How to get into service in the presidential troops? What is the presidential regiment: how to get into the Kremlin company Who is recruited into the presidential regiment.

The Presidential (Kremlin) regiment has existed since the 30s of the last century. This military unit is characterized by a strict internal routine. Very high requirements are imposed on applicants wishing to serve in the presidential troops. According to experts, it is much easier to get into the Marine Corps and Airborne Forces than into the Kremlin guard. Information about what the Russian presidential troops are, what tasks they perform and how to get into them is presented in the article.

About the history of formation

After the October Revolution, the Bolshevik government was in a very difficult position and was systematically exposed to great danger. The new government needed serious and disciplined protection. The seat of the Bolshevik government became the Moscow Kremlin, which was guarded by Latvian riflemen from March to September 1918. Soon they were replaced by military personnel of the Moscow Higher Military Command School of the Red Army, which some time later was reorganized into the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, which later became the 1st Soviet United Military School of the Red Army. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee guarded the Kremlin until 1935. In October, Lefortovo became the location of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, and the defense of the Kremlin was entrusted to the Special Purpose Battalion, which from that moment left the subordination of the People's Commissariat of Defense. The battalion transferred to the NKVD department. A year later it was officially named the NKVD Special Forces Regiment. Unofficially it was called Kremlinsky. During the Soviet-Finnish War, soldiers of the regiment took part in hostilities. During the Great Patriotic War they repelled Wehrmacht air raids. In 1973, the regiment was officially assigned the status of “Kremlin”. Since 1975, its military personnel have been awarded a distinctive badge for impeccable service, combat and political training.

Our days

During the years of the Soviet Union, this unique military unit was called the Red Banner Presidential Regiment of the Order of the October Revolution. Since 1991, the presidential troops have been officially called the Presidential Regiment of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin FSO of the Russian Federation. 2002 was the year the Cavalry Honor Escort was formed. In 2016, the regiment was awarded a certificate from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces for its services in ensuring security. On May 7, the unit celebrates the day of its creation. The regiment commander is directly subordinate to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The location of the barracks of the Presidential troops was the historical building of the Arsenal (Tseykhauza). The location of the regimental parade ground and the FSO sports hall is a closed perimeter of the yard.

About tasks

Presidential troops provide security and protection of historical and strategic Kremlin sites. These include the Eternal Flame, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin Wall and all important institutions located on the territory. In addition, some take part in various protocol events.

Presidential troops as part of the Federal Security Service provide protection to the country's top officials. The regiment includes ten companies, which are subordinate directly to the President. Many experts argue that the Kremlin regiment was formed solely for beauty. The constitutional system is also protected by the National Guard, created on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. They serve in these troops on a contract basis.

How to get into the presidential troops?

Judging by numerous reviews, service in the Kremlin regiment is very difficult, but extremely honorable. Only the most worthy can take the oath of office in the presidential troops. The selection of applicants is carried out very carefully. Anyone planning to serve in the presidential troops must first log on to the official website of the Kremlin regiment. There is a list of all available vacancies. Those planning to serve on a contract basis must notify the draft commission about this. This must be done several months before the start of the conscription campaign. Otherwise, the young man will not have time to go through all the stages. Selection for the presidential troops takes place at military registration and enlistment offices. Upon completion, the applicant must agree in writing to have his identity checked for reliability by employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia. Then the applicant is tested and invited for an interview with the FSB. Representatives from the National Guard also meet the young man there. Presidential troops are open only to those who fully meet all the requirements.

About appearance requirements

Young people whose height is no lower than 175 and no higher than 190 cm can join the Kremlin Regiment. There are no clear requirements regarding body weight. However, it is important to have a normal weight-to-height ratio. Judging by the reviews, preference during selection is given to applicants with Slavic appearance. According to experts, for conscripts with dark skin or Mongoloid eyes, the likelihood of getting into the Presidential Regiment is very low. Slurred or impeded speech, piercings, tattoos and scars also reduce a young man's chances of serving in the Kremlin.

About moral qualities

An applicant to the Presidential Regiment in civilian life must be characterized as a person with exemplary behavior before service. This will be confirmed by a reference from the school or university. In addition, only holders of a good certificate can enter the Kremlin. Since a culture of behavior is instilled from childhood, when examining a candidate, FSB officers pay great attention to the family in which the person was raised. Often people come to the Kremlin from a complete and prosperous family. However, it is undesirable to have problems at home and excessive concern of the candidate about his loved ones. Difficulties in joining may also arise for those who have a girlfriend. This attitude of the commission is explained by the fact that young people are greatly distracted from their service by love relationships.

About health requirements

Those wishing to serve in the Kremlin Regiment must be in good health. Visual acuity without correction should be at least 0.7. A person should not have any problems with color vision. In addition, the applicant must have good hearing, allowing him to clearly hear whispers from a distance of six meters. Since quite a lot of time is devoted to the physical training of military personnel, preference is given to hardy and physically developed people.

It is desirable that such a person previously, “in civilian life,” was involved in some kind of sport. Persons whose addiction to drugs, alcohol, and even nicotine are revealed during the examination may not count on serving in the Kremlin troops.

Who won't be able to get in?

Young people who are ready to give a positive answer to at least one of the questions proposed in the following points of the questionnaire should not apply to the Presidential Forces:

  • The presence of close relatives abroad or those convicted of crimes against the individual or the state.
  • Criminal record. Persons who have served sentences in prison even for minor crimes will not be able to join the Kremlin Regiment.
  • If the applicant is under investigation.
  • If registered in a drug treatment, psychoneurological and dermatovenerological dispensary.

About the oath

Relatives and friends of recruits are allowed to attend the ceremony. It is prohibited to bring alcoholic beverages into the Kremlin territory. It is also not advisable for guests to consume them before the celebration itself. Otherwise, drunk citizens will not be allowed in, and the young fighter will have problems. Before taking the oath, the recruit has the right to inform his relatives in which unit he will serve.

The ceremony itself lasts no more than 40 minutes. Previously, the use of cameras and video cameras during the oath was prohibited. However, in recent years, according to eyewitnesses, one of the guests has the right to go through the cordon and take several photographs. A recruit can communicate with relatives immediately after taking the oath, without leaving the territory of his military unit.

    Presidential Regiment of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin FSO- The date of birth of the regiment is considered to be April 8, 1936, when by order No. 122 of the Moscow Kremlin garrison the special-purpose battalion was reorganized into a special-purpose regiment. The history of the unit is inextricably linked with the history of the country. After moving... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment

    Regiment- This term has other meanings, see Regiment (meanings). “Regiment” (p) has the following meanings: Military unit, the main tactical and administrative economic (organizational) unit in various types of armed forces and branches... ... Wikipedia

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    Presidential Issue- All stamps from the “Presidential Issue” series (USA, 1938) “Presidential Issue” (English: Presidential Issue; ... Wikipedia

    Kremlin Regiment- Honor guard company of the Presidential Regiment Bas-relief “Change”, opened in the Alexander Garden for the 70th anniversary of the Kremlin Regiment Presidential (Kremlin) Regiment (Officially Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment) military... ... Wikipedia


  • Presidential Regiment. Diary of a Soldier, Davydov Stanislav Dmitrievich. The Presidential Regiment is considered one of the most prestigious; not everyone is accepted there. But most people only know about the regiment that it guards the Eternal Flame, and the cavalry accompanies the president... Buy for 378 rubles
  • Presidential Regiment Diary of a Soldier, Davydov S.. The Presidential Regiment is considered one of the most prestigious; not everyone is accepted there. But most people only know about the regiment that it guards the Eternal Flame, and the cavalry accompanies the president...

1981-82 were years of military service in the Red Banner Kremlin Regiment.

At the age of 18, I myself probably didn’t really deserve this high honor. Over the years, you understand more and more: in such successes there is a decent life for our loved ones, an honest name for the family, and not in one generation. Or maybe the prayers of our ancestors for us, our descendants.

Much later I learned that the check of conscript Kolesnikov (as, indeed, of all “conscripts” of the Kremlin regiment) lasted a whole year. It’s great that in our careless heads the thought of breaking a neighbor’s window with a ball or something worse was not born! Although, I admit, there were pranks - like normal guys, we also doused passers-by with water from the balcony on Ivan Kupala.

The Kremlin, and now the Presidential Regiment, is a unique military unit. Here we have our own special combat missions to ensure the protection of the Moscow Kremlin and the most important state facilities. And everyone understands that the requirements for military personnel are especially demanding. This includes the so-called personal data, intelligence, and physical fitness. Although, for example, I can only remember my weightlifting classes literally before school graduation with a smile.

I remember my dad tried to convey to me his hobby - collecting badges with the coats of arms of cities of the Soviet Union. I went with him several times to collectors’ gatherings at the Druzhba cultural center. But this hobby did not capture me. And suddenly the whole country opened up not in pieces of metal with multi-colored enamel, but in its most living form! These were my peers from different parts of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia...

Young men from almost all regions of the country are still serving in the Kremlin Regiment. True, each time these are only a few guys. It’s all the more incredible that in 1981 there were six of us from Kirovo-Chepetsk! Including my schoolmate Ilya Brylin.

We did not yet know that later fate would lead us together from the Kremlin Regiment to the Vympel Special Purpose Group. And that after this special forces page we will be side by side on the creative path - Ilya, having graduated from Gnesinka, and me, having found a calling in composing songs.

Yes, in fact, we are still friends with many Kremlin officials to this day, three decades later, and have not lost touch. Life more and more often brings me together with guys from other conscriptions. The words “veteran of the Kremlin regiment” are always like a password, like the best recommendation.

The fact is that the regiment has developed wonderful traditions over many decades. They have a special spirit, a special moral bearing, or something... They have a special - sovereign - height of outlook on life, attitude towards the Fatherland. Maybe someone will call this pathos. But that's true. This core remains in a person for life.

I am very glad that the tradition of annual meetings of Kremlin veterans has taken root. This happens on May 7th. It was on this day in 1965 that the regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for military services during the Great Patriotic War and high performance in combat and political training.

