Vietnam Nha Trang water temperature in March. Nha Trang city beach

At the beginning of March, my sister and I went to Vietnam, Nha Trang. Our young age and lack of knowledge of English prevented us from relaxing on full blast. Manager Farida helped us find a trip. We are grateful to her; she patiently selected a tour for us for several hours. We checked into the IVIS hotel, 24 storeys, with a large hall, a shop, a cafe that serves a seafood buffet at night... 4 elevators, immediate pick-up service, always free... When we didn’t like the room that was offered to us (since there was a lot around construction site), a Russian-speaking receptionist at TNAO, suggested another option on the 21st floor, which suited us, we could see the sea, the city, and the mountains, and there was not much noise to be heard. Our hotel was located on the second line and this was an advantage, since the Vietnamese get up early to loud music, do exercises, and a huge amount of transport begins to drive along the first line... A very decent hotel, clean, they cleaned every day, changed towels, bathroom accessories and brought them every day .033 water per person. A huge restaurant, we took a ticket with breakfast, the cuisine was mainly Vietnamese, the choice was so large that even before the end of the trip we didn’t try everything... But a couple of times arriving late for breakfast, we had no choice, but we didn’t leave hungry. On the third floor under open air the location was very cozy, not large swimming pool with sun loungers, beds with pillows. 7-10 minutes to the sea. At the reception, except for TNAO, no one could explain anything to us, they didn’t even try... they turned away or worked on the computer, it’s a pity there are a lot of our compatriots there, and practically no one knows Russian, so they didn’t give us any water or food for the road... When there was no TNAO could not achieve practically anything... It was possible to explain yourself in English everywhere... The hotel is located in the center, so it was easy to navigate.. Nearby there is a square where all kinds of events took place every day.. and the central market, where you can buy almost everything for a tourist... We also visited the fruit and vegetable market, which was also not far away. We visited huge shopping complexes where you can buy not expensive fruits and vegetables in the supermarket, but good things made from natural silk and cotton in the store... A huge amount of transport, and the lack of traffic lights was annoying at first, but then they got used to crossing the road slowly without turning around, they themselves drove around us.. There is a “PHARMACY” at every step, but they don’t have medicines with chemical composition, there is from everything, but everything is from herbs, we found out that they do not have cancer and cancer centers, we were amazed, because there was such cruel chemical warfare with the Americans... The first days the sea was calm and quiet, but three last days were huge waves, Unfortunately, before this, after the day off, when the sea was still calm, when we arrived at the beach on Monday, we were horrified, the whole coast was a garbage dump, there was nothing there, even a dead dog was not possible to enter the water... They explained to us that this was so On the weekend, the residents themselves walked. But when on Tuesday morning we came to the sea, everything was cleared and we were greeted by a clean, calm sea... Every day we had dinner in different cafes (there are simply a huge number of them), many cafes arrange a buffet of all kinds of exotic creatures (frogs, crocodiles, snakes, etc.) .e) There are many cafes with a Russian menu, there is everything you want, but sometimes we ended up with bad cuisine, especially if the cafe belongs to our compatriots... We were given the first SIGHTSEEING tour of NHA TRANG for free. We visited the Weather Long Son Buddhist temple with a statue. Saw a snake and crocodiles show...tried everything famous varieties Vietnamese coffee, visited a pearl factory... The next excursion was WINPERL LAND, this is just a fabulous entertainment complex, we get to it by cable car across the sea, there is a huge water park area, a beach equipped with sun loungers with snow-white sand and a quiet, transparent sea bay. A stunning aquarium, a huge zoo at a height, and an arboretum with unprecedented birds and plants... This place is good to visit with children, there is a lot of entertainment for them... And a fascinating show from musical fountain.. This is a huge territory, it’s impossible to cover everything in a day, after such an excursion, we had to rest for a very long time, we were very tired, age was taking its toll... We bought the excursion from our guide, the prices were about the same as in the travel agency on the street... I wanted to see a lot , but there was little time and we finally decided to go on a two-day excursion to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Having received information about street agents on the Internet, we decided to purchase a tour at PINEAPPLE, which was closer to our hotel. A young guy from Russia was very polite with us, talkative, and convinced us to go on a comfortable bus rather than by plane, because by plane it is more expensive and you need to get to the airport yourself... (prices, like everywhere else, are not cheaper..) In the evening we arrived at the appointed time, Sasha also met us, wrote us a pink receipt and put us in a GAZELLE with a Vietnamese driver. It was already dark when we were brought to some place, and other Russians were brought to us. When the bus arrived, we got on, the Vietnamese girl looked at our receipt for a long time and then simply kicked us out.. everyone was boarded without any problems.. we were two elderly women, in another country, not knowing who to turn to (no one knew Russian) standing in confusion. street, I tried to call Sasha on the phone he gave us, of course the phone didn’t answer... When the bus started up, the girl shouted to us and gave us two seats at the toilet.. Yes, the bus is really comfortable, two-tier comfortable beds, water, a blanket, but we didn’t have to fall asleep, we were very upset, the noisy Chinese could not calm down for a long time, there were small children nearby who were constantly crying and of course the proximity to the toilet... So the whole trip was second-rate for us, then we found out everything, stuck with the Russians no matter what where they didn’t leave it, they had other receipts at the milestones, besides this there were boarding passes, instructions, everything was written down minute by minute, we had nothing of this... We visited the War Museum, Cathedral Notre Damme de Saigon, central post office and lacquer production, Cu Chi tunnels. There was a boat ride on the Mekong River and a junk ride on the Mekong Canal. We visited a factory for making cocoa candies. It was even more difficult to go back, we tearfully asked the Russian language guide not to abandon us and put us on the bus, he did a great job of calling someone and handed us over to some Vietnamese girl, she led us across the city to the bus, only when we got to know each other a little with such famous city. She put us on a bus with Vietnamese, apparently who were going to work, the journey took a very long time, from the beginning they picked everyone up, then they took everyone somewhere... While we were driving, we weren’t sure if we were going to Nha Trang, no one knew Russian... They brought us in after dark, to some place and showed with their hand that everyone was not going any further, it was terrible... Fortunately, there were taxis there, and we lived in the center, they could explain... In general, the trip was terrible, we were nervous, tired, and we didn’t see the city, for two the day is very busy, you need to leave one day for the city, for shopping, for relaxation... We were in Saigon and didn’t see it... it’s a shame. Otherwise everything was fine.

