Earth day in dhow. Holiday scenario for the older group - “Native land is a golden cradle”

Earth Day

"Earth Day"

Ved: Hello, children, hello, guests!

We are glad to see you visiting us again, especially on such a holiday as today. Today we have gathered to celebrate the birthday of our blue planet Earth.

1 child: Hello, our happy holiday,

A glorious holiday is Earth Day.

We are with you today

They came to celebrate it.

Child 2: We live on earth with you.

There is no more beautiful land than our native land.

So let's take care of love,

Don't ruin her, don't ruin her.

Child 3: If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower.

If you and I are together,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty,

And there will be no beauty.

4 child: So that forests can bloom

And gardens and rivers

Take care of all living things

You are in this world!

Children sing the song “Song of the Earth”

Ved: You and I live on the same big planet The Earth and we need to learn to take care of our Earth together, to live in peace and harmony.

5 child: The sun is shining over our country,

Have fun, sunshine, shine in the sky.

The blue sea plays like a wave,

Illuminate our peaceful country.

Merry birds sing in the groves...

Steppes and mountains, forests and fields.

We love our native land,

May our native land flourish!

"Dance with Flowers" music. Yu. Antonova.

Ved: Guys, I want our planet to succeed a real holiday. I want trees and flowers, insects and fish, animals and birds to rejoice with us.

6th child: I found out that I have a huge family -

And the path and the forest, every spikelet in the field,

Animals, birds and beetles, ants and moths.

Everything that is next to me -

This is all my family!

How can I be in my native land?

Don't take care of him!

Children perform the song “My Russia” lyrics. Solovyova N. mus, Struve G.

Cones fly into the hall: one after another, with a note attached to the third.

Ved: What kind of joke is this, what kind of garbage is flying towards us? (raises cones)

Wait a minute. There is a letter for us here. (opens the letter) So, the letter... the address is correct: Mira-36. Our listed d/s "Stork". Let's read the letter.


Dear guys!

I found out about your holiday.

And today these bumps

I sent you from the forest.

How will you receive the letter?

Don't waste your time.

Start having fun.

Ved: It’s not clear who is writing to us, instead of a signature there is a hook.

But this is our friend Lesovichok.

Yes, there is a continuation here:

Congratulations, friends, on Earth Day! I wish everyone to grow up strong, strong and healthy. Take care of our planet, our land, our waters and fields. If the forest is clean, the whole Earth will become cleaner.

Attraction "Collect garbage in the forest"

A basket containing both traditional equipment (cubes, skittles, small diameter balls), and non-traditional equipment ( plastic bottles, napkins, etc.) the presenter scatters. Participants collect 3-5 people into a basket. During the course of the attraction, the presenter, together with the children, counts how many items the participant brought in one sitting. The winner is the one who brought the most “garbage” into the basket.

Ved: Guys, what kind words can you say about the Earth?

Child: Tell me

What is the correct name for the Earth?

Is the land expensive? Is the land golden?

No. It's probably better to tell her:

“Dear! The earth is our dear, kind mother! »

It will sound more affectionate and truer this way.

After all, everything we love is created by her -

And mountains, and rivers, and forest, and flowers, and autumn, and summer, and rain, and you.

Ved: The sun is warmer

It has become lighter in “Stork”,

We're all in a circle

We'll be there soon.

Game "Answer the question"

1 What kind of water is in the river? and at sea? (fresh? or salty)

2. What do people pollute rivers, lakes and seas with?

3. In what water do fish live well?

Child: Fishes swim in the water

Fishes have fun playing

Fishes, fishes, naughty girls

Come out and dance.

Children perform the “Fish” dance of the muses. at the choice of the music director.

A boy - Shalunishka - enters the hall to the music.

Ved: Who are you, where have you been?

Playful: I was in the forest.

Ved: What were you doing there?

Naughty: I broke a birch tree, scattered the ants, tore up the flowers and lit a fire.

Ved: Oh-oh-oh, guys, is it really possible to leave a fire in the forest?

Children: (Children's answers)

Naughty: What is it? Look how many things I did in a day.

Ved: How much harm have you caused to the earth. He destroyed the trees, destroyed the anthills... So if everyone, everyone destroys, tears, breaks, then there will be no life on Earth. And we won't be there.

Naughty: And it won’t? What should I do now?

Ved: We must do good deeds, take care of the Earth and love it. Guys, do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Ved: What danger did the boy Shalunishka leave for the forest?

Children: (children's answers) I forgot to put out the fire.

Ved: Guys, let's teach him.

Relay race “Fill the fire with water”

Inventory: 2 plastic bottles with a volume of 1 liter, 2 red hoops as a guide - a “bonfire” at a distance of 3-5 meters from the starting position.

Two teams compete to see who can “light the fire” the fastest. At the command “March! “Team members run around the landmark and pass the baton to a teammate. The team that completes the task faster wins. The boy - Shalunishka also takes part in the relay race.

Ved: Children, it seems we have a new assistant in good deeds. I think that now he will love our Earth and will take care of it.

