When is the best time to go to Greece? Weather in Greece: when is the best time to go on vacation.

It would seem that the clear time when it is better to go to Greece should be considered summer. After all, Greece is a country of three seas and countless beaches. But it was not there. You can safely go to Greece at any time of the year, and you are guaranteed to enjoy your trip. The main thing is to decide why you are going on the road. Then the question of when to go to Greece will no longer be a problem.

The high season in Greece lasts from June to September. It is at this time that most tourists come here. But this does not mean at all that summer months- time when it is better to relax in Greece. In July and August, the country is too hot, there are a lot of tourists on the beaches and on excursions, and prices are rising rapidly. So such a vacation can hardly be called ideal.

But a trip in late May - early June and in September - October guarantees you a wonderful beach holiday. And from November to April you can safely storm the ski resorts. And of course, excursions and walks through museums in Greece are good at any time of the year. And thermal resorts all year round We are waiting for guests who want to improve their health.

There seems to be no winter in the understanding of the inhabitants of cold latitudes in Greece. The weather in Greece in winter is warm and rainy. In different regions of the country, the air temperature ranges from +5 to +13°C. IN winter time There is quite a strong wind. But even with such unkind weather, the landscapes of Greece look very romantic and even gain additional charm. Well, no weather will interfere with a walk through museums and relaxation at spa resorts.

Winter in Greece also means skiing. From November to April, there are many ski resorts in the Greek mountains to suit every taste. You can read more about this in the section “Ski holidays in Greece”. And of course, in winter comes the time for Christmas holidays, noisy and cheerful, as the Greeks love. Winter is also a time of sales, so the cold season in Greece is great for shopping.

Holidays in Greece in spring

The weather in Greece in spring is very warm. Already in March, the air temperature sometimes reaches +19°C. And May here already looks like a real summer, but without the excruciating heat. The flowering period lasts throughout the spring in Greece. Wild flowers are blooming and even the driest regions are becoming green. Fruit trees are in full bloom. The peak of flowering occurs in April. Spring is the best time for a romantic trip to Greece for two. You can admire flowering trees while visiting ancient temples and Byzantine churches. Spring in Greece is suitable for both sightseeing tours and relaxation at spa resorts. And in March and April it still continues in the mountains ski season. At the same time, in May you can already start swimming.

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Holidays in Greece in summer

Best time When to fly to Greece in the summer is the first half of June. It is already warm, even hot, from +25 to +30°C, the sea has warmed up to a comfortable temperature, and the beaches of the Peloponnese, the islands of Crete, the Ionian Islands and many others are waiting for tourists. But the heat does not yet reach the highest points, as in July and August, when the weather in Greece becomes extremely hot in the summer. At a temperature of +45°C, even the sea can no longer save you, and excursions at this time cause more fatigue than interest. Even the sea is a poor rescue.

Therefore, in the summer it is better to go to Greece in July, this way you will avoid crowds, high prices, and heat. But if you do go on vacation in the second half of summer, then it is better to go to the north of the country. It’s cooler here, and traditional summer sales are no less active. You can also go to one of the country’s thermal resorts, where you can relax perfectly at any time of the year.

When you are looking for a country where you want to holiday, Greece is the first choice. Here you will always find the heritage of the cultural and historical past, natural beauty, all of this seems to merge into one with Greece.

Climate and recreation in Greek resorts

At the junction of three continents (Africa, Asia and Europe) in the Eastern Mediterranean is the country of Greece. The country's shores are washed by the seven seas of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered to the east by Turkey, to the northwest by Albania, and to the north by Bulgaria and one former republic of Yugoslavia. To understand the relative locations of nearby countries, see the map of Greece.

Greek Islands- this is not only a wonderful beach holiday - it is an opportunity to touch the ancient history of past centuries and find out how the gods of Olympus lived.