The first month of spring in Russia is special. It seems that I got tired of it winter time, but it seems not. It’s still dull and slushy outside, and the thermometer is in no hurry to rise. If you are unbearably tired of the cold, traveling to hot, sunny countries can be an excellent solution. One of them is exotic Vietnam. In this article on the Tour Calendar we will talk about the nuances of a March holiday in its open spaces.

Weather in Vietnam in March

You will probably agree that in many ways the quality of your vacation depends not only on the chosen tourist destination, but also from the prevailing weather. The climate of Vietnam is determined by its impressive meridional elongation and diversity of landscapes. His characteristic- impressive contrasts. When in the south everyone is sweltering from the heat and occupying the beaches, in the north people can wrap themselves in windbreakers and hope for early warming. But March is one of those months when the temperature imbalance between different regions noticeably evens out. The air throughout the country is warming up more and more every day. In general, spring is the period when the intensity environment begins to gain momentum to reach its apogee by the summer. In many provinces this is the height of the dry season, so it is not burdened by the oppressive stuffiness and increased level humidity, which is the best option for Europeans. As a rule, the weather forecast for Vietnam is compiled in accordance with its conditional division into three geographical zones: northern, central and southern. So, in the northern mainland in the first two weeks of March it can be quite chilly, but closer to the third decade the need for jackets and sweaters disappears by itself. The capital generously welcomes +23..+24°C during the day; in the evenings, there is a need for a paita or a long-sleeved jacket, since after sunset only +18..+19°C are recorded. In addition, with the onset of darkness, the winds often intensify, which, as is known, significantly distort the sensation of heat. Rains can either be completely absent or rain for 9-10 days throughout the month, which is absolutely nothing for the tropics, considering that they fall mainly under the cover of night. Most of the time it is dry and partly cloudy. In Halong Bay and Cat Ba Island, the number of foreign visitors is gradually increasing. It is less damp here, and during the day +22..+23°C is recorded, which is quite enough for comfortable participation in excursions.

