Holidays to Vietnam in October: where is the best place to go? Traveling to Vietnam in October is a great opportunity for a vacation! Where is the best place in Vietnam in October?

Vietnam in October enjoys cool weather. In the south of the country, the wet season is ending, which means that all conditions are created for a beach holiday. Heavy rains are raging in the center of the country, so it is better to refrain from visiting Da Nang and Hue. Dates of holidays and festivals in Vietnam are determined according to lunar calendar, different from traditional Gregorian. There are several interesting and unusual holidays in October 2016.

Holidays and festivals in Vietnam in October

Bullfighting festival in Haiphong. Held annually on the 9th-10th of the 8th lunar month (October 8-9) in the resort town of Haiphong. This is the Asian version of bullfighting. Unlike the Spanish one, the fight is carried out between two specially trained animals. There are similar festivals in other cities, but at other times they are smaller in scale. At the same time, a grand fair is held where you can taste traditional Vietnamese cuisine.

Hanoi Liberation Day. October 10 marks the day of liberation of the capital of Vietnam from the French colonialists. The main celebrations take place in Hanoi and are accompanied by mass celebrations, performances of musical groups and fireworks. The morning begins with a solemn procession of representatives communist party and the Komsomol, so in spirit the celebration is very reminiscent of May Day in the Soviet Union.

Time difference with Moscow

The time difference between Moscow and Vietnam is 4 hours.

Weather in Vietnam in October

Daytime temperature +30 °C, night temperature +23 °C, sea water +28 °C.

Vietnam expects a huge number of holidaymakers from all over the world every year, despite the weather.

The weather in Vietnam in October is an important issue for those who choose a region for vacation. In fact, this month everywhere in the country is warm and at times even hot.

In the northern part of the country the dry season begins, in the south the wet season is just coming to an end, and in the middle there is the peak of rainfall, storms and floods.

Weather in Vietnam in October in the north

October is one of the most comfortable months for relax. The amount of precipitation is significantly reduced compared to September, the thermometer remains at 23-28 °C, air humidity is 75%, and the average water temperature is 24-26 °C. It is quite hot during the day and cool at night. Sometimes typhoons are possible.

In Hanoi there are only 3 rainy days a month, and the sky is overcast. Typhoons are occasionally observed. It's quite hot in Halong, it's the height of the dry season, the water is very warm, which provides comfort for beach lovers.

Weather in Vietnam in October in mountain Sapa it is not so hot, the air temperature averages 16 °C (at night on average 18 °C, during the day - 23 °C), which is significantly colder than in the valleys. The amount of precipitation per month is up to 190 mm, humidity is high – up to 93%.

Vietnam: weather in October in the middle part of the country

In the middle (central) part of the country, October is considered a rainy month (more than 600 mm of precipitation). The air temperature remains at 24-27 °C, humidity – 80%, water – 25 °C. Typhoons and floods occur, after which several days settlements this part of Vietnam is flooded. The sea calms down a few days after the typhoon, which is when some tourists manage to spend a pleasant holiday in Vietnam in October in the center of the country.

In Da Nang, Hue, Hoi An, the air temperature is approximately the same, equal to 28-29 °C. The surf is strong, the water is muddy.

Vietnam: weather in October in the south of the country

In the southern part of Vietnam it still rains in October (up to 250 mm per month), this is the penultimate month wet season. The maritime monsoon is replaced by a continental one. Mostly warm, and in some places even hot. The air warms up to 28-30 °C. Rare storms occur.

Despite the vagaries of the weather, in October you can find excellent places for a beach holiday in the south of the country. In Nha Trang, short-term rains are observed (up to 254 mm of precipitation per month), air temperature - 24-30 °C, water temperature - 25-27 °C. Storms occur frequently. In Mui Ne, Phan Rang and Phan Thiet, the weather at this time is not much different. If you want comfortable swimming, you can drive 45 from Nha Trang and swim at the foot of the Yang Bai waterfall in a small and warm lake.

If you are not happy with the weather in October, then you should check out

In Ho Chi Minh City, the wet season ends in October (precipitation ranges from 200-450 mm); it is still cloudy and damp, but hot. Air temperature – from 23 to 33 °C, humidity – 80-86 °C. Tourists rarely choose this town for a long holiday in mid-autumn, but Ho Chi Minh City is quite attractive for a stay for a few days.

On the islands of Phu Quoc and Con Dao the wet season ends and the dry season begins. By the end of the month, the rains become less intense, the air temperature is 23-30 °C, humidity is 83%, water temperature is about 29 °C.

The weather in Vietnam in October is quite varied. If your vacation falls right at this time, then you can find a corner where you can spend it as comfortable, eventful and interesting as possible. Numerous reviews from tourists confirm this. If during your vacation you are caught in the rain, do not despair, go on excursions, the impressions of which will remain for a long time.

