even better to supplement your written wish with pictures (for example, magazine clippings). The collage visualizes your desires.
  2. Form your desires as precisely as possible. Avoid expressions that can be interpreted in two ways so that additional questions do not arise.
  3. Set realistic goals that you can achieve in this life. Agree that you are unlikely to be able to ride a unicorn on your birthday.
  4. Dream big. Don't limit yourself to mundane goals like shopping new bag. Dream about trip around the world, house with garden or successful business. Don't force yourself into rigid boundaries, let your potential unfold.
  5. Move from desires to actions. Study, read and try - this is the only way to achieve what you dream of.

List of 100 goals for the year

I usually make a list of 100 goals before the New Year. This is a very useful practice. I tell you how to write such lists correctly in this video.

Analyze your actions, draw conclusions and expand your knowledge. Correct goal setting, your efforts and efforts will allow you to achieve the desired results and achieve success. I wish you good luck and start conquering the peaks today!

How to set goals and achieve them? How do you understand that the goal is “yours”? Why don't we achieve some goals? How to move the needle and enter your bright future now? Read about this and much more in this article.

How to correctly formulate goals

IN lately It has become fashionable to make a “Dream Map”, make lists of goals, and you have probably already read more than once about how to correctly formulate goals. I’ll tell you briefly how goals are set for smart technology. The goal should be:

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Achievable
  4. Realistic
  5. Determined in time

In other words, if you dream of having your own home, your goal should sound something like this: “I am buying a house in the center of Sochi for ten million rubles in February 2021.” And don't forget that the goal must be realistic. If now ten million is indecent for you large amount, or for some reason you do not have the opportunity to move to Sochi - do not set such a goal for yourself. First of all, you must believe in yourself and have an adequate attitude towards your goal. Without your sincere belief and calm attitude towards the possibility of achieving this goal in 2021, the goal has no meaning.

The goal must be positive. There should not be a “no” particle in your formulation (because your subconscious mind does not hear it) and there should be no negative words that come from the opposite direction. Such as “get rid of”, “stop” or “stop”. These words are usually followed by what you want to get rid of, not what you are going towards. For example, the goal “I want to stop drinking” is entirely focused on drinking, not on the lack of it. Also the goal “I want to lose seven extra pounds"refers our subconscious to extra pounds, and not to slimness.

The positivity of the formulation lies in the fact that it should contain only positively colored words. They focus your subconscious on what you want to achieve, rather than on what you want to get away from. The goal should be aimed at something, instead of moving away from something.

A correctly formulated goal is already big step on the way to her. Most people don't even know how to formulate goals correctly and don't write them down. If you don't want to be among the majority, take your diary or piece of paper and right now correctly formulate your main goal.

So, we learned how to correctly formulate goals. We are already at the start. Now it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules of the game and begin to confidently move towards your bright future.

How to set goals and achieve them - 7 simple rules

If a person lives his life without specifically realizing where he is going, and his thoughts are scattered, he will not be able to achieve his goal. A person living in this way, at this moment solves someone else's problems, unknowingly helps others achieve their goals.

In order to start confidently moving towards your goal, you must first of all be confident in yourself. How to raise self-esteem and build inner confidence in your power, read this.

When a goal first appears in a person’s head, it means that he already has all the resources to achieve it. Our subconscious forms only those desires that we can potentially fulfill.

So if you don’t live going with the flow, but strive for something more, and if you already have a correctly formulated cherished desire in your head and on a piece of paper, then fulfill these simple rules. They will help you start moving confidently towards your goal. So, how to set goals and achieve them - 7 rules:

Rule #1: The goal should only be you

Exclude other people from your goal. Your goal should be only you. When a goal includes another person, she becomes dependent on him. All this “I want him to marry me” or “I want my mom to stop controlling me” doesn’t work! The goal should be only yours, and depend only on you. As you get closer to your goal, the space around you will change, and maybe this will make your loved one want to marry you, or maybe your mother will look at you differently and allow you to make your own decisions. The main thing is that on the way to achieving your goal, focus only on yourself, and everything else will follow.

