Monument to the Great Patriotic War. Monuments to historical figures and events

Memorial of Glory.
The Memorial of Glory is located in the Leninsky district on Victory Square near Mira Avenue.
Opened on May 9, 1965. Lit in 1967 Eternal Flame. The memorial was built on the mass grave of soldiers Soviet army who died during the Great Patriotic War in Orsky hospitals (1941-1945). On April 27, 1965, the remains of 216 soldiers were reburied from a closed city cemetery at the site of the future memorial in 12 urns. Initially, a block of unpolished Orsk variegated jasper and a bronze plaque was installed, on which the monument was depicted in relief Soviet soldier in Berlin's Treptower Park. A bowl with the Eternal Flame was installed in front of the stone. The entire structure was placed on a concrete pedestal. The authors of the monument are Orsk architects E.Ya. Markov, B.G. Zavodovsky, A.N. Silin. In 1975, the monument was reconstructed: the mass grave was lined with polished Orsk red jasper.
In its center is the Eternal Flame, above which hangs a bronze wreath of Glory. Behind the grave there is a wall of black stone with an inscription "Motherland! The Russian land, watered with the blood of its soldiers, honors their memory forever". Behind the wall there were spruce trees. Authors: Orsk architects P.P. Priymak, G.I. Sokolov, V.N. Yakimov. During the reconstruction of the memorial in 1988, the lining of the military grave was replaced with a green-black coil; marble slabs with the names of soldiers who died in Orsky hospitals, Orchan soldiers who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, and those who died in Afghanistan were installed along the perimeter of the memorial.
The black stone inscription is transferred to white marble slabs in the center of the memorial.
In 1995, additional memorial pylons were installed with the names of Orchans who died in 1941 - 1945, in Afghan war 1979-1989, in hot spots of Russia ( North Caucasus) in the 1990s.
In April - August 2000, the Glory Square was reconstructed, a second line of pylons was installed, where more than 8,000 additional names of Orchan residents who died in hostilities were added. The main part of the memorial complex is equipped with lawns, flower beds and plantings of deciduous and coniferous trees.
On May 8, 2008, on the eve of Victory Day, the opening of the Alley of Heroes took place on the territory of Glory Square. The memorial has changed its appearance for the fourth time and is becoming better and more significant.
The idea of ​​this project appeared back in the eighties of the last century. Then, taking into account the wishes of war veterans, the chief artist of Orsk P. Priymak worked on a project for the reconstruction of the square and envisaged opening the Alley of Heroes. But to install nine bronze busts of Heroes Soviet Union and two Heroes of Russia were achieved only now, thanks to the decision of the current head of the city.
Preparations for the implementation of the alley project began in 2008, when the necessary photographic materials were sent to Chelyabinsk. The busts of the Orchan heroes were sculpted by a creative group of Chelyabinsk sculptors under the leadership of the chairman of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Union of Artists of Russia E. Vargot. The professionals managed to convey not only external resemblance defenders of the Motherland, but also their character. As the sculptors themselves assure, the images were created based on personal history every hero. The bronze busts, weighing about 2 tons each, were installed on granite pedestals by specialists from the Requiem municipal unitary enterprise.
On the pylons erected on both sides of the alley are the names of the heroes of the Orsk land who won the Victory and defended the freedom of not only Russians, but also other peoples.


  1. Memorial of Glory // Orsk City Encyclopedia. - Orenburg, 2007. - P. 219.
  2. Post No. 1 // Orsk City Encyclopedia. - Orenburg, 2007. - P. 234 - 235.
  3. Memorial of Glory: photograph // Orsk: photo album. - M. 1995. - P. 87.
  4. Ivanov, A. Bust of the Hero joined the Walk of Fame / A. Ivanov // Orskaya Gazeta. - 2008. - September 5. - P. 2.
  5. Svetushkova, L. “Heritage” - to the city / L. Svetushkova // Orskaya Chronicle. - 2008. - September 5. - P. 2.
  6. Goncharenko, V. Ten busts of War Heroes are installed on columns / V. Goncharenko // Orskaya Chronicle. - 2008. - April 22. - P. 1, 2.
  7. Rezepkina, N. The living need this / N. Rezepkina // New Vedomosti. - 2007. - May 9. - P. 3.
  8. Efimova, T. without the past there is no future / T. Efimova // Orskaya Chronicle. - 2000. - August 31. - P. 2.
  9. Karandeev, A. Orchan residents laid flowers at the renovated memorial / A. Karandeev // Orskaya Chronicle. - 2000. - May 13. - P. 2.

