The best beaches for a holiday in December: reviews, tips, recommendations. Where to go on winter vacation in December, where it’s hot Where to go at the end of December

New Year's holidays bring not only joy and gifts, but also a long-awaited vacation. Someone likes to meet New Year with snow in the yard and a real Christmas tree, while some people prefer to escape at least for a week from the damp and cold winter straight into the hot embrace of summer. And in lately There are more and more people who like to celebrate the New Year by the sea, so we recommend buying air tickets for the Christmas and New Year holidays in advance, as well as booking hotels. For example, in India at this time there is a full house. Of course, you can go to the most warm countries Europe, in the sun Cyprus in December 18°C ​​or Algarve 16ºC, but it is unlikely that you will be able to swim in such weather. Therefore, we have compiled a list of countries where it is better to go on vacation in winter, so that it is hot if you have a vacation in December.

You will certainly find warm weather in December on Canary Islands , where the temperature is at least 20°C. Find cheap flights to the islands Lanzarote, Tenerife and Gran Canaria, and enjoy the spectacular Atlantic Ocean.

Neighboring Madeira offers a similar climate, combining fine hotels and traditional villas with picturesque mountainous terrain, carved rocks and exciting walking routes.

Egypt always in winter great choice for a holiday at sea. Explore Cairo, discover its wonders of the world, take a Nile cruise or snorkel in the Red Sea. You can expect temperatures of around 24°C.

Morocco also a great destination for a winter holiday, where you can enjoy warm sunny days, but the nights will be quite chilly. December is a particularly good time to explore Marrakech, stocking up on Christmas gifts and exotic spices before heading home.

A great option to go to the archipelago Cape Verde off the west coast of Africa, where you will be greeted by tropical beaches, magnificent mountains and temperatures not lower than 27°C.

Southeast Asia in December

IN Southeast Asia You can always find great places to go on vacation in winter. For example, the luxurious, incredibly beautiful and warm island of Bali is hard to beat. In December on Bali There may be some brief rain in the afternoon or evening, but the temperature of 31°C and six hours of sunshine are worth spending New Year's holidays on the island.
South of Vietnam also a popular winter holiday destination. The temperature in Mui Ne in December is about 31°C. In Vietnam, ancient and modern history, rich culture, natural food, kilometers of deserted beaches in the resort of Mui Ne or the islands of Phu Kok and Con Dao.

IN Cambodia December has an almost ideal climate with temperatures of 30°C and nine hours of daylight. Although the country does not have idyllic beaches, you can discover the capital Phnom Penh and the famous ancient temples of Angkor Wat in Siem Reap.

If you want to relax in December in unusual place, go to Burma, a country that is only now slowly beginning to open up its riches to tourists.

Lovers of lush nature coupled with super tourist spots can enjoy a winter holiday in Thailand. December is Thailand's rainy season along the east coast (including Koh Samui and Hua Hin), but in Phuket and Phi Phi you can expect eight hours of daylight and a lovely temperature of 31°C.

India and the Indian Ocean in December

In vast India there will certainly be a corner where there will be a dry season and comfortable summer temperatures. In northern part of India the temperature in December hovers around 23°C, and eight hours of daylight is enough for sightseeing. Visit Rajasthan or go on a tiger safari. New Year in Goa and Kerala is a classic, an ideal choice for beach holiday, with temperatures around 31°C and nine hours of sunshine. But we recommend planning hotels and air tickets to Goa as early as possible, since the new year is Indian state busiest season.

Also peak season is in December in Sri Lanka, where you can enjoy a heady mix of beaches, culture, natural beauty and wildlife adventure.

Also two directions in Indian Ocean with tropical beaches it's hard to beat: Mauritius with luxurious beach resorts and many islands around that you can leisurely explore, or you can discover your inner Robinson Crusoe at one of the island hotels in the Maldives. December in Seychelles marks the start of the rainy season, although it will still be warm.

Caribbean vacation

Hurricane season has passed by December and you can expect average highs in the low 30s with low humidity and nine hours of daylight. If you go to the Caribbean before the start of the New Year's school holidays, you will find lower prices; during the peak season, prices rise significantly.

A place where you can still relax in December, but the weather will be hot: Barbados, Cayman Islands and Jamaica. You can also go to Mexico to one of the elegant haciendas or a lavish all-inclusive hotel.

Beach and cultural holidays in December can be combined in Cuba, capturing the capital Havana, the colonial city of Trinidad and the beach on Cayo Ensenachos.

Other long-distance hot holiday destinations in December

December is coming. The time of the first frosts and snowfalls. And of course Catholic Christmas and New Year. The last week of December, as a rule, is difficult for everyone. Employees of companies and workers in various industries prepare reports for the year and prepare for corporate holidays. Students spend their nights preparing for the exam, and schoolchildren urgently improve their grades and write final tests. And after submitting everything for a long time, writing all the reports and conducting New Year's Eve and matinees, we still need to buy gifts for all our family members and friends. And everyone needs to do this at once. Although there are people who prepare for the holiday in advance, most of our compatriots put everything off until the last minute. Therefore, on the eve of the holidays, stores are usually filled with people in the hustle and bustle, trying to find a gift for loved ones.