If it happens that your vacation is in May, then it is worth reading the niche article:.

You can also go on a jungle safari while enjoying beautiful nature country, visit ancient pagodas, explore majestic palace complexes, mysterious temples and other main attractions of the country.
If you decide to go to New Year in Vietnam, be sure to find out about it.
Vietnam in October is a welcome and bright continuation of summer; in Russia at this time it is already raining with might and main and it is starting to get colder, sunny days is getting smaller. Inexpensively, with comfort and pleasure, you can please yourself and your family with a wonderful holiday under the rays gentle sun in hospitable Vietnam.

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Vietnam's weather is always varied, and October is no exception. In some regions there are heavy rains, in others the wet season is already ending, and in others it is consistently good weather. Here you can always find a holiday resort, but October will delight tourists with average air temperatures, warm rather than hot sea and relatively inexpensive prices.


Air temperature

  • Hanoi: +27˚С … +33˚С
  • Haiphong: +28˚С… +33˚С
  • Hoi An: +28˚С… +32˚С
  • Danang: +27˚С… +31˚С
  • Nha Trang: +30˚С… +32˚С
  • Con Dao: +31˚С… +32˚С
  • Mui Ne,: +30˚С… +34˚С
  • Phan Thiet: +31˚С… 34˚С

At times warm, at times hot, but invariably muggy weather settled along the entire coast of Vietnam. The most high temperatures The southern coast is different, where the heat reaches 34˚C. According to the results of last year, the northern coast turned out to be more unpredictable, where the amplitude of temperature fluctuations reached 15˚С: from +20˚С to +35˚С.

Water temperature

  • Haiphong: +26˚С… +28˚С
  • Hoi An: +26˚С… +28˚ С
  • Da Nang: +26˚С… +28˚С
  • Nha Trang: +27˚С… +28˚С
  • Con Dao: +28˚С… +29˚С
  • Mui Ne,: +27˚С… +29˚С
  • Phan Thiet: +27˚С… 28˚С

By mid-autumn, the water temperature becomes more comfortable for long-term swimming. Although it still cannot be considered refreshing and even to the liking of steam water lovers, by the end of the month it is approaching +26˚С.

Weather Features

Mid-autumn in Vietnam is characterized by a change in the region of the wet season. In October, it covers the central part of the coast, where the most favorable weather on the coast reigned throughout the summer and early autumn. Now it rains here from 14 to 18 days, while the remaining days are mostly cloudy. There is a high probability of storms in this region.

The resorts of the southern coast are also not characterized by favorable conditions for relaxation. October is considered one of the rainiest months in this region. Although there will be less precipitation here than in the central part, there will still be enough to ruin your vacation.

It will be most comfortable on the northern coast. Compared to other parts of the country, the north is quite dry and sunny. But even here, sharp gusts of wind are possible, which cause colder temperatures and muddy water.


Thanks to the diversity weather conditions In Vietnam, holiday prices in October do not decrease. Or rather, the cost of living in the southern or central resorts is slightly lower than it was before, while on the northern coast prices have risen. This trend will continue to be observed, so it makes sense to think about early booking which will allow you to save some money.

The cost of air travel remains virtually unchanged. Today, the price of a one-way air ticket to the country's airports for 1 person is approximately as follows:

The cost of hotel accommodation directly depends on the chosen resort. If the central coast pampers you with the opportunity to stay in a 3-star hotel for 800 - 1600 rubles per day, then hotels in the north and south of the country traditionally cost 1-2 thousand rubles per day. Despite frequent rains, prices on the island will be high. Condao 2-2.5 thousand rubles per day.

Thus, for an October trip to Vietnam you will need a minimum budget of 72 thousand rubles (this amount provides air travel for two in both directions and hotel accommodation for a week).

Things to do

Warm mid-autumn in Vietnam offers beach and excursion holiday. In sunny and even cloudy days nothing prevents you from swimming and spending time on the beach; you are guaranteed a share of ultraviolet radiation. Before planning excursions, you need to check the weather forecast so that the rain does not catch you under open air. At such times, it is better to visit pagodas, which you can look at for hours.

By the way, in October there is a festival in Thai Binh, the culprit of which is the Kaeo Pagoda. This religious event is very colorful and is opened by a richly decorated eight horses.

In coastal areas, the main festival of fishermen, St. Keith, is celebrated in October. On decorated boats they sail out to sea and offer gifts, hoping for a rich catch throughout the season. Another event in the coastal provinces was the Njing Ong water festival.

When choosing a region of Vietnam for a holiday in October, you should keep in mind the main thing - this month is warm everywhere, and often hot. Northern part: the beginning of the dry season (in some places the dry season in the north begins in September). In the south, the wet season is also nearing its end, with the maritime monsoon preparing to transfer this area to the continental monsoon. In the middle part of the country at this time the picture is completely different: there are downpours, storms and floods are raging.