Child: Everything we need is given to us by nature itself year after year.

And that’s why we all can’t live without water,

Without plants and animals, without beautiful mountains tall,

Man cannot live without forests, fields and rivers.

So let's save our earthly natural home.

Ved: Come on, guys, repeat after me the words:

This is how we will protect our planet.

After all, there is no other like it in the world!

Our holiday is over. As a parting gift, we would like to give a symbol to the Greenpeace organization. These are people who help nature. (each child is given an emblem of the Greenpeace organization. Goodbye!

The scenario for the environmental holiday of Earth Day was prepared by music director N.V. Kudinova, MDOU No. 3 “Fairy Tale”, Dmitrov.

Earth Day kindergarten is carried out to expand environmental knowledge, educate children in a humane attitude towards nature and a sense of responsibility for all life on our planet.

Preparatory work

Preliminary work:

  • learning poems, nursery rhymes and riddles about nature;
  • conversations on the topic of environmental education;
  • viewing illustrations;
  • reading works of art about plants and animals;
  • acquaintance with space;
  • holding a competition for the best drawing on the theme “Earth is our home.”


  • a large ball with continents (model of the earth),
  • two waste baskets,
  • garbage (sticks, paper),
  • hops,
  • easels,
  • A4 paper,
  • pastel or wax crayons.


  • Presenter,
  • Earth,
  • Strong whistle,
  • children.

Earth Day in kindergarten. Scenario

Children enter the hall to the music of Savelyev’s “Big Round Dance”.

Presenter: — Guys, today the whole world is celebrating Earth Day. You and I are part of our planet. And we should become participants in the celebration of this wonderful day

- Hello, our planet Earth!
Hello, oceans, rivers, seas, lakes! (Children add.)
Hello insects, animals and birds! (Children add.)
Hello, meadows, forests, glades, groves! (Children add.)
The earth is ours common house. People, animals, and birds - we all live in it together.
Everyone here knows, you and me!
You cannot offend nature!
So let’s say together: “One, two, three!”
Let's open the holiday - Earth Day!

- And here Mother Earth herself has come to us!

The Earth comes out with a large ball (model of the Earth).

Earth: - Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! I am so glad to see you all today at our holiday!

Leading: - Earth, the guys didn’t come to you empty-handed, but prepared a greeting card.

The children come out and read out the congratulations on a card made in advance in the size of whatman paper:

- Dear, sweet land!
Congratulations on your holiday!
We wish your rivers, lakes, forests,
To your pets: animals and birds,
Health to fish and insects!
And also to be yourself beautiful planet.
And on this holiday, don’t be sad or bored, but be cheerful.
Because we also give you our songs, poems and dances,
And these are the gifts.

Four children carry four holiday gift boxes and place them against the central wall.


— I thank all the children, “Thank you!” to all! I say!
How many sounds, how much singing on this wonderful spring day.
Echoing the songs of the nightingale, here I will sing for you too!

Song “The Earth is our common home” (music by Nasulenko).


- A smile and a song will make everyone happier together,
And today on Earth Day we give you a dance!

Children perform the “Smile” dance.

Earth: - Guys, do you want to play with my model of the Earth - a globe?

A ball game is being played.

The Earth asks a question and throws the ball:

-Who lives on earth? (Animals, insects, flowers.)
-Who lives underground? (Worms, moles, beetles.)
-Who flies above the Earth? (Birds, insects.)
— When is it light outside? (During the day.)
- Why do you need water? (Drink, swim, water the plants.)
—What is air needed for? (Needed for breathing.)
— What do bees do? (Collect nectar.)

Earth: - You guys are great! You already know everything about me.

A whistle is heard outside the door, and Krepkosvist appears in the hall with a large backpack.

Leading: - Who are you?

Strong whistle: “I am a disturber of the peace, rivers and lakes, a destroyer of birds’ nests and a violator of forest paths.” I'm a strong whistler.

Leading: —Your backpack is so big, what’s in it?

Strong whistle:

- For such good kids
I don't feel sorry for anything.
I have gifts for you
No one has these. (Takes it out and gives it to the children.)
Here's a slingshot for you guys.
To shoot birds.
Here's a noisy pistol for you,
To scare each other!
This heavy stone
You can break out windows!
With this lifesaver
Wave in all directions! Like this!

-Are my gifts good?

Leading: - And not at all good, take them back. These are not gifts, but very bad things. They urgently need to be thrown away. Children, give everything back to him!

Children return all things.

Strong whistle: - You kids are bad, I won’t be friends with you! And here are my gifts... (Scatters garbage.) Look how dirty your place is! And the garbage...

Earth: - It was you, Krepkosvist, who littered it.

Strong whistle: - It's not me, it's them! (Points to the guys.)

Earth: - Oh, how I don’t want to be so littered on such a holiday. What are we going to do now?

Children offer to clean up the trash. Adults prepare four waste baskets.

Earth: - Thank you for your help, just let’s sort the garbage into different baskets: put paper in one, and branches, pine cones and plastic bottles in the other.

A competition is being held to see who can clean up the trash the fastest.