Consider the goal in detail. You need to clearly see the goal and the path to it. What color will the house on the seashore be? Where exactly will it be located? How exactly will you save money for it? How much will you save each month? If you know where you are going and clearly see your goal, over time the path to it will begin to appear by itself, out of nowhere, space will begin to change circumstances to suit your goal. Remember, the road appears under the steps of the walker. So go ahead and don't stop one step.

Rule #3: Are you worth it?

Don't confuse a goal with a dream. Ask yourself: “Do I deserve this?” Often we want something and at the same time understand that we do not deserve it for some reasons and excuses we have invented. As a result, we are afraid to achieve it. We need to boldly face the truth. To be afraid of your goal means, on an unconscious level, to not believe that you can achieve it. If you think you deserve your goal, then go for it! If not, read the fourth rule.

Rule #4: Share until you deserve it.

Break the target into pieces. Every time you share a goal, ask yourself the question: “Do I deserve this goal?” Divide it until the answer sounds affirmative and confident. You are definitely worthy of this small goal, so start with it.

Danger! Don't discount your goal if it seems small to you. Ask yourself: “What more do I need this for?” Achieve it with the same zeal and tenacity with which you strive for global goal.

Rule #5: Eco-Friendly

The goal must be environmentally friendly. In other words, it shouldn't negatively impact other areas of your life. Achieving some goals may entail, for example, breaking a relationship, losing a job or losing friends. We may not suspect this, but our subconscious mind takes this into account, and as a result prevents us from achieving our goal, trying in this way to protect us from losses.

Let's return to the goal of purchasing a house in Sochi. If, for example, one of your close relatives periodically needs your help or, say, your child would not like to leave, he has friends and school here, then your subconscious will prevent you from achieving your goal. You will actively strive for it, but something will constantly stop you.

In the world of cinema, the so-called “love story” has recently appeared. Oscar's curse": for last couple For decades, almost all women who received the coveted statuette divorced their husbands after the award. Could they have known that their goal was not environmentally friendly? Ask yourself: “Will achieving my goal have a negative impact? negative impact to other important areas of my life? And if it turns out to be the case, are you willing to lose something important in order to achieve your goal?

Rule #6: Focus on the goal

Where attention is directed, energy flows there. What is your focus? On the grievances of the past? Or maybe it runs from one thought to another? Or maybe it is aimed at TV series and social networks?

Focus all your attention on the goal, think about it constantly, and do, if possible, only what brings you closer to it. This is the only way you can achieve it.

Rule #7: Do whatever it takes to get closer

Don't stand still. Each activity either moves us away from our goal or brings us closer to it. Constantly ask yourself: “Is what I am doing now moving me closer to my goal or further away from it?” Don't get carried away with the little things, focus on the main thing. The moment you don't do anything to get closer to your goal, you move away from it. Think, while you are lying on the couch, someone else is already achieving your goal.

How to understand that the goal is “yours”?

There are goals that for some reason are not being achieved. They end up on our target list by mistake. Probably someone imposed them on us, and we began to think that we ourselves wanted it. So how can you check whether a goal is “yours” or not?

It's very simple. Energy is released for any goal. If you have the strength for this goal, then it is yours. Your goal itself gives you the energy to achieve it.

The most important resources are within us. This is a high energy level, a desire to do something, interest in it, as well as any positive emotions. Here's everything you need to achieve your goal. If, as you approach your goal, you feel an emotional and energetic uplift, then you are on the right track. After the first few steps towards “your” goal, you will have a drive, you will want to do more and more, get closer to the goal faster, you will go into a frenzy and will do everything until you get what you want.

If the goal exhausts you, you have no strength for it and you always want to take a break or get distracted, then this is not your goal. And don't even try, you won't be able to achieve it. And if by chance you are able to do this, it will not bring you the desired satisfaction.

What to do right now to ensure you achieve your goal

Take a pen and a piece of paper. Write down your goal according to all the rules you read above. Now write down point by point what you will do step by step to get to this goal. Our brain is designed in such a way that if you break down the goal into points, and these points are simple and even pleasant for you, then the brain will automatically start working.