In Halong Bay (northern Vietnam), October. Cloudless and very warm.

Weather in October in southern Vietnam

☂ ☀ October in the southern part of Vietnam is last month wet season, but the amount of precipitation is still significant - 250 mm. Warm everywhere, hot in some places. average temperature air is 28-30 °C. There are storms, but much less frequently than in average Vietnam.
In October, in southern Vietnam you can always find a place for a beach holiday with enough sunny days.

The sea in Nha Trang in October can be like this. This is the influence of typhoons passing further north in central Vietnam.

In October, short rains of medium and heavy intensity occur in Nha Trang. Monthly precipitation reaches 254 mm. The influence of the weather in central Vietnam is already being felt here.
Air temperature 24-31 °C (night-day), water temperature 25-27 °C. Storms caused by passing typhoons are becoming more frequent.

Review for October 2015-17. During this month in 2015 and in 2016, Nha Trang, as always, had significant rainfall and many rainy days. It was warm at night and moderately hot during the day. Compared to the Septembers of these years, the night and day temperatures dropped by a couple of degrees, and the humidity increased (especially in 2016).
In 2015, winds were calm to fresh, and in 2016, winds were calm to moderate.
Then, by decade, air temperature at night and during the day, as well as average air humidity and rainfall. First for October 2015.
1st decade: at night it was 25-26 °C, during the day 31-32 °C, humidity 74%, 3 days with rain.
2nd decade: at night it was 24-25 °C, during the day 30-32 °C, humidity 71%, 3 days with rain.
3rd decade: at night it was 23-26 °C, during the day 30-31 °C, humidity 72%, 4 days with rain.
Now for 2016, by decade, air temperature at night and during the day, as well as average air humidity and rainfall.
1st decade: at night it was 24-26 °C, during the day 30-31 °C, humidity 77%, 4 days with rain, 3 of them with thunderstorms.
2nd decade: at night it was 24-26 °C, during the day 29-32 °C, humidity 77%, 5 days with rain, 1 of which with thunderstorms.
3rd decade: at night it was 23-26 °C, during the day 26-31 °C, humidity 81%, 7 days with rain, 1 of which with thunderstorms.
Thus, in October 2016 it was humider in this resort city than in October 2015. The air temperature was slightly lower than in the previous year. Was more days with rain and thunderstorms.
Next October 2017
1st decade: at night 24-26 °C, during the day 27-32 °C, humidity 77%. Three days with light rain.
2nd decade: at night 24-26 °C, during the day 29-33 °C, humidity 78%. Six days with rain, one day with average rain, the rest light.
3rd decade: at night it was 23-25 ​​°C, during the day 26-31 °C, humidity 73%. Six days of rain. Two of them are with the strong, the rest with the weak. On the 29th there was a strong wind.

The weather in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet in October differs slightly in temperature and precipitation from the weather in Nha Trang, but storms are much less common here. There is also a little less rain. Air temperature 25-32 °C (night-day), water temperature 27-28 °C. The number of hours of sunshine per day is 4; along with November, this is the lowest figure of the year.
This month is unfavorable for kiters in Mui Ne as there is no wind strong enough for skiing. It is suitable for a beach holiday, but Russian tourists still they love more sun, and not just warmth.

If we take a more specific look at the weather in Mui Ne / Phan Thiet and compare it with Nha Trang, then the picture for 2015-17. next.
October 2015 by decade. Air humidity is average.
1st decade: at night it was 24-25 °C, during the day 31-35 °C, humidity 75%, 5 days with rain, 2 of them with thunderstorms.
2nd decade: at night it was 23-25 ​​°C, during the day 30-32 °C, humidity 78%, 6 days with rain, 2 of them with thunderstorms.
3rd decade: at night it was 24-25 °C, during the day 31-34 °C, humidity 73%, 2 days with rain.
Comparison with Nha Trang: the night temperature here was almost the same, the day was a little hotter, there were a little more rainy and thundery days, the air was more humid, the wind was about the same.
October 2016 by decade. Air humidity is average.
1st decade: at night it was 24-26 °C, during the day 28-33 °C, humidity 82%, 9 days with rain, 5 of them with thunderstorms.
2nd decade: at night it was 24-26 °C, during the day 27-31 °C, humidity 81%, 7 days with rain, 5 of them with thunderstorms.
3rd decade: at night it was 23-25 ​​°C, during the day 29-34 °C, humidity 80%, 9 days with rain.
Comparison with Nha Trang: the night temperature was almost the same, the day was a little hotter, there were one and a half times more rainy days, and 2 times more thunderstorms, the air humidity was a little higher, the wind was a little stronger.
Next September 2017 by decade. Air humidity is average.
1st decade: at night 23-26 °C, during the day 27-32 °C, humidity 82%. 1 day with light rain, 1 day with moderate rain and thunderstorms.
2nd decade: at night 24-26 °C, during the day 29-33 (once 36) °C, humidity 76%. 5 days with light rain, two of them with thunderstorms.
3rd decade: at night 23-25 ​​°C, during the day 26-32 °C, humidity 79%. 4 days with rain, one of them with downpour. October 26 and 27 was heavy storm, The wind speed reached 209 km/h.
September of this year was a little different from the previous one with significantly fewer days with rain. Hence, the air humidity was lower.
If we compare it with Nha Trang, the night and day temperatures here were about the same. There were fewer days with rain, but the air humidity was slightly higher.