Strong whistle: - Yes, I behave badly, but do your children know how to behave correctly?

Leading: - Of course they can! You can ask them any questions.

Strong whistle: - Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you game “If I come to the woods”. I will voice my actions to you, and you will answer: if I act well, we say “yes”; if I act badly, then we all shout “no” together! I open my forest book.

- If I come to the forest
And pick a chamomile? (No.)
If I eat a pie
And throw away the paper? (No.)
If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes.)
If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes.)
If I light a fire,
Won't I put it out? (No.)
If I mess up too much
And forget to remove it? (No.)
If I take out the trash,
Shall I bury the jar? (Yes.)
I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes.)

Leading: - Well, Krepkosvist, our children know how to behave. And they collected all the garbage. How clean and beautiful it is here!

Strong whistle:

“I won’t do any more harm!”
I will forget evil and deceit.
I will help people
Don't offend anyone!
And now, guys, I'm leaving you.
I’ll take the gifts, I’d better throw them away, I’ll go! (He leaves, waves his hand.)

Presenter (speaking against the backdrop of birdsong):

- Birds sing loudly -
Everyone is welcoming spring!

Children dance in a round dance "Spring".


- Is someone in a hurry to come here? Is someone running towards us here?
Well, let's clap cheerfully, let him find us quickly! (Children clap.)

Music sounds, Aprelechka appears, holding a gift in her hands.


- Hello, my friends!
I am April-spring.
I wake the earth from sleep!
I fill the buds with juice and grow flowers in the fields.
I drive the ice away from the bay,
I make the sunrise bright,
Everywhere, in the field and forest
I bring joy to people!
I'm celebrating Earth Day.
I'm starting to sing for you!

Song “The Happiest” (music by Savelyev).


- I thank you all and give you my gift,
And now it’s time for me to go to the forest. Goodbye, friends! (Leaves the hall.)

Leading: Dear Earth, and the guys have prepared poems for you, listen!

1st child:

- Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches:
Birds teach singing
Spider - patience.
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.

2nd child:

— Snow teaches us purity.
The sun teaches kindness.
By nature all year round
You need to study.
All the forest people
Teaches strong friendship.

3rd child:

- Are you breathing? clean air forests
And you drink water from deep rivers,
You are full of her bread, man,
Answer her sad call.

4th child:

— There is one planet-garden
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Migratory birds are called.

5th child:

- Yes on Earth huge house
Under the roof is blue.
The sun, rain and thunder live in it,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
The cheerful sound of the stream,
You live in that bright house
And all your friends.

6th child:

-Wherever the roads lead,
You will always be in it.
by nature native land
This house is called.

Earth: - Guys, I’m in different times I am different every year.

The earth asks questions to children:

- Guess: When am I white? (In winter.)
What about yellow, red, orange? (In autumn.)
When am I green? (In spring.)
And when is it colorful? (In summer.)

- Now it’s time to look at April’s gift. Look, here is a postcard with a riddle:

- He was born on a May day,
And the forest protects him.
Only you hit him -
Will it ring quietly? (Lily of the valley.)
Oh, look, there's a whole basket here.

Child: “And we’ll take the lilies of the valley and start dancing with them.”

Children perform the dance “Lilies of the Valley”.

Leading: - Yes, our Earth is beautiful in winter, spring, summer, and autumn. The earth is a common home for everyone. Living in this house, a person must be kind, must take care of all living beings. And who are they, living beings?


- Fish, birds, animals look into people's souls.
It’s as if they are asking us: people, don’t kill in vain!
After all, a sea without fish is not a sea,
After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,
A land without animals is not a land,
But we can’t live without land!

Leading: - Does everyone agree?

Earth: — On my planet there are two beautiful lakes, look! (Three bodies of water are displayed.) Listen, how quiet it is! Nobody splashes, why? (Children answer.) That's right, we'll do that now.

A competition is being held: “Which lake will have the most fish?”

Children are given nets and fish are released into containers with water.

Earth: - Who can answer my question: “What should the planet be like?”


- Let's save the planet!
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it -
We won’t let anyone offend her!
Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens and flowers.
We all need such a planet!

Earth: - Yes, I agree, we will bring beauty to my planet. But how?

Leading: - Mother Earth, we ask you, open your gift boxes, and you will see everything for yourself! (Opens the first box - flowers.) Of course, they must be on my planet! Please decorate! (Opens the second box - butterflies.) These fabulous insects cannot live without flowers. Please decorate! (Opens the third box - birds.) Of course, without birds singing, my planet will be sad and sad. Release them to the ground! (Opens the fourth box - fish.) May these goldfish always fulfill your wishes. Launch them into the seas and oceans!

- Look, friends.
How beautiful you are, earth!

The song “How Beautiful the World” is performed (music by Vikhareva).


- Thank you, guys. I was so interested in you.
Let's save the planet -
There is nothing like it in the whole universe,
There's only one in the whole universe
I am given to all of you for life and friendship!

Musical composition “Let’s give the globe to the children.”