Hanoi Nha Trang Phu Quoc Phan Thiet Ho Chi Minh City Hue

True, sometimes in the mornings there is an impenetrable fog, and the evenings are still fresh like spring - about +17°C. Moving closer to the central regions, you will notice that the weather is more different bright sun and, as a result, higher temperatures. Throughout the 30 days they change in the range of +25..+30°C (to last numbers However, they crawl over 30), which makes for a good time, not overshadowed by the sticky heat that tourists staying in the southern provinces face. That is why at this time hotels in Da Nang and Hoi An are recommended primarily for elderly people and those who suffer from pressure changes or problems in functioning of cardio-vascular system. You won’t have to freeze in the evenings - +21..+22°C, so it’s not advisable to overload your suitcase with warm things. The umbrella is also in question, since the number of days marked with precipitation does not exceed seven. In the south, a slightly different meteorological picture emerges. At the beginning of the month it is still very pleasant here, but in the second half the intense heat takes over, drying out most of the lush vegetation. However, the hotel areas always delight the eye with lush greenery and luxurious flower beds. Be that as it may, during this period, southern resorts break all records for attendance. The “hottest” among them are Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau and Phan Thiet with midday +33..+34°C and evening +23..+24°C. There are practically no showers - a maximum of 4-5 days. On the islands of Phu Quoc and Con Dao, the humidity is slightly higher, and the temperatures, on the contrary, are slightly more moderate: +31..+32°C. Those who prefer the “golden mean” should go to Nha Trang or Mui Ne, where from +22°C to +29..+30°C. The latter, by the way, maintains an excellent wind situation, conducive to windsurfing and kiting. Already in April the waves will leave the coast, so fans of these sports should hurry up. Clear days many times prevail over cloudy ones, so here too we see no reason to worry about precipitation.

What to do in Vietnam in March?

Thanks to the amazing weather that pleases almost all regions of Vietnam, March tours open to their participants limitless possibilities for an unforgettable holiday. The potential of this amazing South Asian state is truly enormous. And every year everyone becomes convinced of this more people. The thousand-year history of this great land is immortalized in monumental buildings, ancient pagodas and numerous monuments, so fans of an intense excursion will find a vast field of activities. Fortunately, the trip has not yet been complicated by heavy rains. Natural beauty national parks and virgin corners (and there are plenty of them here) will certainly attract romantics and naturalists. And avid shopaholics will not be able to pass by souvenir shops, supermarkets and shops.

Beach holiday

Tourists may have completely different interests, but under the Vietnamese sky they are all united by their love for gorgeous beaches. For many who discover this country for the first time, the fact that it has an amazing multi-kilometer coastal strip, equipped no worse than in the world's elite resorts, becomes a real discovery. Getting an even chocolate tan and splashing in the waters shimmering with all shades of azure and turquoise is considered the sacred duty of everyone who is lucky enough to be here. In March, trips to Northern Vietnam are not in great demand due to the fact that there is scanty sunshine and the water only heats up to +22°C. So Halong is attractive solely from the point of view of its extremely beautiful landscapes. Another thing - “Vietnamese Hawaii” - segment coastline, covering parts of the central and southern provinces.

Temperatures in Da Nang and Hoi An sea ​​water reaches +24..+25°C. The first is famous for its underwater natural “attractions”, so the attention of divers is primarily focused on it. And the second is known for the fact that many outstanding attractions are concentrated near it. For those who hate the heat best place you can’t find any place to take solar-water procedures. The South specializes exclusively in beach activities. Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc (note: spectacular diving), Nha Trang - they are all quite well maintained and have developed infrastructure. We recommend Mui Ne to tamers of obstinate waves.

The winds blow steadily from 11 am until sunset, so there will be plenty of time to practice various techniques.

