Ecological fairy tale “The Owl” based on the fairy tale by V. Bianchi

Old Man and Owl

(based on the fairy tale by V Bianchi)

Scene 1

Once upon a time he lived in this world

An old man in a village(the old man comes out and bows to the audience, leaves)

Conducted his affairs skillfully

Housework day after day

Helpful house, little cow -

Everything is going well for the old man.(comes out with buckets, leaves)

God did not offend me with strength

So far he has managed on his own.

Only the day will dawn again,(the sun rises)

The cockerel will sing a song

He milks his cow(you can hear the mooing of a cow)

And he leads her to the meadow.(the old man takes the cow out into the meadow, she grazes, he leaves)

The meadow, as in a fairy tale, blooms:(meadow sound)

Mint, clover, cornflower.

A bumblebee flies busily,

The flower carries pollen.

Here comes the sun at sunset(the sun is setting)

And the cow is full.(the old man comes out and drives the cow home)

She will pay for her efforts

A whole can of milk.(the old man comes out happy with a full can of milk)

(the old man sits down at the table, pours tea from the samovar first into

At the table by the samovarcup, pours milk, then into a saucer, drinks tea)

Quiet moonlit evening(music sounds)

Our old man loves us very much

Drink tea with milk.

(the month rises into the sky, the old man yawns, goes to bed)

The bright month has risen into the sky,(night meadow music)

Mice don't sleep in the meadow.(mice run out)

They prowl through bumblebee nests,

They dig up the earth and harm everyone.(mouse dance)

Suddenly it flies out of the forest(sound: owl hoot)

Barely visible in the dark,(an owl flies out, chases away the mice, takes one away)

And that hour scares the mice,

This is Mother Owl.(comes out again and looks around carefully)

At least not a cat, not a fox,

Only the mouse is afraid of her.(the owl leaves)

Runs away faster

Forgetting about bumblebees.

I quickly told you about the heroes first,

Well, now cheer up, watch the fairy tale further

Scene 2

The sun rises, again the old man drives the cow out into the meadow, and he lies down under a tree on the ground, with a straw in his mouth. Yawning, the Owl comes out

Owl: - Great, friend!

Old man : (with a grin) - You, Owl, are a desperate head, erect ears, hooked nose. You hide from the sun, avoid people - what a friend I am to you!

The Owl got angry. - Okay, old man! I won’t fly into your meadow at night to catch mice - catch it yourself.

Flies behind a tree, looks into the hollow

And the Old Man: - Look, what did you want to scare me with? Leak away while you're still alive.

The owl does not fly anywhere from the hollow. The sun sets, the old man leads the cow away.

Scene 3

A month appears in the sky. Mice crawl out carefully

1 mouse: - Look, godfather, isn’t the Owl flying - a desperate head, ears erect, nose hooked?

2 mouse: - Can't see the Owl, can't hear the Owl.

3 mouse: Today we have freedom in the meadow, now we have freedom in the meadow.

Music is playing , mice ran into different sides, then sit under the bushes. An old man comes out, looks worriedly at the meadow from under his arm, shakes his head

And the Owl from the hollow : - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, no matter how bad things turn out: the mice, they say, have gone hunting.

Old man: - Let them go, Tea, mice are not wolves, they won’t kill chicks.

Scene 4

The month is setting. The sun is rising. The bumblebees are disappearing. It becomes quiet in the meadow. The old man drives out the cow, which turns its head, leans towards the grass, then moos again

And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, no matter how much worse it turns out: all your bumblebees have flown away.

Old man: - Let them fly, what good are they: no honey, no wax, just blisters.

And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, it wouldn’t have turned out worse: you wouldn’t have to carry the pollen from flower to flower yourself.

Old man : “And the wind will blow it away,” he says, while he scratches the back of his head.

And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Your cow moos and asks for clover - grass, listen, without clover it’s like porridge without butter.

The Old Man is silent, says nothing. The cow moos again. The sun sets, the old man steals a cow, then comes out with a can of milk on the bottom.

And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! I told you: you will come to me to bow.

The old man paces restlessly back and forth, scratching the back of his head. The moon rises, the old man leaves, the mice run out into the meadow, mouse dance

Scene 5

The old man comes out again, approaches the door, bows to the Owl

Old man: - You, Owl-Widow, help me out of trouble, I, the old one, have nothing to whiten tea with.And the Owl from the hollow with his eyes lup-lup, his legs dull-tap.