In Phan Rang at this time the weather is usually approximately the same as in Nha Trang, only drier.

Next is Ho Chi Minh City. Here October is the last month of the wet season. At this time it is cloudy, hot and damp. Precipitation amounts range from 200-430 mm, but the average is 225 mm. Air temperature 23 °C at night, 33 °C during the day. Air humidity 82-86%. There are 105-180 hours of sunshine per month, this is one of the lowest figures of the year. Since Ho Chi Minh City in most cases is a transit point for tourists, in general, this is a comfortable month for a stay here for 1-4 days.

In October, the wet season on Phu Quoc Island begins to decline and last days month the dry season usually begins. In October, precipitation amounts to about 300 mm, which is quite a lot in total. However, the rains are usually heavy, but not prolonged, and they are usually more intense in the first half of the month. On average, there are up to 19 rainy days per month.
Air temperature 23-30 °C (night-day), water temperature 28-29 ° C. Humidity 83%. The wind is weak - 7 km/hour.

On Con Dao Island, the wet season begins to wane in October. The amount of precipitation per month decreases to 200 mm, but this is still significant compared to the dry season. And the number of days with rain is large - 16. Air temperature at night and during the day: 23 °C and 30 °C. Temperature sea ​​water 28-29 °C.

Weather in October in central Vietnam

☂ In central (middle) Vietnam, October is, along with November, the rainiest month. More than 600 mm of rain falls per month. Humidity 80%. Floods begin. Air temperature 24-27 °C, water temperature 26 °C. During typhoons, strong surf is observed on the coast.

After the passage of strong typhoons, fields and settlements remain flooded for several days. The water in the sea is cloudy. When there are no wind waves, the surf from the swell remains for some time. Swells are static waves of great length that are difficult to notice in the open sea, but near the beach they roll in with great force.
Still, some skilled tourists manage to spend a short time in central Vietnam in October. beach holiday. This happens when there are long breaks between typhoons. The sea manages to calm down and become transparent 2-3 days after the typhoon.

In Da Nang and Hoi An, temperatures are usually between 23-29 °C, with an average of 26 °C. The most low temperature The air temperature in October for the entire observation period here was 12 °C, the highest was 36 °C. Precipitation amount 620 mm. Air humidity 84%. The number of hours of sunshine per day is 5. Sea water temperature is 27-29 °C.

Weather in October in northern Vietnam

☀ In the northern part of Vietnam, October is a comfortable month for relaxation. At the beginning of it, the transition from the wet season to the dry season ends. The amount of rain decreases by almost half compared to September and, on average, is 150 mm. The sky is often covered with a slight haze. The average air temperature is between 23-28 °C, usually hot during the day and cooler at night. The mountainous areas are slightly cooler than the Red River Delta.

In Hanoi total precipitation is 20-130 mm, the number of rainy days (more than 5 mm per day) is 1-7. Sometimes in October, rare but powerful typhoons invade this area. One such typhoon is enough to exceed the October monthly precipitation norm by 4-5 times.
Air humidity 75%. Air temperature - 22-29 °C, average 25 °C. The lowest air temperature in October for the entire observation period here was 14 °C, the highest was 35 °C.

At the beginning of October, the dry season is firmly established on the coast of northern Vietnam, including Ha Long Bay. The days are sunny and hot. Air temperature 23-28 °C (night-day). The average water temperature at the beginning of the month is 26 °C, at the end of the month 24 °C.

At this time, swimming in the waters of Ha Long is quite comfortable. In cool years, in the second half of October, the water may no longer seem as warm as we would like, it is 22-24 °C.

In mountainous Sapa in October the air temperature ranges from 13 to 19 °C, with an average of 16 °C. This is noticeably cooler than in the valleys. Monthly precipitation is 190 mm. This average throughout the year. But at the same time, air humidity is the highest of the year - 93%, and in northern Vietnam this is the dry season. The number of hours of sunshine per day is just over 3.