Entertainment and excursions

The question of what to see in Vietnam is comparable in degree of absurdity to questions such as “what to see in the Vatican” or “where to go in Moscow except Tretyakov Gallery" There are so many “must-sees” in this country that they cannot fit even in the most voluminous guidebook. In absolutely every region you can find a lot of interesting things. So, regardless of the area of ​​your stay, exciting leisure time is guaranteed. Each city and each locality has its own unique spirit and its own face, which cannot be confused with any other.

Da Nang captivates with the majestic Marble Mountains and mysterious cave temples. Framed on all sides by endless sand dunes, Phan Thiet captivates with the wonders of nature and traces of civilizations that disappeared under mysterious conditions. By the way, it is very popular among golf fans: its pride is the prestigious Ocean Dunes club with 18 holes and 72 routes. The secret to the charm of the alpine Dalat lies in sparkling waterfalls, mirror lakes, blooming gardens and dense coniferous forests. Tourists love to walk through its French Quarter, in the center of which stands a miniature copy of the Eiffel Tower. Vietnam also has extensive clothing markets, mouth-watering seafood, healing hot springs and affordable spa programs. In general, everyone will find entertainment to suit their taste and budget.

Holidays and festivals

In March, the calendar of holiday events is full. Kwang Nam Province welcomes the grandiose Whale Festival, which opens with the ceremonial launching of a decorated boat. Da Nang hosts the Kwan Festival, which is celebrated with an exhibition of arts and crafts and performances of folk ensembles. Koh Loa Pagoda is 20 km away. from Hanoi (from the 10th to the 12th of the 3rd lunar month) organizes a three-day religious celebration in honor of the just ruler, canonized after his death. In some years, the Giong festival, celebrated in a number of northern cities, falls on March (9th day of the 4th month according to the lunar calendar), permeated with the spirit of patriotism and pride in one’s cultural heritage.

I would also like to highlight the Thai Pagoda Festival held in Thuk. And this is far from full list all pending events.

Who didn’t dissuade me from traveling to Nha Trang in March that year! They say it’s raining there, and all kinds of nasty living creatures, and the Vietnamese are intrusive... I’m so glad that I didn’t listen to anyone and flew to March. I have never had a more wonderful holiday. Nha Trang left an amazing impression, a very friendly town :) In general, if you decide to fly there at the beginning of spring, then don’t listen to anyone and feel free to book your tickets - your vacation will be great :)

Weather features

I didn’t expect that the weather would be so great for all 10 days of my vacation :) To be honest, I thought it would rain and even brought a raincoat with me. But I only needed it once, when a tropical downpour began very unexpectedly. Although it took me longer to get this same raincoat than it was raining - it probably ended in about 10 minutes :) The rest of the time there were not even clouds in the sky, not to mention clouds, the summer sun was shining all the time :) And the weather was quite hot . During the day it was always more than 25 degrees Celsius, sometimes it was even plus 30 :) The nights are also very warm and stuffy - the air temperature never dropped below 20 degrees. What I didn’t like was that in Nha Trang it’s very wet air, just incredibly stuffy. I always had the feeling that I was in a sauna, it was so stuffy and sticky. Due to high air humidity, the temperature feels hotter than it actually is. One thing made me happy - in summer the air humidity would be even higher :) Unlike the rains, winds come to Nha Trang quite often in March. And they can be very strong; once even the beach was closed due to wind and high waves. After the wind and the water in the sea is very muddy, for some reason gray. But it was very warm, as it seemed to me, the temperature of the water and air was approximately the same, above 20-22 degrees the water definitely warmed up. I even calmly swam in the morning, although I’m always cold :) In March it gets dark very early, I returned from one excursion around 8 pm, so I walked to the hotel at dusk. And the sunrises in Nha Trang are late; dawn begins around 6 am.