Owl (comes out) - That's it, old man. Being together is not burdensome, but apart at least throw it away. Do you think it’s easy for me without your mice?

Scene 6

Music sounds, the sun rises, the Old Man takes the cow out into the meadow, bumblebees appear buzzing, the Old Man smiles.

The sun sets, the Moon comes out, the Old Man takes out the milk, approaches the oak tree, and invites the Owl to the table. The heroes drink tea.

Leading : The old man is different now

He is friends with Mother Owl.

The owl is great too!

Here's a fairy tale.....End

Yulia Lavrukhina

Target: formation of elementary ecological ideas about nature through literary works.


To form an idea of ​​the interconnection and interdependence of living beings, the ability to build a chain of relationships;

Develop the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, generalize, activate children’s memory and attention, develop logical thinking;

Develop coherent speech;

Generate interest in fiction, correlate the artistic image and means of expression (speech, gestures, facial expressions);

Bring up cognitive interest, careful attitude to nature.

Everything, everything in the world,

The world needs it!

And midges are no less necessary than elephants.

You can't do without absurd monsters,

And even without predators,

Evil and ferocious!

We need everything in the world!

We need everything -

Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Bad things

A cat without a mouse

A mouse without a cat

Not the best things.

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone,

We still really need each other!

And if someone seems superfluous to us,

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake.

Everything, everything, everything in the world

The world needs it!

(B. Zakhoder)

Guys, look at the screen. What do you think are the connections between yourself:

Cow - grass

Mice - bumblebees

Flowers - bumblebees

Owl - mice....

Owl is a cow...(children's answers)

We asked ourselves a lot of questions today. Let us help you answer these questions. fairy tale, which is called « Owl» . Go to the chairs. And here it is main character our fairy tales - old man(the child goes to the screen - house, puts on a hat)

Although... I won’t name all the heroes for you, now you can name them yourself, and for this you need to guess riddles:

He is afraid of the bright sun.

At night - frowns like a bird

The mouse can deftly find it in the grass.

We are talking about... (Owl) (child asks a riddle, puts on a mask)

Small stature

Long tail

gray fur coat,

sharp teeth (mouse)

She lives in our barn,

Chews both hay and grass,

And he gives me milk to drink.

So who will call it for me? (cow)

From flower to flower

I'm flying, buzzing,

I collect pollen from them

And I carry her to the porch.

I quickly crawl into the hole

And I calm down for a while.

Not a bee like caramel

striped, thick... (bumblebee)

Educator: all the characters were guessed. The heroes are ready. Our the fairy tale begins.

IN: Once upon a time there was an old man. He had a meadow with lush green grass. The clover in the meadow was filling up, bumblebees were flying over the meadow, pollen was transferred from flower to flower.

bumblebee dance

V. The old man’s cow was grazing in that meadow. She chewed clover and various grasses. The clover cow was healthy, the cow had a lot of milk.

A cow walks through a meadow, picking flowers.

Help yourself, old man! The milk is fresh, tasty and healthy! (gives a jug of milk).

Thank you, cow!

The old man takes the jug from the cow and goes to drink tea with milk.

V. An old man is sitting, drinking tea. He doesn't drink empty, he whitens it with milk. flies by owl.

Owl: Wow-wow-wow! Hello, friend!

Old man: You, owl, desperate head, erect ears, hooked nose. You hide from the sun, avoid people - what a friend I am to you!

V. Got angry Owl.

Owl: Oh so! Okay, old man! I won’t fly into your meadow at night to catch mice. Catch it yourself!

Old man: That's what I wanted to scare you with! Fly away while you're still alive.

V. Flew away owl, climbed a tree, is not flying anywhere. Night has come, mice are whistling in the old meadow - echo: (mouse dance)

Mouse 1: Look, godfather, is he flying? owl - desperate head, ears sticking out, nose hooked?

Mouse 2: Can't see the owl, can't hear the owl. Today we have freedom in the meadow, now we have freedom in the meadow.

The mice are leaving, the mouse song “The mice are walking across the field, the mice are singing a song sing: “tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, we are not afraid of the owl...”

Owl: Ho-ho-ho, old man! Look, no matter how bad things turn out! The mice, they say, are out hunting!

Old man: Let them go. Mice are not wolves; heifers will not be killed.

B. Mice roam the meadow, look for bumblebee nests, dig the ground, catch bumblebees. (children run around the hall to the music)

Owl: Ho-ho, old man. Look, it doesn't get any worse it turned out: all the bumblebees flew away from the field.