Our meetings at the regiment's headquarters are always solemn and very warm. We learn about the present day of the regiment. We, veterans, are invited to discuss issues of training conscripts. We exchange news and remember the service. We take pictures, joke, egg each other on... Although in reality we feel excited. And without excitement here, in the historical building of the Arsenal, you cannot take a step.

These walls, these high corridors with portraits of the regiment commanders along its glorious path, remember so many things!... Here is a series of stages only in the Soviet era: Latvian riflemen - 1st Moscow machine gun courses of the Red Army - Special Purpose Battalion - Special Purpose Regiment - A separate special-purpose regiment - the Kremlin Regiment... By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 20, 1993, it was transformed into the Presidential Regiment.

The Presidential Regiment is the Kremlin’s holy of holies. It is impossible for outsiders, even high-ranking officials, to get here. Therefore, I am proud of the trust that the Moscow Kremlin Commandant Service and the regiment command place in the Vympel Military Patriotic Center. My life is now connected with this organization. All-Russian Orthodox Church "Vympel" and the Presidential Regiment are joining forces in the patriotic education of youth. By the way, cornflower blue berets of military cadets of the Kremlin Regiment, by order of its commander, Major General O.P. Galkin, are allowed to be worn only by students of the Vympel All-Russian Orthodox Church.

The All-Russian scientific and practical conference based on the experience of our center was held at the Arsenal. During meetings with the regiment leadership, we discuss the strategy of general actions, specific projects of youth camps and expeditions. And every time I get excited, climbing the marble stairs of the Nikolskaya Tower...

In memory "demobilization album"

We, yellow-throated chicks of the October conscription, went straight from the Kirov-Moscow train to training. To Kupavna.

Only in a month will we get to our soldiers' quarters in the Arsenal building. And we will be shocked by the view from the window of our extraordinary barracks: this is the Alexander Garden!.. Around the clock, for two years in a row, in the colors of autumn, winter, spring and summer!.. This proximity to the shrine alone made us different!

Even in Kupavna, it seemed to us that above every pine tree and above the parade ground there was the canopy of the Kremlin, the reflection of ruby ​​stars. This was the mood - good, healthy, cheerful, clean. And there was, of course, trepidation in my soul. I am happy that you are a Kremlin warrior.

Parents came to take the Oath on November 27. We walked around the training grounds, where, of course, everything was very prosaic. And it seemed to us that nothing could be more solemn... I have a young fighter’s course behind me. I know how to run with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, disassemble and reassemble it, clean the weapon, shoot a little, put on a gas mask... I feel like a defender of my mother, father and Motherland. A very dear memory...

Of course, the son pleased his parents with his first soldier’s award - the badge “Excellent in Combat and Political Training.”

Rarely, but sometimes I still leaf through the demobilization album.

Everyone who served knows that they pore over them and do them with gusto. They are trying to jump over their heads, to design it brightly and unusually.

That's how it was with us.

We stood in line to see special craftsmen. All suitable available materials were used - like “golden” tin, like mine. The words “Moscow” were cut out of it. Kremlin". Photos are pasted - black and white, naturally. Now they are almost gray... Here is the parade on Red Square, here are the sentries, taking a careful step, taking over the post... Here are the rehearsals and concerts of the Optimists...

Stop!.. And who is this - in a gas mask, in a decisive pose?.. No one knows this anymore. Although this photograph is probably in every demobilization album - both before and after our conscription.

For two years you served, they were waiting for you at home, they hoped for you, they were proud of you. Now, present the goods face-to-face, tell us about your “exploits.” But cameras and “memory photos” in general were a problem. So the gas mask wandered from one soldier’s chronicle to another...

Service in the Presidential Regiment has always been considered both honorable and, at the same time, not the easiest. Despite the fact that, according to its purpose, this military unit is not intended to be used directly in combat conditions (with the exception of completely unimaginable situations), the unit’s employees undergo not only enhanced combat training, but also serious combat training, as it should be.

Purpose of the unit

The Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (this is the official name) primarily exists to solve the prescribed tasks of protecting and defending the location of the country's president in the capital Kremlin, performing garrison and guard duty.

It goes without saying that not only the building of the Senate Palace itself, where the head of state’s office and representative premises are located, is subject to protection. The Presidential Regiment guards the entire Kremlin territory, being its permanent garrison. In contrast to the common perception, the presidential unit also includes operational units (the so-called “Kremlin special forces”), the main purpose of which is to directly suppress and repel unauthorized entry into restricted areas and repel an armed attack on the Kremlin (although in reality the storming of the main power residence armed formations are difficult to imagine). Guard duty in the Kremlin is carried out continuously around the clock. The specified combat missions are carried out by special forces. operational reserve battalion.

It is most prestigious to serve in the ceremonial units of a military unit - the Special Guard companies and the Cavalry Honor Escort. Naturally, not everyone gets into these formations - conscripts must meet exceptional requirements. However, increased “standards” are required for all military personnel of the elite regiment without exception. However, this was not always the case.

Legendary past

The prototype of the most elite military unit was originally formed in 1918, when the domestic leadership moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. In Petrograd, the administrative apparatus and leadership of the young socialist state (including Lenin himself) were located in the building of the former Smolny Institute. The guard service at the then residence of the head of the RSFSR was small, and the building itself, together with the courtyard, was actually a freely accessible place.

With the move of the leadership of the RSFSR to Moscow, everything changed. The Kremlin itself was a seriously fortified object, essentially completely separate from the rest of the city. Meanwhile, its area is almost 30 hectares, and at the time the government moved to the Kremlin territory it was possible to get through at least 4 passages (passages). All this required special attention, supervision and protection.

Soon, a resolution was adopted banning free access for citizens beyond the Kremlin wall and organizing security for the entire complex. The duty to serve here was assigned to a combined company of Latvian riflemen, which at one time guarded Lenin (and some other members of the government) in Petrograd.

Exactly a month after the government was relocated to the new capital, all Latvian riflemen were formed into a single Latvian Rifle Soviet Division (commander Joachim Vatsetis, and then former Tsarist lieutenant colonel and Cavalier of St. George Peter Aven). It was precisely the 9th Latvian Rifle Regiment that became the basis of the first Kremlin commandant service. However, already at the very end of 1918, Latvians (almost all without exception) were sent to the German front.

The security of the Kremlin complex was entrusted to the nearest military unit - the 1st Moscow Machine Gun Course (prior to this they had the opportunity to serve in the nearby Krutitsky barracks). The courses were renamed several times, but until 1935 they continued to carry out guard duty on the territory of the Kremlin along with training.

At the end of 1935, the military school was relocated from the Krutitsky barracks and the Kremlin to another district of the capital (Lefortovo), and a special special-purpose battalion (the so-called “bosNaz”) was formed to perform Kremlin service. And this was no longer a purely military unit. It had nothing to do with the People's Commissar of Defense, but was subordinate to the Department of Internal Affairs (headed by Genrikh Yagoda). Already in 1936, the battalion was enlarged into the Special Forces Regiment of the Kremlin Commandant's Office.

Military personnel of special forces units not only carried out Kremlin service - they took a direct part in the so-called Winter (Finnish) campaign, some military personnel (both soldiers and officers) were sent to the front lines of battles with the Nazis as specialist snipers. On the territory of the capital during the war years, regimental services also solved problems of air defense of Kremlin buildings.

From 1943 until 1993, the Kremlin part was directly subordinate to state security agencies (in different years they bore different names). And only in 1991 (after well-known events and the attempted coup of the State Emergency Committee) news was officially announced about the renaming of the military unit into the Kremlin Regiment of the Security Directorate under the Office of the President of the USSR.

After the formalization of the “end” of the Soviet state in 1992, the military unit received a new name: the Kremlin regiment of the commandant’s office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation (the predecessor of the FSO). And just a few months later, on March 20, 1993, the unit officially became Presidential.

Composition, deployment and tasks of the “Kremlin men”

As of the end of 2017, the regiment was formed from four battalions and a Cavalry Honorary Escort, which is essentially also a battalion formation. The presidential regiment has a company of various purposes and service tasks in the amount of 14 units (as part of the mentioned battalions).

For the most part, the military unit, its leadership and headquarters unit are deployed on the territory of the Kremlin complex itself in the Arsenal building. The unit is commanded by Major General Oleg Galkin, who has been serving here since 1979 (he started as a platoon commander). Despite the formal subordination of the regiment to the FSO of Russia, General Galkin does not report to the leadership of this structure - only directly to the President of the country.

The first two battalions of the elite regiment perform the main tasks of carrying out everyday garrison and guard services. One of them is located on the territory of the Zavidovo complex (a government reserve and game reserve) in the Tver region and serves as the protection of this facility. Another battalion (motorized rifle) is located in the village of Kalchuga, Odintsovo district, Moscow region (not far from Barvikha). The military personnel of this unit are called upon to carry out purely combat missions to strengthen the Kremlin garrison in a situation where there is a threat of an assault, a massive attack, and similar situations.

The third battalion is located in the Arsenal barracks and is engaged in special guard duty (honor guards, First post at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden, etc.). Serving in these units is probably the dream of every recruit.

The 3rd battalion of the Presidential Regiment also includes a special automobile company. It has nothing to do with the Special Purpose Garage (government limousines) and performs auxiliary functions - transportation of personnel, military equipment, weapons and military equipment.

The Honorary Horse Escort is stationed in the village. Kalininets near Alabino next to the Taman division. Its function is to participate in protocol and demonstration events.

There is also an operational reserve battalion, which is actually a special forces formation for immediate combat response in necessary cases.

Service and life in the Kremlin garrison

Immediately after conscripts take the military oath, they, as in any Russian military units, undergo a young fighter course, learning all the intricacies of military service.

The daily routine of Kremlin soldiers is also not much different from any other combat units. Most of the time is occupied by combat, drill, physical and theoretical training and exercises, garrison and guard duty.

Soldiers and sergeants of different conscriptions live in different premises (barracks). According to some data, only in the military and communications divisions do both conscriptions live together, which. most likely due to their small numbers.

Three times a week, soldiers and sergeants of the Presidential Regiment visit the club here, where a variety of events are organized: watching films, meetings with veterans, scientists and artists, etc. Naturally, like any other military personnel in Russia, “conscripts” have the right to be dismissed from the city according to the established schedule (provided that they do not have violations of regulations and discipline).