What can we say about New Year's table. It’s already 10 o’clock in the evening, guests are about to arrive, but nothing is ready for you, the table is not set, you are not dressed or wearing makeup, and the apartment is a complete mess. Is this a familiar picture? Of course, as a result, everything goes as it should, everything is fun and everyone is happy. But are these two weeks worth your nerves?

There is a way out of the situation. Buy yourself a New Year's tour and professionals will take care of your table and entertainment. If we talk about December in general, the weather is usually not pleasant. In December, it is possible that there will be no snow, or snow and rain that quickly turns into cold wet porridge, and frosts to very high temperatures. low temperatures, and, conversely, the weather is too warm and does not correspond to the idea of ​​winter. If in three months you have already missed the sea and the sun, and you would happily exchange tangerines and a Christmas tree for palm trees and exotic fruits, then a trip to the land of eternal sun will significantly brighten up your expectations of summer at home.

In December, it is best to go to a country that is very different from Russia in terms of geographical location and the weather. Celebrating the New Year in Prague or Berlin is certainly a great option, but you may also be unlucky with the weather there. Therefore, the main problem is to choose whether you prefer a sunny country with a warm sea and a colder option for skiing and dog sledding. Let's consider where to go to the sea in December and where to go for exotic holiday and skiing.

Where to go on a seaside holiday in December

If we talk about South America, it is worth noting the great diversity climatic zones within one country. Summer begins in December Southern Hemisphere, and if you want to combine a wonderful beach holiday, an excursion program and enjoy the exoticism of new countries, then the vast expanses Latin America- your choice.

Ecuador provides wonderful conditions for a beach holiday. Throughout the year, the temperature on the coast stays at +30 degrees, and you should choose December for a trip to Ecuador because this month falls during the dry season and you will not have to suffer from high humidity.

Uruguay is also great for a beach holiday in December, with the largest number of sunny days and hours, and the ocean water warms up sufficiently at the surface.

Holidays in Chile in December will bring you a lot positive emotions, the temperature on the coast is around 20 degrees and low rainfall ensures that you get maximum sunbathing. When you get tired of a relaxing holiday on the beach, grab warm clothes and go to the south of the country, it is always quite cold there, the sky is covered with clouds, and the mountains are covered with snow caps.

If you dream of a varied holiday, and combining a seaside holiday with extreme sports makes you happy, then it is best to go on holiday to Argentina in December. The country is popular with rock climbers, most of whom have ambitions of conquering one of the highest peaks in the world, Aconcagua, west of Mendoza. The official season runs from November 15 to March 15. Rafting other extreme view sport that attracts people from all over the world. In December, you will not only be able to enjoy wonderful views and test your strength in overcoming rapids, but also plunge into the clean, warm waters of the river. In December it is worth going on vacation to southern part countries.

Not in Brazil bad weather: summer months(December, January, February) are warmer and humid, winter months are cooler, but at this time there is less influx of tourists and you can save on accommodation. The best time to relax by the sea in Brazil is in December; the air temperature stays at +24- +26 degrees. Venezuela is another pearl South America. At any time of the year, golden beaches and clear waters Caribbean Gulf, but it is better to go on vacation from November to April - this is the dry season.

Exotic holidays in the Caribbean

What could be better than replacing gray skies and cool slushy weather with fiery salsa rhythms, white sand and great mood. Cuba is beautiful all year round, but it’s better to go in December because the days at this time are sunny, dry and warm. Every December, Havana hosts a jazz festival that has earned an excellent reputation for the quality of its music and good organization.

The summer months in the Bahamas can get very hot and instead of a nice relaxing holiday on the beach, most of the time you'll find yourself looking for the coolness of your room's air conditioning. The Bahamas from December to March is the choice of an experienced traveler; the temperature stays at +25 - +27. If you go to the Bahamas during the Christmas holidays, you will find yourself on Junkanoo, a holiday that takes place after dark on the morning of December 26th. Thousands of dancers move through downtown Nassau like a wild ocean of flowers, while the deep rhythms of drums reverberate off the surrounding walls and the chiming of bells rises above the blaring brass trumpets.

The Dominican Republic has thousands of miles of white sandy beaches with clear blue waters. In December, it is better to go to the south of the country, since at this time there is less rainfall. The Dominican Republic is a place where you don't have to bother with anything other than sunbathing. If you want to add a dose of extreme sports to your vacation, then best schools world windsurfing and kitesurfing at your service. In December, the winds are somewhat weaker, but the waves are larger and steeper.