Greece is in the Mediterranean climatic zone, that’s why there are winds and showers here in winter, but practically no rain in summer. The climate in Greece will allow you to relax here all year round and in any state of your health, if you plan your vacation correctly. When the air temperature drops to 6 degrees Celsius in Greece, winter sets in, but this temperature will not last more than two weeks. Mostly average temperature in winter the temperature here is twelve degrees Celsius. February is considered the coldest month of the year. Snow falls here very rarely and lasts for about three days. But the mountain peaks are constantly covered with snow caps. Thanks to the sea, the climate in coastal cities is always milder. You will always be pleased to enjoy the fresh breeze on the coast on a hot day or hot night.

The country to which many pages of a school textbook are devoted is not limited only to works of art or a beautiful sunset and golden sand by the turquoise sea. This is the edge that has rich history. It was in this area that thought and experience rose so high and embodied in love for Man. This state is located at the crossroads of colors and cultures, the power of historical heritage and the warmth of the southern outskirts of Europe.

A country that is small in terms of geography turns out to be huge in its diversity. Landscapes are so beautiful that they have been photographed, described, filmed and retold many times - and yet, so unique and beautiful that no technical means can convey them. A land of magical contradictions, Greece allows you to continuously travel through time, moving from the present to the past.

The resorts of Greece are diverse and interesting. Lovers of a relaxing holiday can go to the islands of Rhodes, Lesbos and Thassos. Tourists craving entertainment and shopping can go to Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Kavala, as well as the island of Crete.

The most popular Greek islands for holidays are:

  • Rhodes,
  • Lesvos,
  • Thassos,
  • Crete.

All hotels in Greece do not have “stars”, but certain categories A, B, C and deluxe. For sightseeing tours, people usually choose hotels of categories B and C, which correspond to three and two stars. Beach hotels are not inferior in their service to European ones, and here you will find hotels of category A - four stars, deluxe - five stars, as well as hotels that are specifically aimed at children's holidays.

Greece in summer

Weather in June. Summer begins, and the average daily air temperature remains at +30°С ...+32°С. Sometimes it gets hotter. At night the temperature is +22°C and many people like to swim at this time, since the water temperature reaches +23°C and seems warmer than the air.

The price of tours in June has not yet decreased, since the flow of tourists is not decreasing and a trip for two (for 7 days) can be purchased for 80,000–110,000 rubles.

More information about weather and prices Greece in June.

Weather in July. The intense heat of July is not suitable for everyone, since the air temperature during the day does not drop below +33°C ... +35°C. And at night it doesn’t get any cooler: +26°С…+27°С. There is practically no rain at this time, and the earth does not cool.

The water temperature in the sea is also high +26°C.

Prices for tours are reduced slightly, as it becomes too hot, and not everyone can adapt to such a climate. A seven-day tour for two can cost 50,000–90,000 rubles. You can find many last minute deals.

More information about weather and prices Greece in July.

Weather in August. Just like in July, the air temperature during the day does not fall below +33°С ...+35°С. At night +25°С…+26°С and the lack of precipitation already seems like a big drawback.

The water temperature in the sea reaches +26°C and often this does not save you from the heat.

The price for tours in August is quite reasonable. A trip for two will cost about 54,000–160,000 rubles, depending on the place of residence, hotel category and level of service.

Greece in autumn

Weather in September. The air temperature begins to drop slightly to +29°С…+30°С and the heat subsides. At night it is also a little cooler +22°С…+24°С.

The water temperature is comfortable +24°C.

The price of tours at the beginning of the “velvet season” also ranges from 48,000 to 160,000 rubles for two, since the weather is no longer so hot and you can calmly lie on the beach.

Weather in October. At the end of the month, the tourist season subsides, although the air temperature is still quite high +28°C during the day and +22°C at night. In October there is sometimes precipitation.

Water temperature +22°C.

The price of tours at the beginning of the month remains at the level of September. A trip for two can be purchased for 50,000–120,000 rubles. But at the end of the month, prices drop significantly and you can find excellent last-minute tours.

Weather in November. It becomes cold and the air temperature during the day does not rise above +20°C. At night it’s already cool +10°С…+11°С. During the daytime, the sun still warms a little, and those who wish can enjoy its last rays.

The water temperature drops to +17°C and only seasoned people swim.