Monuments to soldiers of the Great Patriotic War

Nationwide memorial military glory

According to the Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 1297 of November 17, 2009, the memorial architectural ensemble of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was given the status of a National Memorial of Military Glory and it was included in the State Code of Particularly Valuable Objects cultural heritage peoples of the Russian Federation

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a memorial architectural ensemble in Moscow, in the Alexander Garden, near the walls of the Kremlin.

On December 3, 1966, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the defeat of German troops near Moscow, the ashes of the unknown soldier were transferred from the mass grave at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway (at the entrance to the city of Zelenograd) and solemnly buried in the Alexander Garden.

On May 8, 1967, a memorial architectural ensemble was opened at the burial site “ Tomb of the Unknown Soldier", created according to the design of architects D. I. Burdin, V. A. Klimov, Yu. R. Rabaev and sculptor N. V. Tomsky. The Eternal Flame was lit at the grave by L. I. Brezhnev, who accepted the torch from Hero of the Soviet Union A. P. Maresyev. On the tombstone there is a bronze composition - a soldier's helmet and a laurel branch lying on a battle flag. In the center of the memorial there is a niche with the inscription - “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal” (suggested by S. V. Mikhalkov) made of labradorite with a bronze five-pointed star in center, in the middle of which burns the Eternal Flame of Glory.

To the left of the grave is a wall made of crimson quartzite with the inscription: “1941 TO THE FALL FOR THE HOMELAND 1945”; on the right is a granite alley with blocks of dark red porphyry containing capsules with the soil of hero cities: “Stalingrad” (from Mamayev Kurgan) - until September 2004 the inscription read “Volgograd”, “Leningrad” (from Piskarevsky cemetery), “ Kerch" (from the defense lines), "Kiev" (from the foot of the Obelisk to the participants in the defense of the city), "Minsk" (from the defense lines), "Novorossiysk" (from the defense lines), "Odessa" (from the defense lines), "Sevastopol" (from Malakhov Kurgan), “Tula” (from the defense lines), “ Brest Fortress"(from the foot of the walls).

On December 12, 1997, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, post No. 1 of the honor guard was moved from the Lenin Mausoleum to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The guard is carried out by military personnel Presidential Regiment. The changing of the guard occurs every hour. In connection with the work on the creation of the National Military Glory Memorial, the guard of honor was not displayed from December 16, 2009 to February 19, 2010. Also during this period, wreath-laying and flower-laying ceremonies at the memorial were stopped. On December 27, 2009, with military honors, temporarily for the period of reconstruction, the Eternal Flame was moved to Poklonnaya Hill in Victory Park.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, 2010, the Eternal Flame was returned to the Kremlin wall.

A new element has appeared in the National Memorial of Military Glory for the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory - a stele in honor of the cities of military glory, which is installed next to the Alley of Hero Cities, near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

On the days of remembrance dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, statesmen, veterans, delegations, heads of foreign states and governments lay wreaths and flowers at the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”.

Eternal flame of memory and glory

Eternal Flame- a constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of something or someone. Continuous combustion is achieved by supplying gas to specific place, in which a spark occurs. Usually included in the memorial complex. The first Eternal Flame in the USSR was lit at the monument to fallen heroes near the village of Pervomaisky, Shchekinsky district Tula region May 9, 1957. In many cities of the former Soviet Union, the Eternal Flame burns in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

Three Eternal Flames burn in Moscow: on Tomb of the unknown soldier, on Poklonnaya Hill, on Preobrazhenskoe Cemetery.

Eternal Flame on Poklonnaya Hill

Shot from the NTV channel On April 30, 2010, the second Eternal Flame was lit on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. It was decided to light a fire on Poklonnaya Hill at the request of the Moscow Veterans Council. From December 2009 to February 2010, the flame was located here, moved from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during the reconstruction of the memorial complex near the Kremlin walls. The fire was later returned to its historical location. In addition, near the Eternal Flame on Poklonnaya Hill, it was decided to create a kind of Post No. 1 for students of cadet corps. Ten times a year, during days of military glory and major public holidays, young guys will stand watch here. The torch, lit at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden, was carried with honors to the memorial on Poklonnaya Hill. The honor of lighting a new “hearth of memory” was given to an honorary citizen of Moscow, a participant in the battle for Moscow, chairman of the Moscow Council of War, Labor and Veterans law enforcement agencies Vladimir Dolgikh, Hero of Russia Colonel Vyacheslav Sivko, member of the Moscow Children's public organization"Commonwealth" Nikolai Zimogorov. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who took part in the ceremony, said that the new Eternal Flame will in no way compete with the memorial at the Kremlin wall. On the contrary, they will complement each other.