Do not, as I did, take warm and waterproof things. You definitely won’t need the first ones; it’s already hot in March. As for all kinds of raincoats and windbreakers, you may only need them a couple of times. I don’t see the point in carrying them with me; at worst, you can buy a raincoat in almost any store. And if you have heart or breathing problems, then refrain from traveling to Nha Trang - after all high humidity air in combination with high temperature far from the best Better conditions for relax:)

March treats

At the beginning of spring in Nha Trang there are a lot of different fruits, fresh and not so fresh :) I won’t talk about the not so fresh ones, I’d rather talk about seasonal delicacies. Already in early March, my favorite mangoes appear on the shelves of local markets. What's cool about them is that even early in the season you almost never get unripe fruit. Personally, I have always bought only juicy, ripe and very sweet mangoes. You can also easily find a fresh harvest of jackfruit almost everywhere - many people mistakenly believe that these are breadfruits. But no, although they are very similar, the fruits are still different :) The most important difference is that the peel of the jackfruit does not smell very tasty. Although...Not durian, and thank you for that :) The peel needs to be peeled off, then you can enjoy the very tasty pulp. And the fruit is also very healthy, by the way :)

And in March, you should definitely have time to buy fresh Vietnamese tangerines, since their season ends at the beginning of spring. And the fresh harvest will only be in the fall. Local tangerines are very sweet, juicy, easy to peel and practically seedless :)

Holiday Events

The most important March event is rightfully considered the Maritime Festival. It has been taking place in Nha Trang for several years. The festival begins on March 4 and lasts a whole week. There will be festivities, and dancing with songs, and all sorts of performances, and also very tasty local kitchen. Great emphasis is placed on charity - all sorts of marathons, races and events are held. And at the Maritime Festival, world records are set every year - the same a large number of They’ll cook soup, then something else :) In general, it’s very cool and fun, many tourists come to Nha Trang purely because of this festival.

Even this year the festival "VietNam" was held, but this is more of a competition for all kinds of creative groups from all over the world. In principle, it is large-scale and very interesting.

Tourist saturation

March is already in full swing tourist season, in May there will be much fewer people as the rainy season is approaching. And at the beginning of spring the weather is very cool, and the festival also increases the number of vacationers. In general, Nha Trang is very noisy and fun in March. All vacationers are very friendly, cheerful, and love to chat. It turns out to be such a big international family:) There are a lot of Thais, Filipinos, Russians, vacationers from the CIS countries. Prices are quite high compared to summer. Although, when compared with Europe, prices in Nha Trang are low all year round:) Plane tickets and hotels need to be booked in advance, sometime in January, otherwise you may not have time :)

Dangerous living creatures

Sharks scared me a lot. They say they swim to the shores of Nha Trang, attack people and blah blah blah. That's all lies. I studied this issue very carefully, about 5 years ago one local fisherman actually caught a shark off the coast of Nha Trang, but to do this he sailed by boat a very decent distance from the shore. And in shallow water there are no sharks.

I was more afraid of jellyfish, there are especially many of them after a storm or rain. Local residents even swim in trousers and T-shirts :) But these jellyfish are non-poisonous and don’t really sting. Sometimes box jellyfish come by and you should be a little wary of them. They are very nimble and sting painfully. The bite seems to be non-poisonous, but the burned surface must be treated with lime juice.

They can also be found in the water sea ​​snakes, but in my opinion, they haven’t attacked people like this for 20 years. Perhaps they have long sailed away from Nha Trang :)

Of the land inhabitants, it is necessary to note all sorts of different snakes. But they practically never appear in the city, but in nature it is quite possible to encounter one of them. There are both Poisonous snakes, and absolutely safe.

There are a lot of spiders of all sizes and types. But they also don’t attack people for no reason, the main thing is to avoid them and don’t try to crush them :)

There are also red ants that bite very painfully. But these insects usually come out to hunt for sweets, so don’t scatter sweets and fruits in your room, then there won’t be ants :)

Well, we can’t help but say about the cute geckos that are found almost every step, even in hotels and cafes. It’s just believed that they bring good luck, so the owners are in no hurry to drive them away :) Well, geckos are really very cute animals, you shouldn’t be afraid of them :)

I was afraid of local mosquitoes; some of them carry Dengue fever, so be careful and careful. Try to stock up good means mosquito protection.