Meals for soldiers and sergeants in the Presidential Regiment are carried out according to standard standards. True, there is one peculiarity. Since recent times, military personnel have taken food exclusively from individual porcelain dishes using cutlery (spoon, knife and fork). The command is trying to instill basic etiquette skills.

The clothing allowance of Kremlin military personnel differs from other soldiers, sergeants and officers only in the presence of a special ceremonial and ceremonial uniform (for those performing special guard duty). Everyday clothing is no different from the generally accepted one.

Conscription to the Presidential Regiment

Many pre-conscripts and conscripts are thinking about how to get into service in the Presidential Regiment. It's not that simple, of course. For future “Kremlin members” there are certain additional standards.

Officers of the unit travel to the regions in advance, look closely and select candidates for service in the Kremlin. According to unspoken regulations, it is almost impossible for residents of the capital region to “get a job” in the Presidential Regiment. Conscripts of exclusively Slavic appearance are recruited into special guard companies.

Strict requirements are also imposed on the physical condition of candidates:

  • height not lower than 175 and not higher than 190 cm;
  • weight proportional to height;
  • absence of “special marks” on open areas of the body (large moles, tattoos, scars, etc.);
  • full physical health (visual deviations of up to 0.7 units are allowed).

Since service in the Presidential Regiment is actually service in the state security agencies, all candidates undergo a preliminary special check, which can take quite a long time.

Upon completion of military service, the best military personnel are offered a contract for further service. And this promises considerable prospects - not only a good salary and accommodation in the capital, but also the opportunity to receive a higher military education with subsequent military service in officer positions and in the officer rank.

Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment(modern full name - Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) is a Russian military unit, currently part of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation ( FSO Russia), solving specific combat tasks to ensure the protection of the Moscow Kremlin facilities - the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation, other important state facilities, to participate in protocol events at the highest state level, provide honor guards and serve at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near Kremlin wall (Post No. 1).

Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment

Old style sleeve badge.

Years of existence

1993-present vr.

Included in

Service of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin


Cavalry honor escort


The Presidential Regiment is a unique military unit that solves specific combat missions to ensure the safety of top officials of the state and the safety of Kremlin values. It is part of FSO Russia, which has the status of a special service and reports directly to the president.

Since July 1976, a special guard company has been created as part of the Presidential Regiment, which ensures the conduct of protocol events at the highest level.

Soldiers Presidential Regiment in a special dress uniform.

Soldier Presidential Regiment in full dress uniform.

Cavalry honor escort Presidential Regiment .


From March to September 1918, the protection of the Moscow Kremlin, which became the seat of the Soviet government, was carried out by Latvian riflemen. This task was then carried out by the 1st Moscow Machine Gun Courses Red Army, later reorganized into the 1st Soviet United Military School Red Army named after the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

In October 1935, the 1st Military School of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was transferred from the Kremlin to Lefortovo. The tasks of protecting the Kremlin were transferred Special Purpose Battalion(bosNaz). The battalion was part of the Kremlin Commandant's Office, which, in accordance with government decree, left the People's Commissariat of Defense and became subordinate to the NKVD.

On April 8, 1936, in accordance with Order No. 122 for the Kremlin garrison, the Special Purpose Battalion was reorganized into Special purpose regiment of the NKVD of the USSR(pSpN), over time unofficially nicknamed “Kremlinsky”.

During the Soviet-Finnish War, some of the regiment's military personnel were involved in hostilities. By order of the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 161 people were separated from the regiment and sent to the active Red Army.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the “Kremlin Regiment” defended the Kremlin from German air raids. From June 25, 1941, by order of the commandant, the regiment switched to enhanced security and defense of facilities. A round-the-clock duty of combat crews was established on the Kremlin wall. In connection with the transition to an enhanced regime of service, the regiment was deployed as a combat unit according to wartime conditions, and was included in the active internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR.

In 1942-1943. 4 groups of snipers of the “Kremlin Regiment” were sent to the Western and Volkhov fronts, who destroyed over 1,200 enemy soldiers and officers. During the Great Patriotic War, the regiment's losses amounted to 97 people.

In 1943, after the separation of the Main Directorate of State Security of the NKVD of the USSR (GUGB NKVD) into a separate commissariat, part of the structure of the former 1st department of the GUGB NKVD ( security leaders of the party and government) The special purpose regiment also becomes part of the newly formed bodies, and becomes Special purpose regiment of the NKGB of the USSR, and after the transformation of the people's commissariats into ministries in 1946 - Special Purpose Regiment of the USSR Ministry of State Security .

On September 19, 1952, the Special Purpose Regiment was reorganized into Separate special purpose regiment of the USSR Ministry of State Security(opSpN). Then, in the period from 1953 to 1954, in connection with the unification of the MGB and Ministry of Internal Affairs into a single ministry, was part of the structure Ministry of Internal Affairs USSR. After this, in 1954, the regiment became part of the State Security Committee.

On May 7, 1965, for military merits during the Great Patriotic War and high performance in combat and political training, the Separate Special Purpose Regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and became Separate Red Banner Special Purpose Regiment of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR .

On July 24, 1973, the regiment officially received the status of “Kremlin” - by order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it was renamed Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. After the transformation of the KGB from an agency into a central government body on July 5, 1978 - Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment of the KGB of the USSR .

On March 25, 1975, the regiment received its own insignia - at the request of the command, it was established by Order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR badge“Kremlin Regiment” to reward soldiers, sergeants, warrant officers and officers for impeccable service, success in combat and political training, and exemplary military discipline.

On May 5, 1986, in honor of its 50th anniversary, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the regiment was awarded the Order of the October Revolution for its services in ensuring the state security of the USSR and achieving high results in service.

In 1991, in the last year of the existence of the USSR, in connection with the reorganization of the KGB, the Separate Red Banner Kremlin Regiment of the KGB of the USSR was renamed Separate Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Kremlin Regiment of the Security Directorate under the Office of the President of the USSR. After the collapse of the USSR, in 1992 the regiment began to be called Separate Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Kremlin Regiment of the Moscow Kremlin Commandant's Office of the Main Security Directorate of the Russian Federation .

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 20, 1993, the Separate Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Kremlin Regiment was transformed into the Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment of the Commandant's Office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation.

On September 2, 2002, on the basis of the 11th separate cavalry regiment, a Cavalry Honor Escort was formed consisting of Presidential Regiment .

May 9, 2016 Presidential Regiment awarded the Certificate of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

Commander The regiment reports directly to the President of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Barracks Presidential Regiment is located in the historical building of the Arsenal (Tseichhaus). In the closed perimeter of the Arsenal courtyard there is a regimental parade ground and a sports hall. FSO. Separate units of the regiment are also deployed in other administrative entities of the Moscow region.


  • Headquarters;
  • 1st Battalion:
    • 3rd company,
    • 4th company,
    • 5th company;
  • 2nd Battalion:
    • 7th company,
    • 8th company,
    • 9th company;
  • 3rd Battalion:
    • 1st special guard company,
    • 11th special guard company,
    • automobile company;
  • Cavalry honor escort:
    • 10th company,
    • cavalry squadron,
    • support company,
    • security department;
  • Operational Reserve Battalion:
    • operational reserve company,
    • security company.

Recently, a new dress uniform was developed for the soldiers - a lightweight hussar uniform. They wear it to guard foot and horse guards and wear it to protocol and state events.

Dress uniform of soldiers of the Presidential Regiment

A shako is included with the uniform. Soldiers polish all metal objects on it until they shine so that they can see their reflection.

shako – headdress ceremonial uniform of a serviceman of the Presidential Regiment. An astrakhan collar and cap. In severe frosts, military personnel can stay in heated booths.

Uniform of the Presidential Regiment soldiers

Presidential Regiment - the history of its appearance and our days

Service in the Presidential Regiment has always been considered both honorable and, at the same time, not the easiest. Despite the fact that, according to its purpose, this military unit is not intended to be used directly in combat conditions (with the exception of completely unimaginable situations), the unit’s employees undergo not only enhanced combat training, but also serious combat training, as it should be.

Purpose of the unit

The Red Banner Order of the October Revolution Presidential Regiment of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (this is the official name) primarily exists to solve the prescribed tasks of protecting and defending the location of the country's president in the capital Kremlin, performing garrison and guard duty.

It goes without saying that not only the building of the Senate Palace itself, where the head of state’s office and representative premises are located, is subject to protection. The Presidential Regiment guards the entire Kremlin territory, being its permanent garrison. In contrast to the common perception, the presidential unit also includes operational units (the so-called “Kremlin special forces”), the main purpose of which is to directly suppress and repel unauthorized entry into restricted areas and repel an armed attack on the Kremlin (although in reality the storming of the main power residence armed formations are difficult to imagine). Guard duty in the Kremlin is carried out continuously around the clock. The specified combat missions are carried out by special forces. operational reserve battalion.

It is most prestigious to serve in the ceremonial units of a military unit - the Special Guard companies and the Cavalry Honor Escort. Naturally, not everyone gets into these formations - conscripts must meet exceptional requirements. However, increased “standards” are required for all military personnel of the elite regiment without exception. However, this was not always the case.

Legendary past

The prototype of the most elite military unit was originally formed in 1918, when the domestic leadership moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. In Petrograd, the administrative apparatus and leadership of the young socialist state (including Lenin himself) were located in the building of the former Smolny Institute. The guard service at the then residence of the head of the RSFSR was small, and the building itself, together with the courtyard, was actually a freely accessible place.

With the move of the leadership of the RSFSR to Moscow, everything changed. The Kremlin itself was a seriously fortified object, essentially completely separate from the rest of the city. Meanwhile, its area is almost 30 hectares, and at the time the government moved to the Kremlin territory it was possible to get through at least 4 passages (passages). All this required special attention, supervision and protection.

Soon, a resolution was adopted banning free access for citizens beyond the Kremlin wall and organizing security for the entire complex. The duty to serve here was assigned to a combined company of Latvian riflemen, which at one time guarded Lenin (and some other members of the government) in Petrograd.