Once you have written down all the steps, select four of them. Do one right now. Three more this week. This way you will launch in your subconscious the mechanism of movement towards the goal. This week you will determine whether this is your goal or not. If yes, she will begin to pull you towards her like a magnet. You will be surprised where strength, energy, people, money will come from somewhere for your goal. The main thing is not to lose regularity in your pursuit of the goal, the goal will pull you towards itself, but you will also need to make efforts to achieve it. And if these efforts are regular and systematic, then you are guaranteed to achieve great success.


Congratulations! You've just learned how to set goals and achieve them. Remember where your attention is directed, energy flows there. And where your energy is, there is your goal. The more attention and energy your goal receives, the faster circumstances will adjust to its implementation.

Keep your focus on your goal, think about it, consider it in detail. What does she look like? How do you feel when you think about her? Are you feeling good? Then boldly go to her, and not a step back! Remember: every second either moves you away or brings you closer to your goal. So keep control of your movement and don't stop at anything.

And don't forget to download my book How to Love Yourself. In it I share the most effective techniques, with the help of which I once raised my self-esteem, became confident and fell in love with myself. This book will be a big step towards your goals! After all, achieving any goals begins with self-love.

I wish you to achieve all your goals! If you need individual help and support along this path, you can contact me for psychological help. I will help you learn how to achieve your goals. Even those that now seem unrealistic. We will work with motivation, self-discipline, and everything that hinders and helps you achieve what you want.

You can make an appointment with me for a consultation through VKontakte, instagram or . You can get acquainted with the cost of services and the work scheme.

Subscribe to my Instagram And YouTube channel. There are a lot of useful things there!

I believe that you will succeed!
Your psychologist Lara Litvinova

Target– this is what makes a person move forward and achieve what he wants. It is through setting goals that people live, not exist. For some, the goal is to buy a house, for others it is a walk in the park after work. In any case, the scale may differ, but the meaning remains similar.

Let's look at how to set goals correctly and achieve them.

First of all, it’s worth understanding that you don’t need to talk about a goal as a desire or a dream, because these are completely different concepts. The goal must be confirmed by some actions, while the desire or dream can remain at the level "I would like".

Thus, the goal should be put into concrete form, not be an abstract concept, but quite real. At the same time, do not forget that a desire can consist of several different goals that are formed in order to fulfill your dream.

Setting goals– one of the most important moments in the life of any person. You must understand that setting goals is necessary, because only in this way can you live, move from one point to another, and not aimlessly walk along the road of life. However, even if you know what goal you want to achieve, but you cannot formulate it correctly, then a lot will go downhill: when setting a goal, it is important not only to understand what you want, but also to understand how you can achieve this.

This is why achieving your goal is impossible without a concrete plan that will help you make your dreams work for you! Want to know how?

First of all, the subconscious level is important. Once you set goals, you begin to program your brain for success. Our subconscious mind works for us: it is it that tells us what to do next, what steps to take, what people should get acquainted with, and so on! Thus, correctly formulated goal setting will not only attract the fulfillment of your desires, but will also make your life much easier. Remember that it is our subconscious that throughout our lives suggests answers to many questions and leads us along our life path.

You should not focus on your consciousness, because this is our external part, which is influenced from the outside, and some of your decisions based on consciousness depend on environment, social status and other factors. But the subconscious can at one time or another serve as a good service - intuition really strong thing. If you want to achieve a goal, then focus on your subconscious - most likely, it will not let you down.

Let's give an example: you may have doubts when calling at work (for example, having accidentally seen an advertisement), your consciousness will tell you that "this is a scam". However, your intuition "will catch" those signals that will be an impetus for you to dial this phone number and still talk about the position.

Among other things, achieving your goal is impossible without faith in the result and that you can succeed. Believe that you can do it, and don’t be afraid to set goals - that’s the only way you’ll be able to achieve your plans. Only the most cherished goals and their setting give us the strength and desire to live and move forward. They are the ones who take possession of our thoughts and fill us with vital energy. Many millionaires became millionaires simply because they were able to achieve their goals!

Setting goals - what is it for?

You are probably wondering: why do I need to achieve something, since everything suits me? It would seem that everything is really smooth and even for you, however, at some point you may get bored with such a life. Many people believe that a person's lack of goals can be compared to sailing on the high seas without the captain of a ship - at some point the ship will surely crash, even though you may have tried to flounder. It’s the same in life: you make efforts that you shouldn’t have made, because they won’t give you any positive results.