- We had a lot of fun.
We became very close friends.
We danced and played.
Everyone around became friends.
It's time for me to say goodbye -
I will part with you.

- Goodbye!

The earth is leaving. The children leave the hall.

Musical composition "Big Round Dance".


— consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and environmental holidays;

- call positive emotions and desire to participate different types activities;

— foster a culture of behavior at the event. Equipment: costumes of holiday heroes, a picture of a fly agaric, laptop, presentation “Floral Fantasies”, dummies of mushrooms, rope, tray, loaf, candy wrappers.

Music is playing. Children sit in the hall on chairs.

Leading. Today we have gathered for an unusual birthday, and you will find out who the birthday boy is by solving the riddle:

No beginning, no end

No back of the head, no face.

But everyone knows: both young and old,

That she is a huge ball.

Today is Earth's birthday! On April 22, people of all countries celebrate this holiday. On this day, everyone who loves and appreciates nature goes out onto the streets of cities and towns, river banks, parks and squares. They plant new trees, clean lakes and rivers, remove garbage, and rescue animals and birds in trouble. After all, unfortunately, through human activity, man greatly pollutes nature and destroys natural environment habitat of many animals and plants. April 22 is a reminder that the Earth is our common home, and the house should always be clean, bright and comfortable for everyone!

On birthdays they give gifts. The guys prepared such bright and beautiful drawings of our wonderful planet. They also decorated our Earth with flowers.

The walls are decorated with children's works.

Let's go on a journey around the Earth. It's spring now and it's very beautiful in the forest. So we look into the forest, what is happening there?


Characters: Bear, Hare, Squirrel, Cuckoo, Fly Agaric.


Once upon a time, animals were arguing in a clearing.

Who is the most important in the forest, do you guys know?

Bear. I am the owner of the forest - the bear. Everyone knows that I am the most important in the forest!

Hare. How can you, bear, call yourself the owner of the forest? What kind of owner are you who sleeps all winter and doesn’t know what’s going on in his house? We, the hares, are the most important in the forest, we run everywhere, we know everything.

Squirrel. We squirrels are fast and agile. We jump from branch to branch, we see everything from above. We are the boss in the forest!

Cuckoo. If it weren’t for me, the bird, the forest would have had a bad time. I protect trees from pests. I'm the most important!

The Estonian folk song “Cuckoo” sounds (Russian text by V. Tatarinov, arrangement by E. Klyucharev).

Fly agaric. Don't argue, friends! The forest needs you all, you all depend on each other. If any of you leaves the forest, he will become poor and may even die. I invite you to visit Lesovik and his girlfriend, Lesovushka. They know a lot about the forest and its inhabitants.

Leading. Guys, let's go visit Lesovik and Lesovushka?

The children answer.

Physical education lesson “Travel”

We are walking along a country road, on earth heated by the sun.

Children stomp their feet.

In front of us is a meadow, soft grass under our feet.

They slide.

We walk along the river bank, the sand rustling under our feet.

They rub their palms.

We cross the river on a wooden bridge.

Raise your legs high.

The other bank of the river is swampy, we jump from hummock to hummock. They jump on two legs.

There are thickets of willow trees all around, the wind sways the flexible branches. They raise their hands up and shake them.

There are ripe berries on the right and left, we will collect them as a gift to Lesovik and Lesovushka.

Bend left and right and squat.

Here we are!

The children are greeted by Lesovushka with a tray and a loaf of bread.


We welcome dear guests

A round, lush loaf.

It's on a painted platter

With a snow-white towel.

I bring you a loaf of bread

And I’ll ask you to taste it.

I baked it myself, because today is a holiday - Earth Day. Lesovik. What guests have come to us - guys, nature lovers!

Leading. Yes, today is a holiday and we will dance.

Children perform the dance “Old Polka” (from T. Suvorova’s program “Dance Rhythmics for Children”).

Lesovushka. Try my loaf.

Children try.

I am old lady Lesovushka. I protect the forest from noise, from any evil. All forest dwellers are my friends. I hope we can become friends?


People stopped thinking about nature

And the forest inhabitants began to take offense.

When hunting, people shoot birds and animals

And all the trees are often cut down.

Rivers are clogged, grasses are burned

And they don’t know anything about the forest inhabitants.

Lesovik. Is this really true? But not all people do this? Children, are you breaking trees? Do you shoot birds with slingshots? Do you know anything about animals?

The children answer.

Leading. Lesovushka, the guys love to guess riddles, you can tell them one.

Lesovushka. I'll guess, of course.

Doesn't need anyone

He carries a house on his back.

Always have your belongings with you

The slow... (snail).

Of all the migratory birds,

He is looking for worms in the arable land.

Jump back and forth along the branches,

And the bird's name is... (rook).

Behind the trees and bushes

Flashed like a flame

Flashed, ran...

There is no smoke, no fire. (Fox.)

A predatory cat wanders in the forests

With tassels on the ears. (Lynx.)

Not a tailor, but has been walking around with needles all his life. (Hedgehog.)

What kind of animal is this?

He may live underground.

Mink and underground passage

He digs with his paws... (mole).