Exactly a month after the government was relocated to the new capital, all Latvian riflemen were formed into a single Latvian Rifle Soviet Division ( commander– Joachim Vatsetis, and then former royal lieutenant colonel and Knight of St. George Peter Aven). It was precisely the 9th Latvian Rifle Regiment that became the basis of the first Kremlin commandant service. However, already at the very end of 1918, Latvians (almost all without exception) were sent to the German front.

The security of the Kremlin complex was entrusted to the nearest military unit - the 1st Moscow Machine Gun Courses (prior to this they had the opportunity to serve in the nearby Krutitsky barracks). The courses were renamed several times, but until 1935 they continued to carry out guard duty on the territory of the Kremlin along with training.

At the end of 1935, the military school was relocated from the Krutitsky barracks and the Kremlin to another district of the capital (Lefortovo), and a special special-purpose battalion (the so-called “bosNaz”) was formed to perform Kremlin service. And this was no longer a purely military unit. It had nothing to do with the People's Commissar of Defense, but was subordinate to the Department of Internal Affairs (headed by Genrikh Yagoda). Already in 1936, the battalion was enlarged into the Special Forces Regiment of the Kremlin Commandant's Office.

Military personnel of special forces units not only carried out Kremlin service - they took a direct part in the so-called Winter (Finnish) campaign, some military personnel (both soldiers and officers) were sent to the front lines of battles with the Nazis as specialist snipers. On the territory of the capital during the war years, regimental services also solved problems of air defense of Kremlin buildings.

From 1943 until 1993, the Kremlin part was directly subordinate to state security agencies (in different years they bore different names). And only in 1991 (after well-known events and the attempted coup of the State Emergency Committee) news was officially announced about the renaming of the military unit into the Kremlin Regiment of the Security Directorate under the Office of the President of the USSR.

After the formalization of the “end” of the Soviet state in 1992, the military unit received a new name: the Kremlin regiment of the commandant’s office of the Moscow Kremlin of the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation (predecessor FSO). And just a few months later, on March 20, 1993, the unit officially became Presidential.

Composition, deployment and tasks of the “Kremlin men”

As of the end of 2017, the regiment was formed from four battalions and a Cavalry Honorary Escort, which is essentially also a battalion formation. The presidential regiment has a company of various purposes and service tasks in the amount of 14 units (as part of the mentioned battalions).

For the most part, the military unit, its leadership and headquarters unit are deployed on the territory of the Kremlin complex itself in the Arsenal building. Commands a unit major general Oleg Galkin, who has been serving here since 1979 (started as a platoon commander). Despite the formal subordination of the regiment FSO In Russia, General Galkin does not report to the leadership of this structure - only directly to the President of the country.

The first two battalions of the elite regiment perform the main tasks of carrying out everyday garrison and guard services. One of them is located on the territory of the Zavidovo complex (a government reserve and game reserve) in the Tver region and serves as the protection of this facility. Another battalion (motorized rifle) is located in the village of Kalchuga, Odintsovo district, Moscow region (not far from Barvikha). The military personnel of this unit are called upon to carry out purely combat missions to strengthen the Kremlin garrison in a situation where there is a threat of an assault, a massive attack, and similar situations.

The third battalion is located in the Arsenal barracks and is engaged in special guard duty (honor guards, First post at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden, etc.). Serving in these units is probably the dream of every recruit.

The 3rd battalion of the Presidential Regiment also includes a special automobile company. It has nothing to do with the Special Purpose Garage (government limousines) and performs auxiliary functions - transportation of personnel, military equipment, weapons and military equipment.

The Honorary Horse Escort is stationed in the village. Kalininets near Alabino next to the Taman division. Its function is to participate in protocol and demonstration events.

There is also an operational reserve battalion, which is actually a special forces formation for immediate combat response in necessary cases.

Service and life in the Kremlin garrison

Immediately after conscripts take the military oath, they, as in any Russian military units, undergo a young fighter course, learning all the intricacies of military service.

The daily routine of Kremlin soldiers is also not much different from any other combat units. Most of the time is occupied by combat, drill, physical and theoretical training and exercises, garrison and guard duty.

Soldiers and sergeants of different conscriptions live in different premises (barracks). According to some data, only in the military and communications divisions do both conscriptions live together, which. most likely due to their small numbers.

Three times a week, soldiers and sergeants of the Presidential Regiment visit the club here, where a variety of events are organized: watching films, meetings with veterans, scientists and artists, etc. Naturally, like any other military personnel in Russia, conscripts have the right for dismissal in city according to the established schedule (provided that there are no violations of regulations and discipline).

Meals for soldiers and sergeants in the Presidential Regiment are carried out according to standard standards. True, there is one peculiarity. Since recent times, military personnel have taken food exclusively from individual porcelain dishes using cutlery (spoon, knife and fork). The command is trying to instill basic etiquette skills.

The clothing allowance of Kremlin military personnel differs from other soldiers, sergeants and officers only in the presence of a special ceremonial and ceremonial uniform (for those performing special guard duty). Everyday uniform no different from the generally established one.

Conscription to the Presidential Regiment

Many pre-conscripts and conscripts are thinking about how to get into service in the Presidential Regiment. It's not that simple, of course. For future “Kremlin members” there are certain additional standards.

Officers of the unit travel to the regions in advance, look closely and select candidates for service in the Kremlin. According to unspoken regulations, it is almost impossible for residents of the capital region to “get a job” in the Presidential Regiment. Conscripts of exclusively Slavic appearance are recruited into special guard companies.

Strict requirements are also imposed on the physical condition of candidates:

  • height not lower than 175 and not higher than 190 cm;
  • weight proportional to height;
  • absence of “special marks” on open areas of the body (large moles, tattoos, scars, etc.);
  • full physical health (visual deviations of up to 0.7 units are allowed).

Since service in the Presidential Regiment is actually service in the state security agencies, all candidates undergo a preliminary special check, which can take quite a long time.

Upon completion of military service, the best military personnel are offered a contract for further service. And this promises considerable prospects - not only a good salary and accommodation in the capital, but also the opportunity to receive a higher military education with subsequent military service in officer positions and in the officer rank.

History of Post No. 1

In the history of every country there are pages that will forever remain in people's memory, despite any changes and social upheavals in society. There are many such episodes in Russia, one of them is the death of the leader of the first Soviet republic, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V.I. Lenin. Lifetime love for him was nationwide. Therefore, when on January 21, 1924 V.I. Lenin passed away, and the country was in deep mourning.

During the days of grief, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Soviet government received over a thousand telegrams and letters in which people asked to postpone the funeral and preserve V.I.’s body forever. Lenin. On January 25, the Soviet government adopted a resolution that stated: “To meet the wishes expressed by numerous delegations and appeals to the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and in order to provide everyone who does not have time to arrive in Moscow on the day of the funeral with the opportunity to say goodbye to their beloved leader, The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decides:

  1. The coffin with the body of Vladimir Ilyich should be kept in the crypt, making the latter accessible to visitors.
  2. The crypt should be built near the Kremlin wall, on Red Square, among the mass graves of the fighters of the October Revolution.”

Back on the night of January 24, architect A.V. Shchusev received an urgent government task: by the time of Lenin’s funeral, to design and build a temporary Mausoleum on Red Square, with a crypt for the leader’s coffin. It was required that the tomb could admit many people who wanted to say goodbye to Lenin. In the morning, the preliminary design of the Mausoleum was ready, approved by the government commission, and the architect, arriving on Red Square, made a breakdown of the plan for its construction near the Senate Tower of the Kremlin. Since the period was short, and the Mausoleum was designed to be temporary, it was erected from wood.

The first wooden Mausoleum was very different from the current granite one. It was a dark gray cube topped with a small three-stage pyramid. The total height was approximately three meters. The facade was lined with black wooden blocks LENIN. To the right and left of this cube there are two identical wooden buildings, similar to booths, for visitors to enter and exit.

The day before Lenin’s funeral, by order of the head of the Moscow garrison, a guard of honor was established at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin.

The first sentries to post at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin was staged by breeder János Meyszáros. At 4 p.m., cadets Grigory Koblov and Arseny Kashkin stood near Lenin’s coffin on a wooden platform on Red Square. When the coffin was lifted and slowly carried, they walked on the sides, and when they reached the Mausoleum, they put their foot down, turned to each other and froze with rifles at the entrance.

On January 30, an order was issued at the military school, which indicated the order of companies and squadrons in performing the honor guard. The best cadets were assigned there - cavalrymen, machine gunners, infantrymen, artillerymen. Thus began the history of the honor guard, which was popularly called “Post No. 1.”

In September 1924, the first sentries G.P. Koblov, A.V. Kashkin and breeder J. Meyszaros graduated from the United Military School named after. All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Before leaving for their regiments, the young Red commanders came to the Mausoleum. Here they swore an oath of allegiance to the cause of the revolution.

Painting artist Arseniy Kashkin, who graduated with honors from a Kremlin school, had many tempting job offers. But he chose the path of a combat commander. Altai, Central Asia, the fight against the Basmachi on the border, filled with constant worries and pursuits.

In the summer of 1930, he was seriously wounded in a battle with paint. I had to leave my military service. But A.V. did not give up. Kashkin. For dozens of years he managed state farms, bringing lagging farms into advanced ones. And then, when he was sent to work at the Kyrgyz educational and pedagogical publishing house, he began to make good, colorful textbooks for children.

Grigory Koblov did not forget the oath taken at the Mausoleum, either in the Soviet divisions where he served in the 20s, or abroad, where he carried out special government assignments. During the Great Patriotic War Moscow Saluted 15 times in honor of the courage and valor of the cavalry divisions commanded by the Guard major general G.P. Koblov. The hero was wounded seven times. The first sentry has 11 orders and 13 medals.

Hungarian János Meyszáros took this oath through the barracks of the Moscow Cavalry Brigade, where he served after graduating from school, through the steppes of Mongolia, through the headquarters of the Hungarian-fascist expeditionary force, where during the Second World War he worked under the guise of a defector for more than two years. In February 1945, the first guard of the eternal guard participated in the liberation of his native Budapest.