Old man: Let them fly! What good are they? No honey, no wax, just blisters.

B. There is a fodder clover standing in the meadow, its head hanging towards the ground. But the bumblebees make noise, fly away from the meadow, don’t look at the clover, and don’t carry pollen from flower to flower.

Owl: Ho-ho-ho, old man! Look, it doesn't get any worse it turned out: You wouldn’t have to spread the pollen from flower to flower yourself.

Old man: And the wind will blow it away. (scratching the back of his head, a little confused)

B. The wind is blowing through the meadow, scattering pollen on the ground. (wind noise). If pollen does not fall from flower to flower, clover does not grow in the meadow. The old man doesn't like it.

Owl sitting on a tree, does not catch mice. Mice are prowling the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests. Bumblebees walk in other people's meadows, but don't even look at the old people's meadow. Clover will not be born in the meadow. A cow without clover grows thin. The cow has little milk. So the old man had nothing to whiten his tea with.

V. The old man went to the owl to bow.

Old man: Owl, owl, get me out of trouble help out: I, an old man, have nothing to whiten tea with.

Owl: Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! I told you, you will come to bow to me! Together, it’s not hard, but apart, at least leave it! Do you think it’s easy for me without your mice?

V. Forgave Old Man's Owl, crawled out of the hollow, flew to the meadow to catch mice. The mice hid in their holes in fear. The bumblebees buzzed over the meadow and began to fly from flower to flower. The red clover began to swell in the meadow. The cow went to the meadow to chew clover. The cow has a lot of milk. The Old Man began to whiten the tea with milk, whiten the tea - praise the Owl, invite him to visit him, respect him.

Old man: You little little owl, come and have tea with me!

V. Arrived owl to the old man, sitting together, drinking tea. Since then owl for the old man - best friend (music)

Bow. Children-heroes take off their masks and sit down.

That's how interesting we got fairy tale. Did you watch and listen carefully? Let's check it now.


Now in the pictures you will see different birds. Which one of them main character our fairy tales?. Show me... Let's check.

What animals lived in the meadow and were afraid of the owl? Show me... let's check.

What insects made nests in the meadow? Find out this insect in the picture, show it....

Do you remember what grew in the meadow? Find out this plant in the picture. Show me... let's check.

What did the cow give to the old man? Let's see…

Guys, it is very important to know that in nature all plants and animals are interconnected. They cannot do without each other. When the chain of relationships is broken, no result is obtained.

what happened when owl stopped flying to the meadow?

what did the mice do?

Does the meadow need bumblebees?

who needed clover?

what happened to the cow?

Could a cow live without grass and clover? Why?

And in the opposite direction

Why did it happen that the cow began to give little milk?

(There is not enough clover.)

Why is there not enough clover?

(bumblebees stopped flying and pollinating)

Why are there fewer bumblebees?

Because the mice ravaged the bumblebees' burrows and caught them.

Why are there so many mice? (The owl flew away.)

Who hunted mice?

(No one to hunt, the owl flew away.)

Guys, remember, at the beginning of our lesson we saw pictures owl - mice, owl - cow, and now they are here in our chain, which means that they are still connected to each other, although they are not next to each other.

What do you think, if one link of the chain breaks, what will happen to the chain? Look (in the presentation there is a slide of a chain without one link)

(The chain will break and collapse.)

Right! And today we will remember that all plants and animals in the world are interconnected. They cannot do without each other.

Everything, everything, everything in the world

The world needs it!

And all children must remember this.

And our lesson is over, thank you everyone!

The Old Man is sitting, drinking tea. He doesn't drink empty - he whitens it with milk.

An owl flies past.

“Great,” he says, “friend!”

And the Old Man told her:

- You, Owl, are a desperate head, erect ears, hooked nose. You hide from the sun, avoid people - what a friend I am to you!

The Owl got angry.

“Okay,” he says, “the old one!” I won’t fly into your meadow at night to catch mice—catch it yourself.

And the Old Man:

- Look, what did you want to scare me with? Leak away while you're still alive.

The Owl flew away, climbed into the oak tree, and did not fly anywhere from the hollow. Night has come. In the old meadow, mice in their holes whistle and call to each other:

- Look, godfather, isn’t the Owl flying - a desperate head, ears erect, nose hooked?