Eternal flame at Preobrazhenskoe cemetery

On April 30, 2010, a solemn ceremony of lighting the third Flame of Memory in Moscow took place at the military memorial necropolis of the Preobrazhenskoe cemetery. A torch with a piece of the main Eternal Flame of the country at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden arrived at the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery after the lighting of the Fire of Memory and Glory on Poklonnaya Hill.

The eternal flame at the Preobrazhenskoe cemetery was lit because it was the first and only one in Moscow - it was brought here in 1956 from Leningrad, from the Field of Mars. It burned until the pipes wore out. The fire was lit only on holidays.

Preobrazhensky necropolis is the largest military memorial in Moscow. Military personnel who died of wounds in Moscow hospitals during the Great Patriotic War are buried here. Some burials were individual, some were fraternal. 10,678 people are buried here. Some mass graves contain up to 20 burials. There are fewer and fewer nameless people. There are only the graves of 43 fighters without plaques. In addition to mass graves, the cemetery contains the graves of 41 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 3 Heroes of Russia and 3 full holders of the Order of Glory.

Obelisk to commemorate the conferment of an honorary title on Moscow - “ Hero City»

The obelisk commemorates the awarding of the honorary title of Hero City to Moscow. The Motherland highly appreciated the contribution of Muscovites to the defeat of the enemy: hundreds of thousands of Muscovites were awarded orders and medals, more than 800 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, over 800 thousand people were awarded the medal “For Valiant” labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965, for outstanding services to the Motherland, mass heroism, courage and fortitude shown by the working people of the capital in the fight against the Nazi invaders, Moscow was awarded an honorary the title of “Hero City” with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

To commemorate the awarding of the honorary title “Hero City” to Moscow in the park at the fork Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street a 40-meter “Obelisk” will be erected. The “Obelisk” was opened on May 9, 1977. The authors of the monument are architects G. Zakharov, 3. Chernysheva, sculptor A. Shcherbakov.

Lined with gray ashlar granite, the “Obelisk” ends with a five-pointed gold star. On the facade of the monument there is the text of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On conferring the honorary title "Hero City" on the city of Moscow", made of applied gilded bronze letters. Above the text is a bas-relief Order of Lenin cast in bronze and gilded. Three 4-meter granite figures - a warrior , a worker and a female worker - flank and close the obelisk, trapezoidal in plan. Each figure is located on its own pedestal. The entire structure is raised on a covered hill with a circular platform, to which three granite stairs lead. The monument expresses the unity of the front and the rear, the greatness and heroism of the glorious. defenders of Moscow, who defended the capital of the Soviet state from enemy invasion.

Monument "Defenders of the Russian Land"

“View photo” The monument “Defenders of the Russian Land” was opened in 1998 at the intersection of Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Minskaya Street. Sculptor A. Bichugov.

The monument personifies the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland: the warrior Ancient Rus' with a sword in his hands, a soldier of the Patriotic War with Napoleon and a hero of the Great Patriotic War. Monument - Stele of the 1st Moscow-Minsk Guards moto rifle division The monument was erected in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the division and its exploits in the Great Patriotic War. Located on the Moscow-Minsk Division Square (the intersection of Malaya Filevskaya and Minskaya streets), Minskaya, 13. Architect O.K. Gurulev, artist-architect S.I. Smirnov, sculptor I.P. Kazansky. On the monument there is the inscription “Square of the MOSCOW-MINSK DIVISION.” Below it are bas-reliefs of the orders awarded to the division: Lenin, Red Banner, Suvorov, Kutuzov, and the Guards badge. Below are the inscriptions: “The square of the Moscow-Minsk Division was named in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the 1st Guards Proletarian Moscow-Minsk Division and its military exploits in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” “The stela was installed by the chiefs of Metrostroy.”

Victory Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Hill

Victory Park (in Moscow) is a memorial complex for the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in the west of Moscow. The memorial complex was opened on May 9, 1995 to mark the 50th anniversary of the great Victory. Victory Park is bounded from the north by Kutuzovsky Prospekt, from the west by Minskaya Street, from the east by General Ermolov Street, from the south by Brothers Fonchenko Street and residential buildings located near the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya station of the Kyiv direction of Moscow railway. In the eastern part of the memorial complex there is Poklonnaya Hill, not far from it is the Moscow metro station Victory Park .

History of Victory Park. It was first proposed to build a monument to the people's feat back in 1942 (architect J. Chernikhovsky). But it was not possible to implement it in wartime conditions. On February 23, 1958, a memorial granite sign was erected on Poklonnaya Hill with the inscription: “The Victory Monument will be built here Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." At the same time, trees were planted around and a park was laid out, which was named after Victory. In the 1970s–1980s, 194 million rubles were collected from community cleanups and personal contributions from citizens for the construction of the monument. Subsequently, funds were allocated by the state and the government of Moscow. A plot of land of 135 hectares was allocated for the entire complex. In the 90s, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, a Victory memorial complex was built and opened on May 9, 1995.