Since January 27, 1924, the best cadets of the Kremlin United Military School named after. All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

After Lenin’s funeral, over 100 thousand people visited the Mausoleum in a month and a half. Every day, huge masses of workers gathered on Red Square, wanting to go to Lenin’s tomb and say goodbye to him. However, it was not possible to let everyone through: the size of the crypt was small, and as people passed through, the air in it heated up, which was dangerous for the preservation of the body.

Spring was approaching. Warming made it impossible to further preserve Lenin's body. At the end of March, access to the Mausoleum was stopped so that scientists could try to carry out a new embalming.

Architect A.V. Shchusev received a new government task: to rebuild the Mausoleum, giving it a monumental architectural and artistic form. The mausoleum was supposed to maintain the simplicity of its outline and be compatible with the architecture of the Kremlin wall and Red Square. At the same time, it had to simultaneously serve as a tomb and tribune. Work began on the creation of a second wooden Mausoleum. Shchusev preserved the stepped composition of the simple, laconic forms of the Mausoleum, increased its size and added a portico and stands. The tomb immediately became more monumental, more perfect, more majestic.

By May 1, 1924, most of the work was completed. The new tomb was surrounded by a hexagonal square with a low iron fence.

After its opening in August, the Mausoleum immediately became a place of universal worship, a place near which the most important events and celebrations of the country began to be held - demonstrations, rallies, military parades, etc. So, on November 7, 1924, in front of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, the troops of the Moscow garrison, lined up for the parade, took the Red Oath.

And again, a guard of Kremlin cadets was posted near the entrance to the tomb. On the first anniversary of the death of V.I. Lenin, cadets, Red Army soldiers and commanders of other military schools and regiments of the Moscow garrison joined the Kremlin guard of honor at the Mausoleum. The best of the best stood out there. Their names were announced in the order, unit by unit, indicating the merits of each. At the same time as the military, workers and peasants kept an honorary watch at the sarcophagus. At this time, the ceremony of changing the guards at the Mausoleum was also born, which bore the imprint of the stern simplicity characteristic of that unforgettable time. He was simple and at the same time majestic.

By 1929 it became clear that the embalming of Lenin's body was a brilliant success. Scientists guaranteed the preservation of the body for long periods. The government decided to replace the wooden Mausoleum with a stone one. The previously announced international competition did not produce positive results. Therefore, they decided to preserve the architecture of the Mausoleum, which had become familiar to the people. The government commission for the construction of the permanent Mausoleum was headed by K.E. Voroshilov. The construction of the stone tomb was again entrusted to the author of the project, Academician A.V. Shchusev.

Reproducing the forms of the wooden Mausoleum in stone, the architect did not copy them mechanically. While preserving the architectural ensemble of Red Square, the architect created new forms, trying to make the tomb even more expressive. The Third Mausoleum, dressed in granite and marble, still stands on Red Square.

Since 1935, there has been a guard of honor at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin was carried by soldiers of the Kremlin garrison.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, when the enemy came very close to Moscow, one of the most important issues became the protection of the Mausoleum from aerial bombardment and the preservation of the body of V.I. Lenin. During its study, a special commission made a proposal to evacuate the body of V.I. Lenin to a safer place. This idea was fully supported by the head of the work on embalming the body, V.I. Lenin by Professor B.I. Zbarsky and his colleagues. At the beginning of the war, such measures, for obvious reasons, were a big state secret. In accordance with the secret order of the NKGB of the USSR, on July 3, 1941, the body of V.I. Lenin was sent to Tyumen in a special carriage of a special train. The train was guarded by officers of the NKGB and the commandant's office of the Moscow Kremlin. “Post No. 1” was transferred to a railway carriage. The sentries changed to the sound of wheels. For three years and nine months the sentries protected the body of V.I. Lenin in a distant Trans-Ural city, inaccessible to Hitler’s bombers.

The troubled life of the fighting capital did not disrupt the honor guard service at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin. Day and night, in rain and cold, under a hail of shrapnel, as a symbol of the unyielding steadfastness of a free people, the Kremlin soldiers carried out their task in solemn silence. This constant watch at the main post of the country strengthened the people's faith in victory.

Instead of the Mausoleum, Muscovites saw a three-story building. The stands to the left and right of it were covered with huge panels painted to match the roof. The mausoleum remained camouflaged for more than four months. The “camouflage robe” was removed on the night of November 7, 1941, on the eve of the historic parade of the defenders of Moscow. After the parade, the Mausoleum was not disguised.

The passage of time is inexorable. Years passed, the country healed its wounds. Peaceful life was restored. At the main post of the country, the sentries were still changing precisely.

The death of I.V. was a big shock for the Soviet people. Stalin on March 5, 1953. It was decided to embalm his body, put it in a sarcophagus and place it in the Mausoleum on Red Square next to the sarcophagus of V.I. Lenin. Everything was done very quickly. Already by the day of the funeral, a new inscription LENIN STALIN could be seen above the entrance to the tomb.

A few years later, during the exposure of Stalin’s personality cult, it was considered inappropriate to continue preserving the sarcophagus with his coffin in the Mausoleum, and it was moved from the Mausoleum to the Kremlin wall.

If it was possible to gather more than eight thousand people who took protection of the main post of the country, then they would tell a lot. They would tell how jubilant crowds of demonstrators carried posters and slogans past the Mausoleum with bright numbers of labor victories of the first five-year plans, how the first Soviet cars and the first tractors moved along Red Square.

It was the law for Soviet people, before great achievements, to come to the Mausoleum and swear an oath to the leader. Stratonauts came here before rushing to the mysterious heights. Here were the Papaninites - fearless heroic polar explorers. A in autumn 1941, when Moscow listened to the grinding of tanks and the fascist hordes frantically rushed to the gates of the capital, to Red Square, to Lenin, soldiers and commanders of the Red Army came in closed, steel ranks. From here they walked straight to the front to destroy their sworn enemy. And here, in the victorious year of 1945, they brought the defeated standards of the defeated Nazi units, throwing them at the foot of the Mausoleum.

Veterans of the regiment remember how the prancing cavalry was a decoration of parades on Red Square. Powerful Soviet tanks, armored all-terrain vehicles, powerful howitzers, guards mortars, all-destructive missiles - ballistic, intercontinental...

Before each flight into space, cosmonauts came to the Mausoleum - they walked past Lenin’s tomb and silently swore an oath to fully fulfill their scientific duty, not to flinch before the tests that the starry ocean would have in store for them.

People came and still come here, to Red Square, to the Lenin Mausoleum...

The ceremony of changing the guards at the Mausoleum is beautiful and solemn.

Every warrior dreamed of serving near the Mausoleum. The future guards of “Post No. 1” came to V.I.’s office-apartment. Lenin, got acquainted with his life and activities. Then the painstaking and intense preparation began. Daily grueling training: the soldiers practiced the special Kremlin marching step, rifle techniques, and coordination of movements. It was necessary to learn how to correctly and, most importantly, approach the post on time and make a shift. For this purpose, a special wooden model of the Mausoleum portal was made. The soldiers achieved impeccable clarity. The “Post No. 1 Competition” was even established, in which five pairs of the best sentries took part every year.

Among the former guards of “Post No. 1” there are many people who later became famous. Who knows, maybe it was the service at the main post of the country that made them so. These are famous military, state and political figures of our country, leaders of production and agriculture, representatives of science, culture and art. In the 20-30s, Heroes of the Soviet Union served at the Mausoleum twice: the defender of Madrid and Stalingrad, Colonel General A.I. Rodimtsev, commanders of the famous guards brigades that fought to Budapest and Berlin, colonels S.F. Shutov and A.A. Golovachev. These are the Heroes of the Soviet Union: Colonel General A.F. Shcheglov, V.V. Butkov and I.A. Kuzovkov, Major General E.G. Koberidze, V.A. Borisov, L.D. Churilov and others.

Private M.K. Voskresensky took over the post at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin in the 60s. He finished his military service and became an officer, but never imagined that he would once again have to return to serve on Red Square. Colonel Voskresensky became the commandant of the Commandant's Office of the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin.

The pioneer of the 70s, Viktor Efimov, after his service, became a junior sergeant of the state traffic police of the Kyiv district of Moscow. The hardening acquired within the walls of the Kremlin came in handy in the new place. The Kremlin man did not flinch when, during his service, he had to fight with a criminal. For his courage and heroism he was presented to medals"For military merits." In addition, V. Efimov was awarded the rank of junior lieutenant.

I.A. Makevnin served in the Kremlin regiment in 1978-1980. He has 86 guard duties at Post No. 1. After serving in the army, he returned to his native Ulyanovsk. For several years he headed the Ulyanovsk City Duma, now he is the general director of a large plant. And now his place in the ranks, in the same company of the Presidential Regiment, has been taken by his son Kirill, who also serves at “Post No. 1” - at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Colonels G.A. Gusev and M.V. Bystrov, from the generation of pioneers of the 70s, occupy high positions in the departments of the Federal Security Service of Russia. I.N. worked in the system of state security agencies. Ternyuk, A.V. Kvyatkovsky. P.V. After serving in the 1st company of the Kremlin Regiment, Makhinya worked in territorial state security agencies, and currently he is in a leadership position in the Administration of the Voronezh Region. And this list goes on and on. The constellation of names is a constellation of heroic deeds, legendary exploits.

In the 60s, the tradition of periodically displaying paired posts near the Mausoleum of V.I. on special occasions was revived. Lenin. Next to the Kremlin soldiers stood veterans of the unit who graduated from the military school named after. All-Russian Central Executive Committee and those who came to traditional gatherings from all over the country. Every year, on April 22, former soldiers of V.I.’s personal guard carried an honor watch. Lenin, gray-haired veterans. When pioneers or Komsomol members celebrated the anniversaries of their organizations on Red Square, the best schoolchildren and workers, students and collective farmers stood on the guard of honor at the Mausoleum.

In 1974, exactly 50 years later, at the second strike of the Spasskaya Tower chimes, the first sentries of the historical guard, retired general G.P., again stood at the main post of the country, next to their young successors Yu. Danilin and V. Smirnov. Koblov and former border guard painter A.V. Kashkin.