Mouse Mouse in response:

- Can't see the Owl, can't hear the Owl. Today we have freedom in the meadow, now we have freedom in the meadow.

The mice jumped out of their holes, the mice ran across the meadow.

And the Owl from the hollow:

- Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, no matter how bad things turn out: the mice, they say, have gone hunting.

“Let them go,” says the Old Man. “Tea, mice are not wolves, they won’t kill heifers.”

Mice roam the meadow, look for bumblebee nests, dig the ground, catch bumblebees.

And the Owl from the hollow:

- Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, no matter how much worse it turns out: all your bumblebees have flown away.

“Let them fly,” says the Old Man, “What’s the use of them: no honey, no wax, just blisters.”

There is a foraging clover in the meadow, hanging with its head to the ground, and the bumblebees are buzzing, flying away from the meadow, not looking at the clover, and not carrying pollen from flower to flower.

And the Owl from the hollow:

- Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, it wouldn’t have turned out worse: you wouldn’t have to transfer the pollen from flower to flower yourself.

“And the wind will blow it away,” says the Old Man, and he scratches the back of his head.

The wind is blowing through the meadow, pollen is falling to the ground. If pollen does not fall from flower to flower, clover will not be born in the meadow; The Old Man doesn't like it.

And the Owl from the hollow:

- Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Your cow moos and asks for clover—grass, listen, without clover, it’s like porridge without butter.

The Old Man is silent, says nothing.

The Clover Cow was healthy, the Cow began to grow thin, and began to lose milk; The swill is licking, and the milk is getting thinner and thinner.

And the Owl from the hollow:

- Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! I told you: you will come to me to bow.

The old man scolds, but things don’t go well. The owl sits in an oak tree and does not catch mice.

Mice are prowling the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests. Bumblebees walk in other people's meadows, but don't even look at the Old People's Meadow. Clover will not be born in the meadow. A cow without clover grows thin. The cow has little milk. So the Old Man had nothing to whiten his tea with.

The old man had nothing to whiten his tea with, so the old man went to bow to Owl:

You, Owl-Widow, help me out of trouble: I, the old one, have nothing with which to whiten tea.

And the Owl from the hollow with his eyes lup-lup, his legs dull-tap.

“That’s it,” he says, “he’s old.” Being together is not burdensome, but apart at least throw it away. Do you think it’s easy for me without your mice?

The Owl forgave the Old Man, crawled out of the hollow, and flew to the meadow to catch mice.

The mice hid in their holes in fear.

The bumblebees buzzed over the meadow and began to fly from flower to flower.

The red clover began to swell in the meadow.

The cow went to the meadow to chew clover.

The cow has a lot of milk.

The Old Man began to whiten the tea with milk, whiten the tea, praise the Owl, invite him to visit him, respect him.

Integrated test work

for 1st grade (end of year): text


An old man once offended an owl. Didn't say anything

owl to the old man, but he stopped

catch mice in the meadow. Old man

I didn’t notice it at first, but the mice

became insolent. They became nests

ruin bumblebees. Flew away

bumblebees have stopped pollinating clover. But nothing here either

the old man didn’t understand. And the clover stopped growing in the meadow.

The cow became hungry and she stopped giving milk.

This is how everything in nature is connected

among themselves! Now Understood This

old man and went quickly to the owl

forgiveness ask.

Task 2. Connect the pictures with arrows so that it is easier to retell the text.

Task 3. Compose and write down a chain of words to show how everything in nature is connected to each other

Answer :

______ ______ ______ ______ ________

Task 4. Answer the questions. If necessary, re-read the text again.

Question 1.

Let's assume that one owl catches 4 mice per night. How many mice can an owl catch in three nights? Write down the resulting number.

Answer : ________

Question 2. Who has the most legs in this story? Add a word to your answer.

Answer : Most of all the leg ________

Question 3. Who has fewer legs - a human or a mouse? How long? Write it down the right word and number.

Answer : Human legs ________ on ________.

Task 5. Find the last two sentences in the text and write them down. Check it out. If necessary, correct it.




Task 6. 1) Find and write down the words highlighted in bold in the text.

___ sounds

___ letters

___ letters

___ sounds


___ letters

___ sounds


___ sounds

___ letters


2) Underline the letters of soft consonant sounds in the written words.

3) Divide these words into syllables with a vertical line.

4) Determine and write the number of sounds and the number of letters in a rectangle next to the words.


Task 7. Connect the objects of nature with the corresponding word-concept with arrows.