You guys are smart and quick-witted!

But tell me, children, what do they collect squirrels in their pantries for the winter? Children. Nuts, mushrooms, cones.

The game is played “Who can put mushrooms on a rope faster.”

Lesovushka(shows a picture of a fly agaric). Does anyone need mushrooms like this beauty? For what? Children. Amanitas are eaten by a variety of animals.

Lesovik. If you see a chick falling out of its nest, what will you do?

Children. We won't touch him.

Lesovushka. Do you know poems about birds?

Children read poetry.

1st child

Let the thawed patches darken,

The sun's rays hid.

Did you see today

The rooks flew to us.

Amazing birds

They have arrived and are building nests.

Like hats on trees

The houses of the rooks are growing.

The guys are spellbound

They look at the guests of spring,

Nature wakes up

We are happy about the changes.

O. Kostina

Children sing the song “Bai kachi, kachi, kachi”, a Russian folk joke.

2nd child

The bird is so happy in its home!

She is calm in the nest and then,

When a storm breaks over the grove.

Don't ruin the bird's nest!

K. Kuliev

Lesovushka. Guys, what would you like to see nature like?

Children perform the song “We want the birds to sing” (music by Y. Zhabko, lyrics by Y. Zhabko, E. Karganova).

3rd child

So that our forest becomes wonderful,

To wash away both dirt and mold,

To water the trees

And wash the flowers in the grass,

To refresh the water in the river,

We need to invite rain.

Physical education lesson “Rain”

The rain clouds have arrived:

(Children raise their hands up and shake them.)

Rain, rain, rain!

(Shake hands.)

The raindrops are dancing as if alive:

Drink, rye, drink!

And the rye, bending towards the green earth,

(Perform bending.)

Drinks, drinks, drinks,

(They rise.)

And the warm rain is restless

(Shake hands.)

It pours, it pours, it pours.

(They stomp their feet.)

Lesovushka. How beautiful it became after the rain! Trees, grass and bushes were washed. Do you know the plants of our forest? Guess my riddles.

He greets spring and puts on earrings.

He will throw a green scarf over his back,

On the dress there are stripes near a tree... (birch trees).

Whoever touches him clings to him.


What trees grow near your kindergarten?

The children answer.

1st child

I grew up, sticky,

Thin and flexible -

Don't break me!

I will bloom with melliferous flowers in the summer -

Take care of me!

At noon below me

Hide from the heat -

Grow me!

Per. from Ukrainian S. Marshak

2nd child

I will cover you from the rain with leaves

Water me!

And wait until the deadline

You will go out into the wide world -

Don't forget me!

Per. from Ukrainian S. Marshak


I have to bend over the flowers

Not for tearing or cutting,

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.

S. Vurgun, per. K. Simonova

Name the flowers that grow on our land.

The children answer.

Leading. Let's look at our screen and admire the beauty. There is a lot on earth different colors- here they are.

The presentation “Flower Fantasies” is demonstrated.

3rd child

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything is me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty,

And there will be no beauty.

Lesovushka. Well done! Now I’ll check if you know the rules of behavior in the forest. If what I say is correct, clap your hands; if I’m wrong, stomp.

Do not break branches, do not tear leaves in vain.

Pick flowers and weave them into wreaths.

Make noise, scream, yell. Sing songs loudly.

Frogs, caterpillars, snakes need to be driven out of the forest.

To find out the secrets of the forest, you need to be quiet.

All animals and plants are needed by the forest.

Take an ax with you to the forest: you can light a fire there.

Don't throw trash, clean up after yourself.

Lesovik. Look, tourists are coming to us.

The miniature “Tourists at a Rest” is played. They light a fire, throw garbage, sing songs loudly and leave.

These are the kind of tourists who come to our forest. Did they behave correctly?

The children answer.

Since you know the rules of behavior in the forest so well, you can help forest inhabitants put things in order.

Game "Collect garbage"

Children collect candy wrappers while listening to music.

Lesovushka. Thank you, children! You are true experts and friends of nature. Forests and meadows, mountains and plains, rivers and lakes will reveal their secrets to you - after all, you know how to appreciate the beauty of our land and take care of it.

Leading. And our land is very beautiful. Let's be kind to each other and to everything around us.

Children perform “The Good Song” (music and lyrics by Sh. Kolmagorova).

Tatiana Mutsenko
Fun for kids senior group"Earth Day"

Fun for the senior group« Earth Day» .

Presenter: Hello, children! Today we gathered in the musical

hall to celebrate Earth Day. Do you know what kind of holiday this is?

(No). Listen here.

a terrible disaster that threatened the lives of all living things on Earth:

animals, birds, insects, plants - they all ended up in

great danger and were on the verge of extinction, but people throughout

the planets united and stood up for protection Earth and environment ,

to protect our forests, fields, seas and their inhabitants. Like this

You and I are also part of our planet and must take care of our

Earth, birds, insects, animals.

1 child: Our planet - Earth

Very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields -

Our dear home, guys!

2 child

There is no other like it in the world!