Main alley “Years of War”

The main alley “Years of War”, located between Victory Square and the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, consists of five terraces symbolizing the five years of war. 1,418 fountains were erected over five water surfaces - the war lasted for so many days and blood was shed. In the center of the square is a stele 141.8 meters high, crowned by the goddess of victory Nike. At the foot of the obelisk, on a granite podium, there is a statue of St. George the Victorious, who kills a snake with a spear - a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

Victory Monument - obelisk on Pobediteley Square in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora

Project architect - Zurab Tsereteli, design and calculation - TsNIIPSK, under the leadership of B.V. Ostroumov. Obelisk from especially durable steel weighing 1000 tons and 141.8 meters high (10 centimeters for each day of the war), covered with bronze bas-reliefs. At a height of 122 meters, a 25-ton bronze figure of the goddess of victory Nike is attached to the stele. At the foot of the obelisk on a granite podium is a statue of St. George the Victorious slaying a dragon with a spear. The Victory Monument was opened on May 9, 1995 as part of the Victory Memorial Complex.

Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The main object of the complex is the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, founded in 1993 on the initiative of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Opened on May 9, 1995 during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Victory. The museum building was built according to the design of a group of architects headed by A.T. Polyansky. The general fund of the museum is 50 collections with a volume of more than 50 thousand items.

In front of the museum is Pobediteley Square, to which the central alley of Victory Park leads from Kutuzovsky Prospekt. In the museum building there is a Hall of Memory, in which Books of Memory are located in special display cases - 385 volumes in which the names of people who died in the war are inscribed; Hall of Fame, six dioramas dedicated to the main events of the war. The museum's holdings include authentic weapons and military equipment, numismatics, philately and philocarty, household items, large number handwritten documentary and photographic materials, materials fine arts, telling about the Great Patriotic War, the joint struggle of countries anti-Hitler coalition against Germany and its allies. The museum houses the Victory Banner, hoisted on April 30, 1945 over the Reichstag in Berlin. Exposition of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Hall of Memory

Hall of Memory on the ground floor. The sculptural group of Lev Kerbel “The Weeping Mother” based on Michelangelo’s “Pieta” is installed here. Monument to the victims of the Great Patriotic War. The woman bending over the defeated warrior in grief is a mother mourning her son, a brother’s sister, and a husband’s wife. This is the face of sadness, loss, grief, always experienced in its own way. But the sculpture also has a meaning that is common to all. Five hundred years ago, Michelangelo sculpted the Pieta from marble - “Christ, taken from the crucifixion, is stretched out on the knees of the Mother of God mourning him.” This plot is old, Christian, so the sculpture takes on a new meaning. The fallen warrior is mourned by the Mother of God, and he is like Christ, who sacrificed himself to save people. But that's not all. In the teachings of Orthodoxy, Rus', Russia is the home of the Mother of God. Hence the well-known concept - Motherland. She mourns for her Savior. In Russian icon painting there is a subject similar to the drink - the Assumption. The apostles and saints on earth mourn the Mother of God; appearing in the radiance of Glory, Christ takes her soul, in the form of a swaddled baby, to heaven. Along the walls in the Hall of Memory there are glass cabinets in which 385 volumes of the Book of Memory are stored, listing all those who died in the battles for the Motherland and those missing in action. Information about each of them can also be obtained using e-book In memory. The military-historical exhibition is located around the entire perimeter of the building. The central relic is a table from the Yalta Conference in 1945, where Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met.

Hall of Fame

The main one in the Pantheon of Victory Park is the Hall of Fame. At the top of the dome of the Hall of Fame is the Order of Victory. The Hall of Fame is decorated with the sculpture “Soldier - Winner”, created by sculptor V. Znoba. In the hall there are 6 dioramas created by famous masters of the Studio of Military Artists named after. M.B. Grekova: “Counteroffensive Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941", "Union of Fronts. Stalingrad", "Siege of Leningrad", "Kursk Bulge", "Crossing of the Dnieper", "Storm of Berlin". Carved on the marble walls of the hall are 11,717 names of war participants who were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the highest award in the Great Patriotic War.

Monument "Spirit of the Elbe"

Poklonnaya Mountain. Monument "Spirit of the Elbe". Dedicated to the meeting of the Allied forces on the Elbe River in April 1945. Installed in 1995, the Victory Park metro station. Types Photos Sights of Moscow. The monument was opened in 1995 in the western part of Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. Address: Poklonnaya Gora, Victory Park, Victory Park metro station. The monument “Spirit of the Elbe” is dedicated to the meeting of the Allied forces on the Elbe River in April 1945.