The price of tours is already quite reasonable, since people go to Greece only on excursions. A trip for two can be purchased for 48,000–80,000 rubles with accommodation in 3-5 star hotels.

Weather and prices in Greece by month for 2018

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
January+9 +2 +16 from 48,000 rub.
February+14 +3 +16 from 50,000 rub.
March+18 +7 +16 from 50,000 rub.
April+25 +14 +18 from 50,000 rub.
May+30 +15 +20 from 70,000 rub.
June+30 +22 +23 from 80,000 rub.
July+33 +26 +26 from 50,000 rub.
August+34 +25 +26 from 54,000 rub.
September+29 +22 +24 from 48,000 rub.
October+28 +22 +22 from 50,000 rub.
November+20 +10 +17 from 48,000 rub.
December+10 +1 +15 from 48,000 rub.

The holiday season in Greece begins in early May and ends in October. Most tourists prefer to come in July-August, although the most comfortable months for vacation are June and September.

May is the culmination of the Greek spring. The most suitable period if you are planning strictly sightseeing holiday. Here you can enjoy the blooming of local nature, which is especially beautiful in March - April. The swimming season opens from mid-May, but even in Crete the water is still invigorating (+19…20º).

For a holiday at the beginning of the season, it is better to choose the following islands:

  • Corfu

The weather in Greece is great for beach holiday. The water is already warm (+22), there is no summer heat yet, and high daytime temperatures are easily tolerated due to constant wind from the sea.

In the second half of July and early August, in southern resorts the air temperature reaches +35°, although +30° is considered the norm. Hundreds of thousands of tourists vacation at the resorts with all the attendant disadvantages (inflated prices, long queues and crowded taverns). The Greeks themselves prefer to relax in Chalkidiki or Corfu. It is better to plan your trip for the first half of July or the end of August, when less risk experience extreme temperatures.

In September and October, the “velvet” season begins throughout Greece. The summer heat is receding, but prices for tours do not show a drop, since Greece is very popular in Europe. Pensioners, romantics and people who know how to save wisely flock to the local resorts.

It’s better to fly to the islands for vacation. In Crete, the season lasts until mid-October. On Kos and Corfu, beach infrastructure is usually closed at the beginning of the month.

Peak tourist season falls on August and September. It is better to focus on the third ten days of September for the optimal ratio of price and quality of vacation. At this time, there are no problems with last-minute tours due to special offers from hotels.

Dynamics of changes in tour costs

Although the weather stabilizes closer to summer, the cost of tours has several peaks, which are supported by demand.

  1. The first price increase occurred in May holidays. But at this time, the entire infrastructure has not yet been deployed. Even water parks open after May 10th.
  2. After the holidays there is a slight decline, when you can buy a tour at a good price and relax in comfortable conditions.
  3. At the beginning of June, prices rise - due to the start of the holiday season and holidays in Russia (June 12)
  4. Until the first days of July there is a slight decline in demand - and this is the best time to travel to Greece with children if you cannot fly in September-October
  5. In September, there is a slight seasonal decrease in the cost of vouchers.
  6. The price collapse occurred at the beginning of October. Great time to travel to Greece if you're on a budget.

A beautiful country of Olympian gods and magical legends, where past and present are intertwined, where ancient civilizations and events of the past remind of themselves at every step. A country where the sun constantly caresses, trees and flowers bloom. Three warm seas washing it allow you to enjoy the beach season almost all year round. And this is not a fairy tale, this is Greece. And the question is not surprising: when is the best time to go to Greece by sea?

Warm subtropical Mediterranean climate with very scanty rainfall and predominantly clear sunny weather ( sunny days more than three hundred per year). Spring in Greece is warm, dry and unusually beautiful. Everything around is blooming, and the air is filled with an intoxicating aroma. This is the best time for those who decide to come to the country to admire ancient Greek monuments culture and architecture, spend time on excursions and hikes.

Summer on the peninsula is hot and dry. The average temperature is +27-30°C. Although it rises to 40°C, dry air with low humidity and refreshing sea winds make it easy to endure hot weather.