Let's dispel there are clouds and smoke above it,

We won’t let anyone offend her!

3 child: We will take care of birds, insects, animals.

This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate everything The land is gardens, flowers,

We all need such a planet!

(Children sing a song "Small Country")

Presenter: Guys, listen, it seems that someone is in a hurry to visit us.

(a white-sided magpie flies in with a letter)

Magpie white-sided: Hello guys, I'm a white-sided magpie! And this

kindergarten? Children Group No. 3? (Yes). I was in such a hurry, so

I was in a hurry. I have a telegram for you. Read, study and quickly

come visit us in the forest.

Presenter: Thank you very much, white-sided magpie, we’ll definitely read it.

I wonder what is written there?

(reads: “Boys and girls, I invite you to the name day, I will be very

glad to see you!”

Planet Earth.)

Tell me, dear white-sided magpie, that we will definitely be there.

Magpie white-sided: I’ll definitely tell you, hurry up! (flies away)

Presenter: Well, guys, let's hit the road by train.

(music sounds "Blue Car" or others)

Presenter: And here is the first station. Look at the Wonderful Forest

we got there. How beautiful, clean and fresh it is here! Take a deep breath of the forest

air. Have you felt what he is like? (fresh, clean, fragrant,

fragrant, forest). What beautiful trees, flowers, birds there are here.

Listen to the birds singing (recording ~ birds singing)

Well done. How wonderful it is in this forest! No wonder people say “Forest -

This is our wealth."

Why do you think such a proverb was born among the people, what

is there wealth in the forest? (nuts, mushrooms, berries grow in the forest,

medicinal plants, animals and birds live; the forest is clean and

healthy air, it’s very beautiful there).

What proverbs and sayings about the forest do you know? (children say

proverbs and sayings).

Presenter: Guys, Listen, it seems like someone is coming towards us. (children

sit down on chairs).

Enters the music room to the music Old Man-Lesovichok, sighing and

groaning. "Oh-oh-oh-oh"

Presenter: Hello, old man - Lesovichok. Children, did you find out who?

This? This is the owner of the forest.

Why are you sighing so loudly? Old Man - Lesovichok, What's happened?

Lesovichok: I'll tell you Friends:

Oh my forest, my wonderful forest.

He was tall to the skies.

The birds sang until dawn,

The nightingales began to sing,

And now there's silence here,

Just trash and bottles all around. Someone decided the whole forest lime: birds

scare away, kill animals, establish your own order in the forest. Who,

Except for a person, he could have done such a thing.

Presenter: Don’t be upset, Lesovichok, we will help you and guide you

order in the forest clearing. Really, guys? After all, today Earth Day, And

she will be very upset if she sees such a picture.

Game "Let's clean up"

Children are divided into 2 or 3 teams: one team removes the paper

garbage (newspapers, candy wrappers, other - plastic trash(plastic

bottles, cups, disposable. dishes, etc., and the third - twigs (or

iron cans).

Lesovichok: What a good deed you guys did for the Day

Earth. How clean it became, I think that for Earth it will be the best

a gift from you guys. Always be kind and responsive to

nature, protect it, be friends with it as with your friends.

Presenter: Guys, let's see what kind of garbage was here and what's wrong

did they need to do?

Newspaper and candy wrappers can be buried in land, there they are

will rot and turn into fertilizer for the soil.

Iron cans can also be buried under the roots of young trees,

so that they grow better, the jar will rust and release into the soil

iron, which is beneficial for their growth. And the animals won't get hurt.

Can glass jars be left in the forest? (No)

Why? They can break, and the fragments can injure both people and


Can plastic bottles be left in the forest? (No)

They must be taken with you and thrown away. garbage containers, because

plastic does not rot, remains unchanged and does not bring any benefit to the forest, but only spoils its appearance.

Lesovichok: praises children.

You did a great job,

It's time to have fun.

I invite all the people

To a merry round dance. (children perform a round dance "Vesnyanka")

Lesovichok: Guys, do you know the rules of conduct in the forest? What's in

What can you do in the forest, and what can’t you do?

Presenter: Of course, we know, Lesovichok, and now we’ll tell them and even

We will show it to you and our guests. (The presenter takes and shows one

a picture depicting the rules of behavior in the forest, and children



1. You cannot break tree branches.

2. You cannot tear blades of grass, leaves, or flowers.

3 You must not destroy bird nests, anthills, or animal holes.

4. You cannot bring home animals from the forest.

5. You cannot leave a fire in the forest unextinguished.

6. You cannot pick up bird eggs.

Lesovichok: Well done guys, I think these rules are necessary

leave it in a forest clearing so that anyone who wants to relax in the forest can

I read them and began to comply.

Oh, my forest, my wonderful forest!

Full of fairy tales and miracles:

All the animals are having fun

And foxes and hares,

Birds sing until dawn,

The nightingales sing,

You guys are great

Help me save the forest!

Presenter: Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet!

Look, guys, what can happen if you and I don't

protect and protect our nature, insects, birds, animals.

(Sketch performed by children: butterfly, woodpecker, ants)

A butterfly and a woodpecker appear.