Monument to the Missing

In the mighty sculpture “Missing in Action”, standing on the alley of tankers, there is acute pain and suffering in the form of a wounded soldier, and in our hearts there is bitterness and sadness, because heroism and death always walk side by side. This monument perfectly conveys the suffering of soldiers in the war. These heroes are even heroes, because no one will know their names or see their faces at victory parades. The sculptor K. Sokolovsky conveyed all this in his creation in the best possible way. The Monument to the Missing was opened in 1995.

Monument "Tragedy of Nations"

The “Tragedy of Nations” monument is a monument to prisoners of fascist concentration camps, erected in 1997. Sculptor - Zurab Tsereteli. The height of the monument is 8 m. It was originally located on Victory Square.

Monument to Soldiers of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition

The monument to the Soldiers of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition was inaugurated on May 9, 2005 on Partizan Alley. Author - Mikhail Pereyaslavets. A 20-meter stele made of white marble, topped with the emblem of the United Nations (UN), is located in the center of the Alley of Partisans, one of the most beautiful alleys of Victory Park. At the foot of the stele there is a pedestal on which four bronze figures of soldiers of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France rise.

Monument to “Spaniards-volunteers who fought in the Red Army and died in the fight against fascism during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” The monument was erected in 2001 in the western part of Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. Architect A. Mikhe. Engineer S.I. Vorontsov.

Exhibition of military equipment

File:Voorug pgm.JPGIn Victory Park under open air a unique exhibition of military equipment and engineering and fortification structures was launched. More than 300 samples of heavy equipment of the USSR and its allies, Germany and its allies that took part in the battles are presented here.

See also: Official website:

Monument to the soldiers of the Moscow Air Defense on the Square of Defenders of the Sky in Krylatskoye

Erected in 1995. The authors of the monument, sculptor L. E. Kerbel and architect E. G. Rozanov, immortalized the feat of all air defense heroes: pilots and sky scouts, anti-aircraft gunners, balloon barrage fighters. The monument is an expressive and laconic composition: in front is the figure of the Mother Motherland with a baby in her arms, saving our future. As a historical background to the ongoing event, at a distance, 13 meters from this statue, there is a screen made of metal structures in the form of a stylized radar installation with bronze high reliefs, on it are genuine wartime anti-aircraft guns with episodes of the heroic defense of the Moscow sky. Here dogfight, in which our fighter defeated the fascist vulture. Here are the girls in military uniform carrying a balloon along the embankment. All these are pictures of the war years. And on back side The names of the air defense units that defended Moscow from fascist aviation are inscribed on the screen.

Monument to the Fallen (Heroes - Defenders of the Motherland) at the Brest cinema. Address: st. Yartsevskaya, 21. Sculptor Alexander Burganov.

Memorial sign to the underground members of the Young Guard. Installed in the park near the church at the intersection of Molodogvardeyskaya and Yartsevskaya streets.

Molodogvardeiskaya Street is named in memory of the underground heroes of Krasnodon and their immortal feat during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Monuments those who died in the Great Patriotic War on the territories of enterprises Western District

Monument to those killed during the Great Patriotic War, workers of the Nogin factory. Installed on the factory premises. Address: Vitebskaya street, property 9. The factory was transferred to the Southern Administrative District in 2003. On the territory former factory There are representative offices of various companies.

Monument to those killed during the Great Patriotic War, MRTZ workers. Installed on the territory of MRTZ. Address: st. Vereiskaya, 29.

The monument to VILSA workers who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened in 1964. Address: Mozhaisky district of Moscow, st. Gorbunova, 2.

Monument to the workers of the Rublevsk waterworks who did not return from the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War. Installed on the territory of the Rublevskaya waterworks. Architect Podstavkin P.K.

Memorial to those who fell and died of wounds in the Great Patriotic War at the Kuntsevo cemetery

Memorial at the Common Grave of soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War and died from wounds. Installed on the initiative of enterprises of the Kuntsevo district at the Kuntsevo cemetery in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory in 1975. An eternal flame burns at the memorial. Address: Kuntsevo Cemetery (Ryabinovaya St.)

Memorial plaques to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Memorial plaque on Artamonov Street, houses No. 3 and No. 20, named in 1961 in honor of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Alekseevich Artamonov. School students, working on the project “Names of Heroes for the Streets of the Western District,” discovered an error in the name of the hero on the memorial plaque on houses No. 3 and No. 20 on Artamonova Street, and they contacted the district government. The head of the council, Anatoly Alekseevich Stolpovsky, supported the initiative: it was decided to eliminate the inaccuracy and install a new plaque in memory of Hero A.A. Artamonov to coincide with the Victory Day. May 9, 2007 new board. The opening ceremony was attended by the hero’s relatives - the wife of T.I.’s son. Artamonova, granddaughter Elena Vyacheslavovna and great-grandson Vasily.