On July 6, 1976, in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, on the basis of platoons serving at the post at the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and organizationally included in various companies of the regiment, a special guard company was created. This was done in order to purposefully and efficiently prepare soldiers and sergeants for service at “Post No. 1”, to more reliably protect the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin in watch access for visitors and improve the preparation of the parade line for services on Red Square.

Ceremonial post near the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin was filmed after the well-known events in early October 1993, when the shots stopped near the USSR government building. The last watch at the main post of the country was carried out by Private R.I. Poletaev and corporal V.V. Dedkov. Since October 6, no sentries have been posted at “Post No. 1.”

There were also heavy losses during the Battle of Moscow in 1941. One of the famous episodes of this battle is associated with the area of ​​​​the Kryukovo station, 40 km from Moscow. In this place close to the capital, fascist troops sought to break through the defenses. Soldiers of the Guards Division I.V. stood in their way. Panfilov, cavalrymen of the corps of General L.M. Dovatora and tank crews of the brigade of General M.E. Katukova. For several days they held back the Nazis, but the forces were unequal, and the Soviet troops were forced to retreat even closer to Moscow...

However, the Nazis never managed to enter our capital. On December 6, the troops of the Western Front launched a counteroffensive, and within a few days the enemy troops fled, leaving tens of thousands of dead and wounded on the battlefield. Our losses were also considerable. Famous and unknown heroes have found eternal peace on land near Moscow.

In December 1966, when the 25th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow was celebrated, the remains of the Unknown Soldier, who fell defending the capital in December 1941, were buried in the Alexander Garden near the Kremlin wall. The ashes were transferred from a huge mass grave at the 41st kilometer Leningradskoye Highway is the place where the fate of Moscow was decided. This event was preceded by a decision made on the eve of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War to erect a monument to the Unknown Soldier in Moscow. As a result of the competition, preference was given to the project of architects D.I. Burdin and V.A. Klimov, who proposed to erect a monument that would personify the eternal memory of the descendants of the soldiers who gave their lives for our Motherland.


In January 1967, construction of the monument began. Before this, the architects visited Brazil, France, and looked at photographs of similar monuments built in Italy, Finland and other countries.

The opening of the monument to the Unknown Soldier in Moscow took place on May 8, 1967. A beautifully decorated granite alley leads to the grave, which is located between the Arsenal corner tower and the grotto. To the left of it there is a granite wall on which is engraved: “1941 – To those who fell for the Motherland -1945”; on the right, along the Kremlin wall, there is a granite alley, where there are dark red porphyry blocks with capsules with the soil of hero cities walled up in them: Leningrad (taken from the Piskarevsky cemetery), Kiev (from the foot of the Obelisk to participants in the city’s defense), Stalingrad (from Mamayev Kurgan )2, Odessa (from the defense lines), Sevastopol (from the Malakhov Kurgan), Minsk, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Tula (land taken from the front lines of defense of these cities) and the hero-fortress Brest (land from the foot of the walls).

In the center of the memorial is a red granite platform, in the middle of which, in a recess on black marble slabs, is a large bronze star. In the middle of the star burns the Eternal Flame of Glory. The torch for the memorial at the Kremlin wall was lit from the Eternal Flame on the Field of Mars in Leningrad and delivered by soldiers of the Taman Guards Division. On the granite slab of the tombstone, rising behind the Eternal Flame, there is a bronze composition - a soldier’s helmet and a laurel branch lying on a battle flag, installed in 1975. On the slab there is an inscription - “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.”

There was no permanent guard post at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The sentries were displayed only for the period of ceremonial and memorable events and the laying of wreaths. Nevertheless, for the soldiers of the regiment, service here was akin to service near the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin. Kremlin servicemen will never forget June 19, 1970, when young soldiers of the unit took the military oath at the Eternal Flame.

A significant event in the life of the regiment and especially its 1st company was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 8, 1997. In accordance with it, from December 12, 1997, a permanent post of honor guard from the Presidential Guard was established at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier shelf. The decree determined that the changing of the guard at the post would occur every hour every day from 8 to 20 hours, in exceptional cases at other times.

For the honor guard, the order of service and the ritual of changing the guards were approved, and a new military uniform was developed. In addition, the posts were appropriately equipped and equipped with the necessary technical means and communications.

The first guard of honor at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was led by commander 1st company captain V.S. Kaminsky. December 12 at 8 a.m. senior sergeant M.P. Volgunov brought the first shift of Corporal R.V. to the main post of the country. Chernoburov and Corporal A.S. Gorbashkova.

The ritual of changing the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is beautiful and solemn. Particularly impressive is the unique “Kremlin step”, which has been worked out to perfection: “from the outstretched toe to the ground -20 cm. The movement of the straight line at the knee of the leg comes from the hip. At the same time, both the right and left sole of the soldier should fall on the same line.” This is a very difficult step. It has remained since Nikolaev times. And, of course, the synchronicity of the actions of the participants in the changing of the guard is amazing. It looks like twins are coming. By the way, there are actually quite a few twins in the Presidential Regiment.

Service at the main post is honorable, but also difficult. Neither the sweltering heat nor the bone-chilling frost can change the familiar picture of sentries frozen at their posts. The apparent rigidity, even the stiffness of the soldiers, a certain detachment from the outside world, is very deceptive. This is just an appearance. First Posters are very attentive and wary. There are cases when drunken citizens try to test the vigilance and fortitude of the guard by throwing snowballs, empty cans and bottles at the sentries. There are also attacks on the post. Have no doubt - the response will be guaranteed and adequate.

Yes, here at the Eternal Flame, at “Post No. 1” stand the best of the best, the elite of the army, its face, the face of the whole country. They look stern and majestic. But these are ordinary guys serving in the very heart of Russia. What are they thinking about while standing at their post at the grave of the deceased nameless hero of the Great War, which they know only by hearsay?

There are always flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; they are brought here by young and old, official delegations, and newlyweds. In recent years, a tradition has been born: early in the morning on Victory Day, veterans of the Patriotic War and young people gather here for a memorial vigil with lit candles in their hands. Every year on May 9, celebrating the Victory Day, the whole country honors the memory of the victims with a Minute of Silence, which is counted against the backdrop of the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall of Moscow.


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A summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. It is part of the all-season basic uniform kit (VKBO). A suit made of Mirage fabric (PE-65%, cotton-35%), with a high cotton content, is hygienic and comfortable for daily wear. Straight-cut jacket. The collar is a stand-up collar, the volume is regulated by a patch on a textile fastener. The central fastener has a detachable zipper closed with a flap with textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with flaps and textile fasteners. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the shoulder blade area. Single-seam sleeves. At the top of the sleeves there are patch volume pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. In the elbow area there are reinforcement pads with an entrance for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeve there is a patch pocket for pens. At the bottom of the sleeves there are cuffs with textile fasteners to adjust the volume. Straight cut trousers. The belt is solid with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is adjusted with a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side welt pockets. Along the side seams there are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a lock. The entrances to the pockets, designed obliquely to resemble the hand, are closed with flaps with textile fasteners. In the knee area there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is adjustable with tape. The back halves of the trousers have two welt pockets with flaps and a hidden button closure. Reinforcement pad in the seat area

Jacket: - loose fit; - central side fastener, wind flap, buttons; - yoke made of finishing fabric; -2 welt slanted pockets with a flap, with buttons at the bottom of the front; - 1 patch slanted pocket on the sleeves; - reinforcing shaped pads in the elbow area; - bottom of sleeves with elastic; - double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring for volume adjustment; - adjustment at the waist using drawstrings; Trousers: - loose fit; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the knee area, on the back halves of the trousers along the seat seam - reinforcing linings; -2 side patch pockets with flap; -2 rear patch pockets with buttons; - the cut of the parts in the knee area prevents them from stretching; - the back halves under the knee are assembled with an elastic band; - elastic waistband; - bottom with elastic; - fastened braces (suspenders); - belt loops; wearing - both in boots and outside. material: tent fabric; composition: 100% cotton; density: 270 gr.; Overlays: ripstop, oxford; cuffs: yes; rubber seals: yes; jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes; additionally: lightweight summer version; high strength of fabric and seams; How to wash a Gorka suit.

Semi-fitting dress in dark blue with a V-neck, decorated with a red silk scarf (included in the set). Fabric - gabardine. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the dress at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron is sewn indicating the service of a police/justice officer. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The scarf is worn with the dress in a triangle folded into a scarf, the narrow ends are tied together and tucked into the back under the collar. The wide side is tucked inside under the neckline of the dress. It is allowed to wear a summer dress without a scarf in office premises. The length of the dress along the bottom edge should be at knee level. The Police/Justice dress with short sleeves is part of the new police uniform. Example of material pattern:

The Gorka-3 suit is the most successful and widespread type of Gorka suit. Made from 270g rip-stop material. per 1 m2, black, structurally consists of a jacket and trousers. Used to protect the fighter from adverse weather conditions, all-season. The main difference of this suit is the fleece lining. The jacket has a deep hood with drawstrings, two side welt pockets covered with flaps fastened with a button, one internal pocket for documents and two pockets on the sleeves, just below the shoulders. It is worth noting that the fleece lining is removable, which increases the usability of the suit and allows it to be used in a wider temperature range. The shoulders, elbows, and cuffs are reinforced with synthetic rip-stop Oxford fabric 0. The reinforcement on the elbows of the mountain suit-3 is made in the form of a Velcro pocket and is equipped with rigid inserts. The sleeves are equipped with anti-dust cuffs and a hidden elastic band for volume adjustment just above the wrist. The jacket is also equipped with an adjustable drawstring along the edge and fastens with buttons. The trousers of the slide suit have six pockets. Two side slots, two cargo slips and two rear ones. The knees, the bottom of the legs and other loaded areas of the trousers are reinforced with synthetic rip-stop Oxford fabric 0. The bottom of the legs is double, the so-called “boot”, reinforced with a cuff that fits over the boot and prevents dust, dirt and small stones from getting into it. Just below the knee, the trousers have a fastening elastic band. It automatically adjusts the volume of the trouser leg and prevents the fabric from sailing. The trousers are equipped with removable suspenders. Main features: removable fleece lining demi-season suit strong material internal pocket hood CHARACTERISTICS SUIT CHARACTERISTICS Material: ripstop Composition: 70/30 Density: 240 g. Linings: Oxford 0 Cuffs: yes Sealing elastic bands: yes Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: demi-season Additional: reinforced inserts, removable fleece lining, dust boots on trousers, suspenders included