Inanimate nature




herbaceous plant

Task 8. How many living creatures are there in a fairy tale? Not can they fly? Write the answer as a number.

Answer : ________

Task 9.

1) Re-read the text. Underline the words you don't know, count them, write the answer in numbers and write it down All unfamiliar words in a column in a table.

Answer : Unfamiliar words ________

2) Try to figure out the meaning one any unfamiliar word and write it down next to this word.

Unfamiliar word

Meaning of an unknown word

1. ____________


2. ____________


3. ____________


4. ____________


5. ____________


6. ____________


7. ____________


8. ____________


9. ____________


10. ___________


Task 10. What do you think the old man did to offend the owl? Write in one sentence.



Task 11. How, with what words, would you apologize to the owl if you were in the old man’s place? Write in two sentences.






Integrated test work for 1st grade (end of year):

Task 1.


Chapter: Reading technology and skills

The speed of reading text “to oneself” is assessed.

The teacher gives the signal to begin the task and, with the help of hourglass marks a time interval of 1 minute.

When the teacher signals again, the children mark the word to which they have read the text. For the convenience of counting words read in 1 minute, next to each line the number of words from the beginning of the text to the end of this line is marked.

If the time is not counted from the first word (the children are given some time to “read it”), then the children put down the wand at the first signal from the teacher. In this case, recording the results and counting the number of words read in 1 minute becomes somewhat more complicated: it is necessary to record two values ​​- serial number first word and serial number last word. Reading speed will be determined as the difference between these two values.

    4 points – reading rate is more than 41 words per minute;

    3 points – reading pace is from 31 to 40 words per minute;

    2 points – reading pace is from 21 to 30 words per minute;

    1 point – reading pace is from 15 to 20 words per minute;

    0 points – reading rate below 15 words per minute.

Interpretation of results

    4 or 3 points – the student has achieved basic and high levels preparation;

    2 points – the student has achieved high levels of basic and advanced training;


It's important to remember thatresults of children withdysgraphia ordyslexia not subject to interpretation. It is better to exempt such children from performing this task altogether. test work by giving them some other task.

Task 2.

Item: READING (reading competence).

Chapter: Technology and culture of reading. Reading Comprehension

The ability to trace “in your mind” and schematically reconstruct the logic of a fairy tale is assessed.

A complete correct answer requires indicating the following connections:

1) old man - owl, 2) owl - mouse, 3) mouse - bumblebee nest, 4) bumblebee nest - bumblebee, 5) bumblebee - clover, 6) clover - cow, 7) cow - milk, 8) milk - old man, 9) the old man is an owl, i.e. availability 9 arrows in the picture.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    3 points – all 9 arrows are shown in the picture;

    2 points – the picture shows 7 or 8 arrows: one of the arrows from the old man to the owl can be omitted, and the arrow from the mouse goes straight to the bumblebee (or drawn into the gap between the nest and the bumblebee);

    1 point – the picture shows 5 or 6 arrows;

    0 points – the picture shows 4 or less arrows, or if more The shooter made gross inconsistencies with the logic of the presentation.

Interpretation of results

    3 or

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training.

Task 3.

Item: READING (reading competence)

THE WORLD AROUND (Man and nature).

Chapter: working with information natural objects

The ability to trace “in the mind” and schematically depict the information presented in a fairy tale about the relationships in natural communities.

The complete correct answer requires indicating the following chain of connections: owl → mouse → bumblebee → clover →cow , i.e. a chain of five links, two of which are specified by the pattern.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    4 points – a chain of 5 or 4 words has been compiled;

    3 points – a chain of 3 words is compiled;

    2 points – a chain of 2 words is made, at least one of which is indicated by a picture;

    1 point – a chain of 2 words is made, given by the picture;

    0 points – less than 2 words written.

Interpretation of results

    4 points – the student has achieved the levels of basic and advanced training in both subjects;

    3 or 2 points – the student has reached the level of basic training in both subjects;

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training in reading and has not reached the level of basic training in the world around him;

Task 4.

Question 1.

Item: MATHEMATICS (arithmetic)

Chapter: arithmetic operations

The ability to formalize a condition presented in text form and perform the multiplication operation is assessed.

Correct answer 12 mice.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    1 point – answer 12 given;

Interpretation of results

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training.

Task 4.

Question 2.


Chapter: natural objects

Children's knowledge is assessed characteristic features the structure of some animals (insects, birds, beasts) and humans.