People who know how to set goals correctly ultimately achieve more than those who are unable to do so.

Example: if you say that you want an apartment, then this is not a goal, but a desire. If you clearly understand what kind of apartment you want, you know your desired living space, the number of rooms and the direction - then this is already a goal, on the way to which you can set micro-goals to achieve it (for example, open a bank account with interest, save a certain amount per year and so on).

You can even conduct such an experiment among your friends by asking them the simplest question - “What are your goals?”. Surely this will puzzle most of them, and at best they will voice their desires, but not their goals. Indeed, goal setting is not an easy task, but it is worth it if you do not want to stand still, but want to develop and move forward to new horizons.

It is thanks to goals that people change jobs, move to other cities or even countries, buy real estate, cars, open bank accounts, go on vacation to good places– all this cannot be achieved without a goal.

However, many live without goals at all, because “and everything is fine”. Such people are satisfied with their social status. They can go to an already boring place of work for years, go on vacation to a guest house "cheaper", live in a one-room apartment for two or three generations, drive a used car, or even take the subway. For most, leaving their comfort zone - asking their boss for a raise or finding a new job - is real stress, so they prefer to leave everything as it is, and then they themselves suffer from it.

You've probably noticed that such people use a huge number of excuses on the way to improving their lives:

Everyone lives like this, and I will too
I'm in the province, it's hard to find work here
I'm happy with everything
What if it gets worse? They don’t seek good from goodness

And many others. In fact, the reason lies in the fact that they are simply afraid and lazy, because it is really not easy to move from the place where you have been for many years. However, one must understand that this is a path to nowhere - it will not bring either happiness or satisfaction.

What is the reason for the lack of goals?

Why don't some people set goals? What reasons are there that stop them or perhaps prevent them from doing this? Let's look at the main ones.

Firstly, most people were not taught how to set goals and were not told that this is a vital human function, without which it will be difficult for them. Accordingly, this is not taught either at school, or at university, or at work, much less at home, because many are accustomed "be like everyone else".

Secondly, many people focus on others, and not on themselves, before making this or that choice: for example, choosing a profession or job. Surely many people turn to friends, parents, and relatives for advice, but do not listen to themselves, and this is one of the main mistakes.

Thirdly, low self-esteem sometimes it prevents you from setting the right goal. Agree that many of you have had to deal with thoughts "I don't deserve more" or “I won’t succeed”. Remember: on the path to your dreams and achieving your goals, only faith in yourself and actions, actions and more actions will help you.

In addition, many are often afraid of various difficulties. Of course, no one can do without them. life path, but you need to perceive trials with wisdom - think that this lesson was necessary for you, that it taught you a lot, and move forward.

It is also important to know that you need to surround yourself with the right people. Who are we talking about? About those who, when you try to change yourself and your life, will not convince you that you will not succeed and you cannot. Even if close people tell you about this, many psychologists advise reducing communication to a minimum, otherwise you will drive this negative program into your thoughts, and nothing good will come of it.

What else can’t you do without if you want to set and achieve goals? Without proper goal setting. Achieving the set goal is impossible without a certain algorithm of actions. Which one? See below.

So, to achieve the goal, the following steps are needed:

Definition main goal
Dividing the main goal into small ones will make it easier to follow the path to your dream
Making a plan and acting on it

Let's look at each point in detail.

Point one.

Determining the main goal - you must pay very close attention to this point. Remember - this should really be your goal, most likely your cherished desire (for example, purchasing a car or traveling abroad), but in no case imposed by someone from the outside. Otherwise, you will not only not receive satisfaction from the work done, but you are unlikely to be able to achieve your goal.

Getting excited about what you plan to do is the main thing you should focus on when setting your main goal.

Once you have determined your goal, ask yourself questions about who you want to become after acquiring what you want, what you will get from achieving your goal, and whether it will give you pleasure.

Also remember one of the main rules: while your goals are in your head, they are just your thoughts. They must be written down on paper. But here too there is certain rules: “I want to live in my own house”- the right goal, especially if you write down all the details about your future home (number of floors, number of rooms, area, etc.). Collocation “I don’t want to live in a rented apartment”, in turn, is extremely incorrect.