It doesn't matter if you're on vacation in autumn. The heat has subsided comfortable temperature , ideally heated water to + 24°C awaits you in September. The average temperature does not rise above +30-35°C. And even in October the weather pleases vacationers. It's raining late autumn and in winter.

Winter in Greece attracts tourists with its beauty and softness. Even in January, the average temperature fluctuates around +10°C. Frosts in winter occur only in the mountains. Here they are necessary for those who love to ski.

Mild, warm spring and autumn, hot summers make Greece even more attractive both in terms of tourism to visit ancient architectural monuments, explore cities and natural beauties, and in terms of sea and mountain recreation.

The beach season begins in April-May depending on the area. The southern islands of Rhodes, Crete, Corfu, Karpathos, Patmos and others welcome vacationers earlier than anyone else. Gradually, the remaining resorts are filled with guests. In autumn, the beaches of the same southern islands are the last to empty. This usually occurs in October, while in the central and northern regions the season closes at the end of September. Swimming season replaces the excursion one. And this series does not stop all year round.


Let's look at the four seasons in Greece in more detail.

Rest in spring

If you want not so much to swim and sunbathe, but to see world-famous sights and enjoy the beauty of nature, then March and April are the ideal time to travel. Especially if you are traveling with children.

The water temperature is not yet suitable for swimming, but the air temperature, lushly blooming vegetation and air saturated with incredible aromas are pampering. An endless variety of excursions to suit every taste and budget await you in this amazing country. In April you can already swim on the southern islands: Crete, Kos, Corfu, Rhodes, Karpathos, Paros and others, and in May the beach season begins in almost all resort areas. The weather in April is not much different from March. The air temperature warms up to +23-25°C, and the water temperature reaches +19°C. This month is also beautiful with its flowering and is good for all kinds of excursions.

Summer holidays

Summer in Greece begins in May, and with it the beach season opens. Therefore, if you are planning a vacation at sea, it’s time to go. Families with children should choose May and June for their trip, when it is not so hot. The water is certainly not the warmest, but swimming and enjoying bathing is quite possible.

In May and June good option relaxation is a combination of beach holidays and sightseeing. Moreover, nature has not yet lost all its spring beauty. The weather in June is hot, but at the same time comfortable due to low air humidity. The water warms up to a pleasant +24°C. Ideal time to relax with children.

July is considered the hottest month for a reason. The best time to go on vacation is for those who can easily tolerate and love the heat. The scorching heat is relieved by refreshing sea breezes, and in July the coolness is brought by winds from the north. But the water temperature is above +25°C and allows you to bask in the water to your heart’s content.

These months are the peak beach season and the heat of +35-45° Celsius does not bother those who want to relax. But local residents and beachgoers who cannot stand extreme heat go in July and August to the northernmost island in the Ionian Sea ─ Corfu. Although it is the most expensive, the air temperature here is five degrees lower than on the continent.

Autumn holiday

A wonderful time for relaxation begins with. The heat subsides, the average temperature is set at 30-35 degrees, the same as in June. The water remains warmed by the summer heat to 24-25 degrees. Do not hesitate to choose this particular month if you have small children. It gets colder in the northern resorts at the end of September, but everyone else celebrates their “velvet” season. Prices this month are still quite high.

October ends the beach season. However, this does not mean that hotels are closed and there are no vacationers by the sea. The weather still quite often gives almost warm summer days, and the tan goes on amazingly and evenly. The prices are not bad and if you want to give yourself an unforgettable vacation that combines swimming and visiting famous monuments and cities, do not doubt the correctness of your decision.

Holidays in winter

Greece is not only a country warm seas and golden beaches. You can have a great rest here even in winter. For those who like to walk around snowy forest, enjoy the magnificent panoramas of snow-covered mountain peaks; for skiing, you should come here in winter. The ski resorts of Greece are not inferior in their beauty to the Alpine ones, and the names are no less intriguing. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Parnassus
  • Arachova
  • Vermio
  • Vasilitsa and others

In addition to skiing, you can visit the Orthodox monasteries of mountain Hellas, visit original mountain villages and unforgettably celebrate Christmas and the New Year in Greveni, the nature of which delights everyone who comes to this fabulously beautiful corner.