The best time to visit Jamaica is between December and April, making it an ideal winter sun destination for tourists from northern hemisphere. In true Jamaican style, each year the island hosts the Reggae Marathon. In December, the island is filled with the sounds of Bob Marley's music. What could be better than riding the waves or drinking a coconut cocktail under the palm trees while listening to pleasant music that seemed specially invented for this purpose? tropical paradise. If your choice for your December vacation fell on the Caribbean, you made the right choice. Exotic countries With interesting traditions and culture, clear sea, kilometers of white beaches, wonderful hotels and lack of worries, all this will be given to you by Cuba, Dominicana or Haiti. But it is worth remembering that during the Christmas and New Year holidays, prices for holidays are quite high and it is worth booking a hotel in advance.

Where to go on vacation in December in Asia

Holidays in Cambodia will bring you a lot of joy and pleasure. Of the pleasures, perhaps the most important are the country’s gorgeous beaches and warm waters Gulf of Thailand. Although they are not as developed as the beaches in Thailand, Cambodian beaches have a certain charm and fun. Sihanoukville is the main city beach, with several others lying further east along the coast. This is a great place to spend a few days enjoying the sun and surf.

The mysterious country of India has always attracted travelers and lovers of the unusual. Getting to know Indian customs and culture, participating in national festivals, communicating with open, friendly, seemingly naive local residents will allow you to forget about your everyday worries and turn your gaze from the material world to the spiritual. Considering the length of India’s water borders, beach holidays are also available. The best time to go on holiday to India is from December to March, when the monsoon season has already ended and the intense summer heat has not yet replaced it.

December is optimal for traveling to Laos. Although the country is landlocked, this disadvantage is compensated for natural resources and a fascinating story. The culture and customs will also not leave Europeans indifferent; bright outfits and stunning architectural structures will remain in your memory for a long time. And if the thought of a vacation without the sea saddens you, then you can always go to neighboring Vietnam, Cambodia or Thailand for a couple of days.

In Vietnam, December is not the peak season and it is worth deciding which part of the country you want to go to. At this time, most of the country receives a large amount of rainfall, but somewhat less in the north and central parts. In addition, at this time in Hanoi the temperature can remain around +23.

In December, Thailand is full of tourists, since in addition to the fact that it is considered a peak month, tourists who come for the New Year create a big stir. But if your goal is to escape from the New Year's bustle and get a share of the sun and hospitality, then best time for Thailand it is December. At this time it is no longer too hot, and the rainy season is still far away. The best conditions for diving in the Andaman Sea are from October to April.

The Maldives is a paradise on earth at any time of the year, but December is especially attractive for tourists, since at this time the rainy season ends and nothing will overshadow your holiday. There are countless things to do in the Maldives. Instead of New Year's dinner, you can go night fishing, and in the morning of January 1, go diving or windsurfing. This will diversify your life and introduce a dose of spontaneity and extreme into its monotonous rhythm. The Philippines is a combination of natural beauty and modern elegance.

Philippines attractions include beautiful islands, exotic beaches, amazing volcanoes, diving spots and unique wildlife. December is the optimal month for a seaside holiday in the Philippines; the hottest month of May is still far away, and the monsoons remain in rainy November.

A trip to Sri Lanka depends on which part of the island you intend to visit. New Year's Eve begins on the West Coast high season. Even at this time there can be strong waves on the ocean, so if you are not a fan aquatic species sports, and even more so if you are traveling with children, it is better to choose the east coast.

The best countries for sightseeing tours in December

In December, the weather in Europe is not much different from Russia. But if you are lucky, you will be able to celebrate the New Year in snow-covered Prague, go ice skating in the city gardens of Paris or drink mulled wine in Berlin.

Andorra is a tiny state, but the number of tourists is increasing every year. The reason for this is the excellent conditions for skiing. Hotels in Andorra are top class, and the pistes are looked after by professionals, and the weather creates necessary conditions. In December, the country receives a large amount of snow. And here you are, skiing on fresh, clean snow: the gases are exhilarating, and your heart is pounding. A little later, you can relieve fatigue in the sauna or just sit by the fireplace with a glass of red wine.

Other ski resorts- Austria and Bulgaria. Countries have similar terrain and weather conditions. But it is worth noting that a trip to Bulgaria in December will allow you to save money, since this country is distinguished by stunning nature and low prices. In Italy ski season starts in December and lasts until April.

Germany is attractive at all times of the year. December is the best time for shopping, both in Germany and in many other countries European countries Oh. During the festive season, more than 40 Christmas markets across the city attract visitors with arts and crafts, Christmas lights and decorations, and the smell of mulled wine, gingerbread and roasted nuts. Santa Claus, music and dancing, fairy tales and puppet shows will keep children busy while adults can browse antique toys and dolls, candles, wood crafts and a range of traditional goods. The largest Christmas market in Europe takes place in the suburb of Spandau, where stalls are scattered throughout the Old Town. So, if we talk about Europe in December, then for those who are not afraid of frost, this best direction to have a fun New Year's Eve.

December is a time of pleasant pre-holiday bustle. If you have a vacation for last month years, don't be upset. This great opportunity spend time alone or with family in hospitable Christmas Europe.