The goal should not be abstract, it should be specific, which is why it is important to present everything in detail. You can be inspired by pictures from the Internet that are close to what you want, various stories, and so on. Visualize your dream!

Next, you should understand that the goal must be achievable. It is extremely unlikely that in a month you will earn a hundred thousand if you now earn twenty. Go gradually towards your goal, increasing your income month by month (with the help of part-time jobs or promotions).

Be sure to set yourself specific deadlines: “I will buy a car by the end of April”, “I’ll take my license in June” and so on.

And the most important thing when setting the main goal is to rely only on yourself and your strengths.

Point two.

The next step should be to divide one large goal into small subgoals - this will make it much easier for you to achieve what you want.

Indeed, the goal "buy big house» - sounds scary. The same goal, but broken down into subgoals, sounds less terrifying. For example:

Deposit 50,000 rubles monthly into a bank account at interest for a year;
Find a foreman and workers;
Think over the design of the house;
Find a piece of land.

If you don't have the income you need to buy a home, then you need to consider options that will help you get more money. When you see subgoals, it is much easier for you: prioritizing, adequately assessing your strengths and capabilities will undoubtedly help you.

Now we get to the most important thing: setting goals. The most successful scheme is considered to be the one proposed by Brian Tracy in his book "Psychology of Achievement". If you strictly follow these 12 points, then success awaits you! Be patient and move forward.

Stage number 1- evoke a sincere desire. Keep in mind that without a slight obsession with your own dreams and goals, you won’t succeed – you simply won’t want to. You must desire the goal that you have set for yourself with all your soul and with all your heart - then any obstacles will be of no concern to you.

Stage number 2- be confident that you will succeed. Don’t doubt yourself for a second and throw away all thoughts on the topic "what if..." far, far away. You have already made up your mind, you have set a goal for yourself for which you are ready to move mountains - so act! Three main components of your success:


Stage number 3– write down your goal on paper. As mentioned above, a goal that is not written down on paper is just thoughts or abstract dreams, but not the real goal that you want to achieve. In order to get even one step closer to it, you must see it in front of you, on paper, and not just have it in your thoughts. The recorded target has energy.

Stage number 4– make for yourself a list of the benefits that you will receive when you achieve your goal. For example, if you want to buy a car, you can write about freedom of movement, trips out of town with friends, and so on. You must definitely see the benefits of achieving your goal - this will inspire you.

Stage number 5– analyze the current situation. If you want to start earning 200 thousand a month from scratch, then you must realize that this is quite difficult to achieve in short terms. Be reasonable with your requests.

Stage number 6– set deadlines. This has already been said above: the more clearly you imagine when you need to achieve this or that goal, the easier it will be for you - you will not only have a certain guideline, but you will also have an idea of ​​how much time you have what you have in stock and how you can distribute your sub-goals.

Stage number 7– if there are obstacles to achieving your goal, then you should also write them down and think about how you can eliminate or circumvent them. Focus your attention on the big problem first, and only then think about the small ones. Also divide your barriers into internal (those that depend on you) and external (those that depend on you only indirectly), and act based on your conclusions.

Stage number 8- make a list additional information, which you may need (books, advanced training courses, master classes).

Stage number 9– make a list of those people who can provide you with significant assistance in achieving your goal.

Stage number 10– make up detailed plan their further actions. What do you need to achieve your goal? How much money? How much time? What should you do first? Start the mechanism. In this case, prioritization will undoubtedly help you.

Stage number 11– visualize your goal. Imagine that you have already achieved it. How do you feel? What would you do next? Dream!

Stage number 12– promise yourself that you will not give up on your goal. Or better yet, swear. Be sure that you will not give up everything in the middle of the path and will not turn around, but will achieve your plans.

Start big, achieve even more, and never look back. We must always go beyond. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

This article is a continuation of the article “How to set goals correctly and achieve them. Why you need to be able to set goals”, where we looked at the main reasons why people do not achieve their goals and what proper goal setting means.