Holidays with children in Greece

When deciding when is the best time to go on holiday to Greece with a child, you need to take into account the age and health of your children. If you have Small child or he does not tolerate heat well, it is not advisable to buy tickets and book hotels in July and August. Take a vacation in the second half of May, June or September. The air and water temperatures will be optimal for children. In addition, you can introduce them to the historical and cultural attractions of the country.

Where to stay during the comfortable holiday season?

Wonderful climate and southern seas turned Greece and its islands into one huge resort. It is impossible to cover all the vacation spots and attractions that shimmer like bright pearls on the map of this amazing country. Here is a list of the most loved and preferred among residents and tourists:

  • Chalkidiki;
  • Peloponnese;
  • Zakynthos;
  • Crete;
  • Rhodes;
  • Corfu;
  • Alexandroupolis;
  • Santorini;
  • Skiathos;
  • Paros;
  • Vigla;
  • Mykonos;
  • Evia et al.

A few words about some of the above resorts will help in making a decision: where and when to go on holiday to Greece.

Halkidiki─ the favorite resort of foreign and local vacationers. The resort gained its recognition and fame thanks to its beaches with velvety golden sand, stretching for almost 500 kilometers, and its unique air. pine forests And clean water Aegean Sea. It is rightfully considered the most environmentally friendly in all of Greece and ranks at the top of the list best resorts Europe.

The history and legends of the Halkidiki peninsula are fascinating. According to legend, the rivals of the Olympian gods, the Titans, lived here. And it arose in the place where the god of the sea, Poseidon, dropped his trident in one of the battles with the Titans. The shape of the peninsula really resembles a trident. The three “fingers” have their own names: Athos ─ Holy place with 20 monasteries, where thousands of pilgrims come, the other two are Kassandra and Sithonia, where hotels and restaurants are located. Those who prefer relaxing holiday, appreciates the beauty of nature. Perfect for vacationers with children.

Mykonos is located at the “crossroads” of maritime roads in the southern Aegean Sea. The island is named after the ancient Greek hero. And according to the well-known myth about Hercules, he performed one of his exploits here, destroying giants who turned into rocky rocks. The colorful panorama of the island consists of picturesque windmills, white houses, blue seas and a colorful harbor. Refreshing trade winds weaken the effects of exhausting summer heat. And the vibrant nightlife is the symbol and calling card of this resort.

A favorite of many tourists Peloponnese It is washed by two seas at once: the Ionian and the Aegean. This is the place of the Olympic gods and games, adventures and exploits of ancient heroes, the legendary cities of Sparta and Mycenae. Well-preserved fortresses and attractions, excellent sandy and pebble beaches, comfortable hotels win the hearts of everyone more tourists.

Island Crete is the most southern island Greece. Here the beach and swimming season lasts the longest - from April. A huge number of water activities, a large number of discos, the hospitality of local residents and comparatively inexpensive holiday attract students and holidaymakers with average incomes.

Zakynthos famous for its unique beauty of the sea, white sand, pristine beaches, famous water park, seabirds and animals. Families with children and also young people from many European countries relax here.

What about prices?

Of course, when planning a vacation, tourists first of all coordinate it with their budget. Greece has a variety of hotels and offers holidays for every taste and budget. If you want to relax “cheaply and cheerfully”, you should plan a trip for this in the so-called “low” or “small” season, which occurs at the end of March and April, the end of September and October, as well as winter months. On the coast, many resorts operate year-round, have indoor pools and provide an equally interesting selection of entertainment.

The question of when is the best time to go to Greece is difficult to answer. It all depends on what goal the traveler is pursuing. You can go sightseeing, you can go to the islands to lazily lie on the beach under the rays of the sultry sun, or you can take a “shub tour” or spend a quiet family vacation. In this article we will try to decide what time of year is best to make this or that trip.

Greece is different

Greece is a unique country of thousands of islands and the same number of resorts where tourists strive to get to different countries peace. It is famous for its islands, which differ from each other in traditions, attractions, cuisine and culture, clean well-groomed beaches and ski resorts. In addition, and weather different on the islands.