Here is all the most interesting things for small and large tourists! Winter with a mild climate will allow you to walk for a long time along the cobbled streets and study ancient architecture. Children will see Christmas celebrations like in a movie or cartoon. Guests will be delighted by illuminations, festive fairs with mummers and barkers, and every guest of December Europe will take home memorable national souvenirs.

In December, all European cities dress up for Christmas.

Note important information! If you travel abroad in early December before the 16th, you can save on tickets and hotel. In the second half of the month, prices will rise by 25–30%, and there will be many more guests on the streets of European cities.

Don't forget to apply for your visa in advance! Schengen gives you the opportunity to visit 26 countries of the European Union, but it requires time to collect documents and additional costs - from 120 to 250 euros!

Experienced travelers highlight 10 European countries where they annually celebrate holy holidays and celebrate the New Year beautifully. Let's see together, if you go to Europe in December, which country is better to choose?

1. The Czech Republic and its heart - good old Prague

December is the ideal month to visit the Czech capital. The climate is mild, air temperature can fluctuate from −2°C at night to +12°C during the day. Snow at Christmas will delight the children, and cheerful fairs in the central squares - Old Town Square and St. Wenceslas - attract guests of the capital like a magnet.

Weather forecast in Prague for December 2019.

You can't visit Prague without trying boar's knee. In a light frost, the national Becherovka is a great warmer, and if you’re hanging out in a local bar, don’t forget to try different types of beer.

On Christmas Eve, according to tradition, guests of the capital go to one of the statues on the Charles Bridge. It is important to touch those places that tourists have been polishing for years and make a cherished wish. On this holy holiday it will certainly come true!

In a couple of hours in Prague, people will begin to arrive on the Charles Bridge to celebrate Christmas.

Plan your basic travel expenses and enjoy your time with health benefits:

  • air flight Moscow - Prague - Moscow ≈ 15,500 rubles (Smart Wings airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 10,000 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 51,200 rubles -

Experienced travelers note three advantages of Prague - comfortable, atmospheric and inexpensive! You'll enjoy your time in the Czech capital, but be careful and watch out for local pickpockets.

2. Italy: where is it better to go to Rome or Milan?

December in temperamental Italy means sun and sometimes cold rains. Let's move to Rome and Milan. Let's see how hospitable Italian cities welcome guests in the last month of the year.

Rome is warm and wet in December

Daytime temperature in Rome +12 +15 degrees, however, cold rain can take you by surprise and the umbrella will become a real savior. Italians prefer to spend time at home, and on holidays, regardless of the weather, they gather in the squares of Venice and the Colosseum.

Weather forecast for Rome for December 2019.

How much money will you need for the trip? Here are some numbers:

  • air flight Moscow - Rome - Moscow ≈ 13,000 rubles (Alitalia airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 9,500 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 42,500 rubles -

Want to feel the Christmas spirit? Head to Milan!

The famous Darsena Christmas Village fair opens on December 7 in Milan. Here you can visit the real house of Santa Claus with your child.

Children will love the Darsena Christmas Village and Santa's house in Milan.

For cute trinkets and valuable gifts, townspeople go to the central bazaars Mercato Natalizio or Villaggio delle meraviglie. The holidays honoring the patron saint of Milan, Saint Ambrose (December 7) and the New Year are traditionally held in Piazza Duomo. Songs and dances begin to the accompaniment of loud music, and the townspeople congratulate and warmly welcome tourists from all over the world.

Weather forecast for Milan for December 2019.

It is better to buy excursion tours to Christmas Italy in advance. Take note of the main travel expenses:

  • air tickets Moscow - Milan - Moscow ≈ 7,300 rubles (Pobeda airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two for ≈ 9,400 rubles -
  • tour for two in a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 42,200 rubles -

3. Austria: Vienna in December in the snow

Vienna is the business center and capital of Austria. Tourists adore this city for its ancient Gothic cathedrals, museums and famous opera houses. The climate in December is truly wintry and chilly. During the day the temperature is +1+3°C, and at night it is cold up to −10 −12°C. Please plan only day trips around Vienna and choose warm clothing appropriate for the weather.

Weather forecast for Vienna for December 2019.

Citizens are preparing responsibly for the Christmas holidays. Since mid-November, Town Hall Square has been decorated with garlands and lanterns. A beautiful Christmas tree is installed in the center, and the counters are bursting with Viennese delicacies - apple strudel, dumplings, Kaiserschmarren omelettes with powdered sugar. The fair lasts until the end of December. At this time, active Christmas shopping begins, guests buy gifts for their family and friends for the New Year.

Welcome to the Vienna Christmas Market!

Note! If you stay for New Year's Eve, you can take part in the entertainment program and take Viennese waltz lessons on the Graben Street. After a noisy holiday, together with the residents of the capital, greet the morning with an operetta " Bat» Strauss, which is traditionally broadcast from the Vienna State Opera to the building's outdoor screen.

In conclusion, the main expenses for a trip to the capital of Austria in December:

  • air flight Moscow - Vienna - Moscow ≈ 17,000 rubles (Turkish Airlines) -

4. Germany: Visit Berlin and Munich!

Winter Germany attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers every year. The museums of Dresden, Hamburg and Munich, well-kept neighborhoods and roads, and the highest level of service arouse the admiration of tourists. Take note of two destinations where you can go in December 2019.