A memorial plaque on Botylev Street in Rublevo is installed on the building former school No. 580, where the military unit defending Moscow was formed. The street is named in honor of Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Andreevich Botylev.

Memorial plaque on Bogdanov Street, building 50, named in honor of Marshal of the Armored Forces Semyon Ilyich Bogdanov.

The memorial plaque on Bolshaya Ochakovskaya Street, building 33, perpetuates the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union, partisan Elena Fedorovna Kolesova.

Memorial plaque on Vatutina Street, house number 1, named in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin.

Memorial plaque on Klochkov Street, named in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Georgievich Klochkov.

Memorial plaque on Natasha Kovshova Street, house number 5/2, named in honor of Hero of the Soviet Union, Red Army sniper Natalia Venediktovna Kovshova.

Memorial plaque on Matrosov Street, house No. 1, named in honor of the Red Army private, Hero of the Soviet Union, Alexander Matveevich Matrosov.

Memorial plaque on Marshal Nedelin Street, building 40, named in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Chief Marshal of Artillery Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin in 1961.

Memorial plaque on Pivchenkova Street, house number 10, named in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Timofeevich Pivchenkov in 1961.

Memorial plaque on Polosukhina Street, house No. 4, bldg. 1 named in 1966 in honor of V.I. Polosukhin, division commander of the 32nd Infantry Division, glorified in the battles of Mozhaisk.

Memorial plaque on Rashchupkina Street, house number 25, named after the tankman, Hero of the Soviet Union, Andrei Ivanovich Rashchupkin, who lived in this house before the war.

Memorial plaque on Alexey Sviridov Street, building No. 1, named after the hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Andreevich Sviridov in 1965.

Memorial plaque on Tolbukhin Street, building 8, named in honor of Marshal - Hero of the Soviet Union Tolbukhin Fedor Ivanovich.

There is no family in Russia where they will not tell you about the tragic loss loved one during the Great Patriotic War. We owe those events not only terrible losses, but also an unprecedented rise in national self-awareness. Grief and suffering have always made people sensitive to injustice. Remember the films of the post-war years - Hollywood, with its sky-high budgets, will never come close to those masterpieces with their truthfulness and nobility.

The way a country lying in ruins rose from its knees in a matter of years inspired justified fear in geopolitical enemies, and respect and admiration for friends in the socialist camp. History has not preserved such collective feats. And every testimony of those years, every monument to the Great Patriotic War revives the genetic memory of those who are not indifferent, causing noble rage, as in a song, to boil at the sight of arrogant adversaries trying to belittle the contribution of the Russian people to the victory over world evil.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The legendary Eternal Flame, sung in hundreds of works, burning in the Alexander Garden, personifies all those millions of nameless lives thrown into this symbolic flame of war. And the fact that this is the most famous of all memorials, that it is located in the heart of the country, that modern heroes stand guard around the clock, speaks of the significance of the sacrifice and the gratitude of the survivors.

And how many feelings the short inscription evokes - “ your name unknown, your feat is immortal.” When you read these words, everything inside freezes - this heart responds, remembering the great grief, feelings become numb, imagining the scale of the tragedy, and the imagination draws pictures of burned villages and roads lined with bodies - the corpses of those whose names will never be known. Monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War have this effect on all descendants of those terrible days. That is why it is difficult to look at the bloody events in fraternal Ukraine and at all the unjust conflicts in the world, of which there are an alarming number.

Mamayev Kurgan - a monumental monument to the Great Patriotic War

Hill 102 - this is how those who shed blood on the officer’s tablet remember this strategic point Stalingrad front. Received its name during no less difficult times, Mamayev Kurgan served as a stronghold for defenders even during the Tatar invasion. native land. And as if created to be a stronghold of defense, the mound confirmed its calling during the years of a new invasion of evil spirits.

The dry military language, along with the thunder of guns, became a thing of the past, and Hill 102 became the Mound of Glory. Why don’t modern monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War evoke the same awe and reverence that comes when looking at the creations of the period of the country’s restoration from the fascist invasion? Probably, you need to experience this historical event, with its pain, death and inevitability, in order to be able to convey the significance of the war and the phenomenon of universal unification.