In order to independently and CORRECTLY set goals for yourself and, accordingly, achieve them, I will tell you 10 rules (or you can call them secrets, tricks) for achieving your goal.
Even if you use at least some of them, you will significantly change the difference between “your BEFORE” and “your AFTER”.

Correct goal setting includes 10 rules:

1. Break your life down into component areas.

Career, business, family, communication, self-development and others that you have.

Determine which of these areas are most relevant and valuable.

There is also great opportunity see what your personal life is filled with...

2. Identify the areas of your life that provide the most meaning to you

If you find it difficult to determine at first which area provides the greatest value, think about what you will always find time for, no matter how busy and tired you are.

For example, even if you return tired from work, you will always find the time and energy to chat with your child or sit him on your lap (if the child’s age, of course, allows it).

3. Create two time diagrams for yourself:

The first is what you have time for and what you spend it on.

The second is what you would like to devote more time to, what you would like to spend less time on. This is a diagram of the ideal use of your time.

Compare these two diagrams.

You will get the answer to what is taking up your time now and what you should change in your life to get closer to the second diagram.

4. Dream! Yes yes, Dream!

Think about what you are striving for, what you want to achieve, what will make your life truly fulfilling and happy?

I usually have dreams like this when internal dialogues with myself: a lot of options go through my head about what I want to be or what I want to be able to do, and as a result the most bright image.

5. Many of your dreams can become your life goals.

What is the difference between a desire and a goal?

A desire is simply a dream, an idea, a thought.

And the goal has its own criteria and guidelines, by which you can determine how much you have already done and how much you still have left.

Take yourself mentally into the future.

What and how should change in your life?

Set yourself guidelines for goals that you will move towards.

6. Your goals must be specific.

You must clearly understand what you want, so your goals should be as specific as possible.

“Becoming a businessman” is an example of a non-specific goal. Absolutely nothing is clear:

  • In what area (what do you want to do)
  • Thanks to which
  • What does it mean to you to be a businessman: for some it means opening a company with a multimillion-dollar income, but for others it is enough to cover their living minimum with the help of “buying and selling”...

Maximum specificity:

  • When?
  • With whom?
  • How many?

7. Define your quantitative criteria for achieving goals

A question to check the correctness of defining the criteria: “How will I understand that the goal has been achieved? »

  • Not to become strong, but to do 100 push-ups.
  • Not to become rich, but to earn 978564.00 money.
  • Not to lose weight, but to lose -20 kg of weight.

8. Give your goal a time frame for when it should be achieved.

This will motivate you to achieve it as quickly as possible and put you within a clear time frame.

Set a time range for your goal

Are you familiar with the situation when you rewrite some goal from year to year? Do you know why? Because you didn't set a time frame for it!

  • Earn 978564.00 money by the end of this year.
  • Do 100 push-ups in 1 minute.
  • Lose -20 kg of weight in 4 months.

9. Set realistic goals for yourself

Real goals are those goals that you can accept in your mind, that do not make you feel like you and your goal are completely different parts of the world.
For example, the goal of flying into space is not realistic for the average person who has only seen space on TV.
But for a professional pilot who has dreamed of space since childhood, this goal is much more realistic.
Although... Now for “many millions of dollars” you can fly into space without preparation, right from the couch. This significantly increases the reality of this dream for ordinary citizens. All that remains is to find many millions)))

10. Your goals should be ambitious and challenge you!

Only overcoming obstacles makes the goal more valuable to you:

  • Force yourself to wake up earlier every morning and go for a run.
  • Limit yourself in food in order to be in shape
  • Making “one more cold call” to close a new deal

So don’t set yourself simple goals that you can achieve without much effort!

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

When you realize what you want, don't stop, dig even deeper. Is this your goal? Is this what you want? Maybe your mother wants this, your environment or other alien voices are imposing theirs?

Are you sure you really want this? Choosing and correctly setting a goal is half the battle and the basis for a successful outcome. Let's look at the criteria for correctness.


It is not enough to set the goal “apartment”. It is necessary to describe the nuances in as much detail as possible, otherwise discrepancies are possible. An apartment seems to have appeared, there is a place to live, but it is not yours, you cannot dispose of it as you please. This apartment is the wrong size, in the wrong city, it’s not an apartment, but a room in a communal apartment. Has the goal been achieved? Yes. Is this what you wanted? No.