Majestic Berlin - the center of Germany and the entire European Union

This is a proper city with a harsh climate. Average the temperature in December during the day does not rise above +3°C, and at night it remains stable around 0°C. The streets of Berlin are very different from the picture of a European winter fairy tale; it is always humid and damp here!

Weather forecast for Berlin for December 2019.

Since mid-November, the cold air of the city has been filled with the spicy aromas of German delicacies. Don't pass by the stalls on the Gendarmenmarkt square, they will always treat you to a slice of Baumkuchen Christmas cake and a glass of Glühwein spiced red wine.

If it’s chilly outside in Berlin in December, warm up with mulled wine on the Gendarmenmarkt square.

By tradition, holidays are celebrated on the square behind the Brandenburg Gate. Nightlife lovers head to the Hackescher Hof restaurant, which is open until the morning. Every tourist here will be offered delicious beer and spicy minced pork sausages Currywurst. Believe me, Christmas will be truly fun and delicious!

And now the travel expenses:

  • air flight Moscow - Berlin - Moscow ≈ 18,000 rubles (Airflot airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 15,750 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 82,500 rubles -

We are going to Munich - the center of Bavaria!

Residents of bustling cities are attracted by the architectural sights of the capital.

Weather forecast for Munich for December 2019.

Plan expenses for your December trip:

  • air flight Moscow - Munich - Moscow ≈ 10,600 rubles (S7 Airlines) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 15,500 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 82,000 rubles -

5. France: a trip to loving Paris

The temperamental climate of Paris surprises tourists with temperature changes. To devote yourself to walks through the endless Tiliuri garden or climb to the top of the Montmartre hill without harm to your health, take a suitcase of warm clothes!

Weather forecast in Paris for December 2019.

December 6 - St. Nicholas Day and the opening of the New Year season. Traditionally, children hang socks next to their cribs, which by morning are filled with sweets and Christmas gifts.

Noisy fairs are an integral part of the streets of Paris in December! The most famous “Santa Claus Village” includes 25 stall houses. They occupy the entire space of the Latin Quarter, offering passers-by traditional calissons (candied fruits), pieces of Christmas logs and a sea of ​​chocolates. Don't forget that the French are real chocolate fans!

A holiday in Europe in December 2019 will be remembered forever if you celebrate the New Year on the Champs-Elysees on December 31st. Guests of the capital come here to watch the light show on the Eiffel Tower. And in the morning you can go with your children to Disneyland, where there will be entertainment program featuring your favorite characters.

All children spending their holidays in Paris and their parents in Paris are invited to have fun at Disneyland.

Please plan your travel expenses in advance:

  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 18,200 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 90,000 rubles -

6. Hungary: what is happening in December Budapest?

Eight centuries ago, the cities of Buda, Pest and Óbuda united into one major economic center of the country. Since then, the capital has developed, made history and turned into a cultural European metropolis!

Weather forecast for Budapest for December 2019.

Tourists from all over the world come here for the December holidays. The weather in the last month of the year is cold, damp, windy with high humidity due to the proximity of the Danube. For walks along the cobbled streets of Budapest, you need to be thoroughly prepared and take with you a good waterproof wardrobe.

Warm tourists before Christmas will be pleased to visit Vörösmarty Square, where fun fairs are traditionally held. Guests treat themselves to hot kurtoskalach buns and wash them down with sweet mulled wine.

Take a ride on the Ferris wheel for a bird's eye view of Budapest at Christmas.

On December 31, people flock to the banks of the Danube. From here they watch the launch of fireworks and drink champagne to the general shouts of Buek! (Happy New Year!).

Let’s find out how much an excursion holiday in Budapest will cost:

  • air flight Moscow - Paris - Moscow ≈ 14,700 rubles (KLM airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 17,500 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 85,500 rubles -

7. The Netherlands: what will surprise Amsterdam?

Do you know that even cold winter on the streets of Amsterdam there is green grass and fragrant flowers. City residents fanatically monitor the cleanliness of their neighborhoods. In December, sunny days are very rare here. Rain and snow replace each other several times a day, and air temperature during the day is no more than −1 +2 °C.

Weather forecast for Amsterdam for December 2019.

December 5th - Sinterklaas holiday and New Year's rehearsal. It is dedicated to Amsterdam Santa Claus. The kids are hanging out their socks in anticipation of gifts from his little invisible helpers.

You should definitely vacation in Amsterdam with children in December. The most famous Christmas market will open in Keukenhof Park. In addition to products self made, here you can buy traditional donuts, baked apples and spiced animal-shaped cookies.

Fabulous December in Amsterdam in the Keukenhof park.

December 31st is traditionally celebrated on Dam Square. The chimes are located here, everyone celebrates the New Year together and makes wishes. Later, couples retire to clubs, young people rush to the Festival of Lights, and children and their parents skate on the Leiden Square skating rink.