Butterfly: (crying) What kind of elephant came to our forest,

There is only noise and crackling,

I trampled all the Flowers,

Broke my wing!

Stepped on a worm

Almost ran over a bug!

How will I fly now?

I need to see a doctor ASAP!

Woodpecker orderly: Let me bandage the wing,

I'll put the tires on quickly,

Difficult case - fracture

We'll take you to the hospital now.

(ambulance siren sounds. Two ants appear)

Ant 1: We are forest orderlies,

In labor and day and night!

We are ready for the patient

Help with all my heart!

Ant 2: We'll take you, sister.

To the ant hospital!

You'll be there again soon

Flapping your wings deftly!

(they take the butterfly and leave)

Lesovichok: Yes, guys, like this sad stories happen in

my forest. But I know that you are kind children, responsive to nature and

its inhabitants, you befriend it and protect it.

Presenter: The guys and I know well Old Man-Lesovichok, What

you need to love and take care of all living things Earth. Really, guys? (Yes)

Well, let's hit the road again.

(music sounds)

Presenter: And here is the station - riddles.

Lesovichok: Well, friends of nature, you know a lot, a lot of things

you can do something useful for nature, but I suggest you guess

my riddles. (makes 5-7 riddles about animals, birds)

Lesovichok praises children.

(children sit on chairs)

Lesovichok: You guessed my riddles, well done, but who lives where

you don't know for sure.

Presenter: You shouldn’t think so, Lesovichok. Our children know where

animals have the best and most comfortable life. Some people feel better in the forest, others

sometimes in the desert, and sometimes in the north. Each animal lives in its own

familiar habitat. Really, guys?

Lesovichok: I’ll now check how they know and can do everything.

(game "Settle the animal" or "Who Lives Where".

Children are offered 5 cards with different environment animal habitats,

and they must arrange the animals according to their environment habitat: forest,

desert, farm, pond)

Lesovichok: Well, guys, you convinced me, and you really know a lot.

You are true friends of nature and will not give her offense. I'm sure that

you will take care of our Earth, birds, insects, animals. How

true forest experts and, I hope, defenders of the forest and its

inhabitants, I give you each an emblem "Friends of the Forest".

Presenter: Thank you, old man - Lesovichok.

Child: Our native home, our common home -

Earth, where you and I live!

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have the same name There is:

Forests, and mountains, and seas -

Everything is called Earth.

Child: Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire Universe.

There is only one in the entire Universe,

It was given to us for life and friendship.

(closing music plays, children leave)