The mild Mediterranean climate is formed by the seas surrounding the islands and the presence of mountains. But a huge plus is that it is better to go to Greece when you really want to, and at any time of the year. This is understandable, because on island Greece there is something to do and see for tourists. Whatever city in Greece is chosen, it will definitely be a resort.

Budget holidays in Greece

Economical does not mean a bad or uninteresting vacation. Typically, a budget type of vacation is popular among young people who want to go somewhere on vacation. In this case, young people are not looking for an elegant holiday; they are satisfied with rooms in 3-4* hotels and not necessarily in fashionable resorts. Inexpensive holiday in Greece, where there is good beaches and attractions that are simply impossible to be away from are loved by families with small children. For them, the health of their children is a priority. The Sithonia Peninsula, which is a huge park, is best suited for families with children. The abundance of greenery and low humidity allow children to tolerate the heat well.

On the Peloponnese Peninsula there is a large network of inexpensive hotels, accommodation in which pleases supporters of economical, but comfortable rest. Katerini Youth Recreation Center is an inexpensive but comfortable resort. In addition to swimming, young people have fun in local pubs and more.

You can take a break from the bustle of the cities on the island of Kos. It’s not only relatively cheap to rent apartments here, but also affordable prices in the markets. The climate on Kos is mild. A lot of coniferous forests and beaches.

Last minute tours

Separately, it is necessary to say about last-minute tours. Tours to Greece can be purchased a day or two before the start of the tour, but at a good discount. Mostly young people buy such tours. They are mobile, so they won’t spend a long time preparing for the trip. You just need to have contact with professional tour operators who will select best deals at stock price. The main thing is to tell them what type of vacation you are interested in, the number of people, whether there are children and the number of days of stay.

Historical places in Athens

Perhaps there is not a single traveler, admirer of historical places, indifferent to Athens. Not only is it the capital of Greece, but it is also where Western civilization was born. The first prehistoric settlement in the area dates back to 3000 BC. e. What happened historical events in Greece, but the ancient temples survived and retained their pristine beauty. The Acropolis is an outstanding monument of art. Tourists will be interested in his masterpieces such as the Parpheon, the temple of the goddess Nike and the Erechtheion. As the Greeks say, the city is protected by the Greek goddess Athena. Not far from Chalkidiki there is the mountainous region of Athos. The only Orthodox state of monks in the world.

Crete and Spinalonga

You can enjoy tourist trip in Greece, not only in Athens. Each of the islands is interesting in its own way historical monuments and attractions. In Crete, for example, you can see the ancient wonders of Knossos - the labyrinth of the Minotaur, visit the palace, visit the potters' village of Frapsano, and the city of Heraklion - the capital of Crete.

There is an interesting optional excursion to Spinalonga. The tour begins from the beautiful port in the village of Elunga. The excursion takes place on a ship along the picturesque Mirabello Bay. Spinalonga - island with interesting story. He for a long time was an outpost, then a leper colony - an island of the living dead. Now it is a place for tourists to visit. On the neighboring island, where tourists will be transported by ship, you can swim in the azure water. On the way back, vacationers will have lunch prepared by the ship's crew. While tourists are on excursions, they prepare delicious barbecue and real Greek salad.

Holidays at sea

For those who like to spend time at sea best season holidays in Greece - from April to October. Hotels will provide their apartments to vacationers on numerous islands. The best resort areas include Thessaloniki and Kassandra. Good summer rest in Rhodes, one of big islands Greece. The climate of Rhodes is wonderful for a holiday in Greece in the summer: the sun shines 300 days a year, there is no wind and little clouds. Most of the beaches are pebbly, and the shore is not very deep, which makes it possible to relax with small children.

Crete has four regions: Chania, Rethymnon, Heraklion and Lasithi. In all regions on the coast there are excellent hotels with the longest beach season among the islands. Swimming begins in early May and ends at the end of October. There are a lot of beaches on the coast of Crete, and it’s difficult to say exactly where the sea is warmest in Greece.