In the capital of Holland, on Museum Square, you can go ice skating.

How much money do you need to fly to the capital of the Netherlands and spend time there profitably:

  • air flight Moscow - Amsterdam - Moscow ≈ 12,300 rubles (Swiss airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 12,750 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 60,000 rubles -

8. Spain and its three destinations - Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Tenerife

Did you know that 11 Spanish cities are recognized by UNESCO as heritage of humanity? No other country in the world has such a quantity unique monuments architecture. And the climate in the kingdom is conducive to an exciting winter holiday. When traveling to Spain in December, dress for the weather! For northern regions You will need a down jacket and warm boots, and for traveling to the islands - a swimsuit and high heels.

We're going to Madrid

In major cities of the country the temperature in December is quite comfortable for walking +12 +15°C.

Weather conditions in December Madrid in 2019.

At this time, Catholic Spain is fanatically preparing for Christmas, and the capital is dressed in sparkling illuminations. Guests of the capital go to the Prado Museum and Royal Palace with the Armory, and then can stroll to the ancient Puerta del Sol and Gran Via. Here on Christmas Eve you will find festive treats and a sale of national souvenirs.

We are seeing off December in Madrid.

Take note of the main travel expenses:

  • air flight Moscow - Madrid - Moscow ≈ 16,000 rubles (Swiss airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 9,000 rubles -

Barcelona is the center of sales!

In the famous Barcelona you can see real wonders of the world, and grandiose Christmas sales will be added to all other pleasures.

Weather forecast for Barcelona for December 2019.

In the city center, from the Columbus Monument to Maria Cristina Square, there is a record shopping line. This is 5 km of boutiques, entire streets of brand stores with goods at meager prices. According to reviews from fans winter sales, here you can buy New Year's gifts with a 50–90% discount!

Christmas lights in Barcelona.

But you still have to fork out in full for air tickets and a hotel:

  • air flight Moscow - Barcelona - Moscow ≈ 12,300 rubles (Vueling Airlines) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 9,300 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 45,000 rubles -

Tenerife Island - swimming in December!

Surprisingly, Tenerife is truly warm and comfortable in December! The thermometer stays at 23 degrees, and resort guests spend their entire vacation splashing in the gentle waters of the ocean.

Weather forecast for Tenerife for December 2019.

Resort You can travel around the island in 3–4 hours. To do this, it is better to rent a car (from 2000 rubles per day) and drive along the entire island serpentine. Be sure to visit the famous Teide volcano, the Arona area with its nightlife, the Loro Parque zoo and exotic fishing villages.

On a December weekend in hot Tenerife, stop by Loro Parque.

The flight from Moscow to Tenerife will take 7 hours, and the travel costs are listed below:

  • air tickets Moscow - Tenerife - Moscow ≈ 21,200 rubles (Swiss airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 8,250 rubles -
  • tour for two to a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 48,750 rubles -

9. Portugal and the rainy city of Lisbon

Even in December, the hospitable capital of Portugal experiences good temperatures above zero. During the day the thermometer can reach +15°C, and the night chill will bring heavy morning rain.

Weather forecast for Lisbon for December 2019.

When walking around Lisbon in December, be sure to take an umbrella and wear comfortable waterproof shoes. You will have excursions along the winding streets to the Castle of St. George, famous area Alfama with house facades made of azulejo tiles. From Cathedral Be sure to go down to the Carmo Monastery, from there to the port or to the huge statue of Jesus Christ.

For the New Year, it is advisable to go to the beautiful Cape Roca. Only here you can meet 2019 literally at the end of the world. And after a few glasses of champagne, you will see with your own eyes how hot Portuguese and guests of the capital dive into the icy waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

10. Russia: an island of Europe in Kaliningrad

Without any hassles or additional costs for a visa, you can relax abroad without leaving your native Russia.

Weather forecast in Kaliningrad for December 2019.

The former Königsberg went to the Soviet Union after the victory in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. And along with the whole region, Russians got the opportunity to admire ancient Prussian architecture.

December morning in Kaliningrad.

December 2019 the weather in Kaliningrad promises to be sunny with light frost. The temperature during the day will not drop below zero, and you can easily go on a sightseeing tour along the main roads of the capital. First along the circular route along 17 German forts. Further along the Amber Road to the famous Curonian Spit, where after a storm you will certainly find a piece of Baltic gold.

And now the main expenses for the trip:

  • air flight Moscow - Kaliningrad - Moscow ≈ 4,040 rubles (Pobeda airline) -
  • 4* hotel for two per day ≈ 2,000 rubles -
  • tour for two in a 4* hotel for 5 nights ≈ 22,500 rubles -

Where to go in December 2019 is up to you! Each of the European countries with its rich history is worthy of close attention. And if you ever visit all the corners of Europe mentioned in this short list, you can consider that your life has not been lived in vain!

  • Air temperature: 28–30 °C.
  • Water temperature: 26°C.
  • Visa:
  • Cost of living: from 351 rubles per night.
  • from 67,312 rubles.