The correct answer is at the bumblebee.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    2 points – answer given: at the bumblebee;

    1 point – one of the answers is given: at the cow or at the mouse;

    0 points – a different answer was given, or there is no answer.

Interpretation of results

    2 points – the student has reached the levels of basic and advanced training;

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training.

Task 4.

Question 3.

Item: THE WORLD AROUND (Man and Nature)

MATHEMATICS (arithmetic)

Sections: natural objects, relationships between quantities

Children's knowledge of the comparative features of the structure of humans and some familiar animals (mice) is assessed.

The correct answer is in a person 2 legs less.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    2 points – answer given: less by 2;

    1 point – partial correct answer given: (less) and/or only 2 ;

    0 points – a different answer was given, or there is no answer.

Interpretation of results

    2 points – the student has achieved basic training levels in both subjects;

    1 point – the student has achieved the level of basic training in the world around him, but has not reached the level of basic training in mathematics;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training in any of the subjects.

Task 5.


Sections: spelling, technique and writing skills

The ability to correctly copy the text without errors, omissions or distortion of letters is assessed.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    2 points – the copied text does not contain errors, or errors made during copying were discovered and corrected;

    1 point – no more than 2 errors, omissions or distortions of letters were made in the copied text;

    0 points – more than 2 errors, omissions or distortions of letters were made in the copied text.

Interpretation of results

    2 points – the student has reached the levels of basic and advanced training;

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training.

Task 6.

Question 1.


Chapter: spelling, writing technique and skills, working with text

The ability to find highlighted words in the text and write them correctly, without errors, omissions or distortion of letters, is assessed.

Correct answer: all 3 words are spelled correctly – I understand, old man, to ask.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    1 point – all three words were found and copied correctly, without errors, omissions, distortion of letters, without corrections;

    0 points – less than three words were found or there were errors, omissions, distortions of letters or corrections in the copied text.

Interpretation of results

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training.

Task 6.

Question 2.


Chapter: phonetics

Knowledge of ways to indicate softness of consonants when writing is assessed.

Correct answer: 4 letters in the words are underlined – Byn yal, hundredr ik, aboutWith AndT b.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    1 point – 3 or 4 letters are underlined;

    0 points – less than 3 letters are underlined.

Interpretation of results

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training.

Task 6.

Question 3.


Chapter: phonetics

The ability to divide words into syllables is assessed.

Correct answer: I understand, old man, to ask.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    1 point – all three words are divided into syllables correctly;

    0 points – less than 2 words are divided into syllables, or at least one mistake was made.

Interpretation of results

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training.

Task 6.

Question 4.


Chapter: phonetics

The ability to establish sound-letter connections and correlate the number of letters and sounds in a word is assessed.

Correct answer: Understood– 6 sounds, 5 letters; old man– 6 sounds, 6 letters; ask– 6 sounds, 7 letters.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    1 point – no more than 1 mistake was made;

    0 points – more than 1 mistake was made.

Interpretation of results

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the student has not reached the level of basic training.


These tasks are performed by children only on a voluntary basis.

Children are allowed to begin these tasks only after the teacher is convinced that they have tried to complete all the tasks of the main part of the work and further continuation of work on them is inappropriate

Task 7.


Chapter: natural objects

The ability to classify natural objects using genus-species concepts is assessed.

Correct answer: arrows with generic concept

    « Inanimate nature" 5 objects connected: milk, nest, fence, sun, den (pit);

    « Plant"– 3 objects: spruce, clover, grass;

    « Animal"– 4 objects: owl, cow, bumblebee, mouse;

    « Tree"– 1 object: spruce;

    « herbaceous plant"– 2 objects: clover, grass;

those. from three objects ( spruce, clover, grass) should be drawn with two arrows - to the concept of “plant”, and the concepts of “tree” (spruce), or “herbaceous plant” ( clover, grass).

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    3 points – all 15 arrows are shown correctly in the picture;

    2 points – the figure correctly depicts from 10 to 14 arrows and there are no errors in classification;

    1 point – the picture shows 7 or more arrows, but 1 mistake in classification may be made;

    0 points – less than 7 arrows are shown correctly in the picture, or the task was not completed.

Interpretation of results

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

Task 8.

Item: THE WORLD AROUND (Man and Nature)

READING (Reading competence)

Sections: natural objects, working with text

Children's knowledge is assessed distinctive features living objects and inanimate nature, characteristic structural features of some animals (insects, birds, animals) and humans, as well as the ability to carefully read the text of the assignment.