Semi-fitting dress in dark blue with a V-neck, decorated with a red silk scarf (included in the set). Fabric - gabardine. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the dress at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron is sewn indicating the service of a police/justice officer. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The scarf is worn with the dress in a triangle folded into a scarf, the narrow ends are tied together and tucked into the back under the collar. The wide side is tucked inside under the neckline of the dress. It is allowed to wear a summer dress without a scarf in office premises. The length of the dress along the bottom edge should be at knee level. The Police/Justice dress with short sleeves is part of the new police uniform. Example of material drawing:

Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, xl-33% The summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight-cut jacket. The collar is a stand-up collar. The central fastener has a detachable zipper closed with a flap with textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with flaps and textile fasteners. The pockets are located obliquely, along the direction of the hand. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the shoulder blade area. Single-seam sleeves. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch volume pockets with flaps with textile fasteners, with belt loops on the inside of the flaps. In the elbow area there are reinforcement pads with an entrance for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeves there are patch pockets for pens. At the bottom of the sleeves there are cuffs with textile fasteners to adjust the volume. Straight cut trousers. The belt is solid with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is adjusted with a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side welt pockets. Along the side seams there are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a lock. The entrances to the pockets, designed obliquely to resemble the hand, are closed with flaps with textile fasteners. In the knee area there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is adjustable with tape. On the back halves of the trousers there are two welt pockets with flaps and a hidden fastener.

Please note - this model has fleece insulation only in the jacket! Color: khaki Jacket: - loose fit; - central side fastener, wind flap, buttons; - yoke made of finishing fabric; -2 welt slanted pockets with a flap, with buttons at the bottom of the front; - 1 patch slanted pocket on the sleeves; - reinforcing shaped pads in the elbow area; - bottom of sleeves with elastic; - double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring for volume adjustment; - adjustment at the waist using drawstrings; Trousers: - loose fit; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the knee area, on the back halves of the trousers along the seat seam - reinforcing linings; -2 side patch pockets with flap; -2 rear patch pockets with buttons; - the cut of the parts in the knee area prevents them from stretching; - the back halves under the knee are assembled with an elastic band; - elastic waistband; - bottom with elastic; - fastened braces (suspenders); - belt loops; wearing - both in boots and outside. material: tent fabric; composition: 100% cotton; density: 270 gr.; Overlays: ripstop, oxford 0; cuffs: yes; rubber seals: yes; seasonality: demi-season; additionally: reinforced inserts, removable fleece lining, dust covers on trousers, suspenders included

Scout suit moss The scout suit is made in a very successful design of the demi-season "Smok" uniform in the colors of the experimental A-TACS FG camouflage. The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. The jacket is long, below the waist. It is equipped with a deep hood with adjustable drawstrings, has four voluminous cargo pockets, closed with flaps on a large English button, which makes it easy to open the pocket in a hurry, with hands in shooting gloves, and in other extreme conditions, when the count of time has gone to seconds. The elbows of the suit are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric, the sleeves are equipped with wide rubber bands. Buttoned. The trousers of the suit are loose-fitting, all loaded parts are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric. The belt has a wide rubber-fabric tape sewn into it, a thin cord for additional tightening, and loops for attaching suspenders. The trousers have four pockets. Two slotted ones, covered with flaps on a large English button, two overhead cargo ones, in which additional ammunition can be carried. At the bottom of the legs there is a wide cuff and so-called “brakes” made of elastic fabric that prevent the legs from riding up. color moss (A-TACS FG) Main features: color drawstring at the waist elastic bands on the pants carrying case suspenders included CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: T/S Composition: 65 PE /35 viscose Density: 160 g. Cuffs: yes Sealing elastic bands: no Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: all-season Additional: carrying case

The jacket is part of the daily and weekend uniform of police officers of the new model. Worn with trousers. Material: Suit (wool blend) fabric. Composition: 75% wool, 25% polyester 280 g/m2 Lining: Twill 100% viscose 105% g/m2. Slim fit, single breasted, fastened with four buttons. Turn-down collar with lapels. Shelves with cut-off barrels. Horizontal welt side pockets in a “frame” with flaps. The back has a central seam, in the lower part of which there is a vent. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. Jacket with lining. On the left shelf of the lining there is an internal pocket with a “leaf”. Designed for employees of internal affairs bodies with special police ranks, as well as for cadets (students) of educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Has red piping on the sleeves. According to Order No. 575 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of a suit at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron indicating the service of a police officer is sewn. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. In addition, shoulder straps with buttons are sewn onto this jacket, and two lapel emblems are also attached. How to sew on shoulder straps? For this, in addition to the jacket itself and shoulder straps, you will need a ruler, scissors, a needle, a thimble and strong red thread. Be sure to wear a thimble, even if you are used to sewing without one, as sometimes the needle passes through the shoulder straps with great difficulty, and you can injure your fingers. If you find it difficult to pull the needle and thread out of the shoulder strap, you can use pliers or tweezers. 1) First of all, prepare shoulder straps, i.e. attach all the required insignia to it, since it will be much more difficult to do this on an already sewn shoulder strap. 2) Take the shoulder strap and position it so that the side farthest from the button is close to the seam that connects the shoulder of the jacket to the sleeve. At the same time, the upper edge of the shoulder strap, directed towards the back, should overlap the seam running along the shoulder by 1 cm. In other words, the shoulder strap should be slightly moved forward. 3) Thread a needle and fasten the shoulder strap to the jacket at three points: at the corners of the shoulder strap, at the place where it comes into contact with the sleeve seam and in the center of the semicircular cut. Now the shoulder strap will be securely fastened and will not move from the correct position during the sewing process. 4) Then very carefully sew the shoulder strap around the perimeter, making stitches in such a way that only barely visible points remain on its surface in those places where the needle enters the shoulder strap, and the thread between two adjacent holes passes mainly from the wrong side (along the lining) of the jacket . Then the thread will not be noticeable even if its color does not exactly match the color of the shoulder straps. In this case, the optimal length of each stitch should be about 1 cm. 5) With the second shoulder strap, follow the same pattern. How to strengthen lapel emblems? On the collar of the jacket - along the bisector (a line dividing the corner of the collar in half), at a distance of 25 mm from the corner of the collar to the center of the emblem, the vertical axis of symmetry of the emblem should be parallel to the flight of the collar. How to place awards on a police jacket? On the left side of the chest, awards are located in the following order: Insignia of special distinction are located so that the upper edge of the medal block is at the level of the ledge of the lapel of the tunic and jacket. When wearing two or more special insignia, they are arranged separately in one row, from right to left, with intervals of 10 mm between the lateral ends of the stars in the order listed. Special insignia of one designation are arranged in the order in which they were awarded. Badges of orders, orders and medals are arranged horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge, from top to bottom in the order listed. When wearing two or more orders or medals, their blocks are connected in a row on a common bar. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows, located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge in the above order. The blocks of orders and medals of the second row must go under the orders and medals of the first row, while the upper edge of the blocks of the bottom row is placed 35 mm below the blocks of the first row. Subsequent rows are arranged in a similar order. Badges of orders, orders and medals are located on the single-breasted police jacket so that the upper edge of the block of orders and medals of the first row is located 90 mm below the level of the lapel ledge. On the right side of the chest, awards are located in the following order: Orders are located from left to right in the order listed. The upper edge of the largest order of the first row is located at the level established for the common bar (block) of the first row of orders and medals placed on the left side of the chest. Orders that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge in the indicated order. The centers of the orders in a row should be at the same level. The distance between orders and rows of orders is 10 mm. The sign of the number of wounds made of golden galun (for a severe wound) or dark red color (for a light wound) is located on the fabric strip of the top of the product. Braid width 6 mm, length 43 mm. The severe wound badge is placed below the light wound badge. The distance between stripes is 3 mm. The sign of the number of wounds is placed on the tunic and jacket to the right of the sign for honorary titles of the Russian Federation, and in its absence, in its place.

The Gorka WINTER suit produced by the PRIVAL trademark is made of dense cotton tent fabric with insulation: lining microfleece and fiberplast (warm siliconized polyester fabric). Cotton-blend raincoat fabric is used to finish and reinforce areas critical to wear and tear and getting wet. The jacket and trousers are loose-fitting, allowing you to add additional layers of clothing. For better fit, fit and to avoid “windage” in the wind, the suit has a system of ties based on rubber-fabric tape on the sides of the jacket, on the sleeves, under the knees and at the bottom of the trousers. The jacket has 5 pockets, the trousers 6. The pocket flaps are triangular in shape, which significantly reduces bending of the extreme corners of the flap and clinging to ammunition and equipment. The trousers are equipped with comfortable suspenders. The combination of overlays with the main khaki fabric ensures that the silhouette of a person is broken up at distant distances. The suit is designed to protect against temperature changes and strong winds in mountainous areas. Can be used by outdoor enthusiasts, fishing, hunting. Composition: jacket / trousers (equipped with special suspenders) Color: khaki, khaki inserts Fabric: tent 100% cotton, inserts - cotton-blend fabric Lining: microfleece Insulation: fiber plastic (siliconized fabric)

Gender: male Season: summer Camouflage color: khaki Material: “Tent fabric” (100% cotton), sq. 235 g/m2, VO Lining material: Mixed, sq. 210 g/m2, Regulatory technical documentation: GOST 25295-2003 Men's and women's coat outerwear: suits, jackets, vests, in Color: khaki Low temperature: 10 Fastener: buttons Country: Russia Description Jacket: loose fit; central fastener with loop and button; yoke, linings and pockets made of finishing fabric; 2 lower welt pockets with flap, loop and button; internal zip pocket with button; on the sleeves there is 1 patch slanted pocket with a flap for a loop and a button in the elbow area with reinforcing shaped overlays; bottom of sleeves with elastic; double hood, with a visor, has a drawstring for volume adjustment; waist adjustment with drawstring; Pants: loose fit; codpiece with loop and button fastening; 2 upper pockets in the side seams, in the knee area, on the back halves of the trousers in the seat area - reinforcing linings; 2 side patch pockets with flap; 2 rear patch pockets with buttons; the cut of the parts in the knee area prevents them from stretching; Dust-proof calico skirt at the bottom of the trousers; the back halves under the knee are gathered with an elastic band; elastic waistband; elastic bottom;