In December, the Caribbean region experiences warm, comfortable weather, making it one of the most attractive destinations for a beach holiday. But if you also want to get vivid impressions, go to Guatemala. For example, to the city of Livingston in the east of the country.

Not far from this place there are wonderful beaches, the city itself is quite developed in terms of infrastructure. In addition, from there you can go on various exciting excursions: to canyons, waterfalls, and ruins.

If time and budget allow, you can drive from Livingston to ancient city Maya - Tikal, in the north of the country. Although the easiest way to visit it is by staying in Florence, a picturesque place on the shores of Lake Peten Itza.

  • Air temperature: 29–32 °C.
  • Water temperature: 28–30 °C.
  • Visa: not required within 30 days.
  • Cost of living: from 285 rubles per night.
  • Flight cost from Moscow: from 40,817 rubles.

When it comes to December holidays in Southeast Asia, Thailand comes to mind first. But Malaysia is in no way inferior to him. The Langkawi archipelago, bordering Thailand, is especially noteworthy in this sense.

This resort is famous for its clean beaches, beautiful hotels, nature and weather that just whispers from December to April.

  • Air temperature: 26–32 °C.
  • Water temperature: 28–29 °C.
  • Visa: not required within 15 days.
  • Cost of living: from 396 rubles per night.
  • Flight cost from Moscow: from 38,222 rubles.

Another Asian destination, ideal for a beach holiday in December. Due to the fact that the territory is elongated, the weather in different parts of the country is very different, but Fukuoka is very warm at the beginning of winter. The advantages of this direction are clean beaches, a rich underwater world that will definitely interest divers, and, of course, very budget holiday in the background high level service.

  • Air temperature: 23–26 °C.
  • Water temperature: 24–25 °C.
  • Visa: American
  • Cost of living: from 2,474 rubles per night.
  • Flight cost from Moscow: from 77,082 rubles.

December in Hawaii is warm, but not too hot like in the summer, and you definitely don't have to worry about hurricanes: the cold season ends in November. You can stay on different islands of the archipelago, but you will get the most varied holiday on Oahu, the main island.

There are beaches, nature reserves, temples, and brand stores. You can also go on a tour of the filming locations of Hollywood films or visit the famous Pearl Harbor.

  • Air temperature: 20–25 °C.
  • Water temperature: 18°C.
  • Visa: not needed within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 672 rubles per night.
  • Flight cost from Moscow: from 52,472 rubles.

December in Cape Town is not exactly conducive to a beach holiday, but even without it there is something to do there. For example, explore local historical and artistic attractions (the city is considered the cultural capital of South Africa); take the Garden Road route, which stretches for almost 350 km along provincial towns, nature reserves and tropical forests; go to the Cape of Good Hope or on a cave tour. Leisure options are very diverse.

  • Air temperature: 12–18 °C.
  • Visa: not required within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 806 rubles per night.
  • Flight cost from Moscow: from 14,307 rubles.

Jerusalem is perhaps one of the most festive December places in the world. This month, the entire city lights up, locals celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas, and every weekend the huge Khamshushalaim arts festival takes place. It is accompanied by concerts, film screenings, and at the same time discounts in local hotels and restaurants. Bonus - relatively warm weather, which is impossible not to rejoice in winter.

  • Air temperature: 0–8 °C.
  • Visa: .
  • Cost of living: from 377 rubles per night.
  • Flight cost from Moscow: from 10,889 rubles.

In December, all of Europe also prepares for Christmas and turns into a continuous Christmas market. Germany is especially famous in this sense. But if you want to not only feel the New Year’s atmosphere, but also save a little money, go to Budapest.

The wonderful Christmas market on Vörösmarty Square runs throughout the month in the Hungarian capital. There you can buy a couple of cute things cheaper than at other European fairs. There will also be street performances there.

  • Air temperature: 2–8 °C.
  • Visa: Schengen
  • Cost of living: from 2,108 rubles per night.
  • Flight cost from Moscow: from 12,354 rubles.

From December 7 to 9, this major city in Switzerland hosts one of the oldest local celebrations. There are three reasons to go to the country's main resort city in December. The first is the opening. Every year on December 2 and 3, the night festival Chichibu Yomatsuri takes place in the Japanese city of Chichibu. The holiday is accompanied by music, a variety of treats and a parade, which includes floats decorated with lights, and ends with a grandiose fireworks display that lasts several hours. By the way, the float parade that takes place during Chichibu Yomatsuri is one of the three largest in Japan.

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Where is the best place to relax at sea abroad in December? best beach holiday: TOP 5 countries and resorts

First winter month gives a lot of joy to Russians. Somewhere it’s snowing, somewhere people are already skating, and all over the country preparations are underway for the New Year. But there are also those who prepare for the New Year in their own way and choose hot country to celebrate the New Year by the sea on the sandy shore. A beach holiday abroad in December 2018 is quite possible. Open in many countries beach season and you can relax inexpensively in the countries of Asia, the Caribbean and Africa. Our experts have made a small TOP of holiday destinations at the beginning of winter. Look and check it against your list.