Wrong target: apartment.

Correct goal: three-room apartment without encumbrances in the center of Moscow in my ownership.


Let's say your goal is to become a popular blogger. Thanks to social networks, there is a simple and concrete sign of popularity - a large number of subscribers. If you find it difficult to determine this figure for yourself, look at how many subscribers the person you consider popular has, and use this number as a guide.

Wrong target: I want to be popular.

Correct goal: 5,000 followers on Facebook.


As one boss said, ask the impossible, you will get the maximum. Set yourself ambitious goals, desire in your heart to jump above your head, believe in yourself, and then land and take into account objective reality. There is no point in setting yourself the goal of growing a third arm.

Wrong target: I want people not to get cancer.

Correct goal: employment with a cancer organization.


Ask yourself the question “Why?” Repeat until you come to an answer like “This will make me happy,” “I will feel fulfilled,” “I will be fulfilled as...”. Ultimately, most human desires come down to these simple things. Therefore, it is not recommended to set a goal of a certain amount of money. Money is not a goal, it is a means to achieve something that will bring joy, benefit, and happiness.

Wrong target: I want a lot of money to buy a yacht.

Correct goal: yacht.


The deadline is a necessary parameter to achieve the goal. Without buoys, the sea of ​​time seems endless, but suddenly life passes. An approaching deadline stimulates acceleration and will help correlate current progress with the remaining time.

Wrong target: I want to learn to draw.

Sign of goal achievement

By what sign will we understand that the goal of “getting married” has been achieved? will appear official document, confirming this is a marriage certificate. I’ll say a seditious thought, but in achieving a goal we move rather not towards the goal itself, but towards a sign of its achievement. Without a sign of achievement, the goal ceases to be specific. It's not enough to want your own car. The car becomes mine the moment my name is entered into the vehicle passport.

Incorrect sign: Dodge brand car.

Correct sign: PTS for a Dodge car.

Tools for achieving goals


Register key milestones in order from last to first. The question “What is needed to..?” will help with this. Determine the approximate deadlines for each stage so that you can check the plan later.


Goal: October 2019 - housewarming in my own house, which I will build.

  • What do you need to celebrate a housewarming in the house that I will build? Interior decoration (September 2019).
  • What is needed for interior decoration to appear? Bring up communications (May 2018).
  • What is needed to carry out communications? Cover the roof (April 2018).
  • What does it take to cover a roof? Build walls (March 2018).
  • Lay the foundation (September 2017).
  • Select a construction contractor (June 2017).
  • Order a project (April 2017).
  • Find an architect (tomorrow).

So we come to the first step: write a post on social networks tomorrow and ask to recommend an architect.

Action every day

Take at least one action every day to achieve your goal. Even if you only have enough energy for one microtask, let it be done: curtains, call the architect and discuss the date of the meeting.

Creating an Environment

Fill the air. Subscribe to thematic resources, meet and communicate with experts and experienced people, read, watch. This contributes to the accumulation of knowledge and helps not to forget about the goal.

It is ideal if loved ones support, encourage, and help. Specialists and experienced people can also provide moral support, not limited to just expertise.


A method for those who do not deny that thought is material. Put yourself in the image you want. This could be a visualization of the goal: someone draws a goal, someone makes collages from their photographs and photographs of the goal. Someone practices the principle “Live as if you have achieved it”, models and cultivates the feeling that you have what you want.

What to do if the goal is achieved or not achieved

Regardless of the result, analyze it. What hindered you in achieving your goal, what helped? What inspired you, what provoked procrastination? What should you consider or improve next time?

Analysis and adjustment:

  • The goal was not achieved within the desired period. Review the deadlines and adjust them in accordance with the input data.
  • The goal is irrelevant. Perhaps interests, values, or life situation have changed. Adjust the goal or abandon it.
  • The goal is relevant, but priorities have changed. Life has made adjustments to plans; other issues require attention. Review the goal and timeline.

Don’t regret, don’t criticize yourself, analyze, look for cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions. Accept a situation that cannot be changed. It will be easier if you give your all along the way and enjoy the process. Even if things didn't work out, at least you had a great time. What's next on the list?