The central figure on Mamayev Kurgan is the colossal figure of a mother, leading the sons and daughters of war into battle. Anything less grandiose would not be worthy of serving as a reminder of more than six months of battle and 34.5 thousand fallen. This monument to the Great Patriotic War reaches a height of 85 m, and its weight ranges between 8 thousand tons. But it’s not only the scale of the architecture that makes you stand with respect at height 102. Something in the faces and figures of the statues does not allow you to raise your voice, and your thoughts cannot routinely go through household problems - unusual thoughts about heroism and self-sacrifice creep into your head.

Tribute to the fallen on the Kursk Bulge

And although it is difficult to create a monument in the same way as an artist who has walked through the battlefields, this does not mean that we need to forget about new creations glorifying the exploits of our fathers. Especially when we are talking about such an event as a battle on Kursk Bulge. For a month and a half in the bloody year of 1943, Russia and Ukraine jointly fought for survival in the Kursk region. With an incredible number of losses, the command managed to put the enemy to flight.

And do not listen to those who talk about the unpreparedness of the generals and that so many casualties could have been avoided. We were up against superior, well-trained units with the best equipment and weapons. We were attacked on the sly, stabbed in the back, and we alone dealt with the monster. No one has the right to judge us as long as we remember and build new monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Despite strange attempts to distort history and whitewash Nazism, we remember the heroes and build new monuments to them of the Great Patriotic War. Children and adults, everyone who follows us, will be left with a majestic arch crowned with the figure of St. George the Victorious. Together with the statue of Zhukov and the tomb of the unknown soldier of the Kursk land, it will preserve the sacrifices of the victors in the hearts of their children for hundreds of years.

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

No matter how much they scold our memory of the war years, there are countless monuments to those times in Russia. Although I would like more such outstanding ones as Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. This monument to the Great Patriotic War occupies 135 hectares, including a museum dedicated to the exploits of soldiers, a Victory Monument and three churches. The main attraction is the 141.8 m high obelisk. This figure has sacred meaning- The most terrible and bloody war in history lasted for 1481 days. The obelisk is accompanied by the figures of Nike - the goddess of victory and St. George the Victorious by the hand of Z. Tsereteli.

Marshal Pokryshkin

The rich history of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War includes hundreds of figures and busts dedicated to specific individuals who contributed to the cause of victory. One of them is a bust of three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Air Marshal Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, installed in his homeland - Novosibirsk. Having started the war as a young lieutenant, on August 19, 1944, Pokryshkin became the country's first three-time hero.

Monument to Zhukov in Moscow

The most famous commander, who was repeatedly depicted in stone, was the indomitable Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times war hero and holder of two orders of victory, he was not just a commander - the soldiers called him father. He could live in the trenches with ordinary soldiers, steadfastly, as in the regulations, enduring all the hardships. How no one, often to the detriment of their own comfort, cared for the rank and file, which often caused discontent among the officers.

A monument to the Great Patriotic War dedicated to Zhukov can be found in almost every city in Russia. Isn't this evidence of his merits and people's respect? But the most impressive and famous is located on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow. This is a majestic figure by the hand of master Klykov. It is not surprising that a person like Zhukov was honored that the names of monuments to the Great Patriotic War so often contain this legendary surname.

Is it worth remembering

The history of World War II monuments maps the loss and suffering of humanity. Wars have always been an everyday occurrence for people, and the fact that today only those countries that can atomic weapons guaranteed to erase the enemy from the map, suggests that the world is a myth. People quickly get used to good things. But, as history shows, war is necessary for development - the greatest leaps in the development of nations occur during times of greatest tension. And the countless monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War serve as the best reminder and warning of this.

In the hero city of Moscow, there are a huge number of memorable places, memorials and monuments dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War and the heroes who valiantly defended their Motherland at the cost of their lives. Some of the monuments are located within the Moscow region, where the capital’s defense line passed.

1. Memorial complex on Courage Square in Izmailovsky Park

It was here in July 1942 that the Moscow Komsomol 85th Guards Mortar Regiment “Katyusha” was formed from Komsomol volunteers, as the inscription on the pedestal says. On the territory of the complex there is an eternal flame, monuments and the famous Katyusha.
Address: Izmailovsky Park

2. Monument to the defenders of Moscow “Jerzy”

The voluminous metal structures that today stand on the 23rd kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway in Khimki are one of the most recognizable symbols of the defense of Moscow and the Moscow region during the war. Anti-tank hedgehogs, for the manufacture of which beams were used, intended for the construction of the Palace of the Soviets, were one of the simplest and most effective means of defense.
Address: Khimki, Leningradskoe highway, 23 km

3. Monument to Georgy Zhukov

The monument to four times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was erected on Manezhnaya Square on May 8, 1995 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Victory. The sculpture, made in the style of socialist realism, was created by sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov.
Address: Manezhnaya Square

4. Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Hill

Most tall monument in Russia, the center of Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill has a height of 141.8 meters for a reason: every 10 centimeters of the obelisk symbolizes one day of war. Triangular bayonet Most of it is covered with bronze bas-reliefs, and at 104 meters a 25-ton bronze sculptural group is attached to the obelisk, depicting the goddess of victory Nike carrying a crown and two cupids trumpeting victory.
Address: Victory Square, 3

5. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin walls

Initially, the memorial architectural ensemble was conceived as a monument to the defenders of Moscow, but in fact it became the main memorial to all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The inscription “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal” is carved on the slab in front of the tombstone; the Eternal Flame of Glory burns from a bronze five-pointed star in the center. Nearby there is a granite alley with the names of hero cities: Leningrad, Kyiv, Stalingrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Minsk, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Brest Fortress, Tula, Murmansk, Smolensk, Moscow. Each block contains capsules with the soil of these cities.
Address: Alexandrovsky Garden

6. Memorial signs-pillboxes at the front line of defense

The memorial stone was installed next to the bunker, where in 1941 defensive fortifications were prepared against enemy troops.
Address: St. Obrucheva, 27

7. Obelisk “Moscow - hero city”

The forty-meter tetrahedral obelisk “Moscow is a Hero City” made of gray granite was opened on May 9, 1977 in honor of the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the Victory. The monument is topped with a gilded star, repeating the shape of the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
Address: Drogomilovskaya Zastava Square

8. Federal War Memorial Cemetery

The cemetery was founded several years ago. Today there are few burials here, but according to plans, the pantheon will be the main cemetery in Russia for the next 200 years. On its territory there will be graves of military personnel and other citizens who died defending the Fatherland, including the remains of unknown WWII soldiers.
Address: Moscow region, Mytishchi district, Sgonniki village

9. Monument to the Militia of the Proletarsky District

The monument on Avtozavodskaya Street was erected on May 6, 1980 in honor of the 35th anniversary of the Victory. The banner depicts a group of warriors and militia in high relief.
Address: Avtozavodskaya Square

10. Memorial to the Heroes of Panfilov

Memorial to soldiers from the rifle division under Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov, who participated in the defense of Moscow in 1941. During a 4-hour battle in the area of ​​the Dubosekovo junction, the war destroyed 18 enemy tanks, after which they died.
Address: st. Heroes of Panfilov

The connection of people with their past, with their history is memory. One of the best ways perpetuate the memory of outstanding person or important historical event– . For the vast majority of Russians, one of these events is the Great Patriotic War. Now there are WWII monuments in almost every city, especially in the European part of Russia.

Despite the abundance of memorials and small commemorative objects, new ones are still being installed, because after that war there are many “ dark spots", a lot heroic stories that deserve to be immortalized. If you are interested WWII monuments, production Such structures can be ordered from our company. We guarantee a professional approach, attention to every detail, and competitive prices.

How the company "Fresh Look" works

These memorial structures are a separate category, not just an architectural composition. This is an opportunity to show the respect of current generations for the heroic past of their people, their country, their ancestors. Having ordered, dedicated to those who died during the Second World War, you can perpetuate the memory of an important historical era and its heroes.

The manufacture and installation of new memorial structures is now a common practice. They order monuments to the victory of the Second World War not only government organizations, but also relatives of the victims, relatives of veterans, simply caring people. Monuments are erected at the sites of hostilities and at mass graves. The company "Fresh Look" are specialists high class who will approach the execution of the order with full responsibility. Some principles of our work:

  • Designers who strive to convey as accurately and vividly as possible the character traits of the heroes of the Second World War and the spirit of the events of that time. All artistic images are intertwined to create certain accents required by the customer.
  • Extensive practical experience allows us to successfully carry out orders of any complexity, creating unique architectural and sculptural compositions. The company's staff includes real stone processing professionals, historians, and symbolism experts.
  • Attention to all details - careful selection of materials, determination of color design and dimensions of the structure, type and location of inscriptions. It's about about complex work, which is carried out in strict accordance with the wishes of the customer.

We create memorial complexes The Great Patriotic War in constant interaction with the client. He can control the manufacturing process and make adjustments at the design stage. All solutions proposed by designers are included in the project only after agreement with the customer. You can choose one of typical options, which only needs to be adapted to certain people and events.

Services for the restoration of WWII monuments

Unfortunately, over time, memorial structures begin to deteriorate, especially if there is no proper regular maintenance. But these are still objects of memory, and it is possible to return them to their original appearance - for this it is enough to carry out restoration work. Our specialists can carry out restoration of any WWII monuments, of any design and from any materials. We will restore the beauty of this memorial building!

To place an order, contact the Fresh Look company!