The women's demi-season raincoat is part of the new uniform for police officers. The raincoat has a semi-fitting silhouette, with a central inner hidden fastener with five loops and buttons and an additional top button and a through-stitched loop, on an insulated stitched lining. On the yokes in the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are two belt loops and one non-slit loop for attaching removable shoulder straps. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. Patches are sewn into the lower part of the middle seam of the sleeve, fastened with a loop and a uniform button. Turn-down collar, with a detachable stand. The removable belt is threaded into belt loops located in the side seams and fastened with a buckle with a tongue, the free end of which is threaded into the belt loop. On the right hem there is an internal welt pocket with a leaf. Jacket fabric (100% polyester) with rip-stop weaving threads and water-repellent impregnation. The second layer is the membrane. Filler: Thinsulate 100 g/m. Recommended temperature range: from +10°C to -12°C. Worn with a dark blue muffler or a white muffler. It is allowed to wear a demi-season raincoat neatly folded with the front side out on the left hand. Demi-season raincoats are worn buttoned up. It is allowed to wear demi-season raincoats with the top button undone. Demi-season raincoats are worn with or without removable insulation and a belt fastened with a buckle. This raincoat has removable dark blue shoulder straps and dark blue stripes.

Thanks to innovative technologies and high-quality materials that provide maximum protection from rain and wind, you will be in constant comfort, which helps reduce fatigue throughout the day. Characteristics Protection from rain and wind Regular cut Upper material: Rip-stop Insulation: Thinsulate

The Gorka suit, produced by the PRIVAL trademark, is made of cotton-blend fabric. The traditional Gorka suit is made from tent cotton fabric, and in areas where increased reinforcement is required, a cotton-blend fabric is placed, which is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance. This model is made entirely from cotton-blend fabric, so it will last a long time even with heavy use. Also, this material is pleasant to wear and will provide freedom and comfort in movement. The jacket and trousers are loose-fitting, allowing you to add additional layers of clothing. For better fit, fit and to avoid “windage” in the wind, the suit has a system of ties based on rubber-fabric tape on the sides of the jacket, on the sleeves, under the knees and at the bottom of the trousers. The jacket has 5 pockets, the trousers 6. The pocket flaps are triangular in shape, which significantly reduces bending of the extreme corners of the flap and clinging to ammunition and equipment. The trousers are equipped with comfortable suspenders. The combination of overlays with the main black fabric ensures that the silhouette of a person is broken up at distant distances.

The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket with a central side zipper fastener. The front has upper welt pockets with flaps and leaves, fastened with textile fasteners and side welt pockets in a “frame”, fastened with a zipper braid. The front and back of the jacket are lined. Turn-down collar with stand-up collar. The statutory staff suit is made of rip-stop fabric with Velcro. Back with yoke. The sleeves are set-in, single-seam, with reinforcing linings in the elbow area, with stitched cuffs fastened with a textile fastener - a slit with a puff. To attach removable shoulder straps, belt loops are located in the area of ​​the shoulder seams; two continuous loops are sewn perpendicular to the shoulder seam. At the bottom of the jacket there is a detachable belt, the volume of which is regulated by the side sections with an elastic band. The trousers are straight, with stitched creases and side pockets on the front halves. The front of the trousers has a zip fastening. There are darts on the back halves. On the right back half there is a welt pocket with a flap and a leaf, fastened with a textile fastener. The belt is stitched, fastened with a loop and button. To adjust the volume, the belt is tightened with an elastic band in the area of ​​the side seams. Example of a material drawing: Additionally, you can purchase:

Jacket in “Retro” style With buttons Hood, adjustable to fit the shape of the face Elastic at the waist and at the bottom of the sleeves The bottom of the jacket is adjustable in size using a cord 4 external pockets Material: 100% cotton YOU MAY BE INTERESTED in: “And often in the evenings, evenings when I I’m suffocating from the comfort, suddenly there’s a whiff of crackling fires from the blue edge of the gas above the burner...” (B. Vakhnyuk) Once running home, we buried our faces in a rain jacket hanging on a hanger and inhaled the smell of a fire. Wearing rain jackets went on any hikes and at any time of the year. They were not bitten by mosquitoes, were not blown through, and did not melt from fire sparks. True, they froze, dried out slowly and were a bit heavy. Now that many lightweight modern jackets have appeared, real canvas windbreakers can be found quite rarely. But even now there is nothing better to find for a forest and a fire. Synthetics do not like fire. And if you don’t want your favorite fleece jacket to have a small (or large) hole, it’s time to remember the tarpaulin. The retro style jacket is made of high quality canvas. It is very durable and breathes well. And in general it’s pleasant and loved, like Vizbor’s songs on a reel-to-reel tape recorder. The hood, adjustable to the contour of the face, elastic bands on the sleeves and drawstring at the bottom of the jacket protect against mosquitoes and wind. Matches, a compass, a map and other necessary items will easily fit in four spacious pockets. If you like to watch sunrises on a steep bank, wander through the summer tundra, pick cloudberries and cranberries in swamps, and sing in the evenings by the fire - this windbreaker is for you.

The "Mountain-3" jacket is recommended for outdoor activities (hiking, hiking), as well as as a field uniform for mountain rifle units of the Russian Defense Ministry. Loose fit that does not restrict movement. Hood with adjustment in three dimensions - along the oval of the face, vertically at the back of the head and side adjustment vision With buttons Adjustment of the volume of the sleeve above the wrist with a hidden elastic band with Velcro Elbows are protected with a removable polyurethane foam insert (included) Pockets: two lower volume pockets with buttons, closed with flaps, a Napoleon pocket on the chest, inclined pockets on the sleeves, closed with flaps with Velcro, internal waterproof pocket for documents with Velcro Tightening: at the waist with a cord at the bottom of the jacket jacket View all products by tag jackets with a rubber cord Material: 100% cotton, new high-quality tarpaulin, superior to analogues used by most other manufacturers New processing technology has significantly improved the resistance of the fabric to fading and abrasion Reinforcing linings -100% polyester polyester View all products by tag polyester rip-stop Attention! Before washing, remove the protective inserts in the knee/elbow pads from the corresponding pockets. Do not wash protective inserts in a washing machine. When washing tarpaulin products in a washing machine, traces of wear may appear. SIZING SELECTION: Download the size chart (.xlsx) to accurately determine the required size REVIEWS: Review from Survival Panda Discussion of this model on the forum YOU MAY BE INTERESTED in:

The jacket is short, straight cut. Fabric - gabardine. Designed for employees of internal affairs bodies with special police ranks. According to Order No. 575 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of a suit at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron indicating the service of a police officer is sewn. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. Central closure with detachable zipper. Turn-down collar. Shelves with detachable yokes in the shoulder girdle area. On the shelves there are chest welt pockets with figured flaps with buttons. Two side welt pockets in a frame with a zippered entrance. Back with stitched yoke. There are soft folds along the yoke line for freedom of movement. The sleeves are set-in, single-seam, with stitched cuffs fastened with buttons. At the bottom of the jacket there is a one-piece belt, the volume of which is regulated by side sections with elastic braid. The back and shelf are lined with knitted fabric (mesh). The armholes are edged with edging braid. Straight-cut trousers. Stitched belt with six belt loops. The volume of the belt is regulated by side sections with elastic band. Two pockets in the side seams. One welt pocket with flap and internal button closure is located on the right rear half of the trousers. Red piping is inserted along the side seams of the trousers. It is part of the new police uniform. Example of material drawing:

Without Velcro under the chevrons. The size is indicated by the collar. You can use shoulder straps Worn untucked The belt is adjustable in size using side elastic bands 2 pockets on the chest Material: 65% Polyester 35% Viscose

Jacket with a combined (stitched and removable) insulated lining, a removable insulated hood, a removable faux fur collar. The jacket is short, straight cut. The central clasp has a two-way detachable zipper, closed with a windproof flap with buttons. Turn-down collar with a pata fastener on a textile fastener. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are shoulder straps, shoulder straps View all products by tag shoulder straps on buttons with removable false stripes for attaching insignia. Shelves and back with yokes. Along the yoke line there is a red edging. Two chest pockets with flaps with buttons and textile Velcro fasteners. Two side pockets with flaps with buttons and textile Velcro fasteners. The burlap patch pockets have welt pockets with a zippered entrance. At the bottom of the jacket See all products by jacket tag there is a detachable belt, the volume of which is adjusted by the side sections with elastic braid stitched on a multi-needle special. chain stitch machine. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. On the right sleeve there is a welt pocket with a zipper. A bandage with a reflective tape is sewn inside the pocket, fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. At the bottom of the sleeves there are stitched cuffs with elastic tape sewn on a multi-needle special stitch. chain stitch machine. Stitched insulated lining with Fibertek-200 insulation. On the inside of the left shelf there is a pocket for a pistol (with a carabiner on a cord for fastening the pistol) and a patch pocket with a vertical entrance with a zipper. The removable insulated hood is fastened with a detachable zipper. The volume is adjustable at the back of the head and the front neckline. The chin part is fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. A removable collar made of faux fur containing Kanekaron fiber (Made in Japan) is fastened with a detachable zipper. Removable insulated lining (vest) made of Fibertek 150 insulation, quilted on both sides with lining fabric, fastened with a detachable zipper. On the removable insulation there is a patch pocket with a horizontal entrance with a zipper. Fibertek insulation has a number of advantages over traditional fillers: - It perfectly retains its shape and restores it after washing. - Can be washed and dried multiple times. - Provides a greater heat-shielding effect compared to other materials of similar thickness and density. - Moisture resistant. - Stable during long-term use. - It is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic insulation material. - Practical in terms of price and quality ratio.