Greece is a place where you can spend your time productively shopping. From here you can bring products made of furs and leather, high quality olive oil, cosmetics based on it and beekeeping products.

Holidays at sea in June with the most favorable weather and temperate climate- on the Chalkidiki peninsula. July and August are usually the peak of the beach season, but the air temperature also approaches +34°C. Therefore, it is best to choose for relaxation northern regions Greece, such as Corfu, Thassos and Chalkidiki.

Seas of Greece

Since Greece is an island state, each island is washed by the sea. Some - two, or even three seas. In the Ionian Sea lie the islands of Corfu, Ithaca, Zakynthos, and Lefkada. In winter, the water in the Ionian Sea does not fall below +14°C; in summer it is +26°C. Swimming on the beaches of these islands lasts from June to October.

The Mediterranean Sea is also called gentle because of its calmness. Beaches on the coast of this sea with a well-developed infrastructure that allows you to various types sports Water temperatures on the beaches range from +22°C in June to +23°C in October, with a slight rise of 2-3 degrees in mid-summer. The Mediterranean Sea is considered one of the warmest seas on earth. There are no strong tides on it. Very good for relaxation and diving. Of course, for beach lovers it is better to go to Greece when you can enjoy swimming in the sea.

A unique phenomenon in Greece is the spit connecting the islands of Rhodes and Prasonisi. It is washed by two seas. On the one side - Mediterranean Sea of blue color, on the other - Aegean turquoise. The Aegean Sea is the cleanest, with clear water and wonderful sandy beaches. The water in it has the same temperature as the Mediterranean Sea throughout the entire beach season.

Two in one - hobby and relaxation

If there are diving enthusiasts among the vacationers, then it is wiser to immediately purchase trips to Greece to the islands of Crete, Thassos or Samos. The Aegean coast has a developed infrastructure for water sports: surfing, diving, yachting. The Aegean Sea is a Mecca for divers. The purity of the sea allows you to enjoy the beauty underwater world both beginners and professionals. The presence of waves on the sea allows you to surf and windsurf. Those who want to learn how to dive to depths can learn this at international schools in Crete and Corfu and receive a special certificate. You can combine your favorite hobby with visiting interesting places on islands.

Greece in winter

Holidays in Greece are more common in summer period, but the country is interesting not only for its beaches and historical ruins. Winter guests in Greece will enjoy comfortable, cool weather, and the ski resorts of Kaimaktsalana and Vasilitsa will warmly welcome lovers of active recreation, for whom " better than the mountains there can only be mountains."

The Kaimaktsalan ski center began operating in 1995. It has 16 trails. Of these, three are green, seven are blue and six are red. Naturally, you should not bring your ski equipment to Greece. There is rental service in the center. For tourists who want to learn how to ski, there are two schools in the center: ski and snowboard. For lovers of active recreation and skiing, it is better to go to Greece when the season opens, which is from mid-December to mid-April.

A ski resort with interesting name"Three-Five Springs" (Tria-Pende Pigadya). And the name comes from the location of the sources. At an altitude of 1430 meters there are three springs. The resort area begins from this place. Higher up, at an altitude of 1800 meters, there are five more springs. From a height of 2005 meters, the highest point of the resort, a view of the peaks of Olympus opens. Ten slopes of this resort provide the opportunity to ski for both beginners and experienced skiers.

In summer, tourists who prefer leisure beach, there is the opportunity to engage in hang gliding, mountain biking, mountaineering or hiking.

in Greece

Greece is a country famous for its nightlife. You won't be bored here at any time of the year. Discos, restaurants and bars are open until late at night. In music halls you can listen to national music, your favorite performers and take part in dancing. Among the programs offered to tourists, there is an interesting excursion “Cretan Evening”. You can spend an unforgettable evening in the village of Anopolis. The village is 20 km from the city of Heraklion and 8 km from Hersonissos. Throughout the evening, Greek and Cretan dances will be performed to national musical instruments: lyre, lute and bouzouki. Those interested can join. This unique atmosphere of Greek hospitality will be remembered by everyone who has visited Greece.