Entertainment for the senior group “Earth Day”.
Presenter: Hello, children! Today we gathered in the musical
hall to celebrate Earth Day. Do you know what kind of holiday this is?
(No). Listen here.
Many years ago, April 22 happened environmental disaster,
a terrible disaster that threatened the lives of all life on Earth:
animals, birds, insects, plants - they all ended up in
great danger and were on the verge of extinction, but people throughout
planets united and stood up to protect the Earth and the environment,
to protect our forests, fields, seas and their inhabitants. Like this
You and I are also part of our planet and must take care of our
Earth, birds, insects, animals.
1 child: Our planet - Earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys!
Child 2: Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world!
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her!
Child 3: We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,
We all need such a planet!
(Children sing the song “Little Country”)
Presenter: Guys, listen, it seems that someone is in a hurry to visit us.
(a white-sided magpie flies in with a letter)
White-sided magpie: Hello guys, I'm a white-sided magpie! And this
kindergarten? Children of group No. 3? (Yes). I was in such a hurry, so
I was in a hurry. I have a telegram for you. Read, study and quickly
come visit us in the forest.
Presenter: Thank you very much, white-sided magpie, we will definitely read it.
I wonder what is written there?
(reads: “Boys and girls, I invite you to the name day, I will be very
glad to see you! »
Planet Earth.)
Tell me, dear white-sided magpie, that we will definitely be there.
White-sided Magpie: I'll definitely tell you, hurry up! (flies away)
Presenter: Well, guys, let's hit the road by train.
(music “Blue Car” or others plays)
Presenter: And here is the first station. Look at the Wonderful Forest
we got there. How beautiful, clean and fresh it is here! Take a deep breath of the forest
air. Have you felt what he is like? (fresh, clean, fragrant,
fragrant, forest). What beautiful trees, flowers, birds there are here.
Listen to the birds singing (recording ~ birdsong)
- What birds’ voices did you hear? (children call birds)
Well done. How wonderful it is in this forest! No wonder people say “Forest -
This is our wealth."
- Why do you think such a proverb was born among the people, what
is there wealth in the forest? (nuts, mushrooms, berries grow in the forest,
medicinal plants, live animals and birds; the forest is clean and
healthy air, it’s very beautiful there).
- What proverbs and sayings about the forest do you know? (children say
proverbs and sayings).
The forest sees and the field hears.
In the forest the forest is not level, in the world there are people.
Living near the forest means you won't face hunger.
There would be a forest, but there would be wolves and goblin.
One tree is not a dark forest.
Looking at the forest, you won’t grow, and looking at people, you won’t grow big.
In the forest there is a mushroom row, in the forest there is fur, in the forest there is a chicken shop.
The forest has grown, and there will be an ax handle.
The forest is for the tree, and the sea is yearning for the fish.
Presenter: Guys, listen, it seems like someone is coming towards us. (children
sit down on chairs).
Old Lesovichok enters the music room to the music, sighing and
groaning. "Oh-oh-oh-oh"
Presenter: Hello, old man - Lesovichok. Children, did you find out who?
This? This is the owner of the forest.
Why are you sighing so loudly, Old Man - Lesovichok, what happened?
Lesovichok: I’ll tell you, friends:
Oh my forest, my wonderful forest.
He was tall to the skies.
The birds sang until dawn,
The nightingales began to sing,
And now there's silence here,
Just trash and bottles all around. Someone decided to lime the whole forest: birds
scare away, kill animals, establish your own order in the forest. Who,
Except for a person, he could have done such a thing.
Presenter: Don’t be upset, Lesovichok, we will help you and guide you
order in the forest clearing. Really, guys? After all, today is Earth Day, and
she will be very upset if she sees such a picture.
Game "Let's clean up"
Children clean up (newspapers, candy wrappers, plastic trash (plastic
bottles, cups, disposable. dishes, etc., twigs (or
iron cans).
Lesovichok: What a good deed you guys did for the Day
Earth. How clean it has become, I think it will be the best for the Earth
a gift from you guys. Always be kind and responsive to
nature, protect it, be friends with it as with your friends.
Presenter: Guys, let's see what kind of garbage was here and what's wrong
did they need to do?
- You can bury a newspaper, candy wrappers in the ground, there they are
will rot and turn into fertilizer for the soil.
- Iron cans can also be buried under the roots of young trees,
so that they grow better, the jar will rust and release into the soil
iron, which is beneficial for their growth. And the animals won't get hurt.
- Can glass jars be left in the forest? (No)
Why? They can break, and the fragments can injure both people and
- Can plastic bottles be left in the forest? (No)
They need to be taken with you and thrown into trash containers, because...
plastic does not rot, remains unchanged and does not bring any benefit to the forest, but only spoils its appearance.
Lesovichok: praises the children.
You did a great job,
It's time to have fun.
I invite all the people
To a merry round dance. (children perform the round dance “Vesnyanka”)
Lesovichok: Guys, do you know the rules of behavior in the forest? What's in
What can you do in the forest, and what can’t you do?
Presenter: of course, we know, Lesovichok, and now we’ll tell them and even
We will show it to you and our guests. (The presenter takes and shows one
a picture depicting the rules of behavior in the forest, and children
1. You cannot break tree branches.
2. You cannot tear blades of grass, leaves, or flowers.
3 You must not destroy bird nests, anthills, or animal holes.
4. You cannot bring home animals from the forest.
5. You cannot leave a fire in the forest unextinguished.
6. You cannot pick up bird eggs.
Lesovichok: Well done, guys, I think these rules need to be
leave it in a forest clearing so that anyone who wants to relax in the forest can
I read them and began to comply.
Oh, my forest, my wonderful forest!
Full of fairy tales and miracles:
All the animals are having fun
And foxes and hares,
Birds sing until dawn,
The nightingales sing,
You guys are great
Help me save the forest!
Presenter: Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet!
Lesovichok: Yes, guys, these are the sad stories that happen in
my forest. But I know that you are kind children, responsive to nature and
its inhabitants, you befriend it and protect it.
Presenter: The guys and I know well, Old Lesovichok, that
we need to love and take care of all life on Earth. Really, guys? (Yes)
Well, let's hit the road again.
(music sounds)
Presenter: And here is the station - riddles.
Lesovichok: Well, friends of nature, you know a lot, a lot of things
you can do something useful for nature, but I suggest you guess
my riddles. Presentation about animals.
Lesovichok praises the children.
(children sit on chairs)
Lesovichok: You guessed my riddles, well done, but who lives where?
you don't know for sure.
Presenter: You shouldn’t think so, Lesovichok. Our children know where
animals have the best and most comfortable life. Some people feel better in the forest, others
sometimes in the desert, and sometimes in the north. Each animal lives in its own
familiar habitat. Really, guys?
Lesovichok: I’ll now check how well they know and can do everything.
(game “Settle the Animal” or “Who Lives Where.”)
Lesovichok: Well, guys, you convinced me, and you really know a lot.
You are true friends of nature and will not give her offense. I'm sure that
you will take care of our Earth, birds, insects, animals. How
true forest experts and, I hope, defenders of the forest and its
inhabitants, I present you each with the “Friends of the Forest” emblem.
Presenter: Thank you, old man Lesovichok.
Child: Our home is our home, our common home -
The land where you and I live!
We can’t count all the miracles,
They have one name:
Forests, and mountains, and seas -
Everything is called Earth.
Child: Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the entire Universe.
There is only one in the entire Universe,
It was given to us for life and friendship.
(closing music plays, children leave)