The correct answer is man, cow, mouse, clover, i.e. 4.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    2 points – answered 4 ;

    1 point – answer given: 2 or 3 ;

    0 points – a different answer was given, or the task was not completed.

Interpretation of results

    2 points – the student has achieved high levels of training and development;

    1 point – the student has achieved the levels of basic and advanced training in the world around him;

    0 points – the result is not subject to interpretation.

Task 9.

Question 1.


Chapter: vocabulary

Evaluated vocabulary child.

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    3 points – no unfamiliar words;

    2 points – no more than two unfamiliar words;

    1 point – unfamiliar words from 3 to 4;

    0 points – 5 or more unfamiliar words or the task was not completed.

Interpretation of results

    3 points – the student has reached high levels of development;

    2 points – the student has reached the levels of basic and advanced training;

    1 point – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    0 points – the result is not subject to interpretation.

Task 9.

Question 2.


Chapter: vocabulary

The ability to choose and use any strategy to find out the meanings of unfamiliar words is assessed, and reflect the result of its use, as well as the child’s degree of independence in finding out the meanings of unfamiliar words.

It is allowed to use any methods of explaining the lexical meaning of a word:

    describing the meaning of a word in your own words,

    recording brief interpretation, taken from the explanatory dictionary,

    conveying meaning by composing phrases and/or phrases (for example, interconnectedit's like tying threads),

    using the selection of synonyms and antonyms, cognate words.

Only tautology cannot be assessed.

A child may try to guess the meaning of a word from the context, conduct an independent search using educational and/or reference literature, ask the teacher to give him a dictionary or other book, ask for advice on which book is best to take, or ask the teacher to explain the meaning of the word.

You are not allowed to ask your classmates for help.


The teacher has the right to provide the child with any assistance requested by him.will ask , up to a direct explanation of the meaning of an unfamiliar word, but on their own initiative helpdon't offer , even through leading questions like: “Maybe I should give you some kind of dictionary? " However, if a child is trying to distract the neighbors, you can ask him: “Is there something you wanted to know? Better ask me ».

Scoring codes for possible student responses:

    2 points – the meaning of the word, found by the child independently, is conveyed in any way;

    1 point – the meaning of the word, found by the child with significant help from the teacher (his direct explanation, or showing the word in the dictionary), is conveyed in any way as a whole;

    0 points – the task was not completed (including because there are no unfamiliar words), or the meaning of the unfamiliar word was not explained (transmitted incorrectly, conveyed tautologically, etc.).

Interpretation of results

    2 points – the student has reached high levels of development;

    1 point – the student has reached the levels of basic training;

    0 points – the result is not subject to interpretation.

Task 10.


Chapter: statements, tests

    CRITERION 1 (K1). Compliance with the content of the statement to the question asked and the presence of an emotional response to the word “ offended"(maximum score - 2 points).

Code « 2 points" is given if the statement contains an answer to the question posed and at the same time emotionally charged vocabulary is used or an indication of rudeness, threat, cruelty, etc. is read. old man (for example, " He shouted at her», « He swore at her,” “He drove her away,” “He wanted to shoot her.” "He waved at her."

Code « 1 point" is put if one of the criteria is not expressed in the answer (the connection of the statement with the question posed or the emotional response to the word “ offended»), « The owl was wrongly offended.», « He was afraid for his cow.", "They simply did not understand each other" etc.

Code « 0 points" The owl was bad" or " The old man was old") or it contains a tautology (" He offended her»).

    CRITERION 2 (K2).

Code « 1 point" is given if the answer is given in the form of a sentence.

Code « 0 points" is given if the answer is given in one word or phrase (for example, “ scarecrow”, etc.).

    CRITERION 3 (K3).

Code « 2 points" is given if the sentence is formatted correctly and the handwriting is legible.

Code « 1 point" is set if one of the criteria is not met.

Code « 0 points" .


Task 11.


Chapter: statements, tests

The ability to construct a small independent statement as an answer to a asked question is assessed.

Correct execution of this assignment verified using differentiated assessment. The following aspects are assessed.

    CRITERION 1 (K1). The content of the statement corresponds to the question asked and the presence of an emotional response to one’s action (maximum score – 2 points).

Code assessments « 2 points" is put if the statement contains an answer to the question posed and at the same time emotionally charged vocabulary is used or an indication of repentance, worry, etc. is read. (For example, " I'm very ashamed. Forgive me please» ).