Residents of Russia cannot imagine December without snow, light frosts and New Year's bustle. But life is changing and many people no longer imagine a Christmas tree in their apartment instead of beautiful sandy beaches and warm sea. Are you one of them? Then let’s see where it’s best to relax by the sea in December, so that it’s inexpensive and beautiful.

Cuba is in first place.

To be honest, we put Cuba in first place simply because you are unlikely to ever forget the New Year you celebrated in the Caribbean. Distant Cuba has always attracted tourists with its endless beaches, its leisurely life and carelessness. And in this country you will meet New Year's holiday one of the last - how do you like this prospect?

In the first winter month, the weather in Cuba is sunny. The air temperature rises to +30 degrees, at night it drops to +20. The sea, ah more precisely the ocean, very warm and warmed up to +28. The winds are left behind, the rains are the same. The spruce waves are noticeable and you can easily fall asleep on the beach to the sound of their light noise.

Besides the beach, the country has other entertainment options. These are rare cars that drive on local roads. This is a national food that can be tasted everywhere, and it is not expensive. Plus, don’t forget about the beautiful nature of the island of freedom - it’s the only one here.

The Indian resort of Goa is in second place in our ranking. Holidays here are very cheap, the only thing expensive is the flight. But this is not such a problem, especially considering the beauty that awaits you in Goa.

In December, the resort is dominated by the sun. During the day the air warms up to +27 +30 degrees. The nights are a little cool, but it is unlikely to drop below +20. The water in the sea is about +28 degrees and this cannot but please those who came here on vacation from sub-zero temperatures.

Also, do not forget that Goa is India and has its own culture rich history. Lots of excursions, elephant rides and museums with the history of the country. You will see how the locals live, what they have in common with us and why the locals are in no hurry.

Dominican Republic - bronze medalist.

One can argue endlessly about the fairness of our ranking, but we insist that the Dominican Republic should take a place in the middle and get bronze. Firstly, and this is no secret, local beaches are constantly recognized as the most beautiful in the world. Secondly, there are amazing hotels here called bungalows. These are small houses designed for one or several people. In the Dominican Republic, bungalows are located right in the ocean in shallow water and often have glass floors, which allows you to see the ocean bottom and passing fish. And thirdly. It is in December that there are thousands of whales off the coast of the island of Haiti, and this spectacle cannot be missed or forgotten.

As for the weather, 99% of the days the sun shines here, and there is not a single cloud in the sky. The air is heated to +30, which is not so hot. The humidity is average, and at night it is much easier, because it is only +22 degrees. The ocean off the coast of the island has a temperature of +27 degrees. Local beaches are clean with white sand. Sometimes they go around the bend and seem endless.

Half of the tourists come to the Dominican Republic not for the beach, but for surfing and diving and other water activities. And you should try yourself in something, we are sure you will like it.

Vietnam is still fourth, but is trying to get into the top three.

From year to year, more and more people want to vacation in Vietnam. And this is not without reason. The resorts and hotels here are modern, many opened several years ago. The beaches are completely sandy and relaxing on them is a pleasure.

Average temperature The waters off the coast of the country are about +25 degrees. During the day the air warms up to +30, and at night not lower than +22. There is no rain, the wind does not blow often. You can be on the beach from morning to evening and not regret anything.

The favorite form of entertainment in Vietnam is diving. The underwater world holds many secrets and stories that scuba diving enthusiasts can unravel. The underwater world here has not yet been explored, so divers often find valuables and items from the recent war.
Tourists are also entertained with trips to waterfalls, excursions and stories about ancient history countries.

Thailand is last in the TOP.

Many will say - no, the resorts of this country should come first - and in their own way they will be right. Thailand has long been number one in winter time in terms of a beach holiday. And for this reason we left it in the TOP, but at the end. Millions of Russians have visited the country, and many have done so several times. Therefore, for beginners, Thailand is an amazing country, and for experienced tourists, it is a common place where you can sunbathe and swim in the sea.

In December, the country has sunny weather with temperatures below +35 degrees Celsius. At night it gets cooler, but not by much, about +25. The sea will delight you with its calmness and warmth up to +27 degrees. There is little or no rain all month.
Natural attractions and cultural monuments are the best excursions in the country. There are so many of them that you can devote your entire vacation to visiting them. But there are also ancient temples that are worth visiting. And don't forget about the elephant village.

At night, life in the country is as vibrant as during the day. Thousands of entertainment for every taste. Tourists happily accept the rules of the game, and it seems that they do not sleep at all during their rest days.

Where else - continuation of the TOP.

We do not insist that our TOP be equaled. This is just our opinion. In addition to these five countries, there are other places where it is warm on New Year’s Eve and you can swim in the sea. For example, Dubai or Israel. And if you fly further away, then there are Mexico and Brazil. The list goes on: Indonesia, Maldives, Seychelles, Egypt and so on. The choice is great, and you probably have your own preferences and your favorites in the TOP.