Nha Trang, famous Vietnamese resort, beautiful at any time of the year. However, if the trip is in March, then the resort will appear before you in even more beautiful view– clear, sunny and hot. The fact is that March is the month of the dry season, when the least precipitation falls over the city.

What is the weather like in Nha Trang in March?

average temperature(°C)

Average Maximum temperature(°C)

Average minimum temperature(°C)

Number of hours of sunshine

On average 7 hours a day

Average day length

12 hours/day

Average temperatures and 80% humidity

UV index

Very tall

Rainy days in a month

Monthly precipitation level

Water temperature (°C)

This does not mean that there will be no rain at all in March. Like any other tropical region, it rains all year round - it just doesn't rain as much in March. Moreover, the first spring month in Nha Trang it is moderately hot: +28…31°С (it gets a little hotter towards the end of the month). The sea water temperature also gradually warms towards the end of March: from 24°C to +26-27°C.

March is a great time for both beach and excursion holiday.

March brings several interesting festivals and holidays in Nha Trang. Among them is the Whale Festival, which takes place at Ong Temple. Local residents have always considered whales to be a rare and valuable animal that helps fishermen survive during strong storms.

The Tháp Bà festival is held on the premises of the Po Nagar towers, again in accordance with lunar calendar(may occur in March). This is the most significant festival in the region, which honors the goddess Po InoNogar, who, according to the Vietnamese, created this land and taught people to farm. The festival lasts for several days: first of all, the old costumes are removed from the statuette of the goddess, it is thoroughly washed in a decoction of fragrant leaves and flowers, and then it is dressed again in traditional costume. After this ceremony, a celebration begins, the most impressive part of which is the traditional Cham dance and boat race.

© anhgemus-photography / / CC BY 2.0

Is it worth going to Nha Trang in March?

March is a great month to visit Nha Trang. The weather in Nha Trang in March, as in

Nha Trang, the famous Vietnamese resort, is beautiful at any time of the year. However, if the trip is in March, then the resort will appear before you in an even more beautiful form - clear, sunny and hot. The fact is that March is the month of the so-called dry season, when the least precipitation falls over the city.

This does not mean that there will be no rain at all in March. Like any other tropical region, it rains all year round - it just doesn't rain as much in March. At the same time, the first spring month in Nha Trang is moderately hot: +28...31°C (it gets a little hotter towards the end of the month). The sea water temperature also gradually warms towards the end of March: from 24°C to +26-27°C.

March is a great time for both beach and sightseeing holidays. There are many interesting and unique attractions around the city and in it itself - the Cham towers of Po Nagar, Long Son Pagoda, Hon Lao Monkey Island, salt plantations, Ba Ho waterfall, the National Oceanographic Museum with huge skeletons of whales and stuffed sharks, etc. But the main interest for Many tourists visit Vinpearl Land Park on Hon Tre Island, which can be reached by a long cable car. This island has a water park, an aquarium, cinemas, playgrounds, and also has its own sandy beach.

Calm seas in March will offer an excellent opportunity to go diving - fortunately, at the resort you will find several dive centers where you can book day and night, individual or group dives. Nha Trang Bay is rich in underwater beauty - fish, 800 species of corals, wrecks of sunken ships and underwater caves.

March brings several interesting festivals and holidays in Nha Trang. Among them is the Whale Festival, which takes place at Ong Temple. Local residents have always considered whales to be a rare and valuable animal that helps fishermen survive during severe storms. During the festival, residents of Khanh Hoa province, of which Nha Trang is the capital, honor whales and hold special ceremonies.

The Tháp Bà festival is held at the Po Nagar Towers, again according to the lunar calendar (may fall in March). This is the most significant festival in the region, which honors the goddess Po InoNogar, who, according to the Vietnamese, created this land and taught people to farm. The festival lasts for several days: first of all, the old costumes are removed from the statuette of the goddess, it is thoroughly washed in a decoction of fragrant leaves and flowers, and then it is dressed again in traditional costume. After this ceremony, a celebration begins, the most impressive part of which is the traditional Cham dance and boat race.