Code assessments « 1 point" is given if one of the criteria is not expressed in the answer (the connection between the statement and the question posed or awareness of guilt), “ Owl, don't be angry! I won't do it anymore.», « Let's better make peace." etc.

Code assessments « 0 points" is posed if the statement is in no way – neither emotionally nor meaningfully – connected with the question posed (for example, “ Stop being offended already.» ).

    CRITERION 2 (K2). Compliance of the structure of the statement with the task (maximum score – 1 point).

Code assessments « 1 point" is given if the answer is given in the form of two sentences with a total volume of at least 4 words.

Code assessments « 0 points" put if the total volume of the statement does not exceed 3 words (for example, “ Dear owl! Sorry!» .

    CRITERION 3 (K3). Formation of technical writing skills - design of the beginning and end of a sentence, adherence to the conventions of written text, legibility of handwriting. The maximum score for this aspect is 2 points.

Code assessments « 2 points" is given if both sentences are formed correctly and the handwriting is legible.

Code assessments « 1 point" is set if one of the criteria is not met for at least one proposal.

Code assessments « 0 points" set if both criteria are not met .


The presence/absence of other punctuation or spelling errors in the child’s free speech is not assessed at this stage.

If the child did not complete the task, it is not subject to assessment.

Interpretation of summary results

    5 points – the student has reached the levels of basic and advanced training;

    4 or 3 points – the student has reached the level of basic training;

    2 points or less – the student has not reached the level of basic training.

Thank you, dear Larochka, for the wise and instructive parable... It reminds me of my favorite, very old parable about an artist who painted pictures of Nature, and at the end of his work the canvas again became white, all the work done disappeared somewhere. But the artist was a hard worker and continued his work again and again, sinning either on the quality of the paints or on the peculiarity of the canvas... He took new canvases in different stores, and also bought paints in different places, but all attempts to complete the work came to the same thing - same result - the canvas is clean, time wasted, paints are used up, but there is still no result... The money came to an end, and despair was at the limit mixed with indignation, surprise, some kind of incomprehensible anger at everything that surrounded him and on himself,...From a feeling of despair, the artist wanted to give up everything and take up another craft, but nothing came to mind, and he couldn’t do anything else...In such a suspended state, he went as if into darkness...consciousness fell somewhere, his hands fell out of his hands, his eyes became clouded, his heart seemed to have stopped, his breathing froze... He stood there like wax figure, just made by an unknown master... No one knows how long he stood in such a frozen state... But then, signs of life began to appear in his body, consciousness began to return, a barely noticeable light began to appear in his eyes, it became lighter. ..The whole body began to be filled with some kind of unearthly calm and warmth, the mind became clear..., an unprecedented depth arose inside..., and from this depth he looked at the world around him... At first he saw the trees surrounding him, blue the sky and floating white clouds, flying birds, butterflies, mashcaroos... His gaze became clearer and cleaner... He began to notice the foliage on the trees, their colors and textures, as well as crawling ants, caterpillars, beetles... then he I saw a field strewn different colors amazingly varied colors and shapes... The more he examined his surroundings, the more he noticed signs of the presence of life in everything that surrounded him and the interaction of all this surroundings, from the smallest to the largest... He suddenly perked up, grabbed his brushes, With lightning speed he began to dip them into paints, create new colors and apply them to the canvas... One form after another began to appear on his canvas... He worked long and quickly, his painting changed every minute, just as the day and those elusive images changed who were born and died in this quickly fleeing day and in every moment of it... He tried to capture even the movement of light appearing and disappearing and transfer it to the canvas... At some point he smeared the palette again, but the palette turned out to be clean , there was no more paint... He stood for a few more minutes, as if trying to comprehend what was happening... and, oh God, what his eyes saw was not a picture, in the usual understanding of the laity, it was something more, indicating on the essence of LIFE, ITS unity and diversity, uniqueness, and transience of any form... The artist managed to capture the main thing, the very movement of everything and in everything and the interaction of everything that exists, which was LIFE itself... I am writing Larochka from memory, and, frankly, more from the experience of my life... Therefore, forgive me for the inaccuracies and mistakes... Such minutes, days, months, have been lived more than once, but in other situations... Good luck to you Larochka in everything, VITALITY, HEALTH, and every GOOD that pleases you HEART... because the joy in your HEART will fill the HEARTS of those around you with the same joy...